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The Synagogue of Satan

Arguably one of the most important books ever written!
If you want to know the truth of things and have the courage
to overcome conditioned attitudes

(conditioned by those committing unspeakable crimes against humanity)

Review by Barabar Powell
This is a must read for all people today
-- required reading for anyone who aspires to understand the world we are actually living in now. After reading this book, so much of what's going on, and has been going on during the last century or so, suddenly makes SENSE. Perplexing events, social conundrums, the "whys" and "how could this haves" that have plagued thinking people in recent decades are clearly answered. A picture emerges which is totally cohesive. The way that Hitchcock structures his book is very unusual but truly brilliant: he merely states a year, beginning with 740 A.D., and lists pertinent historical events that occurred that year. He offers very little commentary, but his theses are supported all the more powerfully because he doesn't -- the facts speak eloquently, shockingly, clearly for themselves. He brings his chronology all the way up to the year 2005. Yet within this unorthodox structure is a narrative which is exceedingly readable. It's fascinating, gripping even. This is one of the most illuminating and important books I have ever read, and I believe you will ever read. It is a liberating experience; the truth will, indeed, set you free. Thank you, Andrew Carrington Hitchcock; you are owed immense gratitude by us all.

Review by Benjamin R. James Jr.
If you truely want to break free ftom the matrix of our media (medium) of what is happening you must read this book. Mr. Hitchock takes the veil off of who the "they" are and what doing is really happening, and definds who the they are. This Jewish Mafia with its satanic cult that has been around for ages and has manipalated world events for their gain is finally exposed in detail. This jewish mafia cares not if millions of jews or non jews are killed as long as their objectives are met which is control of gold, oil, and drugs. This is a must read.

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Video: Candace Ownen Interviews U.S.S. Liberty Survivor Phillip Tourney

In this interview Candace Owens does deep dive into the savage attack of the U.S.S. Liberty by Israeli forces on June 8th 1967 and the subsequent cover-up by our own government.


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Video: Israel’s Occupation of Syria is ‘Security,’ Russia’s Moves in Ukraine are ‘Aggression’

US Hypocrisy Reaches New Level

Netanyahu’s reasoning for his latest land grab lays bare the stark hypocrisy of his Western supporters.


This week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced that following the fall of Bashar Assad, the 1974 separation of forces agreement between his country and Damascus is “no longer valid.” This deal, brokered by the United Nations, prohibited military deployments in the buffer zone of the Golan Heights, a region legally recognized as Syrian territory but occupied by the Jewish state since 1967.

Netanyahu’s reasoning? Since Syria’s internationally recognized government no longer exists after Assad’s departure, he no longer considers prior treaties with Damascus binding. According to this interpretation, Israel is justified in bombing Syrian airfields, seizing ports, and even expanding its territorial occupation – all under the guise of ensuring its national security.

The US State Department immediately endorsed this position, calling West Jerusalem’s actions a “necessary security measure” in a volatile region. Washington, ever eager to back its Middle Eastern ally, showed no hesitation in adapting its “rules-based order” to fit its strategic goals.

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Video: Two Studies Reveal the Shocking Cost of American Support for Israel



The true cost of the alliance between the United States and Israel is a shocker according to two new studies. What the studies reveal is seldom investigated and reported. Yet the publication of the studies – along with the remarks of a former U.S. ambassador – help to explain the astonishing human, financial, and diplomatic price of American support for the Zionist state.

Studies published on October 7 by Brown University’s Watson Institute show that more people have died in Gaza from starvation and sickness than have been directly killed by the war – while the U.S. has massively increased its funding of Israel over the same period.

In a video published on October 15, independent Jewish journalist Glenn Greenwald hosts the authors of the two reports from Brown University’s Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs. Greenwald has been extensively covering the Israel conflict and interviewed guests critical of the Zionist atrocities against Palestinians.

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Video: Investigating War Crimes in Gaza

This feature length investigation by Al Jazeera’s Investigative Unit exposes Israeli war crimes in the Gaza Strip through the medium of photos and videos posted online by Israeli soldiers themselves during the year long conflict.

The I-Unit has built up a database of thousands of videos, photos and social media posts. Where possible it has identified the posters and those who appear.

The material reveals a range of illegal activities, from wanton destruction and looting to the demolition of entire neighbourhoods and murder.

The film also tells the story of the war through the eyes of Palestinian journalists, human rights workers and ordinary residents of the Gaza Strip. And it exposes the complicity of Western governments – in particular the use of RAF Akrotiri in Cyprus as a base for British surveillance flights over Gaza.

“The west cannot hide, they cannot claim ignorance. Nobody can say they didn’t know,” says Palestinian writer, Susan Abulhawa.This is “the first livestream genocide in history … If people are ignorant they are wilfully ignorant,” she says.


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Mossad Planted Bombs in 5,000 Hezbollah Pagers Months Before Deadly Detonations



Israel’s Mossad intelligence agency has been accused of planting explosives in 5,000 pagers imported by Hezbollah, setting the stage for devastating detonations across Lebanon, according to Reuters, citing a senior Lebanese security source.

The carefully orchestrated attack targeted Hezbollah terrorists, killing at least 11 people, and more than 4,000 have been injured, including the Iranian envoy to Beirut, marking the “biggest security breach” the Iranian-backed Hezbollah terror network has faced since its ongoing war with Israel began.

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Race, Ethnicity, Heritage and Immigration Among U.S. Jews

Race, ethnicity, heritage and immigration among U.S. Jews


The majority of U.S. Jews identify as White. But in recent years, journalists, scholars and Jewish community leaders have wondered about the percentage of U.S. Jews who are “Jews of color,” “people of color” or “BIPOC” (an acronym for Black, Indigenous and people of color), and who should be included in these groups.33 The new Pew Research Center survey did not contain questions using those terms, and therefore cannot determine how many U.S. Jews consider themselves to be people of color. However, the survey included several other questions that can be used to explore the overlapping connections between race, ethnicity, heritage and geographic origin among Jewish Americans.

The current survey, like most Center surveys in the United States, measures race and ethnicity using categories that mirror the way the U.S. Census Bureau asks about these identities, which is necessary for statistical reasons in order to ensure that surveys are representative of U.S. adults overall.34 When given these choices, 92% of U.S. Jews describe themselves as White and non-Hispanic, while 8% say they belong to another racial or ethnic group. This includes 1% who identify as Black and non-Hispanic; 4% who identify as Hispanic; and 3% who identify with another race or ethnicity – such as Asian, American Indian or Hawaiian/Pacific Islander – or with more than one race.

The survey also asked respondents about their Jewish heritage: whether they are Askhenazi (which the survey defined as following the Jewish customs of Central and Eastern Europe), Sephardic (following the Jewish customs of Spain) or Mizrahi (following the Jewish customs of the Middle East and North Africa).35

Two-thirds of U.S. Jews say they are Ashkenazi; 3% describe themselves as Sephardic and 1% as Mizrahi, although an additional 6% identify with some mixture of these or other categories. (However, some of the 6% identify with unclear categories or do not specify their mixture. A total of 7% of the Jewish adults in the survey clearly identify as Sephardic or Mizrahi, either alone or in combination with other categories.) In addition, 17% say these labels either do not apply to them or that they are just Jewish, while 8% say they follow some other set of Jewish customs, indicate that they are unsure (5%) or otherwise did not answer the question (2%).

Jews by religion are much more likely than Jews of no religion to trace their Jewish customs to Central and Eastern Europe (72% vs. 52%). And most Orthodox (87%), Conservative (73%) and Reform (71%) Jews identify as Ashkenazi, as do half of Jews who don’t affiliate with any organized branch or stream of Judaism (52%).

Separately, the survey also asked about the country of birth of all respondents and their parents.36 Nine-in-ten Jewish adults report that they were born in the United States (90%), including 21% who are adult children of at least one immigrant and 68% whose families have been in the U.S. for three generations or longer. One-in-ten Jewish adults (10%) are immigrants, including 1% who were born in Israel.

Looked at another way, roughly three-in-ten Jewish adults are first- or second-generation immigrants, meaning they were born in another country or they were born in the U.S. but at least one of their parents was born elsewhere (31%). One-in-ten each trace their recent origins to Europe (11%) or the former Soviet Union (10%), and 3% either were born in Israel themselves or have Israeli-born parents.

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Are Jews a Race?

Jews include individuals of enormously diverse origins and physical appearances,
making the idea that Jews could easily be designated a race implausible.



The short answer is no — Jews are not a race. People who identify as Jewish include individuals of enormously diverse geographic origins and physical appearances, making the idea that Jews could easily be designated a race in the sense of shared physical or biological characteristics implausible.

Jews historically have defined themselves as a people, the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Converts are also considered descendants of these patriarchal ancestors. Colloquially, Jews also sometimes describe themselves as a tribe.

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Video: David Icke on the Satanic Sabbatean Frankist CULT

David Icke has written in great length about the Satanic Sabbatean Frankist CULT for a very long time.  He's been shouting about how these people control human populations by controlling perceptions.  Icke was banned from all mainstream internet back in 2020 because of the truth that David was exposing.





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Video: Christopher Jon Bjerknes: Secrets of the Satanic Sabbatean Frankist / World Domination

In this video, Jon Bjerkness details the secrets of the Satanic Sabbatean Frankists who have hijacked the Jewish identity and exploited the fierce Jewish trait of "tribal unity" to disguise who they really are and what they are really up to, which is to advance their maniacal goals of world domination.



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