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Clinical Trials Going Ahead For Mosquitoes To Deliver Genetically Modified Malaria Parasites as “Vaccines”
ARTICLE: Human clinical trials are taking place in the Netherlands to vaccinate people against malaria using mosquitoes infected with a genetically modified version of the parasite.

More Than 2,200 Celebrities, Officials and European Elite Caught with Fake Vaccination Passports
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Vaccination records in Europe have been falsified by thousands of celebrities, officials, and elitists who gave themselves saline injections instead of the deadly Covid mRNA jabs, then paid big bucks to have fake passports made and recorded in the records system there called the National Immunizations Registry.

Top Experts Debunk Claims That Covid ‘Vaccines’ ‘Saved Millions’
ARTICLE: The official narrative that Covid mRNA “vaccines” saved millions of lives has now been officially debunked. The claims have now been investigated by top researchers from the UK’s Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine in Oxford.

Top Doctor Sounds Alarm Over ‘Self-Amplifying mRNA Vaccines’: ‘Next-Level Dangerous’
VIDEOS: A prominent doctor is raising the alarm as trials for new “self-amplifying mRNA vaccines” have just begun in the United States before they are rolled out for public use.

8 Bombshell Findings In Florida’s Grand Jury Report On Big Pharma’s Covid Shots
ARTICLE: A Florida grand jury released its final report on potential “criminal or wrongful activity” regarding the creation and promotion of the Covid jabs. Hiding the details, methodology and results of scores of safety investigations from public view does not build public confidence; it undermines it.’

CEO of BioNTech Refuses to Take the mRNA Covid Vaccine Claiming It's Illegal
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Cancer research specialist and immunology scientist refuses to take the vaccine his own company designed and manufactured – does he fear getting turbo cancer from it?

Study of 9 Million Exposes ‘Devastating’ Neurological Damage Surge Among Covid-Vaxxed
ARTICLE: An explosive new study involving almost 9 million participants has exposed a devasted surge in deadly neurological and psychiatric damage among those who received Covid mRNA “vaccines.” According to the peer-reviewed study, just one dose of an mRNA injection puts recipients at risk of suffering several severe neurological diseases.

FDA-Led Peer-Reviewed Study Uncovers Alarming DNA Contamination in Pfizer’s mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine at FDA’s Own Lab
ARTICLE: A group of high school students from Centreville High School in Virginia, in collaboration with the FDA, has uncovered alarming DNA contamination in both Pfizer’s experimental and commercial mRNA COVID-19 shots. Their peer-reviewed study, published in the Journal of High School Science on December 29th, has sparked renewed debate over vaccine manufacturing standards and quality control processes.

Tom Renz - Vaxx Mandates Incoming Justified by Fraudulent PCR Testing
VIDEO: Attorney Tom Renz joins The Alex Jones Show to explain how the government is paving the way for new vaccine mandates and renewed emergency health authorizations by fearmongering bird flu outbreaks ahead of President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration. All the medical tyrants need is mass PCR testing to prop up their emergency authorization of these gene therapy jabs.

Dr. Deborah Birx’s Bird Flu Fearmongering Campaign
VIDEO: Birx is continuing on her quest to stir up a new bird flu scare in America, and to build public support for a government response harmful to health and liberty. Birx has her pandemic propaganda process down pat..

Bill Gates-Linked Vaccine Delivered Through Mosquito Bite Carries Bioengineered Malaria-Causing Parasite
ARTICLE: A bizarre experiment funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation developed a new vaccine strategy using mosquito bites as a delivery vector in pursuit of developing a “next generation” malaria vaccine.

FDA Pushes RSV Vaccines for Kids Despite Halted Moderna Trials
ARTICLE: Advisers to the FDA recently met to discuss the future of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccines for children. This followed Moderna’s forced halt of its mRNA RSV vaccine trials after alarming data showed higher rates of severe RSV in vaccinated infants compared to those given a placebo.

Flu “Vaccines” Are Neither Safe nor Effective
ARTICLE: The Pandermrix influenza vaccine was associated with a 1,400% increase in narcolepsy risk and was eventually pulled from the market due to its link with narcolepsy and cataplexy. Flu vaccines are often ineffective, with annual efficacy rates in the US ranging from 23% to 52%, and independent figures consistently showing lower efficacy rates.

Bill Gates Pumps $40 Million into Plans to Test mRNA ‘Vaccines’ on Africans
ARTICLE: Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates is expanding his plans to test mRNA “vaccines” on the people of Africa. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has announced a $40 million initiative to support the production of messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines in Africa.

President Trump Vows to Withdraw U.S. from Globalist’ WHO on Day One
ARTICLE: President-elect Donald Trump is poised to withdraw the United States from the World Health Organization (WHO) immediately upon taking office, according to reports from his transition team. This decision aligns with his longstanding criticism of the organization, which he has previously labeled as overly influenced by globalist agendas and insufficiently accountable.

Dr. Malone: Bird Flu ‘Emergency’ in California is a Case of Psychological Bioterrorism
ARTICLE: Contrary to initial reporting from corporate media, the WHO, and the apocalyptic mutterings of Dr. Peter Hotez, there continues to be no evidence indicating the circulation of a highly pathogenic version of bird flu in either animal or human populations.

Has Polio Vaccine Saved 20 Million Children from Paralysis?
ARTICLE: Fortune called the polio vaccine used in the U.S. today “not only safe but also effective.” The article also claimed that because 3 billion children have been vaccinated against polio since 1988, according to the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, that means “20 million people who would’ve otherwise been paralyzed by polio are walking today.” How accurate is the 20 million figure?

Studies Link Vaccines to Autism
ARTICLE: In recent years, the incidence of autism has skyrocketed among children, with some parents seeing a rapid decline in responsiveness, speech and cognitive abilities after their child receives a series of vaccines.

More Than 100 Million Fully Jabbed Americans Now Suffer From Irreversible Heart Damage
VIDEO: The death and injury toll from Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccines” continues to mount with Dr. Thomas Levy warning that the number of “fully vaccinated” people who now suffer from irreversible heart damage has, or soon will, eclipse 100 million.

Judge Forces FDA to Release Over a Million Pages of Pfizer’s COVID-19 Trial Documents
ARTICLE: The United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas ruled against the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in a high-profile case brought by the Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency (PHMPT). The decision mandates the FDA to release the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) file for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine no later than June 30, 2025.

New Peer-reviewed Study Calls for Moratorium on COVID mRNA Vaccines
ARTICLE: Based on incomplete data, “serious safety concerns,” and potential long-term risks, the authors of a new peer-reviewed study recommend “at minimum” a moratorium on Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccines.

Bombshell House Report on the Covid Scamdemic Gets Released, Proves All the “Conspiracy Theorists” Right
ARTICLE: The large final report looks to be the final road map for Congress, the Executive Branch, and the private sector to prepare for and respond to future pandemics.

Top Molecular Scientist Confirms DNA Contamination in Covid ‘Vaccines’ Integrates into Human Cells
VIDEO: A leading American molecular scientist has issued an explosive warning after making an alarming discovery about the DNA contamination in Covid mRNA “vaccines.” The red alert was issued by Dr. Phillip J. Buckhaults, a professor in the Department of Drug Discovery and Biomedical Sciences at the University of South Carolina.

O’Keefe Media Group: NIH Chief Confesses COVID Health Initiatives Were Completely Made Up…

Korean Scientists Prove Covid ‘Vaccines’ Trigger Sudden Cardiac Deaths
ARTICLE/VIDEO: The team sought to investigate the impact of mRNA Covid “vaccination” on cardiovascular health. The researchers raised concerns about the lack of official data regarding the cardiac toxicity of the Covid injections, despite the “vaccines” being pushed onto the public for almost four years.

Weight-loss Drug Prescriptions for Kids and Teens Soar Despite No Safety Data
ARTICLE: Prescriptions for weight-loss drugs for children and teens increased sevenfold between October 2022 and September 2024, according to a MedPage Today analysis. Some pediatricians praised the drugs, but others who spoke to The Defender said the drugs put kids and teens at serious risk.

Study Censored by The Lancet Finally Released: Confirms ‘High Likelihood of Causal Link Between COVID-19 Vaccines and Death’
ARTICLE: Science, Public Health Policy and The Law journal published a peer-reviewed study titled, “A Systematic Review Of Autopsy Findings In Deaths After Covid-19 Vaccination.“ This study was publicly available, but publications such as The Lancet made repeated attempts to censor it. After far too long, it has finally been published.

‘Disaster Waiting to Happen’: FDA Approves Phase 1 Trial of Gates-Funded Self-Amplifying Bird Flu Vaccine
ARTICLE: Clinical trials — funded by the U.S. government and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation — are set to begin for a self-amplifying mRNA vaccine targeting the H5N1 bird flu virus.

Experts Sound Alarm over ‘Shocking’ Spike in Strokes Among ‘Healthy’ Young People
ARTICLE: Health experts have issued a chilling warning to the public over a “shocking” spike in strokes among “healthy” young people. The “alarming” surge was identified in official UK government data. The data shows that recorded cases of deadly strokes skyrocketed in 2023 and continued soaring this year.

Fauci Received $15 Million Taxpayer-Funded Security Services After Retiring From Government
ARTICLE: Fauci has received $15,000,000 in taxpayer-funded security services since leaving his post as the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), Government Watchdog, Open the Books, has found. The secret, unprecedented arrangement was discovered within a memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the U.S. Marshals service and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) via a Freedom of Information Act request issued by the watchdog.

Vaccine ‘Quietly’ Pulled Off Market in 2007 Now Linked to 19 Diseases
ARTICLE: The thimerosal-free HibTITER pediatric vaccine marketed by Wyeth from 2003 through 2007 was associated with 19 different medical conditions, according to a study published Tuesday in the International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine. The conditions include life-threatening side effects at rates “significantly higher” than other Hib vaccines.

Covid Vaccine Linked to Higher Risk of Acute Heart Disease
ARTICLE: A study published October 24 has detailed how the Covid injections are linked to a higher risk of acute heart disease. It analyzed the effects of the first dose of various types of Covid shots on acute heart disease in the Korean population. “The results revealed higher heart disease risk in individuals receiving mRNA vaccines than other types,” the study said in the ‘Abstract’ section.

Pharmaceutical Narratives Surrounding the “Flu” Are Based on Fraud and Are Primarily Designed to Sell Worthless “Vaccines”
ARTICLE: When flu cases and flu deaths magically disappeared during the covid-19 scamdemic, it became clear that the narratives around sickness, disease, treatment, vaccines and immunity were being manipulated to control the population. Pharmaceutical narratives surrounding the flu have been grossly misleading for decades.

Guillain-Barré Syndrome Associated with 17 Vaccines, Including Covid and Flu Shots
ARTICLE: A new long-term study assessing the association of vaccines with reported cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) found that “most vaccines” were associated with GBS, and that reports of vaccine-associated GBS have been “increasing steadily over time.”

Global Study: Most ‘Covid Deaths’ Were Caused by ‘Vaccines,’ Lockdowns, Hospitals
ARTICLE: How can a judge force medical care without a doctor’s input?’ Isaac, wasn’t so fortunate. After receiving 18 vaccines in one day, Isaac developed severe regressive autism. Today, he requires around-the-clock care.

Scientists Link Deadly Splanchnic Blood Clots to Covid ‘Vaccines’
ARTICLE: Scientists have uncovered evidence linking a once-rare form of deadly digestive blood clots to Covid mRNA “vaccines.” During a study led by Dr. Guneet Sidhu, a professor of medicine at the University of North Dakota, the researchers found that Covid injections cause splanchnic vein thrombosis (SVT).

5-Year-Old Develops Autism After Being Forced to Get 18 Vaccines in 1 Day
ARTICLE: How can a judge force medical care without a doctor’s input?’ Isaac, wasn’t so fortunate. After receiving 18 vaccines in one day, Isaac developed severe regressive autism. Today, he requires around-the-clock care.

‘Reckless Disregard for the Truth’: Shareholders Sue Moderna for Misleading Investors on RSV Shot Efficacy
ARTICLE: A group of shareholders is suing Moderna alleging the company knowingly inflated claims about the efficacy of its RSV vaccine for older adults. When the drugmaker later lowered expectations for the vaccine’s efficacy the stock price dropped precipitously.

Top German Doctor Raises Alarm over mRNA Shots: Covid Is ‘Harmless’
ARTICLE: Obamacare caused millions of Americans to lose their insurance plans while premiums skyrocketed, according to a new study from the Committee to Unleash Prosperity.

The ‘Secret Ingredient’ Has Been Found: At Least 55 Undeclared Chemical Elements Detected in Covid Vaccines
ARTICLE/VIDEO: The Covid shots are a pinnacle of diversity and inclusiveness. They successfully contain all categories of elements except noble gasses. Given the exotic nature of these findings, the researchers deduced that the novel Covid gene therapy technology injections are, in fact, part of a secret worldwide nanotechnological experimentation program.

The CDC and Pfizer Withheld Evidence That Covid “Vaccines” Increased the Risk of Myocarditis in Children
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Pfizer and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) withheld evidence that the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines increased the risk of myocarditis in children, according to two sets of documents made public.

More Covid Shots = Less Immune System
VIDEO: A study published in September indicated that repeated inoculation with mRNA Covid vaccinations reduce the functionality of the immune systems of old people. Infowars previously reported on a different study that indicated a similar phenomenon in children.

Covid Booster Shot Efficacy Becomes Negative After One Month
ARTICLE: Researchers analyzed data from healthcare workers in the country of Georgia during the Omicron variant circulation between January to June 2022. The data demonstrated that in the first month after boosting, there was an effective result from the shot, but in the second and third months, that effectiveness went negative. In the fourth month that negative effectiveness rate got dramatically worse.

Maine Warned Public About a Measles Case — But Failed to Mention it Was Caused by the Vaccine
ARTICLE: This short analysis of the Oprah/Harris interview/townhall fiasco by Matt Walsh provides all you need to know about who Kamala Harris really is. Anyone who votes for this vacuous moron for the highest office in our government is a vacuous moron themselves. It is utterly disgraceful what the Democratic Party has forced onto all of us!

Parents Now Allowed to Give Kids Nasal Flu Vaccine at Home, Despite Vaccine’s Link to Severe Reactions
ARTICLE: Parents can now give their children ages 2 and up — at home — a nasal flu vaccine that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) withdrew in 2016 because it was ineffective, and which has been associated with reports of children’s deaths, according to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System.

Whistleblower: Hospitals Killed ‘Many, Many Thousands’ of Covid Patients
VIDEO: A medical professional has blown the whistle and warned the public that “many, many thousands” of Covid patients were killed by hospitals during the pandemic and not by the virus, as officially claimed. The whistleblower, respiratory therapist Mark Bishofsky, has gone on the record to state that COVID-19 patients died because they were killed by hospital protocols.

Covid “Vaccines” Damage the Blood and Spread Further Destruction Through Blood Transfusions
ARTICLE: A recent pre-print study by a team of Japanese researchers has ignited a heated debate within the medical community, revealing serious risks associated with blood transfusions taken from individuals who have received COVID-19 vaccinations. The study highlights six key areas where COVID jabs destroy the continuity and biochemistry of human blood.

FDA Approves Monkeypox Vaccine, says it May Cause Death in the Vaccinated AND People They Come in Contact With
ARTICLE: The FDA approved for use in the U.S. a vaccine for Monkeypox. While the injection is actually a Smallpox vaccine initially approved in 2007, this new approval allows the shot to be injected into those at ‘high risk’ for the Monkeypox disease, such as those in the LGBTQIAAP2S+ community. It carries with it serious side effect risks, including death to those who have contact with the vaccinated.

Forced to Get 3 “Vaccines” to Receive Medical Care Woman Suffers HORRIFIC Injuries
ARTICLE/VIDEO: No vax, no care. So she had to get 3 vaccines. Within 10 minutes, she was blind in both eyes. She's now fighting for her life. Doctors are baffled as to the cause since it can't be the vaccines.

Policy Shifts Against The mRNA Platform Rapidly Emerged This Past Week
ARTICLE: A nurse reached out with disturbing descriptions of some major changes she has witnessed inside the Ohio State University Medical Center (OSUMC) system.

Global Study: Most ‘Covid Deaths’ Were Caused by ‘Vaccines,’ Lockdowns, Hospitals
ARTICLE: A major global study has concluded that most deaths recorded during and after the Covid pandemic were caused by mRNA “vaccines,” hospital protocols, and lockdowns and not by the virus itself.

BUYER BEWARE: Cancer Screening is 'Diagnosing Cancer That Isn't Cancer'
VIDEO: In this clip “The Liz Wheeler Show,” Liz interviews Dr. Pam Popper, an internationally recognized expert on nutrition, medicine, and health and the founder and executive director of Wellness Forum Health. Dr. Popper discusses how much of the so-called cancer screening tests are no better than the PCR test for viruses which are totally incapable of detecting actual infections. Many are being falsely diagnosed with cancer when all the tests reveal are "risk factors", not cancer itself.

7 Cover Stories Big Pharma Forced on MSM to Hide Disastrous Health Consequences of mRNA Clot Shots
ARTICLE: If you are wondering why mainstream media is finally publishing some science-based facts about the health detriment caused by commonly used products, that is because MSM is engaged in multi-faceted cover stories while they continue to pretend the Covid-19 mRNA jabs aren’t so bad.

CEO Speaks Out - Just Like Ivermectin, The FDA Has Killed Tens of Thousands of Americans by Blocking Xylitol Nasal Spray
VIDEO: Nathan Jones, CEO of Xlear Inc., exposes yet another inexpensive and effective early treatment that the CDC, FTC, and FDA suppressed in order to push toxic and ineffective vaccines which resulted in tens of thousands of preventable deaths.

5 Scientific Findings Explain Link Between Vaccines and Autism
ARTICLE: Five major scientific findings, taken together, explain how vaccines trigger autism, author J.B. Handley wrote on his Substack. The cause is rooted in the body’s response to the aluminum adjuvant used in six vaccines on the childhood immunization schedule.

There Are No Licensed Covid Vaccines for Kids Under 12 — But CDC Wants Babies to Get 3 Pfizer Shots by Age 9 Months
ARTICLE/VIDEO: The latest Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 shots for children under 12 are unlicensed in the U.S. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted only emergency use authorization (EUA) for the vaccines.

Study Confirms Ivermectin Treats Multiple Cancers
ARTICLE: A leading oncologist has drawn attention to a major study that confirmed ivermectin is successful in treating multiple cancers after testing its use against 28 types of the disease. The groundbreaking study was highlighted by Dr. William Makis MD, a renowned radiologist, oncologist, and cancer researcher.

‘Bone-Chilling’: Data Expert Says COVID Shots Triggered Explosive Surge in Kidney Failures
VIDEO: A report at Slay News explains it is John Beaudoin, a renowned statistician, who found an explosive surge in deaths from fatal kidney conditions following the advent of mRNA treatments.

‘My Biggest Battle’: Athlete Heiko Sepp's Covid Vax Horror Story
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Triathlete and vaccine victim Heiko Sepp is the subject of a new documentary chronicling the heinous side effects he’s suffered from the Covid injection. After receiving his second inoculation in September 2021, Sepp began experiencing heart inflammation, joint pain, muscle spasms and frequent fainting episodes.

Just In Time, They Are Really Ramping Up The Fear For 3 Different Very Frightening Diseases
ARTICLE: Why are there suddenly so many stories about deadly diseases in the news? We are just a little over two months away from November, and so this is a perfect time to deeply alarm the general public about a coming health crisis, right? But this time around it isn’t just one major disease that is making news. As you will see below, people are freaking out about 3 different very frightening diseases.

In Stunning Letter To Congress, Zuckerberg Admits Biden-Harris Pressured Facebook To Censor Content
ARTICLE/VIDEOS: In a stunning Monday evening letter to House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan, Zuckerberg admitted that senior Biden administration officials "repeatedly pressured" Facebook teams to suppress information related to COVID-19 that the platform would not have otherwise censored

Study Warns All-Cause Deaths Are Surging Among Covid-Vaxxed
ARTICLE: An alarming new study has revealed that deaths from all causes are soaring dramatically among those who have received Covid mRNA shots compared to the unvaccinated.

Dr. Robert Malone Warns Monkeypox Is Psychological Bioterrorism
VIDEO: Dr. Robert Malone joins Alex Jones live to give his expert analysis on the rollout of the monkey pox global pandemic. Dr. Malone Warns Monkeypox Is Psychological Bioterrorism We Are In A Fight Between Good & Evil.

Self-Assembling Nanotechnology in the mRNA Jabs
VIDEO: This video presents signs/evidence of nanotechnology found in mRNA jabs and then digs into some scientific research on micro/nano robotics.

Right on Cue: WHO Warns New Mutant Strain of Monkeypox Is an Emergency “For the Entire Globe”
ARTICLE: The WHO has never had any genuine credibility and most certainly has demonstrated this fact by its actions perpetuating the global COVID-19 pandemic hoax. It was lie after lie after lie after lie. These psychopaths think we're all so stupid we're going to fall for it again?

Peer-reviewed Study of 9 Million Downplayed 620% Incresed Risk of Myocarditis After Covid Shots
ARTICLE: A peer-reviewed study of 9.2 million South Koreans found that the risk of suffering myocarditis and pericarditis increased massively in individuals after they received the mRNA Covid injections. However, neither the headline nor the abstract cited that finding.

Massive Study Reveals Excess Mortality Was Caused by Democide and “Vaccine” Mandates, Not Covid
ARTICLE: In a bombshell revelation that should reshape the narrative around the “COVID-19 pandemic,” a groundbreaking study involving researchers from Correlation Research in the Public Interest has found that COVID-19 vaccines had little to no beneficial impact on mortality rates, but instead contributed to 17 million deaths globally!

PCR Tests Are NOT Legitimate Tests For Viral Infections
VIDEO: This information needs to be spread far and wide! It is arguably THE MOST IMPORTANT information everyone needs to know to expose how they create one fake pandemic after another. They are all driven by these so-called TESTS which they know damned well are not tests at all.

Neil Oliver: Fake Pandemics Created by Big Pharma
VIDEO: This is a short segment from an interview Tucker Carlon did with Neil Oliver that covered a wide range of topics including this segment on evidence that the entire COVID-19 pandemic was a manufactured fraud by Big Pharma. This clip concludes with Oliver exposing the reality behind the go-to fear porn of the so-called "Spanish Flu" and some of what is known about what really happened . . . and a fake virus didn't cause it.

NIH Top Brass Caught Conspiring to Evade Questions About Coronavirus Research at Wuhan Lab
ARTICLE: Newly disclosed emails reveal that top officials at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) planned to provide Congress with a response that “doesn’t actually answer the questions” about a grant the agency awarded to a nonprofit for controversial research conducted in collaboration with the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China.

Scientists Warn New ‘Neurological Emergency’ Spreading Among Covid-Vaxxed
ARTICLE: A group of prominent Italian scientists is raising the alarm after discovering a new “neurological emergency” that is emerging among those who have been “vaccinated” with Covid mRNA shots. The warning was issued by scientists at the University of Chieti-Pescara in Chieti, Italy.

“Godfather of Vaccines” Now Admits Safety of Injections Has Never Been Adequately Studied
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Dr. Stanley Plotkin, who has gained the moniker “Godfather of Vaccines,” has admitted that vaccine safety is a field that has not been adequately studied for decades.

Major Study Finds Surge in Alzheimer’s Caused by Covid Shots
ARTICLE: A major new peer-reviewed study has found that Covid mRNA shots are responsible for the surging numbers of people being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease and other neurological disorders.

Vaccines Caused 17 Million Deaths During Pandemic Plus 4 More Takeaways From Largest Excess Mortality Study to Date
ARTICLE: A years-long investigation by Canadian researchers into excess mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic found that patterns of excess death globally could not be explained by a pandemic respiratory virus. Here are the data and logic behind some of the key findings.

Major Study of 9 Million Confirms Covid Shots Cause VAIDS
ARTICLE: An explosive new study, which analyzed the data of nine million people, has sent shockwaves through the scientific community after proving that Covid mRNA shots are responsible for the global surge in cases of AIDS-like vaccine-acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (VAIDS).

Covid Shots Can Enlarge and Weaken the Heart
ARTICLE: While the association between Covid vaccination and myocarditis is well established, a recent case study documented how inflammatory dilated cardiomyopathy (another heart inflammation disorder) was induced by the Pfizer (BNT162b2) injection.

German Gov’t Lied About Shots Preventing Covid, Knew Lockdowns Did More Harm Than Good
VIDEO: Leaked documents from a top German health agency show that politicians knew the experimental COVID shots did not prevent the transmission of the virus but advocated for jab mandates anyway.

Excess Deaths During Covid Due to Public Health Response, Not Covid
ARTICLE: A 521-page study published Friday analyzed excess mortality in 125 countries during the Covid pandemic (2020-2023) and discovered that the majority of the death was caused by the government’s response of lockdowns and vaccination mandates, not the Covid virus.

Pediatrician Slams WHO $12 Billion Plan to Vaccinate 500 Million Children by 2030
ARTICLE: The WHO on Monday reported that global childhood immunization rates have stalled. Meanwhile, Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance unveiled an $11.9 billion plan to vaccinate 500 million children by 2030. Dr. Paul Thomas warned that vaccination programs are unnecessary and health agencies should focus on nutrition and overall health.

Sixfold Increased Risk of Colon Cancer in Covid-Vaccinated
ARTICLE: A study published in June documented how one form of colon cancer saw a sixfold increase in individuals vaccinated with the Covid injection. The researchers explained the link between the shot and the cancer.

Rancher Sounds Alarm on Mandatory mRNA Vaccines For Meat Supply
VIDEO: A rancher is warning of the government’s experimentation with mRNA vaccines on the U.S. meat supply, noting that 25% of the pigs that received the shots have died.

Former CDC Chief Refield: Mandating Covid Shots “One of the Greatest Mistakes”
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Former Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Robert Redfield confirmed the dangers of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines in a U.S. Senate hearing Thursday, calling them “toxic” and saying they should never have been mandated.


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The Study of 10 MILLION People the Pro-COVID Lobby Won't Talk About
ARTICLE: The study not only shows that the extended lockdowns have been a waste, but confirms the villainy of the Democrat officials who insisted on lockdowns and continue to vow to extend them.

Fauci and WHO Know Damned Well Healthy People DO NOT Drive the Spread of a Virus
VIDEO: They all know that even if someone has a virus and they're not sick, it's because they are HEALTHY, WITH A HEALTHY IMMUNE SYSTEM that is easily dealing with the virus. They know damned well there's is no legitimate scientific basis to LOCKDOWN, HOUSE ARREST, FORCE MASK WEARING, AND TESTING ONTO HEALTHY PEOPLE!


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BUYER BEWARE: Cancer Screening is 'Diagnosing Cancer That Isn't Cancer'
VIDEO: In this clip “The Liz Wheeler Show,” Liz interviews Dr. Pam Popper, an internationally recognized expert on nutrition, medicine, and health and the founder and executive director of Wellness Forum Health. Dr. Popper discusses how much of the so-called cancer screening tests are no better than the PCR test for viruses which are totally incapable of detecting actual infections. Many are being falsely diagnosed with cancer when all the tests reveal are "risk factors", not cancer itself.

Study Confirms Ivermectin Treats Multiple Cancers
ARTICLE: A leading oncologist has drawn attention to a major study that confirmed ivermectin is successful in treating multiple cancers after testing its use against 28 types of the disease. The groundbreaking study was highlighted by Dr. William Makis MD, a renowned radiologist, oncologist, and cancer researcher.

Sixfold Increased Risk of Colon Cancer in Covid-Vaccinated
ARTICLE: A study published in June documented how one form of colon cancer saw a sixfold increase in individuals vaccinated with the Covid injection. The researchers explained the link between the shot and the cancer.

Top Vaccine Expert Testifies Vaccines Contain Cancer-Causing Ingredients, Fragmented DNA
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Dr. Stanley Plotkin, a vaccinologist known as the “Godfather of Vaccines” for his role in consulting vaccine manufacturers, testified in 2018 about the inherent risks of most vaccines on the childhood vaccine schedule. In his deposition before the Oakland County Circuit Court in the State of Michigan, Plotkin admitted that SV40, or simian virus 40, a pathogen linked to cancer, had contaminated a number of vaccines, as well as a pig virus.

WHO Predicts 35+ Million Cancers by 2050, but Ignores “Vaccine”-Induced Turbo Cancers in Those Under 30
ARTICLE: he World Health Organization’s (WHO) International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) estimates more than 35 million new cancer cases in 2050. This represents a 77% increase from the estimated 20 million cancer cases that occurred in 2022.

Bill Gates & Pfizer CEO Bourla Brag About Deadly COVID Shots & Upcoming Cancer Jabs!
VIDEO: This video breaks down alarming remarks by Bill Gates and Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla essentially admitting plans to conduct MORE global mRNA and oncological experiments on the human population.

Japanese Study Suggests mRNA Vaccines Behind Explosion of Cancer Cases in Japan during the Pandemic
ARTICLE/VIDEO: A new Japanese study ties “statistically significant” increases in particular kinds of cancers in the country in the period 2020-2022 to the administration of mRNA vaccines. These cancers include ovarian cancer, leukemia, prostate cancer, pancreatic cancer and breast cancer.

Confirmed: Researchers Reveal COVID mRNA Vaccines Contain Component that Suppresses Immune Response and Stimulates Cancer Growth
ARTICLE: According to the review’s abstract, evidence suggests that while mRNA vaccines may have been effective in reducing severe disease outcomes, they might not provide sterilizing immunity, leaving individuals susceptible to recurring infections. More critically, the review highlights that the inclusion of m1Ψ in mRNA vaccines appears to inhibit key immunological pathways, impairing the body’s early interferon signaling.

Turbo Cancer - WHO Cancer Agency Predicts 77% Rise in Cancers Blames It on Everything Other Than the Jabs!
ARTICLE/VIDEO: The World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) released a daunting prediction of the global cancer burden. It estimates more than 35 million new cancer cases in 2050 — a 77% increase from the estimated 20 million cancer cases that occurred in 2022.

Now They Are Tellilng Us the Cancer Rates Rising in Young People Are From 'Accelerated Aging"
VIDEO: The "Expert Bullshit" never ends and it continues to get more ludicrous every day. These people think we are total absolute morons who will believe every ridiculous theory they come up with to cover up the damage the mRNA jabs have caused.

Doctors Report Mysterious Worldwide Cancer ‘Epidemic’
ARTICLE: Leading doctors are highlighting a mysterious worldwide rise in cancer cases among patients aged under 50. Widely covered in the mainstream media, the development follows the recent announcement by Britain’s Princess Catherine that she herself has now been diagnosed with the disease.

Oncologist: Late-Stage Cancers Are Devastating Students After College Vaccine Mandates
ARTICLE: TURBO CANCER Ages 18-24: College & University COVID-19 vaccine mandated students are now developing Stage 4 cancers - 72 cases (in 2023): Lymphoma, leukemia, brain, testicular, sarcoma, breast, colon

I Have Tried Sounding the Alarm About the Vaccines Causing Cancer Relapse But the Mainstream Media Doesn’t Want to Know
ARTICLE: Cancer specialist says Covid boosters are harming his patients. There is very real concern over the recurrence of cancer in many of my melanoma patients who have been stable for long periods, at least five years and in one case 18 years, other oncologists have contacted me to say they are seeing the same phenomenon.

Dr. Harvey Risch Explains Why “Turbo Cancer” Rates Are Likely to Get Even Worse
ARTICLE/VIDEO: “These cancers that normally would be kept in check by the body are unexpectedly growing very quickly.”


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False Facts of COVID Hospitalizations, with Dr. Jay Bhattacharya
VIDEO: Megyn Kelly is joined by Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, Professor of Medicine at Stanford University, to discuss the overstatements on the number of people that are hospitalized because of COVID and the false facts on how sick people are.

Missouri COVID Whistleblower: HOSPITALS are LYING to the public about COVID… and I CAN PROVE IT
ARTICLE: Another COVID whistleblower has come forward as exclusively reported by Gateway Pundit to allege that the statistics about ICU’s being overrun are wildly inflated, over-reported, and in many cases an outright LIE by political officials.

New Academic Study Confirms: Mass Testing of Asymptomatic People Was a ‘Scam’
ARTICLE: The Journal of Infection has published a new study that confirms what many have already come to conclude: Mass testing of asymptomatic members of the general population was unnecessary and only served to exaggerate the number of COVID “cases.”

Calling BS on the Alleged Drop in Flu Cases From 400,000 Last Season to 165 This Season
ARTICLE: The cognitive dissonance required to accept these numbers is stunning. This is all part of a narrative supporting an agenda to keep the masses in the dark, compliant, and terrified. Conning people into conceding control to our "betters" is how they keep us in line.

Epidemiologist Says Influenza Cases Are Being Counted as COVID-19
ARTICLE: Top epidemiologist Knut Wittkowski says that the massive drop in influenza cases can be attributed to the fact that many are being falsely counted as COVID-19 cases.

Nurse Blows the Whistle on Latest Scam to Fraudulently Inflate COVID Case Numbers
VIDEO: This is a short video of a Nurse explaining how they have been deliberately reporting false case numbers. Not only have they been LYING about the validity of the tests but on top of that, they are lying about resulting case numbers based on those fraudulent tests. This whole thing is such a massive criminal fraud it makes one's head spin!

Flu Away: There Has Been a 98% Plummet in Flu Infections This Year
ARTICLE: We've known this for quite some time now. The CRIMINALS behind the COVID Pandemic hoax have been counting EVERYTHING as COVID ESPECIALLY THE FLU. Now they are scrambling to devise MORE LIES to explain away the data. What they claim is the reason for the decline in flu makes even less sense than all the other LIES they've been telling us.

"Everyone Involved Should Face Jail Time for Concealing Low COVID Numbers"
ARTICLE: The Dem Mayor of Nashville KNOWINGLY LIED ABOUT COVID DATA to justify shutting down bars & restaurants, killing countless jobs & small businesses in the process," adding "Everyone involved should face jail time. How many other Dem run cities is this happening in?

It Looks Like 90% of Positive COVID Results Should Have Been Negative
ARTICLE: According to The New York Times, potentially 90 percent of those who have tested positive for COVID-19 have such insignificant amounts of the virus present in their bodies that such individuals do not need to isolate nor are they candidates for contact tracing.

False Positives: One Texas County Drops From 4600+ Active Chi-Com Virus Cases to Under 100 After Audit
ARTICLE: Coronavirus impact has been politically exploited and grossly overstated. Doubting the accuracy of State of Texas Covid-19 numbers, Collin Co., Texas, dropped its active case numbers from over 4600 to under 100 overnight after an audit.

Dr. Kelly Victory Insists People Ignore the Hysteria Over Rising Case Numbers
VIDEO: Dr. Kelly Victory details exactly why everyone should IGNORE ALL THE FEAR MONGERING OVER RISING CASE NUMBERS and explains her support and use of Hydroxychloroquine/Zinc for the treatment/cure of COVID-19. She points out that not only is it highly effective, it only costs $12 to treat a patient as apposed to the Faucci/WHO supported drugs that cost $2000 to treat a patient and those treatments don't even work. Classic Big Pharma con job!

Florida Media Discover Widespread False Reports of Positive COVID Tests – Massive Data Disparities
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Local media showing the old-school value of the Fourth Estate. Unlike national media who have abandoned all pretense of journalism, there are still a few regional outlets who do the deep digging to discover the truth and reveal the lies.

Top Medical Insider from Massive U.S. Health Care System Blows Roof Off the COVID-19 ‘Scamdemic’
AUDIO PODCAST: Internal Numbers ARE ALL RIGGED For Profit, Greed, and Politics.    If you yearn for more than a mere glance behind the secret curtain of how massive health care systems in the country are rigging COVID-19 numbers for profit and politics, a top medical insider blows the roof off of the rigged ‘scamdemic’ on the Thomas Paine Podcast.

Corbett Report-Lies, Damned Lies and Coronavirus Statistics
VIDEO: The numbers are in on the great Covid-19 pandemic . . . but unfortunately those numbers are unreliable. From mendacious models and puffed-up projections to dodgy death data and tainted tests, today on The Corbett Report James highlights what the accredited scientists and award-winning researchers are saying about the pandemic pandemonium of 2020.

States Ordered To Fraudulently Inflate COVID-19 Cases 15 Times Actual Rate
VIDEO: Federal Order Coincides With Massive Spike In News Cases Triggering National Panic.

Yes, Hospitals Get Paid More For Coronavirus-Coded Patients, Even If They Haven’t Been Tested
ARTICLE: Gee. Wonder how it was so easy to cook the COVID-Death Numbers? Hospitals get paid more money if a patient is coded for the novel coronavirus, even if they haven’t been tested in some states, multiple fact-checking sites have confirmed, including USA Today, Politifact, and Snopes. Hospitals get a 20% add-on for COVID-19-coded patients and roughly three times as much if such patients are placed on a ventilator.

COVID: Behind the Global Nursing Home Disaster, and the Case-Number Scam
VIDEO: Scandal. Tragedy. Ongoing crime. In nursing homes, elderly people are already on the edge of the cliff, suffering from long-term illnesses and years of toxic medical treatments…but now you terrify them with COVID propaganda.


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In Stunning Letter To Congress, Zuckerberg Admits Biden-Harris Pressured Facebook To Censor Content
ARTICLE/VIDEOS: In a stunning Monday evening letter to House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan, Zuckerberg admitted that senior Biden administration officials "repeatedly pressured" Facebook teams to suppress information related to COVID-19 that the platform would not have otherwise censored

Dr. Birx: Yes, We Tried to Quash the COVID Lab-Leak Theory
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Dr. Deborah Birx, the scarf-wearing former White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator under Donald Trump, finally admitted what we’ve all known for a long time: the “experts” tried to quash the idea the COVID virus came from a Chinese lab, and they moved to discredit and humiliate anyone who said otherwise.

Top Doctor Warns Covid Shot Causes Highest Kill Rate In History - Over 500 Million Killed!
VIDEO: Dr. James Thorp discusses the aftermath of the Covid vaccine. Dr. Thorp details how before the COVID jab rollout he routinely safely treated his pregnant patients with hydroxychloroquine. Once the deadly jab roll-out began Dr. Thorp was viciously attacked and fired! He also discusses how deeply corrupted the OBGYN ranks became through bribery and threats to facilitate the injection of these experimental and dangerous shots into pregnant women.

How Moderna Came Up With a Vaccine Against Vaccine Dissent
ARTICLE: Moderna has a sprawling media operation in place aimed at identifying and responding to critics of vaccine policy and the drug industry.

Physician Assistant Fired After Reporting Adverse Reactions to COVID-19 Vaccine to VAERS
ARTICLE: Deborah Conrad, a physician assistant in New York, was fired from her job after reporting COVID-19 vaccine adverse reactions to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS).

Marxist Medical Boards Strip Top Dr. Peter McCullough’s Medical License for Speaking the Truth About COVID Vaccine
ARTICLE: One of the most respected doctors in the world and top cardiologists and epidemiologist in the country had his license revoked for speaking the truth about the danger of COVID vaccines.

It Wasn’t Just Gateway Pundit! T-Mobile Blocked Text Messages of Dr. Malone Saying the Moderna Vaccine Nearly Killed Him
ARTICLE/VIDEO: In early January, The Gateway Pundit learned the tech giants are using a frightening new method to censor and control what you can see, read and discuss online. T-Mobile blocked our website links.

COVID Deception Fauci, Gates, and the Biosecurity State
ARTICLE: Learn how Fauci, Gates, and their cohorts use their control of media outlets, scientific journals, key government and quasi-governmental agencies, global intelligence agencies, and influential scientists and physicians to flood the public with fearful propaganda about COVID-19 virulence and pathogenesis, and to muzzle debate and ruthlessly censor dissent.

Physician Assistant Scott Miller Suspended For Saving Covid Patients Fires Back
ARTICLE/VIDEO: A In a video provided exclusively to The Gateway Pundit, Miller outlines how hospitals across America are systemically killing people and incriminating health practitioners who dare speak out or expose the corruption.

Dr. Daniel Nagase Exposes Deliberate and Malicious Withholding of Life-Saving Medications
VIDEO: On the Steps of the Vancouver Art Gallery on October 1st, celebrating the 75 Anniversary of the Nuremberg Code, Dr. Nagase gave this Powerful Speech.

Senator Dr. Scott Jenson Blows the Whistle on COVID-19 Frauds and Intimidation of Doctors
VIDEO: More and more good, courageous Doctors, Nurses, and healthcare professionals are speaking out about the TRUTH about what has been going on with the manufactured COVID-19 Scam.


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There Are No Licensed Covid Vaccines for Kids Under 12 — But CDC Wants Babies to Get 3 Pfizer Shots by Age 9 Months
ARTICLE/VIDEO: The latest Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 shots for children under 12 are unlicensed in the U.S. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted only emergency use authorization (EUA) for the vaccines.

Pfizer’s Clinical Trial Exposed in Devastating Editorial: Kids More Likely to Get Severe Covid with Vaccines
ARTICLE: The Wall Street Journal unleashed an editorial over Independence Day weekend that is a devastating takedown of the rush to get all toddlers jabbed with Covid vaccines and boosters. “In fact, we don’t know if the vaccines are safe and effective,” Allyssia Finley wrote in a WSJ editorial. “The rushed FDA action was based on extremely weak evidence.

12-Year-Old Suffers Painful Blisters All Over Body Following 1st Moderna Dose – Doctors Still Urge 2nd Dose
ARTICLE: A 12-year-old Australian boy suffered a severe adverse reaction to his first Moderna Covid jab that led to painful blisters throughout his entire body. Despite this, doctors said the boy should still get a second experimental vaccine dose.

COVID Jabs Causing Horrific New Disease in Children - Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome
VIDEO: This is a segment of an interview with Dr. Ryan Ardis in which he exposes A KNOWN Horrific disease caused by the COVID Jabs on Children called Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome. There is ZERO legitimate reason for children to be injected with a totally experimental and dangerous cocktail when it is well known they have virtually ZERO risk of dying from COVID or any of the alleged variants.

Children Are Safe From COVID-19
ARTICLE: A recent study that looked at deaths occurring in children in the U.K. during the first 12 months of the pandemic found 99.995% of children diagnosed with COVID-19 survived

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko: Giving Kids Coronavirus Vaccines is 'Beyond Moronic'
VIDEO: This is a segment from a longer interview in which Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, the New York doctor who pioneered the use of Hydroxychloroquine and zinc to treat the coronavirus, explains why coronavirus vaccines are unnecessary and discusses some of the dangers associated with them.

As Many Schools Remain Closed, Suicide-Related ER Visits Rise By 51% Among Teenage Girls
ARTICLE: According to data released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, hospitals observed massive increases over the past year in the number of young people attempting suicide.

New Study Shows Mask-wearing Children at Risk for 'Unacceptable' CO2 Levels - Cautions Against the Practice
ARTICLE: Researchers from Germany conducted a blinded randomized controlled trial of 45 children wearing masks and measured the baseline carbon dioxide levels during inhalation and exhalation behind various masks as compared to the levels of unmasked children. The results are very concerning.

FDA Advisor Dr. Peter Doshi Explains Why Children Should NOT Receive the COVID Shot
ARTICLE: Doshi is an associate professor at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy and the senior editor of The BMJ. He has previously pointed out that while Pfizer claims its vaccine is 95% effective, this is the relative risk reduction. The absolute risk reduction — which is far more relevant for public health measures — is actually less than 1%.1 As such, the COVID-19 vaccine is of dubious benefit, to say the least.

Little Girl Gives Epic Anti-Mask Rant At School Board Meeting
VIDEO: In this video, a little girl named Sarah Cook gives an impassioned anti-mask rant telling school board members to unmask the children. The child gives several anecdotal arguments and employs sarcasm in attempts to wake up members of the Collier County District School Board in Florida.

Angry Georgia Mother DEMANDS End To Insane Masking of Children!
VIDEO: Powerful Video: Georgia Mother Says It’s Time To Take The Masks Off Our Children! Courtney Ann Taylor of Georgia recently delivered a powerful public message advocating an end to the mask requirement for school children. The video begins with Taylor saying if Gwinnett County Board of Education officials really believed in the social and emotional health of kids, they’d end the mask mandate immediately.

NUMB by Liv McNeil
VIDEO: This is a mini film by Liv McNeil a 9th grader. It's about the deadly lockdowns and closed schools.

Microsoft Daily Pass Program INSANITY! Get Ready to Projectile VOMIT!
ARTICLE: Of course, it's being rolled out in COMMIFORNIA LA. Once again, they ruthlessly target our children, scare the living shit out of them for no legitimate reason except to brainwash/indoctrinate them when they are most vulnerable.

Sweden Has Kept Schools Open During the Pandemic Despite Spike In Cases
VIDEO: Bucking the global trend, Swedish schools have stayed open throughout the pandemic even with relatively high cases of Covid-19. FRANCE 24’s Catherine Norris-Trent and James André report from Stockholm.

Social Distancing Harms Children for Life Who Have 0.0% Chance of Dying from COVID
VIDEO: It's time to STOP FOLLOWING INSANE POLICIES over this FAKE PANDEMIC. It is doing so much more damage to our health and well being than any virus could do!

Dr. Reads Heartbreaking Letter About a 15 Year Old Boy Who Committed Suicide Over This Insanity!
VIDEO: YOU'VE GOT TO LISTEN TO THIS! The insanity HAS TO END NOW!! It is totally heartbreaking and tragic what this doctor reads, what we're letting happen to our society, justified by nothing but mindless MANUFACTURED HYSTERIA AND FEAR over something that has proven to be no worse than seasonal flu!

Hilton: Reopen schools or give me my school money back. Children DO NOT pass on Coronavirus. Not ONE case ever.
VIDEO: Like everything else regarding the "official narrative of COVID-19" THEY ARE LYING TO YOU. There is no evidence to support keeping the schools closed and no evidence supporting making our children wear face masks and keep six feet apart! It's CHILD ABUSE! THIS IS NOT ABOUT PROTECTING THE HEALTH OF CHILDREN!


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Tens of Thousands of Elderly Secretly Euthanized to Boost ‘Covid Deaths’ Numbers
ARTICE: A bombshell new report has sent shockwaves around the world after an investigation into the high numbers of “Covid deaths” during the pandemic uncovered evidence that tens of thousands of elderly people were actually murdered to boost the mortality rates. The data produced for the report indicated that people were being euthanized using a fatal injection of Midazolam.

Death by Injection – Top Insurance Researcher Provides Data Showing Staggering Numbers
VIDEO: Using data from the United Kingdom, a top insurance industry analyst estimates 600,000 Americans per year are dying from the Covid shots

Japanese Officials Urge Government to Tell the Truth About Excess Deaths Following Vaccine Mandates
VIDEO: Reporting Shows 210,000 Excess Deaths, the Highest Number Since World War II. The Government of Japan is urged to tell the truth about the huge number of vaccine injuries and excess deaths during a hearing.

Official Data: Fully Vaccinated People Account for 9 of 10 COVID Deaths
ARTICLE: The fully vaccinated account for 9 of every 10 deaths from COVID-19 in England and 4 of 5 deaths among the triple-vaccinated, according to the latest data published by the U.K. Health Security Agency.

Flashback - Dr. Birx Admits Any Death With a Positive COVID Test is Counted as a COVID Death No Matter the Real Cause
VIDEO: The messenger RNA (mRNA) from Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine is able to enter human liver cells and is converted into DNA, according to Swedish researchers at Lund University.

The Truth Is Coming Out About COVID Deaths
ARTICLE: Early on in the COVID pandemic, people suspected that the deaths attributed to the infection were exaggerated. There was plenty of evidence for this. For starters, hospitals were instructed and incentivized to mark any patient who had a positive COVID test and subsequently died within a certain time period as a COVID death.

CDC Director Walensky Admits the Vast Majority of COVID Deaths Had “At Least FOUR” Co-Morbities
VIDEO: The CDC Director Rochelle Walensky finally admitted that an “overwhelming” number of Covid deaths that have been recorded in the US were individuals with multiple comorbidities which were a main contributing factor in their deaths.

More Than 200,000 Have Already Died From the COVID Jab in the US
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Unbelievably, there seems to be no ceiling above which the death and disability toll is deemed too great. Why aren’t the FDA and CDC concerned about safety when more than half a million side effect reports have been filed? How come nearly 15,000 reported deaths5 haven’t set off emergency alarms and in-depth investigations? Historically, 50 deaths have been the cutoff point at which a vaccine is pulled.

COVID September Death Report Shows Millions Dying Worldwide from Government Mandated Shots
ARTICLE: New important analysis, The Vaccine Death Report, was recently published by Dr. Zelenko and David Sorensen that outlines with meticulous facts and evidence that millions of deaths and serious adverse events have resulted from the experimental COVID-19 injections.

Freedom Prevails: COVID Data Shows ‘Public Health’ Mandates Only Harm People
ARTICLE: Excess deaths data tell us an incredible tale. Sweden has been largely open and free from any restrictions for 15 months and counting, and Stockholm has seen virtually *zero* excess deaths from the “deadly pandemic.”

Funeral Home Director: COVID Medications, Not the Virus, Triggers 250 Percent Increase In Deaths
VIDEO: In this compelling video, a British funeral undertaker speaks to an independent journalist giving first-hand testimony revealing what has really been happening with the dead from care homes and hospitals.

The Median Age of COVID Deaths Was Higher Than Life Expectancy Just About Everywhere
ARTICLE: The data shows that the median age of death for COVID is often older than life expectancy,” the Fox host said. “For real. If you want to get a sense at just how completely they have hyped this virus, turning it into something that the numbers show it is not.

NEVER FORGET: The So-Called Experts Were Completely Wrong on Their COVID Predictions and Its Mortality Rate and Still Are
ARTICLE: Tedros claimed in a press conference in early March that the fatality rate for the coronavirus was 3.4% — many multiples that of the fatality rate of the common flu which is estimated to be around 0.1%. This egregiously false premise led to the greatest global pandemic panic in world history.

New Study Puts COVID Infection Fatality Rate At Only 0.15 Percent
ARTICLE: The infection fatality rate (IFR) of COVID-19 is significantly lower than previous studies indicated. According to Ioannidis, a medicine and epidemiology professor, the virus is less deadly than once thought, registering at a mere 0.15% fatality rate.

CDC Exposed: Inflated Covid Deaths By 1600% Throughout The Election
ARTICLE: And Violated Multiple Federal Laws” Peer-Reviewed Study Finds…State, Local Governments Must Ac. The new CDC system counted 161,392 deaths attributed to the virus. Using the older system, the death total was 9,684.

COINCIDENCE? COVID Death Rates Plummet in Weeks Following Biden’s Inauguration, Experts Flabbergasted
ARTICLE: Since President Biden’s inauguration, the infection rates in the COVID pandemic have plummeted by between 30 and 40 percent, a statistic that stands opposed to Joe Biden’s prediction of a “dark winter.” Reports of COVID infections and hospitalizations are on the decline around the world. Cases of the virus are down 30 percent from last in the United States alone.

Dr. Jeff Barke: If you're under 25, you're 50 times more at risk to die from drowning than COVID-19
VIDEO: The fatality rate for young people is way below that of influenza. If you're under 25, you're 50 times more at risk to die from drowning than COVID-19.

UCLA, Stanford Study Finds for Average 50-64 Year Old, Chances of Dying From COVID-19 are 1 in 19.1M
VIDEO: A new study from medical researchers at UCLA and Stanford University found the chances of contracting or dying from coronavirus are much lower than previously thought.

Here's the Shockingly Small Number of People Who Died From Only the Coronavirus
ARTICLE: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website disclosed the shockingly small number of people who died from only the Wuhan coronavirus, with no other cause of death mentioned. Hold on to your hat because here it is: out of the 161,392 deaths in the CDC data, just six percent, about 9,700 deaths, were attributed to the coronavirus alone.

THIS Is Why They Moved The Fear Porn Goal Post From COVID Deaths to COVID Cases

How COVID-19 Fatality Reports Are Distorting the Data on Daily Death Rates
ARTICLE: Seven months into the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States, state governments and media outlets continue to publicize confusing, misleading data on the spread of the disease here, perpetuating fears that deaths from the virus are skyrocketing on a daily basis even as those fatalities are generally distributed across a period of days, weeks or even months.

Stanford Doctor: Coronavirus Fatality Rate for People Under 45 'Almost 0%'
ARTICLE: Stanford University's disease prevention chairman slammed using statewide lockdown measures as a response to the coronavirus, saying they were implemented based on bad data and inaccurate modeling.

HORRIFYING: DEMOCRAT States Busing INFECTED Patients To Nursing Homes Account For 42% Of ALL COVID DEATHS
ARTICLE: Despite the recent coronavirus alleged surge in southern states, three states—New York, New Jersey, and Massachusetts—account for about 42 percent of COVID-19 deaths in America. Why?

The CDC Admits About 90% of Coronavirus Hospitalized Patients Have Underlying Conditions
ARTICLE: TNearly 90 percent of U.S. coronavirus patients who have been hospitalized have underlying health problems, or comorbidities, reports the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Tucker: What is the Actual Death Rate of COVID-19?
VIDEO: If coronavirus infection is more widespread than we thought, by definition that means the virus is less deadly; insight from Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, Stanford University professor of medicine.

The CDC Confirms Remarkably Low Coronavirus Death Rate. Where is the Media?
ARTICLE: Most people are more likely to wind up six feet under because of almost anything else under the sun other than COVID-19. The CDC just came out with a report that should be earth-shattering to the narrative of the political class, yet it will go into the thick pile of vital data and information about the virus that is not getting out to the public.

Whistleblower: How CDC Is Manipulating The COVID-19 Death-Toll
ARTICLE/VIDEO: A Montana based physician has blown the whistle on how the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is exaggerating the COVID-19 death toll by manipulating Coronavirus death certificates.

COVID-19 is not what we are being told it is. Media Panicked Over Chloroquine But New Data Suggests It's Ventilators That Are Killing People
VIDEO: Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell, an ER and critical care doctor from New York City, concluded that ventilators were doing more harm than good over a week ago and suggested oxygen as a superior treatment:

Coronavirus Mortality Study in Sweden Is Consistent with US Study
ARTICLE: Confirms Overall Mortality Not Much Different Than a Bad Seasonal Flu.Overall, these numbers are not surprising. The China coronavirus impacted the US and other countries like Sweden little, when taken into context with the nation’s overall mortality rates.


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Excess Deaths During Covid Due to Public Health Response, Not Covid
ARTICLE: A 521-page study published Friday analyzed excess mortality in 125 countries during the Covid pandemic (2020-2023) and discovered that the majority of the death was caused by the government’s response of lockdowns and vaccination mandates, not the Covid virus.

VIDEO: NEVER FORGET the massive amounts of insanity the psychopaths in charge forced on every one of us, irreparably destroying lives and businesses worldwide with no remorse whatsoever. And now the exact same untrustworthy lunatic "experts" are being trotted out to try and scare everyone about a fake deadly Bird Flu epidemic and/or totally non-existent disease X along with a new set of totally toxic Big Pharma cocktails we're all supposed to "trust" will save us all yet again.

The Fallacies of Virology and the Inversion of Natural Health
VIDEO: Isolation means the separation of one thing from everything else. This is the only way to scientifically identify a thing. This is done with everything from large organic material to the smallest nano-particles. It is done with Gold and Silver. And it is done in basic chemistry, but it has never been done with a virus.

The Fairy Tale of Pandemic Risk
ARTICLE: Pandemics bring excitement, make headlines and generate good financial return for the sponsors, as well as those serving them. Generating the fear and compliance necessary to build this new and somewhat parasitic model of public health has been no mean feat.

5 BOMBSHELL Lies About COVID-19 That Have Proven to be TRUE
ARTICLE: This article brings attention to a major bombshell relating to COVID. MAJOR lies about COVID and the pandemic were finally unmasked in the shadows of current events, confirming truths that many of us had known since the beginning of the pandemic.

Dr. Robert Malone Explains What Monkeypox REALLY Is
VIDEO: Dr. Robert Malone joins Candace to discuss the history of monkeypox and the best ways to avoid it and treat it if you do get infected.

Greg Reese Report - The Truth About Monkeypox
VIDEO: In this Greg Reese report, viewers will learn facts about monkeypox that mainstream media’s corporate masters won’t allow them to cover.

The Viral Delusion: A 5-Part Documentary Series Exposing the Total Fraud of Virology
VIDEO: Dr. Bryan Ardis uncovers alarming new information that points to another possible culprit . . . venom poisoning. Most people have no idea that snake venom is an ingredient that is BIG with BIG PHARMA.

Senator Ron Johnson Panel - COVID-19: A Second Opinion
VIDEO: Sen. Ron Johnson moderates a panel discussion, COVID-19: A Second Opinion. A group of world-renowned doctors and medical experts provide a different perspective on the global pandemic response, the current state of knowledge of early and hospital treatment, vaccine efficacy and safety, what went right, what went wrong, what should be done now, and what needs to be addressed long term.

100 Questions They Don't Want To Answer
ARTICLE: The most troubling part of the pandemic to me is the lack of transparency and accountability. The authorities love to create mandates we must follow, but they refuse to be held accountable.

640 European Doctors Gather to Discuss the Overreaction to COVID and How It’s Damaging Society
VIDEO: Over 600 doctors in Germany and Austria have come together in an organisation, to investigate why the covid over-reaction is occurring, damaging society Tagged here to the point where the lead doc (and ex-army officer) explains why they are doing this.

Ehud Qimron’s Powerful Letter to the Israeli Ministry of Health
ARTICLE: Professor Ehud Qimron is head of the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at Tel Aviv University and one of the leading Israeli immunologists. He has written a powerful letter to the Israeli Ministry of Health that well summarizes many of the failings and disasters of the lockdown-based pandemic policies of the last two years, and, in a brief form, summarized the essentials.

Joe Rogan's EXPLOSIVE In-Depth Interview with Dr. Peter McCullough on the COVID PLANDEMIC Crimes Against Humanity
VIDEO: This is the entire full in-depth interview between podcaster Joe Rogan and Dr. Peter A. McCullough. Dr. Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH, is a board-certified cardiologist who has testified before committees of the US and Texas Senate regarding the treatment of COVID-19 and management of the ongoing pandemic. The actions described here are 100% science based and what is outlined is positively criminal. The Google Gods at YouTube immediately took this down as it is considered to dangerous for you to hear.

Minnesota Priest Speaks Out Against Vaccine Mandates
VIDEO: We need A LOT MORE priests speaking out!! This is one of the best presentations about the current state of COVID insanity and how everyone needs to take back their own authority, their own personal responsibility for allowing this to go as ridiculously far as it has.

30 facts you NEED to know: Your Covid Cribsheet
ARTICLE: You asked for it, so we made it. A collection of all the arguments you’ll ever need. Here are key facts and sources about the alleged “pandemic”, that will help you get a grasp on what has happened to the world since January 2020, and help you enlighten any of your friends who might be still trapped in the New Normal fog .

Dr. Bryan Ardis - The Pandemic of Deliberate Misdiagnosing and Deadly Treatment Protocols
VIDEO: Here we have yet another set of shocking revelations about what has REALLY been the cause of people dying . . . and it's not been COVID-19.

Dr. Roger Hodkinson - STOP THE SHOTS!
VIDEO: Short hard-hitting video about all the Covid measures and how they are total bul*hit

The Lies Behind the ‘Pandemic of the Unvaxxed’
ARTICLE/VIDEO: By using statistics from a time period when the U.S. as a whole was largely unvaccinated, the CDC is now claiming we’re in a “pandemic of the unvaccinated,” in an effort to demonize those who still have not agreed to receive this experimental gene modification injection.

Dr. Dan Stock Delivers a Masterclass on the Real Science Behind Covid and Vaccines to School Board
VIDEO: The vast majority of school boards across the nation are embracing the guidance being delivered to them by the CDC, NIH, and state health boards. The “guidance” is agenda-driven, not science-driven.

Reiner Fuellmich UPDATE - Humanity vs Inhumanity
VIDEO: Reiner Fuellmich UPDATE on where we all stand vs the psychopathic globalist lunatics imposing the COVID SCAM. Fuellmich ends this update on an incredibly positive reality about humanity and why we shall prevail against this evil.

Dr. Simone Gold Exposes the Shocking Truth About Covid Treatments, the Actual Science, Covid Policy and Severity of Scientific Censorship
VIDEO: This is an outstanding interiew by Dinesh D'Souza with Dr. Simone Gold chopped up into 4 segments covering every important aspect of the manufactured COVID Nightmare.

Worldwide Corona Crisis - The Worst Crisis In Modern History
VIDEO: A great presentation by Prof Michel Chossudovsky from Global Research that details every stage of the totally manufactured fake pandemic crisis. We are at the crossroads of one of the most serious crises in World history.

CDC COVID-19 Hospitalization Data Will Shock You – What the Media is Not Showing You
ARTICLE: COVID-19 Hospitalization Data Challenges Biden Administration and CDC Histrionics.The vast majority of the population is healthy and has little or no risk for a severe COVID-19 infection. The focus should be on the most susceptible population for potential severe and lethal conditions. A new CDC study bears this out.

Candian Doctors Speak Out - Top Reasons NOT TO BE AFRAID of COVID
VIDEO: A group of Canadian doctors released a video this past week on why not to be afraid of COVID.

RISE! It's Time - Journey Into 2021 #DareToThink
VIDEO: A contemplative look back at events worldwide during the past 12 months, chronicling humanity's nosedive into compliance with tyrannical policies.

Angry (Truck Driver Mouth) Nurse Draws the Line on COVID Hoax Stupidity!
VIDEO: God created foul language precisely for this purpose!! No other words can capture the real stench and appropriate outrage of what total MORONIC IDIOTS we have surrounding us happily facilitating the destruction of normal life.

A Year Later, There’s Still No Evidence Showing Governments Can Control The Spread Of COVID-19
ARTICLE: As we approach the one-year anniversary of fifteen days to flatten the curve, we have yet to acquire any data suggesting that the past year of life-destroying lockdowns and politicized behavioral mandates has done anything to keep us safe from covid-19.

Top 11 COVID-19 Statistics Mainstream Media Is Hiding From You
ARTICLE: All of this data is extracted from the CDC, WHO, Johns Hopkins, White House task force press conferences, and scientific studies. All direct source links are cited below the list of statistics. A printable pdf version is available at the bottom of this page for those who wish to print and distribute these facts.

Corona, False Alarm? - Important "TriggerNometry" Interview With Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi
VIDEO: This interview contains invaluable information from another "honest doctor" who puts the entire COVID pandemic hoax into a proper and expansive perspective.

Dr. Michael Yeadon - THE PANDEMIC IS OVER! No second Wave!
VIDEO: Former Vice President and Chief Science Advisor at Pfizer Pharmaceutical Mike Yeadon discusses his thoughts as to why the lockdown was a mistake, and why the government strategies to manage the pandemic are only making things worse.

Facts about Covid-19
ARTICLE: Fully referenced facts about the alleged COVID-19 illness, provided by experts in the field, to help our readers make a realistic risk assessment.

The Covid Cult
VIDEO: This is the greatest public health fiasco in the history of the world, and the media has distorted it so badly, that much of the general public is celebrating villains and hissing at heroes. And, even — perversely enough — celebrating the destruction of their own lives and their children's lives.

Herd Stupidity - Epic Speech by MP Desmond Swayne
VIDEO: The FAKE COVID PANDEMIC is costing us the future. We are being LIED TO about how to deal with viruses . . . how we've always dealt with viruses. British MP Desmond Swayne is one of the few politicians in the UK to place common-sense ahead of irresponsibly grasping more power by government IDIOTS!

Dr. Scott Atlas Disputes COVID-19 Fear Mongering Tactics From Our Health Officials
VIDEO: As coronavirus cases continue to increase across the United States, health officials and Democrat politicians seem to be using that statistic to fear monger and justify closure orders. Dr. Scott Atlas of the Hoover Institute, discussed why we don’t need to be scared of the increase spread of coronavirus on Good Morning San Diego with KUSI’s Paul Rudy.

Pfizer Chief Scientific Officer Dr Mike Yeadon: Pandemic Over, Threat Exaggerated, No 2nd Wave, T-Cell Immunity
VIDEO: TIn this video, Big Pharma insider Dr. Michael Yeadon is speaking out; confirming what I and many others have been reporting, such as: 1) The pandemic is fundamentally over; 2) Science clearly indicates that there will not be a second wave; 3) Many people have t-cell immunity.

Dr. Andrew Kaufmann Trafalgar Square London Speech at the COVID-19 PANDEMIC HOAX PROTEST
VIDEO: This speech by Dr. Andrew Kaufman took place on September 20. 2020 at the Trafalgar Square Protest of the Draconian and Criminal Fraud of the COVID-19 Pandemic Hoax that is devastating the lives of untold millions around the world. Dr. Kaufman details many examples of total FRAUD being perpetrated against free humanity. This is the largest criminal fraud in human history!

Many Will Die For The COVID Lie
VIDEO: The mindless hordes are being programmed by a social media-induced imprisonment following the guidelines of the 2010 Rockefeller Lockstep scenario published in “Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development.”

Difference Between Flu vs COVID-19 Symptoms & Complications
ARTICLE: The following information clearly shows that there is virtually no difference between symptoms allegedly caused by COVID-19 and symptoms caused by seasonal flu coronavirus strains.

Honest Journalist Alan Jones Tells The Brutal Truth About COVID-19 in Australia! This country is a mess!
VIDEO: Sky News host Alan Jones says he is tired of being sucked in by governments trying manage our health which has resulted in a “ruthless and heartless abuse of power” exercised by ignorant know-all politicians.

Bait-&-Switch: How They've Changed the COVID Conversation
ARTICLE: It used to be about “deaths”, now it’s about “cases”. It used to be about coronavirus, next time it will be about something else.

Dr. Scott Barbour Details Questionable History of What We Were Told About the COVID-19 Pandemic
VIDEO: In this video Dr. Scott Barbour covers this history of how this whole insane COVID-19 pandemic began and how virtually everything we've been told didn't make any real sense.

Dr. Kelly Victory Presents An Incredibly Comprehensive AND HONEST Perspective on the Realtiy of COVID-19
VIDEO: THIS is who should be advising the President and directing the response to the COVID-19, not the totally corrupt, self-serving numbskull Dr. Fauci/Bill Gates and Co. who have been deliberately misleading the American People into a totally mindless panic to advance his own sick agenda. Fire Fauci and hire Victory!

MUST WATCH - 5 min. - Jeremy Elliot - Nothing Disrupts the System Like An Inquisitive Mind
VIDEO: Most people are now so indoctrinated and brainwashed, to the point of complete and utter complete idiocy. I would rather be called a conspiracy theorist than a brainless, subservient sheep. Just think why no politician or billionaire got sick or died from this “ deadly” virus or, why no politician or billionaire lost their income or their businesses looted. Unfortunately, those who really need to watch this clip will bypass.... Blessed are the poor in spirit I guess. Jeremy Elliot breaks it down perfectly!

Dr. Vernon Coleman - We Are Victims of the Greatest Crime in History
VIDEO: Back in March, international best-selling author, Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA, was the first medical doctor to describe the coronavirus scare as a hoax. Here he analyses the coronavirus hoax from its beginning and shows how governments have lied and endangered millions of lives. Dr Coleman proves that the response of governments has killed far more people than the coronavirus.

"We're Going To Be Fine" - Nobel-Winning Biophysicist Predicts Quicker COVID-19 Recovery
ARTICLE: Michael Levitt, a Stanford biophysicist who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2013, has made a bold statement that the end of COVID-19 pandemic could be near and has cited China's curve flattening to support his hypothesis, reported the Los Angeles Times.

Why Are We Ignoring all the Contrarian Scholars on COVID-19?
ARTICLE: You might think it’s a universal consensus that this disease is both world-ending and here to stay. Yet many scholars—a growing amount of them, more and more every day—are sounding the alarm on what they’re calling a major overreaction to this disease


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Whistleblower: Hospitals Killed ‘Many, Many Thousands’ of Covid Patients
VIDEO: A medical professional has blown the whistle and warned the public that “many, many thousands” of Covid patients were killed by hospitals during the pandemic and not by the virus, as officially claimed. The whistleblower, respiratory therapist Mark Bishofsky, has gone on the record to state that COVID-19 patients died because they were killed by hospital protocols.

Hospital Insider Testifies: COVID-19 Numbers Were Faked
VIDEO: A hospital worker has provided testimony to allege that official numbers for COVID-19 cases during the pandemic were faked. "Our hospitals were half-empty."

Fired ICU Nurse Gail Macrae Speaks Out on COVID Protocols and Vaccine Injuries
VIDEO: California intensive care unit nurse Gail Macrae shared her story of pushing back against hospital COVID-19 protocols that she said violated medical ethics and resulted in increased harm to patients.

Landmark Lawsuit Against Doctors and Nurses for Battery and Medical Murder is Going to Trial
ARTICLE: "After an unauthorized DNR was placed on record, Grace was injected with morphine, Ativan, and Precedex without her or her power of attorney’s knowledge or consent. These actions killed her."

ICU Nurse Exposes COVID Lies
VIDEO: ICU Nurse Nichole presents a comprehensive overview of the truth about the manufactured pandemic and exposes all the lies we've been told every step of the way.

A Powerful In-Depth Look at Hospital's Deadly COVID Protocols
AUDIO: Backed by facts, Ms. Paul exposed how hospitals used COVID to ride roughshod over patients’ rights to information, their care options, and their treatment choices, all while isolating them from friends and family. It’s a truly horrifying tale, made worse by the fact that hospitals were driven not by fear (although many were) but by financial incentives.

Attorneys Report Spike in Calls for Help From Families of Patients Hospitalized With COVID-19
ARTICLE: Attorneys told The Epoch Times about a wide variety of instances of what they call abuse, including hospitals preventing visits from family, failing to provide nutrition and fluids, and coercing patients to agree to treatments they’d already refused multiple times—such as being placed on a ventilator.

Hospital Data And Care Cannot Be Trusted
ARTICLE: By now almost everyone has heard about terrible conditions in hospitals as they face very high levels of COVID patients at the same time that they likely have lost staff because despite being fully vaccinated, they have COVID and are not working. Just proving that vaccines and booster shots do not work to prevent infection and its transmission. How trustworthy is all this bad news?

Physician Assistant Scott Miller Suspended For Saving Covid Patients Fires Back
ARTICLE/VIDEO: A In a video provided exclusively to The Gateway Pundit, Miller outlines how hospitals across America are systemically killing people and incriminating health practitioners who dare speak out or expose the corruption.

Dr. Daniel Nagase Exposes Deliberate and Malicious Withholding of Life-Saving Medications
VIDEO: On the Steps of the Vancouver Art Gallery on October 1st, celebrating the 75 Anniversary of the Nuremberg Code, Dr. Nagase gave this Powerful Speech.

CDC Director Admits Doctors & Hospitals Are Being Financially Incentivized To Inflate COVID Death Numbers
VIDEO: While downplaying the significance, the CDC actually admits that doctors and hospitals are being financially incentiveized to inflate COVID death numbers.

New York Undercover Nurse Confirms COVID-19 Criminal Hoax
VIDEO: Erin Marie Olszewski is a Nurse-turned-investigative journalist, who has spent the last few months on the frontlines of the coronavirus pandemic, on the inside in two radically different settings.

Whistleblowing Frontline Worker IN SMALL-TOWN ALAMOSA, COLORADO, on Hospitals Being Pressured to DRAMATICALLY Inflate Covid-19 Cases
VIDEO: A 12-year physician assistant risks her career to expose how hospitals are being intensely pressured to dramatically inflate the number of coronavirus cases.

Tearful Nurse Blows Whistle On New York Hospitals ‘Murdering’ COVID Patients With ‘Complete Medical Mismanagement’
VIDEO: A Nevada nurse who traveled to New York to help treat COVID-19 patients has posted a tearful Facebook Live video claiming that patients are not dying from the virus, but are being “murdered” by “gross negligence and complete medical mismanagement.”


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More Covid Shots = Less Immune System
VIDEO: A study published in September indicated that repeated inoculation with mRNA Covid vaccinations reduce the functionality of the immune systems of old people. Infowars previously reported on a different study that indicated a similar phenomenon in children.

Surprising Ways Improper COVID-19 Treatments Will Destroy Your Immune System
ARTICLE: The overuse of antibiotics, biocides and disinfectants to fight COVID-19 may “raise disastrous effects” for antimicrobial resistance (AMR)

The Truth About ALL Germs and the History of Germ Theory
VIDEO: Once again we learn that much of what we have been taught is utter nonsense. In this case, the entire theory of germs, contagious diseases is primarily a manufactured story created by Big Pharma to push their toxic, dangerous products like vaccines. Viruses aren't the only mythical unicorns out there.

VIDEO: There has never been a more important time to understand how your innate immune system functions. With a healthy immune system, we’re able to live in balance with the virome and array of flora that’s in every niche of our bodies. Join Zach Bush as he discusses The Innate Immune System.

Zach Bush - THE VIROME - The Truth About Viruses and Why We Should Not Fear Them
VIDEO: This is the most comprehensive, and enlightened presentation I've found detailing what viruses really are. Did you know that they exist by the HUNDREDS OF TRILLIONS inside us and incalculable TRILLIONS ALL AROUND US? To fear viruses is to fear life itself.

EXOSOMES - The Emerging Theory of What Viruses Realy Are
VIDEO: Have you heard of the emerging theory of what viruses might be: exosomes? Are you absolutely certain that COVID-19 is contagious? How confident are you in the results from the test?

Exactly How Big Is A Virus? How small is a single coronavirus, really?
VIDEO: This video from an Exploratorium exhibit designed to help you visualize how small a coronavirus really is and investigate the implications of its small size. After viewing this video, I doubt you will be able to honestly say you think a mask is going to stop a virus. The spaces between mask fibers ARE HUGE compared to the size of a virus.


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Study of 9 Million Exposes ‘Devastating’ Neurological Damage Surge Among Covid-Vaxxed
ARTICLE: An explosive new study involving almost 9 million participants has exposed a devasted surge in deadly neurological and psychiatric damage among those who received Covid mRNA “vaccines.” According to the peer-reviewed study, just one dose of an mRNA injection puts recipients at risk of suffering several severe neurological diseases.

More Than 100 Million Fully Jabbed Americans Now Suffer From Irreversible Heart Damage
VIDEO: The death and injury toll from Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccines” continues to mount with Dr. Thomas Levy warning that the number of “fully vaccinated” people who now suffer from irreversible heart damage has, or soon will, eclipse 100 million.

New Peer-reviewed Study Calls for Moratorium on COVID mRNA Vaccines
ARTICLE: Based on incomplete data, “serious safety concerns,” and potential long-term risks, the authors of a new peer-reviewed study recommend “at minimum” a moratorium on Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccines.

Top Molecular Scientist Confirms DNA Contamination in Covid ‘Vaccines’ Integrates into Human Cells
VIDEO: A leading American molecular scientist has issued an explosive warning after making an alarming discovery about the DNA contamination in Covid mRNA “vaccines.” The red alert was issued by Dr. Phillip J. Buckhaults, a professor in the Department of Drug Discovery and Biomedical Sciences at the University of South Carolina.

Korean Scientists Prove Covid ‘Vaccines’ Trigger Sudden Cardiac Deaths
ARTICLE/VIDEO: The team sought to investigate the impact of mRNA Covid “vaccination” on cardiovascular health. The researchers raised concerns about the lack of official data regarding the cardiac toxicity of the Covid injections, despite the “vaccines” being pushed onto the public for almost four years.

Study Censored by The Lancet Finally Released: Confirms ‘High Likelihood of Causal Link Between COVID-19 Vaccines and Death’
ARTICLE: Science, Public Health Policy and The Law journal published a peer-reviewed study titled, “A Systematic Review Of Autopsy Findings In Deaths After Covid-19 Vaccination.“ This study was publicly available, but publications such as The Lancet made repeated attempts to censor it. After far too long, it has finally been published.

Experts Sound Alarm over ‘Shocking’ Spike in Strokes Among ‘Healthy’ Young People
ARTICLE: Health experts have issued a chilling warning to the public over a “shocking” spike in strokes among “healthy” young people. The “alarming” surge was identified in official UK government data. The data shows that recorded cases of deadly strokes skyrocketed in 2023 and continued soaring this year.

Vaccine ‘Quietly’ Pulled Off Market in 2007 Now Linked to 19 Diseases
ARTICLE: The thimerosal-free HibTITER pediatric vaccine marketed by Wyeth from 2003 through 2007 was associated with 19 different medical conditions, according to a study published Tuesday in the International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine. The conditions include life-threatening side effects at rates “significantly higher” than other Hib vaccines.

Covid Vaccine Linked to Higher Risk of Acute Heart Disease
ARTICLE: A study published October 24 has detailed how the Covid injections are linked to a higher risk of acute heart disease. It analyzed the effects of the first dose of various types of Covid shots on acute heart disease in the Korean population. “The results revealed higher heart disease risk in individuals receiving mRNA vaccines than other types,” the study said in the ‘Abstract’ section.

Guillain-Barré Syndrome Associated with 17 Vaccines, Including Covid and Flu Shots
ARTICLE: A new long-term study assessing the association of vaccines with reported cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) found that “most vaccines” were associated with GBS, and that reports of vaccine-associated GBS have been “increasing steadily over time.”

Global Study: Most ‘Covid Deaths’ Were Caused by ‘Vaccines,’ Lockdowns, Hospitals
ARTICLE: How can a judge force medical care without a doctor’s input?’ Isaac, wasn’t so fortunate. After receiving 18 vaccines in one day, Isaac developed severe regressive autism. Today, he requires around-the-clock care.

Scientists Link Deadly Splanchnic Blood Clots to Covid ‘Vaccines’
ARTICLE: Scientists have uncovered evidence linking a once-rare form of deadly digestive blood clots to Covid mRNA “vaccines.” During a study led by Dr. Guneet Sidhu, a professor of medicine at the University of North Dakota, the researchers found that Covid injections cause splanchnic vein thrombosis (SVT).

5-Year-Old Develops Autism After Being Forced to Get 18 Vaccines in 1 Day
ARTICLE: How can a judge force medical care without a doctor’s input?’ Isaac, wasn’t so fortunate. After receiving 18 vaccines in one day, Isaac developed severe regressive autism. Today, he requires around-the-clock care.

Top German Doctor Raises Alarm over mRNA Shots: Covid Is ‘Harmless’
ARTICLE: Obamacare caused millions of Americans to lose their insurance plans while premiums skyrocketed, according to a new study from the Committee to Unleash Prosperity.

More Covid Shots = Less Immune System
VIDEO: A study published in September indicated that repeated inoculation with mRNA Covid vaccinations reduce the functionality of the immune systems of old people. Infowars previously reported on a different study that indicated a similar phenomenon in children.

Covid Booster Shot Efficacy Becomes Negative After One Month
ARTICLE: Researchers analyzed data from healthcare workers in the country of Georgia during the Omicron variant circulation between January to June 2022. The data demonstrated that in the first month after boosting, there was an effective result from the shot, but in the second and third months, that effectiveness went negative. In the fourth month that negative effectiveness rate got dramatically worse.

Covid “Vaccines” Damage the Blood and Spread Further Destruction Through Blood Transfusions
ARTICLE: A recent pre-print study by a team of Japanese researchers has ignited a heated debate within the medical community, revealing serious risks associated with blood transfusions taken from individuals who have received COVID-19 vaccinations. The study highlights six key areas where COVID jabs destroy the continuity and biochemistry of human blood.

FDA Approves Monkeypox Vaccine, says it May Cause Death in the Vaccinated AND People They Come in Contact With
ARTICLE: The FDA approved for use in the U.S. a vaccine for Monkeypox. While the injection is actually a Smallpox vaccine initially approved in 2007, this new approval allows the shot to be injected into those at ‘high risk’ for the Monkeypox disease, such as those in the LGBTQIAAP2S+ community. It carries with it serious side effect risks, including death to those who have contact with the vaccinated.

Forced to Get 3 “Vaccines” to Receive Medical Care Woman Suffers HORRIFIC Injuries
ARTICLE/VIDEO: No vax, no care. So she had to get 3 vaccines. Within 10 minutes, she was blind in both eyes. She's now fighting for her life. Doctors are baffled as to the cause since it can't be the vaccines.

Global Study: Most ‘Covid Deaths’ Were Caused by ‘Vaccines,’ Lockdowns, Hospitals
ARTICLE: A major global study has concluded that most deaths recorded during and after the Covid pandemic were caused by mRNA “vaccines,” hospital protocols, and lockdowns and not by the virus itself.

CEO Speaks Out - Just Like Ivermectin, The FDA Has Killed Tens of Thousands of Americans by Blocking Xylitol Nasal Spray
VIDEO: Nathan Jones, CEO of Xlear Inc., exposes yet another inexpensive and effective early treatment that the CDC, FTC, and FDA suppressed in order to push toxic and ineffective vaccines which resulted in tens of thousands of preventable deaths.

‘Bone-Chilling’: Data Expert Says COVID Shots Triggered Explosive Surge in Kidney Failures
VIDEO: A report at Slay News explains it is John Beaudoin, a renowned statistician, who found an explosive surge in deaths from fatal kidney conditions following the advent of mRNA treatments.

‘My Biggest Battle’: Athlete Heiko Sepp's Covid Vax Horror Story
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Triathlete and vaccine victim Heiko Sepp is the subject of a new documentary chronicling the heinous side effects he’s suffered from the Covid injection. After receiving his second inoculation in September 2021, Sepp began experiencing heart inflammation, joint pain, muscle spasms and frequent fainting episodes.

Study Warns All-Cause Deaths Are Surging Among Covid-Vaxxed
ARTICLE: An alarming new study has revealed that deaths from all causes are soaring dramatically among those who have received Covid mRNA shots compared to the unvaccinated.

Peer-reviewed Study of 9 Million Downplayed 620% Incresed Risk of Myocarditis After Covid Shots
ARTICLE: A peer-reviewed study of 9.2 million South Koreans found that the risk of suffering myocarditis and pericarditis increased massively in individuals after they received the mRNA Covid injections. However, neither the headline nor the abstract cited that finding.

Massive Study Reveals Excess Mortality Was Caused by Democide and “Vaccine” Mandates, Not Covid
ARTICLE: In a bombshell revelation that should reshape the narrative around the “COVID-19 pandemic,” a groundbreaking study involving researchers from Correlation Research in the Public Interest has found that COVID-19 vaccines had little to no beneficial impact on mortality rates, but instead contributed to 17 million deaths globally!

Scientists Warn New ‘Neurological Emergency’ Spreading Among Covid-Vaxxed
ARTICLE: A group of prominent Italian scientists is raising the alarm after discovering a new “neurological emergency” that is emerging among those who have been “vaccinated” with Covid mRNA shots. The warning was issued by scientists at the University of Chieti-Pescara in Chieti, Italy.

Major Study Finds Surge in Alzheimer’s Caused by Covid Shots
ARTICLE: A major new peer-reviewed study has found that Covid mRNA shots are responsible for the surging numbers of people being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease and other neurological disorders.

Vaccines Caused 17 Million Deaths During Pandemic Plus 4 More Takeaways From Largest Excess Mortality Study to Date
ARTICLE: A years-long investigation by Canadian researchers into excess mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic found that patterns of excess death globally could not be explained by a pandemic respiratory virus. Here are the data and logic behind some of the key findings.

Major Study of 9 Million Confirms Covid Shots Cause VAIDS
ARTICLE: An explosive new study, which analyzed the data of nine million people, has sent shockwaves through the scientific community after proving that Covid mRNA shots are responsible for the global surge in cases of AIDS-like vaccine-acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (VAIDS).

Covid Shots Can Enlarge and Weaken the Heart
ARTICLE: While the association between Covid vaccination and myocarditis is well established, a recent case study documented how inflammatory dilated cardiomyopathy (another heart inflammation disorder) was induced by the Pfizer (BNT162b2) injection.

Excess Deaths During Covid Due to Public Health Response, Not Covid
ARTICLE: A 521-page study published Friday analyzed excess mortality in 125 countries during the Covid pandemic (2020-2023) and discovered that the majority of the death was caused by the government’s response of lockdowns and vaccination mandates, not the Covid virus.

Former CDC Chief Refield: Mandating Covid Shots “One of the Greatest Mistakes”
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Former Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Robert Redfield confirmed the dangers of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines in a U.S. Senate hearing Thursday, calling them “toxic” and saying they should never have been mandated.

Peer-Reviewed Research Shows Life Expectancy Drops 37% After Getting Covid Jabbed
ARTICLE: New research published in the journal Microorganisms reveals that one of the health consequences of getting “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) is a 37 percent loss of life expectancy.

Government Data Reveals Covid-Vaccinated Kids 4,423% More Likely to Die Than ‘Pureblood’ Kids
ARIICLE: Data compiled by the Office of National Statistics (ONS) in the U.K. had shown that children who received the Covid vaccine were 4,423 percent (over 44 times) more likely to die than children who did not get the shot.

Another Country's Data Shows That the Shots Increased Deaths
ARTICLE: A study analyzing excess mortality numbers in Germany found that death rates increased once the Covid vaccinations began being injected into people. Numbers like this have led many to refer to the Covid vaccines as 'lethal injections'.

Various Covid Shot Batches Result in Various Rates of Side Effects
ARTICLE/VIDEOS: A study published Thursday reaffirms the evidence that not all Covid shots are made equal, as some batches result in greater rates of serious adverse events (SAE) than others, confirming an earlier study on the topic.

74% of People Who Died After Covid Vaccination Were Killed by the Shot
ARTICLE: Peer reviewed study indicates if you got the shot and died It was probably the shot that killed you.

Covid Jab Particles Spread to Brain, Liver & Ovaries
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Docs Show Aussie Health Authority Knew THREE YEARS AGO. Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) knew early on during the Covid jab rollout that mRNA lipid nanoparticles spread to vital organs like the brain, liver and women’s ovaries, documents presented by a British researcher show.

Covid Vaccines Cause Blood Clots in Brain
ARTICLE: The Covid vaccines don't just clog up veins and arteries in the body with clots, they also form brain clots as well.

Bizarre & Unusual Skin Disorders are Developing After Covid Vaccination
ARTICLE: Every single day we learn about more serious injuries caused by the mRNA jabs and yet they are still being pused as safe and effective.

Nurses And EMTs Expose COVID Injection Holocaust
VIDEO: Nurses And EMTs Expose COVID Injection Holocaust. EMT Harry Fisher joins Alex Jones to take calls from nurses and discuss the experimental COVID jab depopulation weapon.

Acclaimed Doctors Warn Against RSV Vaccine for Pregnant Women
ARTICLE: Doctors in the medical freedom movement recently warned pregnant women not to get the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine after a study warned of the infection’s danger to unborn babies and even mulled the idea of an RSV vaccine recommendation for expecting mothers.

Doctors Shocked, Covid Vaccines Make People Retarded
ARTICLE/VIDEO: In a video interview filmed Saturday, Japanese Neuroscientist Dr. Hiroto Komano discussed a South Korean study that indicates the Covid vaccines effectively slow down or ‘retard’ the brain’s neurologic functions, leading to diseases clinically referred to as dementia, cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease.

Vaccine-Injured Pharmacist Breaks Down Into Tears Testifying Before Ohio State Senate
VIDEO: Mike Yoha suffered from Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), a severe neurological disease associated with paralysis, after being coerced into taking the COVID shot.

Rotavirus Vaccine in India Increases Risk of Deadly Bowel Disorder in Infants
ARTICLE: It's not just the Covid vaccine, regular childhood vaccines cause deadly side effects too. A peer-reviewed study, published Tuesday, has shown that infants given a Rotavirus vaccine which is used in India, Rotavac, had an increased onset of intussusception, a disorder where the intestine slides or telescopes into itself inhibiting the passage of stomach contents, potentially leading to death if left untreated by surgery.

New Study Confirms the Link Between Covid “Vaccines” and Tinnitus
ARTICLE: A new study has found that the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) injections cause tinnitus, a ringing noise in the ears, in many vaccinated individuals.

Dr. Mike Yeadon: ‘COVID Jabs Were Designed—Intentionally—to Harm, Maim & Kill, And Reduce Human Fertility’
VIDEO: The Covid jabs are intended to “harm, maim and kill people,” warned ex-Pfizer Vice President Dr. Michael Yeadon. The former Pfizer chief science officer called attention to the real agenda behind the experimental injections during a rally against the jabs.

Study Reveals Covid Vaccination Doubles Death Rate of Covid Patients
ARTICLE: Getting the shot doesn't protect you from getting Covid, but once you get it you're more likely to die.

Shocking Study Preprint Reveals Myocarditis and Pericarditis Only Appear AFTER Covid Jabs
ARTICLE: Myocarditis and pericarditis only occur after vaccination and not after COVID-19 infection, according to a recent preprint led by researchers at Oxford University, which compared health outcomes among COVID-vaccinated and unvaccinated children.

Ottawa Detective Suspended for Investigating Babies Who Died From SIDS After Mothers Took the Jab
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Chances are, if you’ve been keeping tabs on the COVID “coverup,: you’ve come across this story that began to unfold in 2022. There was a sudden spike in SIDS cases in Ottawa, Canada, where nine babies died shortly after their mothers received the vaccine.

New Study: 1,236% Increase in Deaths Following Covid Vaccination
ARTICLE: A study co-authored by Dr. Peter McCullough, published Monday, has found that there was a 1,236 percent increase in death in King County, Washington between 2020 and 2023. The county has a high rate of vaccination, as 98 percent of its residents received at least one Covid injection by 2023.

Medical Authorities Claim 90% of Population Suddenly Has Mysterious New Heart Syndrome
ARTICLE: Though technically in existence since 2011, CKM syndrome is a condition that is said to be worsening over time. More people are getting it these days than ever before which could point to COVID jabs as a major contributing factor.

99 Million Covid-Vaxxed Individuals Confirms Serious Side Effects
VIDEO: Biggest dataset yet offers insight into the horrific results of Covid vaccinatio. “This paper is an underestimate of the problem, in a number of ways it’s a deep underestimate,” he said, going on to list reasons why the study is an underestimate of the true harm from Covid vaccines.

Top Doctor Warns Covid Shot Causes Highest Kill Rate In History- Over 500 Million Killed!
VIDEO: Dr. James Thorp discusses the aftermath of the Covid vaccine. Dr. Thorp details how before the COVID jab rollout he routinely safely treated his pregnant patients with hydroxychloroquine. Once the deadly jab roll-out began Dr. Thorp was viciously attacked and fired! He also discusses how deeply corrupted the OBGYN ranks became through bribery and threats to facilitate the injection of these experimental and dangerous shots into pregnant women.

Covid Vaccine in the Pregnant Causes Brain Damage in the Offspring
ARTICLE: In a peer reviewed medical study published earlier this year in ‘Springer’ it has been revealed by researchers that rats given an mRNA Covid vaccination during pregnancy often give birth to offspring that are brain damaged, exhibiting autism-like behaviors as well as physical ineptitude.

CDC Found Evidence COVID-19 Vaccines Caused Deaths
ARTICLE: CDC officials found evidence that the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines caused multiple deaths before claiming that there was no evidence linking the vaccines to any deaths, The Epoch Times has learned.nternal documents contradict claims from the CDC, which refused to explain the discrepancy.

Dr. Mercola: Expect an ‘Avalanche’ of COVID-Shot Dementia
ARTICLE: Dr. Joseph Mercola, an expert on natural health remedies and avowed critic of the government-mandated COVID shots that were imposed on the American public during the pandemic, now is warning about the evidence of a link between those mRNA shots and dementia.

COVID-19 Jab Manufacturer AstraZeneca Admits For First Time Shot CAN Cause Blood Clotting
ARTICLE: AstraZeneca, for the first time, admitted its experimental COVID-19 shot can cause a potentially deadly side effect. The UK-based COVID-19 jab manufacturer acknowledged in legal documents submitted to the United Kingdom High Court that its shot “can, in very rare cases, cause TTS.”

Naomi Wolf Explains How Pfizer Knew Newborns & Fertility Adversely Effected By COVID Jabs
VIDEO: Naomi Wolf joined a panel of experts at the Wellness Company’s Spike Symposium last June to break down Pfizer’s attempts to cover up adverse effects of its experimental COVID mRNA vaccines on fertility and newborns.

Medical Whistleblower Says COVID Jabs Caused Patients to ‘Die So Horrifically, So Quickly’
ARTICLE/VIDEO: A hospital whistleblower who goes only by “Zoe” described the horrific side effects patients experienced after taking the experimental COVID mRNA vaccines in 2021 and 2022 and how doctors were inadequately prepared to handle them.

Tragic Warning: Woman Cares For Vaxx-Injured Father Who Called Her Conspiracy Theorist For Refusing Jab
VIDEO: A Canadian woman’s message is going viral online after she posted a video of her vaccine-injured father along with a chilling warning to others.

U.S. Has Recorded Over 1 Million Excess Deaths Among People Aged 65 And Older Since the Rollout of Covid-19 Vaccines
ARTICLE: According to the latest Centers for Disease Control (CDC) statistics on excess mortality, the United States has recorded over 1 million excess deaths among people ages 65 and older since the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccines.

CDC Finally Releases Hidden Covid “Vaccine” Injury Reports After Federal Judge Orders It To
ARTICLE: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has released previously hidden reports of facial paralysis and other adverse events following COVID-19 vaccination. The 780,000 reports were received shortly after the COVID-19 vaccines were rolled out, and show people experienced a wide range of post-vaccination problems, including heart inflammation, miscarriages, and seizures.

One Dose of Pfizer’s Covid “Vaccine” Contains Over 200 Billion DNA Fragments That Can Incorporate Into Human DNA, Causing Cancer
ARTICLE: Multiple laboratory studies now confirm that Pfizer’s COVID-19 mRNA vaccine is heavily contaminated with plasmid DNA. This DNA contamination has cancer implications for millions of people who were manipulated to take part in this biowarfare experiment.

Covid Vax Brain Disease
VIDEO: Neuroscientist Dr. Kevin McCairn explains that the mRNA technology used in the COVID jabs is causing the same 'frame shifting' that prior research indicates leads to harmful prion production. A paper as far back as 2013 warned of the known action of mRNA “frame-shifted” spike proteins in promoting conditions known as “prion diseases” – and that they are “transmissible.”

COVID mRNA Vaccine Injury: New Migraines Are a Dangerous Sign
ARTICLE: On Nov. 26, 2023, 24 year old healthcare worker Jayden’s life was turned upside down. She had been experiencing a migraine for days. On Nov. 27, a CT and MRI confirmed she had a brain tumor just a bit smaller than baseball in size.

Heart Scarring Detected Over 1 Year After COVID-19 Vaccination
ARTICLE: Heart scarring was detected more than one year after COVID-19 vaccination in some people who suffered myocarditis following receipt of a shot, researchers reported in new studies. A third of 60 patients with follow-up cardiac imaging done more than 12 months after their myocarditis diagnosis had persistent late gadolinium enhancement (LGE), which is, in the majority of cases, reflective of heart scarring

Researchers Warn of Blood Transfusions With “Vaccinated” Blood
ARTICLE: Japanese researchers have started to warn the public of getting blood transfusions from “vaccinated” blood. On Friday, the researchers published a pre-print paper that warned about the risks associated with using blood from COVID-19-vaccinated people for blood transfusions and are calling on medical professionals to be aware of these risks.

Geriatric Practice Reports That COVID Vaccines Increased Mortality by Nearly 5X
VIDEO: The COVID vaccines were supposed to reduce the risk of infection by 5X and reduce deaths from COVID by 10X. That’s what we were told by the CDC. if that is true, then how is it possible that nobody can give me the name of a medical practice anywhere in the world that actually experienced statistics that were anywhere close to that?

Tucker Eps. 81: Dr. Pierre Kory Exposes Post-Covid Jab Death Rate Hike, War On Vitamin D & Much More
ARTICLE: Dr. Pierre Kory, President of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC), joined Tucker Carlson for an interview released Wednesday that exposed the medical establishment’s atrocious Covid policies and lies about the mRNA “vaccines” pushed on the masses.

Study: mRNA COVID Shots Caused More Deaths Than They Saved
ARTICLE: A now-retracted narrative review published in the journal Cureus calls for a global moratorium on mRNA COVID-19 shots The review cited significant increases in serious adverse events among those who received the injections, along with an “unacceptably high harm-to-reward ratio." When factoring in absolute risk and the “number needed to vaccinate” (NNV), the review found “for every life saved, there were nearly 14 times more deaths caused by the modified mRNA injections.”

Unpublished Project Veritas Recording Reveals Pfizer Scientist Confirming the Risk of mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines
ARTICLE/VIDEO: These recordings captured internal discussions among Pfizer’s top vaccine researchers expressing grave concerns over the vaccines’ safety, efficacy, and the rush to market due to the pandemic emergency. According to Zero Hedge, the leaked footage includes an October 6, 2021 conversation with Kanwal Gill, a principal scientist at Pfizer, discussing the ethical implications of rolling out experimental booster injections.

Covid-19 “Vaccines” Can Impact Menstrual Cycle
ARTICLE: Researchers confirmed that COVID-19 vaccines are linked to changes in the menstrual cycle. Researchers found that women who received a COVID-19 shot in the first half of their menstrual cycle are more likely to receive cycle length changes than those who received the vaccine in the second half.

Top Scientists Warn 25% of Vaxxed Now Have VAIDS
ARTICLE: Top scientists at the world-renowned Cambridge University in England have published the results of a bombshell study into the impact of the injections on the human immune system. The study concluded that 25 percent of all people vaccinated with Covid mRNA shots now have Vaccine-Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (VAIDS).

Childhood “Vaccine” Schedule Led to the “Greatest Decline in Public Health in Human History”
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Public health agencies have refused to study or to publicly release data comparing the health outcomes of vaccinated and unvaccinated children, according to experts who spoke during Monday’s Senate roundtable discussion on “Federal Health Agencies and the COVID Cartel.”

Dissolving Illusions About Vaccine Safety - Interview with Susanne Humphries
ARTICLE/VIDEO: The vaccine industry intentionally deceives us about the risks and benefits of vaccines to make a profit, with complete disregard for human suffering and the destruction of public health over time.

Medical Staff Offers Assisted Suicide To Canadian Woman Paralyzed From COVID Shots
VIDEO: Kayla Pollock was one of millions coerced and deceived into getting the deadly COVID shots when they were mandated in 2021.

New Study Finds Hearing and Balance Disorders Among COVID Vaccinated
ARTICLE: “We are the first to confirm this increased relative incidence of tinnitus and vertigo post COVID-19 vaccines,” wrote the authors of a new peer-reviewed study.

Disturbing Truth About COVID “Vaccines” — Worse Than Ever
ARTICLE: Since the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines, a significant number of vaccinated people have reported various adverse reactions. Some adverse events are widely acknowledged, like blood clots and myocarditis. Others are less publicly discussed but are still present in the research literature.

Coroner Survey Reveals New Form Of Blood Clots Found In 50% Of The Dead
VIDEO: Thomas Haviland joins Alex Joins to give his expert analysis of the data behind new blood clots found in the bodies of the deceased.

Dr. Pierre Kory - Young People Are Dying at STAGGERING Rates!
VIDEO: Jimmy Dore interviews Dr. Pierre Kory about the disturbing recent rise in youth mortality in the United States that cannot be attributed to COVID.

Study on 99 Million Vaccinated People Reveals Increases in Neurological, Blood, and Heart Conditions
ARTICE: In a groundbreaking multinational study conducted by the Global Vaccine Data Network (GVDN), researchers have shed light on the safety of COVID-19 vaccines among a cohort of 99 million vaccinated individuals. The study, spanning multiple countries, aimed to evaluate adverse events of special interest (AESI) following COVID-19 vaccination, providing crucial insights into vaccine safety.

Evidence Supporting >100,000 Excess US Deaths From the COVID Vaccines in 3 Months
VIDEO: This is an interview with Fabian Spieker who is a data scientist in Germany who has looked at the US data and discovered that the COVID vaccines are associated with increased mortality, particularly one 3-month period where he believes over 100,000 excess deaths were caused by the shots.

Dr. Pierre Kory Drops Startling Revelation on Sudden Deaths
VIDEO: What he found was alarming: Obits that used the aforementioned terms “sudden” and “unexpected” almost doubled after the rollout of the so-called COVID-19 vaccines.

70% of Embalmers Report Finding Strange Blood Clots Beginning in Mid-2021
ARTICLE: In a recent survey of 269 embalmers across four major countries and three continents, more than 70% reported finding strange fibrous white blood clots in significant percentages of corpses in 2023 — clots they were not finding pre-pandemic.

IgG4 Study Shows mRNA Technology is the Culprit Behind Faulty Immune Response That Prolonged the Pandemic
ARTICLE: Findings confirm what we have discussed many times: the mRNA vaccines create a broken immune response, which fueled the pandemic and made it worse rather than better.

Unseen Crisis
VIDEO: With shockingly little data, questionable benefits and a high likelihood of adverse events, the continuing campaign for COVID-19 shots raises many red flags The documentary “The Unseen Crisis,” detailed by investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson, scratches the surface of the many lives ruined by COVID-19 shots

Can the mRNA Covid Jabs Change Your DNA — and Humanity Itself
VIDEO: Could foreign DNA enter your cells through the mRNA COVID vax and change your DNA — and humanity itself — forever? Sounds nutty. It's not. "Absolutely that could happen," says Dr. Joseph Ladapo, the surgeon general of Florida. A shocking conversation.

SHOT DEAD: The Movie They Don’t Want You to See
VIDEO: “Shot Dead The Movie,” tells the heartbreaking stories of children who died after receiving COVID-19 shots. Their parents are left behind to pick up the pieces, wondering how and why a shot they were assured was safe took the lives of their children, ranging in age from newborn to 18.

Number of Excess Deaths Among Young Americans in First 9 Months of 2023 Is 158K Higher Than the Same Period in 2019
ARTICLE/VIDEO: The number of unexpected or excess deaths in the first nine months of 2023 is about 158,000 higher than the same period in 2019 and has even surpassed the combined losses from every conflict since the Vietnam War.

Top Physicist PROVES Covid Shot Caused 17 Million Deaths Worldwide
VIDEO:Tucker Carlson Interview with Bret Weinstein Bret Weinstein discusses the truth about the so-called COVID Pandemic and the WHO’s plans for you in the future.

Study Finds Covid “Vaccination” Independently Associated With “Long Covid Syndrome”
ARTICLE: This study, in agreement with other published investigations, demonstrates that both natural and vaccine spike protein may still be present in long-COVID patients, thus supporting the existence of a possible mechanism that causes the persistence of spike protein in the human body for much longer than predicted by early studies.

“Vaccine” Side Effect? Swiss Health Insurer’s Data Shows 73% Increase in People Receiving Cancer Treatment Since 2020
ARTICLE: Data from major Swiss health insurance company Helsana showed that in 2021, there was a dramatic increase of 73 percent in the number of patients receiving cancer treatments compared to 2020. This trend persisted in 2022. Not surprisingly, it coincided with the rollout of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines in Switzerland, which began on December 2020.

Shocking Truth behind COVID Vaccines - 52.5k Brits Died Suddenly in 8 Months in 2022 due to Vaccination
ARTICLE: Official data reveals that from April 2022 through to December 2022, 407,910 deaths occurred, with 47,379 excess deaths against the 2015-2019 five-year average. As the investigation deepens, it has become increasingly clear that the Covid-19 vaccines are the most likely cause of the unprecedented loss of life in Britain.

Pathologist Arne Burkhardt Reveals the Grave Dangers of mRNA Vaccines
VIDEO: Autopsy findings show COVID vaccines led to several health complications, including autoimmune disease, blood clots, strokes, and more. Journalist Taylor Hudak interviewed pathologist Prof. Arne Burkhardt in his laboratory in Reutlingen, Germany, shortly before his death in May 2023.

Most Pfizer Covid Jab Deaths Occur Within First 10 Days Of Injection, Proving Causal Relationships Between Vaccines and Death
ARTICLE: Japanese researchers have determined that the vast majority of post-Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccination” deaths occur within the first 10 days following injection.

FDA VACCINE COVERUP EXPOSED! Court Allows FDA To Hide Vaccine Injury & Death Records
VIDEO: The more information that comes out, the more governments are willing to cover up vaccine data despite a constantly growing public outcry demanding answers.

Italian Health Minister Gave Orders To Conceal Vaccination Deaths – Now Under Investigation For Murder
VIDEO: They knew the shots were killing people from the start and gave orders to conceal deaths.

New Zealand Whistleblower Reveals Over 20% Who Took Pfizer Jab Died
ARTICLE/VIDEOS:"When I was looking at the data, which is part of my job, I noticed some discrepancies with the dates of death, people getting people dying within a week of being vaccinated,' says whistleblower."

Excess Deaths Among Children Continue to Soar Across Europe Following Push of Covid Jabs for Kids
ARTICLE: Up until the point when the European Medicines Agency (EMA) granted emergency use authorization (EUA) for the use of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccines” in children, excess deaths among children throughout Europe were negative, new data shows. Then, once the EUA was granted for the jabs to go into children, excess deaths among children started to soar.

Moderna Admitted in its' Patent that the Vax Caused Cancer!
VIDEO: Josh Sigurdson reports on the recent news of Moderna essentially admitting to the Covid “vaccine” causing cancer as Dr. Robert Malone reports the Moderna patent in front of Congress proving a massive coverup operation.

Buried Study: Nearly Two-Thirds of Covid-19 “Vaccine” Recipients Suffer From Health Complications a Year Later
ARTICLE/VIDEO: A recent study published in ScienceDirect revealed that nearly two-thirds of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine recipients suffer from health complications one year after getting vaccinated.

OB-GYN Drops Alarming Miscarriage Data Before Congress: “I’ve Never Seen This Before”
ARTICLE/VIDEOS: Dr. Kimberly Biss, an OB-GYN who has been involved in 8,000 pregnancies, details how miscarriage rates have doubled year-over-year since the introduction of the COVID-19 injections.

Feds Keep Hidden Books on Vaccine Injury Reports, Barely Follow Up
ARTICLE/VIDEOS: Federal public health agencies are reportedly withholding the most accurate and up-to-date reports of vaccine injury from the public, allegedly to protect privacy. Patients don't necessarily see it that way, and it's not clear the feds told Congress.

Sudden Deaths Twice as High Among Vaccinated in Pfizer Trial
ARTICLE: Sudden deaths were twice as high in the vaccine group of the original Pfizer clinical trial than in the placebo group, researchers have found, reigniting concerns about the safety of the novel mRNA drug. The worrying finding comes from new analysis of the data from the original randomised controlled trial (RCT) of the vaccine which were released as part of legal action in Texas.

15-Month-Old Girl Dies from Organ Failure and Cardiac Arrest Two Days After Receiving Three Vaccines During Routine Visit
ARTICLE: In a heart-wrenching incident, Melody Rain Palombi-Malmgren, a 15-month-old girl, tragically passed away two days after receiving routine vaccinations.

Landmark Lawsuit Against Doctors and Nurses for Battery and Medical Murder is Going to Trial
ARTICLE: "After an unauthorized DNR was placed on record, Grace was injected with morphine, Ativan, and Precedex without her or her power of attorney’s knowledge or consent. These actions killed her."

Poll: 24 Percent Say They Know Someone Who Died From the COVID Jab
ARTICLE: Nearly a quarter of Americans say that they know someone who died from COVID-19 injection side effects, according to a Rasmussen Reports poll released on Thursday. More men (51 percent) than women (44 percent) said someone they know personally died from side effects of the COVID shots.

Excess Deaths Take Center Stage in First-Ever UK Parliament Debate on the Silent Health Crisis
VIDEO: The issue of “saving lives” has suddenly taken a back seat in the post-COVID world. In the midst of the pandemic, daily death tolls became a familiar feature in media reports, particularly by outlets like the BBC. Yet, the same media outlets have been conspicuously silent about a recent surge in excess deaths — especially after the rollout of the so-called COVID-19 vaccines.

1400 Athletes Have Died Since End of 2020
ARTICLE: Since late 2020, a staggering 1,400 athletes have died after suffering sudden serious health issues. Those 1,400 sudden deaths were among the 2,003 athletes who were reported to have suffered major unexpected health issues. The number of deaths among athletes has continued to rise this year.

Oncologist: Late-Stage Cancers Are Devastating Students After College Vaccine Mandates
ARTICLE: TURBO CANCER Ages 18-24: College & University COVID-19 vaccine mandated students are now developing Stage 4 cancers - 72 cases (in 2023): Lymphoma, leukemia, brain, testicular, sarcoma, breast, colon.

Tragedy: 8-Year-Old Featured in COVID Propaganda Video Dies After Cardiac Arrest
ARTICLE/VIDEOS: An Israeli child has died three years after appearing with his father, who is a pediatrician, in a government film informing children that they have no choice about whether to take the COVID vaccine when it becomes available.

Psychosis, Panic Attacks, Hallucinations: Bizarre Psychiatric Cases Among the COVID Vaccinated
ARTICLE: Beginning in late 2020 with the COVID vaccine rollout, some doctors have seen an increase in unusual psychiatric illnesses. Psychiatrist Dr. Amanda McDonald noticed a wave of psychiatric destabilization among her stable patients. They experienced flare-ups, often manifesting with worsened or new psychiatric symptoms.

Emerald Robinson and Dr. Peter McCullough: mRNA Jabs Are Deadly and the Evidence Is Overwhelming
VIDEO: Every institution we thought had integrity has been corrupted. The institution that hands out Nobel Prizes is no exception. Their latest atrocity saw them handing out a Nobel Prize to scientists behind the deadly mRNA vaccines legitimizing and celebrating one of the greatest crimes against humanity the world has ever seen!

Study Finds COVID Vaccines Damage ALL Hearts!
ARTICLE: A new scientific study by Nakahara et al. tested COVID-vaccinated people to see if they have “silent” changes in heart muscle function that standard radiology tests could detect. The study shows very unsettling results.

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi - WHO, mRNA, and YOU: How the Big Pharma and NGO-Driven Agenda Is Our Genocide
VIDEO: This is a clip of a speech given by Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi where he exposes the fact that ALL mRNA vaccines being pushed by globalist organizations like the WHO are dangerous and are going to threaten life. He states that "Every injected mRNA vaccine will cause severe damage in our body and must be forbidden."

Study Finds Causal Link Between COVID Vaccines and Mortality, Confirming 17 Million Died After Vaxx Rollout!
ARTICLE: A new report has estimated that COVID-19 vaccines averaged one death for every 800 injections. The researchers estimated that around 17 million people died following the rollout of the vaccine, and with 13.5 billion injections provided during the study period.

Embalmer Reveals 50% of Bodies Containing “White, Fibrous” Clots Since April/May 2021
VIDEO: The Gateway Pundit reported on these anomalous “white fibrous clots” back in September 2022 but in this interview, we get into some of the details of what Hirschman has seen, the astronomical numbers he’s seeing these issues in, and much more!

New-Found Emails Prove Biden White House Hid COVID Vaccine Harms from the Public
ARTICLE/VIDEO: The question of our time is, how could this happen? How could these catastrophic crimes against humanity perpetrated by these injections be allowed to occur? “It can’t happen unless the boss says it has to or that it can,” declared Dr. Naomi Wolf on Steve Bannon’s War Room.

Myocarditis and COVID-19 Vaccines: How the CDC Missed a Safety Signal and Hid a Warning
ARTICLE: COVID-19 vaccines cause heart inflammation, U.S. authorities now acknowledge. But after being warned in early 2021 about a "large number" of cases among healthy, young people in Israel after COVID-19 vaccination, authorities did not immediately alert the public while also failing to detect a safety signal that was present in the United States, an Epoch Times investigation has found.

The COVID Clots: A Full Measure Town Hall
VIDEO: Full Measure host Sharyl Attkisson is joined by a panel of experts to discuss emerging research and treatments related to COVID-19 and COVID-19 vaccines.

COVID Deaths Caused by Infections From Ventilators Pushed by Feds and New York
ARTICLE: Would help explain Big Apple's inexplicable spike in COVID mortality early on. Anthony Fauci belatedly admitted ventilator strategy "might've actually caused more harm than good."

COVID ‘Vaccines’ Linked to Untreatable Eyeball Clots, Study Reveals
ARTICLE: "The overall risk of retinal vascular occlusion in the vaccinated cohort was 2.19 times higher than that in the unvaccinated cohort at 2 years," study observes.

Thermographic Imaging Shows Massive Blood Clots in the Asymptomatic Vaxxed
VIDEO: Thermography, or thermal imaging, can detect abnormal internal body temperatures. Allowing it to highlight areas of inflammation and poor blood circulation. It is the most effective non-invasive way of detecting DVT. Deep Vein Thrombosis. Otherwise known as Blood Clots.

An Anthem For Justice - Mistakes Were NOT Made
VIDEO: This is a powerful poem chronicling the last three years of tyrannical COVID measures and vaccine mandates has gone viral. Infowars’ Darrin McBreen took the original video and created an epic video montage of “Mistakes Were NOT Made: An Anthem for Justice,” a poem by Margaret Anna Alice, read by UK-based medical doctor Dr. Tess Lawrie.

UK: ONS Whistleblower Reveals Massive Spike in Excess Deaths Since 'Vaccine' Rollout, More Than 1000 a Week
Nigel Farage interviewed a former European Parliament MEP and a senior member of the UK Office for National Statistics, James Wells, on the massive spike in excess deaths since the rollout of the experimental Covid “vaccine.”

Harvard Med Research on mRNA Vax Spike Protein Undermines Fact-Checkers, COVID Censorship
VIDEO: Cancer rates have increased since the introduction of the COVID shots and is now one of the top three leading causes of premature death among younger adults — a trend that in turn is driving down U.S. life expectancy

Sudden Death: The No. 1 Cause of Death for Under 65s in 2021
ARTICLE: Evidence showing the COVID shots are a public health disaster keeps mounting.

Confirmed: Covid Boosters Trigger Metastasis
ARTICLE: Cancer rates have increased since the introduction of the COVID shots and is now one of the top three leading causes of premature death among younger adults — a trend that in turn is driving down U.S. life expectancy

Did You Think mRNA Vaccines Were the Only Ones to Accumulate in Organs? THINK AGAIN!
ARTICLE: After approximately eight months of the MHRA threatening to deny ICAN’s requests, they finally released 166 pages of records yesterday.

The Highwire's Lab Investigation of Covid Vaccines
VIDEO: Del Bigtree recently visited the laboratory of Pathologist, Dr. Ryan Cole, to get a first-hand look under microscopes to find out what is true, and what is not, about Covid-19 vaccines, along with unusual samples from postmortem vaccinated patients. Then, Del tests his own blood on each one of the Covid Vaccines.

German Data Analyst Reveals Data from Health Insurance Shows 4 Times Increase in Sudden Deaths Following COVID Vaccine Rollouts
ARTICLE: German data analyst Tom Lausen held a conference on Monday in the Bundestag to discuss the massive rise in people who died “suddenly and unexpectedly” after the Covid vaccine rollout.

Doctors and Victims Detail Massive Death & Adverse Reactions From COVID Vaccines
VIDEO: Congressional testimony from experts across the medical field reveals a litany of deadly side effects of the experimental COVID injection.

Internationally Renowned Cardiologist Turns Anti-Covid 'Vaccine' After it Kills His Father
VIDEO: You have a higher risk of heart attack from two doses of the vaccine than if you decided to start smoking 40 cigarettes a day, stop exercising and gorge yourself daily on junk food.

Nurse Whistleblower: Preborn Baby Deaths Have SKYROCKETED Since Pregnant Women Started Being Forced to Get Covid Jabs
ARTICLE/VIDEO: A nurse whistleblower warned that fetal deaths dramatically increased after the rollout of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines for pregnant mothers.

How Many Studies Will it Take to Convince Your Vaxx-Loving Friends and Family the Jabs Cause Myocarditis?
ARTICLE: Yet another study has revealed people who receive a COVID-19 shot are at an increased risk of myocarditis, or inflammation of the heart muscle.1 With symptoms similar to a heart attack, including chest pain, shortness of breath, abnormal heartbeat and fatigue,2 myocarditis isn’t something that young, healthy adults typically experience.

Secret CDC Report Reveals at Least 1.1 Million Americans Have ‘Died Suddenly’ Since the COVID Vaccine Roll-Out
ARTICLE: And another Government Report proves the COVID Vaccines are to blame. The Covid-19 injections were meant to reduce the sudden surge of deaths the USA recorded in 2020 due to the alleged Covid-19 pandemic. But unfortunately, the official figures prove that the opposite has happened.

Died Suddenly
VIDEO: A Federal judge said FDA tweets disparaging ivermectin "bother" him, lacking "qualifier statements" about human use. Commissioner razzed by doctors for claiming bivalents, oral antivirals have "distinct possibility" of reducing long COVID risk. The FDA's Twitter habits are getting scrutiny in court and from medical professionals as the feds seesaw between walking back their once-confident COVID-19 assertions and making sweeping new claims without providing evidence.

The Covid Jabs’ Mechanisms of Injury
VIDEO:TIn this interview, return guest Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D., a senior research scientist at MIT for over five decades,1 discusses her paper,2 “Innate Immune Suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccinations: The Role of G-quadruplexes, Exosomes and MicroRNAs,” published in the June 2022 issue of Food and Chemical Toxicology.

Vaccine Disaster: Myopericarditis Rates off the Charts – 23,300 Suspected Cases Per Million!
VIDEO: When Pfizer and Moderna went for full FDA approval, they received from the FDA a Biological Licensing Agreement (BLA) letter, essentially stating, “You must study myocarditis with your vaccines.”

mRNA Vaccines Injure the Heart of ALL Vaccine Recipients and Cause Myocarditis in Up to 1 in 27, Study Finds
ARTICLE/VIDEO: New evidence has emerged that the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are routinely injuring the heart of all vaccine recipients, raising further questions about their safety and their role in the recent elevated levels of heart-related deaths.

Vaxx Injury and Death Compilation
VIDEO: This video compilation exposes the massive coverup that is underway regarding the death and destruction to people's lives caused by the dangerous and deadly mRNA jabs.

It’s Not Just the mRNA Vaccines, New Study Shows Pfizer’s Paxlovid Pill Can Cause Deadly Blood Clots
ARTICLE: A new study warned that Pfizer’s Paxlovid COVID-19 pill can have harmful interactions with common medications used to treat cardiovascular disease, as what the Gateway Pundit reported in 2021.

Comprehensive Study: “Irrefutable Proof” That mRNA “Vaccines” Cause MAJOR Vascular and Organ Damage
ARTICLE: A pediatric cardiologist says that it’s now clear from all of the available evidence that the spike proteins the COVID-19 vaccines tell the body to make are toxic to the heart, and that myocarditis in young people is not as rare as the CDC and FDA have led Americans to believe.

Cardiologist: Spike Proteins Generated by COVID-19 Vaccines Are ‘Toxic’ to the Heart
ARTICLE: The Great Awakening is the third installment of the Plandemic series. This documentary experience assembles forbidden puzzle pieces to reveal the big picture of what’s really happening in America and beyond. The Great Awakening is intended to be a lighthouse to guide us out of the storm and into a brighter future.

“Ethically Unjustifiable” – Scientists from Harvard & Johns Hopkins Found Covid-19 Vaccines 98 Times Worse Than the Virus
ARTICLE: A new pre-print study by nine health experts from major universities showed that the COVID-19 vaccines are 98 times worse than the virus, and mandatory booster vaccination in college is “ethically unjustifiable,”

Newly-Obtained Moderna Documents Show mRNA COVID Vaccines Cause ‘Skeletal Malformation’
ARTICLE: Rats that were injected with Moderna’s experimental mRNA editing COVID vaccines developed rib malformations, according to documents newly obtained internal documents from the pharmaceutical giant via a Freedom of Information Act request by Judicial Watch.

Self-Assembling “Vaccine” Clot Biostructures Harvest Conductive Metals From Your Blood
VIDEO: An exploration of early data from new laboratory test results that analyze the elemental composition of the post-vaccine clots that are being pulled out of the bodies of the dead showing the post-vaccine clots are not made of blood.

65,615 Deaths Now Reported in Europe and the USA Following COVID-19 Vaccines
ARTICLE: Corporate Media Refuses to Publish this Data. Here at the beginning of March, 2022, official government health statistics in Europe and the United States are reporting that 65,615 people have now died following COVID-19 injections.

12-Year-Old Suffers Painful Blisters All Over Body Following 1st Moderna Dose – Doctors Still Urge 2nd Dose
ARTICLE: A 12-year-old Australian boy suffered a severe adverse reaction to his first Moderna Covid jab that led to painful blisters throughout his entire body. Despite this, doctors said the boy should still get a second experimental vaccine dose.

'Worst Experience of My Life’: Early Vaccine Adopters Suffer Injuries, Struggle to Get Proper Care
ARTICLE: Early adopters thought getting vaccinated would contribute to ending the COVID-19 pandemic. Many had family members who, due to underlying medical conditions or age, were among the most vulnerable to COVID-19. Some were high-risk themselves.

Large British Study Finds Risk of Myocarditis Doubles After Each mRNA Jab
ARTICLE: A study coming out of Britain showed an alarming increase in the risk for myocarditis, which is inflammation in the heart, after every mRNA jab, particularly in males under 40. The study was published last month, and it analyzed data from over 42 million people 13 and older who have taken a COVID-19 shot. It was conducted by various researchers from institutions at the University of Oxford, University of Leicester, University of Edinburgh, King’s College London and University of Nottingham.

Massive 145-Country Study Shows Sharp INCREASE of Transmission and DEATH After Introduction of COVID Vaccines
ARTICLE: Instead of bringing an end to this pandemic as promised, the widespread rollout of the experimental vaccines has actually caused a sharp increase in Covid-19 cases and deaths across the world, according to a recently published preprint study that looked at data from the 145 of the most vaccinated countries in the world.

Nurses Speak Out About Vaccine Injuries and Corruption
VIDEO: Of course, we all know "these are not vaccines" but these dangerous experimental jabs are fraudulently being called vaccines, and they are doing tremendous damage. In this video, two nurses speak out about what's really going on.

Nearly 75% of UK Covid Deaths Were Vaxxed, Govt Data Shows
ARTICLE: Shots don’t protect from infection or transmission and has horrible side effects.The vaccinated population in the UK account for nearly 75% of alleged Covid-19 deaths, according to the UK Health Security Agency.

Irrefutable Evidence the COVID-19 Vaccines Are Killing People
VIDEO: The vaccine was implicated in 93% of the deaths in the patients they examined. What's troubling is the coroner didn't implicate the vaccine in any of those deaths.

Undertaker Reports Coroners and Health Authorities Are Covering Up A Spike In Blood Clot Death
VIDEO: An undertaker exposes how coroners and health authorities are covering up a sudden spike in blood clot deaths and how this connects with the vaccine.

At Least 69 Athletes Collapse In One Month - Many DEAD
ARTICLE: The reports of athletes who suddenly collapse have been increasing noticeably lately. Heart problems such as heart inflammation are often the cause – one of the known life-threatening side effects of Covid vaccines, which even the manufacturers themselves warn against.

European Medicines Agency Data Shows 1,163,356 Adverse Drug Reactions and 30,551 Fatalities by COVID-19 Vaccinations
ARTICLE: The official European Union database of suspected drug reaction website is now reporting 30,551 fatalities and 1,163,356 from COVID vaccines Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson, and AztraZeneca through November 13, 2021 based on the data submitted to its system

Dr. Shankara Chetty: The mRNA Spike Protein is an Engineered POISON!
VIDEO: South African Physician Dr. Shankara Chetty Talks about "The Bigger Plan". "This plan is to make sure that we can control and kill off a large proportion of our population without anyone suspecting that we were poisoned and so I think the justification for everything we see is warranted in understanding the endgame."

Microbiologist Dr. Suchartit Bhakdi - "They Are Killing People With COVID Vaccines!"
VIDEO: The New American magazine’s Senior Editor Alex Newman, world-renown German-Thai-American microbiologist Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi warns that the COVID hysteria is based on lies and that the COVID “vaccines” are set to cause a global catastrophe and a decimation of the human population.

FDA Documents Show Pfizer Secretly Added Heart Attack Drug to Children’s COVID Vaccines
ARTICLE: A newly released document shows that drug giant Pfizer added a secret heart attack drug to the children’s version of its Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine.

Pfizer Shot ATTACKS Human Blood Cells Removes Oxygen and Causes Instant Clotting Under Microscope
VIDEO: Watch the presentation and be sure to share it with others to help hold big pharma accountable for the damage they have done to hundreds of thousands of people worldwide.

Vaxx Murder Victim Sends Warning in Obituary: 'Don't Get Vaccinated Unless You're Ready to Suffer and Die'
ARTICLE: A 56-year-old engineer from California, Mike Granata, initially did not want to get the experimental mRNA injection. He was terrified that he would die. But, at the insistence of his doctor, he finally was jabbed.

Dr. Peter McCullough - Vaccine Injuries and Death - STOP IT NOW!
VIDEO: It’s about COVID-19 injections and, to sum it up in a sentence, “It’s not working and it’s causing tremendous damage.”


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Bombshell House Report on the Covid Scamdemic Gets Released, Proves All the “Conspiracy Theorists” Right
ARTICLE: The large final report looks to be the final road map for Congress, the Executive Branch, and the private sector to prepare for and respond to future pandemics.

Global Study: Most ‘Covid Deaths’ Were Caused by ‘Vaccines,’ Lockdowns, Hospitals
ARTICLE: A major global study has concluded that most deaths recorded during and after the Covid pandemic were caused by mRNA “vaccines,” hospital protocols, and lockdowns and not by the virus itself.

Vaccines Caused 17 Million Deaths During Pandemic Plus 4 More Takeaways From Largest Excess Mortality Study to Date
ARTICLE: A years-long investigation by Canadian researchers into excess mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic found that patterns of excess death globally could not be explained by a pandemic respiratory virus. Here are the data and logic behind some of the key findings.

Dr. Scott Atlas on Why We Were Forced to Jab & Mask
VIDEO: In 2020, Dr. Scott Atlas was an advisor to the president and a member of the White House COVID-19 Task Force. He was shocked to see how powerful figures in Washington, including Dr. Fauci, were incentivized to politicize and monetize the response to the pandemic.

New Report Details The ‘Catastrophic Errors’ Made by Health Authorities During COVID-19
ARTICLE: “Lockdowns, school closures, and other mandates were catastrophic errors, pushed with remarkable fervor by public health authorities at all levels,” concludes a report on the government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.


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Fauci’s Former NIH Boss Finally Admits COVID Lockdown Was ‘Another Mistake We Made’
VIDEO: During the recently unearthed interview, interviewer Wilk Wilkinson bemoaned the fact that too few open discussions took place about the pandemic and the lockdown policy. Collins said putting public health bureaucrats in charge meant that a one-dimensional policy would ensue.

COVIDLAND Episode 1 - The Lockdown
VIDEO: The first installment of this epic mini-series COVIDLAND - The Lockdown is finally here! ‘COVIDLAND’ is a riveting and fast-paced movie made by award-winning filmmaker Paul Wittenberger and narrated by Alex Jones that’s designed to break people out of their trance, see the big picture, and take our world back!

Major Oxford-Backed Study Reveals Strict Covid Lockdowns NO MORE EFFECTIVE Than Sweden’s Open-Economy Approach During Pandemic
ARTICLE: A major study backed by Oxford University has suggested that strict COVID lockdowns were no more effective at reducing infections than the Swedish-style softer approach, which allowed more personal freedom and recommended rather than mandated behaviors aimed at reducing the transmission of the virus.

America’s Draconian Covid Lockdowns Were About Following Communist China, Not The Science
ARTICLE: Public health schemes adopted in the U.S. to ‘flatten the curve’ were shaped by a WHO-backed, CCP-driven agenda, not scientific evidence.

Johns Hopkins Study: Lockdowns Did Not Reduce COVID Deaths But Had ‘Devastating Effects’ On Society
ARTICLE: The unprecedented draconian COVID lockdowns had “little to no effect” on curbing coronavirus deaths, but they did leave a “devastating” impact on society, according to a Johns Hopkins University study.

More Than 400 Studies on the Failure of Compulsory Covid Interventions
ARTICLE: The great body of evidence (comparative research studies and high-quality pieces of evidence and reporting judged to be relevant to this analysis) shows that COVID-19 lockdowns, shelter-in-place policies, masks, school closures, and mask mandates have failed in their purpose of curbing transmission or reducing deaths. These restrictive policies were ineffective and devastating failures, causing immense harm especially to the poorer and vulnerable within societies.

Infectious Diseases – Dispelling The Myths
ARTICLE: Lockdowns and hygienic measures around the world are based on numbers of cases and mortality rates created by the so-called SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR tests used to identify “positive” patients. But looking closely at the facts, the conclusion is that these PCR tests are meaningless as a diagnostic tool to determine an alleged infection by a supposedly new virus called SARS-CoV-2.

ZERO COVID DEATHS: Sweden’s Anti-lockdown Strategy Has Worked
ARTICLE: Sweden isn’t in the news much right now, for both good and bad reasons. The good reason is that unlike in France, where massive protests and rioting inspired by new anti-coronavirus lockdown measures have made headlines, the Nordic country is peaceful.

Professor Lockdown’ Modeler Neil Ferguson Resigns in Disgrace
ARTICLE: The Real Scandal Is Why Did Anyone Even Listen to This IDIOT? Neil Ferguson is the British academic who created the infamous Imperial College model that warned Boris Johnson that, without an immediate lockdown, the coronavirus would cause 500,000 deaths and swamp the National Health Service.

With No Lockdown or Mask Mandates Florida Has Roughly Same Hospitalization Level As 2018 Flu Season
ARTICLE: We are being told that our liberties must be suspended in order to keep hospitals from reaching apocalyptic levels. But what if those levels are just above normal and not anywhere near apocalyptic levels? And what if these lockdown measures do nothing to keep the levels down anyway?

Guess Where Professor Lockdown - Crackpot Neil Ferguson - Got His Ideas … China’s Police State
ARTICLE: Ferguson spoke of SAGE’s growing admiration for China’s tyrannical attempts to contain Covid

James Corbett - What No One Is Saying About The Lockdowns!
VIDEO: James Corbett of the Corbett Report produces yet another outstanding video TO WAKE PEOPLE UP!! If you are advocating for lockdowns, you are complicit in tearing families apart. You are complicit in inflicting untold suffering on millions of people around the world. You are complicit in casting the poorest and most vulnerable in our societies into even further grinding poverty. You are complicit in murder.

Dr. Roger Hodkinson Declares COVID-19 the Greatest Hoax Ever Perpetrated!
VIDEO: “The bottom line is this,” he addressed the group. “There is utterly unfounded public hysteria driven by the media and politicians. It’s outrageous. This is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public.”

Court Rules California Governor Gavin Newsom Violated Constitution With Pandemic Orders
ARTICLE: Sutter County Superior Court Judge Sarah Heckman issued a preliminary order that stated that Newsom has supplanted the fundamental doctrine of the Separation of Powers.

New CDC Numbers Show Lockdown’s Deadly Toll On Young People
ARTICLE/VIDEO: The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) revealed Wednesday that young adults aged 25-44 years saw the largest increase in “excess” deaths from previous years, a stunning 26.5% jump. The notable increase even surpassed the jump in excess deaths of older Americans, who are at much higher risk of COVID-19 fatality. Moreover, according to the CDC, 100,947 excess deaths were not linked to COVID-19 at all.

The Fact-Free COVID Dystopia - Thomas E. Woods. Jr.
VIDEO: When it comes to Covid-19, bureaucrats and politicians keep moving the goalposts, changing the rules, and engaging in bait-and-switch tactics, so they can maintain the "new normal" dictatorship. Those who object, we're told, "just want people to die." It's now becoming clear that "you can't have your life back in some states unless you take it back."

Dr. Scott Atlas and the Efficacy of Lockdowns, Social Distancing, and Closings
VIDEO: Dr. Scott Atlas is the Robert Wesson Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, an accomplished physician, and a scholar of public health. For several weeks, Dr. Atlas has been making the case in print and in other media that we as a society have overreacted in imposing draconian restrictions on movement, gatherings, schools, sports, and other activities.

Michigan Supreme Court Negates Gretchen Whitmer’s Lockdown Powers
ARTICLE: For months, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer has invoked an obscure WWII-era law as the basis for her power to keep the state locked down without consent from the legislation. The Michigan Supreme Court struck down that power today, forcing the Governor to now go to the state legislature if she intends to enforce her current lockdown.

Sweden Shows Lockdowns Were Unnecessary
ARTICLE: When all this is over, we may well find that the biggest international variable isn’t the number of preventable deaths. It is the damage to the living.

ARTICLE: Federal Judge Rules Gov. Tom Wolf, Dr. Rachel Levine’s Shutdown Orders Unconstitutional

The Evidence Keeps Piling Up That Lockdowns Don’t Work
ARTICLE: The toll lockdowns have taken on human life and human rights has been incalculable. Increases in child abuse, suicide, and even heart attacks, all appear to be a feature of mandatory stay-at-home orders issued by politicians who now rule by decree without any legislative or democratic due process.

Sweden Close To Victory Over Coronavirus; Never Had A Lockdown Or Mask Mandate
ARTICLE: As the rest of Europe and the world remains under the grip of draconian rules and the threat of new lockdowns, Sweden, which allowed its citizens to remain free throughout the entire pandemic, has pretty much declared victory over the coronavirus.

“If We Knew Then What We Know Now…” There Would Have Been No Lockdowns
ARTICLE: We HAVE TO Stop the Momentum of REALLY BAD DECISIONS NOW! This ought to be the theme set by President Trump in his renewed Covid-19 briefings, and the completion of the sentence is: “we would not have ordered a shutdown—and that is why we can now lift all remaining lockdowns and covid-related restrictions throughout this country.”

Literally Thousands of Doctors and Scientists Have Come Out Against Fauci’s Lockdowns
ARTICLE: You don’t hear their perspectives on CNN, countless scientists and doctors have tried to warn us not only that COVID-19 isn’t nearly as deadly as we’ve been led to believe; they’re also certain that the real threat to public health we’re facing is from the lockdowns.

Journalist Lays Absolute Waste to CA Officials for Excessive Lockdowns
VIDEO: THIS is a smackdown. Some humor thrown in.

Worldwide Population Being Tortured In Deep State Psyop
VIDEO: The response by governments around the world to COVID-19 eerily mirrors the Amnesty International torture report, where populations are being systematically isolated, deprived of basic life necessities, inflicted by emotional pain, and psychologically weakened.

Tucker - Corrupt Politicians Scared Us Into Giving Up Control Over Our Own Lives
VIDEO: Corrupt politicians scared us into giving up control over our own lives.

Tucker: Are coronavirus lockdowns working?
VIDEO: Many politicians couldn’t seem less interested in asking this question . . .

Shutdown Orders Cause Starvation of Millions
VIDEO: The number of lives that will be lost due to starvation and malnutrition will be of biblical proportions. Most of the lives lost will be ‘black’ and ‘brown’ lives yet the Democrats remain silent. In fact, most Democrat politicians have been in favor of continuing the strict Stay-At-Home orders that are causing this disaster.

Liz Wheeler on OAN: 68 Days into a 15 Day Lockdown…
VIDEO: Liz Wheeler on One America News Network: ‘We are Now 68 Days into a 15-Day Lockdown Because Politicians Lie’

Lethal Lockdowns: The WHO-CDC Global Genocide
ARTICLE: The COVID “cure” will prove to be far more deadly than the much-hyped, much-feared coronaviru. “How do I kill thee? Let me count the ways.” Well, let’s see. “We can expect more global deaths due to secondary impacts of COVID-19 than the virus itself,” says Ian Bradbury, CEO of the Canada-based humanitarian organization 1st NAEF. Bradbury notes that the World Food Program “currently estimates that 265 million will be on the brink of starvation by the end of the year.”

Global Lockdowns Set to Plunge 100 Million Into Extreme Poverty
ARTICLE: The impact of the global coronavirus lockdown is set to plunge 100 million people into extreme poverty, warns a new report by the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting.

GDP Shrinks Record 32.9 Percent In Second Quarter Amid Virus Lockdowns
ARTICLE: The staggering decline in GDP growth was widely expected by economists after the onset of the coronavirus pandemic forced millions of Americans into quarantine and out of work. More than 20 million Americans lost their jobs in March and April as thousands of businesses were forced to close and lay off their workers.

Sweden Is Right. the Economy Should be Left Open
ARTICLE: Sometimes, the best thing to do, is to do nothing at all. Take Sweden, for example, where the government decided not to shut down the economy, but to take a more thoughtful and balanced approach.

The Case Against Lockdowns
VIDEO: Yet another doctor clarrifies the"REALITY" that current lockdown policies are totally irrational and harmful.

CA Doctor Lockdown is About Control, Doctors Pressured to Put COV-19 on Death Certificates
VIDEO: Dr. Dan Erickson of Bakersfield, CA, an ER physician, just dropped multiple bombshells that are diametrically opposed to Dr. Anthony Fauci’s guidance. He emphatically stated we no longer need to stay at home or shutter businesses. He believes COV-19 is no more dangerous than the flu. Quarantining is a health hazard in of itself.

Nobel Prize-winning scientist Says COVID-19 Data Showing Strict Lockdowns Were An Overreaction
VIDEO: ...the damage done by lockdown will exceed any saving of lives by a huge factor'

YouTube Censors Epidemiologist Knut Wittkowski for Opposing Lockdown
VIDEO: Big Tech companies are aggressively tamping down on COVID-19 “misinformation” — opinions and ideas contrary to official pronouncements.

Shelter in Place is Weakening the Immune Systems of Everyone Who Complies
VIDEO: Long periods of isolation causing negative physical and mental effects on society.


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IT WAS ALL A LIE: Former NIH Director Admits There Was No Evidence For ‘Social Distancing’ During COVID Pandemic
ARTICLE: During the COVID-19 pandemic, one could not go five minutes without hearing the phrase “social distancing.” The theory, according to the country’s leading scientific “experts,” was that by keeping a distance of six feet from one another, one could successfully protect the vulnerable from the COVID virus and save millions of lives. Now it turns out it was all a lie.

Fauci Admits Social Distancing Has No Basis; Wuhan Lab-leak Hypothesis Is Not Conspiracy Theory
ARTICLE: The said admission came nearly four years after prompting the publication of the now infamous "Proximal Origin" that attempted to vilify and disprove the lab leak hypothesis. Furthermore, the "six-feet-apart" social distancing recommendation promoted by federal health officials "sort of just appeared" and was likely not based on scientific data.

Study Finds Higher Incidence of COVID-19 Found Among Consistent Mask-Wearers
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Some mask wearers were found to have up to 40 percent higher incidence of infection, contradicting earlier studies and opposing the narrative of mask mandates.

The Science Is Settled; Slave Masks Were Poisoning Us
VIDEO: Dr. Peterson Pierre, MD from Americas Frontline Doctors provides an update of the current SCIENTIFIC STUDIES that prove the Slave masks imposed on most everyone no only were worthless, THEY WERE POISONING US!

Long Covid Could be Mask Induced Exhaustion Syndrome (MIES)
ARTICLE: The U.K. Daily Mail reports that researchers from St George’s Hospital found absolutely no “statistically significant change” in the hospital-acquired COVID infection rate between the period of time when a mask mandate was in place vs. when it was relaxed.

No Evidence Face Masks Protected Vulnerable From Covid, Health Officials Admit
ARTICLE: There is not enough evidence to suggest medical-grade face masks protect vulnerable people from Covid, health officials have admitted.

Definitive Mask Study Imploding Gates-Funded Cochrane Collaboration in Latest Debacle
VIDEO: A 2023 study published in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews found wearing masks “makes little or no difference” in COVID-19 transmission

The Ongoing Covid Deceptions: How Ruling Elites Lied about Masks and Mask Mandates
ARTICLE: New information is emerging that senior officials doubted policies that were foisted upon the American public. By sharing the results of his deposition with Dr. Anthony Fauci, Missouri attorney general Eric Schmitt exposed Fauci’s advocacy of face masks as insincere.

Microplastics From Masks Found Deep in Lungs of the Living
ARTICLE: Microplastics used to make surgical masks were found in 11 of 13 patients undergoing lung surgery. Data demonstrate how these particles may cross into the bloodstream and could enter organs, the brain and developing babies.

Gov. Ron DeSantis Tells Kids to Take Off Their Masks, To End COVID Theatre
VIDEO: DeSantis is clearly pissed off at the adults who told the students they had to wear masks. In a later interview you can view below, he said none of the adults in the room were wearing masks.

More Than 400 Studies on the Failure of Compulsory Covid Interventions
ARTICLE: The great body of evidence (comparative research studies and high-quality pieces of evidence and reporting judged to be relevant to this analysis) shows that COVID-19 lockdowns, shelter-in-place policies, masks, school closures, and mask mandates have failed in their purpose of curbing transmission or reducing deaths. These restrictive policies were ineffective and devastating failures, causing immense harm especially to the poorer and vulnerable within societies.

Dr. Kevin Stillwagon Obliterates the Mindless Mask and Vaccine Mandate Narrative
VIDEO: Dr. Kevin Stillwagon sets the record straight on the mindlessness of the mask and vaccine mandate narratives at his local Orange County, Florida Board of Commissioners Meeting held on Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Carol Kerr Follows the Money!
VIDEO: Carol Kerr addressed the Vandalia Illinois School Board asking them two questions. After explaining she had research with her that showed masks are dangerous, she said through her research she decided to “follow the money”.

Tucker - No Masks For Rich Democrats
VIDEO: Surprise: American politicians who make mask mandates don’t bother following mask mandates. Tucker Carlson discusses how elitist Democrats want you to shut up and obey! He highlights a recent fundraising event where the only people forced to wear face masks are THE SERVANTS.

Pandemic Panic Theater: Why All 14 ‘Gold Standard’ Randomized Controlled Trials of Face Masks Have Been Suppressed - Why Masks Are a Charade
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Driving the irrational and unscientific narrative about mask wearing is the censoring of truthful and factual information by tech platforms. YouTube recently banned a video by U.S. Sen. Rand Paul in which he stated that masks don’t work

30 Studies and Articles Undercutting Utility of Masks for Stopping Covid
ARTICLE: Here's a list of 30 articles and studies exposing the absolute insanity of forced mask wearing that every honest "expert" knows damned well is nothing but atool to keep everyone in a state of perpetual fear.

If Masks Really Worked to Prevent COVID-19 You Wouldn’t Be Able to Smell Farts While Wearing One
ARTICLE: If a derriere mask cannot block methane gas, why do so many educated people embrace the unscientific religion that masks stop airborne viruses?

MIT Study Finds That Anti-Maskers Are Anything But “Unscientific”…
ARTICLE: The following MIT study was quietly released a few months back and the subject was on anti-maskers themselves, as people, saying they are not “science deniers”, instead, they actually value critical thinking more than the “trust the science” crowd. But the researchers offer a twist which they themselves are guilty of.

MIT Study Suggests Six Foot Social Distancing, Limited Occupancy Rules Are Completely Pointless
VIDEO: The study reveals that the social distancing guidelines employed throughout much of the world for over a year have done nothing to limit the spread of COVID-19, suggesting that the adaption of the guidelines did not stop the spread of the of the China-originated virus

Angry Georgia Mother DEMANDS End To Insane Masking of Children!
VIDEO: Powerful Video: Georgia Mother Says It’s Time To Take The Masks Off Our Children! Courtney Ann Taylor of Georgia recently delivered a powerful public message advocating an end to the mask requirement for school children. The video begins with Taylor saying if Gwinnett County Board of Education officials really believed in the social and emotional health of kids, they’d end the mask mandate immediately.

SECOND STUDY This Time From CDC WEBSITE Confirms Stanford Study on Face Masks Being Harmful – Cause Serious Side Effects
ARTICLE: More support for health concerns with wearing masks has been uncovered. This report was published and presented at the CDC website in June 2020. Why are US medical experts not telling Americans of the dangers of wearing masks? Why is Big Tech censoring this message?

Stanford Study Proves Face Masks Are Absolutely Worthless Quietly published at Fauci's NIH.gov
ARTICLE: The diapers most of us are wearing on our face most of the time apparently have no effect at stopping Covid-19. This explains a lot.

Fauci on Face Massks - Why Does Anyone Listen To This Psychopath Anymore?
VIDEO: The beginning of this video is from March of 2020, back when the fear-mongering began over the COVID Pandemic Hoax. Initially, the fear was driven by the totally overinflated death projections Fauci & Co. were hawking. At that time there wasn't any need to lie about the uselessness of face masks.

Numbers In The New CDC Report DESTROY The Case For Mask Mandates
ARTICLE: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released a report Friday in which it quietly admitted that the mask mandates in America were allegedly responsible for less than a 2 percent decrease in COVID case growth after ONE HUNDRED DAYS. But still the CDC advises wearing masks, despite their own numbers.

Mask Cult Brainwashing
VIDEO: The depths to which the COVID HOAX brainwashing will stoop knows no bounds. Here are just two examples of the idiotic brainwashing efforts to make all the insanity seem "oh so normal, fun and trendy!" How many even remember what normal life used to be like at this point?

Yet Another Great MASKS DON'T WORK Video
VIDEO: This video starts with a great way to see your breath, in cold weather, to see what REALLY happens with your breath when wearing a mask. People just don't get how STUPID masks are because they can't see how our breath passes right out the sides of the masks.

Masks Can Give You Bacterial Lung Infections that CAN KILL YOU!
VIDEO: This is ONE PISSED OFF DOCTOR. This is from Dr. Eric Nepute, a Chiropractor in St. Louis Missouri shares one of many outrageous stories about how a 4-year-old boy almost DIED from a bacterial lung infection caused by prolonged wearing of a mask.

Amazing Polly Puts Mindless & Dangerous Mask Compliance Into Shocking Perspective!
VIDEO: IT'S SHOCKING TO SEE HOW EASILY WE CAN BE CONTROLLED! If you want a future for yourself or your children, stop wearing the masks! Polly shows a few experiments that have been done on social conformity. It's astounding to see how people conform with minimal amounts of peer pressure. Polly rightly expands this kind of conformity onto the so-called scientific community that has been corrupted by the force of "group consensus."

Face Masks: A Danger to Our Planet, Our Children & Ourselves
ARTICLE: A “monthly estimated use of 129 billion face masks and 65 billion gloves globally, is resulting in widespread environmental contamination.” 194 billion face masks and gloves equates to well over 6 billion face masks being consumed and discarded each and every day. Based on the aforementioned paper, six months of face masks alone – equates to seven hundred seventy-four billion, while 12 months of consumption, equates to a stunning one trillion five hundred forty-eight billion face masks.

Is that Mask Giving You Lung Cancer? It’s Criminal to Force Children to Wear Masks all Day
VIDEO: Believing a mask can stop viruses is like believing a chain-link fence can stop blowing sand. Learn the truth about masks and the real reason they are being forced on everyone!

Is that Mask Giving You Lung Cancer? It’s Criminal to Force Children to Wear Masks all Day
ARTICLE: Please note that what I’m about to share was also stated in the most recent edition of Del Bigtree’s program The Highwire when two OSHA mask experts spoke to the fact that the kinds of masks people are wearing were never (never!) designed to be worn for long periods and doing so is very harmful. The blue typical mask depicted in the photograph contain Teflon and other chemicals.

Dr. Margarite Griesz-Brisson - German Neurologist Warns Against Wearing Facemasks
VIDEO: Oxygen Deprivation Causes Permanent Neurological Damage’ (and it’s worse for kids)

Carlos Zapata Warns Shasta County Officials That a Revolution is Coming Because of Lockdown/Mask Insanity
VIDEO: Business Owner and Veteran Carlos Zapata warned the masked officials in the Shasta County, California Board of Supervisors, in their 'chamber', that a revolution is brewing. He is 100% correct. I will not let this patriot fight alone. I will fight beside him to help take down the tyrannical political class. police enforcing unconstitutional edicts, orders, and rules.

American Frontline Doctors Speak Out Against Mask Wearing
VIDEO: A group of doctors from around the country known as America's Frontline Doctors gathered in Washington to speak out against some of the extreme measures taken against COVID-19 thus far.

m o d e r n i t y 3
VIDEO: They do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude.

CDC: 85% of COVID-19 Patients Report ‘Always’ or ‘Often’ Wearing a Mask
ARTICLE: The study offers insight into the reality that tens of thousands of Americans are acquiring COVID-19 on a daily basis despite overwhelming adherence to mask wearing. Masks simply aren’t working to “slow the spread” or “stop the spread.”

Why Face Masks Don’t Work: A Revealing Review
ARTICLE: This article was originally published on the OralHealthGroup.com web site in 2016. Because COVID-19 has become a political weapon, the article has been removed because it interferes with the current FALSE NARRATIVE being shoved down everyone's throats about how effective masks are.

Mask Fanatics Have Officially Abandoned Science To Control Your Life
ARTICLE: Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer is now requiring people to wear masks while playing sports. 'Experts' say that’s dangerous, but mask fanatics apparently know better than those they revered just months ago.

Dr. Scott Atlas Discusses W.H.O. Admission Asymptomatic Spread IS VERY RARE!
VIDEO: Dr. Scott Atlas explains the FACT that all the studies, all the data shows that people who are NOT SICK do not spread infections and that this should not be controversial. It's only made controversial for purely political purposes.

Man Thrown Out Of Austin Bar Cidercade For Refusing Tyrannical Mask Mandate
VIDEO: An Austin local was escorted out of Bishop Cidercade after refusing to wear a mask while in the building. Once outside, he delivered an epic rant about medical tyranny in America!

Dr. Ted Noel - Masks DO NOT WORK to Stop the Spread of a Virus!
VIDEO: Finally, an HONEST doctor has created a demonstration video to show just how small viruses really are. Even the most die-hard mask lover can see a virus will pass right through and out any opening in the mask VIRUSES ARE EXTREMELY TINY! You need an electron microscope to even see them! Fauci knows this, the CDC knows this, the WHO knows this, Bill Gates knows this.

Association Of American Physicians And Surgeons (AAPS) Sounds Off On Face Masks
ARTICLE: Conclusion: Wearing masks will not reduce SARS-CoV-2.

Henna Maria - The Ritual Humiliation of Forced Masking
VIDEO: This is a most brilliant presentation by Henna Maria on the "reality" of what forced masking of everyone is really all about. And it's NOT ABOUT ANYONE'S HEALTH OR WELL-BEING.

Dr. Michael Gaeta - Why Masks Do More Harm Than Good
VIDEO: Learn the science that debunks the baseless propaganda and harmful public policies.

It's Just A Mask
ARTICLE: It's absolutely terrifying to me that so many people don't question "authority". They are willing to surrender their critical thinking skills and independence. They just gave up without thinking. Without a fight.

Face Masks Don’t Work; The Study-review was Published by Your Very Own CDC
ARTICLE: The CDC has published a May 2020 article that details many studies that prove wearing face masks DOES NOTHING TO STOP THE SPREAD OF A VIRUS! STOP COMPLYING WITH IDIOTIC ORDERS FROM CORRUPT POLITICIANS who are not issuing these orders because of health concerns. They are doing it for political concerns!

New England Journal of Medicine: Wearing A Mask Outside Healthcare Facilities Offers Little, If Any Protection from Infection
ARTICLE: "We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection. Public health authorities define a significant exposure to Covid-19 as face-to-face contact within 6 feet with a patient with symptomatic Covid-19 that is sustained for at least a few minutes (and some say more than 10 minutes or even 30 minutes). The chance of catching Covid-19 from a passing interaction in a public space is therefore minimal. In many cases, the desire for widespread masking is a reflexive reaction to anxiety over the pandemic."

Why Face Masks DON'T Work, According To SCIENCE
VIDEO: So much debate over whether or not we should be wearing masks in order to fight C0VlD but multiple scientific studies over the past decade have already settled this question. Not only do medical masks not prevent the spread of virus, but a 1995 study proves that wearing a   cloth mask can put you at greater risk for infection. Ben Swann breaks down the science.

Oxygen Level Test for Face Masks
VIDEO: A demonstration of how wearing masks creates HAZARDOUS CONDITIONS for your health. The WHO originally came out and said you should not be wearing masks unless you are sick, sneezing, coughing, etc., etc., or working with sick people!! Time to stop complying with idiotic, illegal, unconstitutional "orders" from lunatic politicians and corrupt/conflicted so-called healthcare professionals.

Tace Masks Being Mandated by Government Specifically Say They Don’t Protect Against COVID-19
ARTICLE: The same type of face masks that the UK government is mandating people wear in shops from July 24 onwards to protect against the spread of coronavirus specifically state on their packaging that they don’t protect against coronavirus.

The Truth Behind The Mask
VIDEO: Politicians, the media, and corporations are pushing masks on the population, insisting that they’re necessary for preventing the spread of COVID-19. But these same entities and institutions have given a pass to the nationwide Black Lives Matter protests which flouted all public health precautions like wearing masks or social distancing. So what’s really going on here?

The Real Hoax Isn't COVID-19 . . . It's the Pseudo-Scientific Quack Medicine Called "Social Distancing"
ARTICLE: Scam 1: Exaggerating the deadliness of COVID-19. Scam 2: Claiming that isolating healthy people is a scientifically validated medical strategy rather than total bullshit somebody basically made up last week.

OSHA Says Masks Don't Work and Violate OSHA Oxygen Levels
VIDEO: It's all bull shit people!! And it's dangerous/unhealthy to be wearing masks all the time especially when it does NOTHING to protect you to begin with!

Doctor Says 6 Feet Apart Debilitates Our Immune System
VIDEO: Dr. Dan Erickson of Bakersfield, CA, A doctor explains how our immune system works and that because we are all locked in.

WHO: Healthy People Should Only Wear Masks When 'Taking Care of 'Sick People'
ARTICLE: The World Health Organization is recommending healthy people, including those who don't exhibit COVID-19 symptoms, only wear masks when taking care of someone infected with the contagion, a sharp contrast from the advice given by American public health officials who recommend everyone wear a mask in public.

Nurse Exposes How Coronavirus Face Masks Are Causing You Harm Using Common Sense
VIDEO: Registered Nurse Danika Bueno recently uploaded a YouTube video explaining why wearing a face mask for long periods can be harmful to the body.


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Fauci Flashback: "The Most Potent Vaccination Is Getting Infected Yourself"
VIDEO: This short clip is from long before the COVID CON and proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that Fauci knows damned well how coronavirus infections work. He knew damned well there were many safe and effective early treatment medications available to treat the illness and allow it to safely move through society until herd immunity was established. There was NEVER any need for his worthless and deadly gene tampering cocktails illegally labeled as vaccines.

New Harvard, Yale & Stanford Data Show 4 Out of 5 Americans Have Covid ‘Natural Immunity’
ARTICLE: A CDC-sponsored database in partnership with Yale, Harvard, and Stanford universities shows that the overwhelming majority of Americans have natural immunity from prior infections, Becker News can exclusively report.

128 Research Studies Affirm Naturally Acquired Immunity to Covid-19
ARTICLE: This chart is the most updated and comprehensive library list of 128 of the highest-quality, complete, most robust scientific studies and evidence reports/position statements on natural immunity as compared to the COVID-19 vaccine-induced immunity and allow you to draw your own conclusion.

CDC Admits It Has No Record of an Unvaccinated Person Spreading Covid After Recovering From Covid
VIDEO: The CDC admitted it has no record of an unvaccinated person spreading Covid after recovering from Covid in response to an attorney’s FOIA request.

Study: Natural Immunity 27 Times More Effective Against Delta Variant Than Vaccines
ARTICLE: On Thursday, the Scientific American reported, “The natural immune protection that develops after a SARS-CoV-2 infection offers considerably more of a shield against the Delta variant of the pandemic coronavirus than two doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine


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Weight-loss Drug Prescriptions for Kids and Teens Soar Despite No Safety Data
ARTICLE: Prescriptions for weight-loss drugs for children and teens increased sevenfold between October 2022 and September 2024, according to a MedPage Today analysis. Some pediatricians praised the drugs, but others who spoke to The Defender said the drugs put kids and teens at serious risk.


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The Wellness Company
ARTICLE: This is an incredible source to get a host of emergency medications at an affordable price. This company was started because Big Pharma was making these medications almost impossible to get. It is imperative that you have these "on-hand" before you need them. They will not be easy to et on short notice.

Directory of Doctors Prescribing Effective Outpatient COVID-19 Therapy
ARTICLE: Heal viral infections early. Medical Professionals Worldwide Provide These Effective Treatments See this Directory of professionals.

How Can I Get Suppressed Safe and Effective COVID-19 Midications?
ARTICLE: Find out how to obtain prescription medication for COVID-19 with our AFLDS-trained physicians in three easy steps.


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CEO Speaks Out - Just Like Ivermectin, The FDA Has Killed Tens of Thousands of Americans by Blocking Xylitol Nasal Spray
VIDEO: Nathan Jones, CEO of Xlear Inc., exposes yet another inexpensive and effective early treatment that the CDC, FTC, and FDA suppressed in order to push toxic and ineffective vaccines which resulted in tens of thousands of preventable deaths.

KILLER FAUCI: On March 16, 2020, Dr. Fauci Received Email Cheering Hydroxychloroquine Treatment of COVID in China
ARTICLE: On March 16, 2020, Dr. Tony Fauci received an email reporting China’s success using hydroxychloroquine in treating the coronavirus. 4 Days Later He Publicly Rebuked President Trump at WH Presser For Suggesting It a Valid COVID Treatment.

Woman Reveals How She Snuck Ivermectin into Hospital to Save Dying Father
ARTICLE: A woman, whose father was dying from severe COVID complications in the hospital, detailed how she snuck in ivermectin treatments to him, crediting the medication with saving his life.

Dr. Pierre Kory Reveals Why Ivermectin Had to Be Destroyed
VIDEO: Before COVID, Ivermectin was celebrated as a “miracle drug” for its role in bringing river blindness to the brink of extinction. But the propagandists told you it was a dangerous “horse dewormer." This pandemic would have been over if everybody was on ivermectin, and that’s why they had to destroy it.

Government Was Fully Aware That Ivermectin and HCQ Were Effective in Treating COVID
VIDEO: This is a short clip of an interview with Dr. Chris Shoemaker who exposes the fact that the Government had done extensive research into how to deal with COVID after the alleged first outbreak of SARS-CoV-1 back in 2002/2003. The research concluded in 2015 that Ivermectin and certainly Hydroxychloroquine were the Number 1 most effective treatments for SARS-CoV.

Covid Care About-Face
ARTICLE: In an astonishing turnabout on COVID medical treatment in the US, Kansas senator and physician Mark Steffen MD has sent out the following letter, referencing new legislation, to Kansas healthcare providers.

Dr. Peter McCullough Reveals the Six Things Everyone Should Have in Their ‘Over-the-Counter Toolbox’ During the Age of Covid
ARTICLE/VIDEO: One doctor who is spreading the truth is Dr. Peter McCullough. He has been censored and attacked for doing so. He has taken considerable losses for his adherence to the truth, but he persists. I was blessed to have him on my show. Among many other important topics, he discussed the six things everyone should have on hand as Omicron spreads.

Scientist Surprised by Discovery of '99%' Effective, Cheap COVID Treatment - Benadryl, and Lactoferrin
ARTICLE: The scientist who combined two widely available over-the-counter compounds that inhibited the novel coronavirus by 99% in early tests told WND he's hopeful his treatment will be available "within months." "An FDA-approved treatment could be in sight within months if pharmaceutical companies utilize existing clinical trial resources," said Dr. David Ostrov in an email interview with WND.

Dr. Mercola and Dr. Pierre Kory - Outpatient Treatments for COVID Reviewed
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Dr. Pierre Kory is one of the leaders in the movement to provide early treatment for COVID infection. Kory is a critical care physician (ICU specialist), triple board certified in internal medicine, critical care and pulmonary medicine, and is part of the Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC), which was among the first to publish COVID treatment guidance.

Dr. Zelenko's Quercitin COVID Earlly Treatment Protocol
VIDEO: There have been safe, inexpensive, and effective early treatments available from the very beginning this manufactured pandemic but withheld by governments to protect the massive mRNA vaccine agenda and massive profits for Big Pharma.

There Are Now 365 Studies that Prove the Efficacy of Ivermectin and HCQ in Treating COVID-19
ARTICLE: Despite the science, Dr. Fauci and the medical elites have blocked the use of these effective treatments for coronavirus patients. Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA vaccines, accused Dr. Fauci and others of lying and causing the death of over 500,000 Americans by preventing HCQ and Ivermectin, and other treatments from COVID-19 patients.

Two New Studies Show Quercetin Improves COVID Outcomes
ARTICLE: Quercetin has antiviral, anti-blood clotting, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, all of which are important in the treatment of SARS-CoV-2 infection Quercetin also inhibits binding of specific spike proteins to your ACE2 receptors, thereby blocking the virus’ ability to infect your cells

Hospitalized COVID Patient Makes Miraculous Recovery After Budesonide Treatment
VIDEO: Big Pharma Does Not Want You To See This! A COVID-infected patient hospitalized for 16 days made a video explaining how he quickly recovered after taking Budesonide treatments at the recommendation of Dr. Richard Bartlett.

Gov’t Limiting Life-Saving Medications For Covid
VIDEO: Greene recounts how Regeneron and ivermectin helped her husband recover quickly from a bad case of Covid, and these are the therapeutics that the Biden administration is trying to suppress.

Frontline Doctor Silenced By YouTube and Facebook Speaks Out About Hydroxychloroquine
VIDEO: Dr. Mark McDonald reveals the truth behind COVID-19, hydroxychloroquine, and mortality rate of children during the current pandemic.

The Ivermectin Story
VIDEO: This is a very good presentation that details the history of Ivermectin and how it's been deliberately suppressed and demonized by all the usual suspects, just like they did with Hydroxychloroquine and other medications, to protect the massive profits being made off the dangerous and USELESS Covid vaccines that are not really vaccines at all.

Astonishing Success Rate of Ivermectin in Indian State Shreds ‘Horse Dewormer’ Propaganda
ARTICLE: The story is a bombshell and since Horowitz wrote it, the numbers have trended even better to prove the efficacy of Ivermectin as a treatment and even preventative against Covid-19.

Red States Are Having Big Success Treating COVID with Monoclonal Antibodies - Biden administration is going to start rationing it
ARTICLE: Once again we see a deliberate effort to restrict/suppress effective treatments for COVID to protect massive Big Pharma vaccine profits.

Media Malfeasance: The Ivermectin Poisoning Hoax Exposed
VIDEO: Just like they did with Hydroxychloroquine to scare everyone away from it. Rolling Stone Issues "Correction" After Horse De-wormer Hit Piece Debunked.

The Early Treatment Revolution
VIDEO: Emergency Use authorization can only be ordered when no other safe and effective alternatives are available -- but there were many therapeutic alternatives already available during the pandemic.

Dexamethasone - Yet Another Miracle Drug That is Life Saving Against COVID
ARTICLE: The steroid Dexamethasone is increasingly prescribed to at-home Covid patients to prevent them from needing hospital treatment. MPs last night called on the health service to look into more at-home use of the drug to further cut cases of serious illness from Covid.

Dr Vladimir Zelenko - Doctor Who Pioneered Hydroxychloroquine/Zinc Treatment for COVID-19 Slams U.S. Doctors
VIDEO: Doctor who pioneered HCQ/Zinc Treatment Slams US Doctors. "Faith in Sociopahts like Fauci is a very foolish choice."

Dr Vladimir Zelenko - Doctor Who Pioneered Hydroxychloroquine/Zinc Treatment for COVID-19 Speaks Out
VIDEO: Doctor who pioneered HCQ/Zinc Treatment Slams US Doctors. "Faith in Sociopahts like Fauci is a very foolish choice."

What You Need to Know About Early At-Home COVID Treatment
VIDEO: Perhaps one of the greatest crimes in this whole pandemic is the refusal by reigning health authorities to issue early treatment guidance. Instead, they’ve done everything possible to suppress remedies shown to work, whether it be corticosteroids, hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) with zinc, ivermectin, vitamin D or NAC

Dandelion Leaf Extract Blocks Spike Proteins From Binding to the ACE2 Cell Surface Receptor
ARTICLE: The engineered spike proteins from SARS-CoV-2 can be STOPPED by a common “weed” that is exterminated from lawns every year. A German university study found that the common dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) can block spike proteins from binding to the ACE2 cell surface receptors in human lung and kidney cells.

COVID Cases in India Plummet After Government Promotes Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine Use
ARTICLE: Coronavirus cases are plummeting in India thanks to new rules that promote Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine to its massive population. Of course, the WHO and pharmaceutical companies are having fits. This is despite the fact that lives are being saved.

Peer Reviewed Study Demonstrates Efficacy of Ivermectin in Prophylactis and Treatment of COVID
ARTICLE: A peer-reviewed study found that ivermectin can end the COVID pandemic. The medicine was found to “significantly reduces the risk of contracting the deadly respiratory disease when used regularly.” Like hydroxychloroquine the drug is well known to doctors. It has been used as an antiparasitic. The peer-reviewed study on its effectiveness was published in the American Journal of Therapeutics.

Dr. Peter McCullough - Suppressed Treatments Responsible for Thousands of Preventable Deaths
VIDEO: This is the recent testimony given by Dr. Peter McCullough to the Texas Senate HHS Committee in which he blows the whistle on the deliberate suppression of ANY AND ALL AVAILABLE TREATMENTS to deal with COVID in order to ensure maximum profitability of the Vaccine Industry.

Dr. Ryan Cole Blows The Whole COVID-19 Propaganda Away
VIDEO: Dr. Ryan Cole is the CEO and Medical Director of Cole Diagnostics, one of the largest independent labs in the State of Idaho. Dr. Cole has conducted over 100,000 Covid-19 lab tests and treated over 350,000 patients over his medical career.

The Most Effective Weapon Against Viral Infections - Nebulized Hydrogen Peroxide
VIDEO: In this interview, Dr. Thomas Levy, a board-certified cardiologist perhaps best known for his work with vitamin C, discusses nebulized hydrogen peroxide, which has become my favorite intervention for viral illnesses, including COVID-19. In his latest book, “Rapid Virus Recovery,” Levy details this treatment.

As Biden Became President, Medical Journal Quietly Retracted Study That Claimed Hydroxychloroquine Is Ineffective
ARTICLE: Those behind the COVID-19 Pandemic Hoax are deliberately misleading the population about the alleged "COVID-19 Vaccines. THEY ARE NOT vaccines – ‘They are an mRNA packaged in a fat envelope that is delivered to a cell … a medical device designed to stimulate the human cell into becoming a pathogen creator’.

99.9% of COVID-19 Virus Dead in 30 Seconds With UV LEDs
ARTICLE: Ultraviolet radiation is a common method of killing bacteria and viruses. Now, researchers from Tel Aviv University have proven that the novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, can be killed efficiently, quickly and cheaply using ultraviolet (UV) light-emitting diodes (UV-LEDs) at specific frequencies.

Vitamin D Might Just Save You From Getting COVID-19
VIDEO: There may be a cheap and effective way to help prevent getting infected with Covid-19 and fighting it if you’ve already been infected. Taha Meli Arvas explains.

High-Dose Vitamin C Saves Critically Ill COVID-19 Patient
ARTICLE: An August 10, 2020, MedPage Today article2 highlights a recent case3 history in which high-dose IV vitamin C was successfully used to save the life of an elderly patient.

Why the Smear Campaign Against Hydroxychloroquine?
VIDEO: How did a drug known for decades as 'safe and effective' suddenly become dangerous?

Breakthrough Drug: Ivermectin Shows 'Astounding' Results Against Coronavirus
ARTICLE: Reports Friday from multiple trials in the United States and abroad indicate a drug already approved by the FDA to treat parasitic infections is showing “astounding” results, and could represent a breakthrough in efforts to vanquishing the SARS-CoV-2 virus at the heart of the global pandemic.

Dr. Mobeen Syed Explains Exactly How Hydroxychloroquine Works To Prevent and/or CURE COVID-19
VIDEO: In this video, Dr. Mobeen Syed explains, in very clear language, precisely how hydroxychloroquine works to PREVENT viral infections and how it can CURE viral infections once they start. And yes, even the hysterically hyped COVID-19 virus.

Dr. Simone Gold and Dr. Richard Urso Explain the Safety of Hydroxychloroquine Use
VIDEO: Tn this video, Dr. Simone Gold and Dr. Richard Urso cover the long-term studies and history of hydroxychloroquine use that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that hydroxychloroquine is one of the safest drugs on the market. It has been around for well over 60 years, prescribed to tens of millions of people, and is considered so safe it's available over the counter in many countries around the world.

Dr. James Todaro Explains the Financial Threat of Hydroxychloroquine to Big Pharma Plans
VIDEO: In this video, Dr. James Todaro details how the financial interests of the Medical Industrial Complex/Big Pharma is threatened by widespread awareness and use of Hydroxychloroquine to treat/cure the alleged COVID-19 illness. They cannot have an off-patent, inexpensive and highly effective drug with virtually no side effects when used properly threatening BILLIONS in profit on new drugs they want to foist on humanity at tremendous risk and cost to the rest of us.

America's Frontline Doctors Summit- Session 2
VIDEO: The frontline doctors at this Summit explain exactly what hydroxychloroquine is and how it works to cure what's being called COVID-19 illness. In addition, they explain exactly how we've all been deliberately misinformed about this cure to make everyone believe we cannot go back to any semblance of normal life UNTIL EVERYONE GETS A DNA ALTERING VACCINE!

DEADLY COVER UP: Fauci Approved Hydroxychloroquine 15 Years Ago to Cure Coronaviruses. Nobody Needed to Die”
ARTICLE: Dr. Anthony Fauci, whose “expert” advice to President Trump has resulted in the complete shutdown of the greatest economic engine in world history, has known since 2005 that chloroquine is an effective inhibitor of coronaviruses.

Report from Brazil on Effectiveness of Hydroxychloroquine Treatment
VIDEO: Here are the highlights of a fascinating report by journalist Claudio Lessa on the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine treatment for COVID-19. Brazil is using this treatment widely and, as you will hear in the report, it appears to be highly effective. Please be sure to also watch Lessa explain the real reason (besides TDS) why there is so much hostility towards hydroxychloroquine as a treatment.

Dr. Richard Bartlett Discovers "Existing" Treatment for COVID
VIDEO: Texas Doctor Claims Covid Cure as Big Pharma Backed Media Attempts to Cancel Him. Dr. Richard Bartlett’s findings on his experience treating COVID-19 patients with the inhaled steroid budesonide, a drug commonly used to treat asthma.

Dr. Brian Procter Exposes Effective and Inexpensive COVID Outpatient Treatment with Hydroxychloroquine Regimen
ARTICLE/VIDEO: The Great Awakening is the third installment of the Plandemic series. This documentary experience assembles forbidden puzzle pieces to reveal the big picture of what’s really happening in America and beyond.

How Many People Died Because Mainstream Media Panned Hydroxychloroquine?
ARTICLE: We've long said mainstream media hated Hydroxychloroquine simply because President Trump endorsed it. Now that studies show it saved lives, mainstream media's victims deserve answers.


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Dr. Michael Yeadon - THE PANDEMIC IS OVER! No second Wave!
VIDEO: Former Vice President and Chief Science Advisor at Pfizer Pharmaceutical Mike Yeadon discusses his thoughts as to why the lockdown was a mistake, and why the government strategies to manage the pandemic are only making things worse.

Dr. Ron Paul - ‘Herd immunity’ Near, But MSM Suppresses Recovery Numbers
VIDEO: According to new reports, humanity is approaching a herd immunity to COVID-19 due to rising recoveries from the virus. However, mainstream media has been ignoring the recovery numbers. One America’s Kristian Rouz finds out why.

Ron Paul: The Media is Lying About the ‘Second Wave’
ARTICLE/VIDEO: The “death count” was always the headline. But then all of a sudden early in June the mainstream media did a George Orwell and lectured us that it is all about “cases” and has always been all about “cases.” Death, and especially infection fatality rate, were irrelevant. Why? Because from the peak in April, deaths had decreased by 90 percent and were continuing to crash. That was not terrifying enough so the media pretended this good news did not exist.

REALITY CHECK: Projections Were Way Off, But States Are Still Trampling Rights While the CDC Inflates Death Tolls
VIDEO: On Thursday, the CDC announced their national COVID-19 death tally will now also reflect thousands of “probable” coronavirus-related fatalities. In the meantime, states are trampling on our rights based on this super scientific and not-at-all-made-up death toll.


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Dr. Malone: Bird Flu ‘Emergency’ in California is a Case of Psychological Bioterrorism
ARTICLE: Contrary to initial reporting from corporate media, the WHO, and the apocalyptic mutterings of Dr. Peter Hotez, there continues to be no evidence indicating the circulation of a highly pathogenic version of bird flu in either animal or human populations.

Dr. Robert Malone Warns Monkeypox Is Psychological Bioterrorism
VIDEO: Dr. Robert Malone joins Alex Jones live to give his expert analysis on the rollout of the monkey pox global pandemic. Dr. Malone Warns Monkeypox Is Psychological Bioterrorism We Are In A Fight Between Good & Evil.

Self-Assembling Nanotechnology in the mRNA Jabs
VIDEO: This video presents signs/evidence of nanotechnology found in mRNA jabs and then digs into some scientific research on micro/nano robotics.

Dr. Francis Boyle Releases Affidavit Confirming Covid Jabs are Biological Weapons of Mass Destruction
ARTICLE: In an ongoing Florida lawsuit filed by Dr. Joseph Sansone to stop all further distribution of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccines,” Dr. Francis Boyle provided an affidavit stating that the jabs violate the very law he wrote that Congress passed in order to protect Americans from biological and weapons of mass destruction (WMDs), which is what he considers COVID jabs to be.

High Court Rules the Covid mRNA Jab Is Not Even a Vaccine, so What Exactly Is It?
ARTICLE: The Covid jabs are NOT vaccines at all, and a high court has ruled this, because the gene-mutating injections DO NOT meet the medical definition of vaccines, since they DO NOT prevent the spread of the virus.

Australian Lawsuit Alleges Covid Vaccinations are GMOs
VIDEO: During an interview with Dr. John Campbell on Tuesday, former Australian barrister Julian Gillespie presented the legal case that he’s filed against Pfizer for their Covid vaccination, failing to abide by the genetically modified organism (GMO) regulations of Australia after Gillespie laid out why the shot is indeed a GMO.

Self-Replicating Nanobots Found in Both Vaxxed & UnVaxxed
VIDEO: For decades, Ray Kurzweil has been an unofficial spokesman for the trans-humanist movement. And in 2008 he said that humans would become infused with nano-robots which would vastly improve the human body. “If you go out even to 2045, that's only, you know, four decades from now, most of our intelligence, of our civil... of our human civilization will be non-biological.

Treaty 'Loophole' Allows World Governments to Develop Deadly Bioweapons and Corresponding Vaccines
ARTICLE: Article I of the treaty gives countries the “right” to maintain biological weapons for alleged “prophylactic, protective, or other peaceful” purposes, like vaccine development. This gives governments all over the world the ability to experiment with “the most dangerous pathogens and toxins” known to man.

Proof: Documents From FDA, Pfizer Show That COVID “Vaccine” Shedding Is Real
ARTICLE: Up until now, most of the research exposing Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccines” as dangerous – and exposing those who take them as disease and death spreaders – has come from independent sources. Now, the truth is coming from the federal government and Big Tech.

Red Cross Admits COVID-19 Vax Tainted Blood Not Separated from Regular Donations
ARTICLE/VIDEO: While Red Cross preventing patients who've recently received COVID vaccine from donating blood, a worker tells an undercover journalist they don't separate donated blood by vaccination status.

Hydrogels in COVID Vaccine as Programmable Human Interface
VIDEO: The following report is from Doctor Ana Maria Mihalcea’s recent article entitled, "Hydrogel Platform Enables Versatile Data Encryption And Decryption"

Self-Amplifying RNA Shots: Next Generation of RNA Vaccine Tech is Here
ARTICLE: Big Pharma developing a more potent form of experimental gene therapy technology that will be sold to the public as life-saving 'vaccines.'

RNA and DNA in Our Food Supply - It’s Worse Than We Knew
ARTICLE: As a predicate to this conversation let me remind you of a few things. First mRNA, as discussed by big pharma and political class is nothing short of fraud. People are still talking about “messenger RNA” but the mRNA in the vaccines and food supply are NOT messenger RNA. Instead they are various versions of laboratory created RNA and/or DNA particles designed to be more stable and durable than messenger RNA. Some are specifically designed to survive digestion.

China’s Top Spy Agency Warns of “Gene Weapons’ Able to Target Specific Ethnicity or Race
ARTICLE: The top Spy Agency in China confirmed that “some countries” have armed themselves with deadly bioweapons targeting human genes. This was the first time a Chinese state body has mentioned such a threat publicly. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Vindicated.

Mass Airborne mRNA Bioweapon 'Administration' for the Proletariat: An Atrocity!
ARTICLE: It is important to lay the long-practiced foundation of the United States’ history of poisoning, mass experimentation, sickening, and killing of its own population, in efforts to test its bioweapons for heinous military biowarfare use. It is a very short step from this abhorrent practice, to one of using as guinea pigs this same population, in a plot for mass ‘vaccination,’ completely covert and without consent.

Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger Explains What's In the COVID Shots
VIDEO: Dr. Stuckelberger revealed that the contents of COVID jabs are, in fact, bioweapons that were specifically developed for the purpose of harming people, not protecting them against a deadly virus.

5G Powered Graphene Based Nano-Tech in the Pfizer Vaccine
VIDEO: Evidence presented by the Fifth Column shows forced Trans-humanization of society is happening now

Dr. Michael Yeadon - The Latest Evidence of Premeditated Mass Murder By Lethal Injection
VIDEO: Dr. Mike Yeadon, the former VP of Pfizer, shared the latest damning evidence with the Corona Investigative Committee in Germany. He gave an absolutely stunning (oftentimes jaw-dropping) presentation packed with information.

Evidence of Self Assembling Nano Circuitry in the Pfizer Vaccine
VIDEO: This video shows electron microscopy that confirms what official documents and patents have already told us about the Trans-Humanist agenda with regards to why the unprecedented push to force these experimental COVID jabs into every arm on the planet.

Reiner Fullmich: The Vaccines Are Designed To Kill and Depopulate the Planet
VIDEO: After hearing the witness statements to the German Corona Investigative Committee by former vice president of Pfizer dr Mike Yeadon who has been a scientist for 36 years, lawyers with Reiner Füllmich draw the same conclusion: The injections normally called Corona vaccines are designed to experiment on the human race and to find out what dosage of a yet unknown toxin is needed in order to kill people.

COVID Shots, DNA & Transhumanism, With Dr. Madej
VIDEO: In this presentation with The New American magazine's Alex Newman, Dr. Carrie Madej explains that the elites peddling the COVID shots are also pushing transhumanism--and the two are closely related. Genetic modifications and new technologies are on the verge of changing what it means to be human, and the elites are really pushing the boundaries.


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Dr. Julie Ponesse - Ethics 101 - No Jab No Job?
VIDEO: Former Professor of Ethics Dr Julie Ponesse provides an essential lesson on courage and integrity in the face of INSANE vaccine mandates. 'As Canadians, as rational, autonomous people, my view is that we have a right to decide what goes into our body, even if we have the worst reasons for it'.

New York City Ordered by Court to Reinstate All Those Fired Over ‘Unconstitutional’ Covid Vaccine Mandates
ARTICLE: "The Court finds that in light of the foregoing, the vaccination mandates for public employees and private employees is arbitrary and capricious," court rules. Backpay must also be issued to every single employee who was wrongfully fired for not taking the experimental Covid injection.

New Zealand High Court Landmark Case Crushes Jacinda Ardern’s COVID-19 Jab Mandates
ARTICLE: A High Court challenge questioning the legality of COVID-19 jab mandates for Police and Defence Force employees has been upheld, with the court saying the mandate represented a “gross violation of human rights.”

The COVID-19 Vaccines DO NOT Prevent Transmission of the Disease
ARTICLE: Judge Doughty’s Ruling Destroys Biden’s Vax Mandates. Judge Doughty pointed out all of the illogical and irrational contradictions in the mandate. “If boosters are needed six months after being “fully vaccinated,” then how good are the COVID-19 vaccines, and why is it necessary to mandate them?” says Judge Doughty in his ruling.

Appeals Court Permanently Ends Biden Osha Civilian Vax Mandate
ARTICLE: The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals rules *unanimously* to *permanently* block OSHA mandate from taking effect nationwide, effectively vacating Biden’s executive order. The Ruling sides with Texas, but is a *nationwide* injunction.


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Covid ‘Not Deadly Enough’ to Justify Risk of Fast-Track Vaccines, Chris Whitty Told Government
ARTICLE: COVID-19 was not dangerous enough to justify cutting short vaccine trials as the vaccine had to be “very safe”, Chris Whitty advised the Government in the early weeks of the outbreak, it has emerged.

The Viral Delusion: A 5-Part Documentary Series Exposing the Total Fraud of Virology
VIDEO: Dr. Bryan Ardis uncovers alarming new information that points to another possible culprit . . . venom poisoning. Most people have no idea that snake venom is an ingredient that is BIG with BIG PHARMA.

Doctor Who Discovered Omicron Was Pressured Not To Reveal It Was Mild
ARTICLE: The doctor who discovered the Omicron Covid-19 strain, Angelique Coetzee, says that she was pressured by European governments not to reveal that it had mild presentation, according to an interview in Germany's Welt.

Virus-Isolation . . . Is It Real? Andrew Kaufman MD Responds To Jeremy Hammond Claim That It Is
VIDEO: The definitions, the science, and technology behind isolation, the methodology being used by scientists, and the agenda by governmental agencies are examined with the appropriate corrections. Hammond's argument is the same old one trick pony being trotted out with pomp, circumstance, and pedigree.

Believe It Or Not . . . The SARS CoV2 Virus Has Never Been Proven To Exists!
VIDEO: The fact of the matter is NOBODY can produce samples of a properly isolated virus called SARS CoV2 which they allege is responsible for COVID-19 illness and all the fake variants that have followed! This video is a compellation that exposes that fact that nobody has produced ANY evidence of purified samples of a virus they have labeled SARS CoV2! It's all made up. It's all a massive FRAUD!

Dr. David Martin - Proof That SARS CoV2 and COVID-19 Are Nothing But A Manufactured Illusion
VIDEO: David Martin brings truly shocking information to the table that proves beyond any doubt that this entire fake pandemic is nothing but a long-planned, manufactured illusion to con the globe into accepting the dangerous spike protein bio-weapon jabs. David has compiled detailed patent records going back as far as 2002 documenting the FACT that every single thing we've been told is a LIE.

Laboratories in US Can't Find COVID-19 In 1500 Positive Tests
ARTICLE: A clinical scientist and immunologist-virologist at a southern California laboratory says he and colleagues from 7 universities are suing the CDC for massive fraud. The reason: not one of 1500 samples of people tested “positive” could find Covid-19. ALL people were simply found to have Influenza A, and to a lesser extent Influenza B. This is consistent with the previous findings of other scientists, which we have reported on several times.

They Were Forced To Admit That the 'SARS CoV2 Virus DOES NOT EXIST
VIDEO: PART OF A LEGAL ACTION had been demanding the evidence that this virus actually exists [as well as] evidence that lockdowns actually have any impact on the spread of viruses; that face-masks are safe, and do deter the spread of viruses - They don’t.

Is Coronavirus Contagious?
ARTICLE: This is the sixty-four-thousand-dollar question. The premise that coronavirus is highly contagious and can cause disease provides the justification for putting entire nations on lockdown, destroying the global economy and throwing hundreds of thousands out of work. But is it contagious? Does it even cause disease?

Andrew Kaufmann - Nobody Has Ever Isolated the COVID-19 Virus for Testing Purposes
VIDEO: The FACT is, nobody has ever isolated a virus responsible for what they are calling COVID-19 illness! NOBODY! The test is based on a FRIGGIN COMPUTER MODEL based on an RNA fragment with no proof of its origin! Our entire economy and way of life have been devastated based on totally bogus computer models, from bogus death statistics to bogus testing results!

Dr. Tom Cowan Explores the COVID Virus Invented Out of Sheer Nonsense
ARTICLE: The hits keep coming. The CDC used an arbitrary computer “tinker-toy” process to invent a description of the virus. The virus that no one has proven exists. This is the basic conclusion of Dr. Tom Cowan.

The Smoking Gun: Where is the Coronavirus? The CDC Says It Isn’t Available
ARTICLE: Buried deep in the document, on page 39, in a section titled, “Performance Characteristics,” we have this: “Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available, assays [diagnostic tests] designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA…” The key phrase there is: “Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available…”

Dr. Thomas Cowan - Covid 19 Fails Koch's Postulates
VIDEO: Learn how we're being deliberately misled about the validity of the COVID-19 tests and the validity of what we're being told about the "supposed pandemic virus"

Difference Between Flu vs SARS CoV-2 Symptoms & Complications
ARTICLE: The following information clearly shows that there is virtually no difference between symptoms allegedly caused by SARS CoV-2 and symptoms caused by seasonal flu coronavirus strains.


Doctor Blasts CDC, WHO, Bill Gates, Fauchi for Fake Pandemic Numbers and that the illness is not viral! (5G)
VIDEO: Wait till you hear this what's been going on in our country and around the world.Gates, CDC, WHO...This needs to go viral. The term 5G has been bleeped in this video to help keep it from being banned.

5G Powered Graphene Based Nano-Tech in the Pfizer Vaccine
VIDEO: Evidence presented by the Fifth Column shows forced Trans-humanization of society is happening now

National Institute of Health (NIH) Admits 5G Can Actually CREATE Coronavirus Within Human Cells
ARTICLE/VIDEO: An international study shared on the National Institute of Health website found that 5G technology is absorbed by skin cells and can alter DNA in a way that actually produces coronaviruses within the human body. The study, jointly produced by scientists from Guglielmo Marconi University, Central Michigan University and First Moscow State Medical University, claims that 5G millimeter waves stimulate DNA in a way that causes cell nuclei to produce coronaviruses.

Dr. Thomas Cowan, M.D., Lecturing on Relationship between Pandemics and New Technology
VIDEO: Dr. Thomas Cowan, M. D. says that Corona Virus maybe history repeating itself caused by 5G. Cowan said viruses are an excretion of a toxic cells and they are pieces of DNA or RNA with a few of other proteins they bolt out.

Vodaphone Senior Whistle-Blower Connects the 5G & Covid-19 Dots
VIDEO: An industry expert who was the head of UK business videophone in Newbury here in the UK. If anyone knows about CV and 5G it is this guy. What he has to say is both frightening and disturbing but the truth of the matter.

COVID-19 is not what we are being told it is. Media Panicked Over Chloroquine But New Data Suggests It's Ventilators That Are Killing People
VIDEO: Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell, an ER and critical care doctor from New York City, concluded that ventilators were doing more harm than good over a week ago and suggested oxygen as a superior treatment.

Researcher Predict Virus/5G Crisis In 2018
VIDEO: In this hard-hitting and prophetic interview from May 2018, Dr. Edward Group and Alex Jones break down the dangers of 5G that’s now gaining massive worldwide attention, forcing governments to conflate it with the coronavirus outbreak in a bid to discredit 5G skeptics.

Brussels Halts 5G Deployment Indefinitely
ARTICLE: 5G project, says authorities, not compatible with radiation safety standards.

David Icke - The Coronavirus Conspiracy: How COVID-19/5G Will Seize Your Rights & Destroy Our Economy
VIDEO: This interview was BANNED by YouTube almost immediately. Those in power are doing their best to discredit and suppress the info presented. If you want to truly understand the draconian reality that is unfolding right before our eyes you have to listen to this brilliant comprehensive presentation.

TRUTH ABOUT THE AMA (American Medical Association)

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STUNNING: The AMA (American Medical Association) Is Teaching Doctors Psychological Manipulation Tactics to Coerce the Unvaccinated
ARTICLE/VIDEO: The AMA wants its members to act as propagandists for a particular narrative — using “politically correct language” — rather than sharing information and acting in accordance with their own conscience and professional insight.


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Gorilla ‘Little Joe’ Dies Suddenly of Heart Attack at St. Louis Zoo Where Animals Received 2 Covid Jabs
ARTICLE/VIDEO: A western lowland gorilla named “Little Joe” died from a heart attack over the weekend at the St. Louis Zoo, which recently administered COVID-19 vaccines to many of its animals.


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Studies Link Vaccines to Autism
ARTICLE: In recent years, the incidence of autism has skyrocketed among children, with some parents seeing a rapid decline in responsiveness, speech and cognitive abilities after their child receives a series of vaccines.

5 Scientific Findings Explain Link Between Vaccines and Autism
ARTICLE: Five major scientific findings, taken together, explain how vaccines trigger autism, author J.B. Handley wrote on his Substack. The cause is rooted in the body’s response to the aluminum adjuvant used in six vaccines on the childhood immunization schedule.


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7 Cover Stories Big Pharma Forced on MSM to Hide Disastrous Health Consequences of mRNA Clot Shots
ARTICLE: If you are wondering why mainstream media is finally publishing some science-based facts about the health detriment caused by commonly used products, that is because MSM is engaged in multi-faceted cover stories while they continue to pretend the Covid-19 mRNA jabs aren’t so bad.

The Great Cholesterol Scam and the Dangers of Statins
ARTICLE/VIDEO: There is a widespread belief that elevated cholesterol is the “cause” of cardiovascular disease. However, a large body of evidence shows that there is no association between the two and that lower cholesterol significantly increases one’s risk of death.

“We Get Paid to Vaccinate Your Children”: Pediatrician Reveals Details of Big Pharma Payola Scheme
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Can pediatricians afford to run their medical practices without the generous kickbacks they receive for vaccinating every child? Dr. Paul Thomas, a Dartmouth-trained pediatrician, discussed this dilemma. “You cannot stay in business if you’re not giving pretty close to the CDC childhood vaccine schedule. ‘We were losing … over a million dollars’.

Top 7 Myths About mRNA Covid “Vaccines” Propagated by Big Pharma and the CDC
ARTICLE: Though we are four years deep into the “plandemic,” Big Pharma and the highly corrupt Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are still working hard to push propaganda, lies and untested “science” claims about the safety and effectiveness of the deadly Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) mRNA jabs.

1st Peer Reviewed Study Proves Big Pharma Knew about COVID Vax Dangers and Ineffectiveness
VIDEO: The authors say that reanalyzed data from the vaccine makers' trials and high rates of serious post-injection injuries indicate the mRNA gene therapy vaccines should not have been authorized for use.

Pfizer Double Dips as It Invests Billions Into Heart Failure Treatment
ARTICLE: Pfizer is investing billions of dollars in treatments to prepare for a looming “heart failure pandemic.” The Covid mRNA vaccine maker is making a big investment in treatment for heart failure as cases of myocarditis and sudden cardiac deaths skyrocket.

Big Pharma’s Stranglehold on American Society Has Worsened
VIDEO: Big Pharma’s stranglehold on American society has worsened, according to activist and film producer Leslie Manookian. She put forward this argument during an appearance on the “Health Ranger Report,” which also had film director and producer Kendall Nelson as a guest. The two are collaborating on the documentary movie “The Greater Good.”


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Google (And YouTube) Funded Covid-19 Bioweapon Development
ARTICLE: It went largely unnoticed and unreported on, but 2018 research published in the journal PLoS One reveals something major and previously unknown about Google’s involvement in the creation of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).


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Bill Gates-Linked Vaccine Delivered Through Mosquito Bite Carries Bioengineered Malaria-Causing Parasite
ARTICLE: A bizarre experiment funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation developed a new vaccine strategy using mosquito bites as a delivery vector in pursuit of developing a “next generation” malaria vaccine.

Bill Gates Pumps $40 Million into Plans to Test mRNA ‘Vaccines’ on Africans
ARTICLE: Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates is expanding his plans to test mRNA “vaccines” on the people of Africa. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has announced a $40 million initiative to support the production of messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines in Africa.

Gates Foundation Delivering Deadly Viruses to a Lab Near You
ARTICLE/VIDEO: A Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs heard testimony Tuesday titled ‘Origins of COVID-19: An Examination of Available Evidence’ revealed that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is funding dangerous gain-of-function viral research in labs across America.

Bill Gates-Connected Firm Plans to Release ‘Climate Change VACCINE’
ARTICLE/VIDEOS: The Bill Gates-connected startup ArkeaBio issued a press release in May detailing the firm’s acquisition of $26.5 million for development of a ‘methane vaccine’ for cows.

Gates-Backed Company Sells Millions of Dengue Fever “Vaccines” to Counter the Outbreak Another Gates-Backed Company Caused
ARTICLE/VIDEO: A dengue fever outbreak is sweeping across Brazil after billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates unleashed untold billions of genetically modified (GMO) mosquitos that carry it into the wild. And now the Brazilian government wants to buy loads of Gates’ dengue fever vaccines to stop the spread.s

Dengue Fever Surges by 400% in Brazil After Bill Gates-Backed Gene-Edited Mosquitos Released
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Dengue fever has spiked fourfold in Brazil in 2024 following the release of millions of gene-edited mosquitos by the United Nations’ World Mosquito Program. In the first five weeks of 2024, over 364,000 cases of dengue infection have been reported, according to the country’s health ministry, which is 4x greater than previous cases in the same period of 2023.

Bill Gates Invested MILLIONS in BioNTech JUST BEFORE Covid
ARTICLE: When did Bill Gates invest this large sum of money? Turns out that it was on the 4th of September 2019,. Covid was discovered just two months later in November 2019 (at least the first time we got to hear about it).

Gates-Funded Plan to Vaccinate 86 Million Girls Against HPV ( Gardasil ) Will ‘Unleash Mass Casualty Event
ARTICLE: An international campaign — funded in large part by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation — to inject tens of millions of young girls with the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine is drawing fire from critics who allege the vaccine will cause far more harm than good.

The FDA’s Ties to the Gates Foundation
ARTICLE: In 2017, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) entered into a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The FDA has MOUs with many academic and non-profit organisations, but few have as much to gain as Bill Gates, who has invested billions into pandemic countermeasures.

Bill Gates Investing $40 Million for mRNA Vaccine Development in Africa
ARTICLE: The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation announced $40 million in funding to "advance access to mRNA research and vaccine manufacturing technology that will support low-and middle-income countries’ (LMICs) capacity to develop high-quality, lifesaving vaccines at scale," according to an Oct. 9 press release

How Bill Gates Profited From Covid LIES & Fauci's Role In Developing Bioweapons
VIDEO: Robert Kennedy Jr and Jimmy Dore talk about how Bill Gates made a profit from spreading lies about the effectiveness of the COVID mRNA vaccines and later confessed that the vaccines were not effective after he sold his stocks

Gates Stopped Trump From Forming Commission to Look Into Vaxx Safety
VIDEO: MSNBC host Chris Hayes unearthed footage of Bill Gates discussing his first meetings with Donald Trump, and in particular Gates discouraging Trump from following the advice of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to investigate the effectiveness and potential harm of vaccines.

Bio-Terrorist Bill Gates Wants ‘Global Government’ To Institute International Lockdowns
VIDEO: Jeffrey Tucker of the Brownstone Institute talks to Steve Bannon about Bill Gates presentation at the World Economic Forum. “He’s not an intellectual. He’s actually, I’m sorry, a powerful but extremely stupid man, who knows nothing about cell biology. I sent that clip to a bunch of scientists connected with Brownstone and they were mortified. You know, like, ‘Why are these people running the world instead of people who actually understand cell biology and viruses.”

COVID Deception Fauci, Gates, and the Biosecurity State
ARTICLE: Learn how Fauci, Gates, and their cohorts use their control of media outlets, scientific journals, key government and quasi-governmental agencies, global intelligence agencies, and influential scientists and physicians to flood the public with fearful propaganda about COVID-19 virulence and pathogenesis, and to muzzle debate and ruthlessly censor dissent.

Before COVID, Gates Planned Social Media Censorship of Vaccine Safety Advocates With Pharma, CDC, Media, China and CIA
ARTICLE: In October 2019, shortly before the COVID outbreak, Gates and other powerful individuals began planning how to censor vaccine safety advocates from social media during a table-top simulation of a worldwide pandemic, known as Event 201.

Bill Gates and Neo-Feudalism: A Closer Look at Farmer Bill
ARTICLE: Gates has a Napoleonic concept of himself, an appetite that derives from power and unalloyed success, with no leavening hard experience, no reverses.” — Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson, presiding judge in the Gates/Microsoft antitrust-fraud case.

Why Bill Gates Switched From Microsoft To Vaccines
VIDEO: An eye-opening presentation starting with a flashback on 'WHO BILL GATES REALLY IS' (spoiler alert - does SELF-ABSORBED CONTROL-FREAK PSYCHOPATH RING ANY BELLS?) to how he used his vast fortune to transform/manufacture a new FAKE BENEVOLENT WARM-AND-FUZZY-PASTEL-SWEATER-WEARING PUBLIC PERSONA. NOTHING could be farther from the truth!!

Bill Gates - You Have No Choice About Taking My Dangerous Vaccines!
VIDEO: This is a short clip of Bill Gates in a dusgusting rant about how YOU HAVE NO CHOICE but to believe all his bull shit and you MUST allow him to jab you with his highly experimental, untested, and very dangerous vaccine!

Forced Masking of America Paving the Way for Bill Gates 'Final Solution'
ARTICLE: The politicization of facemasks is growing more acute by the day. Bill Gates informed us early on in the pandemic that we would not be allowed to “return to normal until the entire world is vaccinated.” Adoring news reporters quoted him saying this as though they were talking to God himself.

Meet Bill Gates
VIDEO: An examination of Bill Gates. his motivations, his ideology, and the connections of this man who has been so instrumental in shaping the post-coronavirus world.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Slams Bill Gates, W.H.O. Over Vaccine That Killed More Children in Africa Than the Diseases it Targeted
ARTICLE: Anyone defending the Bill Gates/WHO global vaccine program needs to explain this study: Mogensen et al 2017.

Robert F Kennedy Jr. Reveals the Extent of Vaccine Carnage and Corruption Caused by Bill Gates
ARTICLE: Robert F Kennedy Jr., chairman of Children’s Health Defense, has produced a damaging exposé of Bill Gates’ record in the production and distribution of vaccines worldwide. Girls vaccinated with the DTP vaccine—the flagship of Bill Gates’s GAVI/WHO African vaccine program—died at 10 times the rate of unvaccinated kids.

How Bill Gates Controls Global Messaging, Censorship to Push Vaccines
ARTICLE: Gates, Billionaire, wields his money and influence to establish his vaccine empire.

How Bill Gates Monopolized Global Health
VIDEO: Who is Bill Gates? A software developer? A businessman? A philanthropist? A global health expert? This question, once merely academic, is becoming a very real question for those who are beginning to realize that Gates' unimaginable wealth has been used to gain control over every corner of the fields of public health, medical research and vaccine development.

Bill Gates' Plan to Vaccinate the World
VIDEO: In January of 2010, Bill and Melinda Gates announced a $10 billion pledge to usher in a decade of vaccines. But far from an unalloyed good, the truth is that this attempt to reorient the global health economy was part of a much bigger agenda. An agenda that would ultimately lead to greater profits for big pharma companies, greater control for the Gates Foundation over the field of global health, and greater power for Bill Gates to shape the course of the future for billions of people around the planet.

Bill Gates and the Population Control Grid
VIDEO: The unimaginable wealth that Gates has accrued is now being used to purchase something much more useful: control. Control not just of the global health bodies that can coordinate a worldwide vaccination program, or the governments that will mandate such an unprecedented campaign, but control over the global population itself.

Here’s why Bill Gates wants indemnity… Are you willing to take the risk?
VIDEO: Why are the world’s top vaccine promoters, like Paul Offit and Peter Hotez, frantically warning us about the unique and frightening dangers inherent in developing a coronavirus vaccine?

Medical Tyranny 2020
VIDEO: The White House Covid-19 response team is made up of Big Pharma and Bill Gates operatives

$100 Billion Contact Tracing Deal by Bill Gates JUST BEFORE Pandemic
AUDIO PODCAST: The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation helped negotiate who would score a $100 Billion government-backed contact tracing contract in August 2019 — six months before the ‘pandemic’ arrived in the United States and four months before it swept through China.

TRUTH ABOUT THE CDC (Center For Disease Control)

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The CDC and Pfizer Withheld Evidence That Covid “Vaccines” Increased the Risk of Myocarditis in Children
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Pfizer and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) withheld evidence that the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines increased the risk of myocarditis in children, according to two sets of documents made public.

CDC Found Evidence COVID-19 Vaccines Caused Deaths
ARTICLE: CDC officials found evidence that the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines caused multiple deaths before claiming that there was no evidence linking the vaccines to any deaths, The Epoch Times has learned.nternal documents contradict claims from the CDC, which refused to explain the discrepancy.

Covid “Vaccine” Emails: Here’s What the CDC Hid Behind All Its Redactions
ARTICLE: The CDC hid how a woman who suffered chest pain and other symptoms following COVID-19 vaccination received a shot because of a mandate at work, newly obtained documents show. The agency also redacted how multiple children were diagnosed with Kawasaki Disease after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine, according to the documents.

CDC Finally Releases Hidden Covid “Vaccine” Injury Reports After Federal Judge Orders It To
ARTICLE: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has released previously hidden reports of facial paralysis and other adverse events following COVID-19 vaccination. The 780,000 reports were received shortly after the COVID-19 vaccines were rolled out, and show people experienced a wide range of post-vaccination problems, including heart inflammation, miscarriages, and seizures.

Top 7 Myths About mRNA Covid “Vaccines” Propagated by Big Pharma and the CDC
ARTICLE: Though we are four years deep into the “plandemic,” Big Pharma and the highly corrupt Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are still working hard to push propaganda, lies and untested “science” claims about the safety and effectiveness of the deadly Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) mRNA jabs.

CDC Finally Releases 148 Page Study on Myocarditis Following COVID Vaccine – And EVERY SINGLE WORD is Redacted!
ARTICLE: Zachary Stieber, a reporter with the Epoch Times, released the CDC report on the frequency of myocarditis following the COVID vaccines. EVERY SINGLE WORD IS REDACTED! How much more proof do we need that the CDC is totally corrupt?!

Email Reveals Why CDC Didn’t Issue Alert on COVID Vaccines and Myocarditis
ARTICLE: The CDC did not send an alert on COVID-19 vaccines and heart inflammation because officials were concerned they would cause panic, according to an email obtained by The Epoch Times.

Internal Emails and Experts Reveal CDC Labeled Accurate, Verifiable Information as Misinformation
ARTICLE: The CDC labeled multiple news articles as misinformation even though the articles were accurate, according to internal emails and experts. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) added the misinformation labels to articles from The Epoch Times in widely-circulated internal messages, according to copies obtained by The Epoch Times.

CDC Ordered to Disclose Crucial Information From Covid “Vaccine” Surveillance System
ARTICLE: The CDC must disclose information provided by people who experienced problems following COVID-19 vaccination, a federal court has ruled. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is being ordered to produce 7.8 million free-text entries from V-safe, one of its vaccine surveillance systems..

The CDC Has No Authority To Make Decisions For Americans
VIDEO: The CDC's job is to do research and provide information. The Department of Justice (DOJ) has admitted that it wants to preserve the CDC's authority and power. These people who lead these federal health agencies and other bureaucracies, these bureaucrats are unelected and unaccountable. And if they can promulgate rules that then have the full force and effect of the law on every single person in America, that's a huge amount of power. And they don't want to give that up. They are basically preparing for another possible opportunity during which they might want to deploy this power. That's what this is really about.

CDC Runs Two VAERS Systems — The Public Can Access Only One of Them
ARTICLE: An investigation by The BMJ into the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, or VAERS, found multiple deficiencies in the system, including the revelation that the government runs two systems — one for the public, and a private back-end system that contains all of the corrections and updates, including deaths that occurred after an initial injury.

Dr. Ladapo: "The_CDC, Their House is Crumbling"
VIDEO: In March 2022, Florida Surgeon General, Dr. Joseph A. Ladapo, faced significant criticism for advising against the COVID-19 vaccine for children under 17, citing reported risks outweighing the benefits. Now, W.H.O. has rolled back its own recommendation on the vaccine for healthy children and teenagers. Dr. Ladapo joins Del for a nice ‘I told you so’.

Report Linking Fluoride to Lower IQ in Children Made Public After CDC, HHS Tried to Block It
ARTICLE: The National Toxicology Program on Wednesday released a draft report linking prenatal and childhood fluoride exposure to reduced IQ in children, after public health officials tried for almost a year to block its publication.

CDC Found COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Signals Months Earlier Than Previously Known, Files Show
ARTICLE: The CDC identified hundreds of safety signals for the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines months earlier than previously known, according to files obtained by The Epoch Times.

CDC Knew COVID Vax Associated with Myocarditis but Left Off Post-Vax Survey
ARTICLE: It took a year and a half to get "five excel files which likely took the CDC minutes to download and produce," ICAN said in its portion of the Nov. 4 joint status report filed with the court.

Rand Paul: “Appalling” That CDC Has Approved COVID Vaccines For Kids
ARTICLE: Senator Rand Paul reacted Wednesday to the news that the CDC has approved COVID vaccinations for all children under the age of 19, calling the decision “appalling”. Paul tweeted a link to a Post Millennial story detailing the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices voting by 15-0 to add the Covid-19 vaccine to the Vaccines for Kids program.

The CDC Will Vote to Permanently Shield Pfizer and Moderna From COVID Vaccine Injury Liability
VIDEO: A CDC committee will convene this week and likely vote Thursday to deliver permanent legal indemnity to Pfizer and Moderna, through the process of adding the drug companies’ mRNA injections to the child and adolescent immunization schedules.

CDC Gave Facebook Misinformation About COVID-19 Vaccines, Emails Show
ARTICLE: The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) passed misinformation to Facebook as the partners worked to combat misinformation, according to newly released emails, in the most recent example of CDC officials making false or misleading claims.

CDC Quietly Drops Vaccine-Status Discrimination
ARTICLE: They finally Admit thier vaccines DO NOT Prevent anyone from getting or spreading a virus.

Discreetly Deleted From CDC Website: “mRNA and the Spike Protein Do Not Last Long in the Body”
ARTICLE: From the beginning, we've been told the Covid jabs are safe and effective. But evidence says they're neither. Now, the CDC seems to be admitting one of its biggest claims is false.

Why Is The CDC Hiding Excess Death Data?
ARTICLE: The number of “non natural cause” deaths in America has skyrocketed so much that the CDC has simply stopped processing the data. In fact, the CDC stopped updating cancer deaths in Week 50 of 2021.

New Documents Show CDC Worked Directly with Tech Giants to Crush Opposition to COVID Vaccine Regime
ARTICLE: New documents obtained by America First Legal show how the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) worked directly with tech giants to crush dissent against the COVID-19 vaccine regime.

CDC Used False Data To Approve The COVID Jab For Children
ARTICLE: The Centers for Disease Control And Prevention (CDC) was exposed for using highly misleading information when presenting to the vaccine advisory panel that approved the COVID-19 vaccine for children. Shortly after the approval, observers began to point out the misleading information in a disturbing exposure of the agency’s efforts to ensure it was party to injecting kids with a vaccine that is likely not effective or safe.

Why Is CDC Director Walensky Refusing to Answer This Senator’s Questions?
ARTICLE: According to Senator Ron Johnson, Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Director Rochelle Walensky is one of the public health officials who has been non-compliant with his requests. To date, Johnson says he has made eight specific requests, directly of Walensky, that have gone unanswered.

Shockingly, CDC Now Lists Vaccinated Deaths as Unvaccinated
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Anyone who dies within the first 14 days post-injection is counted as an unvaccinated death. Not only does this inaccurately inflate the unvaccinated death toll, but it also hides the real dangers of the COVID shots, as the vast majority of deaths from these shots occur within the first two weeks

CDC Rushed to Change Definition of 'Vaccination' On Same Day Israel Study Touts Natural Immunity over Vaccine
ARTICLE: The CDC quietly changed their definition of “Vaccination” on September 1st, exchanging the word “immunity” for “protection,” now that it appears that breakthrough cases can no longer be explained away as an anomaly.

CDC Does Not Legally ‘Allow’ Americans to Know Variant They Are Infected With
ARTICLE: The process for discovering if a particular Covid case is a specific ‘variant’ is not currently allowed for under the law. “The letter of the law from CMS is that if you don’t go through this full validation process, you cannot release the results with patient identifying information,” Wroblewski said.

The CDC Only Tracks a Fraction of Breakthrough COVID-19 Infections, Even as Cases Surge
ARTICLE: A May 1 decision by the CDC to only track breakthrough infections that lead to hospitalization or death has left the nation with a muddled understanding of COVID-19’s impact on the vaccinated.

Trust The Science? CDC Counts People Dying Within 14 Days Of Jab As “Unvaccinated”
ARTICLE: Yet another example of how the CDC is misleading & manipulating the masses.

The CDC Has Been Dramatically Overstating Outdoor Transmission, According To Epidemiologists
ARTICLE: The NYT reports outdoor transmission appears to be less than one percent and could even be lower than 0.1 percent. The transmission that does occur outside is typically a result of crowded spaces, according to the report. The CDC’s claim that COVID-19 transmissions are less than 10% is reportedly “deceiving.”

CDC Ignores Inquiry Into Increasing Number of Deaths, Injuries Reported After COVID Vaccines
ARTICLE: VAERS data released today showed 38,444 reports of adverse events following COVID vaccines, including 1,739 deaths and 6,286 serious injuries since Dec. 14, 2020.

CDC Exposed: Inflated Covid Deaths By 1600% Throughout The Election
ARTICLE: And Violated Multiple Federal Laws” Peer-Reviewed Study Finds…State, Local Governments Must Act.

60 Minutes - The 1976 Swine Flu Hoax. COVID-19 Is Not the First Staged Pandemic Hoax to Push Vaccines
VIDEO: This is a 60 minutes investigation with Mike Wallace where the Swine Flu pandemic hoax was fully exposed. At 5:32 in the video Dr. Sencer, then head of the CDC, confesses the whole massive vaccination campaign was based on NOTHING, "no confirmed cases of so-called Swine Flu anywhere in the GD world!"

Dr. Scott Atlas Corrects Deliberate Misleading Statements Made By CDC Director Redfield
VIDEO: FINALLY! Trump has put an honest doctor on the podium! Unlike Fauci, Birx and the likes of Redfield, Dr. Atlas is a doctor that's "actually" interested in providing honest information about the so-called pandemic.

To Trump Aides: You Have No Idea How Deep the CDC Scandals Go
ARTICLE: The Trump administration’s wrestling match with the CDC — behind the smoke and lies

A Brief History of CDC Corruption
VIDEO: This is a segment from the film PLANDemic II which details a bit of the totally corrupt operations of the CDC. Nothing has changed. They are doing it again with the FAKE COVID-19 PANDEMIC! This agency has been a menace to socieity from its inception! YOU CANNOT TRUST ANYTHING COMING OUT OF THE CDC.

CDC Pushes the Latest False Narrative About “Controlling” COVID-19
ARTICLE: You are the frog, and they are slowly boiling you. – In March, the CDC, along with doctors Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx, assured President Trump that we could control the viral gift from China if we just had everyone stay at home for two weeks. “Two weeks to flatten the curve,” they said. Remember that? I do.

You Are Under House Arrest as a Result of a Crime Committed by the CDC
VIDEO: Dr. David E. Martin presents a highly detailed account of exactly what the CDC (Center of Disease Control) did to orchestrated this alleged pandemic and what they did to make sure nobody could expose the fraud they have perpetrated against the entire population of the planet!

The CDC is actually a vaccine company' – Robert F. Kennedy Jr
VIDEO: Watch this RT interview with Robert Kennedy to see how corrupt the CDC is. We cannot trust this corrupt organization with our health. The CDC has a large financial interest in pushing untested vaccines on the public. WHO is even more under the control of Big Pharma. The organization is corrupt beyond the meaning of the word. “The WHO is a sock puppet for the pharmaceutical industry.”

After Repeated Failures, It’s Time To Permanently Dump Epidemic Models
ARTICLE: Assuming it’s possible to model an epidemic at all, any that the mainstream press relays will have been designed to promote panic. Take it from Fauci, who early on so eagerly employed them – they are to be ignored. Now and forever.

Robert Kennedy Jr.: CDC Is A Privately Owned Vaccine Company
ARTICLE: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. claims the CDC owns patents on at least 57 different vaccines, and profits $4.1 billion per year in vaccination sales.

Crackdown Lockdown Downtown: Fiddling Case Numbers While Rome Burns
VIDEO: In today’s episode of CDC/WHO holds the world hostage and builds a new wing on its mystical temple of lying science, while trance-induced billions stare at their TV sets for the latest fabrications, we begin here


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Chinese Researchers Engineer Deadly Coronavirus Strain Targeting the Brain and 100% Kill Rate in Mice
ARTICLE: A team of Chinese researchers claims to have successfully developed a mutant strain of the coronavirus with an alarming 100% kill rate in mice, specifically designed to target brain cells, the Daily Mail reported.

America’s Draconian Covid Lockdowns Were About Following Communist China, Not The Science
ARTICLE: Public health schemes adopted in the U.S. to ‘flatten the curve’ were shaped by a WHO-backed, CCP-driven agenda, not scientific evidence.

Researcher Suggests Deliberate Chinese Propaganda Campaign Forced World Into Lockdown
ARTICLE: Senger details how in late January, “international COVID-19 hysteria began” with a series of suspicious videos posted to social media sites showing people in China suddenly collapsing on the streets, including one instance where a man held out his arm to break his fall, suggesting the collapse was staged.

W.H.O. Adviser: ‘Actual Investigation’ in W.H.O. Wuhan COVID Probe ‘Done by Chinese Authorities’
ARTICLE/VIDEO: After first being panned as a conspiracy theory before gaining even some mainstream-media acceptance, the claim that the coronavirus originated in a Wuhan lab was recently “debunked” by a World Health Organization (WHO) investigation. That was the story, anyway. But a WHO advisor asserts that it’s a lie.

Chinese Biological Experiments To Infect Humans With Coronavirus Exposed In 2015 By Italian State Media
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Five years ago, Italian state owned media Company, Rai – Radiotelevisione Italiana, exposed dark efforts by China on viruses.


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Corbett Report - What NO ONE is Saying About The Corona Crisis
VIDEO: There are a thousand hacking at the branches of this pandemic panic to one striking at the root. Join James Corbett on the streets of Japan as he strikes at the root of the pandemic problem that we are being presented with. Will you accept or reject the new governing principle of society?

Contact Tracing Scarier Than You Could Possibly Imagine
VIDEO: This is all about DEHUMANIZING US! It's not science, it's CONTROL FREAK (globalist/collectivist/communist) INSANITY! It's total absolute mindless insanity. Remember, this is all being justified by a virus that has been proven to be no more dangerous than the usual seasonal flu strains for coronavirus.

Stop Calling It Contact Tracing
VIDEO: What's in a name? Everything. Find out about the latest attempt to package the Orwellian total police state surveillance grid as something wonderful and wholesome—and why you should never, ever say "contact tracing"—in this week's edition of #PropagandaWatch.

HR6666 The Bill Of The Beast
VIDEO: Nationwide Contact Tracing And Quarantine

"We're Watching" Music Video!
VIDEO: Another brilliant music video parody by creator Media Bear called “We’re Watching” points out the tyrannical absurdity of the coronavirus contact tracing proposals and their relation to the NSA spy grid, all to the tune of Rockwell’s “Somebody’s Watching Me.”


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Documents Show Government Knew Covid Shot Takes Over the Human Body
VIDEO: Alex Jones discusses a video by Dr. John Campbell in which he details documents proving the government knew the devastating damanage the Covid jabs would cause to the human body.

Playing God - An Investigation Into Medical Democide in the UK
VIDEO: Playing God: An Investigation into Medical Democide in the UK” is a documentary film that explores allegations of harmful medical practices and policies in the U.K. health care system.

Dr. David Martin: US Govternment Coordinating Depopulation Program Against The World!
VIDEO: Dr. David Martin joins Alex Jones live in-studio to break down how states across the country are preparing criminal charges against Big Pharma.

Dr. Mike Yeadon: ‘COVID Jabs Were Designed—Intentionally—to Harm, Maim & Kill, And Reduce Human Fertility’
VIDEO: The Covid jabs are intended to “harm, maim and kill people,” warned ex-Pfizer Vice President Dr. Michael Yeadon. The former Pfizer chief science officer called attention to the real agenda behind the experimental injections during a rally against the jabs.

Pro-Vax Doctor "Dr. Boz" Blows Whistle: ‘Biggest Crime in History of Medicine’
ARTICLE/VIDEO: In a major U-turn, a prominent pro-vaccine doctor has blown the whistle and raised the alarm about the deadly consequences of being injected with Covid mRNA shots. Annette Bosworth, also known as “Dr. Boz,” has released an explosive video statement to warn the public about “the biggest crime in the history of medicine.”

All Hell is Gonna Break Loose
VIDEO: Americans know in their gut that the despotism demonically possessing the federal government is only getting started.

Cuomo Deserves a Special Place in Hell for What He Did to Elderly People
VIDEO: Cuomo recently claimed that none of his pandemic policies were mandatory. "We've got Cuomo lying in multiple dimensions," Clark said.

Bill Gates & Pfizer CEO Bourla Brag About Deadly COVID Shots & Upcoming Cancer Jabs!
VIDEO: This video breaks down alarming remarks by Bill Gates and Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla essentially admitting plans to conduct MORE global mRNA and oncological experiments on the human population.

Covid-19 Was a Test Run to Introduce Multiple Waves of Genetic Weaponry And Biological Experiments Onto The Population
ARTICLE: Dr. Masayasu Inoue, a world-renowned Japanese professor, recently spoke at a press conference in Geneva, Switzerland and issued a dire warning to the world. Dr. Inoue, warned that the COVID-19 global pandemic was a man-made hoax that was orchestrated by a network of globalists. The professor accuses these globalist organizations of committing an “extreme violation of human rights.”

Moderna Is Trying to Create an Infinite Money Source by Developing “Vaccines” for Diseases Caused by Its Previous “Vaccines”
ARTICLE: Citing the well-documented and often serious adverse reactions to the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, some scientists and doctors said they are concerned about the dangers of existing and new mRNA formulations. They also question whether Moderna is attempting to profit from solutions for diseases its products are causing.

The Era of Informed Consent is Over
ARTICLE: In a significant blow to patient autonomy, informed consent has been quietly revoked just 77 years after it was codified in the Nuremberg Code. On the 21st of December 2023, as we were frantically preparing for the festive season, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a final ruling to amend a provision of the 21st Century Cures Act.

Biggest Lie in World History: There Never Was A Pandemic
VIDEO: This video is from the very beginning of the fake pandemic back in 2020. The diabolical agenda behind it has undermined the sovereignty of nation states. It has contributed to a wave of bankruptcies. It has impoverished people Worldwide. It has led to a spiraling dollar denominated global debt. The powerful structures of global capitalism, Big Money coupled with its intelligence and military apparatus were the driving force. Using advanced digital and communications technologies, the lockdown and “closure” of the global economy is unprecedented in World history.

Tens of Thousands of Elderly Secretly Euthanized to Boost ‘Covid Deaths’ Numbers
ARTICE: A bombshell new report has sent shockwaves around the world after an investigation into the high numbers of “Covid deaths” during the pandemic uncovered evidence that tens of thousands of elderly people were actually murdered to boost the mortality rates. The data produced for the report indicated that people were being euthanized using a fatal injection of Midazolam.

Top Physicist PROVES Covid Shot Caused 17 Million Deaths Worldwide
VIDEO: Tucker Carlson Interview with Bret Weinstein Bret Weinstein discusses the truth about the so-called COVID Pandemic and the WHO’s plans for you in the future.

Italian Health Minister Gave Orders To Conceal Vaccination Deaths – Now Under Investigation For Murder
VIDEO: They knew the shots were killing people from the start and gave orders to conceal deaths.

Dr. David Martin - Exposing the COVID-19 Crimes
VIDEO: According to Martin, the evidence is clear. None of this is accidental. It’s a conspiracy, alright. But not a conspiracy theory in the dismissive sense. It’s a global conspiracy by identifiable agents who have, for nearly 60 years, plotted to commit, and profit from, the greatest genocide the world has ever seen, while hiding behind the false veneer of “public health.”

Geneva - The Head of the Snake
ARTICLE/VIDEOS: ”Everything evil in the world, related to democide … comes from Geneva.” That’s a quote from Pascal Najadi, a former banker and son of World Economic Forum (WEF) cofounder Hussain Najadi, who claims his father left the WEF “out of disgust” in the early ‘80s.

Prosecuting Covid 'Vaccine' Criminals to Globalist Brainwashing Techniques
VIDEOS: The International Covid Summit, a grassroots movement seeking to untangle the web of contradictions encountered in the early days of the “pandemic,” met for the first time in Rome in September of 2021 and has since assembled in Marseilles, France, followed by the European Parliament in Brussels, with the Alliance for the Union of Romanians, a Romanian political party, hosting the most recent event in the Palace of the Parliament in Bucharest.

COVID Unmasked - An In-depth Four-Part Series
VIDEO: In early 2020, life as we knew it changed forever. What was sold to us as a fight against “a new and deadly virus“ soon revealed itself as merely the opening act of a Great Reset, in which we will “own nothing and be happy”. This film documents exactly who is behind it all, how long it’s been in the works, and how to stop it… before we lose our country, our liberty, and our humanity.

Landmark Lawsuit Against Doctors and Nurses for Battery and Medical Murder is Going to Trial
ARTICLE: "After an unauthorized DNR was placed on record, Grace was injected with morphine, Ativan, and Precedex without her or her power of attorney’s knowledge or consent. These actions killed her."

A Powerful In-Depth Look at Hospital's Deadly COVID Protocols
AUDIO: Backed by facts, Ms. Paul exposed how hospitals used COVID to ride roughshod over patients’ rights to information, their care options, and their treatment choices, all while isolating them from friends and family. It’s a truly horrifying tale, made worse by the fact that hospitals were driven not by fear (although many were) but by financial incentives.

Nobel Peace Prize For Shot That Killed Over A Hundred Thousand American Children
VIDEO: The global elite running the medical dictatorship are taunting those who are aware of their crims. The perpetrators of this mass murder remain free, pushing for round two, and awarding themselves the Nobel Peace Prize.

International Covid Summit III - European Parliament, Brussels
VIDEO: This was live streamed the day of the event but for those that missed all or part of the 8 hours of testimony, below are videos of the morning and afternoon session - with all of the speakers and the titles of their presentations listed below the videos. This was an historic event. Most of the speakers paid their own way to attend and make this event happen. These cientists and physicians are dedicated to medical freedom and getting data about COVID-19 out to the world.

Never Forget
VIDEO: This young lady reminds us all just how MASSIVELY we were lied to about the Plandemic and just how much damage these psychopaths caused without having to pay any price so far.

The Shocking Truth About the Global Depopulation Agenda
VIDEO: Dr. Andrew Wakefield and Mary Holland, president and general counsel for Children's Health Defense, discuss their new documentary film, "Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda,"

Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda
VIDEO: A film by award-winning filmmaker Andy Wakefield, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Children’s Health Defense. Watch the chilling tale of African women whose fertility was tragically stripped away through an experimental tetanus vaccination program. Are women everywhere next?

Planet Lockdown
VIDEO: They confess: they had no virus when they concocted the test for the virus; they “contrived” a model by pretending to find what they wanted to find • This is the con and the crime that drove millions of lives, and economies, into ruin.

COVID Fraud Grand Jury (Nuremberg 2.0) - In the Court of Public Opinion
VIDEO: This is an exhaustive series of videos exposing every detail of the MASSIVE COVID Fraud Crime Against Humanity!

Headed for a Digital Concentration Camp – Catherine Austin Fitts
VIDEO: Catherine Austin Fitts explains, “We have what we have been building for the last 20 or 30 years, and it’s getting much more obvious, but it’s been covert most of the time. They basically want digital control systems through the financial system, through the health system and government systems to implement control. That control is delivered one person at a time.

Pfizer/FDA Corruption, Lethal Batches, and Autopsies Reveal Covid-19 Jab Genocide
ARTILE/VIDEOS: Not only were Pfizer’s trials a fraud, but the FDA knowingly approved it, putting millions of people at high risk. This report will show how autopsies reveal that the Covid-19 jabs are in fact killing otherwise healthy people, how there were intentional lethal batches released, and provide an incredible tool showing Pfizer trial fraud and the FDA’s negligence, so that people are armed with some of the most critical data to date in order to fight against this tyranny.

The Supreme Court Dodged the Central Matter’: R.F. Kennedy Jr. on the OSHA/CMS Mandate Ruling
ARTICLE: The Supreme Court ruled that the Biden administration’s OSHA vaccine mandate directed at private businesses be halted but allowed the CMS vaccine mandate to stay in place. Attorney Robert F. Kennedy Jr. believes that they dodged the central issue. “I think the most troubling thing is that the Supreme Court dodged the central matter, which is the Nuremberg issue,” Kennedy told The Epoch Times.

Dr. Michael Yeadon - The Latest Evidence of Premeditated Mass Murder By Lethal Injection
VIDEO: Dr. Mike Yeadon, the former VP of Pfizer, shared the latest damning evidence with the Corona Investigative Committee in Germany. He gave an absolutely stunning (oftentimes jaw-dropping) presentation packed with information.

Reiner Fullmich: The Vaccines Are Designed To Kill and Depopulate the Planet
VIDEO: After hearing the witness statements to the German Corona Investigative Committee by former vice president of Pfizer dr Mike Yeadon who has been a scientist for 36 years, lawyers with Reiner Füllmich draw the same conclusion: The injections normally called Corona vaccines are designed to experiment on the human race and to find out what dosage of a yet unknown toxin is needed in order to kill people.

Dr. David Martin - COVID Plandemic Acts of Treason
VIDEO: Dr. David Martin presents a detailed expose of the actual laws violated by the likes of Dr. Anothony Fauci and all his myriad of TOTALLY EVIL cohorts.

COVIDLAND Episode 1 - The Lockdown
VIDEO: The first installment of this epic mini-series COVIDLAND - The Lockdown is finally here! ‘COVIDLAND’ is a riveting and fast-paced movie made by award-winning filmmaker Paul Wittenberger and narrated by Alex Jones that’s designed to break people out of their trance, see the big picture, and take our world back!

Reiner Fuellmich UPDATE - Humanity vs Inhumanity
VIDEO: Reiner Fuellmich UPDATE on where we all stand vs the psychopathic globalist lunatics imposing the COVID SCAM. Fuellmich ends this update on an incredibly positive reality about humanity and why we shall prevail against this evil.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich Has Evidence That The Fake Pandemic is a Massive Crime Agaisnt Humanity!
VIDEO: The famous international trial lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and his large worldwide network of lawyers have all the evidence that the pandemic is a crime against humanity. Several lawsuits have been won already and they are preparing major class-action lawsuits against the WHO and governments. Reiner Fuellmich says a second Neurenberg may be needed.

Dr. Daniel Nagase Exposes Deliberate and Malicious Withholding of Life-Saving Medications
VIDEO: On the Steps of the Vancouver Art Gallery on October 1st, celebrating the 75 Anniversary of the Nuremberg Code, Dr. Nagase gave this Powerful Speech.


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Biggest Lie in World History: There Never Was A Pandemic
VIDEO: This video is from the very beginning of the fake pandemic back in 2020. The diabolical agenda behind it has undermined the sovereignty of nation states. It has contributed to a wave of bankruptcies. It has impoverished people Worldwide. It has led to a spiraling dollar denominated global debt. The powerful structures of global capitalism, Big Money coupled with its intelligence and military apparatus were the driving force. Using advanced digital and communications technologies, the lockdown and “closure” of the global economy is unprecedented in World history.

The Number of Small Businesses Destroyed by COVID Lockdowns Will ASTOUND You
ARTICLE: COVID shutdowns championed by U.S. governors and D.C. bureaucrats are responsible for destroying nearly 40% of small businesses since the virus was unleashed on the world—and we know now that it was for little to no damned good reason.

Face Masks: A Danger to Our Planet, Our Children & Ourselves
ARTICLE: A “monthly estimated use of 129 billion face masks and 65 billion gloves globally, is resulting in widespread environmental contamination.” 194 billion face masks and gloves equates to well over 6 billion face masks being consumed and discarded each and every day. Based on the aforementioned paper, six months of face masks alone – equates to seven hundred seventy-four billion, while 12 months of consumption, equates to a stunning one trillion five hundred forty-eight billion face masks.

Carlos Zapata Warns Shasta County Officials That a Revolution is Coming Because of Lockdown/Mask Insanity
VIDEO: Business Owner and Veteran Carlos Zapata warned the masked officials in the Shasta County, California Board of Supervisors, in their 'chamber', that a revolution is brewing. He is 100% correct. I will not let this patriot fight alone. I will fight beside him to help take down the tyrannical political class. police enforcing unconstitutional edicts, orders, and rules.

Global Lockdowns Set to Plunge 100 Million Into Extreme Poverty
ARTICLE: The impact of the global coronavirus lockdown is set to plunge 100 million people into extreme poverty, warns a new report by the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting.

GDP Shrinks Record 32.9 Percent In Second Quarter Amid Virus Lockdowns
ARTICLE: The staggering decline in GDP growth was widely expected by economists after the onset of the coronavirus pandemic forced millions of Americans into quarantine and out of work. More than 20 million Americans lost their jobs in March and April as thousands of businesses were forced to close and lay off their workers.

Kristi Noem Protected Her State’s Economy — And Kept People Safe
ARTICLE: We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection fromFor Noem, one of five governors who did not issue a stay-at-home order, it was a vindication of her hands-off approach to the COVID-19 pandemic, which protected her state’s economy while at the same time safeguarding the health of the people of South Dakota.

The COVID-19 Lockdown Induced Housing Crisis Of 2020
ARTICLE: The economic damage being done by the SCAMDEMIC LOCKDOWNS is arguably the primary motivation behind the massive fraud. The globalist cannot achieve their maniacal global government unless they destroy the United States.

It Starts: Mortgage Delinquencies Suddenly Soar at Record Pace
ARTICLE: This is a consequnce of the COVID Scamdemic Lockdowns. It's economic warfaire. The onslaught of delinquencies came suddenly in April, according to CoreLogic, a property data and analytics company (owner of the Case-Shiller Home Price Index), which released its monthly Loan Performance Insights today.

Sweden Is Right. the Economy Should be Left Open
ARTICLE: Sometimes, the best thing to do, is to do nothing at all. Take Sweden, for example, where the government decided not to shut down the economy, but to take a more thoughtful and balanced approach.

American Farmers Being Ordered To Depopulate Livestock And Destroy Crops
VIDEO: American rancher Shad Sullivan recently delivered a message to the American people warning of upcoming meat shortages. The viral video explains how ranchers are being forced to euthanize harvest-ready cattle as lower quality meat is being shipped in from overseas. Why is America destroying its harvest and importing beef that is less safe than what we have right here at home?

FAUCI (Dr. Anthony Fauci)

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Fauci Received $15 Million Taxpayer-Funded Security Services After Retiring From Government
ARTICLE: Fauci has received $15,000,000 in taxpayer-funded security services since leaving his post as the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), Government Watchdog, Open the Books, has found. The secret, unprecedented arrangement was discovered within a memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the U.S. Marshals service and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) via a Freedom of Information Act request issued by the watchdog.

Lab wars: Inside Dr. Ebright's 20-year Crusade to Save the World From Anthony Fauci
ARTICLE: While much of the world has only recently woken up to this reality, one man, Dr. Richard Ebright, has been warning us for 20 years that this day was coming. For 20 years, his warnings have largely been ignored, primarily thanks to Dr. Anthony Fauci.

KILLER FAUCI: On March 16, 2020, Dr. Fauci Received Email Cheering Hydroxychloroquine Treatment of COVID in China
ARTICLE: On March 16, 2020, Dr. Tony Fauci received an email reporting China’s success using hydroxychloroquine in treating the coronavirus. 4 Days Later He Publicly Rebuked President Trump at WH Presser For Suggesting It a Valid COVID Treatment.

VIDEO: It is beyond belief that Fauci is still walking around free and still being propped up by the lunatic leftist as an "expert" who we should trust. This psychopath doesn't have a trustworthy bone in his body.

Fauci Admits He Made Up Tyrannical COVID Guidelines - Including Child Masking and Social Distancing — Were Based on Mere Assumptions, Not Science
ARTICLE: Dr. Anthony Fauci, the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has admitted that some of the most stringent COVID-19 guidelines, including social distancing and child masking, were not rooted in concrete scientific evidence. This admission came during a comprehensive interview with the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic earlier this year, details of which were released ahead of Dr. Fauci’s scheduled testimony on Monday.

Fauci Was Like the Covid Fairy
VIDEO: This video starts with Rob Schneider detailing the string of lies Fauci told everyone, one lie morphing into the next. The video then presents a compilation of the actual lies told by this stone-cold psychopathic murdering lunatic who should have been tried for crimes against humanity a long time ago!

Dr. Naomi Wolf: Fauci Needs to Go to Jail
VIDEO: Dr. Naomi Wolf details the EXTREME CRIMES Anthony Fauci is guilty of and yet there is no serious effort to hold this murdering psychopath accountable, not even the like of Senator Rand Paul who essentially ignores the truly serious crimes Fauci has committed in favor of focusing on the least serious.

The Legal Case Against Anthony Fauci
VIDEOS: Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry said Dr. Jay Bhattacharya’s lawsuit against Anthony Fauci for censorship is the most important First Amendment legal case in modern times and will certainly end up at the Supreme Court. He said the case “determines the scope of the First Amendment in a virtual world”.

Dr Ryan Cole: Fauci Told Our Government to Tell People Not to Do Autopsies on Covid Patients
VIDEO: In this clip Dr. Ryan Cole discloses yet another effort by murderous Anthony Fauci to coverup the consequences of the Covid jabs he knew damned well were deadly. Fauci has been killing people with deadly drugs his entire career of death and destruction.

Skeleton Crawls from Fauci’s Closet, Shows Him Saying Benefits of Gain-of-Function Research Outweighed Pandemic Risk
ARTICLE: In a newly resurfaced paper from 2012, Dr. Anthony Fauci argued that the benefits of gain-of-function research are worth the increased risk of a potential pandemic-causing lab accident. “Scientists working in this field might say – as indeed I have said – that the benefits of such experiments and the resulting knowledge outweigh the risks.

Fauci Caught In Bribery Scheme to Save his Skin
VIDEO: The following is a paraphrase of the opening round — the warning shot — by U.S. Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) last Tuesday in which he used his time to outline seven facts that Dr. Anthony Fauci knew, and, more importantly, what Fauci did, and did not do, when he was made aware of these facts.

7 Facts Fauci Knew But Hid From the Public
VIDEO: The Great Awakening is the third installment of the Plandemic series. This documentary experience assembles forbidden puzzle pieces to reveal the big picture of what’s really happening in America and beyond. The Great Awakening is intended to be a lighthouse to guide us out of the storm and into a brighter future.

Worse Than Fauci: Peter Hotez Vies for Power as Lead Propagandist for Big Pharma and the Global Deep State
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Dr. Peter Hotez, dean for the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, is enamored with dangerous virus tinkering, censorship and state-directed cyberattacks on civilians. He decries the benefits of whole food and nutrition and is a leading advocate for biomedical tyranny and the murder of independent thinkers

America’s Draconian Covid Lockdowns Were About Following Communist China, Not The Science
ARTICLE: Public health schemes adopted in the U.S. to ‘flatten the curve’ were shaped by a WHO-backed, CCP-driven agenda, not scientific evidence.

The Ongoing Covid Deceptions: How Ruling Elites Lied about Masks and Mask Mandates
ARTICLE: New information is emerging that senior officials doubted policies that were foisted upon the American public. By sharing the results of his deposition with Dr. Anthony Fauci, Missouri attorney general Eric Schmitt exposed Fauci’s advocacy of face masks as insincere

Anthony Fauci Deposition Released: Replied 'I Don't Recall' 174 Times!
ARTICLE: The official transcript of the seven-hour deposition of Dr. Anthony Fauci in a lawsuit alleging the federal government colluded with social media companies to censor speech has been released. Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt, who joined in the lawsuit with Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry, noted via Twitter on Monday that the Nov. 23 transcript shows Fauci said "I don't recall" 174 times.

Fauci Knew Masking Was ‘Ineffective’ While Pushing Mask Mandates, Deposition Reveals
ARTICLE: Dr. Anthony Fauci knew that masking was “ineffective” while he pushed for mask mandates to be enforced in schools, businesses, and public places across America, new evidence from the top U.S. health official’s deposition has revealed.

Fauci Admits he Based His Unprecedented US Economic Lockdowns on Draconian Measures Used by the Communist Chinese
ARTICLE: Fauci was deposed on Wednesday. And The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft and attorney John Burns were present at the deposition and witnessed the questioning for seven hours. During questioning, Dr. Fauci admitted that he got the idea for the unprecedented economic lockdowns in America based on the draconian measures taken by the Communist Chinese regime.

The Real Anthony Fauci the Movie
VIDEO: Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s (RFK) best-selling book, ‘The Real Anthony Fauci’, has been turned into a spellbinding documentary film by Kala Mandrake …and has been released entirely free to the public on Tuesday, Oct. 18, 2022.

The Rise of Fauci and the U.S. Biosecurity State — Who Was Behind It?
ARTICLE: Dick Cheney, as vice president, was responsible for putting all biodefense research under the auspices of Dr. Anthony Fauci and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, making Fauci the sole decision-maker on biodefence and scientific research.

Tucker Carlsen Interview with Robert Kennedy Jr.
VIDEO: In this interview, RKJ covers his vast knowledge about Big Pharma and Anthony Fauci in particular starting with why he wrote his book "The Real Anthony Fauci" to vast corruption within all the government regulatory agencies that have been completely captured by Big Pharma, to total control over mass media propaganda.

How Fauci Used The AIDS Epidemic To Gain Power And Become The Figurehead Of Medical Tyranny
VIDEOS/ARTICLE: A new three-part series called “Fauci Unmasked,” which was produced by the Daily Wire and hosted by Michael Knowles, dives into the deep, dark past of Dr. Fauci and how his gain to power didn’t start with COVID-19 but the AIDS epidemic.

Project Veristas - Military Documents About Gain of Function Contradict Fauci Testimoney Under Oath
VIDEO: “Premeditated Manslaughter of Millions of People Coordinated at the Highest Levels” – Naomi Wolf and Dr. Malone Respond to Project Veritas BOMBSHELL

COVID Deception Fauci, Gates, and the Biosecurity State
ARTICLE: Learn how Fauci, Gates, and their cohorts use their control of media outlets, scientific journals, key government and quasi-governmental agencies, global intelligence agencies, and influential scientists and physicians to flood the public with fearful propaganda about COVID-19 virulence and pathogenesis, and to muzzle debate and ruthlessly censor dissent.

The Most Striking Fact in Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s New Book About Fascist Fear Monger Fauci
ARTICLE: Flipping through the first couple of chapters, one thing really stood out — that Fauci dispenses some $7 billion in research grants to “public health” researchers all over the world. He has held that position for 30 years.

The Real Anthony Fauci
VIDEO: Over his 50-year career as a government bureaucrat, Dr. Fauci has consistently served the interests of himself, Big Pharma and the military — while failing the American public. Through painstaking and meticulous research, this book unearths facts about Dr. Fauci that should alarm every American who cares about this country — and the future our children will inherit.

Newly Released Documents Show Fauci LIED About Wuhan Coronavirus Research
ARTICLE: A trove of newly released documents detailing U.S.-funded coronavirus research in China prior to the COVID-19 pandemic shows that Dr. Anthony Fauci was “untruthful” when he claimed that his agency did not finance gain-of-research in Wuhan.

Dr. Pierre Kory Identifies U.S. Agency Truly at War with Ivermectin and It Is NOT the FDA - It's Fauci's NIH
ARTICLE: “I think it is important to recognize which agency is truly conducting the war on IVM… and that would be the @NIH. Hear me out: the @US_FDA simply ran interference for them by telling jokes and lies, ‘pretending’ FDA approval is needed or would even ever be sought.

Flashback: Fauci Knew Exactly What Damage The Covid Jabs Would Cause
VIDEO: During this March 2020 press briefing, Fauci admits vaccines can enhance the disease they are created to fight against which is precisely what we're seeing with the majority of people currently being hospitalized and dying of COVID are fully vaccinated!

GOP Senators Reveal Contents of Redacted Fauci Letter – HHS Hid His Collaboration with Dr. Daszak and Wuhan Lab
ARTICLE: This information is very damning and proved that Dr. Anthony Fauci has been lying under oath and lying to the American people about his involvement with the Wuhan lab.

Over 30 Years Ago Dr. Robert Willner Exposed Fauci's Murderous Lie That HIV Causes AIDS
ARTICLE/VIDEOS: Fauci has LITERALLY been getting away with mass murder for DECADES orchestrating one fake pandemic after another!

Fauci in the Hot Seat as Emails Reveal His Lies
VIDEO: Saint Anthony's halo is tarnishing and hanging more crooked by the day. Dr. Anthony Fauci — whose medical expertise has been held as indisputable by mainstream media since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic — is now facing mounting scrutiny

Tucker Responds to Dr. Fauci Calling His Vaccine Questions a 'Conspiracy Theory'
VIDEO: 'Tucker Carlson Tonight' host asks the NIAID director Anthony Fauci to answer simple questions about coronavirus.

Never Has Someone Had More Power in the History of this Republic to be More Wrong Than Anthony Fauci
ARTICLE: The Great Awakening is the third installment of the Plandemic series. This documentary experience assembles forbidden puzzle pieces to reveal the big picture of what’s really happening in America and beyond. The Great Awakening is intended to be a lighthouse to guide us out of the storm and into a brighter future.

Fauci on Face Masks - Why Does Anyone Listen To This Psychopath Anymore?
VIDEO: The beginning of this video is from March of 2020, back when the fear-mongering began over the COVID Pandemic Hoax. Initially, the fear was driven by the totally overinflated death projections Fauci & Co. were hawking. At that time there wasn't any need to lie about the uselessness of face masks.

Laura Ingraham - LIARS IN LABCOATS
VIDEO: This is a brilliant few segments from the Laura Ingraham Show where she highlights the never-ending stream of LIES and moving goalposts spewed the likes of Dr. Fauci. Also includes "honest" comments by Dr. Atlas

The Highest Paid Federal Government Employee Is the Same Guy Who Cost Millions of Americans Their Jobs
ARTICLE: What an outrage, the same guy who cost millions of Americans their jobs is the highest paid employee in the US government. And there's no disclosure about how much money he makes on the side from Big Pharma.

How the White House COVID Task Force Sank the Trump Presidency
ARTICLE: The Fauci-Birx doctrine of destruction ended the president's tenure.

Inventor of the PCR Test Kary Mullis Exposes Dr. Anthony Fauci For Who He Really Is!
VIDEO: Kary Mullis won a Nobel Prize for his invention of the PCR test so if anyone would know whether the test is being used properly or not it would be Kary Mullis. In these clips, Kary makes it quite clear what he thinks of Dr. Anothony Fauci and how his test is being misused to deliberately manufacture the false perception of pandemics that don't actually exist. The pandemics are not viral pandemics but rather FAKE TESTING PANDEMICS!

Anthony Fauci: 40 Years of Lies From AZT to Remdesivir
ARTICLE: As the planet’s “Virus Tsar” since 1984, he has spread misinformation and ignored critical questions. The consequences could hardly be more fatal.

David Martin Exposes Fauci’s CRIMINAL Violations
VIDEO: David Martin, PhD , DavidMartin.world, joins to discuss the criminal violations of Fauci — and the money trail & patents that lead to the usual suspects. Money through shell corporations to fund banned research, corruption, predatory pricing, anti-trust violations — Fauci could easily be led away in handcuffs if AG Barr wished.

The Fauci Files
ARTICLE: This is a detailed accounting of Fauci's deplorable, self-serving history. When you look at his track record, you realize he’s predicted “nightmare” scenarios for decades, none of which have materialized. Last but not least, Dr. Fauci serves on Bill Gates leadership council.

Fauci Backpedals on Vitamin C and D Recommendations
ARTICLE: This is a detailed accounting of Fauci's deplorable, self-serving history. When you look at his track record, you realize he’s predicted “nightmare” scenarios for decades, none of which have materialized. Last but not least, Dr. Fauci serves on Bill Gates leadership council.

Fauci Spills The Beans: A Vaccine Won’t End COVID-19 Restrictions
ARTICLE: Anthony Fauci is always the harbinger of additional suffering to be inflicted by state and local governments.

Yale Epidemiologist Harvey Risch: Dr. Fauci & FDA Have Caused the 'Deaths of Hundreds of Thousands of Americans'
VIDEO: HUGE! Noted Yale Epidemiologist: Dr. Fauci and FDA Have Caused the 'Deaths of Hundreds of Thousands of Americans' that Could Have been Saved with treatment using Hydroxychloroquine.

Hidden FDA Doc Explains Why “Liar” Fauci Opposes Hydroxychloroquine
ARTICLE: A document no longer available from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration regarding “Emergency Use Authorization” of potential COVID-19 treatments appears to suggest that hydroxychloroquine satisfies the criteria for the classification, but would stand in the way of lucrative other drugs, and a vaccine.

Yale Epidemiologist: Dr. Fauci Running 'Misinformation Campaign' Against Hydroxychloroquine
ARTICLE: Dr. Harvey Risch, a noted Yale epidemiologist, has accused White House coronavirus task force member Dr. Anthony Fauci of waging a "misinformation campaign" against the drug hydroxychloroquine, claiming the medication has shown consistently encouraging results in treating COVID-19 when used properly.

DEADLY COVER UP: Fauci Approved Hydroxychloroquine 15 Years Ago to Cure Coronaviruses. Nobody Needed to Die”
ARTICLE: Dr. Anthony Fauci, whose “expert” advice to President Trump has resulted in the complete shutdown of the greatest economic engine in world history, has known since 2005 that chloroquine is an effective inhibitor of coronaviruses.

Fauci: Cuomo Did a Great Job-Killing 6,400+ Nursing Home Residents. The Clown Cars Are Fully Loaded And Dr. Fauci’s Is Leading The Parade
ARTICLE: When it comes to the topic of clown cars, we’d say Dr. Fauci gets a limo version all to himself. Yesterday he uttered the following incoherent babble, saying the recent surge in new cases is because the Virus Patrol didn’t go far enough in throwing 50 million Americans out of work.

Literally Thousands of Doctors and Scientists Have Come Out Against Fauci’s Lockdowns
ARTICLE: Fauci painted lipstick on that lame donkey and now he’s trying to convince everyone it’s a thoroughbred. Moderna and NIH began manufacturing the first of 1 billion doses of the deadly vaccine this month. Fauci knows from experience that no matter how dangerous a vaccine, the easy part is convincing people to take it. Pharma, after all, controls the media.

Senator Rand Paul Challenges Dr. Fauci
VIDEO: The Great Awakening is the third installment of the Plandemic series. This documentary experience assembles forbidden puzzle pieces to reveal the big picture of what’s really happening in America and beyond. The Great Awakening is intended to be a lighthouse to guide us out of the storm and into a brighter future.

Dr. Anthony Fauci's Ex-Employee, Judy Mikovits, Who Fauci Had Jailed For Opposing Him, Finally Tells All
VIDEO: Go behind the scenes with an experienced expert, virologist who worked under Anthony Fauci,director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984. Judy was jailed and now tells all. All is revealed and be prepared for a future you are NOT PREPARED FOR!

Dr. Graves Slams Dr. Fauci & Attack on Liberty Amid COVID19
VIDEO: Dr. Karladine Graves, a high-profile medical doctor who has been providing information and advice to the White House on coronavirus and other issues, slams the willingness of Americans to trade their liberty for supposed safety. She also slammed Dr. Anthony Fauci, questioning whether he has a conflict of interest.

Letter To Dr. Anthony Fauci
ARTICLE: Dr. Fauci, you need a zinc suppository, stat! Your ideas are as old as Dr. Edward Jenner and his cow pox technology of yesteryear. Today zinc replaces all those vaccines. They didn’t tell you this in your virology course in college?

Dr. Fauci and Obama Admin Gave Wuhan Lab $3.7 Million After Its Top Dr. Shi Zhengli Had US Project Shut Down and She Was Sent Back to China
ARTICLE: Chinese Doctor Shi Zhengli was part of a team that working on a coronavirus project jointly with US doctors in 2014 in the United States before it was shut down by the DHS for being too risky. After the US research project was shut down, Dr. Shi, often referred to as the “Bat Lady,” continued her coronavirus research in Wuhan, China.

TRUTH ABOUT THE FDA (Food & Drug Administration)

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FDA-Led Peer-Reviewed Study Uncovers Alarming DNA Contamination in Pfizer’s mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine at FDA’s Own Lab
ARTICLE: A group of high school students from Centreville High School in Virginia, in collaboration with the FDA, has uncovered alarming DNA contamination in both Pfizer’s experimental and commercial mRNA COVID-19 shots. Their peer-reviewed study, published in the Journal of High School Science on December 29th, has sparked renewed debate over vaccine manufacturing standards and quality control processes.

FDA Pushes RSV Vaccines for Kids Despite Halted Moderna Trials
ARTICLE: Advisers to the FDA recently met to discuss the future of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccines for children. This followed Moderna’s forced halt of its mRNA RSV vaccine trials after alarming data showed higher rates of severe RSV in vaccinated infants compared to those given a placebo.

‘Disaster Waiting to Happen’: FDA Approves Phase 1 Trial of Gates-Funded Self-Amplifying Bird Flu Vaccine
ARTICLE: Clinical trials — funded by the U.S. government and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation — are set to begin for a self-amplifying mRNA vaccine targeting the H5N1 bird flu virus.

Parents Now Allowed to Give Kids Nasal Flu Vaccine at Home, Despite Vaccine’s Link to Severe Reactions
ARTICLE: Parents can now give their children ages 2 and up — at home — a nasal flu vaccine that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) withdrew in 2016 because it was ineffective, and which has been associated with reports of children’s deaths, according to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System.

FDA Approves Monkeypox Vaccine, says it May Cause Death in the Vaccinated AND People They Come in Contact With
ARTICLE: The FDA approved for use in the U.S. a vaccine for Monkeypox. While the injection is actually a Smallpox vaccine initially approved in 2007, this new approval allows the shot to be injected into those at ‘high risk’ for the Monkeypox disease, such as those in the LGBTQIAAP2S+ community. It carries with it serious side effect risks, including death to those who have contact with the vaccinated.

FDA Tells Staff Who Leave for Pharma Jobs They Can Work ‘Behind the Scenes’ to Influence Agency
ARTICLE: According to an internal email obtained by The BMJ, the FDA told a departing staffer who had reviewed COVID-19 vaccines while working at the FDA and who later accepted a job at Moderna that he could still work “behind the scenes” to influence agency decision-making.

FDA Inserts Don’t Lie: Colorado Ebola Psyop Exposed
VIDEO: The psyop to throw the public off the trail of the next engineered pandemic is very real. A new bat lab is constructed in Ft. Collins, Colorado while Denver doctors are inoculated with a live Ebola vaccine.

FDA VACCINE COVERUP EXPOSED! Court Allows FDA To Hide Vaccine Injury & Death Records
VIDEO: The more information that comes out, the more governments are willing to cover up vaccine data despite a constantly growing public outcry demanding answers.

Florida’s Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo Confirms Detection of DNA Fragments in COVID mRNA Vaccines
ARTICLE: The Florida Surgeon General, Dr. Joseph A. Ladapo, is demanding answers from Dr. Robert M. Califf, the Commissioner of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), regarding the detection of host cell DNA fragments in mRNA COVID-19 vaccines developed by Pfizer and Moderna.

FDA Shuts Down Enquiries About DNA Contamination in Covid Vaccines
ARTICLE: The recent findings of DNA fragments in the Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19 vaccines has led many to question why the FDA, which is responsible for monitoring the quality and safety of the vaccines, has failed to sound the alarm. For years, the FDA has known about the risk posed by residual DNA in vaccines in its own guidance to industry.

Two High-Level FDA Officials Who Approved Moderna’s Covid-19 “Vaccine” Are Now Working for Moderna to Develop New mRNA Jabs
ARTICLE: What could be more dangerous in the field of medicine than government officials knowingly licensing dangerous medical experiments on the population, and then suddenly taking up new positions with the pharmaceutical companies that they were supposed to regulate? This revolving door of corruption is currently taking place between the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Moderna, one of the manufacturers of COVID-19 “vaccines.”

Newly Approved COVID Jabs Only Tested on Mice - Just EIGHT of them - And NEVER in Humans
ARTICLE: Almost unbelievably, Newsweek, which just a few years ago was calling for the unvaccinated to be jailed, is calling out the FDA for approving these new so-called "vaccines" without any clinical trials on humans.

FDA Downplays COVID Vax Overdosing as Hydroxychloroquine Shows More Promise in European Research
ARTICLE: The FDA repeatedly told the public that an antiviral with a sterling safety record, ivermectin, should not be used to treat COVID-19 because it was also prescribed, at higher dosages, to livestock. The agency didn't appear to show the same concern about correctly dosing the new single-shot mRNA COVID vaccines and is now scrambling to educate healthcare providers not to give children adult-strength jabs even while denying that overdosing is a safety risk.

The FDA is Required by Law to Take Covid Jabs Off the Market Because They Are Adulterated and You Can Now Sue the Manufacturers
ARTICLE: You can now sue the mRNA COVID vaccine manufacturers for damages and the FDA is required to take the COVID vaccines off the market. Why? Adulteration. The plasmid bioactive contaminant sequences were NOT pointed out to the regulatory authorities. It's considered adulteration.

The FDA’s Ties to the Gates Foundation
ARTICLE: In 2017, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) entered into a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The FDA has MOUs with many academic and non-profit organisations, but few have as much to gain as Bill Gates, who has invested billions into pandemic countermeasures.

FDA Quietly Updates Emergency Use Authorization for Novavax Vaccine Despite No Current “Public Health Emergency”
ARTICLE: Amidst the frenzy over the removal of Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the House, the Food and Drug Administration amended the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for the Novavax COVID-19 “vaccine” despite the Public Health Emergency officially ending almost five months earlier on May 11, 2023, according to the CDC.

US FDA Revokes Emergency Use Authorization of J&J COVID-19 Vaccine
ARTICLE: WOW: The FDA revoked Johnson and Johnson’s emergency us authorization for the COVID jab. They’re trying to undue the harm that they’ve caused and hope we don’t notice. No. We notice.

FDA Social Media Posts on COVID Under Legal, Medical Scrutiny For Misleading Claims
ARTICLE: A Federal judge said FDA tweets disparaging ivermectin "bother" him, lacking "qualifier statements" about human use. Commissioner razzed by doctors for claiming bivalents, oral antivirals have "distinct possibility" of reducing long COVID risk. The FDA's Twitter habits are getting scrutiny in court and from medical professionals as the feds seesaw between walking back their once-confident COVID-19 assertions and making sweeping new claims without providing evidence.

FDA Documents Confirm Pfizer's 2021 mRNA Vaccine Lots Had Different Formulations Based on Lot#
ARTICLE: When the emergency use (EUA) COVID-19 mRNA vaccines were first rolled out in the United States, many Americans questioned if different formulations were being distributed. Why? Because some people became severely injured or died after vaccination, while others seemed completely fine. Furthermore, some vaccine lots had higher incidences of severe injuries and deaths, while other lots and little to no adverse events per the VAERS database.

FDA Panel Ignores Red Flags in Covid Vaccine Data, Recommends Jabs for ‘Very Young’ Children
ARTICLE: The Food and Drug Administration’s advisery panel unanimously recommended on Wednesday that very young children be given mRNA Covid shots. The FDA panel’s move all-but-guarantees that the agency will authorize regimens of two-to-three shots for a cohort that is at statistically no risk from Covid-19.

Former BlackRock Advisor Tells Robert Kennedy, Jr.: ‘FDA Is in on the Cover-Up’
VIDEO: In an interview with former BlackRock advisor Edward Dowd on “RFK Jr. The Defender Podcast,” Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Dowd discussed why they believe COVID vaccine makers committed fraud, and government agencies know it.

FDA Asks Federal Judge to Grant it Until the Year 2076 to Fully Release Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine Data
ARTICLE: So, let’s get this straight. The federal government shields Pfizer from liability. Gives it billions of dollars. Makes Americans take its product. But won’t let you see the data supporting its product’s safety and efficacy. Who does the government work for?

FDA Panel Rubber-Stamps Covid Injection For Kids 5-11: ‘Never Gonna Learn How Safe the Vaccine is Until We Start Giving It’
ARTICLE: The FDA is TOTALLY CORRUPT! They don't give a damn about your children's health and well-being. A Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advisory committee recommended on Tuesday the COVID-19 injection for children 5 to 11 despite admitting not knowing the long-term risks.

Senator Ron Johnson: 5 Questions for FDA About Pfizer Vaccine Approval
ARTICLE: Sen. Ron Johnson on Thursday sent a letter to Dr. Janet Woodruff, acting commissioner of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, demanding answers to five questions pertaining to the FDA’s approval of the Pfizer Comirnaty COVID vaccine.

Is the FDA trustworthy?
ARTICLE: You decide. According to Harvard University, FDA-prescribed drugs are the fourth leading cause of death in America. This doesn’t even include deaths and hospitalizations from overdosing, errors, or recreational drug use.

Former Pfizer Employee Karen Kingston: "Checkmate. Game Over. We Win!"
VIDEO: Biotech Analyst DESTROYS Big Pharma! Karen Kingston is a former Pfizer employee, a pharmaceutical marketing expert and biotech analyst. Kingston joins Stew Peters, and reveals how the FDA "approval" is sure to be the "checkmate" move to end the shots that have caused unprecedented injury and death, worldwide.

Robert Barnes: FDA Approval of Covid Vaccine is a SCAM!
VIDEO: Attorney Robert Barnes details the latest SCAM to justify forcing more people to be vaccinated against their will with mandates justified by a bogus FDA approval charade.

FDA Approves Pfizer Jab After Only Confirming it Protects You From COVID-19 for 7 Days
ARTICLE: The FDA has officially approved the Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine. What most don’t realize is what they are justifying this on. According to the announcement released by the FDA, they’ve found it’s 95% more effective in protecting you from getting COVID-19 within seven days of being injected than if you haven’t gotten the jab. Plus, there’s a lot of other bombshells in their announcement.

Curious Timing, Acting FDA Commissioner Ruled Out As Permanent Nominee Due to Her Role in Creating Opioid Epidemic
ARTICLE: It does not seem coincidental that Ms. Woodcock was in position as ‘acting director’ just long enough for the first COVID vaccine to gain FDA approval; and then, presto, the announcement of her dispatch. Suspicious cat remains, well, suspicious.

FDA ‘Approval’ Letter for Pfizer Vaccine Had Several Key Future Dates of 2024 to Complete Studies
ARTICLE: The FDA claimed last year their ‘rigorous testing means final vaccine approval in 2024!’ Then it was approved now.

FDA Ignores New UK Study Showing Pfizer Vaccine Destroys T Cells, Weakens the Immune System
ARTICLE: A study from the Francis Crick Institute in the United Kingdom has found that the Pfizer-BioNTech Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine destroys T cells and weakens the immune system.

Fear Mongering

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COVID-19 Hysteria - Irrational and Political
ARTICLE: The political strategic outcomes listed in this article are based on the manufactured weaponization of the COVID-19 virus to achieve a larger political objective. There is ZERO benefit to anyone other than Democrats for the overwhelming hype surrounding COVID-19.


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Dr. David Martin: US Govternment Coordinating Depopulation Program Against The World!
VIDEO: Dr. David Martin joins Alex Jones live in-studio to break down how states across the country are preparing criminal charges against Big Pharma.

America…We Warned You
VIDEO: The next big plandemic is already locked and loaded! Will you stand up to the tyranny or roll over and die? You can’t say we didn’t warn you. The next plandemic is already locked and loaded. Will you stand up for your humanity or will you cower to cowards?

Biggest Lie in World History: There Never Was A Pandemic
VIDEO: This video is from the very beginning of the fake pandemic back in 2020. The diabolical agenda behind it has undermined the sovereignty of nation states. It has contributed to a wave of bankruptcies. It has impoverished people Worldwide. It has led to a spiraling dollar denominated global debt. The powerful structures of global capitalism, Big Money coupled with its intelligence and military apparatus were the driving force. Using advanced digital and communications technologies, the lockdown and “closure” of the global economy is unprecedented in World history.

Plandemic 3 - The Great Awakening
VIDEO: Witness the culmination of truth-seeking as PLANDEMIC 3: The Great Awakening unravels the layers of corruption and unveils a path towards a brighter future. Prepare to be inspired, awakened, and empowered to take a stand for liberty.

Beyond Covid: WEF Hypocrisy, Disease X and Implications of a Hypothetical Pathogen
ARTICLE: As we enter another election year and witness the strategic unveiling of ‘Disease X'.We’re told that this hypothetical virus is 20 times deadlier than Covid. IMPORTANT QUESTION: if we don’t know what Disease X is, how do the “experts” know that it has a mortality rate 20 times that of COVID-19?

COVID Unmasked - An In-depth Four-Part Series
VIDEO: Tn early 2020, life as we knew it changed forever. What was sold to us as a fight against “a new and deadly virus“ soon revealed itself as merely the opening act of a Great Reset, in which we will “own nothing and be happy”. This film documents exactly who is behind it all, how long it’s been in the works, and how to stop it… before we lose our country, our liberty, and our humanity.

Senator Ron Johnson: Covid Was 'Pre-Planned' by Elites Via ' Event 201 ' in 2019
VIDEO: In this short clip, Senator Ron Johnson highlights the fact that hardly anyone is willing to face the fact that they made a horrible mistake by going along with every insane COVID measure, especially by pushing the dangerous and deadly mRNA jabs and all the insane lockdown measures that were used to justify eroding many of our liberties and freedoms.

Plandemic 2.0: Global Pandemic Monitoring Board Calls for ‘Simulation’ to Prepare for Next Global Health Crisis
ARTICLE: As 194 nations continue to work through drafts of pandemic agreements that would grant more authority to the World Health Organization (WHO), the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (GPMB), a body convened by the WHO, has called for a worldwide pandemic simulation to be carried out by the end of this year to test the effectiveness of the new terms before member nations sign them in 2024.

EU Parliament COVID-19 Summit: “Covid-19 was an Act of Biological Warfare Perpetrated on the Human Race
VIDEO: In a recent address to the European Parliament, a US businessman specializing in patent auditing David Martin claimed that COVID-19 was not a natural occurrence but a calculated act of “biological warfare and a financial heist. Nature was hijacked, science was hijacked.”

The Four Pillars of Medical Ethics Were Destroyed in the Covid Response
ARTICLE: Much like a Bill of Rights, a principal function of any Code of Ethics is to set limits, to check the inevitable lust for power, the libido dominandi, that human beings tend to demonstrate when they obtain authority and status over others, regardless of the context.

'One Health’ — The Global Takeover of Everything
VIDEO: The World Health Organization is seeking to cement its control over global health through amendments to the international health regulations (IHR) and its pandemic treaty The pandemic treaty will grant the WHO power over far more than pandemic responses. It emphasizes the “One Health” agenda, which combines human health, animal health and environmental concerns into one

RFK Jr: Pharma Makes $60 Billion/Yr From Vaccines, $500 Billion Selling Remedies for VAXXX Injuries
VIDEO: This is a segment from an interview with Robert Kennedy Jr. where he says: "It's a really great business plan for these companies. You make people sick and then you sell them a lifetime cure."

UN Seeks Vast New Powers for Global Emergencies
ARTICLE: The United Nations is seeking vast new powers and stronger “global governance” tools to deal with international emergencies such as pandemics and economic crises, a new U.N. policy brief has revealed, and the Biden administration appears to support the proposal.

RFK Jr. Exposes "Event 201", Bill Gates, Fauci, and the Evil Plotting of the Covid Scamdemic
VIDEO: Event 201, took place in NYC on October 18 2019. Event 201 is a high-level pandemic exercise hosted by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Leo Hohmann Provides an Excellent Overview on the New World Order’s Destruction of the Human Being
VIDEO: God created us with a free will, right? But under the technocratic movement, you are denied ownership over everything. That includes not just your physical assets, but your body and even your mind. They say you’ll own nothing, have no privacy but somehow you’ll be happy.

What You Need to Know About the Transhumanist Agenda
ARTICLE/VIDEO: According to Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF), the goal of The Fourth Industrial Revolution1 is to change what it means to be human by merging man and machine. In short, while the term “transhumanism” is not being used, that’s exactly where the global cabal intends to take us, willing or not.

Headed for a Digital Concentration Camp – Catherine Austin Fitts
VIDEO: Catherine Austin Fitts explains, “We have what we have been building for the last 20 or 30 years, and it’s getting much more obvious, but it’s been covert most of the time. They basically want digital control systems through the financial system, through the health system and government systems to implement control. That control is delivered one person at a time.

Totalitarianism and the Five Stages of Dehumanization
ARTICLE: The totalitarian attempt at global conquest and total domination has been the destructive way out of all impasses. Its victory may coincide with the destruction of humanity; wherever it has ruled, it has begun to destroy the essence of man.” – Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism, first published 1948

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Calls for a Worldwide Anti-Globalist Alliance to Free Humanity
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò appealed to Catholics, Christians, and people of Faith to unite against the dark forces of globalism. Archbishop Viganò Appeals for an Anti-Globalist Alliance. Please watch his moving call for unity, courage, strength, and faith.

The Ten Stages of Genocide Are Hitting a Little Too Close to Home
ARTICLE: As we wait to see what our commie-fascist ruling class has planned for us next, this might be a good time to pull out Gregory H. Stanton’s “Ten Stages of Genocide” as a helpful reminder for keeping track of how things are “progressing” (pun intended).

POWERFUL: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Warns Gov’t and Big Tech ‘Engineered The Destruction of Democracy and Civil Rights’
ARTICLE/VIDEO: The Great Awakening is the third installment of the Plandemic series. This documentary experience assembles forbidden puzzle pieces to reveal the big picture of what’s really happening in America and beyond.

COVIDLAND Episode 1 - The Lockdown
VIDEO: The first installment of this epic mini-series COVIDLAND - The Lockdown is finally here! ‘COVIDLAND’ is a riveting and fast-paced movie made by award-winning filmmaker Paul Wittenberger and narrated by Alex Jones that’s designed to break people out of their trance, see the big picture, and take our world back!

Dr. Julie Ponesse - Ethics 101 - No Jab No Job?
VIDEO: Former Professor of Ethics Dr Julie Ponesse provides an essential lesson on courage and integrity in the face of INSANE vaccine mandates. 'As Canadians, as rational, autonomous people, my view is that we have a right to decide what goes into our body, even if we have the worst reasons for it'.

Former War Crimes Prosecutor Lays Out Blueprint to Prosecute Fauci & Co. for Creating COVID-19 and Bioweapon Jabs
VIDEO: Dr. Francis Boyle breaks down the details of how Fauci and all his cohorts can be prosecuted for engineering COVID-19 and the deadly bioweapons jabs. This is a jam packed interview that is LOADED with valuable information that puts this unprecedented crime against humanity into perspective and provides a way to put a stop to it!

Dr. Bryan Ardis - The Pandemic of Deliberate Misdiagnosing and Deadly Treatment Protocols
VIDEO: Here we have yet another set of shocking revelations about what has REALLY been the cause of people dying . . . and it's not been COVID-19.

Renowned Propaganda Expert Piers Robinson-Worst is Still to Come in Global Psy-op if People Do Not Rise Up and Resist
VIDEO: “Covid-19 is probably one of the biggest propaganda operations we’ve seen in history because of the global nature and the resources put into it,” Robinson said. “It was pretty clear from the beginning that propaganda was being employed.”

MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL
VIDEO: This video explores the most dangerous of all psychic epidemics, the mass psychosis. A mass psychosis is an epidemic of madness and it occurs when a large portion of a society loses touch with reality and descends into delusions.

Reiner Fuellmich UPDATE - Humanity vs Inhumanity
VIDEO: Reiner Fuellmich UPDATE on where we all stand vs the psychopathic globalist lunatics imposing the COVID SCAM. Fuellmich ends this update on an incredibly positive reality about humanity and why we shall prevail against this evil.

The Volunatry Phase is Over - The Next Phase Is MANDATORY!
VIDEO: The stage is now set for mandatory COVID-19 "vaccinations" as the social engineers form an unholy alliance with Big Pharma & the MSM to condemn unvaxxers.

Worldwide Corona Crisis - The Worst Crisis In Modern History
VIDEO: A great presentation by Prof Michel Chossudovsky from Global Research that details every stage of the totally manufactured fake pandemic crisis. We are at the crossroads of one of the most serious crises in World history.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich Has Evidence That The Fake Pandemic is a Massive Crime Agaisnt Humanity!
VIDEO: The famous international trial lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and his large worldwide network of lawyers have all the evidence that the pandemic is a crime against humanity. Several lawsuits have been won already and they are preparing major class-action lawsuits against the WHO and governments. Reiner Fuellmich says a second Neurenberg may be needed.

David Icke - How Much of This Shit Are We Going To Put Up With?
VIDEO: After almost an entire year of being forced to comply with totally idiotic lockdowns, masks, social distancing and most of us being told "we are nonessential" David Icke asks this most pertinent question, then proceeds to put it all into proper perspective and only David Icke can do. If we all don't snap the hell out of it, EVERYONE IS FORGETTING WHAT NORMAL LIFE WAS LIKE!

Catherine Austin Fitts - The Great Reset Is Total Planetary Slavery! Learn the Details!
VIDEO: This is a segment from the film "Planet Lockdown" in which Catherine Austin Fitts details precisely what we are witnessing right now. Fitts shows you exactly how seemingly unrelated events are really all highly coordinated parts of a long-planned global transformation recently labeled "The Great Reset."

Dr. Lee Merritt Bio-warfare & Weaponization of Medicine Amid Covid
VIDEO: In this explosive interview with Senior Editor Alex Newman of The New American magazine, former president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) Dr. Lee Merritt explains her belief that America is currently facing what appears to be biological warfare.

Robert Kennedy Jr. Warns Us About A Plan To Enslave The Entire World!
VIDEO: This is the outstanding presentation given by Robert Kennedy Jr. in Berlin in August 2020 where he details precisely what we're up against, what's REALLY being done to us all by the most evil people and forces on the planet with the totally manufactured COVID pandemic FRAUD.

'Immunity Cards' To Be Issued To All Americans
ARTICLE: On Wednesday the Department of Defense released the first images of a COVID-19 vaccination record card as well as vaccination kits, according to CNN. "Everyone will be issued a written card that they can put in their wallet that will tell them what they had and when their next dose is due," says Dr. Kelly Moore, associate director of the Immunization Action Coalition. "Let's do the simple, easy thing first. Everyone's going to get that."

Coronavirus IS NOT COVID-19 - What is this Manufactured FAKE Pandemic Really All About?
VIDEO: This presentation by Jerry Day details how global interests have hijacked normal seasonal coronavirus illnesses and employed totally bogus testing to manufacture a FAKE pandemic in order to provide cover for what is now being called "the Great Reset". Jerry highlights a very plausible argument for what the deliberate destruction of global economies under the cover of medical necessity is really providing cover for.

David Icke: People All Over The World Are Waking Up To the Criminal COVID Scam!
VIDEO: Once again David Icke exposes the TRUTH about what's been done and continues to be done to free humanity by the INSANE GLOBALIST CULT that is hell-bent on destroying the economies of the world so they can impose their Draconian, tyrannical global system of control.

Archbishop Vigano Warns Trump About THE GREAT RESET
ARTICLE/VIDEO: His Excellency, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, has written yet another open letter to President Donald J. Trump. Read it in its entirety here.

Rosa Koire - If You Think You Can Handle The Truth, Here It Is!
VIDEO: United Nations Agenda 21/2030 is now being called THE GREAT RESET. IT'S HAPPENING RIGHT NOW IN YOUR TOWN!

The GREAT RESET - Sick, Evil Globalist Plan Leaked!
VIDEO: Fasten your seat belts. This criminal global COVID Pandemic Hoax is the pretext for imposing this sickening EVIL plan for all of free humanity! This is a portion of a presentation given by Dr. Rashid A. Buttar regarding a leak out of Canada that details exactly how the Globalist Psychopaths intend to impose their Draconian Global Big Brother Police State.

Corbett Report - This Week in Tyranny
VIDEO: Welcome back to New World Next Week — the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news.

Corbett Report - Your Guide to the Great Reset
VIDEO: You've all heard by now that The Great Reset is upon us. But what is The Great Reset, exactly, and what does it mean for the future of humanity? Join James for this in-depth exploration of the latest rebranding of the New World Order agenda and its vision of a post-human Fourth Industrial Revolution.

David Icke - Sept. 26, 2020 Trafalgar Square COVID FRAUD Protest - "WE ARE THE TURNING OF THE TIDE!"
VIDEO: This is yet another EPIC speech by David Icke exposing the TRUTH about the COVID Pandemic Hoax and how we have to STOP COMPLYING WITH OUR OWN ENSLAVEMENT!

World Bank Document Lists COVID-19 Program Ending in March 2025
ARTICLE: More evidence comes out virtually every day to prove this alleged COVID-19 pandemic was planned well in advance. It's one of the biggest criminal frauds in the history of the world. It's an outrageous crime against all humanity! Everyone involved needs to be arrested, tried, and HUNG!

World Bank Records COVID-19 Test Kits Exported In 2018
ARTICLE: More and more info comes out every day that the alleged Pandemic was completely manufactured!

David Icke Scorches Establishment at Unite For Freedom Rally in Trafalgar Square, London
VIDEO: An August 10, 2020, MedPage Today article2 highlights a recent case3 history in which high-dose IV vitamin C was successfully used to save the life of an elderly patient.

How They Pulled Off the Global Pandemic Hoax
VIDEO: Many find it hard to believe that anyone would deliberately launch a pandemic that wasn't real, or that something like that could actually be done on a totally coordinated global scale. In this video, David Icke details precisely how it's done.

It is all a DIVERSION
VIDEO: This has had many reasons why it's happening now......Is it to Divert Attention from what's just happened - "It is all a Diversion".

David Icke - The Coronavirus Conspiracy: How COVID-19/5G Will Seize Your Rights & Destroy Our Economy
VIDEO: This interview was BANNED by YouTube almost immediately. Those in power are doing their best to discredit and suppress the info presented. If you want to truly understand the draconian reality that is unfolding right before our eyes you have to listen to this brilliant comprehensive presentation.

Full David Icke/Brian Rose III Interview
VIDEO: This is the explosive third interview between Brian Rose and David Icke that got David Icke banned on Youtube. In this riveting three hour interview, David presents the most comprehensive view on what has been really going on regarding the manufactured pandemic we are all being forced to deal with. Get ready to have your mind BLOWN OPEN!!

COVID Action Platform; the Blueprint of the New World Order Explained
VIDEO: The New World Order is not a conspiracy theory anymore, it has become a conspiracy fact and we are now living under the firm rule of it. You are not going to believe how deep and complex the planning has been.

Globalists Openly Admit To Population Control Agenda - And That's A Bad Sign...
ARTICLE: As history has shown us, it is always the elites that end up in the position of deciding the fates of millions or billions. From the Rockefeller Foundation sterilization programs in the US in the early 1900's to the UN today, the globalists are desperate to conjure a rationalization as to why they should be the ones to allow or deny human life based on lies like man-made climate change.

VIDEO: You're being scammed by enemies of America who occupy powerful positions in government and the media. November 2020 is the way we, the people, can fight back. Know your enemy. Ditch the masks. Rise.

EVENT 201 - Did Bill Gates & World Economic Forum Predict Coronavirus Outbreak?
VIDEO: This report looks inside look at Event 201, which took place in NYC on October 18 2019. Event 201 is a high-level pandemic exercise hosted by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

The Elite Technocrats Behind The Global ‘Great Reset’
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Make no mistake, what we have been witnessing is WAR waged on us by the bankers/globalists. They are hell-bent on destroying our country from within. It's not a "conspiracy theory." They openly publish what they are doing and have for centuries.

David Rockefeller Thanks Media Complicity In Covering Up Activities of Globalists
VIDEO: Control of the media by globalists is nothing new. Here's a leaked audio of comments made by David Rockefeller from a speech given at the Council on Foreign Relations back in 1991. The globalists could not do what they have done without media providing cover for them.

George Orwell - A Final Warning
VIDEO: This is a terribly disturbing warning and a very simple solution at the end. Very short video that describes exactly what globalization/globalists have been working towards . . . .


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Corbett Report - Breaking Free from Mass Formation With Mattias Desmet
VIDEO: Mattias Desmet is a Professor of Clinical Psychology at Ghent University in Belgium. His theory of mass formation during the coronavirus crisis has become widely known and widely misunderstood since gaining mainstream attention. His new book, The Psychology of Totalitarianism, lays out what mass formation is, how it develops, how it leads to totalitarianism, and what we must do to change the conditions that makes these mass formation events possible.

MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL
VIDEO: This video explores the most dangerous of all psychic epidemics, the mass psychosis. A mass psychosis is an epidemic of madness and it occurs when a large portion of a society loses touch with reality and descends into delusions.

Messing With Your Head: Government’s Psychological War Against Nations Explained by Brian Gerrish
VIDEO: A presentation by Brian Garrish in which he gave evidence to the 54th session of the Stiftung Corona Ausschuss, the German-based extraparliamentary inquiry by lawyers into the medical establishment’s and public policymakers’ handling of the Covid crisis internationally..

The New (Pathologized) Totalitarianism
ARTICLE: It was always going to come to this … mobs of hysterical, hate-drunk brownshirts hunting down people not wearing masks and trying to get them fired from their jobs, “no mask, no service” signs outside stores, security staff stopping the mask-less from entering, paranoid pod people pointing and shrieking at the sight of mask-less shoppers in their midst, goon squads viciously attacking and arresting them … Welcome to the Brave New Normal.

The Harsh Truth - Why So Many Refuse To See It
VIDEO: Henna Maria explores the different unconscious and conscious blockages that lead people to close their eyes and ears to the Truth.

Think Of The Depth Of Evil It Would Take To Use Chinese Coronavirus Against The American People
ARTICLE: Think of the evil it would take to unleash a virus on the world, to gain power, to nullify the will of the American people and remove their duly-elected leader.


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Maine Warned Public About a Measles Case — But Failed to Mention it Was Caused by the Vaccine
ARTICLE: This short analysis of the Oprah/Harris interview/townhall fiasco by Matt Walsh provides all you need to know about who Kamala Harris really is. Anyone who votes for this vacuous moron for the highest office in our government is a vacuous moron themselves. It is utterly disgraceful what the Democratic Party has forced onto all of us!

German Gov’t Lied About Shots Preventing Covid, Knew Lockdowns Did More Harm Than Good
VIDEO: Leaked documents from a top German health agency show that politicians knew the experimental COVID shots did not prevent the transmission of the virus but advocated for jab mandates anyway.

Homeland Security Blueprint for Pandemic Lockdowns Written in 2007 Under President G.W. Bush
ARTICLE: A new document posted by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security in March 2023, but written in 2007, that amounts to a full-blown corporatist imposition on the U.S., abolishing anything remotely resembling the Bill of Rights and constitutional law.

U.S. Will Pay Moderna $176 Million to Develop mRNA Bird Flu Vaccine
ARTICLE: One of the many LIES told by Big Pharma companies like Moderna was their miracle mRNA technology would ensure cheap and rapid development of new mRNA vaccines. So why are we paying them $176 MILLION to develop the next jabs? Our government is beyond complicit in perpetuating pandemic fraud and pushing jabs that are now well-known to be extremely dangerous onto all of us.

Federal Agency to Produce 4.8 Million Bird Flu Vaccines
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Dr. Peter McCullough discussed one of the more alarming new bird flu vaccines. “…and right behind it is self-replicating messenger RNA bird flu vaccines for humans, we’re talking messenger RNA, Pete [Santilli], on steroids,” McCullough said.

Dr. Scott Atlas on Why We Were Forced to Jab & Mask
VIDEO: In 2020, Dr. Scott Atlas was an advisor to the president and a member of the White House COVID-19 Task Force. He was shocked to see how powerful figures in Washington, including Dr. Fauci, were incentivized to politicize and monetize the response to the pandemic.

Dr. Debra Birx - The Deep State Lunatic Responsible for all the Failed Tyrannical Covid Policies
VIDEO: This powerful mini-documentary from “Good Kid Productions” explains who the primary lunatic behind all the insane Covid policies responsible for destroying millions of lives, Dr. Debra Birx.

"Experts" Claim New COVID Strain Will Cause Global ‘Heart Failure Pandemic’
ARTICLE: There is no depth of bullshit to which the globalists won't stoop to cover up what they've done to us all. After all they've already lied about now they want us to believe some magical new "variant" of a nonexistent virus is causing all the "died suddenly" heart issues. Oh no, it's not the jabs! We didn't poison everyone with the jabs!

The Year That Expertise Collapsed
ARTICLE: Three years ago, the expert class went out on the farthest limb one can imagine, daring to replace all social knowledge and embedded cultural experience with their off-the-cuff rationalism and scientistic razzmatazz that ended up serving the industrial interests of large-scale exploiters in tech, media, and pharma. We live in the midst of the rubble they created. It’s no wonder they have been completely discredited.

Dr. Marty Makary: US Government "The Greatest Perpetrator of Misinformation During the Pandemic "
VIDEO: Johns Hopkins University professor Dr. Marty Makary told the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic during its first hearing that "the greatest perpetrator of misinformation during the pandemic has been the United States government" and listed multiple examples.


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Best Fauci Impersonation EVER!
VIDEO: This guy nails how Fauci spews his bull shit! It still amazes me why anyone listens to anything this psychopathic worm says.

"We're Watching" Music Video!
VIDEO: Another brilliant music video parody by creator Media Bear called “We’re Watching” points out the tyrannical absurdity of the coronavirus contact tracing proposals and their relation to the NSA spy grid, all to the tune of Rockwell’s “Somebody’s Watching Me.”

George Carlin - Germs and Immune System
VIDEO: A classic uncompromising perspective on human STUPIDITY!


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The Fallacies of Virology and the Inversion of Natural Health
VIDEO: Isolation means the separation of one thing from everything else. This is the only way to scientifically identify a thing. This is done with everything from large organic material to the smallest nano-particles. It is done with Gold and Silver. And it is done in basic chemistry, but it has never been done with a virus.

It’s Time to Ask: Is “Virus Science” Any More Accurate than “Climate Science”?
ARTICLE: What’s up with the bogus virus science models? What the hell is the agenda here? The real answers to these questions are going to have a lot more to do with American recovery than government bailout bills or drugs or vaccines.

Dr. Thomas Cowan, M.D., Lecturing on Relationship between Pandemics and New Technology
VIDEO: Dr. Thomas Cowan, M. D. says that Corona Virus maybe history repeating itself caused by 5G. Cowan said viruses are an excretion of a toxic cells and they are pieces of DNA or RNA with a few of other proteins they bolt out.

Is Coronavirus Contagious?
ARTICLE: This is the sixty-four-thousand-dollar question. The premise that coronavirus is highly contagious and can cause disease provides the justification for putting entire nations on lockdown, destroying the global economy and throwing hundreds of thousands out of work. But is it contagious? Does it even cause disease?

Infectious Diseases – Dispelling The Myths
ARTICLE: Lockdowns and hygienic measures around the world are based on numbers of cases and mortality rates created by the so-called SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR tests used to identify “positive” patients. But looking closely at the facts, the conclusion is that these PCR tests are meaningless as a diagnostic tool to determine an alleged infection by a supposedly new virus called SARS-CoV-2.

COVID-19 Never Killed Anybody
ARTICLE: The US is treating the Wuhan Flu as if it is a single disease that has killed so many people that it will kill the rest of us if we open up the economy. At the very least, we have to put masks on everyone. BUT, they will not tell you the truth which is . . . COVID-19 doesn’t kill people..


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The Illegal Kidnapping and Persecution of Reiner Fuëllmich
VIDEO: It appears as if German lawyer Reiner Fuëllmich was setup. He was spearheading a project called "Nuremberg 2.0" and co-founded the Corona Investigative Committee that uncovered proof that the Covid measures were the first steps in a plan to destroy regional economies in order to make populations dependent on global supply chains. They were also intended to reduce populations and install a world government under the United Nations.


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‘Reckless Disregard for the Truth’: Shareholders Sue Moderna for Misleading Investors on RSV Shot Efficacy
ARTICLE: A group of shareholders is suing Moderna alleging the company knowingly inflated claims about the efficacy of its RSV vaccine for older adults. When the drugmaker later lowered expectations for the vaccine’s efficacy the stock price dropped precipitously.

Kansas Sues Pfizer — State Alleges Company Knew of ‘Serious Adverse Events’ Yet Marketed COVID-19 Vaccine as ‘Safe’
VIDEO: Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach announced Monday he is suing pharmaceutical giant Pfizer for misleading Kansas residents about the safety and efficacy of its COVID-19 vaccine.

FDA Loses its War on Ivermectin
ARTICLE: A group of brave doctors had filed a federal lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) over the agencies’ unlawful attempts to block the use of ivermectin in treating COVID-19.

DOJ Asks Court to Toss Whistleblower Lawsuit Alleging Pfizer Defrauded U.S. Government
ARTICLE: The totally corrupt and captured U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) on Tuesday asked to intervene in a lawsuit \ alleging Pfizer committed fraud during clinical trials for its COVID-19 vaccine. The DOJ also asked the court to dismiss whistleblower Brook Jackson’s lawsuit against Pfizer.

Geneva - The Head of the Snake
VIDEO: ”Everything evil in the world, related to democide … comes from Geneva.” That’s a quote from Pascal Najadi, a former banker and son of World Economic Forum (WEF) cofounder Hussain Najadi, who claims his father left the WEF “out of disgust” in the early ‘80s.

AG Ken Paxton Files Lawsuit Against Pfizer for Misrepresentation of COVID-19 Vaccine Efficacy and Information Censorship
ARTICLE: Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has initiated legal action against pharmaceutical giant Pfizer, Inc., citing allegations of deceptive practices related to the company’s COVID-19 vaccine.

Landmark Lawsuit Against Doctors and Nurses for Battery and Medical Murder is Going to Trial
ARTICLE: "After an unauthorized DNR was placed on record, Grace was injected with morphine, Ativan, and Precedex without her or her power of attorney’s knowledge or consent. These actions killed her."

The US Attorney in Utah Has Given the Anti-Vax Movement in America the Greatest Gift Ever
ARTICLE: The US Attorney in Utah issued a criminal indictment against Dr. Kirk Moore for “running a COVID-19 Vaccine Scheme to Defraud the Government and CDC.” But what if Dr. Moore was actually saving lives instead and is a hero? Since this is a criminal proceeding in federal court, Dr. Moore cannot be denied discovery to show that the vaccines are deadly.

Landmark Lawsuit Slaps Legacy Media With Antitrust, First Amendment Claims for Censoring COVID-Related Content
ARTICLE: The Great Awakening is the third installment of the Plandemic series. This documentary experience assembles forbidden puzzle pieces to reveal the big picture of what’s really happening in America and beyond. The Great Awakening is intended to be a lighthouse to guide us out of the storm and into a brighter future.


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Media Starts Blaming Humans for Bird Flu Transmission
ARTICLE: According to the LYING MEDIA, people and the vehicles they operate are the “likely” cause of Michigan’s bird flu transmission. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, bird flu has impacted 25 dairy herds and nearly seven million birds in the state since January.

Former Pharma Insider Unveils Big Pharma’s ‘Open Secret’
VIDEO: If you’ve ever wondered why there are so many pharmaceutical commercials on American television, your curiosity has now been answered. Hint: the primary goal is not to sell drugs.

A Tribute to the Vaxx-Pushers Who Are Useful Idiots, Evil Co-Conspirators, or Both
VIDEO: This is a comprehensive compilation created by Matt Orfalea to remind us about how massively bombarded we were with COVID JAB propaganda that has resulted in the murder of at least 17 MILLION people around the world AND COUNTING

Sharyl Attkisson: How Propagandists Co-Opted ‘Fact-Checkers’ and the Press to Control the Information Landscape
VIDEO: A five-time Emmy Award-winning journalist, Attkisson never imagined she would see her profession become plagued by the bias and censorship she now sees in media today. How did things get to this point?

Omnicron Scariant DEATH FEAR PORN
VIDEO: The "alleged" ONE DEATH attributed to the SCARY< SCARY Omnicron Scariant was PURE BULLSHIT. Matt Orfalea does a hilarious job of stitching together an homage to the latest emergency FAKE COVID PANIC. So many great little details here, from the “Way Too Early” background to one reporter’s premature death report to the “aggressive Covid vice” imagery, the dramatic Biden-cough, and so much more.

Media Malfeasance: The Ivermectin Poisoning Hoax Exposed
VIDEO: Just like they did with Hydroxychloroquine to scare everyone away from it. Rolling Stone Issues "Correction" After Horse De-wormer Hit Piece Debunked.

Media Lies! 233 New Covid Cases Everywhere!
VIDEO: We all know virtually everything the media spews regarding the fake pandemic is total BS but it never fails to astound when someone puts together a compilation that proves it beyond any doubt. They just make shit up to keep people in perpetual mindless fear mode.

Florida Is A Case Study In Media-Induced COVID-19 Panic
ARTICLE: The question that deserves to be answered is why the mainstream press seems so willing and eager to whip up fear, rather than provide all the relevant facts, in context, so the public can make its own informed decisions about how to respond to this disease.

Corbett Report - WHO Cares What Celebrities Think - #PropagandaWatch
VIDEO: WHO cares what celebrities think? WHO cares, that's who! Or, more to the point, WHO wants you to care what they think. Join James for this week's #PropagandaWatch as he peels back the layers on the WHO's "celebrity influencer" propaganda campaign.

NBC 'Doctor' Who Appeared on Air With Coronavirus Never Had Coronavirus in the First Place
VIDEO: He was featured that night on NBC Nightly News, where he encouraged citizens to wear protective eyewear in addition to a facemask.

America Must Hold the Corrupt News Media Accountable in Order to Survive
ARTICLE: We must find a way to hold the corrupt corporate news media accountable before they destroy our country.

30 Useful Facts on COVID-19 Debunking the Media Narrative
ARTICLE: Fully referenced facts about Covid-19, provided by experts in the field, to help our readers make a realistic risk assessment. (Courtesy of Swiss Policy Research ) The only means to fight the plague is honesty.

David Rockefeller Thanks Media Complicity In Covering Up Activities of Globalists
VIDEO: Control of the media by globalists is nothing new. Here's a leaked audio of comments made by David Rockefeller from a speech given at the Council on Foreign Relations back in 1991. The globalists could not do what they have done without media providing cover for them.


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Dr. Deborah Birx’s Bird Flu Fearmongering Campaign
VIDEO: Birx is continuing on her quest to stir up a new bird flu scare in America, and to build public support for a government response harmful to health and liberty. Birx has her pandemic propaganda process down pat..

O’Keefe Media Group: NIH Chief Confesses COVID Health Initiatives Were Completely Made Up…

Pharmaceutical Narratives Surrounding the “Flu” Are Based on Fraud and Are Primarily Designed to Sell Worthless “Vaccines”
ARTICLE: When flu cases and flu deaths magically disappeared during the covid-19 scamdemic, it became clear that the narratives around sickness, disease, treatment, vaccines and immunity were being manipulated to control the population. Pharmaceutical narratives surrounding the flu have been grossly misleading for decades.

“Godfather of Vaccines” Now Admits Safety of Injections Has Never Been Adequately Studied
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Dr. Stanley Plotkin, who has gained the moniker “Godfather of Vaccines,” has admitted that vaccine safety is a field that has not been adequately studied for decades.

The Great Cholesterol Scam and the Dangers of Statins
ARTICLE/VIDEO: There is a widespread belief that elevated cholesterol is the “cause” of cardiovascular disease. However, a large body of evidence shows that there is no association between the two and that lower cholesterol significantly increases one’s risk of death.

Pfizer and Moderna Are Rolling Out Catch-All mRNAs for 'Pandemic Influenza'
ARTICLE: Both Pfizer and Moderna have expanded the mRNA pipeline through a catch-all label that they refer to as “pandemic influenza,” which can be identified as any current or future influenza-labeled “pandemic.” And the federal government is very much on board.

Pandemic Preparedness: Like Arsonists Running a Fire Department
ARTICLE: The arsonists must be fired from the Fire Department. The whole fear-driven and deception-based operation that is “pandemic preparedness” must be stopped. If it isn’t, the Covid-19 experience will be converted from a once-in-a-lifetime trauma to a regularly recurring man-made disaster.

9th Circuit Court of Appeals Rules mRNA COVID-19 Jab is NOT a Vaccine Under Traditional Medical Definitions
ARTICLE: The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit has delivered a seismic decision that could reshape public health policy across the nation. In a contentious case involving the Health Freedom Defense Fund and other plaintiffs versus the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD), the court has declared that mRNA COVID-19 injections do not qualify as vaccines under traditional medical definitions.

Moderna CEO Tells Fauci ‘We Should Mock Up An OUTBREAK’ Just One Month Before Covid Plandemic
VIDEO: More evidence COVID-19 was a planned to justify the rollout of experimental mRNA vaccine technology. Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel admitted in an interview that he discussed ginning up an outbreak scenario with former NIAID Director Anthony Fauci leading up to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“The 10 Stages of mRNA LIES and Denial
ARTICLE/VIDEOS: Let’s take a trip down memory lane, all the way back to the ancient times of early 2021, to see how “the science” on mRNA Covid-19 shots has evolved in such a short period of time.

Epidemic of Fraud
VIDEO: Epidemic of Fraud explores the bizarre media, medical, and partisan political attacks and censorship of an ancient medication, told from the perspective of a former CNN journalist and Hollywood industry veteran. Why were the people who allowed the fentanyl disaster to go unchecked so eager to discredit a drug that is safer than tonic water?

Pfizer Double Dips as It Invests Billions Into Heart Failure Treatment
ARTICLE: Pfizer is investing billions of dollars in treatments to prepare for a looming “heart failure pandemic.” The Covid mRNA vaccine maker is making a big investment in treatment for heart failure as cases of myocarditis and sudden cardiac deaths skyrocket.

The Truth About White Lung Disease (Pneumonia)
ARTICLE: This short article shows how this white lung disease nonsense is nothing more than fear-mongering and fraud. Remember, these are the same people that told you COVID would kill everyone, masks help, social distancing is science, and the vaccines were safe and effective. Literally everything they have said for the past 4 years is a lie so when do you trust a liar?

Science: ‘Long COVID’ Risks Exaggerated by Absence of Control Groups Causing ‘Distortion of Risk’
ARTICLE: The ‘science has spoken’: those previous ‘scientific’ studies about long COVID were flawed and unreliable. Whoops! ‘Experts’ previously said ‘long COVID’ could kill for up to two years. Now, ‘experts’ are saying the long COVID risk has been distorted by flawed research.

Bombshell Oxford Study: Less than 6% of “Approved” Medical Drugs Are Backed by “Quality Evidence” to Support Alleged Benefits
ARTICLE: According to a newly released study by the University of Oxford, a jaw-dropping 94% of recently approved medications are not supported by high-quality evidence that demonstrates their benefits. What’s more, just like with the experimental Covid-19 ‘vaccines,’ side effects and adverse reactions to these drugs are being severely underreported across the board.

The Great Awakening
ARTICLE/VIDEO: The Great Awakening is the third installment of the Plandemic series. This documentary experience assembles forbidden puzzle pieces to reveal the big picture of what’s really happening in America and beyond.

What do "They" Really Mean When They say, 'Trust the Science'?
VIDEO: The assumption we're supposed to accept is that organizations like the CDC, EPA, WHO, etc., aren't tainted by the kind of corruption we're now told exists within the EPA — financially driven corruption that sidelines actual scientists, even within those organizations, that may have serious concerns. But regulatory capture is a longstanding problem, and there's no evidence to suggest it's been rooted out of the agencies we're now told to trust without question.

PLANdemic - Indoctornation - Full Film
VIDEO: Guided by the meticulous work of Dr. David E. Martin, Plandemic II: Indoctornation, tracks a three-decade-long money trail that leads directly to the key players behind the COVID 19 pandemic.

How To Create A Pandemic Panic…And Keep It Going
ARTICLE: If nothing else, the coronavirus pandemic is a textbook example of how to create fear and anxiety that is out of proportion to the threat, and spur panic-induced policies that needlessly kill people (like seniors in New York nursing homes). It also demonstrates how to keep the panic going, even as evidence piles up that the initial fears were wildly exaggerated.

Dr. Kary Mullis Exposes the Fraud Behind Claims That HIV Causes AIDS
VIDEO: In this segment from the fantastic film "The House of Numbers", Dr. Kary Mullis, who won a Nobel Prize for inventing the PCR Test being used to improperly manufacture COVID-19 case number hysteria, exposes the fact that Big Pharma and A WHOLE LOT OF CORRUPT RESEARCHERS AND SCIENTISTS lied to everyone about the total lack of proof behind their claims that the HIV virus cased AIDS. They created a totally unsubstantiated narrative for Big Pharma to make enormous profits off everyone's ignorance.

David Rasnick PhD Chemist - The HIV Virus Causes AIDS Hoax
VIDEO: The people behind the COVID-19 Pandemic Hoax did the EXACT SAME THING with the hoax that an HIV virus causes AIDS. This SHOCKING and EYE-OPENING interview is from 2008. David Rasnick, PhD exposes the massive deadly fraud by Big Pharma that has raked in roughly A QUARTER TRILLION in profits so far on a total, absolute CRIMINAL FRAUD.


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Big Pharma at Warp Speed: Military at Heart of Covid Injection Program
ARTICLE: The military connection to the Covid vaccine goes deep. A statement of work document from the Department of the U.S. Army, Contracting Command, dated July 21, 2020 detailed the financial cooperation between the military and pharmaceutical companies in respect to the Covid vaccination program.

CIA Sued For Allegedly Hiding Records of Bribes Taken to Conceal COVID-19 Origins
ARTICLE: The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project has sued the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) for allegedly not complying with a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request related to its COVID-19 lab leak theory investigation.

DARPA Is Working On COVID Vaccine, Implantable Microchip To Detect Virus
ARTICLE/VIDEO: The Pentagon’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is working on a COVID vaccine that will work on all variants and has developed an implantable microchip that it says will continuously monitor the human body for signs of the virus.

Covid mRNA Vaccines Required No Safety Oversight
ARTICLE: None of the laws or regulations that we count on to protect us from potentially harmful, or deadly, medical products was applied to the Covid mRNA vaccines. The assertion of “safe and effective” was based entirely on aspirations, opinions, beliefs, and presumptions of government employees.

DARPA Created Aerosolized Covid Vaccine BEFORE The Release of Covid!
VIDEO: Thomas Renz joins The Alex Jones Show to expose the NWO plan to inject GMO foods with DNA reprogramming genetics and respond to the declassified documents exposing DARPA's program to develop aerosolized COVID vaccines.

RFK Jr. Exposes NSA and Pentagon Origins of Covid Scamdemic and Jabs
VIDEO: RFK Jr Exposes NSA and Pentagon Behind the Covid Scamdemic and Deadly Covid Jabs. "IT WAS A MILITARY PROJECT FROM THE BEGINNING!"

RFK Jr Asks: "What Is the CIA Doing In a Pandemic Simulation?"
VIDEO: RFK Jr. exposes the fact that the scamdemic was "war gamed" in an exercise called EVENT 201, a pandemic simulation back in October 2019, attended by a head of the CIA.

Project Veristas - Military Documents About Gain of Function Contradict Fauci Testimoney Under Oath
VIDEO: “Premeditated Manslaughter of Millions of People Coordinated at the Highest Levels” – Naomi Wolf and Dr. Malone Respond to Project Veritas BOMBSHELL

Mass Airborne mRNA Bioweapon 'Administration' for the Proletariat: An Atrocity!
ARTICLE: It is important to lay the long-practiced foundation of the United States’ history of poisoning, mass experimentation, sickening, and killing of its own population, in efforts to test its bioweapons for heinous military biowarfare use. It is a very short step from this abhorrent practice, to one of using as guinea pigs this same population, in a plot for mass ‘vaccination,’ completely covert and without consent.

Did a Vaccine Experiment on U.S. Soldiers Cause the 1918 “Spanish Flu”?
ARTICLE: The “Spanish Flu” killed an estimated 50-100 million people during a pandemic 1918-19. What if the story we have been told about this pandemic isn’t true? What if, instead, the killer infection was neither the flu nor Spanish in origin? Newly analyzed documents reveal that the “Spanish Flu” may have been a military vaccine experiment gone awry.

NIH (National Institute of Health)

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NIH Top Brass Caught Conspiring to Evade Questions About Coronavirus Research at Wuhan Lab
ARTICLE: Newly disclosed emails reveal that top officials at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) planned to provide Congress with a response that “doesn’t actually answer the questions” about a grant the agency awarded to a nonprofit for controversial research conducted in collaboration with the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China.

NIH Scientists Made $710 MILLION in Royalties From Drug Makers - A Fact They Tried to Hide
ARTICLE: During the pandemic, the American people started to feel that Big Government was very cozy with Big Pharma. Now we know just how close they were.

Covid Cover-Up Revealed: Top Fauci Advisor Admits to Deleting Emails Concerning Covid Origin
VIDEO: After analyzing and deconstructing a trove of emails and other documents that emerged from inside the global health policy industry it's been revealed how often and how deliberately healthcare workers and officials lied to the public about many aspects of Covid.

COVER-UP: Anthony Fauci's COVID Team Conspired to Evade FOIA Requests
ARTICLE: More evidence of attempts by members of Dr. Anthony Fauci's team to destroy government records, as well as their forwarding of official records to unofficial, unapproved recipients and other attempts to evade Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests.

Top NIH Adviser Deleted Records, Used Secret Back Channels to Help Fauci Evade COVID Transparency
ARTICLE: A top adviser at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) deleted records critical to uncovering the origins of COVID-19 — and used a “secret back channel” to help Dr. Anthony Fauci and a federal grantee that funded gain-of-function research in Wuhan, China, evade transparency.

Researchers Use GMO Mosquitoes to Vaccinate Humans in NIH-Funded Malaria Study
ARTICLE: This is just one way the Leff/Demoncrats manufacture and flood us with all their false narratives. Harvard Attorney Preston Moore says he was offered $400 to make totally false anti-Trump propaganda related to January 6th. Preston, having actual integrity, declined. Just imagine how many accepted the offer?!

NIH (National Institute of Health) Working to Keep Taxpayers in the Dark by Stalling on Fauci Documents
VIDEO: “There is a multi-layered strategy, funded by taxpayers, to keep taxpayers in the dark about how NIH is spending taxpayer money,” Adam Andrzejewski, CEO and founder of OpenTheBooks.com, told Epoch TV’s “American Thought Leaders.

MASSIVE Conflicts of Interest Exposed at Fauci's NIH (National Institute of Health)
ARTICLE/VIDEO: One of the primary vehicles for kickbacks and fraud seems to be foundations associated with federal agencies. This article will highlight and expose yet another way we are being conned and manipulated by examining the Foundation for the National Institutes of Health1 (FNIH), whose board is plastered with major Big Pharma players.

Billions Continue to Be Laundered Through the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to China’s Biowarfare Program
ARTICLE: The National Institutes of Health funds China’s biowarfare program in ways similar to shell companies laundering money. It is now an indisputable scientific fact that the COVID-19 virus was created in a laboratory in China and that work was linked to China’s biowarfare program.

NIH (Fauci-run National Institute of Health) Owns Half of Moderna Vaccine
ARTICLE: Fauci painted lipstick on that lame donkey and now he’s trying to convince everyone it’s a thoroughbred. Moderna and NIH began manufacturing the first of 1 billion doses of the deadly vaccine this month. Fauci knows from experience that no matter how dangerous a vaccine, the easy part is convincing people to take it. Pharma, after all, controls the media.

TRUTH ABOUT THE OSHA (Occupational Safety & Health Adminstration)

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OSHA Suspends All Activities Related to Dear Leader Biden’s VAXX Mandate
ARTICLE: In compliance with the recent court rulings against Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate, OSHA has officially suspended all activities related to it pending further court actions.

Appeals Court Permanently Ends Biden Osha Civilian Vax Mandate
ARTICLE: The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals rules *unanimously* to *permanently* block OSHA mandate from taking effect nationwide, effectively vacating Biden’s executive order. The Ruling sides with Texas, but is a *nationwide* injunction.

OSHA Isn’t Tracking COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effects Because It Doesn’t Want To Undermine Biden’s Shot Campaign
VIDEO: The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is not requiring companies to report any of their employees’ potentially damaging side effects from the COVID-19 vaccine because the regulatory agency doesn’t want to hamper the Biden administration’s vaccine campaign.

OSHA Says Masks Don't Work and Violate OSHA Oxygen Levels
VIDEO: It's all bull shit people!! And it's dangerous/unhealthy to be wearing masks all the time especially when it does NOTHING to protect you to begin with!


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Neil Oliver: Fake Pandemics Created by Big Pharma
VIDEO: This is a short segment from an interview Tucker Carlon did with Neil Oliver that covered a wide range of topics including this segment on evidence that the entire COVID-19 pandemic was a manufactured fraud by Big Pharma. This clip concludes with Oliver exposing the reality behind the go-to fear porn of the so-called "Spanish Flu" and some of what is known about what really happened . . . and a fake virus didn't cause it.

Pandemic Preparedness: Like Arsonists Running a Fire Department
ARTICLE: The arsonists must be fired from the Fire Department. The whole fear-driven and deception-based operation that is “pandemic preparedness” must be stopped. If it isn’t, the Covid-19 experience will be converted from a once-in-a-lifetime trauma to a regularly recurring man-made disaster.

Over 30 Years Ago Dr. Robert Willner Exposed Fauci's Murderous Lie That HIV Causes AIDS
VIDEO: Fauci has LITERALLY been getting away with mass murder for DECADES orchestrating one fake pandemic after another!

Perspectives on Pandemics - The Illusion of Evidence-Based Medicine
VIDEO: As much of the world rushes to receive a lightly-tested pharmaceutical product, we thought it was high time to look again at the (very) big business of medicine. Leemon McHenry, PhD, guides us to the fraudulent core of ghostwritten studies, captured legislators, revolving-door regulatory agencies, pay-to-play medical journals, and the "key opinion leaders" who lend their academic credentials to giant corporations.

Ebola: the New Fake Outbreak
ARTICLE: Before yet another lunatic pandemic story takes off, people need to understand the multiple hoaxes behind Ebola.

The Zika Virus Was A Warm-up For COVID It Didn't Fly
ARTICLE: Jon Rappoport covered the Zika outbreak extensively in 2016. It was yet another fraud, and it collapsed under the weight of warnings to women to avoid pregnancy. Women wouldn’t obey in great enough numbers.

60 Minutes - The 1976 Swine Flu Hoax. COVID-19 Is Not the First Staged Pandemic Hoax to Push Vaccines
VIDEO: This is a 60 minutes investigation with Mike Wallace where the Swine Flu pandemic hoax was fully exposed. At 5:32 in the video Dr. Sencer, then head of the CDC, confesses the whole massive vaccination campaign was based on NOTHING, "no confirmed cases of so-called Swine Flu anywhere in the GD world!"

David Rasnick PhD Chemist - The HIV Virus Causes AIDS Hoax
VIDEO: The people behind the COVID-19 Pandemic Hoax did the EXACT SAME THING with the hoax that an HIV virus causes AIDS. This SHOCKING and EYE-OPENING interview is from 2008. David Rasnick, PhD exposes the massive deadly fraud by Big Pharma that has raked in roughly A QUARTER TRILLION in profits so far on a total, absolute CRIMINAL FRAUD.

Did a Vaccine Experiment on U.S. Soldiers Cause the 1918 “Spanish Flu”?
ARTICLE: The “Spanish Flu” killed an estimated 50-100 million people during a pandemic 1918-19. What if the story we have been told about this pandemic isn’t true? What if, instead, the killer infection was neither the flu nor Spanish in origin? Newly analyzed documents reveal that the “Spanish Flu” may have been a military vaccine experiment gone awry.

Truth About the Alleged 1918 Spanis Flu Pandemic
ARTICLE: The 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it


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Biden Admin Backs Gates-Funded Global Health Surveillance Program Plan seeks a 'one-health' for a 'one-world' style approach.
ARTICLE: The Biden White House announced on April 16 that it had signed on to an international medical surveillance program funded in part by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to monitor and combat future pandemics.

WHO Official Testifies That Advice Against Vaccine Passports Was Ignored To Continue Digital Rollout
ARTICLE: Governments were intent on rolling out the controversial and invasive technology against all advice.

You’re a Criminal in France If You Speak Ill of mRNA Vaccines
ARTICLE: Lawmakers in France are introducing new laws that allow the globalist government to imprison critics of experimental vaccines, such as Covid nRNA shots. On February 14, the National Assembly in France pushed a new law that turned a critic of mRNA gene therapy treatments into a criminal. They passed it with almost no debate.

Patent Approved: US Government Could Mandate Social Credit Score & Tracking App To Implement Forced Covid Vaccinations
ARTICLE: A U.S. patent approved August 31, 2021, reveals technology used to track people in order to pinpoint those allegedly more likely to spread Covid-19 and to identify unvaccinated individuals so they can be injected with the experimental shots.

South Australia Testing Quarantining App That Combines Facial and Geolocation Technology to Determine Where You Are At All Times
ARTICLE: The Atlantic reported on the absurd liberty killer being tested in the state of South Australia where facial recognition and geolocation technology will track Aussies every move in the name of COVID.

Hot Mic Catches Israeli Health Minister Admitting Vaccine Passports Are About Coercion
ARTICLE: Unaware that he was on a hot mic and being broadcast live on a TV station, Israeli health minister Nitzan Horowitz admitted that vaccine passports were primarily about coercing skeptical people to get the vaccine.

The Volunatry Phase is Over - The Next Phase Is MANDATORY!
VIDEO: The stage is now set for mandatory COVID-19 "vaccinations" as the social engineers form an unholy alliance with Big Pharma & the MSM to condemn unvaxxers.

Australia Will Use Military to Enforce Sydney Covid Lockdown
ARTICLE: Australia is sending troops to help local police enforce the new Covid lockdown in Sydney. Australia’s largest city went into a hard lockdown – again. Nearly 1 million residents are banned from leaving their neighborhood for work because a man in his 80s died from/with Covid.

Worldwide Corona Crisis - The Worst Crisis In Modern History
VIDEO: A great presentation by Prof Michel Chossudovsky from Global Research that details every stage of the totally manufactured fake pandemic crisis. We are at the crossroads of one of the most serious crises in World history.

Governments Are Using Credit Card Purchase Data as Contact Tracing COVID Surveilance
ARTICLE: Reports now mention instances of Australian residents receiving a mandate to quarantine after using their credit card to pay at an establishment, where somebody known to be infected with the virus had stayed.

Government Scientific Advisors Admit They Used ‘Totalitarian’ Fear Tactics To Control People During Pandemic
ARTICLE: Scientists in the UK working as advisors for the government have expressed regret for using what they now admit to be “unethical” and “totalitarian” methods of instilling fear in the population in order to control behaviour during the pandemic, according to a report.

Form for Employees Whose Employers Are Requiring Covid-19 Injections
ARTICLE: All over America, employees are facing a very tough decision right now. Although some wish to accept a Covid-19 injection, many do not. The problem is that a growing number of employers are trying to deny employees’ right to choose and their right to bodily integrity by requiring the vaccines as a condition of employment. In the United States and other jurisdictions, that is a violation of the law. It is also a violation of fundamental human and religious rights.

DARPA Is Working On COVID Vaccine, Implantable Microchip To Detect Virus
ARTICLE/VIDEO: The Pentagon’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is working on a COVID vaccine that will work on all variants and has developed an implantable microchip that it says will continuously monitor the human body for signs of the virus.

Are Vaccine Passports the End of America?
VIDEO: Former Clinton advisor, Dr. Naomi Wolf, peels the layers back on the newest hot button issue, vaccine passports, with a dire warning they are a “point of no return.”

New York's Vaccine Passport Program Is Already Failing
ARTICLE: Liberty advocates, rejoice! The idiocracy is going to save us from another form of COVID tyranny. Thanks to a combination of bungling authoritarians and decaying legacy corporations, these entities are simply too incompetent to pull off a functioning vaccine passport program.

DeSantis Vows to Ban ‘Vaccination Passports’
VIDEO: Florida businesses soon won’t be able to screen customers based on whether they’ve received the COVID-19 vaccine, Gov. Ron DeSantis said Monday, even as he signed a bill designed to shield companies from pandemic-related lawsuits.

It's All About Aquiesent Slavery
VIDEO: This is another gem by David Icke, perfectly summing up the current state of affairs and where it all is meant to end.

Catherine Austin Fitts - The Great Reset Is Total Planetary Slavery! Learn the Details!
VIDEO: This is a segment from the film "Planet Lockdown" in which Catherine Austin Fitts details precisely what we are witnessing right now. Fitts shows you exactly how seemingly unrelated events are really all highly coordinated parts of a long-planned global transformation recently labeled "The Great Reset."

Mandatory COVID Camps Are Here! CDC Plans COVID Concentration Camps
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Governments around the world are repeating some of the darkest political moves in history by enacting mandatory camps for those who have tested positive for COVID in yet another attempt to control the FAKE PANDEMIC.

Corbett Report - COVID-911: From Homeland Security to Biosecurity
VIDEO: 9/11, as we were told repeatedly in the days, weeks, and months after the attack, was the day that changed everything. And now a new event has come along to once again throw the world into chaos. But whereas the post-9/11 era introduced America to the concept of homeland security, the COVID-19 era is introducing the world to an altogether more abstract concept: biosecurity. This is the story of the COVID-911 security state.

School POD SYSTEM and Measures Out of a Prison Manual Imposed on Kids That Pose No Risk To Anyone!
VIDEO: This is one of the most disgusting things I've seen so far from the lunatics running schools. This takes social conditioning/brainwashing in schools to an entirely new level of CRAZY! Kids literally have a ZERO% risk of serious illness from COVID-19 much less dying from it. In addition, the evidence still shows kids are unlikely to catch or spread coronavirus yet look at the abuse some LUNATICS are subjecting kids to! This is CHILD ABUSE!

Open Letter from Medical Doctors and Health Professionals to All Belgian Authorities and All Belgian Media
ARTICLE: The current crisis management has become totally disproportionate and causes more damage than it does any good. We call for an end to all measures and ask for an immediate restoration of our normal democratic governance and legal structures and of all our civil liberties.

Tucker: When Do We Get America Back? NEVER!
VIDEO: For Americans living under coronavirus restrictions, it's a question too rarely asked. In fact it's actively discouraged.


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Natural Selection: Covid “Vaccines” Have Destroyed the Fertility of Young Men Dumb Enough to Get Them
ARTICLE: A disturbing new study has revealed that Covid mRNA shots have caused widespread harm to fertility rates in young men.

Male & Female Infertility in a Post COVID World is Very Real!
VIDEO: Men and women worldwide wish they had never taken the mRNA experimental vaccine. Numerous studies are proving that the now infamous “Spike Protein” is having a negative effect on male sperm counts as well as female fertility. Overwhelmingly, mainstream medical journals are publishing studies confirming the decrease in fertility levels and even the increase in miscarriages in a post-COVID world. What is not surprising is their all out quest to blame the virus, not the vaccine.

Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhardt - Spike Protein Replacing Sperm!
VIDEO: One of the primary goals of the psychopathic globalist control freaks has always been to reduce the global population, to literally murder BILLIONS and sterilize as many as possible.


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White Lung Syndrome: Experts Float Theories on What It Is, What Causes It and Does It Even Exist?
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Regardless of what’s behind recent outbreaks of white lung disease, some medical experts said they believe public health officials are downplaying environmental stressors and ignoring the immune-degrading effects of vaccination and poor diets that make people — and especially children — more vulnerable to infections of all kinds.


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26,000+ Signatories are Calling to STOP THE SHOTS — The Hope Accord
ARTICLE: Following years of reports, studies and first hand accounts of the harms the Covid vaccinations have caused, The Hope Accord was established as a public pact that seeks to suspend the shots, reevaluate their alleged safety, support the vaccine injured and restore ethical medical principles lost during the 2020 pandemic.

BAN THE JAB: Arizona GOP Passes Resolution Declaring COVID-19 Shots ‘Biological & Technological Weapons’
ARTICLE: The Arizona Republican Party on Sunday overwhelmingly passed a resolution declaring the COVID-19 mRNA injections to be “biological and technological weapons.” The Arizona GOP voted and passed the “Ban the Jab” resolution with approximately 96% of the vote.

Ain't No Rock and Roll Music Video
VIDEOS: Debut Single About 'Cowardly and Compliant' Rock Stars Like Pink and Gene Simmons Blows Up! As it turns out, it’s not very rock and roll to obey and comply with nonsensical government mandates and lockdowns.

The COVID LIE That Started It All!
VIDEO: This is a great compilation of the criminal false narrative engineered to scare the living crap out of everyone in order to coerce people into lining up for their deadly mRNA jabs. They created a totally FALSE perception that we were all in mortal danger of dying from COVID unless we got the jab.

With Pandemic Panic Theater Collapsing, Corporate Media Is Avoiding the Amish Like the Plague
ARTICLE: In a stark departure from the rest of America, Amish communities chose a different path during the COVID-19 pandemic, opting to reject vaccines and forgo mask-wearing while continuing with their daily routines unaffected.

Dr. Peter McCullough Says the Path Forward Is Clear: “No One” Should “Take Another Shot”
VIDEO: Dr. Peter McCullough gave a speech at the European Parliament during a hearing hosted by five Members of the European Parliament (“MEPs”). In that speech, he said that the path forward with regard to mass vaccination for COVID-19 is clear. “No one” should “take another shot.”

Breaking Out of the Propaganda Matrix - Interview with Jimmy Dore
VIDEO: Comedian Jimmy Dore initially got caught up in the propaganda and believed the COVID jab would be a good strategy. He took the shot and suffered severe side effects from it. Dore quickly put two and two together and realized he’d been duped. The shot was nowhere near as safe (or effective) as they claimed.

Gov. DeSantis Seeks to Hold COVID Vaccine Makers ‘Accountable for Misleading the Public About the Vaccine’s Safety
ARTICLE/VIDEO: DeSantis recently announced that his office intends to hold vaccine manufacturers accountable for making misleading and false statements about the vaccines. DeSantis made the remarks at a private Republican Party of Florida (RPOF) gathering held in the Florida Governor’s Mansion, according to American Greatness.

Unvaccinated Blood Sees Demand Increase All Around the World
ARTICLE: Is it safe to get a blood transfusion from a donor or donors who got “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19)? Many say no, which all around the world is generating increased demand for “clean” blood.

Never Forget
VIDEO: This young lady reminds us all just how MASSIVELY we were lied to about the Plandemic and just how much damage these psychopaths caused without having to pay any price so far.

Rand Paul Introducing ‘Fauci Amendment’ To Prevent ‘Health Dictatorship’
ARTICLE: Senator says action will "ensure that ineffective, unscientific lockdowns and mandates are never foisted on the American people ever again."

Freedom Medical CEO Kevin Jenkins: We Are Creating Freedom Med To ‘Break Away From Tyrannical Medical Systems
ARTICLE: Freedom Med launched this week, a telemedicine company that is “uniting medical professionals to protect your constitutional medical rights and enable you to take back your health”.

Sweden Declares Pandemic Over
ARTICLE: Sweden scrapped almost all of its few pandemic restrictions on Wednesday and stopped most testing for COVID-19, even as the pressure on the healthcare systems remained high and some scientists begged for more patience in fighting the disease.

INFORMED CONCENT Forms for COVID-19 Injections
ARTICLE: Consensus is clear among MDs and medical PhDs: following 20 months of exhaustive research, millions of patients treated, hundreds of clinical trials performed and scientific data shared worldwide, they conclude that healthy children and COVID recovered should be excluded from vaccine mandates and social restrictions.

16,000 Physcicians Agree - Global Covid Summit - Physicians Declaration
ARTICLE: The following forms are provided to help families, employees, students, and parents successfully implement complete due diligence and informed consent with respect to COVID-19 injections.

Dr. Mark McDonald - How To Break Free of Addiction To Fear
VIDEO: In his book “United States of Fear,” psychiatrist Mark McDonald diagnoses the U.S. as suffering from mass delusional psychosis, driven by an irrational fear of what is now a rather innocuous virus. The fearful overreaction didn’t have its origin in what happened in 2020. Government, corporations and powerful individuals have engaged in a systematic “grooming” effort toward irrational fear addiction for decades Without fear, they cannot rob us of our freedoms.

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Calls for a Worldwide Anti-Globalist Alliance to Free Humanity
VIDEO: Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò appealed to Catholics, Christians, and people of Faith to unite against the dark forces of globalism. Archbishop Viganò Appeals for an Anti-Globalist Alliance. Please watch his moving call for unity, courage, strength, and faith.

The Melbourne Rebellion Has Begun!!
VIDEO: Tens of thousands of Melbournians gathered in front of the Parliament House of Victoria with very high energy to protest all things COVID! It’s incredible what a mass-expression of patriotism can be like when there are no FBI in the crowd to Astroturf violence.

This is How You Do It! Parents Get Kids Into School WITHOUT MASKS!
VIDEO: This is what resisting tyranny and defying unlawful mandates, policies and crimes against the people looks like!

Hawaii Class Action Lawsuit Citing Fact That Experimental Jabs Have Killed At Least 45,000 People
VIDEO: Michael Green has filed a class-action lawsuit at first representing 1,200 first responders against the Governor & Mayor's vaccine mandates with thousands more expected to join. Michael Green says that the vaccine is killing people all around the country.

Senator Rand Paul - It's Time For Us To Resist!
VIDEO: We are at crossroads, a moment of truth. Will we allow these people to use fear and propaganda to do further harm to our society, economy, and children?

Alberta Canada Ends ALL MANDATES Thanks to one Patriot's Efforts
VIDEO: Freedom Fighter Court VICTORY! Ends Masking, Shots, Quarantine in Alberta!. Here's proof that one man CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE! WE CAN WIN! Patrick King is a proud father of 2, Freedom Fighter and Patriot who took on the powerful government in Alberta, and WON! We can ALL learn from this, and we MUST battle this in every single city, every single county, every single state, every single NATION!

How to Overcome the Pressure to Get a COVID Vaccine
ARTICLE: Understand why vaccine mandates and coercion are illegal. Have a practical way to converse about your decision to opt out. Feel confident in your decision, and (I hope) feel emboldened to speak up.

Employer & School Disclosure Forms that are Requiring Covid-19 Injections
VIDEO: This puts employers in a box. This is a form every employee who is faced with this needs to submit to the authorized officer of their company. It is 100% legally accurate, forces them to respond to your questions (already on the form for you), provide you with all requirements by the FDA, makes them review all of the ways they are breaking the law, and holds them 100% financially responsible, requiring a signature.

An Entire Year of No Masks and No Social Distancing AND NOBODY DIED!! INSANITY EXPOSED!
VIDEO: Enjoy this conversation with Alfie Oakes, Founder and CEO of Oakes Farms. Alfie owns the #1 grocery store in Southwest Florida and his conversation with Jonathan Landsman, NaturalHealth365 is a "breathe of fresh air" for all those looking to hear some truth spoken about our current health crisis.

Florida Gov. DeSantis Suspends ALL Local Coronavirus Emergency Orders
ARTICLE: The Sunshine State Republican also signed a bill approved by the Florida legislature which will give the governor the power to invalidate local emergency orders.

FED UP! Ontario Canada Customers/Owners Boot Mask Nazis!
VIDEO: A group of customers and patrons at a restaurant in Barrie, Ontario north of Toronto, were interrupted by maskers who came in to harass the establishment. The encounter ended with the patrons screaming at the two in masks to “Get Out!” You gotta love the little girl cheering in the background.

Mask Nazis Thrown Out of Vancouver Restaurant by Customers!
VIDEO: Thankfully this is happening more and more around the world. People are FED UP with this crap. WE are responsible for our health concerns NOT THE FRIGGIN GOVERNMENT! Patrons of a restaurant in British Columbia, Canada united to shout down a pair of city health inspectors trying to close the business for allegedly violating COVID-19 guidelines.

Irish Doctor Exposes 'Great Reset' Agenda Behind COVID Hoax In Powerful Video
VIDEO: A doctor from Northern Ireland has come out strongly against COVID hysteria and the sinister agenda behind it in a viral video spreading across social media.

For The First Time, A US State Will Require Disclosure of PCR 'Cycle Threshold' Data In COVID Tests
ARTICLE: Numerous epidemiological experts have argued that cycle thresholds are an important metric by which patients, the public, and policymakers can make more informed decisions about how infectious and/or sick an individual with a positive COVID-19 test might be. However, as JustTheNews reports, health departments across the country are failing to collect that data.

WOW: Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds LIFTS mask requirement, ENDS gathering limits, OPENS businesses
ARTICLE: Iowa’s governor Kim Reynolds is lifting the Covid restrictions locking her law-abiding constituents in their homes. And that’s not all. She’s freeing bars and restaurants, freeing people from masks, and stopping the limits on gatherings. In other words, Reynolds is ending Covid restrictions on businesses in the state. ALL restrictions.

An Oasis of Sanity - Mask-Free Grocery Store in Naples Florida
VIDEO: Decisions about how best to manage our health is not up to moronic politicians. It's our responsibility. I wish more stores would have the courage to do this. It is PURE INSANITY to continue following these ridiculous orders from people who all have their heads up their asses! There is ZERO credible scientific justification for mask mandates and social distancing bull crap.

Corbett Report - The Great Reopening
VIDEO: Yes, #TheGreatReopening is happening as we speak. No, it will not be televised (or even YouTubed). Find out the details as James highlights the resistance movements that are rising up around the world!

Wisconsin Senate Greenlights Measure To Kill All Governor's COVID-Related Emergency Orders
ARTICLE: The Great Awakening is the third installment of the Plandemic series. This documentary experience assembles forbidden puzzle pieces to reveal the big picture of what’s really happening in America and beyond. The Great Awakening is intended to be a lighthouse to guide us out of the storm and into a brighter future.

Taking a Stand: Sheriffs, Local Officials, and Rule of Law VS. Covid Dictators
ARTICLE: Here’s a new sheriff in town, and his name is not Anthony Fauci. Robert “Bob” Norris, the newly elected Sheriff of Kootenai County, Idaho, has let it be known that when it comes to COVID lockdowns and face mask mandates the Kootenai County Sheriff’s Office (KCSO) is not going to be drafted by politicians and so-called health authorities to “enforce an unenforceable law or executive mandate on its citizens.”

Crimes Against Humanity - Class Action Lawsuit Against Those Responsible for the Criminal COVID-19 Pandemic Hoax
VIDEO: Dr. Reiner Fuellmich details the information obtained by the German Corona Investigative Committee, information that concludes the entire global COVID-19 pandemic is a massive criminal hoax!

Rabbi Yitzchok Dovid Smith - The Great Reset Explained, in Eloquent Simple Language
VIDEO: Compliance leads to more compliance.

ARTICLE: Our mission at Ohio Stands Up! is to file the first federal lawsuit in the country challenging a governor’s entire State of Emergency so we can reclaim Ohio. Our lawsuit will set national precedent, and as the saying goes, “Where Ohio goes so goes the nation.” Equally important are our efforts to educate Ohioans and all Americans on the reality of COVID-19 while ensuring our Constitutional rights are honored in the process.

COVID Restrictions, Mandatory Vaccines Outlawed By Common Law Assembly
VIDEO: In another example of pushback by citizens against draconian COVID-19 lockdown measures, a Canadian Common Law Assembly has passed a bylaw prohibiting COVID restrictions in several communities on Vancouver Island.


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Clinical Trials Going Ahead For Mosquitoes To Deliver Genetically Modified Malaria Parasites as “Vaccines”
ARTICLE: Human clinical trials are taking place in the Netherlands to vaccinate people against malaria using mosquitoes infected with a genetically modified version of the parasite.

More Than 2,200 Celebrities, Officials and European Elite Caught with Fake Vaccination Passports
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Vaccination records in Europe have been falsified by thousands of celebrities, officials, and elitists who gave themselves saline injections instead of the deadly Covid mRNA jabs, then paid big bucks to have fake passports made and recorded in the records system there called the National Immunizations Registry.

Top Experts Debunk Claims That Covid ‘Vaccines’ ‘Saved Millions’
ARTICLE: The official narrative that Covid mRNA “vaccines” saved millions of lives has now been officially debunked. The claims have now been investigated by top researchers from the UK’s Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine in Oxford.

Top Doctor Sounds Alarm Over ‘Self-Amplifying mRNA Vaccines’: ‘Next-Level Dangerous’
VIDEOS: A prominent doctor is raising the alarm as trials for new “self-amplifying mRNA vaccines” have just begun in the United States before they are rolled out for public use.

8 Bombshell Findings In Florida’s Grand Jury Report On Big Pharma’s Covid Shots
ARTICLE: A Florida grand jury released its final report on potential “criminal or wrongful activity” regarding the creation and promotion of the Covid jabs. Hiding the details, methodology and results of scores of safety investigations from public view does not build public confidence; it undermines it.’

CEO of BioNTech Refuses to Take the mRNA Covid Vaccine Claiming It's Illegal
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Cancer research specialist and immunology scientist refuses to take the vaccine his own company designed and manufactured – does he fear getting turbo cancer from it?

Flu “Vaccines” Are Neither Safe nor Effective
ARTICLE: The Pandermrix influenza vaccine was associated with a 1,400% increase in narcolepsy risk and was eventually pulled from the market due to its link with narcolepsy and cataplexy. Flu vaccines are often ineffective, with annual efficacy rates in the US ranging from 23% to 52%, and independent figures consistently showing lower efficacy rates.

Has Polio Vaccine Saved 20 Million Children from Paralysis?
ARTICLE: Fortune called the polio vaccine used in the U.S. today “not only safe but also effective.” The article also claimed that because 3 billion children have been vaccinated against polio since 1988, according to the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, that means “20 million people who would’ve otherwise been paralyzed by polio are walking today.” How accurate is the 20 million figure?

Judge Forces FDA to Release Over a Million Pages of Pfizer’s COVID-19 Trial Documents
ARTICLE: The United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas ruled against the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in a high-profile case brought by the Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency (PHMPT). The decision mandates the FDA to release the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) file for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine no later than June 30, 2025.

The ‘Secret Ingredient’ Has Been Found: At Least 55 Undeclared Chemical Elements Detected in Covid Vaccines
ARTICLE/VIDEO: The Covid shots are a pinnacle of diversity and inclusiveness. They successfully contain all categories of elements except noble gasses. Given the exotic nature of these findings, the researchers deduced that the novel Covid gene therapy technology injections are, in fact, part of a secret worldwide nanotechnological experimentation program.

Policy Shifts Against The mRNA Platform Rapidly Emerged This Past Week
ARTICLE: A nurse reached out with disturbing descriptions of some major changes she has witnessed inside the Ohio State University Medical Center (OSUMC) system.

There Are No Licensed Covid Vaccines for Kids Under 12 — But CDC Wants Babies to Get 3 Pfizer Shots by Age 9 Months
ARTICLE/VIDEO: The latest Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 shots for children under 12 are unlicensed in the U.S. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted only emergency use authorization (EUA) for the vaccines.

“Godfather of Vaccines” Now Admits Safety of Injections Has Never Been Adequately Studied
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Dr. Stanley Plotkin, who has gained the moniker “Godfather of Vaccines,” has admitted that vaccine safety is a field that has not been adequately studied for decades.

Former CDC Chief Refield: Mandating Covid Shots “One of the Greatest Mistakes”
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Former Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Robert Redfield confirmed the dangers of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines in a U.S. Senate hearing Thursday, calling them “toxic” and saying they should never have been mandated.

Prof. Angus Dalgleish: The Use of mRNA Injections Is Criminal Negligence
VIDEO: UK's Top Oncologist Prof Angus Dalgleish, Demands Immediate Ban on mRNA Gene Therapy Over Escalating Turbo Cancer Crisis "The first thing that I'd ask they do is ban all messenger RNA vaccines! Ban the whole concept of giving the booster, there's no way in the world these vaccines prevent infection"

Besides Serious Side Effects, Covid Vaccines Also Cause Non-Serious Side Effects
ARTICLE: A preprint study looked at non-serious health ailments stemming from the Covid vaccinations, as most prior research focused around the serious health consequences of the shots. The researchers found a dramatic increase in minor side effects in the vaccinated. Experimentation that only elicits a minor risk to the test subjects may now be conducted without consent.

Pfizer mRNA Vaccine Fades--No Protection Against Hospitalization Even Boosters Fall Short
ARTICLE: The military connection to the Covid vaccine goes deep. A statement of work document from the Department of the U.S. Army, Contracting Command, dated July 21, 2020 detailed the financial cooperation between the military and pharmaceutical companies in respect to the Covid vaccination program.

Rotavirus Vaccine in India Increases Risk of Deadly Bowel Disorder in Infants
ARTICLE: It's not just the Covid vaccine, regular childhood vaccines cause deadly side effects too. A peer-reviewed study, published Tuesday, has shown that infants given a Rotavirus vaccine which is used in India, Rotavac, had an increased onset of intussusception, a disorder where the intestine slides or telescopes into itself inhibiting the passage of stomach contents, potentially leading to death if left untreated by surgery.

9th Circuit Court of Appeals Rules mRNA COVID-19 Jab is NOT a Vaccine Under Traditional Medical Definitions
ARTICLE: The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit has delivered a seismic decision that could reshape public health policy across the nation. In a contentious case involving the Health Freedom Defense Fund and other plaintiffs versus the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD), the court has declared that mRNA COVID-19 injections do not qualify as vaccines under traditional medical definitions.

Censored Study Exposes mRNA Vaccines Permanently Alter DNA of the Vaxxed and Their Offspring
VIDEO: The Pfizer and Moderna genetic code is permanently installed into the human genome. We have to reconcile that Pfizer and Moderna potentially could have permanently changed the human genome.

Moderna CEO Tells Fauci ‘We Should Mock Up An OUTBREAK’ Just One Month Before Covid Plandemic
VIDEO: More evidence COVID-19 was a planned to justify the rollout of experimental mRNA vaccine technology. Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel admitted in an interview that he discussed ginning up an outbreak scenario with former NIAID Director Anthony Fauci leading up to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Pfizer’s Covid Gene Therapy Shots Have Over 500 Times Allowable Levels of DNA Contamination
ARTICLE: A study published this month has found that the Pfizer mRNA Covid ‘vaccine’ gene therapy injections contain DNA contamination at over 500 times allowable levels, raising fears that the DNA may integrate into the vaccinated person’s own DNA, causing mutations that can lead to diseases such as cancer.

Bill Gates Predicts mRNA “Vaccine Factories” Worldwide and $2 “Vaccines” for Every Disease
VIDEO: “Over the next five years, it looks like there’s going to be a lot of money put into innovation of the messenger ribonucleic acid technology [mRNA] and lipid nanoparticles,” medical commentator John Campbell, Ph.D., said on a recent episode of his YouTube show.

Pfizer Offered “Separate and Distinct” COVID-19 Vaccines to Workers
ARTICLE/VIDEOS: A leaked email from January 2021, provided exclusively to Infowars, explained to colleagues and contractors at Pfizer’s Pearl River research site that site-essential workers would be offered COVID-19 vaccinations that are “separate and distinct” from the doses Pfizer committed to governments worldwide.

New Pfizer RSV Vaccine Linked To Premature Births in Pregnant Women
ARTICLE: The first post-authorization safety analysis of Pfizer’s Abrysvo RSV vaccine found the average time between vaccination and preterm birth was three days. Two-thirds of reported cases occurred within a week.

Professor Masayasu Inoue Warns Against Taking 'Self-Replication Replicon' Jab
VIDEO: The eminent Professor Masayasu Inoue at Osaka City University Medical School in Japan recently warned that the Japanese government became the first in the world to approve a new type of jab called the “self replication replicon vaccine” that is being rushed to market as we speak. The goal is to have it ready by this fall or winter.

HIV mRNA “Vaccines” Continue to Fail in Clinical Trials
ARTICLE: Messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) vaccines are being described as a “new era in vaccinology.”1 Research is underway to develop mRNA shots for not only coronaviruses but also C. difficile, hepatitis C, influenza, malaria, norovirus, cancer and more2 — despite the fact that all mRNA shots are likely ineffective and/or dangerous.

Scientists Developing Nanobots That Release Toxins, Harvest Energy From Body
VIDEO: The 248 page patent for the Moderna technology that was administered to people in the COVID shots was filed in 2020. The patent lists several embodiments, or variations, of this technology. And while we don’t know who got what embodiment, we know that several different batch numbers were deployed.

Pfizer’s Covid Drug Paxlovid That the Government Spent Over $12 Billion on Doesn’t Work for Most “Vaccinated” People
ARTICLE: Pfizer’s COVID-19 drug did not work for many vaccinated people, according to a new paper from the company’s scientists. There was not a statistically significant difference between Paxlovid and placebo recipients in terms of time to alleviation of symptoms, the scientists reported in the new paper.

Moderna Is Trying to Create an Infinite Money Source by Developing “Vaccines” for Diseases Caused by Its Previous “Vaccines”
ARTICLE: Citing the well-documented and often serious adverse reactions to the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, some scientists and doctors said they are concerned about the dangers of existing and new mRNA formulations. They also question whether Moderna is attempting to profit from solutions for diseases its products are causing.

Pfizer Admits Public Received A DIFFERENT VACCINE Formulation Than One They Tested!
VIDEO: New information has emerged that the COVID vaccine Pfizer distributed was not produced using the same process as the vaccine that was tested prior to gaining approval for distribution. Retired nurse instructor and popular YouTuber Dr. John Campbell speaks with sociologist Josh Guetzkow about the ramifications of this possible clinical trial a bait-and-switch.

Warning: The Annual Flu Vaccine is Being Transformed Into a mRNA Jab!
ARTICLE: A lot of you have been getting your flu shots for years without a hitch. But, heads up, there’s a big shift on the horizon you should be aware of. The annual flu vaccine is morphing into an mRNA shot. And chances are, they’re not going to broadcast this change, especially with all the health debates swirling around mRNA technology.

The Century of Evidence That Vaccines Cause Sudden Infant Deaths
ARTICLE: The Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) that was seen worldwide after the COVID-19 vaccines rolled out was so unmistakable that it made the general public see how much their governments had lied to them. What is less known, however, is the link between vaccines and the sudden death of children (euphemistically called Sudden Infant Death Syndrome or SIDS).

Childhood “Vaccine” Schedule Led to the “Greatest Decline in Public Health in Human History”
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Public health agencies have refused to study or to publicly release data comparing the health outcomes of vaccinated and unvaccinated children, according to experts who spoke during Monday’s Senate roundtable discussion on “Federal Health Agencies and the COVID Cartel.”

Dissolving Illusions About Vaccine Safety - Interview with Susanne Humphries
ARTICLE/VIDEO: The vaccine industry intentionally deceives us about the risks and benefits of vaccines to make a profit, with complete disregard for human suffering and the destruction of public health over time.

“No Lives Were Saved” by the COVID-19 Vaccine Injections Says Scientist Denis Rancourt
VIDEO: Canadian researcher Denis Rancourt studied the mortality rates in several countries following the COVID-19 global pandemic of 2020. “NO LIVES WERE SAVED” by the COVID-19 injections, says researcher and scientist Denis Rancourt.

Inventor of Lipid Nanoparticles Used in mRNA COVID-19 Jabs KNEW They Would Not Stay in the Arm
ARTICLE: In the lecture, Cullis was asked if his LNP delivery system is able to target specific tissues or restrict which tissues it stays in. "That's going to be tricky," he responded. "People have been trying to target these lipids, or any nanomedicine, without any success over 40 years of trying."

You’ve Been Genetically Hijacked to Produce Pfizer’s Pfrankenstein Proteins
ARTICLE: Pfizer’s mRNA COVID-19 shots instruct cells to produce additional “off-target” proteins that could pose significant health risks The finding was revealed by a team of U.K. researchers, who found a “glitch” occurred due to the way the COVID-19 shots were genetically modified

Can the mRNA Covid Jabs Change Your DNA — and Humanity Itself
VIDEO: Could foreign DNA enter your cells through the mRNA COVID vax and change your DNA — and humanity itself — forever? Sounds nutty. It's not. "Absolutely that could happen," says Dr. Joseph Ladapo, the surgeon general of Florida. A shocking conversation.

Florida Surgeon General Confirms Dark Secret About the mRNA COVID-19 “Vaccines”
ARTICLE: This wasn’t disclosed to the public when the COVID-19 shots rolled out. “These vaccines are not appropriate for use in human beings,” Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo declared in a statement calling for a complete halt of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines.

Florida Surgeon General Believes When Real Truth on COVID Vaccines Pfizer Will Cease to Exist
ARTICLE: “I think when the real damage has been totally accounted for, honestly I’m not sure we’re going to even have a Pfizer anymore. I don’t think it’s going to actually look the same way. The harm that has been done by these vaccines…This is going to unfortunately go down as a very sad point in history.”

Three Universities Confirm COVID Jabs Destroy Human Health
ARTICLE: Citing data from the country’s health insurance database, three universities in South Korea have revealed that the “fully vaccinated” are much worse off health-wise than the unvaccinated.

The Role of DNA Contamination in Cancers and Autoimmune Diseases
ARTICLE: Can DNA vaccine contamination explain the rise in cancer rates and autoimmune diseases? Jan Jekielek speaks with Dr. Ryan Cole, a pathologist and an expert on SARS-CoV-2 and the mechanisms of the genetic injections labeled as vaccines. Here, they discuss how these COVID-19 genetic vaccines may be related to the rise in cancers and autoimmune diseases.

WTH? “Vaccine” Medical Poisons Can Now Be Delivered via Ultrasound
ARTICLE: Public willingness to get injected with who-knows-what from vaccine needles is waning. Thus, scientists are now developing needleless vaccines that they claim can be delivered to a person’s body through ultrasound.

Pfizer mRNA Vaccine Makes 'Aberrant Proteins', Experts Concerned About Autoimmunity Events
ARTICLE: A study shows that Pfizer vaccines were significantly more likely to produce proteins that some experts believe may increase cancer and autoimmune risk.

Covid mRNA Vaccines Required No Safety Oversight
ARTICLE: None of the laws or regulations that we count on to protect us from potentially harmful, or deadly, medical products was applied to the Covid mRNA vaccines. The assertion of “safe and effective” was based entirely on aspirations, opinions, beliefs, and presumptions of government employees.

Final Batch of Pfizer Documents for Ages 16+ Released to Public and WOW
ARTICLE: Both Pfizer and government “watchdogs” acknowledged that the limited testing done on the jabs was insufficient to determine if they were safe. More importantly, they KNEW the jabs caused cardiac events but pretended like there wasn’t enough data to draw that conclusion.

Self-Amplifying RNA Shots: Next Generation of RNA Vaccine Tech is Here
VIDEO: Big Pharma developing a more potent form of experimental gene therapy technology that will be sold to the public as life-saving 'vaccines.'

iDNA Vaccines to Generate Internal Virus Production
ARTICLE/VIDEO: If you thought mRNA injections were the craziest things the vaccine industry has cooked up lately, you haven’t seen the half of it yet. Up next, we have so-called “immunization DNA” or iDNA, a novel class of gene therapy “vaccines” that encodes for the whole virus.

World’s First Recombinant Anthrax Vaccine Seeks Approval in Order to “Prepare Against Potential Bioterrorism”
ARTICLE: Korean pharmaceutical company GC Biopharma has announced it has applied for approval of its GC1109 recombinant anthrax vaccine to the Korean Ministry of Food and Drug Safety. According to GC Biophrama “GC1109 contains protective antigen (PA) as its active pharmaceutical ingredients produced by recombinant DNA technology which delivers 2 types of proteins that comprise anthrax toxin, namely, lethal factor (LF) and edema factor (EF), into cells.”

Naomi Wolf Exposes the Fact the Pfizer Hid COVID Jab Deaths to Obtain Emergency Use Authorization
VIDEO: In this short video, Naomi Wolf exposes the fact that Pfizer hid Covid jab trial death statistics because it would show that their deadly cocktail was not safe nor was it effective. The accurate data showed the experimental jabs were worthless and dangerous. Had they reported the information accurately they could have never obtained the emergency use authorization they needed to reap BILLIONS in profits.

Billions of Copies of Residual DNA in a Single Dose of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine
ARTICLE: A new preprint study up for peer review finds billions of residual DNA fragments in the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine vials. The lead author of the study, molecular virologist David Speicher, who has a doctorate in virology, told The Epoch Times that their study is "the largest study" on residual DNA in COVID-19 vaccines to date.

How Pfizer Hid Nearly 80% of COVID Vaccine Trial Deaths From Regulators
ARTICLE: According to an analysis, published this month in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research, of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine clinical trial data, the vaccine makers hid fatality data from regulators in order to qualify for Emergency Use Authorization.

Where is the Proof of Efficacy for the Flu Vaccine?
VIDEO: Where is the proof of efficacy for the flu vaccine? Explain to me how we can be having 30M cases of flu every year if the vaccines are working and creating herd immunity? Is that a success? Is there a recent large double-blind placebo controlled RCT showing flu vaccine efficacy?

Pfizer Purchaser Agreement Released – Reckless and Insane
ARTICLE: Kim Dotcom wrote on X today that the secret vaccine purchase agreement that South Africa signed with Pfizer has been released. They admitted in the agreement that they didn’t know the efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine or what adverse events might occur, and there were no long-term effects to study. Kim Dotcom says, “leaders worldwide recklessly turned their citizens into lab rats by signing this garbage. Insane.”

What’s Actually in the COVID Vaccines
VIDEO: Kevin McKernan Talks COVID Vaccine DNA Contamination, the Monkey Virus SV40 Promoter, and What’s Actually in the Vaccines.

Transgenic Edible Vaccines
VIDEO: The MAD SCIENCE of mRNA Vaccines seems to have no boundaries. LUNATICS are doing everything they can to ensure we are all infected with these deadly cocktails. Now they want to turn our food supply into mRNA factories! Thomas Massie's Amendment to Stop "Transgenic Edible Vaccines" From Being Funded.

Air Vax — The Latest mRNA Delivered Into Lungs
ARTICLE: Yale University researchers have developed a new airborne method for delivering mRNA right to your lungs. The team has also used the method to vaccinate mice intranasally, opening the door for human testing in the near future. While scientists are hailing the creation as an easy way to vaccinate the masses, critics wonder if the development of an airborne vaccine could be used for nefarious purposes, including covert bioenhancements, which have already been recommended in academic literature.

Popular COVID Drug Manufactured by Merck is Causing “Unintended” Virus Mutations, Potentially Fueling COVID’s Spread
ARTICLE: An international team of researchers has determined that a popular drug manufactured by Merck to treat COVID-19 is driving what is being described as “unintended” mutations in the virus and potentially fueling the virus’s spread The Express reported Monday that these researchers studied a whopping 15 million COVID-19 sequences to determine how it has mutated over time. What they found could be described as alarming.

Professor Phillip Buckhaults, PhD: 'The Pfizer "Vaccine" Is Contaminated'
VIDEO: Professor Buckhaults analyzed batches of the Pfizer vaccine and discovered they don't just contain the dangerous mRNA but also contain plasma DNA which can integrate itself into the genomic DNA of cells becoming a permanent fixture. It also could very well be responsible for many of the serious adverse reactions and deaths being reported after receiving the jabs.

Researchers Alarmed to Find DNA Contamination in Pfizer Vaccine
ARTICLE: Phillip Buckhaults, a cancer genomics expert, and professor at the University of South Carolina has testified before a South Carolina Senate Medical Affairs Ad-Hoc Committee saying that Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine is contaminated with billions of tiny DNA fragments. Buckhaults, who has a PhD in biochemistry and molecular biology, said “there is a very real hazard” that these fragments of foreign DNA can insert themselves into a person’s own genome and become a “permanent fixture of the cell.”

What You Need to Know About the Latest Covid Jab Rollout
ARTICLE: According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration,2 the reformulated shots by Pfizer and Moderna are “approved” for individuals 12 years of age and older, and “authorized under emergency use” for children between the ages of 6 months and 11 years. This despite the fact that no emergency declaration exists to warrant it.

Peer-Reviewed Study: 'The Higher the Number of Vaccines Previously Received, the Higher the Risk of Contracting COVID-19'
ARTICLE: This study, prior to the peer review process, came out late last year. It showed, in a nutshell, that more COVID-19 shots correlated to a greater risk of contracting COVID-19.

Is This Why Pediatricians Push “Vaccines”?
ARTICLE: In April 2023, I reported how primary care providers across the U.S. were bribed with incentive programs to coerce patients into getting the toxic COVID shot. Since there was no medical malpractice liability, doctors profited while patients risked their lives as participants in an unprecedented medical experiment, all while being lied to about the safety and effectiveness of these injections.

STUDY CONFIRMS: The mRNA Jab Didn’t Actually Save Any Lives
ARTICLE: If you don’t get the jab, you’re an evil, wicked, dirty superspreader who is personally responsible for the death of granny. But if you DO get it, you are saving lives. That’s what we were told, anyway… without any real evidence to back it up.

Why You Should NOT Get The Flu Vaccine
ARTICLE: The bottom line is you should never get any vaccine without first seeing the all-cause risk benefit data.

Dr. Aseem Malhotra: ‘The Doctors Were Completely Duped Into Coercing People To Take An Ineffective Vaccine’
VIDEO: Dr. Aseem Malhotra says now there is plenty of evidence the Covid-19 vaccine is the least effective Pharma intervention with the worst side effect profile, yet it has become the most profitable.

The Scam That Spins ‘95% Vaccine Efficacy’ From a Placebo
VIDEO: The House Republican investigation is poised to expose how James Biden and eight additional family members may have profited off his brother’s powerful positions in government and perhaps put national security in danger by compromising the president.

RFK Jr: Pharma Makes $60 Billion/Yr From Vaccines, $500 Billion Selling Remedies for VAXXX Injuries
VIDEO: This is a segment from an interview with Robert Kennedy Jr. where he says: "It's a really great business plan for these companies. You make people sick and then you sell them a lifetime cure."

Pfizer and FDA Knew in Early 2021 That Pfizer mRNA COVID “Vaccine” Caused Dire Fetal and Infant Risks, Including Death
ARTICLE: Depite knowing full-well how dangerous these jabs were they Began an Aggressive Campaign to Vaccinate Pregnant Women Anyway.

The Dark History of “Vaccines”: The Manmade Origin of AIDS and Other Diseases
VIDEO: Freedom-loving commentator Mindy Robinson never holds back. It doesn’t matter if she’s discussing pedophiles, the Las Vegas mass murders, or vaccines. She delivers the uncensored truth.

Big Ag Panicking Over Bill to Require Labeling of Gene-Altering Products
ARTICLE: Missouri House Bill 1169 would require labeling of products that can alter your genes. Big Ag lobbyists strongly oppose it, because it would mean labeling livestock injected with mRNA vaccines.

Mad Scientists Are Now Experimenting With mRNA Injections in Beef, Poultry, Pork, and Produce
ARTICLE: Mad scientists are now experimenting with mRNA injections in beef, poultry, pork, and produce. There are currently no laws to protect the food supply and the human genome from an onslaught of mRNA experiments and the mass production and deployment of biological weapons inside animals and produce.

What’s in the Pfizer Documents? | Naomi Wolf
VIDEO: “What’s in the Pfizer Documents?” Naomi Wolf CEO, The Daily Clout This speech was given on March 6, 2023, during a Hillsdale College CCA seminar on “Big Pharma.”

RFK Jr. on the Vaccine "Gold Rush" - Big Pharma, CDC, Bill Gates: 'These Are Criminal Enterprises'
VIDEO: Three short clips from a speech Robert Kennedy Jr. gave and Hillsdale College about the truth of how utterly corrupt the Vaccine Industrial media complex really is. Everyone knows how corrupt Big Pharma is yet they have somehow manufactured major cognitive dissonance when it comes to the subject of vaccines.

Pfizer Hid Data on Waning Immunity
ARTICLE: Regulatory filings date stamped from April 2021 show Pfizer had strong evidence that its vaccine’s efficacy waned – results the company did not publicly release until the end of July.

National Crisis: CDC Says 1 in 36 Children Now Identified with Autism Spectrum Disorder
ARTICLE: Earlier this year, a new study published in the journal Pediatrics analyzed data from more than 4,000 8-year-olds in New York and New Jersey and found that the prevalence of autism has tripled in the last 16 years, Forbes reported.

Truth About Vaccines - List of Links
ARTICLE: A List of links (while not comprehensive) are are great starting point of resources but we wanted to put together a strong central location to gather these validations for Team Reality on vaccines.

Renowned MIT Professor and Drug Safety Analytics Specialist Calls for Immediate Suspension of all mRNA COVID Vaccines
ARTICLE: The number of health professionals and experts calling for the immediate suspension of COVID mRNA vaccines is growing, and yet governments still turn a blind eye to one of the most atrocious crimes against humanity.

How Pfizer & BioNTech Faked Their Pre-Clinical Studies
ARTICLE: How Pfizer & BioNTech Faked Their Pre-Clinical Studies, Lied When They Claimed Their “Vaccine” Provides 8 Times Better Protection Than Natural Immunity, and How No One Said a Word About It


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Tom Renz - Vaxx Mandates Incoming Justified by Fraudulent PCR Testing
VIDEO: Attorney Tom Renz joins The Alex Jones Show to explain how the government is paving the way for new vaccine mandates and renewed emergency health authorizations by fearmongering bird flu outbreaks ahead of President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration. All the medical tyrants need is mass PCR testing to prop up their emergency authorization of these gene therapy jabs.

PCR Tests Are NOT Legitimate Tests For Viral Infections
VIDEO: This information needs to be spread far and wide! It is arguably THE MOST IMPORTANT information everyone needs to know to expose how they create one fake pandemic after another. They are all driven by these so-called TESTS which they know damned well are not tests at all.

Email Proof The PCR Tests Have Always Been A Scam
ARTICLE: Professor Martin Neil received some anonymous emails providing hard evidence that the PCR tests for covid were never accurate or fit for purpose. “Some of the [test] sequences are found in the human genome itself,” the emails noted.

Nobel Prize Winner Kary Mullis Predicted PCR Test Fraud of HIV, COVID and Bird Flu
VIDEO: If the PCR 'test' is set right, it will always give you the result you want. Alex Jones played a video of Nobel Prize winner Kary Mullis discussing the fraud of the PCR test being used for false-positive results to shutdown the country again.

THE PCR TEST DECEPTION Without the PCR Test There Would Be No Pandemics!
VIDEO: What justifies lockdowns? What justifies “vaccines”? What justifies medical apartheid? Answer: CASE NUMBERS. CASE NUMBERS that are produced by a PCR Test not designed for diagnostic use and not capable of doing the job it’s being used for. If the media were to ever report the facts about this test, the lynchpin of the whole illusion would be removed and the house of cards would collapse. That’s precisely why they won’t report the facts, and precisely why we have to.

Biggest Lie in World History: There Never Was A Pandemic
VIDEO: This video is from the very beginning of the fake pandemic back in 2020. The diabolical agenda behind it has undermined the sovereignty of nation states. It has contributed to a wave of bankruptcies. It has impoverished people Worldwide. It has led to a spiraling dollar denominated global debt. The powerful structures of global capitalism, Big Money coupled with its intelligence and military apparatus were the driving force. Using advanced digital and communications technologies, the lockdown and “closure” of the global economy is unprecedented in World history.

BOGUS COVID TEST - CDC/FDA Smoking Gun of Smoking Guns
ARTICLE: They confess: they had no virus when they concocted the test for the virus; they “contrived” a model by pretending to find what they wanted to find • This is the con and the crime that drove millions of lives, and economies, into ruin.

New COVID At-Home Test Dangerous and Misleading
ARTICLE: The BinaxNOW COVID-19 Antigen Self Test does not differentiate between SARS-CoV and SARS…CoV-2. Positive results do not rule out bacterial infection or co-infection with other viruses. The agent detected may not be the definite cause of disease..

Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg - The Broad Issue of Corruption in the World Health Organization (WHO)
VIDEO: In this intimate sit down interview from the film "Planet Lockdown" with Wolfgang Wodarg, we discuss the broad issue of corruption in the WHO, how we should understand the "pandemic," or lack there of and how we must stop this diabolical trend towards a fake medical dystopi that will take over all aspects of our lives justified by a fake testing process.

Fake Science, Invalid Data: There is No Such Thing as a “Confirmed Covid-19 Case”. There is No Pandemic
ARTICLE: This misuse of the RT-PCR technique is applied as a relentless and intentional strategy by some governments to justify excessive measures such as the violation of a large number of constitutional rights, … under the pretext of a pandemic based on a number of positive RT-PCR tests, and not on a real number of patients.

CDC Does Not Legally ‘Allow’ Americans to Know Variant They Are Infected With
ARTICLE: The process for discovering if a particular Covid case is a specific ‘variant’ is not currently allowed for under the law. “The letter of the law from CMS is that if you don’t go through this full validation process, you cannot release the results with patient identifying information,” Wroblewski said.

CDC/FDA Confess: They Had No Virus When They Concocted the Test for the Virus
ARTICLE: The CDC/FDA are confessing there has been a PROBLEM with the PCR test which has been used to detect the virus, starting in February of 2020—-right up to this minute. In other words, the millions and millions of “COVID cases” based on the PCR test in use are all suspect.

FDA Announces That CDC’s PCR Test FAILED Review, Will Have Emergency Use Authorization REVOKED
ARTICLE: The FDA has identified this as a Class I recall, the most serious type of recall. Use of these devices may cause serious injuries or death,” the FDA stated on its website.

CDC Quietly Revokes RT-PCR Emergency Use Authorization Because They Counted Covid-19 and Influenza Together
ARTICLE: Here’s a punch in the gut for a nation that’s already hurting. As it turns out, the so-called “gold standard” testing referenced by so many “doctors” like Anthony Fauci, as well as government officials across the board, has had its Emergency Use Authorization revoked.

New Academic Study Confirms: Mass Testing of Asymptomatic People Was a ‘Scam’
ARTICLE: The Journal of Infection has published a new study that confirms what many have already come to conclude: Mass testing of asymptomatic members of the general population was unnecessary and only served to exaggerate the number of COVID “cases.”

Laboratories in US Can't Find COVID-19 In 1500 Positive Tests
ARTICLE: A clinical scientist and immunologist-virologist at a southern California laboratory says he and colleagues from 7 universities are suing the CDC for massive fraud. The reason: not one of 1500 samples of people tested “positive” could find Covid-19. ALL people were simply found to have Influenza A, and to a lesser extent Influenza B. This is consistent with the previous findings of other scientists, which we have reported on several times.

CDC Document Confirms PCR Test Has No Value At Detecting COVID-19 Infection
ARTICLE: CDC Admits the PCR Test Will Test Positive with Cold of Flu Virus " The highlighted limitations below are evidence that the CDC is fully aware that PCR is not capable of diagnosing an infectious coronavirus.

COVID: Here Come the Antibody Tests - Quick, Easy, and Insane
ARTICLE: “What the test can’t do is tell you whether you’re currently sick with coronavirus, whether you’re contagious, whether you’re fully immune — and whether you’re safe to go back out in public.” “Because the test can’t be used as a diagnostic test, it would need to be combined with other information to determine if a person is sick with COVID-19.”

The Insanity of the PCR Testing Saga
ARTICLE: For several months, experts have highlighted the true cause behind the COVID-19 pandemic, namely the incorrect use of PCR tests set at a ridiculously high cycle count (CT), which falsely labels healthy people as “COVID-19 cases.” In reality, the PCR test is not a proper diagnostic test, although it has been promoted as such.

Tyranny Justified By A Fraudulent COVID-19 Test . . . That's Not A Test
VIDEO: This is a segment from a World Freedom Alliance Documentary "COVID-19 Wake Up Call." This segment focuses on the heart of this global crime against humanity, the COVID-19 Test which isn't a test at all. It's a process that was never intended as a diagnostic tool but rather as a research tool, a manufacturing process.

Christian Drosten's Bogus COVID Test Responsible For Destroying Global Economies
VIDEO: David Icke details the totally bogus protocol used for every single PCR test around the world, created by Mr. 'COVID TEST" himself, Christian Drosten. If you trust this guy, YOU HAVEN'T LOOKED INTO ANYTHING HE HAS ACTUALLY DONE TO SEE WHAT A TOTAL FRAUD HE IS!

WHO Changes CCP Virus Test Criteria in Attempt to Reduce False Positives
ARTICLE: Funny, once they stole the election from Trump, suddenly things like this are happening all over the place. The WHO had DELIBERATELY instructed everyone to use very high cycles on PCR test in order to produce mostly false-positive results, to create the perception of an out-of-control pandemic. They know damned well they have been LYING to us all from the very start!

The Criminal WHO Blows its Own Cover: Fake PCR Test
ARTICLE: In early 2020, the WHO accepted a PCR test for “SARS-CoV-2” that was designed without having possession of the virus. Yet the test is meant to detect…the missing virus. This is evidence of deep criminal intent.

Austrian MP Uses New Rapid COVID Test on COLA and Gets Positive Result!
VIDEO: The companies making these bogus tests are making hundreds of millions, eventually, BILLIONS selling these worthless tests. THEY KNOW THEY'RE WORTHLESS. Here's a video of an Austrian parliamentary member demonstrating the defectiveness of the government’s Covid-19 tests by showing how a glass of coke yields a positive result.

For The First Time, A US State Will Require Disclosure of PCR 'Cycle Threshold' Data In COVID Tests
ARTICLE: Numerous epidemiological experts have argued that cycle thresholds are an important metric by which patients, the public, and policymakers can make more informed decisions about how infectious and/or sick an individual with a positive COVID-19 test might be. However, as JustTheNews reports, health departments across the country are failing to collect that data.

Dr. Michael Yeadon - THE PANDEMIC IS OVER! No second Wave!
VIDEO: Former Vice President and Chief Science Advisor at Pfizer Pharmaceutical Mike Yeadon discusses his thoughts as to why the lockdown was a mistake, and why the government strategies to manage the pandemic are only making things worse.

Portuguese Appeals Court Deems PCR Tests Unreliable
ARTICLE: On November 11, 2020, a Portuguese appeal court ruled it was unlawful to quarantine people based solely on a PCR test.

Smoking gun: Fauci States COVID Test Has Fatal Flaw
VIDEO: Right from the horse’s mouth. Right from the man we’re told is the number-one COVID expert in the nation. What Fauci says is golden truth. Well, how about THIS? Fauci makes a point of saying the PCR COVID test is useless and misleading when the test is run at “35 cycles or higher.” A positive result, indicating infection, cannot be accepted or believed.

Was the COVID-19 Test Meant to Detect a Virus? - The Corona Simulation Machine
ARTICLE/VIDEOS: Why the Inventor of The “Corona Test” Would Have Warned Us Not To Use It To Detect A Virus. “Scientists are doing an awful lot of damage to the world in the name of helping it. I don’t mind attacking my own fraternity because I am ashamed of it.” – Kary Mullis, Inventor of Polymerase Chain Reaction.

Did the CDC Disprove there is a COVID Pandemic?
VIDEO: Brian Wilson compiles and breaks down information released by the Centers for Disease control that contradicts the claim that novel coronavirus 2019 should be classified as an international pandemic.

COVID-19 Tests May be Detecting Traces of DEAD Virus, Giving ‘False Positives’ and EXAGGERATING Pandemic
ARTICLE: New research has discovered that coronavirus tests may be finding dead traces from weeks-old infections, resulting in false positives that inflate the scale of the pandemic.

It Looks Like 90% of Positive COVID Results Should Have Been Negative
ARTICLE: According to The New York Times, potentially 90 percent of those who have tested positive for COVID-19 have such insignificant amounts of the virus present in their bodies that such individuals do not need to isolate nor are they candidates for contact tracing.

The Truth About THE MASSIVE CRIMINAL FRAUD of RT-PCR Tests and Antibody Tests
VIDEO: BIG STORY – PLEASE SHARE: PCR test that is producing the ‘virus cases’ triggering the new lockdowns worldwide is testing for genetic codes that every human has and NOT THE ‘VIRUS’ – David Icke talks with Dr Andrew Kaufman about the astonishing hoax transforming human society.

The COVID Testing Scam Was Just Exposed in One Graph (& Other Deadly Lies)
ARTICLE: Sadly, they seem content to watch us suffer and die, deprived of our liberty, crushed under the needless burden of cruel and humiliating restrictions, huddled in corners afraid to breathe or let anyone else come near, obsessively covering our faces in a delusional state of panic.

Dr. Rashid A Buttar - Why Everyone Could Test Positive
VIDEO: Dr. Rashid explains the reality of COVID-19 tests and the massive number of false positive results that most everyone is assuming are "real numbers." It's all FAKE!

COVID-19 PCR Tests are Scientifically Meaningless
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Lockdowns and hygienic measures around the world are based on numbers of cases and mortality rates created by the so-called SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR tests used to identify “positive” patients. But looking closely at the facts, the conclusion is that these PCR tests are meaningless as a diagnostic tool to determine an alleged infection by a supposedly new virus called SARS-CoV-2.

Andrew Kaufmann - Nobody Has Ever Isolated the COVID-19 Virus for Testing Purposes
VIDEO: The FACT is, nobody has ever isolated a virus responsible for what they are calling COVID-19 illness! NOBODY! The test is based on a FRIGGIN COMPUTER MODEL based on an RNA fragment with no proof of its origin! Our entire economy and way of life have been devastated based on totally bogus computer models, from bogus death statistics to bogus testing results!

Florida Media Discover Widespread False Reports of Positive COVID Tests – Massive Data Disparities
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Local media showing the old-school value of the Fourth Estate. Unlike national media who have abandoned all pretense of journalism, there are still a few regional outlets who do the deep digging to discover the truth and reveal the lies.

Dr. Thomas Cowan - Covid19 Fails Koch's Postulatese
VIDEO: Learn how we're being deliberately misled about the validity of the COVID-19 tests and the validity of what we're being told about the "supposed pandemic virus"

COVID: Here Come the Antibody Tests—Quick, Easy, and Insane
ARTICLE: There are two worlds. In the first, independent researchers with no conflicts of interest, and, hopefully, a sense of logic, sort out what is actually going on behind propaganda parading as medical research. In the second world, it’s all official propaganda, wall to wall, posing as science.

A Breakdown on Current COVID-19 Testing Procedures
VIDEO: Physician utterly demolishes the 'covid-19' test' and the very existence of the 'virus' - an absolutely must-watch


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Rancher Sounds Alarm on Mandatory mRNA Vaccines For Meat Supply
VIDEO: A rancher is warning of the government’s experimentation with mRNA vaccines on the U.S. meat supply, noting that 25% of the pigs that received the shots have died.

Bill Gates-Connected Firm Plans to Release ‘Climate Change VACCINE’
ARTICLE/VIDEOS: The Bill Gates-connected startup ArkeaBio issued a press release in May detailing the firm’s acquisition of $26.5 million for development of a ‘methane vaccine’ for cows.

Depopulationist Bill Gates Funds $26.5 Million Livestock Vaccine to Stop Cows From Farting
ARTICLE: The goal is to tackle so-called climate change by injecting animals with a vaccine that would make them fart and burp less. Climate activists claim that farts and burps from livestock amount to more than 5 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions. Of course there's no credible evidnece to back that up.

The Avian Flu in Cattle Hoax Perpetrated to Justify Poisoning Our Meat Supply With Toxic mRNA
ARTICLE: For the past few weeks, we’ve heard news reports of avian flu being transmitted from birds to cattle. That narrative shifted recently to say it’s actually cattle that are spreading the disease to poultry. Now, USDA scientists are weighing their options which include an avian flu vaccine for cows.

An mRNA Jab for Every Farm Animal
ARTICLE: When you see the industry messaging, it hews pretty close to the mindset and terminology of the entire establishment Covid problem and cure. Is that what we want on our dinner tables? Asked another way, do we really want Fauci in charge of our food?

Transgenic Edible Vaccines
VIDEO: The MAD SCIENCE of mRNA Vaccines seems to have no boundaries. LUNATICS are doing everything they can to ensure we are all infected with these deadly cocktails. Now they want to turn our food supply into mRNA factories! Thomas Massie's Amendment to Stop "Transgenic Edible Vaccines" From Being Funded.

TRUTH ABOUT THE WHO (World Health Organization)

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President Trump Vows to Withdraw U.S. from Globalist’ WHO on Day One
ARTICLE: President-elect Donald Trump is poised to withdraw the United States from the World Health Organization (WHO) immediately upon taking office, according to reports from his transition team. This decision aligns with his longstanding criticism of the organization, which he has previously labeled as overly influenced by globalist agendas and insufficiently accountable.

Just In Time, They Are Really Ramping Up The Fear For 3 Different Very Frightening Diseases
ARTICLE: Why are there suddenly so many stories about deadly diseases in the news? We are just a little over two months away from November, and so this is a perfect time to deeply alarm the general public about a coming health crisis, right? But this time around it isn’t just one major disease that is making news. As you will see below, people are freaking out about 3 different very frightening diseases.

Right on Cue: WHO Warns New Mutant Strain of Monkeypox Is an Emergency “For the Entire Globe”
ARTICLE: The WHO has never had any genuine credibility and most certainly has demonstrated this fact by its actions perpetuating the global COVID-19 pandemic hoax. It was lie after lie after lie after lie. These psychopaths think we're all so stupid we're going to fall for it again?

Pediatrician Slams WHO $12 Billion Plan to Vaccinate 500 Million Children by 2030
ARTICLE: The WHO on Monday reported that global childhood immunization rates have stalled. Meanwhile, Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance unveiled an $11.9 billion plan to vaccinate 500 million children by 2030. Dr. Paul Thomas warned that vaccination programs are unnecessary and health agencies should focus on nutrition and overall health.

“Enough Is Enough!” – Swiss Cardiologist Calls for the Abolishment of the WHO
VIDEO: Dr. Binder called for the abolishment of the World Health Organization, after the botched and extremely dangerous actions and statements during the COVID pandemic.

WHO’s Tedros Declares ‘It’s Time to be More Aggressive in Pushing Back on Anti-Vaxxers’
ARTICLE/VIDEO: During a talk titled “Celebrating 50 Years of Immunization Progress,” the Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, made it clear that no debate is allowed when it comes to vaccines. Ghebreyesus told the audience, “You know the serious challenge that’s posed by anti-vaxxers, and I think we need to strategize to really push back.”

Japanese People Hold Massive Protest Against WHO, Deadly Covid Vaccines
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Japanese citizens took to the streets in protest of the World Health Organization and the Covid-19 vaccine, which has been blamed for causing a number of severe adverse effects and deaths. Footage out of Tokyo on Friday showed thousands of people attending the “National Movement to Protect Lives from WHO: Massive Rally,” reportedly meant as a “demonstration against the revision of the IHR (International Health Regulations),” according to Sputnik Japan.

The WHO Pandemic Treaty Will Compound Past Mistakes
ARTICLE: The best option, considering the issues highlighted here, would be a complete restart of the negotiating process based on new premises, a more open and inclusive Member States-led process, and sound, appropriately humble, and truthful respect for science and its limitations, evidence, and countervailing evidence, the wisdom of experience and acknowledgment of legitimate differences.

The Rise of COVID 2.0? Beware the WHO’s Pandemic Industrial Complex
ARTICLE/VIDEO/AUDIO: “We saw the buildup of events from the swine flu of 2009, Zika, the Ebola scare of 2014, et cetera. Escalating throughout the 2010’s into the Covid scare of the past few years. And now, we are on the cusp of potentially another scare which might cause the actual political impetus and even the public to get on board with the idea of the World Health Organization swooping in to save the day with their brand new pandemic agreement.”

WHO Predicts 35+ Million Cancers by 2050, but Ignores “Vaccine”-Induced Turbo Cancers in Those Under 30
ARTICLE: he World Health Organization’s (WHO) International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) estimates more than 35 million new cancer cases in 2050. This represents a 77% increase from the estimated 20 million cancer cases that occurred in 2022.

UN Troops Being Brought In As Migrant Refugees
VIDEO: Are armed enforcers of the next WHO-enforced pandemic lockdown already in Western countries and waiting for orders?

The World Health Organization’s Pandemic Treaty Ignores Covid Policy Mistakes
ARTICLE: Public health came to resemble the police, and those pushing the new WHO treaty want to go further. It calls for more mandates, more vaccine passports, and more censorship—our new global health “Lockdown Doctrine.”

The Vaccine Passport LIE Just COLLAPSED And The WHO is FURIOUS!
VIDEO: As the WHO’s leading vaccine expert admits in court that vaccine passports may have been a scam due to the fact that the vaccines did not stop transmission, were vaccine passports just one part of an axis that allowed for increased regulations and government control, as well as gigantic profits from the big government donors, the pharmaceutical industry?

WHO Official Testifies That Advice Against Vaccine Passports Was Ignored To Continue Digital Rollout
ARTICLE: Governments were intent on rolling out the controversial and invasive technology against all advice.

Who is the W.H.O. and who is their Director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus?
VIDEO: Tedros is the first person in the 72-year history of the WHO who is NOT even a medical doctor, just like Bill Gates. It was Schwab who supported him for that post. He has also put in the head of the IMF from his board of the WEF as well. To put someone who is not a medical doctor at the head of the World Health Organization would be like putting Jeffrey Epstein as the head of a monastery.

Bret Weinstein on the Dangers of the WHO's Global Pandemic Treaty
VIDEO: Since any of the legitimate methods for regaining the public’s trust will cost the billionaires a lot of money, the pandemic cartel is opting for the only other option available to them—doubling down on their current approach (e.g., by arguing the actual reason the pandemic response was a disaster was because we didn’t do enough of what they wanted) and reworking the legal system so any dissent from their policies is illegal.

All Eyes Are on the W.H.O. as They Try to Take Over the World
ARTICLE/VIDEOS: The World Health Organization circa 2023 is a villain. They are an excuse for money laundering and subjugating innocent people for the benefit and the convenience of the biggest oligarchs. They glorify themselves — but words are cheap, and we may be hurting — but we are not lobotomized. We have not forgotten what their “guidance” has done to us in the past three years. We are sicker, we have less freedom, less dignity, and somebody is constantly trying to stick a needle or ten into our arms.

Plandemic 2.0: Global Pandemic Monitoring Board Calls for ‘Simulation’ to Prepare for Next Global Health Crisis
ARTICLE: As 194 nations continue to work through drafts of pandemic agreements that would grant more authority to the World Health Organization (WHO), the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (GPMB), a body convened by the WHO, has called for a worldwide pandemic simulation to be carried out by the end of this year to test the effectiveness of the new terms before member nations sign them in 2024.

Croatian EU Parliamentarian Mislav Kolakusic Publicly Declares WHO a TERRORIST Organization
VIDEO: In a stunning statement, Mislav Kolakusic, a Member of the European Parliament for Croatia, publicly declared the World Health Organization (WHO) a terrorist organization.

WHO Pushes “Early Childhood Masturbation” For Toddlers, Encourages Questions About Gender Identity For Kids Aged 4
ARTICLE: The WHO claims “sexuality education starts from birth". Backlash has ensued following the renewed focus on the World Health Organisation’s “sexuality education” guidance for schools to provide to children as young as four years old.

Biden Regime Leading All Nations into Global Beast System that Would Require Compliance with WHO Digital Health Tyranny
ARTICLE: The U.S. government is leading all nations into a global beast system that would require compliance with digital health tyranny enforced by U.N. World Health Organization. The Key to defeating this system is ‘the 25 percent’ who refuse to buckle under the pressure of tyrants.

WHO Quietly Backtracks and Says Healthy Children and Teens are Considered Low Risk and Do Not Need COVID-19 Shot
VIDEO: After three years of COVID vaccine lies, WHO’s Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization (SAGE) have quietly backtracked their decision on the Covid-19 vaccination recommendations and now says healthy kids and teens don’t need it.

WHO Admits Everyone Who Receives a MonkeyPox Vaccine is Part of a “Clinical Trial” to Collect Data on its Effectiveness
ARTICLE: An official from the World Health Organization (WHO) admitted on Saturday that everyone who received the Monkeypox vaccine is considered to be part of a “clinical study” for the purpose of data collecting so that researchers can learn more about the “effectiveness of the vaccine.”

THE PLAN – WHO Plans for 10 Years of Pandemics, from 2020 to 2030
VIDEO: THE PLAN shows the official agenda of the World Health Organization to have ten years of ongoing pandemics, from 2020 to 2030. This is revealed by a WHO virologist, Marion Koopmans. You will also see shocking evidence that the first pandemic was planned and abundantly announced right before it happened.

What You Need to Know About the WHO Pandemic Treaty
VIDEO: The globalists that brought us the wildly exaggerated COVID pandemic in an effort to cement a biosecurity grid into place is now hard at work on the next phase of this New World Order. The WHO has started drafting a global pandemic treaty on pandemic preparedness that would grant it absolute power over global biosecurity, such as the power to implement digital identities/vaccine passports, mandatory vaccinations, travel restrictions, standardized medical care and more.

Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg - The Broad Issue of Corruption in the World Health Organization (WHO)
ARTICLE: In this intimate sit down interview from the film "Planet Lockdown" with Wolfgang Wodarg, we discuss the broad issue of corruption in the WHO, how we should understand the "pandemic," or lack there of and how we must stop this diabolical trend towards a fake medical dystopi that will take over all aspects of our lives justified by a fake testing process.

NEVER FORGET: The So-Called Experts Were Completely Wrong on Their COVID Predictions and Its Mortality Rate and Still Are
ARTICLE: Tedros claimed in a press conference in early March that the fatality rate for the coronavirus was 3.4% — many multiples that of the fatality rate of the common flu which is estimated to be around 0.1%. This egregiously false premise led to the greatest global pandemic panic in world history.

WHO Adviser: ‘Actual Investigation’ in W.H.O. Wuhan COVID Probe ‘Done by Chinese Authorities’
ARTICLE/VIDEOS: After first being panned as a conspiracy theory before gaining even some mainstream-media acceptance, the claim that the coronavirus originated in a Wuhan lab was recently “debunked” by a World Health Organization (WHO) investigation. That was the story, anyway. But a WHO advisor asserts that it’s a lie.

WHO Changes CCP Virus Test Criteria in Attempt to Reduce False Positives
ARTICLE: Funny, once they stole the election from Trump, suddenly things like this are happening all over the place. The WHO had DELIBERATELY instructed everyone to use very high cycles on PCR test in order to produce mostly false-positive results, to create the perception of an out-of-control pandemic. They know damned well they have been LYING to us all from the very start!

The Criminal WHO Blows its Own Cover: Fake PCR Test
ARTICLE: In early 2020, the WHO accepted a PCR test for “SARS-CoV-2” that was designed without having possession of the virus. Yet the test is meant to detect…the missing virus. This is evidence of deep criminal intent.

Ten Times The World Health Organization Erred: Why Is WHO Still Credible & Not Disbanded?
ARTICLE: What happens when one of the sources relied upon has to be accurate, meet the standards of the scientific method, and meet the gold standard of the medical professionbecomes unreliable, committing serious errors that jeopardize the health and well-being of the public? The public gets half-hearted apologies.

Who’s Who At The W.H.O?
VIDEO: This report examines the history of the leadership of the World Health Organization, and speculates about their ultimate goal in moderating the so-called COVID pandemic.

W.H.O. Skips Wuhan During China Trip; “Sat in Beijing For Three Weeks”
ARTICLE: A delegation from the World Health Organization tasked with investigating the origins of COVID-19 failed to go to Wuhan, China – ‘ground zero’ for the pandemic, and instead “sat in Beijing for three weeks” according to a senior US official, who told the Financial Times that Western governments are skeptical over China’s commitment to identifying the origins of the pandemic.

What is the WHO (World Health Organization)?
VIDEO: James Corbett clarifies the founding, the funding and the true intentions of the World Health Organization. Join James as he lays out some of the information connecting the WHO to big pharma, Bill Gates and the Covid World Order agenda.

Corbett Report - The WHO Publishes A Guide On How To Deal With Vocal Vaccine Deniers
VIDEO: The WHO (World Health Organization) has made a handy-dandy guide on how to debate vaccine deniers. James delves into the document and examines its ideas.

THE WHO AND The Vaccine Industry ARE Total CRIMINAL FRAUDS - And So Are The Fake Pandemics They Orchestrate
VIDEO: See the Report Censored by YOUTUBE Under U.N. Orders Report reveals current COVID hysteria for what it is: a giant fraud. Despite citing mainstream articles featured in The New York Times and Forbes, YouTube claimed the August 10 report, produced by Infowars reporter Greg Reese, ran afoul of a policy restricting content questioning health authorities.

SARS 2003: Fraud, and the Credibility of the World Health Organization
ARTICLE: If the World Health Organization (WHO) deceived the world into fear and panic THEN, in 2003, why should you believe them NOW re COVID, when both instances involve epidemics?






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