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Ben Carson on Trump: 'A Genuinely Caring Person as Opposed To Superficial Politicians'
VIDEO: This is a short clip from an interview Ben Carson did with Tucker Carlson where he candidly talks about his personal experience with Donald Trump giving details about what kind of a person Trump really is.

Major Study of 9 Million Confirms Covid Shots Cause VAIDS
ARTICLE: An explosive new study, which analyzed the data of nine million people, has sent shockwaves through the scientific community after proving that Covid mRNA shots are responsible for the global surge in cases of AIDS-like vaccine-acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (VAIDS).

Pakistanis Raping River Dolphin to Extinction
VIDEO: According to a report on Red Ice TV, Pakistani men are raping their local Indus River Dolphins to extinction. The men are said to enjoy having sex with the dolphins when they are young.

The War On Truth
VIDEO: Nick Searcy, producer and a star of the documentary film “The War on Truth” about the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol incursion, believes that much of what happened that day was a pre-planned operation.

Capital Punishment
VIDEO: Actor Nick Searcy was at the January 6th rally and provides never before seen footage of the January 6th rally. Searcy provides footage showing the size of the crowd, showing Capitol Hill police removing barricades and inviting rally goers into the Capitol, and footage of people who led the crowd into the Capitol changing gear behind trees and bushes. The role of FBI informants is discussed by former and current FBI and DEA agents.

The Birth of EuroCommunism: Frankfurt School’s Revision of Marxism
ARTICLE: The Frankfurt School, a group of neo-Marxist intellectuals, significantly revised Marxist ideology after World War II, shifting its focus from economic to cultural issues. Their “critical theory” aimed to challenge and transform Western society by deconstructing its cultural norms and values. The creators of the theory see “progress” in the deconstruction and destabilization of the system.

German Gov’t Lied About Shots Preventing Covid, Knew Lockdowns Did More Harm Than Good
VIDEO: Leaked documents from a top German health agency show that politicians knew the experimental COVID shots did not prevent the transmission of the virus but advocated for jab mandates anyway.

The REAL ‘life’ of KARL MARX
VIDEO: In order for the Deep State to create an effective censorship operation within the United States they had to park it in the only institution engaged in domestic intelligence that doesn't require an act that violates the law for it to expend federal resources to investigate it.

Covid Shots Can Enlarge and Weaken the Heart
ARTICLE: While the association between Covid vaccination and myocarditis is well established, a recent case study documented how inflammatory dilated cardiomyopathy (another heart inflammation disorder) was induced by the Pfizer (BNT162b2) injection.

Manmade Climate Change Based on ‘Imagination & Assumptions’
ARTICLE/VIDEO: A recent study indicated that manmade anthropogenic climate change, formerly called ‘global warming’ and previous to that ‘global cooling’, is not based in reality, rather, it is based on imagination and assumptions.

How the Deep State Effectively Created a "Domestic" CIA Operation Within the DHS
ARTICLE/VIDEO: In order for the Deep State to create an effective censorship operation within the United States they had to park it in the only institution engaged in domestic intelligence that doesn't require an act that violates the law for it to expend federal resources to investigate it.

Gunshot Re-Enactment Shows Bloodspray and Head Pieces Absent from Butler Rally Roof Sniper Aftermath
ARTICLE/VIDEO: YouTuber Brandon Herrera recently released a video recreating the killing of the AGR rooftop sniper, alleged to be Thomas Crooks as well as a demonstration of what a shot to Trump's ear would do.

Republican Platform Ignores Real Causes of Inflation
ARTICLE: Other than an obligatory promise to cut “wasteful” spending, and a pledge to eliminate the Department of Education, the Republican platform is largely silent on proposals to reduce federal spending.

Biden’s Sudden Exit Raises Questions on the Legality of Transferring Campaign Funds to Kamala Harris
ARTICLE: Some might think he can simply transfer these funds to a new candidate, but that would violate donor trust and be illegal under Federal Election Commission (FEC) regulations, which allow a federal candidate committee to contribute only up to $2,000 per election to another candidate’s committee.

The Secret Service Recruitment Guide Confirms that DEI Is Its Highest Calling
ARTICLE: Competence Is Not a Priority – And If You’re a White Male, Forget About It. Now there is new information on why the Secret Service would have such inept employees on the president’s detail. Today’s Secret Service puts more emphasis on DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) than on competent employees.

Excess Deaths During Covid Due to Public Health Response, Not Covid
ARTICLE: A 521-page study published Friday analyzed excess mortality in 125 countries during the Covid pandemic (2020-2023) and discovered that the majority of the death was caused by the government’s response of lockdowns and vaccination mandates, not the Covid virus.

Reason Trump Selected Nessun Dorma for the End of His RNC Nomination Speech
VIDEO: An independent voter Josh Tolley noticed it seemed strange for Trump to choose opera to end his RNC speech until he figured out where he had heard the piece before.

3D Model Posits what Trump Assassination Attempt at Butler PA Rally Looked Like
VIDEO: An Instagram video posted by The Typical Liberal and DC Draino, posits a theory that explains the trajectories of the bullets fired at President Trump a week ago today.

Raw Audio Suggests AT LEAST TWO Shooters Fired Different Weapons in Two Locations to Kill Trump
VIDEO: Forensic audio analysis of the moments shots were fired at Donald Trump indicates there were at least two shooters attempting to kill the former president, contradicting the government’s lone wolf narrative, according to a PhD researcher.

VIDEO: Are toys racist? David Johnson had never thought about it when he landed his dream job at a major toy company. Then he encountered DEI, and everything changed.

Pediatrician Slams WHO $12 Billion Plan to Vaccinate 500 Million Children by 2030
ARTICLE: The WHO on Monday reported that global childhood immunization rates have stalled. Meanwhile, Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance unveiled an $11.9 billion plan to vaccinate 500 million children by 2030. Dr. Paul Thomas warned that vaccination programs are unnecessary and health agencies should focus on nutrition and overall health.

The FBI Is Where Evidence Goes to Die - They are the Mop-Up Men for Crimes of the State
VIDEO: Mike Benz is a former State Department official with responsibilities in formulating and negotiating US foreign policy on international communications and information technology matters. Mike is the founder of the Foundation for Freedom Online.

Whistleblowers Discloses Most of Trump Security Working Rally Were Not Even Secret Service
ARTICLE: Senator Hawley wrote that whistleblowers have notified him that a majority of the security officials working the rally last weekend were not even Secret Service personnel but were with the Homeland Security Investigations team!

Trump’s Triumph at the RNC Suggests Something Bigger Than Politics Is Unfolding In America
ARTICLE: We live in a world of miracles. None of us knows God’s plans. Every moment we have is a gift from God. All of this is true. They are the sort of things nearly every American professed openly only a few generations ago, but they are not the sort of things you would ordinarily expect to hear at an American political party convention.

Ninth Circuit Delivers Decision on Citizenship and Voter Registration in Arizona
ARTICLE: The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in favor of election integrity! Voters in Arizona who register with the state and do not provide proof of citizenship will be rejected.

Ron Paul: Why We’ll Never Know What Really Happened in Butler, PA
ARTICLE: We shouldn’t count on hearing the truth about the attempted assassination from the mainstream media. No wonder the elites remain determined to censor social media sites like Twitter/X and TikTok. We live in an empire of lies, propped up by the mainstream media. And seeking the truth in this empire of lies is the greatest challenge for us in the moral bankruptcy in which we live.

Sixfold Increased Risk of Colon Cancer in Covid-Vaccinated
ARTICLE: A study published in June documented how one form of colon cancer saw a sixfold increase in individuals vaccinated with the Covid injection. The researchers explained the link between the shot and the cancer.

Angry Euro-Globalists Move to Boycott Orbán’s EU Presidency, Are Desperate To Crush His Peace Initiative
ARTICLE: The long dispute between Hungarian Prime Minister and Conservative Champion Viktor Orbán and the European Union apparatus is one of the most consequential geopolitical stories of our times, at the end of which we will know whether or not any European country still has the right to national sovereignty.

Judge Cannon Dismisses Classified Documents Case Based on Unlawful Appointment of Jack Smith
ARTICLE: Judge Aileen Cannon has dismissed the high-profile classified documents case, citing the unlawful appointment of Special Counsel Jack Smith. This decision comes as a significant blow to the Biden regime and the Department of Justice, raising questions about the integrity of the entire investigation.

Rancher Sounds Alarm on Mandatory mRNA Vaccines For Meat Supply
VIDEO: A rancher is warning of the government’s experimentation with mRNA vaccines on the U.S. meat supply, noting that 25% of the pigs that received the shots have died.

Trump Shot: The Gloves Come Off
VIDEO: Biden and the Democrats have finally crossed the Rubicon. After years of threatening to murder a sitting and former President, the deed has been done. But as with all of the Democrat's villainous activity it has failed. The gloves are off. America wants prosecutions and we want them now.

THEY WANTED HIM DEAD: Just Three Months Ago Democrats Introduced a Resolution to Strip Trump of His Secret Protection
ARTICE/VIDEOSE: The DISGRACED Former Protectees Act would terminate Secret Service protection for individuals who otherwise qualify for it upon sentencing following conviction for a Federal or State felony.

The Indomitable Donald Trump
ARTICLE: A stolen election. An FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago. Countless investigations. Four federal indictments. A show trial and phony conviction. And now an assassination attempt on his life. And despite all that, Donald Trump remains standing. Stronger than ever.

“Fight! Fight! Fight!” 160 years of Assassinations of Presidents and Candidates
ARTICLE: Over the past 160 years, four sitting U.S. presidents have been assassinated. There have been attempted assassinations on six U.S. presidents, one successful assassination of a presidential candidate, and four failed assassination attempts on presidential candidates.

The Many Errors of Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth"
VIDEO: An Inconvenient Truth is a documentary film from 2006 by Al Gore. The year after it was released it was hauled in front of the UK high court, and found to be riddled with errors. What are these errors, and what can they tell us about climate science?

Elon Musk Exposes Secret Illegal Global Censorship System
VIDEO: Elon Musk exposed how the EU tried to install a backdoor censorship panel to X that would have blanket power to determine what information is allowed on the platform. Alex Jones breaks it all down!

California Pushing Radical “LGBTQP+” Propaganda on State Employees
ARTICLE: More than 250,000 people work for the state of California, meaning “We the People of the Golden State.” And from now on, all of them are required to undergo “diversity, equity and inclusion” (DEI) propaganda courses showcasing LGBTQ+ perversion in order to remain employed.

Muskegon Michigan, Voter Registration Fraud Capital, Caught Sending Double Ballots to City Voters
ARTICLE: Muskegon, Michigan, the same Michigan city where GBI Strategies tried to register 8,000 fake voters in a day, an investigation into which the corrupt FBI has been sitting on for years even though it involved explicit criminality, admitted Thursday that they sent out two absentee ballots to every voter in three precincts.

Michigan’s Corrupt Governor Gretchen Witchmer Makes Investigating Voter Fraud Nearly Impossible
ARTICLE: Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed into law two bills this week that will significantly alter rules regarding investigations of voter fraud in elections. Critics say they will undermine confidence in the electoral process and make investigating voter fraud significantly more difficult.

Meat Glue
VIDEO: Americans Are Being Poisoned “Suppliers have been caught using a special product known as meat glue to stick together scraps of meat” Meat glue, also known as transglutaminase, is legal in all 50 states. It is used in about eight million pounds of meat every year in America

Forbidden Fruit and the Classroom: The Huge American Sex-Abuse Scandal That Educators Scandalously Suppress
ARTICLE: Every day millions of parents put their children under the care of public school teachers, administrators, and support staff. Their trust, however, is frequently broken by predators in authority in what appears to be the largest ongoing sexual abuse scandal in our nation’s history.

Former CDC Chief Refield: Mandating Covid Shots “One of the Greatest Mistakes”
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Former Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Robert Redfield confirmed the dangers of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines in a U.S. Senate hearing Thursday, calling them “toxic” and saying they should never have been mandated.

Court Just Nailed Hillary for FEC Violation 45x Bigger Than Trump’s $130k Alleged Violation
ARTICLE: The Washington D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Tuesday that the 2016 Hillary Clinton campaign and an affiliated super PAC violated federal election law in spending that totaled close to $6 million.

Lara Logan - U.S. Government Sponsored Child Trafficking Exposed!
VIDEO: In this video, Lara Logan details a Biden administration Dept. of Health and Human Services who enacted a rule change to the Unaccompanied Minor Program that legalizes the practice of child trafficking by the United States Government paid for with our tax dollars.

Homeland Security Blueprint for Pandemic Lockdowns Written in 2007 Under President G.W. Bush
ARTICLE: A new document posted by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security in March 2023, but written in 2007, that amounts to a full-blown corporatist imposition on the U.S., abolishing anything remotely resembling the Bill of Rights and constitutional law.

AfD Launches Nationalist Party Group in European Parliament
ARTICLE: A nationalist political grouping within the European Parliament (EP) launched on Wednesday in Brussels, consisting of Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) MEPs alongside newly arrived delegations from Eastern Europe, including the Polish Konfederacja.

House Passes SAVE Act That Bans Noncitizen Voting in Federal Elections
ARTICLE/VIDEO: 198 House Democrats voted against preventing illegal aliens from voting in American elections. Over the past four years, Joe Biden has welcomed millions upon millions of illegals into the country knowing that noncitizens only have to check a box to vote in a federal election.

LEGAL Immigrant and New U.S. Citizen Alma Ohene-Opare Has An Important Message For Voters
VIDEO: After 18 years Alma Ohene-Opare has become a U.S. Citizen. This is a powerful message from a LEGAL immigrant to everyone about the current brain-dead state of an enormous number of U.S. voters, not to mention all the illegal voters who will be stuffing ballot boxes for a totally incompetent Joe Biden in the upcoming election.

There’s Only One Reason Democrats Oppose Requiring Proof Of Citizenship To Vote
ARTICLE: Democrats will be forced to explain why they oppose the SAVE Act, which requires documentary proof of citizenship to vote in federal elections.

LGBTQP+++ Activists Speak Out Against CA Bill That Would Make Child Sex Trafficking a Felony
ARTICLE/VIDEO: In Gavin Newsom’s California, protecting children from sex trafficking is controversial. Senate Bill 1414 (SB 1414), introduced in the California Senate by Senator Shannon Grove (R-Bakersfield), aims to make soliciting sex from a minor a felony. It is hard to imagine that a bill to protect children from sex trafficking would receive opposition, and yet it has.

WORSE THAN McCARTHY: Speaker Johnson Implores Rep. Luna To Hold Off on Her Inherent Contempt Resolution Against AG Garland
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Garland is currently hodling two top Trump Officials in jail for the same crime he has committed!

Judge Ignored Evidence That Georgia Secretary of State Lied About an Audit Following 2020 Election
ARTICLE/VIDEO: During public comment at the State Election Board hearing in Georgia, Bob Coover, who was responsible for those open records request revealed that he had met with the governor and shared “28 allegations of crimes against the citizens of Georgia by the Secretary of State and his office.”

Peer-Reviewed Research Shows Life Expectancy Drops 37% After Getting Covid Jabbed
ARTICLE: New research published in the journal Microorganisms reveals that one of the health consequences of getting “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) is a 37 percent loss of life expectancy.

EXPOSED: Over and Over Illegals Tell Investigators They're Registered To Vote
VIDEO: We have warned about this since the border was flung wide open. This is a compilation put together by the Oversight Project proving beyond doubt that a highly organized effort has been underway by the Democrats to ensure illegal immigrants vote in the upcoming election.

26,000+ Signatories are Calling to STOP THE SHOTS — The Hope Accord
ARTICLE: Following years of reports, studies and first hand accounts of the harms the Covid vaccinations have caused, The Hope Accord was established as a public pact that seeks to suspend the shots, reevaluate their alleged safety, support the vaccine injured and restore ethical medical principles lost during the 2020 pandemic.

Elon Musk Breaks Down How Democrats Make It Near Impossible to Prove Voter Fraud
ARTICLE: “When combined with mail-in ballots, the system is *designed* to make it impossible to prove fraud,” Musk wrote, in response to a post by Wall Street Apes about how Democrats are planning to rig the 2024 presidential election in their favor.

US Air Force Whistleblower Kristen Meghan Reveals How She Went From Debunking to Confirming Geoengineering
VIDEO: Kristen Meghan is a military veteran who served in the U.S. Air Force for nine years. Kristen worked in Bio-Environmental Engineering. After hearing about what a commonly called "chemtrails" she began to look at the claims of toxic chemicals being sprayed into our upper atmosphere thinking it was not likely real because it would be insane to do such a thing.

The Extinction Of Humanity Ignored
VIDEO: Humanity is on a collision course with a horrific end. If the common people of the world continue to stall and allow the elite technocratic eugenicists to promote their psychotic agenda. While ignoring the actions of the actual forerunners of doom controlled by these Corporate Elite and their tentacles in Government affecting our daily lives.

Globalist ‘Overpopulation’ Myth: True Threat Is Population Collapse!
VIDEO: Mankind must breed more, not less. Social engineers continue falsely telling people they're a cancer on the Earth.

Policeman Pulls Over Driverless Car Heading Into Oncoming Traffic
VIDEO: Phoenix police officer pulls over a driverless Waymo car for driving on the wrong side of the road leading the nonexistent driver to roll the windows down to speak with the police.

Government Data Reveals Covid-Vaccinated Kids 4,423% More Likely to Die Than ‘Pureblood’ Kids
ARIICLE: Data compiled by the Office of National Statistics (ONS) in the U.K. had shown that children who received the Covid vaccine were 4,423 percent (over 44 times) more likely to die than children who did not get the shot.

How do French Legislative Elections Work?
VIDEO: Legislative elections in France are not organized at a national level like the presidentials - but by constituency. There are 577 in France, who each send an MP to the National Assembly. This system favors the big parties, to the detriment of smaller ones who would prefer a proportional electoral system.

San Diego Judge to Antifa: I Don't Have Any Question This Organization Exits - Then Tossed Them All In Jail
ARTICLE/VIDEOS: After a three-year-long investigation, justice-seekers in San Diego finally did what nobody else has managed to do: they broke up a powerful Antifa cell and put them behind bars, where they belong. As for the judge in the case, early on he didn’t think prosecutors would be able to prove that this was an organized “terror cell.” But by the end, he didn’t have a doubt. He believed 100 percent that Antifa as an organization exists. Finally.

San Diego Judge to Antifa: I Don't Have Any Question This Organization Exits - Then Tossed Them All In Jail
ARTICLE/VIDEOS: After a three-year-long investigation, justice-seekers in San Diego finally did what nobody else has managed to do: they broke up a powerful Antifa cell and put them behind bars, where they belong. As for the judge in the case, early on he didn’t think prosecutors would be able to prove that this was an organized “terror cell.” But by the end, he didn’t have a doubt. He believed 100 percent that Antifa as an organization exists. Finally.

House Democrats are “Bringing Out the Big Guns” to Allow Illegal Aliens to Vote in 2024 Presidential Election
ARTICLE: The Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act (SAVE Act), seeks to mandate proof of U.S. citizenship for voting in federal elections. A major DC establishment publication says that House Democrats are “bringing out the big guns,” to get illegal aliens to vote in 2024. How can any American support a party that wants to flood the ballot box with illegals?”

Prof. Angus Dalgleish: The Use of mRNA Injections Is Criminal Negligence
VIDEO: UK's Top Oncologist Prof Angus Dalgleish, Demands Immediate Ban on mRNA Gene Therapy Over Escalating Turbo Cancer Crisis "The first thing that I'd ask they do is ban all messenger RNA vaccines! Ban the whole concept of giving the booster, there's no way in the world these vaccines prevent infection"

Stunning Upset! LePen Trounces Globalist Macron in Guadeloupe, Martinique, Guayana!
ARTICLE: First results from French overseas territories indicate a stunning upset victory for the “French Donald Trump” Marine LePen in today’s presidential run-off.

"They're Not Even Pretending": Former Army Ranger Greg Stoker Speaks Out Against Israeli War Crimes
VIDEO: Stoker looks to Israel’s ethnic cleansing of Gaza, which has made the US military look nearly discriminate by contrast, walking through how Israel has eviscerated every central piece of infrastructure of Gaza society, and demonstrated a divide in the tactics of Western Imperialism and outright genocide.

100% of Tampons Contain Toxic Heavy Metals like Lead and Arsenic
ARTICLE: One-hundred percent of tampons tested by scientists as part of a new study contained toxic heavy metals such as lead and arsenic. Researchers tested 60 tampons representing 14 different brands from the US, UK and EU. These included name brands and also store-brand products, and organic and non-organic products.

The Truth About the UK Election
VIDEO: The system is BIGLY RIGGED! Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss. After fourteen years of a conservative in name-only left-wing government. Brits woke up to a massive, monumental, exciting change! Another 5 years of a left-wing government.

3 Ways Feminism Laid The Groundwork For Transgenderism
ARTICLE: Many are scratching their heads as to how we got here. A survey of the last two centuries reveals that it was long in the making, with deep roots found in feminist ideology. Feminism ushered in significant shifts in thinking about women, fundamentally changing the way Western civilization considers biology, language, and law.

The Great Cholesterol Scam and the Dangers of Statins
ARTICLE/VIDEO: There is a widespread belief that elevated cholesterol is the “cause” of cardiovascular disease. However, a large body of evidence shows that there is no association between the two and that lower cholesterol significantly increases one’s risk of death.

Aunt of J6er Matt Perna Reacts to SCOTUS Decision
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Matthew Perna, a non-violent Trump supporter who was arrested after January 6, committed suicide. He was never accused of violence or vandalism. He walked inside the US Capitol. His government targeted him, made up charges against him, and then destroyed him. In the end, it was too much. He hung himself!

FDA Tells Staff Who Leave for Pharma Jobs They Can Work ‘Behind the Scenes’ to Influence Agency
ARTICLE: According to an internal email obtained by The BMJ, the FDA told a departing staffer who had reviewed COVID-19 vaccines while working at the FDA and who later accepted a job at Moderna that he could still work “behind the scenes” to influence agency decision-making.

Israel Has Bombed Lebanon Over 6,000 Times Since October
ARTICLE: The Israeli army has conducted 6,142 attacks on Lebanese soil, resulting in at least 543 deaths between October 7 last year and June 21 this year, according to an analysis by the Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project.

ABLECHILD: Covenant Shooter, Audrey Hale’s “Mental Health Treatment” Would Make the Angels Weep
ARTICLE: Hale’s parents told investigators that their daughter “had to go through a series of medications to find one that was appropriate for her.” So, naturally, according to Hale’s parents “she experienced pretty serious side effects” from the various medications.

Rebecca Paul - Socialism Explained in Under 2 Minutes
VIDEO: Rebecca Paul explains the reality of what Socialism/Communism demostrably produces. We have ample historical proof that Socialism HAS NEVER WORKED the way those who promote it would have you believe.

Another Country's Data Shows That the Shots Increased Deaths
ARTICLE: A study analyzing excess mortality numbers in Germany found that death rates increased once the Covid vaccinations began being injected into people. Numbers like this have led many to refer to the Covid vaccines as 'lethal injections'.

Pfizer and Moderna Are Rolling Out Catch-All mRNAs for 'Pandemic Influenza'
ARTICLE: Both Pfizer and Moderna have expanded the mRNA pipeline through a catch-all label that they refer to as “pandemic influenza,” which can be identified as any current or future influenza-labeled “pandemic.” And the federal government is very much on board.

UN Declares War on Free Speech to Censor the Truth, Subvert Accountability, and Control Populations
ARTICLE: Antonio Guterres, the Secretary General of the United Nations, just released the globalist’s latest game-plan for population control, surveillance and censorship. The game-plan, titled Global Principles for Information Integrity, seeks to put an end to “harmful misinformation, disinformation, and hate speech” online

Physicist Brian Catt Explains Why Climate Change Is a Natural Phenomenon
VIDEO: Physicist Brian Catt explains why climate change is a natural phenomenon & the IPCC models are GIGO: Garbage In, Garbage Out:

U.S. Will Pay Moderna $176 Million to Develop mRNA Bird Flu Vaccine
ARTICLE: One of the many LIES told by Big Pharma companies like Moderna was their miracle mRNA technology would ensure cheap and rapid development of new mRNA vaccines. So why are we paying them $176 MILLION to develop the next jabs? Our government is beyond complicit in perpetuating pandemic fraud and pushing jabs that are now well-known to be extremely dangerous onto all of us.

Pandemic Preparedness: Like Arsonists Running a Fire Department
ARTICLE: The arsonists must be fired from the Fire Department. The whole fear-driven and deception-based operation that is “pandemic preparedness” must be stopped. If it isn’t, the Covid-19 experience will be converted from a once-in-a-lifetime trauma to a regularly recurring man-made disaster.

Rudy Giuliani Disbarred in New York For Challenging 2020 Election
ARTICLE: President Trump’s former attorney Rudy Giuliani was disbarred in New York on Tuesday for challenging the 2020 election. A panel of judges in New York’s Appellate court accused Giuliani of intentionally making false statements to the courts related to his efforts to challenge the 2020 election.

New Patriots of Europe EU Parliamentary Group Will Promote Peace & End Mass Migration
ARTICLE: The European Union should not become a federalized, centralized state, but should instead focus on ending mass migration and the war in Ukraine, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán told national media. “We do not want a Europe that takes away, diminishes and erases everything that is important to us as patriots,” Orbán added.

Former Hillary Aide Claims Debate Setup Was “Soft Coup” By Democrats To Replace Biden
ARTICLE: Sources close to the Democratic Party have claimed that the debate last week was purposefully setup for Biden to fail as part of a “soft coup,” by insiders who know he is incapable of winning or serving a second term.

The Best Biden EVER! According to Joe Scarborough . . .
VIDEO: This short video sums up the in-your-face truth about how the Democrats and Leftist media have been running cover and LYING about Joe Biden. Just 3 months ago Joe Scarborough said the most INSANE things any Tard has ever said about Joe Biden.

The Problem with Wind Energy
VIDEO: Wind energy has great potential, but building a grid with wind comes with issues

“A Private Citizen Cannot Criminally Prosecute Anyone, Let Alone a Former President” – Clarence Thomas
ARTICLE: Clarence Thomas questioned Jack Smith’s authority because he was a private citizen when he was tapped as a special prosecutor. Thomas also argued that Jack Smith is not senate confirmed (Trump’s lawyers are also using this argument before Judge Cannon).

Social Media Addiction - Sad World - Mad World
VIDEO: This is a short animated film created by Steve Cutts back in 2016. Like so many other things, we have all grown numb to the reality of what mobile phones and social media have done to all of us. This animation is a cold slap in the face for us all to WAKE THE HELL UP! Put the GD phones down and reconnect with the real world around us.

Border Signs in Chinese Direct Illegal Crossers from China Where To Go In California
VIDEO: Signs in Chinese where found in a remote, difficult-to-traverse area on the border in the mountains near Jacumba, CA. The signs direct Chinese illegal aliens where to go for “asylum.” An NGO is using Chinese-Americans on the border to assist those crossing illegally.

Who Is The Voter Participation Center?
VIDEO: Leftists create literally thousands of organizations – with the most innocent-sounding names – to hide their use of tax-free Dark Money to influence U.S. elections. The Fractal team, using advanced quantum technology, entered this organization – The Voter Participation Center – and into its recently released Fractal Dark Money System and the results were shocking.

TRUMP WINS! Supreme Court Rules 6-3 on Presidential Immunity
ARTICLE: The Supreme Court on Monday ruled 6-3 that Trump has absolute immunity for his core Constitutional powers. Former presidents are entitled to at least a presumption of immunity for their official acts. The Supreme Court ruled there is no immunity for unofficial acts.

Democrats Lock Up Most Important MAGA Voice in America for 4 Months Before 2024 Election
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Democrats are jailing the most important MAGA voice in America today – and they are forcing him to prison for four months only to release him in November, days before the election. This is the definition of election interference.

Biden Cannot be Replaced on Ballot in Three Swing States, Except for Death or 25th Amendment
VIDEO: Three of the expected six most contested states have some potential for pre-election litigation aimed at exasperating, with legitimate concerns for election integrity, the withdrawal process for a presidential candidate. GA, NV, and WI, have specific procedures for withdrawal of a presidential nominee with differing degrees of applicability and timelines.’ WI does not allow withdrawal for any reason besides death.”

1975 Church Committee Flashback - CIA Has Weapon That Makes Murder Look Like a Natural Heart Attack
VIDEO: A Former CIA employee Mary Embree discusses the infamous heart attack gun. The weapon was first made public during the Church Committee hearings in 1975. Very lethal & untraceable, using this weapon can make a murder look natural. This agency along with many others should be broken up. They cause so much damage around the world and do it all in the shadows.

Various Covid Shot Batches Result in Various Rates of Side Effects
ARTICLE/VIDEOS: A study published Thursday reaffirms the evidence that not all Covid shots are made equal, as some batches result in greater rates of serious adverse events (SAE) than others, confirming an earlier study on the topic.

SCOTUS Rules Unelected Bureaucrats Do Not Have the Power to Create Laws. Chevron is Gone!
ARTICLE: The Chevron doctrine, established in the 1984 case Chevron U.S.A. Inc. v. Natural Resources Defense Council, has long been a source of contention. It granted deference to federal agencies in interpreting ambiguous statutes, effectively allowing unelected bureaucrats to make laws through their regulatory actions.

SCOTUS Delivers Major Blow to Corrupt Biden DOJ — Overturns Use of 1512(c)(2) in Janurary 6th Cases
ARTICLE/VIDEO: This decision reveals that the Department of Justice unlawfully prosecuted over 350 Americans for their participation in January 6—a blatant misuse of the law aimed at punishing those who protested Biden’s election and at criminalizing political dissent.

How are Microchips Made? CPU Manufacturing Process Steps
VIDEO: Integrated Circuits, CPUs, GPUs, Systems on a Chip, Microcontroller Chips, and all the other different types of microchips are the brains of all the devices and technology that we use on a daily basis. But have you ever wondered how these microchips are made?

Besides Serious Side Effects, Covid Vaccines Also Cause Non-Serious Side Effects
ARTICLE: A preprint study looked at non-serious health ailments stemming from the Covid vaccinations, as most prior research focused around the serious health consequences of the shots. The researchers found a dramatic increase in minor side effects in the vaccinated. Experimentation that only elicits a minor risk to the test subjects may now be conducted without consent.

How Obama’s Intel Czar James Clapper Rigged 2016 and 2020 Debates Against Trump
ARTICLE: On Oct. 7, 2016 – just two days before the presidential debate between Trump and Clinton – Clapper issued the unprecedented intelligence advisory with Obama’s personal blessing. It seemed to lend credence to what the Clinton camp was telling the media — that Trump was working with Russian President Vladimir Putin through a secret back channel to steal the election. Sure enough, the Democratic nominee pounced on it to smear Trump at the debate.

Who Added an Algorithm to Alter New York State’s Voter Registration Roll, and Why?
ARTICLE: Dr. Andrew Paquette, who serves as research director of the all-volunteer citizens’ group New York Citizens Audit (NYCA), has proven that New York state’s voter registration roll now contains an algorithm designed to facilitate election fraud.

How Georgia Was Stolen in the 2020 Election
ARTICLE/VIDEOS: Liz Harrington, the longtime spokesperson for former President Donald Trump’s campaign, published a must-read analysis of the 2020 stolen Georgia election on The War Room on Wednesday. This is the most comprehensive investigative piece on the fraudulent election in Georgia to date.

Miss Maryland Contestants Push Back After a Tranny Steals Their Crown
ARTICLE: Miss Maryland USA professes to celebrate both the beauty and confidence of young women, promising a “fair environment in which young women have the opportunity to develop skills that will help them win in life by being their personal best in everything they do.” But on June 1, when the beauty pageant crowned a man the winner of Miss Maryland USA, a number of the contestants felt that they had not been granted that fair and supportive environment they were promised.

Pfizer mRNA Vaccine Fades--No Protection Against Hospitalization Even Boosters Fall Short
ARTICLE: The military connection to the Covid vaccine goes deep. A statement of work document from the Department of the U.S. Army, Contracting Command, dated July 21, 2020 detailed the financial cooperation between the military and pharmaceutical companies in respect to the Covid vaccination program.

Big Pharma at Warp Speed: Military at Heart of Covid Injection Program
ARTICLE: The military connection to the Covid vaccine goes deep. A statement of work document from the Department of the U.S. Army, Contracting Command, dated July 21, 2020 detailed the financial cooperation between the military and pharmaceutical companies in respect to the Covid vaccination program.

Supreme Court Strikes Down Injunction Preventing Government From Pressuring Big Tech to Suppress Free Speech
ARTICLE: The Court struck down a lower court’s injunction preventing the federal government from pressuring Big Tech companies to suppress free speech in a pivotal ruling. The court did not rule on the question of whether the government may pressure social media companies to suppress speech in a way that would be illegal for the government to do itself. Instead, the court ruled that the plaintiffs failed to establish Article III standing to bring the case.

World’s First Carbon Tax Arrives In Denmark: Cow & Pig Farts Used As Excuse To Destroy Food Supply
ARTICLE: The globalists are launching a test operation in Denmark where “green” climate policies are being used to destroy the nation’s agriculture, an agenda that will soon spread worldwide.

74% of People Who Died After Covid Vaccination Were Killed by the Shot
ARTICLE: Peer reviewed study indicates if you got the shot and died It was probably the shot that killed you.

The FBI and CIA Were Deeply Involved in the 2020 Election Lie that Hunter Biden’s Laptop Was Russian Propaganda
ARTICLE: CIA contractors colluded with the Biden campaign in 2020 to discredit the Hunter Biden laptop. In October 2020, just days before the presidential election, 51 former intelligence officials signed and published a letter that baselessly decried the contents of Hunter’s ‘laptop from hell’ had “all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.” This was a lie.

DNC Sent Millions To Law Firms Behind ‘Unprecedented Lawfare’ Campaign Against Trump
ARTICLE: The Democratic National Committee (DNC) has sent millions of dollars to law firms that are intimately involved in an “unprecedented lawfare” campaign against former President Donald Trump, according to Federal Election Commission (FEC) records.

Unsealed Court Docs Show Top Gender Medical Org Twisting Science For Politics, Colluding With Biden Admin Official
ARTICLE: Biden administration official pressured the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) to quickly issue its Standards of Care Version 8 (SoC 8) guidelines and remove minimum age recommendations for transgender procedures, despite a glaring lack of scientific justification, according to unsealed court documents.

Documents Show Government Knew Covid Shot Takes Over the Human Body
VIDEO: Alex Jones discusses a video by Dr. John Campbell in which he details documents proving the government knew the devastating damanage the Covid jabs would cause to the human body.

Lynchburg Virginia Ballot Dropbox Left Open for Days, Mail-In Ballots Collected After Election, No Security Camera Present!
ARTICLE/VIDEO: As reported last week at The Gateway Pundit, the integrity of the Republican primary in Lynchburg has been called into question following a series of alleged procedural breaches.

Soros Destroys America and Government Does Nothing
VIDEO: JUSTICE FOR SALE! People are really waking up now because George Soros is a CIA operative, a frontman, didn't just take over several thousand cities and counties in the U.S. where he has Judges, District Attorneys, County Attorneys and now even Police Chiefs in his pocket, he also provides lavish junkets used to teach them how to commit their organized crimes.

George Soros Seeks Help of Dem-Controlled FCC to Expedite His Takeover of America’s Second-Largest Radio Network
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Billionaire globalist George Soros is seeking the help of the Democrat-controlled Federal Communications Commission (FCC) as he works to fast-track taking over the country’s second-biggest radio network.

Covid Jab Particles Spread to Brain, Liver & Ovaries
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Docs Show Aussie Health Authority Knew THREE YEARS AGO. Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) knew early on during the Covid jab rollout that mRNA lipid nanoparticles spread to vital organs like the brain, liver and women’s ovaries, documents presented by a British researcher show.

Media Starts Blaming Humans for Bird Flu Transmission
ARTICLE: According to the LYING MEDIA, people and the vehicles they operate are the “likely” cause of Michigan’s bird flu transmission. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, bird flu has impacted 25 dairy herds and nearly seven million birds in the state since January.

Email Proof The PCR Tests Have Always Been A Scam
ARTICLE: Professor Martin Neil received some anonymous emails providing hard evidence that the PCR tests for covid were never accurate or fit for purpose. “Some of the [test] sequences are found in the human genome itself,” the emails noted.

Benchmark Report Throws Cold Water on Claims of a Transition Away From Fossil Fuels
ARTICLE: Of that 620 exajoules consumed globally last year, 196 came from oil, 164 came from coal, and 144 came from natural gas, according to the 2024 “Statistical Review of World Energy." All renewables, excluding hydroelectric, was 8.2% of the total.

Startup Organization Creating List of Seditious Civil Servants Who Might ‘Resist’ Trump
ARTICLE: Perhaps the biggest setback to the first Trump administration was not anything inherently flawed in Republican President Donald Trump’s leadership but the sheer bulk of disloyal individuals embedded within the Washington, D.C., bureaucracy, who were eager to undermine him at every level with little or no accountability.

The Plan From the Beginning Was To Get Illegals Here As Fast as Possible and Get Them Voting
VIDEO: Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton was on “Sunday Morning Futures” with Maria Bartiromo on Sunday morning to discuss the impact of illegal aliens on voting.

Several States Including Arizona Allow Illegals to Vote in Presidential Elections with No Proof of Citizenship Needed
ARTICLE: A New York Post article in June reported that welfare offices and other government agencies in 49 states were providing voter registration forms to migrants without requiring proof of citizenship. Of course, this is complete lawlessness, and it is being facilitated by government officials. Illegal aliens have no rights at all to vote in US elections.

W's Freudian Slip of All Time!
VIDEO: Not only does W hypocritically describes exactly what is happening with U.S. elections right NOW while pretending only evil Russia does such things, but he also inadvertently tells the truth about what he did himself by invading Iraq when Iraq had nothing to do with the events of 9-11.

British Court Reveals Paul "RAT" Ryan Was the First One to Receive a Copy of Steele Dossier Back in 2016
VIDEO: Former Trump official Kash Patel joined Steve Bannon on The War Room to discuss his latest blockbuster report on Paul Ryan. According to Kash Patel, Paul Ryan was the first to receive a copy of the bogus Steele Dossier back in 2016. And Paul Ryan hid this from investigators, his Republican colleagues, and Trump officials.

China Buying Up Land Near Strategic US Military Bases, 19 American Locations Potentially Compromised
ARTICLE: Chinese land purchases near strategic military bases in the United States are causing even more concern about the amount of political and strategic power the country wields in America.

Anatomy of a Full Leftwing Meltdown
ARTICLE: The media is afire with warnings of the impending Trump “dictatorship”. Celebrities, the Squad, and Biden administration grandees vie to conjure up the most nightmarish things that Trump might do to them. What drives their current mounting hysteria?

Playing God - An Investigation Into Medical Democide in the UK
VIDEO: Playing God: An Investigation into Medical Democide in the UK” is a documentary film that explores allegations of harmful medical practices and policies in the U.K. health care system.

Dr. David Martin: US Govternment Coordinating Depopulation Program Against The World!
VIDEO: Dr. David Martin joins Alex Jones live in-studio to break down how states across the country are preparing criminal charges against Big Pharma.

Google Whistleblower Exposes Plot To Rig 2024 Elections, Trace Everything You Do
VIDEO: Renowned author & researcher Dr. Robert Epstein joined The Alex Jones Show Friday to break exclusive intel on how Google is rigging the 2024 election. Watch & share to learn how globalists are using Big Tech to steal elections & control your mind!

Ex-FBI Undercover Asset Risks All to Prove January 6th Was a “Fedsurrection”
ARTICLE: The public should know, Myers told WND in an exclusive interview, that confidential human sources were laced all throughout the Jan. 6 crowd and that they are considered above the law while on the job.

IRS Penalties on Americans Surge Nearly 300% Last Year
ARTICLE: The IRS hit Americans with $7 billion in tax penalties in 2023, a record-high level that marks a nearly 300% increase from the prior year. The majority of the fines were levied against those who underpaid their estimated quarterly income taxes, which is predominantly freelancers, gig workers and other self-employed individuals.

Gates Foundation Delivering Deadly Viruses to a Lab Near You
ARTICLE/VIDEO: A Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs heard testimony Tuesday titled ‘Origins of COVID-19: An Examination of Available Evidence’ revealed that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is funding dangerous gain-of-function viral research in labs across America.

BRICS in ‘Final Stages’ of De-Dollarization Mission
ARTICLE: It will not be much longer before BRICS fully de-dollarizes its membership ranks, and eventually the entire world.

DISGUSTING: Bill Gates Wants You To Eat Maggot Milk
VIDEO: Entomilk is a dairy alternative that is made from black soldier fly larvae. They take the insects and process it into the dairy alternative. It forms a rich and creamy liquid which looks and acts just like dairy. Entomilk is very rich in protein, fat, calcium, iron and zinc which is really good for you.

Democrats Pass Bills Making It Impossible For Board of Canvassers To Investigate Election Fraud in Crooked Michigan
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Senator Runestad and a handful of Republicans in the Michigan legislature have been ringing the alarm bells in Michigan, as they recognize the serious potential for mass voter fraud in future elections thanks to the passage of one radical election-related bill.

These 13 Countries Just Signed an Agreement to Engineer a Global Famine by Destroying Food Supply
ARTICLE: The United States and the following 12 countries have all signed on to an agreement that in practice will destroy agriculture worldwide while ushering in global famine and starvation.

State Department Official Admits ‘Great Replacement Theory’ is REAL — Admits Deliberately Importing Criminals
ARTICLE: A State Department official has been caught on camera admitting the truth behind the ‘Great Replacement Theory.’ This theory is often dismissed by the far-left as “one of the most dangerous white supremacist conspiracy theories out there.”

Covid Vaccines Cause Blood Clots in Brain
ARTICLE: The Covid vaccines don't just clog up veins and arteries in the body with clots, they also form brain clots as well.

Bizarre & Unusual Skin Disorders are Developing After Covid Vaccination
ARTICLE: Every single day we learn about more serious injuries caused by the mRNA jabs and yet they are still being pused as safe and effective.

THREE YEARS LATER: Biden’s Multi-Billion Dollar Plan to Connect Rural Americans to High Speed Internet Has Connected ZERO People
ARTICLE/VIDEO: In 2021, the Biden administration hyped a multi-billion dollar plan to connect rural Americans to high speed internet. Three years later, ZERO Americans have benefited from this plan. This could have actually been a popular issue for Biden but his administration completely dropped the ball by miring the program in red tape and regulations.

Marc Elias Law Group Files Suit in Nevada to Prevent Election Integrity Group from Cleaning Up Voter Rolls
ARTICLE: Marc Elias was Hillary’s attorney in her failed attempt to win the Presidential election in 2016. He later became famous for his work for the Democrat Party, ensuring that American elections are questionable and untrustworthy.

Democratic Dark Money Machine Quietly Adds Another Mystery Group to Its Ranks
ARTICLE: It has no website, no employees, and its books are in the care of a powerful green consulting firm with close ties to the White House. It has also flooded Democratic groups with more than $35 million in untraceable cash since 2020, all while evading public detection—until now.

Lab wars: Inside Dr. Ebright's 20-year Crusade to Save the World From Anthony Fauci
ARTICLE: While much of the world has only recently woken up to this reality, one man, Dr. Richard Ebright, has been warning us for 20 years that this day was coming. For 20 years, his warnings have largely been ignored, primarily thanks to Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Big Tech Coalition Partners With WEF to Push “Global Digital Safety” Standards
ARTICLE: The three entities, each in their own way, are known for advocating for or carrying out speech restrictions and policies that can result in undermining privacy and security. DTSP says it is there to “address harmful content” and makes sure online age verification (“age assurance”) is enforced, while OFCOM states its mission to be establishing “online safety.”

Avian Bird Flu Suddenly Becomes Cow Flu as Dairy Farms Begin Culling Animals to Destroy the Domestic Food Supply
ARTICLE: Globalists are investing in startups that genetically engineer cows so they will no longer produce methane gas. The global plan to control the food supply and cull cow populations has been known for nearly two decades. Now, avian bird flu is suddenly becoming an issue in cows, and dairy farms are rapidly depopulating herds due to cows testing positive.

Nurses And EMTs Expose COVID Injection Holocaust
VIDEO: Nurses And EMTs Expose COVID Injection Holocaust. EMT Harry Fisher joins Alex Jones to take calls from nurses and discuss the experimental COVID jab depopulation weapon.

FBI Sent Agents to Intimidate Nurse Who Blew the Whistle on Texas Children’s Hospital’s Child Sex-Change Program
ARTICLE/VIDEOS: This is where we are right now as a country. The Biden regime has sent two FBI agents to intimidate a nurse who exposed controversial practices at Texas Children’s Hospital.

Biden Announces MASS AMNESTY for Illegals Months Before Election
ARTICLE/VIDEOS: Biden announced mass amnesty for at least 500,000 illegal aliens (the number is likely much higher). Biden’s unconstitutional amnesty will give illegal aliens immediate green cards (making it easier to vote illegally) and a three-year path to citizenship (giving them full voting rights).

Acclaimed Doctors Warn Against RSV Vaccine for Pregnant Women
ARTICLE: Doctors in the medical freedom movement recently warned pregnant women not to get the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine after a study warned of the infection’s danger to unborn babies and even mulled the idea of an RSV vaccine recommendation for expecting mothers.

Doctors Shocked, Covid Vaccines Make People Retarded
ARTICLE/VIDEO: In a video interview filmed Saturday, Japanese Neuroscientist Dr. Hiroto Komano discussed a South Korean study that indicates the Covid vaccines effectively slow down or ‘retard’ the brain’s neurologic functions, leading to diseases clinically referred to as dementia, cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease.

Kansas Sues Pfizer — State Alleges Company Knew of ‘Serious Adverse Events’ Yet Marketed COVID-19 Vaccine as ‘Safe’
VIDEO: Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach announced Monday he is suing pharmaceutical giant Pfizer for misleading Kansas residents about the safety and efficacy of its COVID-19 vaccine.

'What Percentage of the Atmosphere Is Made Up of Carbon Dioxide?' McCormick Grills CA Air Official
VIDEO: At a House Science Committee hearing on California's CARB train emissions reductions rule on Thursday, Rep. Rich McCormick (R-GA) grilled Alan Abbs, Legislative Officer of the Bay Area Air Quality Management District, about climate.

Connecticut Bar Association Warns Lawyers that Dissenting Opinions on the Trump Bragg Lawfare Suit Will Not Be Tolerated
VIDEO: Greta Van Susteren reported on Monday that the Connecticut Bar warned state lawyers that dissenting opinions in the Alvin Bragg lawfare suit against President Donald Trump will not be tolerated. This is the latest move by Democrats to silence and control the American people. Unapproved thoughts will not be tolerated.

Has Pervert Pride Month Finally Put a Sock In It?
ARTICLE: Have you noticed something? Even though we’re still suffering “Pride Month,” it’s a lot quieter in 2024 than it’s been in recent years. The account Reddit Lies (Reddit is an online topical discussion forum) brings us this from the site’s LGBT forum:

20,000 Unsubstantianted Ballots In Georgia's 2020 Election Results From Tabulators That Do Not Exist
ARTICLE: A Atlanta is now rivaling Chicago in the crooked politicians and election-cheating game. What unfolded in the Peach State during the 2020 election was downright shameful. If we were a serious country, genuinely concerned about our Republic, it would have been rigorously investigated by bipartisan officials from top to bottom. Of course, that never happened.

Chinese ‘Cyber Police’ Agent Runs Online Network Helping Illegal Immigrants Flood Into US
ARTICLE: A private social network run by a self-identified Chinese government agent provides illegal immigrants with resources to get into the U.S. and evade border authorities, a Daily Caller News Foundation investigation discovered.

Why Do Drag Queens Never Want to Read to the Elderly?
ARTICLE/VIDEOS: ‘Queer theory’ and ‘critical theory’ lie at the heart of the LGBT movement, aiming to normalize extremely perverse sexual proclivities, including pedophilia, while dismantling traditional social and sexual norms under the guise of scientific progress.

Federal Judge Blocks Biden Title IX Guidance Redefining Sex Discrimination For LGBT Agenda
ARTICLE: A U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor blocked a Biden administration guidance on forcing widespread recognition and accommodation of LGBT ideology on public education by redefining federal nondiscrimination language, siding with Texas Republican Attorney General Ken Paxton’s legal challenge to the rule change.

German Study: Vast Majority of People Will Grow Out of Transgenderism Within 5 Years
ARTICLE: A massive, years-long study shows the overwhelming majority of young people who identify as transgender will grow out of the diagnosis within five years. Researchers, who tracked all children and young adults diagnosed with gender dysphoria over a nine-year period, found a similar supermajority of trans people suffered from at least one other psychological condition.

320,000 GHOST VOTERS Identified in MUST-WIN State of Michigan
ARTICLE: When it comes to voter fraud in America, Michigan leads the way. Are Democrats Resorting to Dirty Tricks Reportedly Used by a Third-World Country to Win in 2024?

Dems Already Prepping Anti-Trump ‘Resistance’
ARTICLE: The bad news is dissent is only patriotic when anti-patriots do it. And the Left is feeling shaky enough about the election that it’s trying to bring the treason band back together.

20 Minutes of Democrats & Experts Warning of Threats to Election Systems
VIDEO: 20-minute compilation that shows prominent Democrats, computer science professors, and election security experts discussing the vulnerabilities in America’s election system. They warn that the online election system is easily hackable and often operates on outdated Windows 7 or older systems.

The CIA Is As Evil As The Day Is Long
VIDEO: Jon Bowne produced this video exposing how the CIA will do whatever it takes to undermine the United States and its citizens. JFK was butchered in Dallas for a reason. He wanted to end the treasonous organization.

Congress Launching Investigation Into Newsguard
ARTICLE: NewsGuard, which purportedly “rates” news organizations for their truthfulness, has been described in a Real Clear Wire report as “a powerful censorship tool.”

Building an Election Watchdog Army
ARTICLE: RNC Co-Chair Lara Trump Announces New Program to Train 100,000 Poll Workers and 500 Lawyers to Safeguard 2024 Election in November

America…We Warned You
VIDEO: The next big plandemic is already locked and loaded! Will you stand up to the tyranny or roll over and die? You can’t say we didn’t warn you. The next plandemic is already locked and loaded. Will you stand up for your humanity or will you cower to cowards?

DOJ Refuses to Prosecute Merrick Garland After House Voted to Hold Him in Contempt
ARTICLE: The Justice Department on Friday declined to prosecute Attorney General Merrick Garland following a vote by the House to hold him in contempt for refusing to turn over audio recordings of Joe Biden’s interview with Special Counsel Robert Hur.

CNN is Harassing Ticketmaster and Venues to Cancel Tucker Carlson’s Tour Over His ‘Hateful Rhetoric’
ARTICLE: CNN is up to its usual tricks. In a report by CNN’s media reporter and anti-conservative attack dog Oliver Darcy, the company confirmed that it had spent the week harassing Ticketmaster and various venues to demand that they cancel Tucker Carlson’s upcoming nationwide tour.

Vaccine-Injured Pharmacist Breaks Down Into Tears Testifying Before Ohio State Senate
VIDEO: Mike Yoha suffered from Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), a severe neurological disease associated with paralysis, after being coerced into taking the COVID shot.

After Trump, Will U.S. Lawmakers be Charged for $17M in Hush Money Payments?
VIDEO: Are various members of Congress, who paid some $17 million in taxpayer funds to silence people who brought sexual misconduct claims against them, now going to be investigated, tried, and convicted of felonies, like President Trump? After all, they didn’t report those payments as campaign contributions. That’s the suggestion that has been raised in a congressional hearing.

Their Strategy in the War on Food
ARTICLE: Perhaps you remember Event 201, the pandemic simulation run in late 2019 that served as a dress rehearsal for the 2020 Covid response. Such simulations have been used in the War on Food as well. Take, for example, the Food Chain Reaction Game, a 2015 wargame that simulated the time period from 2020 to 2030.

Natural Selection: Covid “Vaccines” Have Destroyed the Fertility of Young Men Dumb Enough to Get Them
ARTICLE: A disturbing new study has revealed that Covid mRNA shots have caused widespread harm to fertility rates in young men.

CNN Scandalized By The Idea America Is a Republic, Not a Democracy
VIDEO: With President Biden arguing that former President Donald Trump is a threat to democracy, CNN’s Donie O’Sullivan decided it would be a good idea to try to help make that case. On Friday’s CNN News Central, O’Sullivan was seen on the road with Trump voters, where he was aghast at the idea that they view America as a republic, not a democracy.

DOD-Funded Company Wants To Feed US Troops Lab-Grown Meat To Fight Climate Change
ARTICLE: American military members could be used as guinea pigs. BioMADE, a lab-grown meat company that has been given over $500 million in U.S. tax dollars via the Department of Defense (DOD), is now requesting a contract to feed U.S. service members fake meat in the name of reducing the military’s carbon footprint.

Alex Jones Tucker Carlson Interview
VIDEO: In this next level interview with Alex Jones, Tucker Carlson talks stopping WW3, the battle between good and evil and taking humanity to the next level.

Alex Jones Russell Brand Interview
VIDEO: Russell Brand joins Alex Jones to discuss spiritual warfare and the future of humanity. Russell also describes his journey from spiritual sickness to life in Jesus Christ.

Rotavirus Vaccine in India Increases Risk of Deadly Bowel Disorder in Infants
ARTICLE: It's not just the Covid vaccine, regular childhood vaccines cause deadly side effects too. A peer-reviewed study, published Tuesday, has shown that infants given a Rotavirus vaccine which is used in India, Rotavac, had an increased onset of intussusception, a disorder where the intestine slides or telescopes into itself inhibiting the passage of stomach contents, potentially leading to death if left untreated by surgery.

FBI Using “Legacy Tokens” to Shield Mental Health Records and Psychotropic Drug Cocktails of Mass Shooters
ARTICLE: According to recently released information about the Covenant School shooter, Audrey Hale, psychiatric “treatment” was part of Hale’s life since early childhood. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department (MNPD) were aware of this important information within days of the shooting but have refused to share it with the public. Why?

Former MIT Professor & Rabbi Urges Jews to Shed All ‘Lingering’ Christian Morality & Support Ethnic Cleansing of Gaza
ARTICLE: In accordance with Talmudic law, former MIT professor and ordained rabbi Jeremy England wants Jews everywhere to reject any “lingering” sense of Christian morality and instead embrace Israel’s ethnic cleansing operation in Gaza.

U.S. Department of Commerce Has Plan Already in Place to Digitize the Identities of all Americans Receiving ‘Public Benefits’
ARTICLE: Federal ‘Guidelines’ have already been secretly adopted for a Digital ID program that will start off as ‘voluntary’ but only the most gullible Americans would believe that’s anything but temporary.

Rep. Andy Biggs Releases Timeline Proving Biden’s Direct Collusion with Prosecutors to Take Down Trump
VIDEO: In an explosive revelation, Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) disclosed a meticulously detailed timeline during a House Judiciary Committee hearing on Thursday, casting a glaring spotlight on a concerted effort between the Biden regime and key prosecutors to undermine former President Donald Trump.

New Study Confirms the Link Between Covid “Vaccines” and Tinnitus
ARTICLE: A new study has found that the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) injections cause tinnitus, a ringing noise in the ears, in many vaccinated individuals.

46 Percent Of American EV Owners Want To Go Back To Internal Combustion Engines
ARTICLE: According to a report from Automotive News, consulting firm McKinsey & Co. found that 46 percent of U.S. respondents who currently own an electric vehicle are likely to buy an ICE-powered vehicle as their next car purchase, with charging concerns standing out as the largest hindrance toward the gradual transition to all-electric vehicles.

Dr. Mike Yeadon: ‘COVID Jabs Were Designed—Intentionally—to Harm, Maim & Kill, And Reduce Human Fertility’
VIDEO: The Covid jabs are intended to “harm, maim and kill people,” warned ex-Pfizer Vice President Dr. Michael Yeadon. The former Pfizer chief science officer called attention to the real agenda behind the experimental injections during a rally against the jabs.

Dr. Francis Boyle Releases Affidavit Confirming Covid Jabs are Biological Weapons of Mass Destruction
ARTICLE: In an ongoing Florida lawsuit filed by Dr. Joseph Sansone to stop all further distribution of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccines,” Dr. Francis Boyle provided an affidavit stating that the jabs violate the very law he wrote that Congress passed in order to protect Americans from biological and weapons of mass destruction (WMDs), which is what he considers COVID jabs to be.

Michigan Judge Rules Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson’s Election Manual Is Unconstitutional and Against State Law
ARTICLE: Michigan Judge Christopher Yates just ruled that Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson’s Election Manual sent to election officials across the state is unconstitutional and against state law. Judge Yates also mandated strict signature verification for mail-in ballots, making it more difficult for Democrats to cheat with their mass-manufactured votes.

SHOCK POLL: 66% of Voters Believe Outcome of 2024 Presidential Election Will Be Affected by Cheating
ARTICLE: This may be the most honest polling numbers of the year. Fully two-thirds of Americans believe the outcome of the 2024 US presidential election will be affected by cheating. This comes from Rasmussen Reports and matches their previous record on the same question.

Swiss Court Confirms “Lia” Thomas Is a Dude and Therefore Cannot Compete Against Actual Women at the Olympics
ARTICLE: Great news! Lia Thomas won’t be able to compete in women’s category at the Olympics or any other elite competition. He has just lost his legal battle in Court of Arbitration for Sport ruling. This is a victory for women and girls everywhere.

High Court Rules the Covid mRNA Jab Is Not Even a Vaccine, so What Exactly Is It?
ARTICLE: The Covid jabs are NOT vaccines at all, and a high court has ruled this, because the gene-mutating injections DO NOT meet the medical definition of vaccines, since they DO NOT prevent the spread of the virus.

The Future of Food
VIDEO: We all know the problems of the modern factory farming system. But, as bad as things are, they’re about to get even worse. New technologies are coming online that threaten to upend our understanding of food altogether. Technologies that could, ultimately, begin altering the human species itself. This is The Future of Food on The Corbett Report.

BRAIN DAMAGE: 1 in 9 Children are Autistic Now
VIDEO: A recent study analyzing data from the 2022 National Survey of Children’s Health (NSCH) discovered that over 11 percent of children in the U.S. are now autistic, while over 10 percent had attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Autism is a neurological developmental disorder characterized by a broad spectrum of social ineptness, meaning that it is caused by a malfunction of the brain. These issues often stem from brain damage, including metal toxicity from vaccines.

FBI Interrogated and Purged Trump Supporters from Its Ranks – The Police State Is Real
VIDEO: The FBI is now a secret police organization that targets, humiliates, and severs ties with pro-Trump members in its ranks. Tucker Carlson interviewed Tristan Leavitt who is the president of the group Empower Oversight in his latest interview.

Marxist SPLC Brands Conservatives’ Response to Woke Culture Takeover “Christian Supremacy” and “Ethnocide”
VIDEO: The SPLC has long demonized mainstream conservative and Christian nonprofits by putting them on a map with Ku Klux Klan chapters. It updates this “hate map” annually with a “Year in Hate and Extremism” report for the previous year. On Tuesday, it published the report for 2023.

Bannon: It's Time to Lock Down the Fourth Branch of Government - "The Administrative State"
VDIEO: Steve Bannon talks with Mark Chenoweth about the "Administrative State", often referred to as the "Deep State" which is the out-of-control, unelected government bureaucrats that infest every level of government. It has become an unaccountable fourth branch of government that is not in the Constitution, never dreamed of by the founders

Massive Green Billionaire Funding of ‘Climate Emergency’ Reporting in Mainstream Media
ARTICLE: A massive global grooming programme aimed at mostly mainstream media involving climate catastrophism and Net Zero promotion is detailed in a recently published report from the green billionaire-funded Internews’s Earth Journalism Network (EJN). The work is a shocking insight into the corruption of independent, investigative journalism.

National Poll Finds 62 Percent of Americans, Including Democrats, Support National Program to Deport ALL Illegal Aliens
ARTICLE: CBS polling expert Anthony Salvanto broke the news to Margaret Brennan on Face the Nation that 62% of Americans want all illegal aliens rounded up and deported.

Texas Judge Overturns City Council Election Due to Voter Fraud and Allegations of Fake Addresses on Voter Registrations
ARTICLE: A visiting judge has overturned the results of the November 2023 Edinburg City Council election, declaring Gerardo “Gerry” Lozano the rightful winner over incumbent David White, myRGV.com reported. The lawsuit, brought forward by challenger Gerardo “Gerry” Lozano, contested the narrow victory of incumbent David White, alleging widespread irregularities, including illegal assistance to voters and the use of fake addresses in voter registrations.

Reality Check for ‘Queers for Palestine’ Delivered Directly From Palestinian Leaders
ARTICLE/VIDEO: While these groups may passionately and enthusiastically yell anti-Semitic genocidal chats like “From the River to the Sea,” perhaps they should take a beat and really listen to what prominent Palestinian Islamic, political, and cultural figures really think about them. “Homosexuals Should Be Thrown Head First From The Rooftop Of The Tallest Building:”

Deranged Drag Queen Speaks at Texas Democratic Convention Pushes Trans Youth Propaganda
VIDEO: How have these lunatics been allowed to hijack AN ENTIRE MONTH, PRIDE MONTH, in which to shove this crap down everyone's throat as if it's somehow perfectly normal healthy behavior?! BECAUSE WE LET THEM DO IT!! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!

California Restaurants Have Slashed 10,000 Jobs Since Democrats Introduced $20 Minimum Wage
ARTICLE: This is what always follows when Libtards and RINOs push destructive, virtue-signaling policies in the name of "helping you." It almost always results in the exact opposite outcome they promised. They claim they are providing a "living wage" when in reality they ensured that THOUSANDS now receive NO WAGE AT ALL!

American College of Pediatricians Blasts Medical Associations for Pushing Radical Gender Transition on Children
VIDEO: In a bold defiance of mainstream medical tyranny, the American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds) has delivered a blistering condemnation of America’s leading medical institutions. This declaration, which is spearheaded by Dr. Jill Simons, Executive Director of the American College of Pediatricians, is an urgent plea to halt the radical gender transition protocols being imposed on vulnerable children.

9th Circuit Court of Appeals Rules mRNA COVID-19 Jab is NOT a Vaccine Under Traditional Medical Definitions
ARTICLE: The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit has delivered a seismic decision that could reshape public health policy across the nation. In a contentious case involving the Health Freedom Defense Fund and other plaintiffs versus the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD), the court has declared that mRNA COVID-19 injections do not qualify as vaccines under traditional medical definitions.

“Enough Is Enough!” – Swiss Cardiologist Calls for the Abolishment of the WHO
VIDEO: Dr. Binder called for the abolishment of the World Health Organization, after the botched and extremely dangerous actions and statements during the COVID pandemic.

MSNBC Analyst Admits It’s ‘Important’ for ‘Huge MAGA Voice’ Steve Bannon to ‘Be Silenced’ Ahead of Election
ARTICLE/VIDEO: An MSNBC legal analyst acknowledged the significance of jailing leading MAGA voice Steve Bannon, noting that silencing the ex-Trump advisor ahead of the 2024 election is “important” for Democrats.

NATO Chief: Ukraine Needs at Least €40 Billion a Year Until Russia is Defeated NATO will support Ukraine "as long as necessary"
VIDEO: Like every other globalist organization, the last thing NATO intends to accomplish is a peaceful world. It's nothing but another criminal operation hell-bent on fomenting never-ending wars.

Nobel Prize Winner Kary Mullis Predicted PCR Test Fraud of HIV, COVID and Bird Flu
VIDEO: If the PCR 'test' is set right, it will always give you the result you want. Alex Jones played a video of Nobel Prize winner Kary Mullis discussing the fraud of the PCR test being used for false-positive results to shutdown the country again.

Joe Oltmann Walks Out of Deposition with Eric Coomer’s Attorneys After They Attempt to Force Him to Give Up His Sources
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Is the court working with former Dominion executive Eric Coomer in his defamation lawsuit against President Trump and others? On Thursday, in a deposition with Colorado businessman and entrepreneur Joe Oltmann, Coomer’s attorneys and the court demanded Oltmann disclose his source who he used to infiltrate the local antifa group online.

Professor Jed Rubenfeld - The Trump Verdict Explained
VIDEO: Yale Law Professor Jed Rubenfeld, a prominent legal scholar known for his work in constitutional law, privacy rights, and the First Amendment, has provided a legal roadmap for Donald Trump’s attorneys to potentially overturn the former president’s ‘guilty’ verdict before the crucial 2024 election. In a recent video, Rubenfeld begins by explaining the complexities of the case.

Doctors Urge Top US Medical Orgs to Stop Harming Kids With Transgender Surgeries, Hormones
ARTICLE: A group of doctors, nurses, and pediatricians have signed on to a declaration calling on prominent United States medical organizations to stop performing experimental and harmful transgender procedures on children.

Wall Street Admits the Biggest Economic Shocker: All Jobs in the Past Year Have Gone to Illegal Aliens
ARTICLE: For much of the past year we had been pounding the table on two very simple facts: not only has the US labor market been appallingly weak, with most of the jobs “gained” in 2023 and meant to signal how strong the Biden “recovery” has been, about to be revised away (as first the Philly Fed and now Bloomberg both admit), but more shockingly, all the job growth in the past few years has gone to illegal aliens.

Liz Cheney Blocked Presidential Limo Driver from Testifying About Bogus Claim that Trump Grabbed Steering Wheel on Jan 6
ARTICLE: Congressman Barry Loudermilk obtained a transcript of the presidential motorcade driver’s interview that refutes the January 6 ‘star witness’ Cassidy Hutchinson’s claim that Trump tried to grab the steering wheel and commandeer the limo on January 6. According to the secret service driver, he wanted to quickly debunk Cassidy Hutchinson’s lies about Trump’s behavior in the ‘beast’ on January 6, but Liz Cheney and others on the sham J6 committee “rebuffed” him and allowed Hutchinson’s lies to dominate the headlines.

Don’t Be Fooled, Biden’s New Executive Order Does Not ‘Secure the Border’ – Here’s What It Really Does
ARTICLE: It’s far too little, and far too late. He talked big talk whenever appearing before news reporters, proudly proclaiming that “The border is not a political issue to be weaponized.” But the weaponization of the border is exactly what this order is really all about.

Study Reveals Covid Vaccination Doubles Death Rate of Covid Patients
ARTICLE: Getting the shot doesn't protect you from getting Covid, but once you get it you're more likely to die.

Murders in Miami and Missouri Highlight the Need for Sunshine on Psychiatric “Treatments”
ARTICLE: The tragic cases of the father in Miami who killed his daughter and the mother in Missouri who turned herself in after killing her two children last week highlight the devastating consequences of the government backed mental health system embedded with the psychiatric and pharmaceutical industrial complex. The result of which is that no one seems to be getting better.

WHO’s Tedros Declares ‘It’s Time to be More Aggressive in Pushing Back on Anti-Vaxxers’
ARTICLE/VIDEO: During a talk titled “Celebrating 50 Years of Immunization Progress,” the Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, made it clear that no debate is allowed when it comes to vaccines. Ghebreyesus told the audience, “You know the serious challenge that’s posed by anti-vaxxers, and I think we need to strategize to really push back.”

Dr. Birx: Yes, We Tried to Quash the COVID Lab-Leak Theory
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Dr. Deborah Birx, the scarf-wearing former White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator under Donald Trump, finally admitted what we’ve all known for a long time: the “experts” tried to quash the idea the COVID virus came from a Chinese lab, and they moved to discredit and humiliate anyone who said otherwise.

Louisiana Passes Bill Ordering Surgical Castration of Convicted Pedophiles
ARTICLE: The state of Louisiana will not be a good place to be a convicted pedophile. Republican lawmakers passed a bill that will allow judges to order the surgical castration of pedophiles found guilty of various sex crimes including rape, incest and molestation against any child younger than 13.

KILLER FAUCI: On March 16, 2020, Dr. Fauci Received Email Cheering Hydroxychloroquine Treatment of COVID in China
ARTICLE: On March 16, 2020, Dr. Tony Fauci received an email reporting China’s success using hydroxychloroquine in treating the coronavirus. 4 Days Later He Publicly Rebuked President Trump at WH Presser For Suggesting It a Valid COVID Treatment.

Biden Administration Can't Build More Than Seven Charging Stations Costing $7.5 BILLION!
ARTICLE: Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg was asked on CBS News' "Face the Nation" about the $7.5 billion taxpayers have been levied for a nationwide EV charging station network. In the over two years since the funding was announced, the Federal Highway Administration (FHA) has managed to produce only seven, despite the announced plans call for a half million stations being built six years from now by 2030. Buttigieg was unfazed when asked about the numbers.

Bill Gates-Connected Firm Plans to Release ‘Climate Change VACCINE’
ARTICLE/VIDEOS: The Bill Gates-connected startup ArkeaBio issued a press release in May detailing the firm’s acquisition of $26.5 million for development of a ‘methane vaccine’ for cows.

NIH Scientists Made $710 MILLION in Royalties From Drug Makers - A Fact They Tried to Hide
ARTICLE: During the pandemic, the American people started to feel that Big Government was very cozy with Big Pharma. Now we know just how close they were.

VIDEO: It is beyond belief that Fauci is still walking around free and still being propped up by the lunatic leftist as an "expert" who we should trust. This psychopath doesn't have a trustworthy bone in his body.

AG Merrick Garland Classifies Embarrassing Audio Recordings of Joe Biden’s Interview with Special Counsel Hur as ‘TOP SECRET' - Locks Away in High-Security Facility
ARTICLE: MORE ELECTION INTERFERENCE: AG Merrick Garland has reportedly “classified at the highest level” the audio tapes of Joe Biden’s embarrassing interview with Special Counsel Hur. The tapes have been locked away in a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF), according to investigative journalist Paul Sperry.

Fauci Admits He Made Up Tyrannical COVID Guidelines - Including Child Masking and Social Distancing — Were Based on Mere Assumptions, Not Science
ARTICLE: Dr. Anthony Fauci, the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has admitted that some of the most stringent COVID-19 guidelines, including social distancing and child masking, were not rooted in concrete scientific evidence. This admission came during a comprehensive interview with the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic earlier this year, details of which were released ahead of Dr. Fauci’s scheduled testimony on Monday.

34 REASONS the Bragg-Biden Show Trial Should Have Been TOSSED OUT
ARTICLE: Each One of these errors alonep Provides grounds for am Mistrial.

Pro-Vax Doctor "Dr. Boz" Blows Whistle: ‘Biggest Crime in History of Medicine’
ARTICLE/VIDEO: In a major U-turn, a prominent pro-vaccine doctor has blown the whistle and raised the alarm about the deadly consequences of being injected with Covid mRNA shots. Annette Bosworth, also known as “Dr. Boz,” has released an explosive video statement to warn the public about “the biggest crime in the history of medicine.”

Hospital Insider Testifies: COVID-19 Numbers Were Faked
VIDEO: A hospital worker has provided testimony to allege that official numbers for COVID-19 cases during the pandemic were faked. "Our hospitals were half-empty."

Shocking Study Preprint Reveals Myocarditis and Pericarditis Only Appear AFTER Covid Jabs
ARTICLE: Myocarditis and pericarditis only occur after vaccination and not after COVID-19 infection, according to a recent preprint led by researchers at Oxford University, which compared health outcomes among COVID-vaccinated and unvaccinated children.

World’s First “Bioprocessor” Uses Human Brain Tissue for Computing
ARTICLE: A Swiss startup claims to have created the world’s first “bioprocessor” by integrating human brain tissue into a digital processor. FinalSpark claims that its Neuroplatform will “consume a million times less power than traditional digital processors” and is capable of learning and processing information.

Deep State Attempted To Shut Down Infowars Headquarters
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Alex Jones reveals to listeners the truth behind the Deep State coup using the bankruptcy process to shut down Infowars once and for all. Tune in now!n Exclusive audio recordings exposing the extent of the lies and corruption behind the effort.

Over 3,500 Chinese Illegal Aliens Caught Crossing Southern Border in May
ARTICLE/VIDEO: According to the CBP, 3,593 Chinese illegal aliens were caught after crossing the southern border in May of this year alone. 98 percent of them were in the San Diego sector in California. San Diego sector also had hundreds of illegals from each country: Jordan, Turkey, and Mauritania in May.

Sam Huang's (Crazy Sam) Amazing Magic Has The Judges PANICKED!
VIDEO: Sam Huang made his finger disappear and Simon Cowell called it "the most crazy close up magic" he's ever seen! The 23-year-old from Taiwan shocked the judges with insane magic!

Sydnie Christmas Wins GOLDEN BUZZER With Beautiful Cover of 'Tomorrow'
VIDEO: Sydnie's heartfelt rendition of 'Tomorrow' from the musical 'Annie' won over the crowd and received a Golden Buzzer from Amanda Holden.

Shy Janitor Richard Goodall Gets Heidi's Golden Buzzer Is So Emotional
VIDEO: Steve Perry didn’t reunite with Journey for this week’s episode of “America’s Got Talent,” but an unassuming middle-school janitor named Richard Goodall did a phenomenal job of filling in for him.

The Ghost of John Adams: How the Trump Trial Harkens Back to a Dark Period of American Law
ARTICLE: After years of trying — in the words of the judge — “to get the damned rascal in this court,” it was a conviction that many welcomed. But those words were not from Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan, and the conviction was not that of former President Donald Trump.

Microplastics Discovered in All Semen Samples
ARTICLE: Microplastics were detected in every one of the 40 samples, with an average of two particles per sample. Eight distinct types of plastic were identified, with polystyrene being the most prevalent, accounting for 31% of the plastic identified.

Michigan Democrats Passing Laws to Make Systemic Voter Fraud Easier, Harder to Catch
ARTICLE: Michigan Dems Pass Bill to ease Voter Fraud, Make Investigating Fraud Impossible A week ago, Michigan Senate Bill 603 was reported out of the Elections Committee in the Michigan House on a party-line vote. Democrats were in favor of the bill, which would effectively make illegal any kind of voter fraud investigation for future elections.

White House Lied to Congress About Israel-Gaza, Per Official Resigning in Protest
ARTICLE/VIDEO: When the report came out on May 10, and I read the conclusion...that Israel was not blocking humanitarian assistance, I decided I would resign, because that was absolutely not the opinion of subject matter experts in the State Department, USAID, the humanitarian community, organizations that are working in Gaza.

Japanese People Hold Massive Protest Against WHO, Deadly Covid Vaccines
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Japanese citizens took to the streets in protest of the World Health Organization and the Covid-19 vaccine, which has been blamed for causing a number of severe adverse effects and deaths. Footage out of Tokyo on Friday showed thousands of people attending the “National Movement to Protect Lives from WHO: Massive Rally,” reportedly meant as a “demonstration against the revision of the IHR (International Health Regulations),” according to Sputnik Japan.

Covid Cover-Up Revealed: Top Fauci Advisor Admits to Deleting Emails Concerning Covid Origin
VIDEO: After analyzing and deconstructing a trove of emails and other documents that emerged from inside the global health policy industry it's been revealed how often and how deliberately healthcare workers and officials lied to the public about many aspects of Covid.

Glenn Greenwald and Alan Dershowitz Debate Bombing Iran
VIDEO: Professor and legal scholar Alan Dershowitz and Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist Glenn Greenwald debate the resolution, "The U.S. should strike Iran's nuclear facilities."

Governor Signs Disaster Proclamation as Officials Order Killing of 4.2 Million Chickens
ARTICLE: A look into the creation of Israel and how the elite use religion to wage wars around the globe.

The Zionist NAZI Connection and the Creation of Israel
VIDEO: A look into the creation of Israel and how the elite use religion to wage wars around the globe.

Jeffery Sachs - The Smartest Take on U.S. Foreign Policy Ever Caught on Tape
VIDEO: Jeffrey Sachs with probably the smartest and most accurate assessment of the Ukraine war, and American foreign policy more broadly, ever caught on tape.

Fauci Was Like the Covid Fairy
VIDEO: This video starts with Rob Schneider detailing the string of lies Fauci told everyone, one lie morphing into the next. The video then presents a compilation of the actual lies told by this stone-cold psychopathic murdering lunatic who should have been tried for crimes against humanity a long time ago!

‘Misleading The Jury’: Alan Dershowitz Says That Alvin Bragg’s Team Told 2 Lies During Closing Arguments
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Noted attorney Alan Dershowitz on Tuesday accused prosecutors from the office of Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg of telling two lies to jurors during closing arguments in the trial of former President Donald Trump.

Ottawa Detective Suspended for Investigating Babies Who Died From SIDS After Mothers Took the Jab
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Chances are, if you’ve been keeping tabs on the COVID “coverup,: you’ve come across this story that began to unfold in 2022. There was a sudden spike in SIDS cases in Ottawa, Canada, where nine babies died shortly after their mothers received the vaccine.

Democrat Senator Tammy Baldwin Accused of “Criminally Laundering” Almost $28 MILLION in Campaign Contributions
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Independent investigator and President of Election Watch, Inc., Peter Bernenger has publicly accused the far-left US Democrat Senator Tammy Baldwin (WI), of “criminally laundering” an astounding $27,850,750 in campaign contributions from “Smurfs.”

Democrats Promise Coordinated Assault on SCOTUS If They Don’t Get Their Way
ARTICLE: Democrats are so desperate to keep the Supreme Court from torpedoing their lawfare efforts against former President Donald Trump that members like Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md., are openly vowing to launch a coordinated attack on the judicial branch if they don’t get their way.

COVER-UP: Anthony Fauci's COVID Team Conspired to Evade FOIA Requests
ARTICLE: More evidence of attempts by members of Dr. Anthony Fauci's team to destroy government records, as well as their forwarding of official records to unofficial, unapproved recipients and other attempts to evade Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests.

EPA Deliberately Engineering Power Grid Failure With New "Clean Power Plan 2.0"
ARTICLE: The Environmental Protection Agency’s new Clean Power Plan 2.0 was recently finalized, and it’s being met with a lot of criticism over its emphasis on net-zero emissions at the expense of grid reliability. In fact, some experts believe the EPA is engineering the power grid to fail with the new rule.

Sonic Mind Control on US Citizens
VIDEO: A subcommittee for Homeland Security recently talked with experts who revealed the federal government is lying about “Havana Syndrome” and related technologies.

New Study: 1,236% Increase in Deaths Following Covid Vaccination
ARTICLE: A study co-authored by Dr. Peter McCullough, published Monday, has found that there was a 1,236 percent increase in death in King County, Washington between 2020 and 2023. The county has a high rate of vaccination, as 98 percent of its residents received at least one Covid injection by 2023.

Hitlary Clinton 2.0! Biden Received Sensitive Data, Briefings From Security Advisers via His Private Pseudonym Email
ARTICLE: This documentary will show you how Amazon uses its size and power to raise prices, for you, the consumer. The documentary follows four sellers on Amazon, two in Europe, two in the US, and their journey to survive on the platform.

Amazon — Market. Power! Monopoly?
VIDEO: This documentary will show you how Amazon uses its size and power to raise prices, for you, the consumer. The documentary follows four sellers on Amazon, two in Europe, two in the US, and their journey to survive on the platform.

The San Diego Lithium Ion Battery Storage Facility Fire That Won’t Go Out
ARTICLE/VIDEO: A Lithium Ion battery storage facility in downtown San Diego went ablaze last week, causing an evacuation warning for businesses and homes in the area and the nearby state prison.

Top Vaccine Expert Testifies Vaccines Contain Cancer-Causing Ingredients, Fragmented DNA
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Dr. Stanley Plotkin, a vaccinologist known as the “Godfather of Vaccines” for his role in consulting vaccine manufacturers, testified in 2018 about the inherent risks of most vaccines on the childhood vaccine schedule. In his deposition before the Oakland County Circuit Court in the State of Michigan, Plotkin admitted that SV40, or simian virus 40, a pathogen linked to cancer, had contaminated a number of vaccines, as well as a pig virus.

RIP Libertarian Party: Get a Load of the Goober They Just Nominated as Their Presidendial Candidate
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Welp, it looks like the leftist decay has finally finished off whatever may have remained of the Libertarian Party. Gone are the days of Ron Paul calling for the government to end the Fed and Rand Paul's defiance of COVID mandates.

Nation-State Vulnerability Expert Jeff Lenberg Details Election Machine “Instrumentation” That Manipulates Results
VIDEO: Lenberg explains how he has observed “instrumentation” which shifts votes, along with a “marking” of voter histories so that the same voters will not be used in successive elections in order to avoid arousing suspicion.

The Real Reason Why U.S. and French Troops Have Been In Niger For Years
ARTICLE: The CIA, in cooperation with other Western intelligence assets, created al-Qaeda and ISIS and the real reason it built a $100 billion base in Niger has nothing to do with eliminating Islamic terrorism. The real reason is because Niger is rich in Uranium and has vast untapped oil reserves, gold-mining operations, coal mining and other resources that the West has been exploiting for decades.

Great Replacement: Sen. Schumer Calls For Amnesty of Millions of Illegals to Offset Declining U.S. Population
VIDEO: Democrat Senate Leader Chuck Schumer called for amnesty for “all” illegal aliens in a resurfaced 2022 clip that’s recently gone viral on social media.

Madeline Brame Explains Why Black Voters Are Leaving the Democrat Party
VIDEO: Brexit activist Madeline Brame discusses the ‘electric’ energy that was in the air during the Trump rally in the Bronx on ‘Jesse Watters Primetime.’

NATO is the Military Wing of Globalist Power That Promotes the Self-Destruction of All Nations and a Depopulated World
ARTICLE: One of NATO’s primary missions is to spread instability throughout the world, using the military-industrial complex to bully and intimidate countries non-compliant with a militant anti-family anti-God agenda flowing out of Western capitals and promoted by Western media.

New Documents Prove FBI Knew of Biden Ties to the CCP
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Federal agents knew from 2013 that Hunter Biden used access to his father on Air Force 2 to set up business ventures with Chinese communists. We now have proof of what many believed. The FBI knew and let Joe Biden become president. Easier to blackmail? James Comer finally got the documents from Devon Archer’s lawyers.

The WHO Pandemic Treaty Will Compound Past Mistakes
ARTICLE: The best option, considering the issues highlighted here, would be a complete restart of the negotiating process based on new premises, a more open and inclusive Member States-led process, and sound, appropriately humble, and truthful respect for science and its limitations, evidence, and countervailing evidence, the wisdom of experience and acknowledgment of legitimate differences.

Federal Agency to Produce 4.8 Million Bird Flu Vaccines
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Dr. Peter McCullough discussed one of the more alarming new bird flu vaccines. “…and right behind it is self-replicating messenger RNA bird flu vaccines for humans, we’re talking messenger RNA, Pete [Santilli], on steroids,” McCullough said.

The Carbon Credit Scam: Financial Cost, Virtue Signaling, Little or No Environmental Benefit
ARTICLE: Ultimately, carbon credits incentivize the buying and selling of carbon credits, rather than reducing the amount of pollution companies produce.

Exposing the CIA's Secret Effort To Seize Control of Social Media
ARTICLE/VIDEO: While the CIA is strictly prohibited from spying on or running clandestine operations against American citizens on US soil, a bombshell new "Twitter Files" report reveals that a member of the Board of Trustees of InQtel - the CIA's mission-driving venture capital firm, along with "former" intelligence community (IC) and CIA analysts, were involved in a massive effort in 2021-2022 to take over Twitter's content management system

The Rise of COVID 2.0? Beware the WHO’s Pandemic Industrial Complex
ARTICLE/VIDEO/AUDIO: “We saw the buildup of events from the swine flu of 2009, Zika, the Ebola scare of 2014, et cetera. Escalating throughout the 2010’s into the Covid scare of the past few years. And now, we are on the cusp of potentially another scare which might cause the actual political impetus and even the public to get on board with the idea of the World Health Organization swooping in to save the day with their brand new pandemic agreement.”

Appeals Court Lifts Trump Gag Order In NY Fraud Case While Case Under Review
ARTICLE: The appellate judge said that "while it’s true that judges often issue gag orders, they’re mostly used in criminal cases where there’s a fear that comments about the case could influence the jury. Trump’s civil trial doesn’t have a jury."

Whistleblower Claims Race-Based Admissions Have Turned UCLA into a ‘Failed Medical School’
ARTICLE: A whistleblower has come forward with explosive claims that race-based admissions policies at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) have severely degraded the quality of its medical school, prompting a stern warning from tech mogul Elon Musk about the potential for patient deaths due to medical incompetence.

New Memo Reveals Secret Obama-Era Program that Blows Up the Stated Reason Behind the Mar-a-Lago Raid
ARTICLE: The Biden-Harris Campaign released a loaded campaign ad attacking Donald TrumA never-before-seen memo has exposed a secret Obama administration program that blows up the pretext behind the Biden regime’s sinister raid on President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home back in 2022.

Biden-Harris Campaign Drops Ad Claiming Trump “Hates” Black People Ahead Of His Bronx Rally
VIDEO: The Biden-Harris Campaign released a loaded campaign ad attacking Donald Trump on Thursday, just hours ahead of his planned rally in New York’s Bronx borough. The video begins with a 1989 Trump quote where he stated, “Of course I hate these people,” referring to the Central Park Five who were in the news at the time for beating and raping a woman in NYC.

‘Unified Reich’ Hoax One of the Most Blatantly Dishonest Attacks On Trump Yet
VIDEO: With a brand new set of polls showing Donald Trump leading in six of seven swing states, establishment media has stooped to new levels of transparent dishonesty in a desperate effort to derail his campaign. The latest example? An all-out hoax that had major outlets telling Americans that Trump shared a video promising that his reelection would lead to the “creation of a unified Reich,”

Meet the "Holistic Thought Advisor" Behind Kamala Harris's Speeches
VIDEO: Meet Kamala Harris’s holistic thought advisor Dahlia Rose Hibiscus (Desi Lydic), who is deeply committed to helping the Vice President translate words into idea voyages. Hibiscus preaches the practice of speaking without thinking and encourages Harris to describe her journeys, molding our Vice President into a meditative guru.

What the White House Doesn’t Think You Should Know About Traitor Joe’s Order on Mobilizing Voters
ARTICLE: Earlier this month, two House committees intensified their investigations of Biden’s order on turning out voters. Although records obtained previously by The Daily Signal under FOIA requests contained redactions and cited exemptions, the responses didn’t refer to “presidential communication privilege.” “The presidential communications privilege protects communications among the president and his advisors,” the cover letter to the released but redacted documents says.

Smart Dust Biosensors and Chemtrail Dispersal
VIDEO: The mad science of nanotechnology provides the means of monitoring and controlling the entire human population.

Censored Study Exposes mRNA Vaccines Permanently Alter DNA of the Vaxxed and Their Offspring
VIDEO: The Pfizer and Moderna genetic code is permanently installed into the human genome. We have to reconcile that Pfizer and Moderna potentially could have permanently changed the human genome.

Dirty FBI Defends Authorized Use of Deadly Force at Mar-a-Lago Raid
VIDEO: The FBI on Tuesday evening issued a rare statement after court documents revealed the Bureau was authorized to use deadly force when it raided Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence in August 2022. Judge Aileen Cannon on Tuesday unsealed numerous motions related to Jack Smith’s classified documents case against Trump.

O’Keefe Media Group Drops Undercover Video of DEI Conspiracy in US Air Force
VIDEO: O’Keefe Media Group released undercover video of Jake Reyna, Department of Defense and US Air Force Operations Research Analyst for the Office of the Secretary of the Air in the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, confirming DEI training is mandatory for airmen. Reyna told the OMG undercover reporter that white men are “definitely stupid” and “definitely suck.” Jake Reyna also said that white men “probably” make us weaker as a military.

Lawfare Has Kept Trump Rallies to a Minimum: 18 in 2024 Compared to 132 During Same Time Period in 2016
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Trump has hosted just a fraction of his famous campaign rallies during 2024 that he did in 2016, an analysis by the Daily Caller found. In 2016, from Jan. 1 to May 7, Trump held 132 rallies across 43 states. During the same date range in 2024, the former president has held just 24 rallies in 11 states.

Top NIH Adviser Deleted Records, Used Secret Back Channels to Help Fauci Evade COVID Transparency
ARTICLE: A top adviser at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) deleted records critical to uncovering the origins of COVID-19 — and used a “secret back channel” to help Dr. Anthony Fauci and a federal grantee that funded gain-of-function research in Wuhan, China, evade transparency.

Jaw-Dropping Claims of Misconduct and Harassment at FDIC
VIDEO: During remarks on the Senate floor, Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) spoke about alleged reports of gross misconduct and harassment at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation under the oversight of FDIC Chair Martin Gruenberg.

South Carolina Bans Gender Transition Procedures for Minors
ARTICLE: State becomes 25th to restrict or ban child sterilization and mutilation under the guise of “gender affirming care.”

Moderna CEO Tells Fauci ‘We Should Mock Up An OUTBREAK’ Just One Month Before Covid Plandemic
VIDEO: More evidence COVID-19 was a planned to justify the rollout of experimental mRNA vaccine technology. Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel admitted in an interview that he discussed ginning up an outbreak scenario with former NIAID Director Anthony Fauci leading up to the COVID-19 pandemic.

What Does the FDIC Sign "Each Depositor Insured to at Least $250,000" Actually Mean?
VIDEO: What Does the "FDIC: Each Depositor Insured to at Least $250,000" Sign Actually Mean? "The FDIC Operates On a Fractionary Reserve System. The FDIC Is Required to Keep 1.35% of All Total Insured Deposits."

Male & Female Infertility in a Post COVID World is Very Real!
VIDEO: Men and women worldwide wish they had never taken the mRNA experimental vaccine. Numerous studies are proving that the now infamous “Spike Protein” is having a negative effect on male sperm counts as well as female fertility. Overwhelmingly, mainstream medical journals are publishing studies confirming the decrease in fertility levels and even the increase in miscarriages in a post-COVID world. What is not surprising is their all out quest to blame the virus, not the vaccine.

‘Free Speech is Dead!’ Dutch Conservative Confirms Prosecution For Online Criticism of Mass Immigration
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Dutch conservative lawyer and presenter Raisa Blommestijn has revealed she is being prosecuted by authorities in the Netherlands for online criticism of mass immigration after commenting on viral footage of a defenseless Dutch boy being thrown onto a railway track by a gang of migrants. In a video published on X, Blommestijn confirmed she had received a summons from the Dutch public prosecutor to attend a court hearing in front of multiple judges on Aug. 19 to face charges of “racism” and “inciting hatred.”

ARTICLE/VIDEO: Judge Aileen Cannon on Tuesday unsealed numerous motions related to Jack Smith’s classified documents case against Trump. The documents included evidence that Joe Biden was ready to have his main political rival, Donald Trump, and his family killed for a publicity stunt!

Turley Sounds Alarm About Key Jury Instruction Being Pushed By Alvin Bragg’s Team
ARTICLE: George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley said he was concerned about jury instructions related to intent which could allow the 12 members to use a lower standard of proof to convict former President Donald Trump.

Legal Experts Argue Jack Smith’s Appointment Violated the Constitution
ARTICLE: The Appointments Clause of the U.S. Constitution states that the president has the authority to appoint a number of officers that courts have come to deem “principal” or “superior” officers, whose appointments have to be established by Congress through law, and have their appointments confirmed by the Senate.

UK Government & NHS Infected Blood Scandal Chronicled in Massive Inquiry
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Collusion between Big Pharma and government sickened and killed patients for decades. Between 1970 and 1998 those receiving blood transfusions and blood products such as Factor 8 in the UK were knowingly infected with HIV and hepatitis B, C and D, according to a five-year, seven-volume, 2527-page Infected Blood Inquiry.

Destroying Our Connection to God with Gene Editing Injections
VIDEO: A viral video which claims to be a leaked 2005 presentation to the DOD by American geneticist Dean Hamer shows a man briefing a room of men about the VMAT2 gene, the God gene, and how it can be suppressed with the use of vaccines.

Mothers Exposed to Fluoride Give Birth to Brain Damaged Babies
ARTICLE/VIDEO: A study published Wednesday has found that pregnant women with higher levels of the drug fluoride in their bodies give birth to children with higher rates of neurological-based behavioral problems. “These findings suggest that prenatal fluoride exposure may increase risk of neurobehavioral problems among children living in an optimally fluoridated area in the US,” the study said in the ‘Meaning’ section.

World Bank Launches Plan to Decimate Global Farming Under Excuse of Cutting Carbon Emissions
ARTICLE: The globalist-led World Bank issued a report recently that proposes the idea of making drastic cuts to global agriculture production in order to achieve “net zero emissions.” The plot involves centralizing the world’s farms in the hands of just a few wealthy individuals who plan to cut almost one-third of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions by radically altering the way food is grown.

Michele Swinick Reveals Explosive Evidence of an Administrative Insurrection by Magical Manufactured Vote Totals
ARTICLE/VIDEO: In a shocking episode of Save My Freedom, host Michele Swinick pulls back the curtain on the Nov. 8 election debacle, revealing disturbing evidence of systemic election fraud that mainstream media refuses to cover. Dubbed the “Infamous Door #3 Ballots,” this latest scandal is not just a case of bureaucratic bungling but an outright administrative insurrection against the American people.

US Healthcare Could Be Bankrupted by Weight-loss Drugs
ARTICLE: The US healthcare system could be bankrupted by the cost of weight-loss drugs like Wegovy and Mounjaro, according to a new report by the Senate’s HELP Committee. If even half of US adults with obesity end up taking a weight-loss drug, the total cost will be an estimated $411 billion a year, the report found. That’s $5 billion more than the $406 billion Americans spent in 2022 on all prescription drugs combined.

Persecution of Trump & DEI Imploding but Soros “Poll Workers” to the Rescue?
VIDEO: The persecution campaign against Donald Trump is imploding even as the #DEI cult loses ground on colleges, universities, and workplaces, explains journalist Alex Newman on OAN with Alison Steinberg. However, billionaire George Soros has a front group getting ready to deploy “poll workers” even in red states. There should be no doubt that there is nefarious intent behind this.

Canadian Security Intelligence Service says Canadians Opposed to Gender Ideology are a Possible “Violent Threat"
VIDEO: In its annual report for 2023 the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) says that Canadians opposed to gender ideology are a possible “violent threat.” Dan Dicks of Press For Truth proves that in fact the opposite is true, where transgender people more often than not are the ones engaging in violence towards anyone who opposes their ideology.

IT WAS ALL A LIE: Former NIH Director Admits There Was No Evidence For ‘Social Distancing’ During COVID Pandemic
ARTICLE: During the COVID-19 pandemic, one could not go five minutes without hearing the phrase “social distancing.” The theory, according to the country’s leading scientific “experts,” was that by keeping a distance of six feet from one another, one could successfully protect the vulnerable from the COVID virus and save millions of lives. Now it turns out it was all a lie.

Maricopa County Recorder Candidate Justin Heap Asks Crowd Who Has Received an Extra Mail-in Ballot - Nearly Half Raise Hands
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Maricopa County Recorder candidate Justin Heap destroyed incumbent RINO Stephen Richer Wednesday with one question for the audience during a debate. Heap asked the crowd to “raise your hand if you personally or someone you know received an extra ballot at your house during the last election cycle,” and nearly half the attendees raised their hand!

Prominent Muslim Declares: 'We Are On The Road To The White House' - The Islamic Takeover of America Unveiled
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Osama Siblani, the radical editor and publisher of The Arab-American News, declared the Arab-American community’s growing influence in the United States. Speaking at a terror-tied dinner hosted by the Lebanese International Business Council, Siblani proudly asserted, “Forty years ago, we had a mayor for this town who talked about the Arab problem. Guess what? The Arabs are ruling Dearborn, Dearborn Heights, and Hamtramck.”

Laura Loomer Drops Bombshells About Judge Merchan and His Corrupt Democrat Operative Daughter
VIDEO: Laura Loomer explains to Steve Bannon how Judge Juan Merchan's conflict of interest goes much deeper than we knew.

Israeli Plan To Force All Gazan Survivors Onto US Ships Exposed
VIDEO: Matt Bracken joins Alex Jones live to reveal the Zionist plan to resettle Palestinians in the United States and puts world events into proper perspective.

Physicians Say Antidepressants Should Be Available Over-the-Counter
ARTICLE: The opinion piece on the medical website STAT generated an immediate backlash from doctors. Many accused Perlis of corruption, pointing to his extensive ties to Big Pharma, which were not declared in the opinion piece, as is customary.

Military Expert Exposes Israel Stood Down On October 7th
VIDEOS: Michael Yon joins Alex Jones live to break down how the Israeli government ordered its military to stand down as Hamas launched attack in a false flag designed to allow Israel to begin systematic displacement of Palestinians.

After Four Weeks Bragg STILL Hasn't Cited Any Actual Crime Trump Allegedly Committed
ARTICLE: What precisely the crime is remains a mystery – to everyone, including likely Bragg himself. Lost in all the sensationalism of this case is the stubborn fact that there is no there there. We are all left scratching our heads still for an explanation why an apparent FEC violation is being brought in state court? We are also left wondering why such an offense is a crime at all.

Dirty Brad Raffensperger and Gabe Sterling Caught Rigging 2024 Election Against Donald Trump
ARTICLE/VIDEOE: Brad Raffensperger and Gabe Sterling are up to their old tricks again to do all they can to steal the 2024 election from Donald Trump. Why not? It worked last time. Republicans, are you paying attention?

Ukraine Poised to Sacrifice Entire Adult Population as Government Warns of Full Mobilization
ARTICLE: The Ukrainian government is warning its population that full mobilization is a possibility as their war efforts continue to fall short. A spokesman for the Ukrainian defense ministry, Dmitry Lazutkin, said that all of Ukrainian society must prepare to make sacrifices and give up peaceful life as they scramble to deal with a slew of setbacks in their conflict with Russia.

Pfizer’s Covid Gene Therapy Shots Have Over 500 Times Allowable Levels of DNA Contamination
ARTICLE: A study published this month has found that the Pfizer mRNA Covid ‘vaccine’ gene therapy injections contain DNA contamination at over 500 times allowable levels, raising fears that the DNA may integrate into the vaccinated person’s own DNA, causing mutations that can lead to diseases such as cancer.

Medical Authorities Claim 90% of Population Suddenly Has Mysterious New Heart Syndrome
ARTICLE: Though technically in existence since 2011, CKM syndrome is a condition that is said to be worsening over time. More people are getting it these days than ever before which could point to COVID jabs as a major contributing factor.

Rep. Thomas Massie Introduces ‘End The Fed’ Act
ARTICLE: Congressman Thomas Massie introduced the Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act H.R. 8421 Thursday which aims to abolish the private Federal Reserve Bank that has printed U.S. dollars since 1913. “Americans are suffering under crippling inflation, and the Federal Reserve is to blame.”

Commie Pope Francis Tells 60 Minutes that Conservativism Is “A Suicidal Attitude”
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Francis continues to push Marxist initiatives like global warming legislation. He condemns borders and attacked President Trump for defending the US border from invasion. In his latest interview with 60 Minutes Pope Francis openly attacked conservatives. Francis told leftist reporter Norah O’Donnell that conservatism is “a suicidal attitude.”

School Fires Teacher Who Made Viral Video Cross-Examining ‘Transphobia’ Narrative
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Warren Smith, the teacher behind a viral video skewering LGBT activists’ narrative that critics of gender ideology are “transphobic,” has been fired, he announced this week in a follow-up video detailing his ordeal.

FAA Reauthorization Bill Approves Digital IDs
ARTICLE: The Senate passed the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) reauthorization act May 9. Amongst its thousands of pages the bill includes wordage on page 1015 that approves the use of digital identification.

Geert Wilder’s Dutch Coalition Pledges ‘Strictest-Ever’ Migration Policy
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Dutch conservative leader Geert Wilders has pledged to implement his country’s “strictest ever” asylum policy after he finally reached a coalition agreement to form a government.

Ukrainian Officials Got Rich Using Our Tax Dollars to Invest in Fake Companies
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Another day, another foreign policy disaster from the failed Biden regime. This time around, inept Secretary of State Antony Blinken is praying to whatever “god” will listen to him at this point, hoping the American people don’t discover that Ukrainian officials in Kharkiv have been using US tax dollars to get rich quick by investing in fake companies.

Whatever U.S. Elites Are Defending In Ukraine, It Is NOT Democracy
ARTICLE/VIDEO: The real problem with holding presidential elections in Ukraine right now is that Ukrainians might vote to end the war. It’s getting harder and harder to pretend the war in Ukraine, now in its third year, is about “defending democracy,” as our political elites in Washington insist. .

Soros Pumps $81M to Censor Election Speech Online
ARTICLE: A media group funded by billionaire leftist George Soros is seeking to implement a global plan to pressure Big Tech social media platforms to censor more content before November's presidential election.

RIGGED ELECTION? Harris County Judge Orders New Election
ARTICLE: In a landmark decision, a Bexar County visiting judge has ordered a new election for the 180th District Court seat in Harris County, Texas. This ruling comes after Republican candidate Tami Pierce narrowly lost to Democrat DaSean Jones by a mere 449 votes in the November 2022 election.

America's Voting Machines Are Made & Tested In China
VIDEO: Citizen investigator Peter Bernegger broke an exclusive on my TV show “The Absolute Truth” that his team has traced the shipping of Chinese-manufactured motherboard chips for electronic voting machines to Taiwan, where they are being repackaged & shipped to the U.S.

300,000 Migrants Secretly Flown To America
VIDEO: A controversial program relocating asylum seekers from 4 specific countries has come to light, but although critics say this program is a bad idea, proponents say it's decreasing congestion at the border. What do you think?

WHO Predicts 35+ Million Cancers by 2050, but Ignores “Vaccine”-Induced Turbo Cancers in Those Under 30
ARTICLE: The World Health Organization’s (WHO) International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) estimates more than 35 million new cancer cases in 2050. This represents a 77% increase from the estimated 20 million cancer cases that occurred in 2022.

Cohen Made Huge Admission in NYC Trump Case and Now the Tumblers Begin to Fall in Place
ARTICLE: Well, well, well. What in the world does the prosecution of Donald Trump in Manhattan for bookkeeping charges have to do with the DOJ, Special Counsel Robert Mueller, and Russia, Russia, Russia?

NGOs Are Getting Rich Off the Crisis at the Border
ARTICLE: “The amount of taxpayer money they are getting is obscene,” Charles Marino, former adviser to Janet Napolitano, the secretary of the Department of Homeland Security under Obama, said of the NGOs. “We’re going to find that the waste, fraud, and abuse of taxpayer money will rival what we saw with the Covid federal money.”

All Hell is Gonna Break Loose
VIDEO: Americans know in their gut that the despotism demonically possessing the federal government is only getting started.

UN Troops Being Brought In As Migrant Refugees
VIDEO: Are armed enforcers of the next WHO-enforced pandemic lockdown already in Western countries and waiting for orders?

Naomi Wolf Exposes the Globalist Blueprint to End Humanity
VIDEO: Naomi Wolf joined Alex Jones Monday to break the latest her team’s groundbreaking revelations about the Covid jab and what it means for the future of humanity:

DOJ Proudly Announces Government Censorship Apparatus to Censor Americans in Run-up to 2024 Election
ARTICE/VIDEO: Attorney General Merrick Garland, Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco, and FBI Director Christopher Wray announced on Monday their latest plan to censor Americans under the guise of combatting “election threats.”

WHO Moves to Seize Control of Global Food Supply
ARTICLE: The WHO, the United Nations’ “health” agency, is pushing to establish an “alliance” that will allow the unelected organization to monitor and control the food supply of sovereign nations around the world. Last week, the WHO Alliance for Food Safety concluded its first meeting where bureaucrats laid out plans for establishing global governance of the food supply.

New Documents Reveal DC Training for Noncitizen Voting
ARTICLE: Judicial Watch announced today that it received 13-pages of records in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request from the District of Columbia, explaining to illegal aliens and other noncitizens how they can register to vote in local elections.

Your Guide to 5th-Generation Warfare
ARTICLE: We are in the middle of a world-changing war. This is no ordinary war, however. Most of the victims of this warfare aren’t even able to identify it as war, nor do they understand that they are combatants in it. It’s called fifth-generation warfare, and I’m here to tell you all about it.

Fresh Evidence Biden’s Using Your Tax Dollars To Turn Out Democrat Votes In 2024
ARTICLE: Months from the 2024 presidential election, Americans remain mostly in the dark about a sweeping executive order Joe Biden signed early in his presidency that could swing the entire contest in his favor. New bombshell documents obtained by the Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project reinforce that is precisely the point of the directive — and the administration is working in cahoots with left-wing activist groups to achieve it.

6G Wireless Communication Could Be on Its Way Soon
ARTICLE: 6G wireless communication could be coming soon, as one of the major problems associated with the technology appears to have been solved. Up to now, one of the main obstacles to 6G communication has been the tiny size of the terahertz waves it uses. These are easily disrupted by obstacles like walls, furniture and living creatures. Now, researchers from Brown and Rice Universities claim to have found a way to bend terahertz waves around obstacles.

99 Million Covid-Vaxxed Individuals Confirms Serious Side Effects
VIDEO: Biggest dataset yet offers insight into the horrific results of Covid vaccinatio. “This paper is an underestimate of the problem, in a number of ways it’s a deep underestimate,” he said, going on to list reasons why the study is an underestimate of the true harm from Covid vaccines.

Pfizer Very Quietly Agrees to Settle 10,000 Cancer Lawsuits Over Heartburn Medication Zantac
ARTICLE: What should be splashed across headlines nationwide is oddly quiet. In a muffled bombshell, Pfizer, a titan in Big Pharma, has just settled a shocking 10,000 lawsuits linked to cancer and the antacid Zantac. Yes, you heard that right—banishing heartburn could now be a deadly choice, thanks to Big Pharma.

Attorney John Eastman Delivers Blistering Speech on Illegitimate 2020 President Election
VIDEO: Eastman delivered a powerful speech on lawfare and how it’s being used against President Trump and his supporters. Eastman described the election fraud in 2020 in great detail during his speech. The Biden regime and deep state players DO NOT want you to know this.

The Devastating True Scale of Nuclear Weapons
VIDEO: The nuclear arms race led to the development of extensive arsenals capable of mutual assured destruction (MAD), a doctrine suggesting that nuclear conflict would result in the annihilation of both attacker and defender, effectively deterring outright nuclear war. These developments have left a lasting impact on global politics and security.

Depopulationist Bill Gates Funds $26.5 Million Livestock Vaccine to Stop Cows From Farting
ARTICLE: The goal is to tackle so-called climate change by injecting animals with a vaccine that would make them fart and burp less. Climate activists claim that farts and burps from livestock amount to more than 5 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions. Of course there's no credible evidnece to back that up.

Bill Gates Predicts mRNA “Vaccine Factories” Worldwide and $2 “Vaccines” for Every Disease
VIDEO: “Over the next five years, it looks like there’s going to be a lot of money put into innovation of the messenger ribonucleic acid technology [mRNA] and lipid nanoparticles,” medical commentator John Campbell, Ph.D., said on a recent episode of his YouTube show.

Hezbollah Has a Brutal Message for 'Queers for Palestine' Protesters
VIDEO: Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” shares a DM clip of Hezbollah head Hassan Nasrallah’s message for what would happen to members of Queers for Palestine under sharia law.

Big Pharma Fears This ‘Miracle Drug’ Could Crush Cancer
VIDEO: Segment from Joe Rogan Experience podcast exposes how Big Pharma ignores cheap, effective treatments.

Dr. Scott Atlas on Why We Were Forced to Jab & Mask
VIDEO: In 2020, Dr. Scott Atlas was an advisor to the president and a member of the White House COVID-19 Task Force. He was shocked to see how powerful figures in Washington, including Dr. Fauci, were incentivized to politicize and monetize the response to the pandemic.

Historian Reveals the TRUTH About Slavery
VIDEO: Eminent historian Nigel Biggar delves into the historical roots of slavery as a universal institution spanning throughout human history. Join him as he explores Britain's leading role in the abolition and eradication of slavery worldwide.

IRS Threatens to Target Biden’s Critics, Those Who Question Washington’s ‘Ability to Govern’
ARTICLE: According to a report from independent journalist Ken Klippenstein, the IRS is planning to expand its investigative interests to those who threaten the federal government’s “ability to govern” or present a “threat to the public safety or national security interests of the United States.”

At Current Rates of Consumption the U.S. Has at Least Two Centuries of Oil
ARTICLE: Predictions that the U.S. and the world would run out of fossil fuels go back decades, and these predictions have so far turned out to be wrong. A new report shows the U.S. has 227 of oil, 130 years of gas, and 485 years of coal.

Cuomo Deserves a Special Place in Hell for What He Did to Elderly People
VIDEO: Cuomo recently claimed that none of his pandemic policies were mandatory. "We've got Cuomo lying in multiple dimensions," Clark said.

VIDEO: NEVER FORGET the massive amounts of insanity the psychopaths in charge forced on every one of us, irreparably destroying lives and businesses worldwide with no remorse whatsoever. And now the exact same untrustworthy lunatic "experts" are being trotted out to try and scare everyone about a fake deadly Bird Flu epidemic and/or totally non-existent disease X along with a new set of totally toxic Big Pharma cocktails we're all supposed to "trust" will save us all yet again.

The Alleged Discovery Of ‘Mass Graves’ of Indigenous Canadian Children Was Actually a Massive Hoax
ARTICLE: Three years after reports of indigenous mass graves triggered the torching or vandalism of 85-plus churches, no graves have been found.

Voter GA Reports 1.7 Million 2020 Election Ballot Images Were Destroyed in Georgia
VIDEO: Favorito and VoterGA presented information in a press conference in November of 2021. In this presentation, VoterGA reported that ballot images that are required by law to be maintained by the state after every election were missing and apparently destroyed in multiple counties across Georgia. He provided a map of these counties. 74 out of 159 counties did not provide ballot images indicating that they were destroyed.

Top Doctor Warns Covid Shot Causes Highest Kill Rate In History- Over 500 Million Killed!
VIDEO: Dr. James Thorp discusses the aftermath of the Covid vaccine. Dr. Thorp details how before the COVID jab rollout he routinely safely treated his pregnant patients with hydroxychloroquine. Once the deadly jab roll-out began Dr. Thorp was viciously attacked and fired! He also discusses how deeply corrupted the OBGYN ranks became through bribery and threats to facilitate the injection of these experimental and dangerous shots into pregnant women.

Pfizer Offered “Separate and Distinct” COVID-19 Vaccines to Workers
ARTICLE/VIDEOS: A leaked email from January 2021, provided exclusively to Infowars, explained to colleagues and contractors at Pfizer’s Pearl River research site that site-essential workers would be offered COVID-19 vaccinations that are “separate and distinct” from the doses Pfizer committed to governments worldwide.

Australian Lawsuit Alleges Covid Vaccinations are GMOs
VIDEO: During an interview with Dr. John Campbell on Tuesday, former Australian barrister Julian Gillespie presented the legal case that he’s filed against Pfizer for their Covid vaccination, failing to abide by the genetically modified organism (GMO) regulations of Australia after Gillespie laid out why the shot is indeed a GMO.

Self-Replicating Nanobots Found in Both Vaxxed & UnVaxxed
VIDEO: For decades, Ray Kurzweil has been an unofficial spokesman for the trans-humanist movement. And in 2008 he said that humans would become infused with nano-robots which would vastly improve the human body. “If you go out even to 2045, that's only, you know, four decades from now, most of our intelligence, of our civil... of our human civilization will be non-biological.

House Democrats Vote UNANIMOUSLY to Give Illegal Aliens Representation in Congress and the Electoral College
ARTICLE: Here we go… House Democrats on Wednesday night voted unanimously to give illegal aliens – including Joe Biden’s 11 million illegal border crossers – representation in Congress and the Electoral College. Democrats continue to put Americans and American workers in line behind alien invaders.

Google (And YouTube) Funded Covid-19 Bioweapon Development
ARTICLE: It went largely unnoticed and unreported on, but 2018 research published in the journal PLoS One reveals something major and previously unknown about Google’s involvement in the creation of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).

Micro/Nanoplastics Linked to Heart Attacks and Strokes
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Micro/Nanoplastics — particles less than 1 micrometer in size, or 1,000th the average width of a human hair — have emerged as a significant environmental concern due to their widespread prevalence and potential health hazards to humans and wildlife alike.

The Left’s ELECTION INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX Discovered and Defined
ARTICLE: There is a battle taking place in America today. It’s the Left’s Election Industrial Complex versus fair and transparent US elections. While conservatives argue over whether we should vote early or on Election Day, the Election Industrial Complex is adding, deleting, and managing entities that are clandestinely operating behind US elections.

Georgia Governor Brian Kemp Signs THREE Major Election Integrity Bills into Law
ARTICLE: Governor Brian Kemp made a significant move on Tuesday by signing three pivotal pieces of legislation that aim to reshape Georgia’s election procedures in preparation for the 2024 presidential elections. The new legislation, House Bill 974, House Bill 1207, and Senate Bill 189, aims to enhance ballot security, voter eligibility verification, and auditing protocols in the battleground state.

Brazen Election Interference: Illinois Democrats Retroactively Change Law to Knock Out Republican Challengers
ARTICLE: Over the course of just 30 hours on the first days of this month, the Democratic supermajority changed the law to retroactively disallow that procedure, thereby barring challengers from the November ballot as Republican party candidates.

Concerns Mount Over Exploding Electric Vehicles
ARTICLE: Safety concerns around electric vehicles continue to mount with Australian fire and rescue services in New South Wales stating they might have to make a “tactical disengagement” of a trapped car accident victim if the battery is likely to explode.

The DOJ's Doctored Crime Scene Photo of Mar-a-Lago Raid
ARTICLE: New disclosures in Special Counsel Jack Smith's espionage case against Donald Trump reveal the FBI tampered with evidence to create the infamous photo--and DOJ has lied about it for nearly two years.

Another Trump Trial Derailed: Fani-Donating Judge’s Decision to Keep Her on RICO Trial Is Under Scrutiny by Appeals Court
ARTICLE: One day after former President Donald Trump’s classified documents trial was postponed indefinitely after we learned that the DOJ mishandled evidence in the case (with Judge Aileen M. Cannon citing a mountain of ‘outstanding’ pre-trial matters that would make a May 20 trial ‘imprudent’), another Trump case appears to have no chance of going to trial before the 2024 election.

Judge Cannon Indefinitely Postpones Jack Smith’s Classified Documents Trial After Special Counsel Admits to Evidence Tampering
ARTICLE: Judge Aileen Cannon on Tuesday afternoon indefinitely postponed Jack Smith’s classified documents trial against Trump. As previously reported, Judge Cannon on Monday night postponed a key deadline in the classified documents case after Special Counsel Jack Smith admitted to tampering with evidence.

Trojan Tomato: A New GMO Is Designed to Infiltrate America’s Gardens
ARTICLE: The genetically modified (GM) Purple Tomato. Unlike its GM predecessors, the GM Purple Tomato is not destined solely for the fields of commercial agriculture—it has made its debut in the backyards of home gardeners across the United States.

GA Election Board Confirms Over 380K Ballot Images From 2020 Election Are MISSING From Fulton County
VIDEO: An investigation into the 2020 election in Fulton County Georgia has revealed that 380,761 machine count ballot images were not provided for a recount.

SPARS IS NEXT! The Fake Pandemics Will Never End!
VIDEO: One of the things the global psychopaths routinely engage in is to publish exactly what they plan to do to us before they do it. Like they did prior to the COVID-19 hoax going live they hosted a dry run scenario called Event 201. This new document details the next phase after they run out COVID-19, 21, 22, 23 variants. They're calling it SPARS.

The Antisemitism Bill H.R. 6090 Is Another NWO Trojan Horse
VIDEO: The Biden Administration at the behest of encroaching World Government is ramming through the Antisemitism Bill which will in essence police all dissenting views against Israel, including Biblical Gospel text. The Bill is weaponized to use the Federal Governments authorities and institutions to enforce the war on free speech.

Over 200,000 People on North Carolina Voter Rolls ‘Missing’ SSN Numbers, Likely Ineligible to Vote
ARTICLE: More than 200,000 people in North Carolina are on the state’s voter rolls despite missing the full details of their social security number. According to a report from The Federalist, the records of approximately 224,000 people are simply “missing” the last four digits of their Social Security number (SSN) and their driver’s license identification number.

Avenatti Alleges Stormy Daniels is Guilty of the Very Charges Trump is Currently on Trial for in NY
ARTICLE: Michael Avenatti accused porn star Stormy Daniels of committing the same crimes Donald Trump has been charged with in the New York “hush money” trial. In a statement released on Tuesday as Daniels was set to testify against Trump, Avenatti claimed his former client falsified business records and defrauded Trump in a bid to avoid paying him legal dues.

Gorilla ‘Little Joe’ Dies Suddenly of Heart Attack at St. Louis Zoo Where Animals Received 2 Covid Jabs
ARTICLE/VIDEO: A western lowland gorilla named “Little Joe” died from a heart attack over the weekend at the St. Louis Zoo, which recently administered COVID-19 vaccines to many of its animals.

Woke Boy Scouts Org. Drops ‘Boy’ & Rebrands As ‘Scouting America’
ARTICLE: After over 100 years of helping American boys become disciplined and self-sufficient young men, the Boy Scouts of America organization is officially rebranding itself as the gender-neutral “Scouting America.” The group is hoping to become more “inclusive” by changing its name as it moves to bring in a younger generation that is more likely to be triggered by the masculine term “boy.”

Joseph Rossi Details How Georgia 2020 Hand Count Audit and Machine Count Audit Found to Be in Violation of Law
VIDEO: The Georgia State Election Board admitted in a recent letter to elections expert Joseph Rossi that they found the hand recount and machine count audit were found to be violation of state law in the 2020 election.

Check Out the $300 Million Superyacht of ‘Climate Change’ Activist Mark Zuckerberg
VIDEO: Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is known for being super concerned about climate change, but apparently that has not prevented him from sailing around in a yacht that’s bigger than most people’s houses. The boat is worth $300 million and is 287 feet long. Do you think it runs on solar panels? Probably not.

There Is No Such Thing As Moderate Muslims
VIDEO: If they follow the Quran and Shariah they ARE a Threat! The man in the first segment of this video says "It doesn't matter what a Muslim tells you! They believe the same things!" This video proves there are NO MODERATE MUSLIMS and details the consequences to everyone who isn't a Muslim! It also should WAKE YOU UP to how much damage has already been done to cultures Muslims invade.

Bill Gates & Pfizer CEO Bourla Brag About Deadly COVID Shots & Upcoming Cancer Jabs!
VIDEO: This video breaks down alarming remarks by Bill Gates and Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla essentially admitting plans to conduct MORE global mRNA and oncological experiments on the human population.

Covid Vaccine in the Pregnant Causes Brain Damage in the Offspring
ARTICLE: In a peer reviewed medical study published earlier this year in ‘Springer’ it has been revealed by researchers that rats given an mRNA Covid vaccination during pregnancy often give birth to offspring that are brain damaged, exhibiting autism-like behaviors as well as physical ineptitude.

“We Get Paid to Vaccinate Your Children”: Pediatrician Reveals Details of Big Pharma Payola Scheme
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Can pediatricians afford to run their medical practices without the generous kickbacks they receive for vaccinating every child? Dr. Paul Thomas, a Dartmouth-trained pediatrician, discussed this dilemma. “You cannot stay in business if you’re not giving pretty close to the CDC childhood vaccine schedule. ‘We were losing … over a million dollars’.

As Real Crime Runs Rampant NY AG Letitia James Launches “Political Witch Hunt” to Shut Down Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers
ARTICLE: New Attorney General Letitia James followed through on her threat to sue Heartbeat International and several pregnancy help organizations in her state to prevent the organizations from advertising the Abortion Pill Reversal (APR) protocol.

Netanyahu Unveils Utopian Plan for ‘Gaza 2035’
ARTICLE: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Friday released a utopian plan for a rebuilt Gaza called “Gaza 2035.” The Prime Minister’s Office published a 9-page PowerPoint file describing a future where Gaza is de-radicalized from Islamism, transformed into a trade hub of prosperity and innovation and integrated into the Middle East’s economy.

J6 Political Prisoner Jake Lang: -“They’re Torturing Us!” – 1,200 Days in Prison without a Trial
ARTICLE: This past week J6 political prisoner Jake Lang passed 1,200 days of incarceration without a trial. This is Joe Biden’s America. Languishing in pre-trial detention for years with no end in sight “feels like ‘an eternity,’” Lang told The Gateway Pundit in an exclusive interview.

World’s Largest Floating Solar Power Plant Wrecked by Storm Just Before Grand Launch
VIDEO: The ambitious project faced the wrath of nature as strong winds reaching speeds of up to approximately 31 miles per hour tore through the installation, uprooting and severely damaging the high-tech solar panels that floated on the backwater of the dam.

Ukraine Petitions Council of Europe to Cancel Elections, Suspend Human Rights Protections in Order to "Stop Russia"
ARTICLE: It appears that martial law is the next phase of Volodymyr Zelensky's plans for Ukraine. Ukraine just submitted a request to the Council of Europe asking for a partial deviation from having to comply with the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights & Freedoms.

Leaked: Chicago Teachers Union’s Radical, Ludicrous Contract Demands for Lots of Cash and Even More Wokeness
ARTICLE: The Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) is currently negotiating a new contract with the public school system, with audacious demands that have been leaked to the public.

U.S. Government Mandates Preferred Pronouns in All Workplaces
ARTICLE: The new pronoun mandate for workers, employers and even customers was issued by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission as part of the civil rights agency’s first move in a quarter-century to bring its workplace guidelines up to date with legal precedent and evolving social norms.

New Pfizer RSV Vaccine Linked To Premature Births in Pregnant Women
ARTICLE: The first post-authorization safety analysis of Pfizer’s Abrysvo RSV vaccine found the average time between vaccination and preterm birth was three days. Two-thirds of reported cases occurred within a week.

Chinese Nationals Are Flooding the Southern Border in Record Numbers
ARTICLE: This is a grave threat to national security. Instead of donning some elaborate disguise to get into the US, a would-be Chinese spy need only rock up at the southern border in his tracksuit and walk across.

Federal Government Loses Up to $521 Billion to Fraud Annually
ARTICLE: The federal government loses between $233 billion and $521 billion to fraud every year, according to a new study from the Government Accountability Office.

Professor Masayasu Inoue Warns Against Taking 'Self-Replication Replicon' Jab
VIDEO: The eminent Professor Masayasu Inoue at Osaka City University Medical School in Japan recently warned that the Japanese government became the first in the world to approve a new type of jab called the “self replication replicon vaccine” that is being rushed to market as we speak. The goal is to have it ready by this fall or winter.

Colonel Derek Harvey Gives Insights on Unrestricted Warfare
ARTICLE/VIDEO: “Unrestricted Warfare” is a concept introduced in a book titled “Unrestricted Warfare: China’s Master Plan to Destroy America.” It was written by two Chinese colonels, Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui, and published in 1999. The book discusses unconventional methods that countries, particularly China, could use to challenge and defeat more technologically advanced adversaries like the United States.

Elections Should Not Be Conducted in Darkness
ARTICLE: It is a bedrock principle of our federal system that all states should be treated equally, particularly when it comes to how elections are run. States would not have joined the union if some states had to comply with federal laws and others could ignore them. Six states get a pass from the transparency obligation.

Alien Confused As Earth Leaders Try To Explain All The Human Genders
VIDEO: General Florg of the planet Graxon V has visited Earth - but he's having trouble understanding humans as he's never encountered a species with so many genders. Earth leaders try to explain.

THE PCR TEST DECEPTION Without the PCR Test There Would Be No Pandemics!
VIDEO: What justifies lockdowns? What justifies “vaccines”? What justifies medical apartheid? Answer: CASE NUMBERS. CASE NUMBERS that are produced by a PCR Test not designed for diagnostic use and not capable of doing the job it’s being used for. If the media were to ever report the facts about this test, the lynchpin of the whole illusion would be removed and the house of cards would collapse. That’s precisely why they won’t report the facts, and precisely why we have to.

Everything You Need To Know about Lab-grown Meat
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Raw Egg Nationalist, Esteemed author and bodybuilder, joins Harrison Smith to discuss the latest in man-made horrors beyond our comprehension.

There Will Be A Surge In Audits, According To The IRS
ARTICLE: The federal agency was bolstered by $80 billion in new funding directed by the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), which Biden signed into law in 2022.

They Lied to You: Biden Regime Issues Rule Change to Give Taxpayer-Funded Obamacare to Illegal Aliens
ATICLE: Obama Promised This Would Never Happen. Biden regime issued a final rule change to expand Obamacare coverage to younger illegals (Dreamers) who have been allowed to stay in the United States under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

They Cannot Get Financial Control Unless They Can Control the Food Supply - Catherine Austin Fitts
VIDEO: CAF says not only do the Deep State globalists want control of the financial system, but they also want control of your food. CAF says, “You see at this level when you are trying to protect freedom, they cannot get financial control unless they can control the food supply.

Every Indication is Ukrainian Leadership is Stealing Huge Amounts of Money - Catherine Austin Fitts
VIDEO: In this short clip, Catherine Austin Fitts joins Greg Hunter (USAWatchdog.com) to put what's going on in Ukraine into proper perspective. Once again we see why when you hear "we're from the U.S. government and we're here to help" you need to run in the opposite direction! The U.S. is utterly destroying Ukraine with our tax dollars!

A Brief History of CIA Crimes Against Humanity - Robert Kennedy Jr.
VIDEO: Robert Kennedy Jr. details the history of the U.S. bio-weapons programs in large part spearheaded by the totally corrupt CIA (Central Intelligence Agency). The CIA created the U.S. bio-weapons programs by first recruiting all the top bio-weapons, nuclear and chemical scientists out of Germany and Japan through "Operation Paperclip." You should be SHOCKED by what RFK Jr. exposes not just because of what the CIA has already done but by what they are STILL DOING and getting away with.

Dr. Daugherity - Source Code Election Fraud - Algorithms Injecting Votes
VIDEO: Daugherity details his analysis of cast vote records, and reveals how the underlying software design for Dominion, ES&S, and many other election vendors is the same.

Former FBI Chief Tried To Warn Us About An Elite Satanic Pedophile Network But Nobody Listened
VIDEO: This is a compilation of speeches by Theodore (Ted) Gunderson who was a Federal Bureau of Investigation Special Agent In charge of the Los Angeles FBI. Gunderson found himself in the middle of the horrific reality of satanic abuse of children after investigating the Jeffery McDonald murder case.

The Origins of the Israel-Palestine Conflict
VIDEO: This is an exploration of Britain’s conflicting promises made during the First World War and how it tried to resolve them. It also examines how the Second World War transformed the conflict in Mandate Palestine once again.

Trump’s “Hush Money” Prosecution Is a Bogus Case by a Bogus Prosecutor
ARTICLE: There are many reasons why legal experts are questioning the legitimacy of the criminal prosecution of former President Donald Trump. But the major reason is that the main claim in Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s case—that Trump’s $130,000 settlement payment of a potential claim by Stormy Daniels was a campaign-related expense—is totally bogus.

Should Government Bail Out Big Banks? | 5 Minute Video
VIDEO: Should the government bail out big banks that may otherwise go bankrupt? Or should it let them go under, as it did with Lehman Brothers in 2008? Economist Nicole Gelinas, a fellow at the Manhattan Institute, has the answer, and it will have big implications for policymakers when they grapple with the next economic crisis.

CDC Found Evidence COVID-19 Vaccines Caused Deaths
ARTICLE: CDC officials found evidence that the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines caused multiple deaths before claiming that there was no evidence linking the vaccines to any deaths, The Epoch Times has learned.nternal documents contradict claims from the CDC, which refused to explain the discrepancy.

Peter Sweden EXPOSING the WEF Agenda
VIDEO: Peter Sweden went on One America News to talk about the World Economic Forum agenda. At the annual WEF meeting in Davos this year, Klaus Scwhab said that they were the “trustees of the future”. Meanwhile, another speaker at Davos wanted to label farming and fishing as “ecocide”. Yet another speaker at the WEF talked about how it was important to have digital ID so that they could track who has been vaccinated.

BAN THE JAB: Arizona GOP Passes Resolution Declaring COVID-19 Shots ‘Biological & Technological Weapons’
ARTICLE: The Arizona Republican Party on Sunday overwhelmingly passed a resolution declaring the COVID-19 mRNA injections to be “biological and technological weapons.” The Arizona GOP voted and passed the “Ban the Jab” resolution with approximately 96% of the vote.

NATO Chief Confirms Ukraine Will Become a Member of NATO — Pushing US Closer to Nuclear War with Russia
ARTICLE/VIDEO: NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg confirmed that Ukraine will become a member of NATO. This announcement was made during his visit to Kyiv to discuss the ongoing conflict and future support from the alliance with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

Dr. Mercola: Expect an ‘Avalanche’ of COVID-Shot Dementia
ARTICLE: Dr. Joseph Mercola, an expert on natural health remedies and avowed critic of the government-mandated COVID shots that were imposed on the American public during the pandemic, now is warning about the evidence of a link between those mRNA shots and dementia.

Michigan Bill That Dem Senators Passed That Will Be “An Explosion of Election Fraud!" Won’t Allow Recount…Will Bar Investigations Into Election Fraud
ARTICLE/VIDEO: If Senator Jim Runstead’s assessment of a bill that was passed in the Democrat-majority Senate today is accurate, it sure looks like MI SOS Jocelyn Benson, who’s been working overtime to manufacture new ways to cheat in the upcoming 2024 election, owes her Democrat friends in the Senate a big favor.

What 10 Years of U.S. Meddling in Ukraine Have Wrought (Spoiler Alert: Not Democracy)
ARTICLE: A close examination of the president and his top principals’ record dating back to the Obama administration reveals a different picture of reality. Far from protecting democracy from Kyiv to Washington, their role in Ukraine looks more like epic meddling resulting in political upheaval for both countries.

Landmark Shift Against Gender Ideology: Sex Defined as Biological Sex
ARTICLE: The transgender agenda, the belief that men can simply say they are women and they are women, has hit headwinds with a new decision by the National Health Service in the United Kingdom. A report in the Telegraph explains that the organization that serves the health care concerns of millions has proposed a definition change that states sex is a matter of biology.

The World Health Organization’s Pandemic Treaty Ignores Covid Policy Mistakes
ARTICLE: Public health came to resemble the police, and those pushing the new WHO treaty want to go further. It calls for more mandates, more vaccine passports, and more censorship—our new global health “Lockdown Doctrine.”

The End of Humanity - As Planned by the Global Leaders
VIDEO: Did you know there is an official agenda to replace the human race with robots, cyborgs and AI? This agenda is being heavily promoted by the World Economic Forum. Their plan is to end the era of humanity and usher in a new era of neo-humanity, in which people are a mix of man and machine. They also state that our thoughts and emotions will be monitored by AI in order to combat climate change. Is that the world you want for yourself and your children? Ending humanity to ‘save the planet’

The Zionist Death Grip On The United States Government
VIDEO: When Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu demanded that the protests against Israel be stopped, the US government complied because our members of Congress have all been bought and paid for with tax dollars given to the American Israeli Political Action Committee, known as AIPAC.

IMF Prepares Financial Revolution – Say GOODBYE to the Dollar
ARTICLE: A sizable percentage of the American populace would resist a cashless society, but in the meantime, there is still the inevitability of a dollar crash to deal with. Globalist organizations are pushing CBDCs to go active very quickly, and this plus centralized ledgers will dethrone the dollar..

El Salvador’s Bukele Invited Cabinet to Meeting Then Asks Attorney General to Investigate Every Member For Bribery… Live On Air!
ARTICLE: El Salvador’s President Nayyib Bukele stunned members of his cabinet on Monday but announcing plans to investigate them all for corruption. In a public meeting broadcasted on the X platform, Bukele asks his Attorney General to investigate the entire executive branch.

Evidence Shows Adam Schiff Falsely Registered, Ineligibly Voted, and/or Committed Mortgage Fraud
ARTICLE: Adam Schiff should not be running for US Senate in California. He is ineligible. He should be charged for election crimes.

Bragg's Case Against Trump Couldn't Be More Ridiculous
VIDEO: Legal Analyst Says Trump’s Prosecutors Are Doing “Exactly What Led to the Reversal” of Weinstein’s Conviction. “Nothing in the courtroom last week dealt with the actual charges, none of the witnesses actually testified about any relevant crime recognized by law”.

Does the CIA Run America?
ARTICLE: We’ve all surely had dark thoughts that the CIA is really running the United States, including many media venues. Maybe that’s been true for decades and we just didn’t know it. If so, let’s just say that it would explain a tremendous amount of what has otherwise been clouded in secrecy. How would this be possible? Knowledge is power while secret knowledge is full control.

G7 Countries Including United States Reach Agreement to Shut Down All Coal-Fired Power Plants by 2035
ARTICLE: This declaration was made by Andrew Bowie, a UK minister at the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero, during an interview in Turing, Italy. “We do have an agreement to phase out coal in the first half of the 2030s.

New Evidence Confirms Deep State Sent Documents to Mar-a Lago to Set Up Trump
ARTICLE: President Trump shared last week that he believes the FBI stole his will. The FBI also stole 1,800 other items that were not documents that belonged to President Trump. This was not lawful or necessary. It is also widely known that Joe Biden ordered the FBI access to Trump’s documents at Mar-a-Lago and President Trump’s personal belongings.

CONFIRMED: Federal Government Giving Voter Registration Forms to Non-Citizen Refugees
ARTICLE: The federal government is giving voter registration forms to non-citizen ‘refugees.’ According to South Carolina state representative and congressional candidate Adam Morgan, the federal government is including voter registration forms in packets at the Social Security Office in Spartanburg, South Carolina. “Is the Federal Gov giving voter registration forms to non-citizens?” Adam Morgan said on X.

COVID-19 Jab Manufacturer AstraZeneca Admits For First Time Shot CAN Cause Blood Clotting
ARTICLE: AstraZeneca, for the first time, admitted its experimental COVID-19 shot can cause a potentially deadly side effect. The UK-based COVID-19 jab manufacturer acknowledged in legal documents submitted to the United Kingdom High Court that its shot “can, in very rare cases, cause TTS.”

Naomi Wolf Explains How Pfizer Knew Newborns & Fertility Adversely Effected By COVID Jabs
VIDEO: Naomi Wolf joined a panel of experts at the Wellness Company’s Spike Symposium last June to break down Pfizer’s attempts to cover up adverse effects of its experimental COVID mRNA vaccines on fertility and newborns.

EU Approves Severe Limits on Cash Transactions
ARTICLE: "Under the guise of combating money laundering, you are actually waging a war against cash which has protected our financial privacy since time immemorial,” said German Pirate Party MEP Partick Breyer—one of the few opponents of the measure.

$61 Billion Was Just The Beginning – Ukrainian President Zelenskyy Announces 10 Year Funding Agreement with U.S.
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, after speaking with Democrat House Leader Hakeem Jeffries, announced on Sunday the U.S. and Ukraine are “working on fixing specific levels of support for this year and for the next ten years.”

Radical Islamist Protesters Call for Caliphate in Germany
VIDEO: Globalists' desire to overthrow the West ensured with mass migration of people who will bring its fall about.

Islam Is Growing in the Western World
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Islam ranks as the third-largest religion in the United States, following Christianity and Judaism. According to the latest studies, there are about 4.45 million Muslims in the country. Muslim population in the US has been on the rise for more than a decade due to high fertility rates and migration of Muslims into the country. Consequently, the number of mosques has doubled over the last two decades.

Dr. Robert Malone - In Praise of Nationalism and the Diversity of Nations
VIDEO: States and cultures which resist propaganda, censorship, and weaponized fear have a competitive advantage. In a multilateral world, Romania should not apologize for advocating for autonomy. Independent European nation states should not apologize for going their own way and innovating.

The Road Back to Normalcy Starts Where the Problem Began: College Campuses
ARTICLE: The rule of law, respect for authority, tolerance of difference, and civil behavior are all core American values that higher education has thrown away and our national institutions are now scrambling to reclaim. Institutions’ experiment with placating activist intolerance is over.

End Central Banking Power | G. Edward Griffin & David Webb Discussion
VIDEO: This film is a long discussion between David Webb and G. Edward Griffin on the mind-boggling power and control of the privately held central banks. The question of whether this power is being used for benevolent or malevolent purposes was taken head-on.

Oklahoma Challenges Joe Biden’s Title IX Revisions
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Oklahoma State Superintendent of Public Instruction Ryan Walters condemned President Joe Biden’s recent rewrite of Title IX, labeling it as “radical and illegal” and a direct assault on the rights of states, families, and specifically young women and girls.

Dozens of British Muslims Sentenced in Rape Gang Trial, Facing Combined Total of 346 Years in Prison
ARTICLE: Dozens of predominantly Muslim men have been sentenced to a combined total of 346 years for sexually abusing girls in Yorkshire, England. In a press release on Saturday, West Yorkshire Police confirmed that 25 men had been sentenced for various sexual related crimes.

Eva Vlaardingerbroek Warns Whites To Take A Stand Agsinst Globalist Great Replacement Agenda
VIDEO: This is the full speech Eva gave at CPAC Hungary that the establishment is losing its absolute mind about. She spoke the forbidden truth: The Great Replacement is no longer a theory - it’s reality. White Europeans are being replaced in their own countries at an ever accelerating rate and it will mean the end of our civilization if we don’t turn things around.

Illegal Aliens Are Costing Americans BILLIONS of Dollars in Unpaid Medical Bills
ARTICLE: One of the most overlooked financial burdens on the American medical system is the unpaid medical bills coming directly from illegal immigrants. Illegal border crossings surpassed 3.2 million in 2023 — a record high.

What is White Culture?
VIDEO: The radical Left is engaged in a ruthless assault on white people often claiming outrageous things such as "there is no such thing as White Culture." That's as stupid as saying white people don't exist. You will never hear such nonsense said about Blacks, Asians, Jews or any non-European groups.

Alternate Electors Are Not Fraudulent Electors - Nor Are They Illegal
ARTICLE: Sotomayor’s ‘slam dunk’ backfires: Trump’s team torches her ‘fraudulent electors’ talking point.

If Suppressing the Stormy Daniels Story Is a Prosecutable Offense, Then so Is Suppressing the Hunter Biden Laptop Story
VIDEO: If it were prosecutable to suppress stories, would you than expect the Department of Justice would have to prosecute Twitter and the White House for suppressing the Hunter Biden laptop story?

Despite Climate Change Claims, ‘Nearly All Alberta Fires Were Caused by Humans’ — Forestry Minister
VIDEO: The climate cult narrative went up in flames as officials reported wildfires were man-made. According to Canadian officials on Wednesday, nearly all of the forest fires in the Provence Alberta were set by people, not man made climate change as the mainstream media has claimed.

Holocaust Survivor's Message to Gaza Protesters
VIDEO: This video presents a perspective you will never see on any mainstream media sources. The overwhelming "official story" that Israel holds some moral authority to do whatever it wants is the only thing most people hear and see. Of course, the adage, "you can tell who controls you by identifying who you are not allowed to criticize" applies to Israel more than any other group.

RINO Opponent is Now Suing Me in the New York Supreme Court to Remove Me From the Ballot
ARTICLE/VIDEOS: Cara Castronuova “The RINO Establishment Republican Party’s Biggest Nightmare"

Javier Milei’s Common Sense Economics Fuel Confidence Makes Argentine Peso the Best Performing Currency in the World
ARTICLE: It’s one positive development after the other: economic improvements in a country’s economy are not magic, but rather the result of serious, unrelenting work. It was just a couple of days ago when President Javier Milei told Argentines in a televised address the good and rare news: his government is successfully taming reckless public spending, which resulted in a rare – and welcome – first quarter budget surplus.

The Democrats’ Plan To Steal The Presidency For Good
ARTICLE: While Americans brace for another contentious presidential election, the Democrats have a better idea: Subvert the Constitution in the name of “democracy.” Under the proposed compact, each state would allocate all its electoral votes to whoever wins the national popular vote for president, regardless of how individual states voted in an election.

Supreme Court Rules Against EPA in Major Wetlands Case
ARTICLE: The Supreme Court voted to rein in the power of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to regulate wetlands in a complex decision issued on May 25, the second time in a year that the court has curbed federal environmental authority.

The Leading Cause of Death in America Today is Pharmaceuticals
ARTICLE: We often hear from politicians that things like raw milk, guns, the unvaccinated and TikTok need to be banned in order to save We the People from harm, but then why do all of these same people support Big Pharma, the actual leading killer of Americans by a long shot?

Transgender Sexual Predators Are Being Enabled by the LGBT Agenda
ARTICLE: The transgender agenda is dangerous, and those who suffer the most are the vulnerable, the victimized, and women and girls.

These States Are Making It Illegal for Illegal Immigrants to Enter Thousands of miles from the border, red states are taking matters into their own hands
ARTICLE: Conservative states across the country—Florida, Iowa, Louisiana, Tennessee, Georgia, and Oklahoma—are taking border security matters into their own hands, proposing or passing legislation targeting illegal immigration.

NYT Op-Ed: ‘I Thought the Bragg Case Against Trump Was a Legal Embarrassment. Now I Think It’s a Historic Mistake’…
ARTICLE: While Professor Shugerman, was never onboard with Biden’s show trial, led by Fat Alvin Bragg, after what he’s seen unfold, he’s gone from being embarrassed for the entire US injustice system, to now believing this trial is a historic misstep that hinges on Monday’s opening arguments. Professor Shugerman had to pick his jaw up from the floor after listening to prosecutors lay out their case.

This May Be the Darkest and Most Ridiculous Part of the Biden DOJ’s Trump Indictment
ARTICLE: Biden’s corrupt and weaponized DOJ just issued Trump’s third and most serious criminal indictment. The formal charges of “conspiracy to defraud the United States” do an underwhelmingly half-hearted job of disguising the obvious purpose of the indictment, which is to codify the “disinformation” scam into criminal law generally, and specifically, to criminalize what we might call “election denial”.

April 20, 2024 - The Final Nail in America’s Coffin?
VIDEO: When future historians go searching for the final nail in the US coffin, they may well settle on the date April 20, 2024. On that day Congress passed legislation to fund two and a half wars, hand what’s left of our privacy over to the CIA and NSA, and give the US president the power to shut down whatever part of the Internet he disagrees with.

There Is Systemic Racism in the United States . . . AGAINST WHITE PEOPLE
VIDEO: In his latest episode, Uncensored: Systemic Racism Against White Americans, Tucker Carlson asks, “There is systemic racism in the United States against whites. Everyone knows it. Nobody says it. How come?” Jeremy Carl, author of The Unprotected Class, How anti-White Racism Is Tearing America Apart joined him to discuss the issue.

Today in History: Democrats Gather to Hold Their First KKK National Convention in Nashville, Tennessee
ARTICLE: When the Civil War ended, and after Republican President Abraham Lincoln liberated the slaves, Democrats initiated Jim Crow laws to punish blacks. Democrats continued for decades to discriminate against blacks. In fact, the KKK, was founded as the the terrorist wing of the Democrat Party.

Lawless Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs Vetoes Bill to Require Proof of Residency for Voting
ARTICLE: Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs on Tuesday vetoed legislation that would define residency in Arizona and require proof of residency, such as a home rental agreement or ownership, to vote in the state’s elections. Hobbs stole the 2022 election for Governor from Kari Lake, and she is getting ready to rig the 2024 election for Joe Biden.

Ray Mcgovern - The Ukraine War and the CIA
VIDEO: In this video, Ray Mcgovern, a former CIA analyst, details the long history of CIA involvement in manufacturing and orchestrating one conflict after another around the world including the current conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Mcgovern explains the 'real history' of the current conflict.

Medical Whistleblower Says COVID Jabs Caused Patients to ‘Die So Horrifically, So Quickly’
ARTICLE/VIDEO: A hospital whistleblower who goes only by “Zoe” described the horrific side effects patients experienced after taking the experimental COVID mRNA vaccines in 2021 and 2022 and how doctors were inadequately prepared to handle them.

Author of Landmark Review of Transgender Treatment Shares She is Under Constant Attack
ARTICLE: Pediatrician and consultant Dr. Hilary Cass conducted a comprehensive and lengthy review of international research into gender medicine for children for NHS England. Dr. Cass concludes that a lack of research and evidence on transgender medical interventions, such as puberty blockers and body-altering surgeries, is failing children.

Transgenderism: A Social Contagion
VIDEO: This is a clip of John Anderson and Helen Joyce discussing mental distress and the form it takes is mostly determined by the culture in which it's experienced, and what stories the culture tells people about what gender distress means. 50 years ago so-called gender dysphoria rarely happened in children and usually only in very afeminine little boys. Before 2010, there weren't any academic papers on gender dysphoria in little girls.

Solving the Mystery of Building 7: The Smoking That Proves 9/11 Was An Inside Job
VIDEO: WTC 7 is the smoking gun that undermines the official conspiracy theory of 9/11, compelling 1,600 architects and engineers to call for a new independent investigation into the destruction of the World Trade Center. The mini-documentary Architects & Engineers: Solving the Mystery of Building 7 shows technical experts concluding that the official report claiming 9/11 was a terrorist attack committed by Al-Qaeda was a fraud.

Binder Showing How Bathhouse Barry's CIA Targeted Trump & Started the Entire Russia Hoax Is Missing
VIDEO: Jesse Waters discusses new details about how the CIA targeted Trump and started the whole Russia Collusion Hoax with Michael Shellenberger. The CIA director John Brennan, along with the international "5-eyes" intelligence alliance targeted 26 Trump associates to manufacture false evidence to justify the FBI launching their fraudulent investigation.

Cyber Expert Harry Haury Reveals How Election Machines Error Rates Violate Federal Law and How Bill Barr Killed a Massive Fraudulent Ballot Investigation
VIDEO: “Let My People Go” Full Interview: Cyber Expert Harry Haury Reveals How Election Machines Error Rates Violate Federal Law, How Bill Barr Killed Massive Fraudulent Ballot Investigation, and How Konnech’s CCP Ties Have Devastating Consequences

Bugus Crime Underlying Crime Revealed in Trump ‘Hush Money’ Case Trump Attorneys Must Move to Dismiss Now!
ARTICLE: Prosecutors in New York have revealed what the other crime is that Donald Trump was allegedly trying to conceal when he was falsifying business records and they claim it was to unlawfully promote his candidacy. The fatal error is that the NY Statute they cite only applies to elections within the State of New York and not Federal Elections!

HIV mRNA “Vaccines” Continue to Fail in Clinical Trials
ARTICLE: Messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) vaccines are being described as a “new era in vaccinology.”1 Research is underway to develop mRNA shots for not only coronaviruses but also C. difficile, hepatitis C, influenza, malaria, norovirus, cancer and more2 — despite the fact that all mRNA shots are likely ineffective and/or dangerous.

NOT IN THE HEADLINES: Stormy Daniels Owes Trump $300,000 Plus Interest for Making FALSE CLAIMS Against Him
ARTICLE: For some reason the lapdog media is not reporting today that Stormy Daniels owes President Trump $300,000 for making false claims against him. In March 2022, the 9th Circuit Court issued a final ruling in the case brought against Trump by disgraced attorney Michael Avenatti and Stormy.

Biden Admin Backs Gates-Funded Global Health Surveillance Program Plan seeks a 'one-health' for a 'one-world' style approach.
ARTICLE: The Biden White House announced on April 16 that it had signed on to an international medical surveillance program funded in part by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to monitor and combat future pandemics.

Biden White House Direct Ties to Mar-a-Lago Raid, Jack Smith Investigation - COVER-UP EXPOSED: Judge Cannon Unmasks Redacted Documents
ARTICLE: Judge Aileen Cannon on Monday ordered key evidence in Jack Smith’s classified documents case to be unredacted. The newly unredacted documents revealed Biden’s White House had direct ties to the Mar-a-Lago raid. The Biden Regime was also directly tied to Jack Smith’s investigation despite claims to the contrary from US Attorney General Merrick Garland.

Georgia State Election Board Finds Violations in Second 2020 Election Investigation
ARTICLE: The people were right. The 2020 Election results in Georgia never should have been certified. The 2020 election in Georgia was stolen. It’s a fact. Georgia’s Gabe Sterling who was involved in the certification of the stolen 2020 Election claimed that there were no issues with the Georgia election results. This was false and is false. Even Governor Kemp agreed that there were issues with the 2020 Election.

Supreme Court Declines Texas Democrats’ Challenge to Mail-In Voting Law
ARTICLE: The Democrat-Marxist plan to steal elections like they did in 2020 depends on mail-in voting schemes. It is well documented that the Democrats always do better with mail-in voting. It’s much easier to cheat that way.

ARTICLE/VIDEO: While Republicans sleep Democrats are already maneuvering for another massive election steal in November 2024. 1.7 Million Mysterious Voter Registrations Recorded in Texas Since 2020.

RAY EPPS EXPOSED: Never Before Released FBI Interview Call Uncovered
ARTICLE/AUDIO/VIDEO: J6 Political Prisoner Ryan Samsel Exposes James Ray Epps Breaking Federal Law, LYING To The FBI Multiple Times

We're In the Final Days of the Democrat Cloward-Piven Strategy
ARTICLE/VIDEO: The Cloward-Piven Strategy is quietly, yet effectively, dismantling America, one brick at a time. This strategy really kicked into high gear when Barry Obama splashed onto the scene.

Artificial Intelligence and the Grim Future of a Divided Humanity
VIDEO: An Artificial Intelligence grid is being built around us, and the people have never been more divided. And if we fail to unite, the future of humanity is destined to be grim.

Covid “Vaccine” Emails: Here’s What the CDC Hid Behind All Its Redactions
ARTICLE: The CDC hid how a woman who suffered chest pain and other symptoms following COVID-19 vaccination received a shot because of a mandate at work, newly obtained documents show. The agency also redacted how multiple children were diagnosed with Kawasaki Disease after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine, according to the documents.

From District Attorney Offices to Radio Stations Soros Seems to be Buying America
ARTICLE: Soros Money Bombs: The Globalist Billionaire Is a Busy Boy in 202r. It’s an election year and, by now, you should know what that means. Progressive globalist billionaire George Soros is on the loose on multiple fronts, and his overarching reach is profoundly influencing US politics, culture, and the judicial system.

What's Really Happening At CERN
VIDEO: The world’s most astonishing science experiment, simply explained. This underground particle-smasher is also known as the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. It took thousands of scientists from over nearly 100 different countries $5 billion dollars and 30 years to plan and build. My question is: Why?

The Vaccine Passport LIE Just COLLAPSED And The WHO is FURIOUS!
VIDEO: As the WHO’s leading vaccine expert admits in court that vaccine passports may have been a scam due to the fact that the vaccines did not stop transmission, were vaccine passports just one part of an axis that allowed for increased regulations and government control, as well as gigantic profits from the big government donors, the pharmaceutical industry?

Tragic Warning: Woman Cares For Vaxx-Injured Father Who Called Her Conspiracy Theorist For Refusing Jab
VIDEO: A Canadian woman’s message is going viral online after she posted a video of her vaccine-injured father along with a chilling warning to others.

Mandatory Queer Indoctrination at School Causes Huge Uproar
ARTICLE: Schools across America many times are run by managers who come with baggage from the extreme-left ideologies of higher academia. Their plans often include spreading those ideals to students – whether or not they or their parents want such indoctrination.

The Final Sellout? Uniparty Devils Sending $95 Billion to Corrupt Foreign Governments
ARTICLE: $300 Million Goes for Ukraine Border Security but ZERO DOLLARS for Our Own Border Security. The House voted on Saturday to betray America and American interests. As sellouts go, this was a big one, even by Washington Uniparty standards, as these members of Congress basically flipped their collective middle finger at America’s working poor and its increasingly struggling middle class.

House Democrats Push Bill Establishing Inspector General to Oversee Supreme Court
ARTICLE: House Democrats have introduced a bill Thursday that would enforce “accountability” of the Supreme Court by establishing an Office of the Inspector General within the Judicial branch to oversee Supreme Court Justices.

‘The Battle for Your Brain’: Creepy WEF Video Shows How Globalists Plan To Use AI Mind Control
VIDEO: Eerie presentation lays out how globalists want to use emerging technologies to map out brainwaves to manipulate behaviors.

Brave School Girl Reveals In Graphic Detail How Trans Student Savagely Assaulted Her Friend
VIDEO: A brave school girl in Pennsylvania unleashed on cowardly school officials while revealing in graphic detail how they allowed a transgender (Bio-Male) student savagely beat her friend to the point of hospitalization while woke school officials did nothing to stop it.

Tucker Carlson Says Politicians Are ‘Terrified’ of Intel Agencies Framing Them With ‘Kiddie Porn’
VIDEO: Political commentator Tucker Carlson said that politicians are “terrified” of intelligence agencies framing them with “kiddie porn” if they oppose warrantless spying on Americans.

Japanese Study Suggests mRNA Vaccines Behind Explosion of Cancer Cases in Japan during the Pandemic
ARTICLE/VIDEO: A new Japanese study ties “statistically significant” increases in particular kinds of cancers in the country in the period 2020-2022 to the administration of mRNA vaccines. These cancers include ovarian cancer, leukemia, prostate cancer, pancreatic cancer and breast cancer.

The Avian Flu in Cattle Hoax Perpetrated to Justify Poisoning Our Meat Supply With Toxic mRNA
ARTICLE: For the past few weeks, we’ve heard news reports of avian flu being transmitted from birds to cattle. That narrative shifted recently to say it’s actually cattle that are spreading the disease to poultry. Now, USDA scientists are weighing their options which include an avian flu vaccine for cows.

DESPICABLE: Bank of America Shut Down Trump Attorney Accounts
ARTICLE: This is not the first time we've heard of banks engaging in shady practices concerning Americans' civil liberties. Remember the feds asking banks to look into purchases of things like Bibles, and Bank of America -- who we will talk about here -- gave the FBI a list of anyone who made a transaction in DC between January 5-7, 2021. Now they've shut down the accounts of John Eastman, a former attorney of President Trump: both Bank of America and USAA, for reasons unknown.

15 States Warn Banking Giant to Start Treating Customers Fairly
ARTICLE: The Bank of America is being warned, in a letter from authorities in 15 states, to start treating customers fairly. Or face consequences.

Ten Studies Detail Health Risks of 5G
VIDEO: Several studies published between 2022 and 2024 underscore the health risks posed by 5G technology Research contradicts the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection guidelines, demonstrating various harmful biological effects of radiofrequency radiation (RFR) on humans and the environment, including potential cancer risk

MTG “America Last, America Last! – That’s All This Is – Every Single Day!”
VIDEO: Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene delivered a speech for the ages in defense of the American working class on Saturday morning before the Ukraine war funding vote in the US House of Representatives. MTG is a rare voice in Congress who actually defends the American working class from the uniparty regime.

EVIL PERSONIFIED Alejandro Mayorkas: The Worst Traitor in American History
ARTICLE: DHS chief 'the point man' for the intentional destruction of U.S. We are being brainwashed, gaslighted and defrauded with a level of media propaganda not seen since the Nazi Germany Gestapo, Soviet Union KGB and East Germany Stasi.

Scott Adams Explains How the CIA 'Captures' Our Lawmakers Right Under Our Noses
ARTICLE: What the heck happened to Speaker Mike Johnson? When he first emerged as the speaker after McCarthy was ousted, he was hailed as a “MAGA” hero. Many thought we finally had someone at the helm who truly had our best interests at heart. Boy, were we wrong.

Bill Maher on the Documentary " Quiet on the Set " About the Sexualization of Kids
VIDEO: This monologue from last night's Real Time with Bill Maher is the definition of a must-watch. The guy who came out pro-baby murder (in his own words) last week made it his mission this week to protect kids. This guy doesn't even like kids, but he sees what we've been pointing out for years.

RNC Seeks to Deploy 100,000 Election Integrity Workers Ahead of 2024 Elections
ARTICLE: The Republican National Committee wants more than 100,000 volunteers and attorneys to monitor the fairness and transparency of the 2024 election.

Sidney Powell Completely Vindicated After Democrat Judges Dismiss Disciplinary Effort by State Bar of Texas
ARTICLE: Dallas attorney Sidney Powell, known for her vigorous legal efforts to challenge the fraudulent 2020 election on behalf of President Donald Trump, has been fully vindicated by an appellate court decision. The Fifth District of Texas Court of Appeals in Dallas, led by a three-judge panel, all Democrats, concluded that the State Bar of Texas’ arguments were without merit.

During J6 Arguments, Gorsuch References Kavanaugh Hearing Where 200 Insurrections Were Arrested
VIDEO: The Supreme Court is right now in the thick of a heated debate over a federal obstruction statute that’s been used to go after hundreds of January 6th political prisoners. This isn’t just any legal tussle—it has massive implications for these punished patriots and also for the election interference case against President Trump.

There's a Secret Network - Skynet 2.0
VIDEO: There's a secret network in operation today and this network can send centralized commands from its master to slave devices without anyone being able to stop it. It has the most advanced location tracking capabilities and no one can intercept its traffic. It can bypass the internet. There are billions of devices that it can utilize and potentially control.

Skynet 2024 - The Peer to Peer Mesh Network Infrastructure is Complete
VIDEO: The last piece in the infrastructure that allows the operation of Skynet is now in place just announced a week ago. With this piece the advent of wireless peer to peer command and control of devices and robotics now become possible in full, with a range to affect all of the world.

Scientists Developing Nanobots That Release Toxins, Harvest Energy From Body
VIDEO: The 248 page patent for the Moderna technology that was administered to people in the COVID shots was filed in 2020. The patent lists several embodiments, or variations, of this technology. And while we don’t know who got what embodiment, we know that several different batch numbers were deployed.

Illegals Will Be Casting Votes in the Crucial Swing State of Arizona
ARTICLE: As it stands, liberal Arizona voting laws have paved the way for non-citizens, whether they are legal or not, to register for and cast a ballot in the 2024 presidential election.

RINO AZ Election Official Who Sued Kari Lake Shows His Disgust for US Constitution
ARTICLE: Says The First Amendment is “The Biggest Threat to Elections and Democracy”

Senate KILLS Articles of Impeachment Against Open Borders Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, Breaking 227 Years of Congressional History
ARTICLE: On Wednesday morning the House Subcommittee on Oversight held a hearing with National Guard whistleblowers who stepped forward to correct the media lies and dishonest narrative on the January 6 protests and riots.

DC National Guard Whistleblowers Reveal PENTAGON Under Direction of Mark Milley REFUSED to Deploy Guard After 5PM
ARTICLE/VIDEO: On Wednesday morning the House Subcommittee on Oversight held a hearing with National Guard whistleblowers who stepped forward to correct the media lies and dishonest narrative on the January 6 protests and riots.

Telegram Founder Claims U.S. Intelligence Attempted to Hire His Employee and Sought ‘Backdoor’ Access to Spy on Users
VIDEO: Telegram founder Pavel Durov explains to Tucker Carlson how the US government tried to secretly hire his engineer to create “back doors” for officials to spy on users.

The Lawfare Made Me a Trump Supporter
AUDIO: "Six years ago, I stood a few feet away from Joe Biden at a fundraiser and was certain he was the only person who could save this country from Donald Trump in 2020. However, by the end of the election, I would leave the Democratic Party for good. I saw them as corrupt, too powerful, and dangerous to the very democracy they now claim they want to protect."

Confirmed: Researchers Reveal COVID mRNA Vaccines Contain Component that Suppresses Immune Response and Stimulates Cancer Growth
ARTICLE: According to the review’s abstract, evidence suggests that while mRNA vaccines may have been effective in reducing severe disease outcomes, they might not provide sterilizing immunity, leaving individuals susceptible to recurring infections. More critically, the review highlights that the inclusion of m1Ψ in mRNA vaccines appears to inhibit key immunological pathways, impairing the body’s early interferon signaling.

Turbo Cancer - WHO Cancer Agency Predicts 77% Rise in Cancers Blames It on Everything Other Than the Jabs!
ARTICLE/VIDEO: The World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) released a daunting prediction of the global cancer burden. It estimates more than 35 million new cancer cases in 2050 — a 77% increase from the estimated 20 million cancer cases that occurred in 2022.

What About the $17 Million Dollar Secret 'Slush Fund" Congress Used to Make Hush Money Payments to Sexual Victims?
ARTICLE: American Greatness presents a new documentary called Chasing Trump, which takes a deep-dive look into the four left-wing prosecutors targeting Donald Trump with unprecedented lawfare to prevent him from becoming president once again.

CHASING TRUMP - Learn the Truth About the Four Leftist Prosecutors Targeting President Trump
VIDEO: American Greatness presents a new documentary called Chasing Trump, which takes a deep-dive look into the four left-wing prosecutors targeting Donald Trump with unprecedented lawfare to prevent him from becoming president once again.

New Report Details The ‘Catastrophic Errors’ Made by Health Authorities During COVID-19
ARTICLE: “Lockdowns, school closures, and other mandates were catastrophic errors, pushed with remarkable fervor by public health authorities at all levels,” concludes a report on the government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

FISA Bill Includes ‘Vast’ New Surveillance Powers Forcing Businesses to ‘Become NSA Spies’
ARTICLE: Any company or individual that provides ANY service whatsoever may be forced to assist in NSA surveillance, as long as they have access to equipment on which communications are transmitted or stored," warns liberal watchdog group.

Group in Mexico Displays Flyers Urging Illegal Aliens to Vote for Traitor Joe
ARTICLE: An advocacy group based in Northeastern Mexico that lobbies U.S. lawmakers has distributed and posted flyers encouraging illegal immigrants to vote for President Joe Biden in the 2024 election, according to The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project.




These stories change less frequently

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5G-Cell Towers

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Woman Living Near Cell Tower Diagnosed With 51 Strokes
ARTICLE: Nearly immediately after the cell tower was “upgraded” in 2019, Marcia became disabled from the intense levels of radiofrequency (RF) radiation emitted by the tower. Since then, she has suffered 51 strokes, vision loss, hearing loss, headaches, sleep disruption, chronic fatigue and cognitive impairment. She experiences ongoing issues with balance, orientation and mobility.

Connecticut City Rejects 5G Citing Evidence of Health Risks
ARTICLE/VIDEO: After being presented with evidence of wireless radiation’s negative health impacts, the Board of Representatives in Stamford, Connecticut, voted to reject an agreement that would have allowed telecommunications carriers to install 5G equipment on city-owned utility poles.

National Institute of Health (NIH) Admits 5G Can Actually CREATE Coronavirus Within Human Cells
ARTICLE/VIDEO: An international study shared on the National Institute of Health website found that 5G technology is absorbed by skin cells and can alter DNA in a way that actually produces coronaviruses within the human body. The study, jointly produced by scientists from Guglielmo Marconi University, Central Michigan University and First Moscow State Medical University, claims that 5G millimeter waves stimulate DNA in a way that causes cell nuclei to produce coronaviruses.

20,000 Satellites for 5G to be Launched Sending Focused Beams of Intense Microwave Radiation Over Entire Earth
ARTICLE: There is Nowhere to Hide from 5G Radiation Today, it is possible to live in a location that has reduced levels of microwave exposure. This is accomplished by choosing a living space that is far away from cell phone towers. However, in the near future, it won’t matter where we live, because 5G will irradiate us wherever we happen to live or work.

Dangers of 5G Wireless Technology To Become Major Senate Issue
VIDEO: Kevin Mottus of the CA Brain Tumor Association joins the War Room to warn about the danger of cell phone radiation that is going unaddressed by the government.

Solving the Mystery of Building 7: The Smoking That Proves 9/11 Was An Inside Job
VIDEO: WTC 7 is the smoking gun that undermines the official conspiracy theory of 9/11, compelling 1,600 architects and engineers to call for a new independent investigation into the destruction of the World Trade Center. The mini-documentary Architects & Engineers: Solving the Mystery of Building 7 shows technical experts concluding that the official report claiming 9/11 was a terrorist attack committed by Al-Qaeda was a fraud.

AI (Artificial Intelligence)/Robotics

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A.I. Deciding Who To Kill For Israel
VIDEO: The future of warfare is here and the anti-human demonic AI technology created by the Deep State intelligence agencies is leading the way for the complete destruction of mankind.

EMO ( Emote Portrait Alive ): The New AI That Really Shocked The Internet!
VIDEO: EMO AI is revolutionizing digital animation by turning still photos into realistic talking and moving videos. This cutting-edge technology uses a diffusion model to capture lifelike expressions and emotions, setting a new standard for interactive media. EMO AI's advancements offer exciting possibilities for content creation, making it a game-changer in the tech industry.

Tesla Optimus - Gen 2 Robot
VIDEO: Optimus Gen 2 features Tesla-designed actuators and sensors, faster and more capable hands, faster walking, lower total weight, articulated neck, and more.

AI and Quantum Computer Warning
VIDEO: Have you ever wondered what could happen if we bring together AI and Quantum Computers? Would this combo destroy our planet or give us a better understanding of the universe? AI has already become advanced, and scientists are tirelessly working to develop Quantum Computers, but what could happen when AI and Quantum Computers join forces?

Unbelievable: New AI Ad Will Make You Question Reality
VIDEO: AI effortlessly generating e-commerce babes, hailing a new era of soulless advertising. Social media is going wild over a woman advertising body wipes for men.

OpenAI's NEW "AGI Robot" STUNS The ENITRE INDUSTRY (Figure 01 Breakthrough)
VIDEO: This is a demo of the most advanced AI robot we've ever seen as well as a detailed analysis.

Elon Musk’s AI “ Grok ” Gives Stunningly Accurate Description of Why Governments Destabilize Countries for Power
ARTICLE: Elon Musk’s AI on X called “Grok” is being praised for its answer to why corrupt governments would want chaos. Grok’s eye-opening answer revealed much, including the power of false flag events to limit civil liberties and manipulate public opinion, all after being asked: “Why would a corrupt government want chaos in the streets?”

Fed Chair Jerome Powell Crashed the Trump Economic Boom by Deliberately Raising Rates To Sink Trump Economy
ARTICLE: President Trump said the “Fed is crazy.” He was right. Trump had been saying that for the past year, with stocks at all-time highs and unemployment at 50-year lows, the Fed’s interest rate increases revealed a far-left liberal bias.

VIDEO: It seems clear that those in control of destroying our country are deliberately destroying our monetary system, no doubt to make way for their total control scheme of replacing it with a completely digital monetary system. At this point, federal debt is rising by ONE TRILLION DOLLARS EVERY 90 DAYS!
The Fraud Inherent in Fractional Reserve Banking
ARTICLE: We need to start a serious discussion about ending fractional reserve banking, and central banking at the same time. Our current banking system is not free market capitalism. Banking in its current form should be outlawed because it is both fraud and theft.
Ron Paul: Blame the Fed for ‘Shrinkflation’
ARTICLE: Shrinkflation is a rational response to increased prices caused by the Federal Reserve’s dollar depreciation.
In Order to Curtail the Tyranny of Central Banks and Espionage Agencies, Americans Must Starve the State
ARTICLE: Central banks and espionage agencies are insidious threats to any free people. The former manipulate the value of money, and the latter manipulate the perceived truthfulness of information. Both ostensibly work for the broader public’s “best interest,” but as is true of all institutions, they ultimately serve the interests of those people who run them. Spies and bankers should not have so much power over free citizens.

Central Banks and Domestic Spies
ARTICLE: Central banks and espionage agencies are insidious threats to any free people. The former manipulate the value of money, and the latter manipulate the perceived truthfulness of information. Both ostensibly work for the broader public’s “best interest,” but as is true of all institutions, they ultimately serve the interests of those people who run them. Spies and bankers should not have so much power over free citizens.

GOP Senators Sound Alarm Over CBDCs, Propose Bill to Ban Them
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Critics of CBDCs are concerned they could allow new levels of government interference in people’s finances.

The 2024 Debt Spiral: How $1 Trillion in Interest Is Breaking the Federal Budget
ARTICLE: Contrary to conventional wisdom, higher interest rates mean more inflation in the environment today. That’s because the federal interest expense increases as interest rates rise. As the federal interest expense rises, so does the budget deficit. As the budget deficit increases, so does the currency debasement needed to finance it. Skyrocketing interest expense will have an enormous impact on the US budget.

Solutions for Troubled Times
ARTICLE/VIDEO: In this video, finance expert Catherine Austin Fitts, founder and president of the Solari Report, discusses coming changes to the banking system, how they threaten our freedom, and what we can do to prevent them.

Bank to Phase Out Cash, Check & Phone Payments in 2024 and Move to Digital-Only Transactions
ARTICLE: Macquarie Bank, Australia’s fifth-largest bank, announced it will phase out cash, cheque and phone payments in 2024 as it transitions to digital-only transactions. The bank told customers they’ll be unable to write or deposit cheques and withdrawal or deposit cash over the counter by November 2024.

REQUIRED READING: You Can't Bank On The Bankers - Three Part Series On Our Monetary System
ARTICLE: The banking system we are forced to use is absolutely corrupt from top to bottom. This system provides a handful of the worst kind of people the single largest unfair advantage against everyone else ever devised. It also provides the single most powerful means to enslave humanity.

Central Banks Are A Corrupting Force
ARTICLE: Are we observing the money-creating powers of central banks being used to drive up prices in the stock market for the benefit of the mega-rich?

The Federal Reserve Explained In 7 Minutes
VIDEO: Great short video that explains the Federal Reserve Bank.

VIDEO: You are about to discover the system that is ultimately responsible for most of the inequality in our world today. The powers that be DO NOT want you to know about this, as this system is what has kept them at the top of the financial food-chain for the last 100 years.

Visualization of U.S. Debt
ARTICLE: Millions. Billions. Trillions! This article shows you exactly what kind of money our out-of-control government and out-of-control bankers are using to advance their sick agendas, while we are expected to foot the bill.

Exactly How The Bankers Control The World
VIDEO: This short documentary reveals the MASSIVE FRAUD and EXTORTION of the world's banking elite and their criminal banking system.

The Original Gangsta
ARTICLE: Barack Obama's Justice Department on Monday announced that Citigroup would pay $7 billion in fines, a move that will avoid a humiliating trial dealing with the seamy financial products the bank had marketed to an unsuspecting public, causing vast damage to the economy.

FRONTLINE: The Age of Easy Money
VIDEO: High inflation. Fear of recession. Disruptions, like the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank. How did the U.S. economy get here? A two-hour documentary special traces the road to this moment, and the role of the Federal Reserve, the country’s central bank.

FRONTLINE: The Power of the FED (Federal Reserve Bank)
VIDEO: When COVID-19 struck, the Federal Reserve stepped in to try to avert economic crisis. As the country’s central bank continues to pump billions of dollars into the financial system daily, who is benefiting and at what cost?

Debt Limit - A Guide To American Federal Debt Made Easy
VIDEO: A satirical short film taking a look at the national debt and how it applies to just one family.

Shocking First Hand Account of Peak Oil Fraud by the Powerful World Bankers and Transnational Oil Industry
VIDEO: This presentation by Lindsey Williams, a Chaplain for the transalaska oil pipeline project reveals what he witnessed during his time there.

Big Brother - Police State

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Who Has More Political Prisoners, Vladimir Putin or Joe Biden?
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Navalny's Death Demonstrates Selective Outrage over Political Prisoners. As Joe Biden brags about arresting, convicting, and imprisoning Americans who protested his election on January 6, his outrage over the death of a Russian "political prisoner" is itself an outrage.

Evidence Shows Biological ID System Has Already Been Deployed
VIDEO: Evidence shows that humanity has already been infected with cutting edge surveillance nanotechnology.

2024 Is the New 1984: Big Brother and the Rise of the Security Industrial Complex
ARTICLE: Forty years past the time that George Orwell envisioned the stomping boot of Big Brother, the police state is about to pass off the baton to the surveillance state.

Biden Regime Expanding Intrusive Facial Recognition Scans to All 430 ‘Federalized’ Airports
ARTICLE: A bipartisan group of Senators has introduced a bill to prevent the expansion of this program citing an invasion of privacy, but TSA launches it anyway.

Democrats Propose Bill to Prohibit Militia Activity
ARTICLE: A pair of Democrat lawmakers introduced a bill that would effectively outlaw militias in the United States. The bill seeks to limit most militia activity, creating criminal penalties for people who engage in certain conduct including intimidating elected officials, interfering with government proceedings and pretending to be law enforcement.

Big Pharma

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Former Pharma Insider Unveils Big Pharma’s ‘Open Secret’
VIDEO: If you’ve ever wondered why there are so many pharmaceutical commercials on American television, your curiosity has now been answered. Hint: the primary goal is not to sell drugs.

Bombshell Oxford Study: Less than 6% of “Approved” Medical Drugs Are Backed by “Quality Evidence” to Support Alleged Benefits
ARTICLE: According to a newly released study by the University of Oxford, a jaw-dropping 94% of recently approved medications are not supported by high-quality evidence that demonstrates their benefits. What’s more, just like with the experimental Covid-19 ‘vaccines,’ side effects and adverse reactions to these drugs are being severely underreported across the board.

MASSIVE Conflicts of Interest Exposed at Fauci's NIH (National Institute of Health)
ARTICLE/VIDEO: One of the primary vehicles for kickbacks and fraud seems to be foundations associated with federal agencies. This article will highlight and expose yet another way we are being conned and manipulated by examining the Foundation for the National Institutes of Health1 (FNIH), whose board is plastered with major Big Pharma players.

Big Tech (Google - Facebook Etc.)
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Big Tech Has Big Plans For the 2024 Elections . . . AND YOU
ARTICLE: The left has never been more desperate, and it shows in the censorship in the mainstream media, on Meta, and other social media platforms. Stay vigilant.

Big Tech’s Election Interference: Why Google and Meta Went Shopping for Former US Intelligence Officers
ARTICLE: With a majority of the American electorate turning to social media as a primary source of news consumption, the CIA found itself compelled to orchestrate a modern-day Operation Mockingbird. This initiative encompassed not only the censorship of dissenting opinions but also the amplification of establishment narratives and the dissemination of various disinformation campaigns. In essence, they sought to control the flow of news on social media to influence electoral outcomes.

Project Vertitas: Current Sr. Google Engineer Goes Public on Camera: Tech is "Dangerous," "Taking Sides"
VIDEO: Project Veritas has published an on-the-record interview with an insider who works at Google named Greg Coppola. This video interview follows a series of insider Google reports, including internal Google documents, recently published by Project Veritas which exposed political bias, “algorithmic unfairness,” and the use of “blacklists” at YouTube.

Liberal Professor Warns: Google Manipulating Voters 'on a Massive Scale'
VIDEO: Dr. Robert Epstein told Sen. Ted Cruz on Tuesday that Google can manipulate votes by using tools that they have at their disposal exclusively, and that no one can counteract them. Epstein warned the senator of big tech election meddling during his testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing on "Google and Censorship through Search Engines."

The Criminally Liable Supreme Court For Granting Personhood to Corporations
ARTICLE: The real issue here is that the supposed U.S. Supreme Court exceeded it's bounds and violated the rights of the people of the U.S. (and the world) by granting corporations so many illegal "rights" that they have now nearly killed everything needed to allow the planet to survive.

Doctors Report Mysterious Worldwide Cancer ‘Epidemic’
ARTICLE: Leading doctors are highlighting a mysterious worldwide rise in cancer cases among patients aged under 50. Widely covered in the mainstream media, the development follows the recent announcement by Britain’s Princess Catherine that she herself has now been diagnosed with the disease.

Chemtrails - Geoengineering

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Chemtrail Conspiracies Have Become Reality as Corporate Media Sells Geoengineering as the Solution For Climate Change
ARTICLE: Once considered “conspiracy” theory” by the entire corporate media, geoengineering is now being lauded as the solution for climate change. For years, the media was used to gaslight the public about this reality and coverup this mass experimentation in the skies. These geoengineering experiments are conducted without human consent, and they adversely affect the environment, the weather and human health.

Tennessee Senate Passes Bill to End Chemtrails
ARTICLE: It seems the Tennessee Senate has made headlines by passing a bill that appears to target chemtrails, suggesting a move towards cleaner air. But, as usual, there’s more beneath the surface. Let’s dive into what this legislative action really means for cleaning up our skies.

Peer Reviewed Scientific Evidence Exposes Chemtrail Crime Against Humanity
ARTICLE: A peer reviewed, court admissible scientific evidence of the deliberate annihilation of the global population has been released to the public by a very prominent scientist. This explosive revelation was made through the peer reviewed International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.. The days of highly intoxicated pro-chemtrail trolls are officially over.

VIDEO: FrankenSkies is an 80 minute social change documentary regarding the Solar Geoengineering/Chemtrail agenda that affects every living being on earth. The struggle of bringing awareness to this subject, despite the obstacles of a socially engineered populace and the military industrial complex with its endless resources, is palpable in this awakening truth feature.

Oversight Chairman Reveals ‘China Has Infiltrated Every Part of Federal Government,’
ARTICLE: House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer, who is leading an extensive investigation into the extent of China’s influence in the United States, said that the communist country “has infiltrated just about every major part of our federal government.”

Governor Kristi Noem With a Dire Warning About China Buying American Farmland
VIDEO: Governor Kristi Noem discusses the serious threat China poses because it is being allowed to buy up a large portion of the resources America needs to feed itself. If China controls our food, they control us.

Firm Tied to China’s Military Industrial Complex Plans to Roll Out Massive Battery Chemical Plants in US
ARTICLE: Capchem Technology USA, the wholly-owned subsidiary of China-based Shenzhen Capchem Technology (Capchem), plans to build factories in both Ohio and Louisiana that would produce components for electric vehicle batteries.

Dominion Voting Systems Owner Received $400 Milliion From Chinese-Linked Companies Just Before Election
ARTICLE: Dominion Voting Systems has financial ties to the Chinese government, according to filings. An investigation into SEC filings has revealed that the firm which owns Dominion Voting Systems received $400 million dollars from a Swiss bank with close links to the Chinese government less than a month before the election.

Researcher Suggests Deliberate Chinese Propaganda Campaign Forced World Into Lockdown
ARTICLE: Senger details how in late January, “international COVID-19 hysteria began” with a series of suspicious videos posted to social media sites showing people in China suddenly collapsing on the streets, including one instance where a man held out his arm to break his fall, suggesting the collapse was staged.

Joshua Philipp On Marxism in America, the Communist China Threat, Unconventional Warfare and Hong Kong
VIDEO: In this special episode with a studio audience in Laguna Beach, California, we sit down with The Epoch Times’ award-winning investigative reporter and senior editor Joshua Philipp. He is a recognized expert on unrestricted and asymmetrical hybrid warfare, subversion, and cyber security, especially in the context Chinese Communist Party.

Communist China’s Hidden War on the Free World
VIDEO: Jan and Epoch Times investigative journalist Joshua Philipp break down the threat of Huawei and communist China subversion, influence, and unrestricted warfare operations on the West during Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagle Council

China's TERRIFYING Social Credit System
VIDEO: A system where citizens are financially & socially punished for their opinions. Imagine going to buy something and your credit card is declined because some idiot in San Franacisco thinks you posted something “hateful” on the Internet. That’s our collective future.

Climate Change - Global Warming

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Climate Change Court Cases Are on the Rise — Here’s Why
ARTICLE: This case is far from an isolated example. It’s part of an ongoing and widespread legal campaign to associate human rights with the spurious climate change agenda.

Club Of Rome Unveils Plan To Cull Billions From The World Population
VIDEO: The Club of Rome is the psychotic brain behind the net zero cult phenomenon and book that started it all, The Limits To Growth. Except this cult wants every last human dead to reduce that pesky CO2 that the globalists that want the planet all to themselves keep complaining about. Problem is, even they need it to survive.
State AG Sounds Alarm About Leftist Efforts to Enact a “Green New Deal” Without Congress
VIDEO: Republican Attorney General Steven Marshall of Alabama warned Tuesday that a lawsuit from Hawaii could bypass Congress and impose the “Green New Deal” on Americans. The Hawaii Supreme Court ruled in a unanimous Oct. 31 decision that a lawsuit by Honolulu against major oil companies could proceed, claiming the energy companies engaged in a “disinformation campaign.”

Climate: The Movie
VIDEO: This is a devastating new film by British documentary filmmaker Martin Durkin has obliterated the climate change scam in just 80 minutes. Durkin, a former revolutionary communist turned staunch libertarian, exposes the climate change scam by interviewing a cast of world renowned academics and researchers who calmly break down how the earth’s climate has always been changing and not a result of human activity.

Geoengineering Is a Weapon of Mass Destruction Whose True Purpose Could Derail the “Climate Change” Hoax
ARTICLE: Geoengineering serves two purposes, falsely demonstrating the Green Agenda’s fake CO2 emissions-based climate change, and – of equal importance – making weather and climate to Weapons of Mass Destruction

VIDEO: Like every other globalist policy, net zero will NEVER HAPPEN and they know it. All their scams are aimed at one goal, to destroy capitalism and Western economies all over the globe so they then impose their draconian communist systems of total control.

‘There’s Been No Increase’: Scientists Debunk Climate Change Claims About Hurricanes
ARTICLE: Hurricanes are now ’smaller and more compact‘ says a meteorologist, but the predicted ferocious season will become a ’political football' for climate alarmism.

1992 - Paul Harvey on the Global Warming Hoax
VIDEO: This is a clip from a 1992 speech given by Paul Harvey. One of the topics he covered what the Global Warming hoax that we're still being hit over the head with on a daily basis to this very day. He highlights the fact that it's foolish to think "the experts" won't like to make a buck.

Climate Alarmists Focus on Emissions While Ignoring the Natural Causes of the Rising Sea Level
ARTICLE: Sea level rise on planet Earth could be attributed in part to astronomical influences that involve the sun, moon, and other planets, according to a new research paper from The Heritage Foundation taking aim at media reports on climate change that fixate on carbon dioxide emissions while ignoring other factors.

Climate Bureaucrats Give China a Free Pass
ARTICLE: China’s annual greenhouse gas emissions have soared over the past 20 years, dwarfing those of the U.S. But according to our progressive federal bureaucrats, America’s cumulative historical emissions are the problem and Beijing now deserves a free pass.

Climate Change Data Is Based on Fraud, and Scientists Around the World Are Pushing Back Against the Narrative
ARTICLE: In an attempt to save the world from “climate change,” the United States government is spending trillions of dollars on multiple projects that rely on dishonest marketing tactics, money laundering schemes, insider trading and crony capitalism. At the root of the climate crisis hysteria is data FRAUD, and scientists around the world are pushing back against the climate change narrative.

‘Pure Junk Science’: Researchers Challenge Narrative on CO2 and Warming Correlation
ARTICLE: “CO2 does not cause global warming. Global warming causes more CO2,” said Edwin Berry, a theoretical physicist and certified consulting meteorologist. He said that contrary to popular opinion, temperature doesn’t follow CO2—instead, CO2 follows temperature, which, itself, is due to solar activity.

Top Climate Expert Blows Whistle: Carbon Dioxide Does Not Cause ‘Global Warming’
ARTICLE/VIDEO/AUDIO: One of the world’s leading climate experts has spoken out to warn the public that the globalist green agenda claim that carbon dioxide causes “global warming” is “wholly untrue.”

Dutch MP: “If You Want to Control People, You Have to Control the CO2”
VIDEO: As farmer protests rage across Europe, Dutch MP Rob Roos sits down with The HighWire’s Del Bigtree to discuss the climate scam pushed by radical globalist elites in the Western world to seize more power and control.

Conflicting Pole Shift Agendas Between the East and West
VIDEO: This video by Greg Reese presents information about the history of global climate changes that have occurred throughout the history of the earth and none of it has anything to do with human being on the planet.

Trillions Spent on ‘Climate Change’ Based on Faulty Temperature Data
ARTICLE: Meteorologist finds 96 percent of NOAA temperature stations located in ‘urban heat islands,’ including next to exhaust fans and on ‘blistering-hot rooftops.’

CO2 - Carbon Dioxide — The Gas of Life
VIDEO: Dr. William Happer, professor emeritus of physics at Princeton University presents a divergent interpretation of selected climate change data. Dr. Happer questioned current dogma about climate change by presenting scientific data and theory which question the underlying assumptions of conventional wisdom.

Left-Wing Climate Group is Quietly Preparing Judges for Global Warming Cases
ARTICLE: The Washington, D.C.-based Environmental Law Institute (ELI) created the Climate Judiciary Project (CJP) in 2018, establishing a first-of-its-kind resource to provide “reliable, up-to-date information” about climate change litigation, according to the group. The project’s reach has extended to various state and federal courts, including powerful appellate courts, and comes as various cities and states pursue high-profile litigation against the oil industry.

Narrative Buster: Real Climate Scientists Say We Should Embrace HIGHER CO2 Levels
ARTICLE: “The whole thing is a total scam,” said Mr. Moore. “There is actually no scientific evidence that CO2 is responsible for climate change over the eons.”

Green Vegetation on Earth Increased By 14% Over 30 Years, Major Study Finds
ARTICLE/VIDEO: A massive global analysis found that green vegetation on Earth is increasing at a rate that offsets climate change. A paper called “Greening of the Earth and its drivers” was published in 2016 by 32 authors from 24 institutions in eight countries that analyzed satellite data, and concluded there had been a roughly 14% increase in green vegetation over the last 30 years.

"I Left Out the Full Truth to Get My Climate Change Paper Published"
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Prominent climate scientist confesses the truth about how scientist self-censor for success. I just got published in Nature because I stuck to a narrative I knew the editors would like.

John Stossel - FULL Judith Curry Interview: Climate Scientist Says World Will NOT End The Shocking Truth About Climate Change
ARTICLE: "We came to the point where we think that we’re going to prevent bad weather by eliminating fossil fuels. It’s just about the most nonsensical, illogical thing that I can imagine, and the whole world is caught up in this nonsense."

Thirty Years On, How Well Do Global Warming Predictions Stand Up?
ARTICLE: On the 30th anniversary of James Hansen’s galvanizing testimony, it’s time to acknowledge that the rapid warming he predicted isn’t happening. Climate researchers and policy makers should adopt the more modest forecasts that are consistent with observed temperatures.


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Brace Yourself For What's Coming in 2024 - Victor Davis Hanson
VIDEO: Victor discusses current political and social events in the context of the Democrat's actual record of their INSANE destruction of our country and how they are deathly afraid that Trump will "really" come after them for what they have done should he regain control of the White House and Congress.

Communism - Socialism - Marxism

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Mao's Madness: Cultural Revolution In America
VIDEO: Mao himself said that a revolution is not like inviting guests over for dinner. It can't be that civilized, that gracious, that gentle. And it's not!

Chinese Immigrant Warns Communist Cultural Revolution Happening NOW In America
VIDEO: This episode of The Tucker Carlson Encounter features Chinese immigrant Xi Van Fleet urgently warning the American people a communist revolution is taking place in the U.S. Van Fleet described her life growing up under Mao Zedong’s Cultural Revolution, explaining the Red Guards “took over the country.”

Leftism Is the Politics of Weakness
ARTICLE: Western culture must return to the traditions that made his civilization great. If not, the downward spiral to complete collapse will be swift and brutal.

Short Course on Communist Takeover of the United States
VIDEO: This is a short video down memory lane when G. Edward Griffin interviewed a former KGB Agent back in the 1980s. The former agent details the Four Stages of Marxist Takeover: The Accuracy of Yuri Bezmenov.

Immigrants From Socialist Countries Speak Out
VIDEO: Panel of immigrants from socialist counties explains why capitalism is important.

Capitalism vs. Socialism
VIDEO: Decades after capitalism seemed to have triumphed over socialism, politicians are once again arguing about the merits and drawbacks of these opposing economic systems. Why are we still having this debate? Andy Puzder, former CEO of the parent company of Hardee's and Carl's Jr., explains the misconceptions that keep the debate alive.

Hey Democrats: Here's The Price I Paid For Your Socialist Dream
ARTICLE: American Democrats are pining ever more loudly for socialism these days, for “free” education, “free” health care and much else. Let me tell you about socialism as I lived it under the Fidel Castro regime.

You Can’t Have Socialism Without State Tyranny
ARTICLE: The generosity of socialists isn’t real generosity. It is, as author William F. Buckley Jr. put it, being “generous with other people’s money.” And the false generosity of socialism is one that can’t exist without the forceful arms of state tyranny. It’s a “generosity” of envy, of discrimination, of plunder that can only emerge from the barrel of a gun.

Democrats & Revolutionary Communists No Difference - Don't Forget History
VIDEO: In this special episode with a studio audience in Laguna Beach, California, we sit down with The Epoch Times’ award-winning investigative reporter and senior editor Joshua Philipp.

Why Isn't Communism as Hated as Nazism?
VIDEO: When people think of humanity's greatest evils, why is "communism" rarely mentioned? After all, it has caused more suffering than any other ideology, including Nazism. Watch Dennis Prager's account of communism's horrific legacy.

David Horowitz - Communism & Socialists
VIDEO: David Horowitz talked about the history of the Communist Party and his views on socialism, conservatism and liberalism. He spoke at a conference hosted by the Grove City College Center for Vision and Values. Mr. Horowitz, who was interviewed by Paul Kengor, also responded to questions from the audience.

Crimes Against Children - Child Trafficking

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CPS Hands Over Kidnapped Children to Pedophile Rings
VIDEO: Agencies tasked with the protection of children often sex traffic children, and call it gay. With the addition of 'P' to the LGBTQIAA2+, some say homosexuality is the gateway drug to pedophilia, others say it's a contributing factor, while others say it's a regular commonality.

85,000 Migrant Children Have Gone Missing From Sponsor Homes
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Thousands of illegal alien children have gone missing from sponsors’ homes in the U.S. after being placed there by the federal government, according to a watchdog investigation.
Asexuality or Antidepressants? How Big Pharma Chemically Castrates the Young
VIDEO: Young people identifying on the LGBTP spectrum increased drastically from year to year. One of the new identities is "asexuality", a label for someone who has absolutely no desire for sexual encounters. The big question is are they really asexual or is their condition drug induced, are they on Big Pharma antidepressants?

The War on Children
VIDEO: The War on Children, a new documentary by Landon and Robby Starbuck, lays out the sinister agenda behind the left’s trans indoctrination campaign against the next generation. The film has even earned the praise of Elon Musk, who on Sunday shared the exposé with his 173 million followers on X.

The Paedophile Agenda
VIDEO: The same tactics used to successfully push the gay marriage agenda are now being used to push paedophilia. We can't let that happen.

Child Sex Trafficking Through Child “Protection” Services Exposed – Kidnapping Children for Sex
VIDEO: In this Buzzsaw interview (below), filmmaker Sean Stone interviews Tammi Stefano, the Executive Director of The National Safe Child Coalition (NSCC), and exposes much of the corruption happening within Child Protection Services and Family Courts. This might be one of the few interviews currently available on the Internet that gives this much information on the child sex trafficking business that exists in LA County, and across the nation.


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Biden Regime Introduces Regulations to Block Trump’s Plan to Expunge The Deep State
ARTICLE: The Biden regime is already putting in place plans to stop President Donald Trump from firing members of the deep state should he take back the White House this November. The Office of Personnel Management, the principal agency overseeing federal government employees, has introduced guidelines preventing career civil servants from being reassigned as political appointees who can be terminated more swiftly from their positions.

How the Administrative State Conquered America
ARTICLE: The administrative state is one of the most important power centers of the woke (group quota) regime. This leviathan of unaccountable executive agencies that effectively create and enforce laws of their own is, by its very nature and existence, an attack on America’s constitutional order.

What Woudl it Take For Trump To Drain the Swamp The Second Time Around?
ARTICLE: Having experienced that the swamp will fight back hard, is he, this time, going to take that lesson and not let the elites of both parties (or of the bureaucracy) slow him down from executing the necessary reforms and changes that need to take place in our federal government – starting day one? Trump should immediately take action and destroy the swamp so completely that the subsequent three presidents would not be able to resurrect its power. Executive Orders cannot be the only solution.

If I Was The Deep State
VIDEO: Dilley Team for Trump Releases “If I Were the Deep State” Spinoff of Paul Harvey’s Classic Speech on Satan’s Ambitions. It is the latest video production by a conservative creator and it is pitch perfect. The video takes on the wickedness of the current lawless regime in Washington DC and the unelected bureaucrats who are destroying the America we love.

The Deep State Explained In 5 Minutes
VIDEO: Want to know what the deep state is? Great little vid that gives you a pretty good idea.

Catherine Austin Fitts: There Is No Middle Of The Road Anymore – Choose Which Side You're On
VIDEO: Catherine says that spiritual warfare is wreaking havoc on the economy, and now we must all chose sides and get involved. Here's our options…

Doctors From Around the World Issue Dire Warning Not to Take COVID Vaccines!
VIDEO: The Main Stream Media, Big Tech, the government REFUSE to allow highly skilled doctors from all over the world to be heard. These doctors have been raising the alarm about the SCAMDEMIC almost from very early on and continue to do so at great risk to their lives and careers.


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WHO Official Testifies That Advice Against Vaccine Passports Was Ignored To Continue Digital Rollout
ARTICLE: Governments were intent on rolling out the controversial and invasive technology against all advice.

Another Country Announces it Will Require Citizens to Accept Biometric Digital IDs
ARTICLE: The momentum continues to build for a global digitalized system that will be the final control grid — marking, tracking and monitoring the movement of all things, living and non-living. Another country, Nepal, has just announced it will submit to the global beast system and digitally mark all of its citizens starting at birth.


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The Results of California’s New $20 Fast Food Minimum Wage Are Already In
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Thousands of jobs have already been eliminated by California's law to raise the minimum wage to $20 for restaurant workers, which goes into effect April 1.

You Will Own Nothing And Then You Will Die!
VIDEO: Private Home Ownership, the Heart of the American Dream Is in cardiac arrest. New data reveals that economists have been sugar coating the rate at which financial Goliaths have been swallowing up America’s single family homes.


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The College Degree Scam - 52% of Graduates Don't Use Their Degrees
VIDEO: In this video, Patrick Bet-David reveals the shocking truth about college and why more than half of graduates don’t end up using their degrees. Whether you’re a student or a parent, this information is crucial in making the most important decision for your future. Don’t miss out on this important discussion about the realities of college education.

Democrats Fail America’s Youth As Dozens Of Schools In Illinois & Maryland Have Zero Kids Proficient In Math
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Despite Democrats plowing tens of billions into public K-12 education, schools across the nation are failing in their core mission to educate.

Public School is the Primary Weapon of the Deep State
VIDEO: Through the deliberate dumbing down and conditioning of children, the Deep State has radicalized youth to hate America’s Christian, constitutional, and moral heritage to create global citizens, ready to play their role as a cog in the machine of a collectivist society, explains The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State.

Louisiana Teacher Began Sounding the Alarm About Marxist Trends in our Schools in the 80s and 90s
VIDEO: This is Ezola Foster. She was born in Louisiana in 1938 and was a public school teacher for 33 years. In the 1980s & ’90s she began sounding the alarm about troubling trends in our schools.

Dangerous People Are Teaching Your Kids
VIDEO: Dangerous people are filling the heads of young people with dangerous nonsense. Who are these people? They are what Jordan Peterson calls “the post-modernists:” neo-Marxist professors who dominate our colleges and universities. And here’s the worst part: we are financing these nihilists with tax dollars, alumni gifts and tuition payments. Time to wise up.


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The Democrats Open Borders Plan Explained in Just Two Minutes
VIDEO: This short video breaks down how the Democratic Party are using the invasion of the southern boarder to cement their permanent one-party rule.

Congressman Warns 10 Million Illegal Immigrants Could Translate to 13 Congressional Districts
ARTICLE: Extra electoral power illegal immigrants could grant Democrats in elections is the only plausible explanation for their inaction on the border, senator says.

Mississippi SOS Warns Biden Is Registering Illegal Aliens to Vote with Executive Order
ARTICLE: Mississippi’s Republican Secretary of State Michael Watson is raising the alarm after discovering that Democrat President Joe Biden’s executive order is registering ineligible convicts and illegal aliens to vote. Watson has sent a letter to Biden’s Department of Justice (DOJ) asking it to stop enforcing the executive order.

One-in-Five Mail-In Voters Admit to Fraud
ARTICLE: We know that the mail-in voting system was implemented as a measure to control the vote. The question becomes how far does the fraud go? The Rasmussen Reports and the Heartland Institute conducted a survey that found one-in-five mail-in voters committed voter fraud during the 2020 US Presidential Election.

Docs Show DHS Knew Mass Mail Voting Risks in 2020 But Censored Criticisms as ‘Disinformation’
ARTICLE: Documents obtained through a lawsuit by America First Legal (AFL) show the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), the DHS’s censorship arm, outlined numerous significant voter fraud risks in the lead-up to the 2020 presidential election.

NEVER FORGET! EVERY Battleground State in 2020 Announced They Were Going to Quit Counting on Election Night After Trump Was Roaring to Victory
VIDEO: On Election night in November 2020 President Trump was soundly defeating Joe Biden. The election was won by Trump when Americans went to bed. Then something took place that Americans had never experienced in over 200 years of its existence. News broke that the battleground states were going to quit counting votes for the night. This had NEVER taken place in US history.

Nearly TWO-THIRDS of All Controls Needed To Ensure Accurate and Secure Elections Are Missing!
ARTICLE: The US Election process is BROKEN. Nearly two-thirds of all controls needed to ensure accurate and secure elections are missing! ALL KEY CONTROLS must be in place and working properly before the external auditor will sign off on a company’s financials reported to the public.

Professor and Election Expert J. Halderman Hacks into Dominion Voting Machine in Court USING ONLY A PEN
ARTICLE: "We discovered vulnerabilities in nearly every part of the system that is exposed to potential attackers. The most critical problem we found is an arbitrary-code-execution vulnerability that can be exploited to spread malware from a county’s central election management system (EMS) to every BMD in the jurisdiction. This makes it possible to attack the BMDs at scale, over a wide area, without needing physical access to any of them."

Globalist Klaus Schwab Says Elections Will Soon Be a Quaint Relic of the Past
VIDEO: World Economic Forum founder and chairman Klaus Schwab showed his true Nazi colors today at Davos, saying that nations will soon no longer need to bother holding “elections” because voters could easily be replaced by artificial intelligence. AI is more than capable of choosing a nation’s leaders, he said.

GOP Seeks Constitutional Change to Offset State Electoral Advantage From Illegal Aliens
ARTICLE: This is one of the BIG reasons nobody is talking about that the Democrats/RINOS/and globalists are flooding our country with illegal aliens. They know as they "illegally" enter our country they will also "illegally" vote for Democrats to ensure all the handouts will keep on coming. The Democrats "never play fair" and employ every possible scheme to rig/cheat to win elections.

How Zuckerberg Used a Tax-Exempt Foundation to Help Biden Fix the 2020 Election
ARTICLE: Zuckerberg’s goal was to massively increase voter turnout in Democrat-dominated jurisdictions by maximizing fraud-breeding practices like ballot harvesting, the use of unmonitored ballot drop boxes, and mail-in voting without strict signature-matching requirements.

Biden Removed President Trump’s Executive Privilege in Order to Raid Mar-a-Lago
ARTICLE: . . . to Cover-Up His Own Illegal Possession of Classified Documents.

Dr. Robert Epstein Reveals How Google Manipulates Voters for Democrats
VIDEO: Dr. Robert Epstein has been sounding the alarm about how Big Tech has been manipulating our minds since prior to the stolen 2020 elections. Many do not realize the profound impact of manipulating what you do and don't see in search results.

NEVER FORGET: 130,000-280,000 Completed Ballots Were Shipped Across State Lines from NY to PA in 2020 Election
ARTICLE/VIDEO: An election fraud whistleblowers came forward in December following the controversial election, including one who witnessed the shipping of an estimated 144,000-288,000 completed ballots across three state lines on October 21 2020.

Technology Expert Jovan Hutton Pulitzer Can Determine If Ballots are Legitimate or Fake in Seconds
VIDEO: We can take the physical ballot, the image scan of the ballot in the machine, the CVR file in the machine, and I can even take a shredded bag of ballots and do what we do.

How Ballot Harvesting Corrupts Elections
ARTICLE: People think the real problems with the integrity of our elections involve non-citizens voting, or lack of photo ID, or voter rolls needing to be cleaned, or ballot box stuffing. While those are all problems, people are missing the elephant quietly sitting in the corner of the room. The real threat moving forward is the practice of ballot harvesting.

'Suppression,' Debunked: Study Concludes Voter ID Laws Do Not Depress Voter Turnout
ARTICLE: Strict voter ID laws do not suppress turnout, a new paper finds, regardless of sex, race, Hispanic identity, or party affiliation...In total, 10 states, ranging from Georgia to Wisconsin, require voters to show ID in order to vote. Seven of those states require a photo ID, and three do not.

How Ranked-Choice Voting Harms America
ARTICLE: Proponents of ranked-choice voting, which is also known as instant-runoff voting or RCV, argue that it creates a more fair and functional system. Those proponents, of course, are Democrats. The Dems figured out that changing the way people vote could change the outcome of elections regardless of what the majority of voters want. Keeping that in mind, we should also think of RCV as rigged-choice voting.

SHOCKING!! Yes, Opposing Voter ID Is UnAmerican
VIDEO: Voter IDs may not guarantee that as many people will vote in the next election as did the last. Maybe that’s a good thing. But Voter IDs will guarantee that every vote cast is cast by a citizen of this nation and that will make the integrity of the process soar. And adding more integrity to the ethic of our elections is definitively a pro-American thing to do.

REMEMBER! There Was No Peaceful Transition of Power
VIDEO: In 2019 shortly after attorney Attorney General William Barr was confirmed, democrats were shocked when he stated ‘I think spying did occur’ on the Trump campaign.

Immigrants Find Noncitizen Voter Registration Easy
ARTICLE: Some admit to casting ballots. The report found that the noncitizens in Allegheny County remained on the rolls an average of six years before they were removed. Of the 139 bogus voters, 74 registered as Democrats and just 23 signed up as Republicans. The others were undeclared or identified with a third party.

The Electoral College Is Still The Best Way To Elect A President
ARTICLE: There is no such thing as a national election for president, is there? To run for president, a candidate has to successfully get on the ballot in all 50 states. Elections are conducted by the states. How can you devise a system where a union of the states elect the only person who represents all Americans?

Electric Vehicles (EVs)

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Biden is Trying to Force the Trucking Industry to go Electric With Outrageous New Regulations
ARTICLE: While Joe Biden parties with Obama and Clinton in New York City, his radical EPA is releasing new rules that will force the trucking industry to switch to very expensive electric trucks in less than ten years if it isn’t stopped. Their new rules they released today require heavy duty trucks and busses to be zero-emissions by 2032 and will force smaller trucking companies out of business.

The Electric Vehicle Bubble Bursts. In Fact, it Explodes
ARTICLE: It’s highly debatable whether, even if every car owner in the West could afford to switch over to EVs, it would have much impact on our climate at all — not when the hungry half of the world is unapologetically burning coal.

Study Warns Electrifying Trucking in U.S. Could Cost as Much as $1 Trillion Burden to Consumers
ARTICLE: These costs to electrify trucking would ultimately be passed down to consumers. Trucks move nearly 73% of the nation's freight by volume, meaning many goods will be impacted by the added expense of such a transition.

Joe Biden Issues New Environmental Rules to Begin Killing Off Gas Powered Vehicles in America
ARTICLE: Joe Biden officially issued the most radical environmental rules in American history to phase out gasoline-powered vehicles and force customers to drive ineffective electric cars. the White House and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), finalized a slate of economically crippling environmental regulations curbing gas-powered vehicle tailpipe emissions. These rules are ostensibly in response to greenhouse gas emissions and “climate change.”

Why There Will Never be an Affordable EV
ARTICLE: Do you know why there will never be affordable EVs? If you already know why there aren’t any affordable vehicles, you already know the answer. It isn’t legal to sell them.

Why Are EVs so Expensive?
ARTICLE: EVs are required by law to do what EVs aren’t able to do . . . without making them 30-40 percent more expensive than otherwise comparable vehicles with engines, transmissions and drive axles. That being capable of operating on highways at highway speeds.

Electric Vehicles Have A Weight Problem
ARTICLE: The Canadian Press reports that a study has found what's been known for years, which is that US highway guardrails are not strong enough to withstand the force of EVs that weigh 1,000 – 4,000 lbs. more than their gas-powered counterparts. AND roads themselves are not designed to withstand the pressure of these much heavier EVs, and are being torn up and left in need of repair or complete re-paving years sooner than had been anticipated?

Energy Department Caught Massively Cheating to Boost Electric Vehicle Efficiency Data
ARTICLE: They are so desperate to push their so-called “green” agenda to fight so-called “climate change” that they intentionally manipulated fuel efficiency data so consumers wouldn’t realize how awful electric vehicles really are. This isn’t a minor adjustment. The federal government allows EV companies to multiply their reported efficient by nearly 700%

Public Charging Stations Turn into Electric ‘Car Graveyards’ in Bitter Chicago Cold
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Electric vehicle owners in the Chicago area have not been able to charge their overpriced method of transportation in the bitter cold this week, leaving scenes of dead electric cars littered across public charging stations. It turns out buying a worthless car to virtue-signal for the environment has unintended consequences.

Electric Vehicles Are an Ideologically Driven Economic Misadventure
ARTICLE: As more motorists own electric vehicles (EVs) and experience problems operating them, evidence shows that the movement to abandon gas-powered vehicles is ideologically motivated and unsupported by rational economic calculation.

Energy Issues

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Texas Hail Storm Destroys Thousands of Acres of Solar Farms
VIDEO: During a hail storm last week, several solar farms in the Needville, Texas were destroyed in an area spanning more than 10,000 acres. Nearby residents have expressed concerns about the envirnmental impact of the solar farms.

Eco-Terrorism 101: Harvard to Host Screening of ‘How to Blow Up a Pipeline’
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Harvard Law School is set to host a screening of a film called “How to Blow Up a Pipeline” — whose website has a “Take Action” tab that includes a map of all the U.S. pipelines. The romanticized eco-terrorism film will be screened on April 3 by the Harvard Law School Film Society and will include a discussion with director Daniel Goldhaber and Law Professor Jon Hanson.

Floating Offshore Wind Projects Will Squander Hundreds of Billions of Dollars
ARTICLE: From a financial perspective, offshore wind, should it go forward, will be the biggest waste of money ever imposed on the backs of working Californians.

The Truth About Fossil Fuels and Oil
VIDEO: If oil comes from fossils, why have scientists found it on one of Saturn's moons? A lot of what you've heard about energy is false. Dr. Willie Soon explains:

Environmental Issues (Real Ones)

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The Microplastic Menace
ARTICLE: Microplastics are, quite literally, everywhere. You may think you know this already. But you probably don’t appreciate, not fully, the extent to which microplastics have invaded every corner of the planet and every corner of our bodies. Like I say, they’re everywhere—and I mean everywhere. If you're not protecting yourself and your family against microplastics, you need to be.

The Scourge of Microplastics
ARTICLE: Microplastic contamination is a monumental environmental and health issue with serious consequences Micro and nanoplastics have found their way into just about every nook and cranny on land, sea, air, human and animal bodies. It's in our food and the water we drink, particularly bottled water

Facinating and Fun

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Emperor Penguin Chicks Jump Off a 50-Foot Cliff in Antarctica
VIDEO: National Geographic and BAFTA Award-winning cinematographer Bertie Gregory release unprecedented footage of Emperor penguin chicks leaping 50 feet off an Antarctic cliff.

The Earth is Flat? See the Curvature of the Earth
VIDEO: Flat Earth? Doesn't look like it to me. This video shows the earth is indeed a sphere with views from 43,000 feet and 5 miles up.

Shellac - Why Melted Bugs On Candy And Lemons Fuel A $167 Million Industry
VIDEO: Shellac is a natural resin that comes from tiny insects harvested off tree branches in India. Indians have valued the bug for 3,000 years for its versatility.

Dana Carvey Biden Impersonation
VIDEO: Dana Carvey is known for doing outstanding impersonations and does not disappoint with this impersonation of Joe Biden. One of the best!

HILARIOUS: White Woman Does Spot-On Impression of ‘Every Kamala Harris Speech’
VIDEO: A woman who goes by the name Elsa Kurt on Twitter/X and other social media platforms does a Kamala Harris impression that is outstanding.

What a ‘Plus Sized Model’ Looked Like in 2004
ARTICLE/VIDEO: A clip of a woman described as a “plus sized model” from the 2004 season of America’s Next Top Model has gone viral, with respondents pointing out the difference 20 years later. The clip shows Anna Bradfield, who appeared in season 2 of the show, and was one of 12 women to compete in the final.

The Mysterious Human Heart
VIDEO: Like so many things "we think we know for sure" here is yet another instance of new evidence turning everything on its head. New evidence now suggests the heart is not a pump!

The Expanding Earth and Planets - The Earth and Other Planets Are Actually Growing
VIDEOS: These amazing videos show you an amazing reality that somehow our highly advanced scientific community has failed to bring to our attention. After viewing these it seems so obvious it's a wonder it's not common knowledge. Yes, folks, the earth and other planets grow, like everything else in the universe! Once again it seems science is turned on its head. You will see compelling evidence that the earth and all bodies in the universe actually 'grow'.

Debt Limit - A Guide To American Federal Debt Made Easy
VIDEO: A satirical short film taking a look at the national debt and how it applies to just one family.

Camille Paglia Explains Why Feminism Is The Collapse Of Western Civilization
VIDEO: Cultural commentator Camille Paglia says that second-wave feminism attempts to destroy men – what they don't seem to realize is the fact that it is also destroying women and our culture.

The Inevitable Collapse of Feminist Societies
VIDEO: This short but thorough presentation is a real eye opener. The author reflects our current situation against historic facts and how, unless we wake the hell up, Islam is going to once again conquer western societies.

Food Issues

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Hungarian and Polish Farmers Battling Cheap Unregulated Ukrainian Grain
ARTICLE: The great European Farmers’ Revolt is still ongoing, with agricultural producers mobilizing in an unprecedented scale in most countries. The demands from the food producers is pretty much the same all over, and it centers around the failed, crippling green environmental policies, emanating from Brussels, that threaten their subsistence and may also cause food insecurity and a major manufactured famine. But some countries have an additional sticking beef: the cheap, low quality unregulated Ukrainian grain flowing through their borders

Democrats Push to Hide Insects in American Food Supply
ARTICLE: Democrats are fighting to keep insects hidden in food products to be consumed by the American general public. In Minnesota, state Senate Democrats blocked an amendment that would have required foods containing insects to be labeled. Republicans are arguing that insects should be listed in the ingredients of food products to inform consumers.
An mRNA Jab for Every Farm Animal
ARTICLE: When you see the industry messaging, it hews pretty close to the mindset and terminology of the entire establishment Covid problem and cure. Is that what we want on our dinner tables? Asked another way, do we really want Fauci in charge of our food?

The Toxic Herbicide Industry — Guilty of Causing Cancer — Is Seeking Legal Immunity Across the United States
ARTICLE: The toxic herbicide industry, which continues to blast out carcinogens like glyphosate and atrazine, is seeking legal immunity across the United States. In a last-ditch effort to ward off multi-billion-dollar legal challenges, companies like Bayer and Syngenta are approaching legislators across the country and pushing them to pass legislation that would give their companies legal immunity against the lawsuits.

After Shutting Down Thousands of Farms, European Governments Are Warning About a Future Food Crisis
ARTICLE: EU government officials recently convened with food security experts to devise a plan to handle a potential food crisis. The question no longer appears to be whether such a scenario will come to pass but rather how soon Europeans can expect it.

Oregon Urgently Shuts Down Small Farms En Masse - “To Protect The People"
VIDEO: It seems like these types of stories are starting to become so prolific you could almost do a video a day on them. The State of Oregon has effectively shut down small farms and market gardens on a large scale. They are actually sending out cease and desist letters out to farms and they are using satellite technology to find their victims. They are doing this scam on the basis of water conservation groundwater protection BS.

The Farm Wars
VIDEO: The CIA media and its satellite propagandists are covering up a global revolution that is far worse than any war. We are on the verge of revisiting Mao’s Great Famine, engineered global starvation in order to reign in the GMO agricultural control of UN Agenda 2030 and the Great Reset. In America, Soros pawns are now making it a priority to wage lawfare on the average farmer.

The Globalist Plan to Eliminate All Farms – No More Food, No More Humans
ARTICLE: Much of the world’s farming community is still in the dark about the globalist plot to take over their land and render it desolate, all in the name of going “net zero” for the climate. As explained by author Dr. Vernon Coleman, nothing about the climate change and global warming agenda is accidental or random. It was thoroughly planed for such a time as this, the end game being the destruction of farming and the implementation of synthetic “food.”

American Cattle Rancher Exposes How They’ve All Been Sold Out
VIDEO: Four large Mega Corporations now own 85% of the entire Industry. Two of them are foreign owned. One of them is Chinese. Fifty Percent or more of the beef processing be controlled by countries outside of the US. It comes down to our own food source security.

Rep. Massie Warns About Fed Plan to Electronically Track All U.S. Cattle to Stymie Beef Production
ARTICLE: Hidden deep within the new omnibus bill is a secret provision to allow the federal government to electronically track all cattle in the United States. Lobbyists will receive $15 million in taxpayer funds to unleash the electronic tracking grid on the nation’s meat-producing cows and bison.

New York AG Letitia James Files Lawsuit Against Worlds Largest Beef Producer for ‘Misleading Public’ About its Impact on Climate
ARTICLE: New York Attorney General Letitia James is now seeking to punish the worlds largest producer of beef products. Now she’s waging a war on meatpacking giant JBS USA Foods Co. “The lawsuit filed in a New York state court in Manhattan seeks a $5,000 civil fine per violation of state business laws, and to recoup ill-gotten gains from false sustainability claims.”

Four Out of Five Americans Test Positive for Chemical Chlormequat Found in Popular Cereal Brands
ARTICLE/VIDEO: The Environmental Working Group published research in the Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology that said 80 percent of the people tested in the group’s research tested positive for the chemical chlormequat, according to the New York Post.

WEF Warns Home-Grown Food Causes ‘Climate Change,’ Demands Ban
ARTICLE: So-called “experts” at the World Economic Forum (WEF) are warning governments that members of the general public are causing “climate change” by growing their own food at home. According to a recent WEF study, researchers apparently discovered that home-grown food is “destroying the planet.”

UN Secretly Working with Banks to Destroy Farming Industry
ARTICLE: A group of top officials representing twelve U.S. states has raised the alarm after discovering that the unelected globalist United Nations is secretly working with banks to destroy the American farming industry. The banks are using the UN’s Marxist “environmental, social, and corporate governance” (ESG) criteria to score and penalize farmers.

Why Do Western Governments and Elites Come After Our Farmers?
VIDEO: This short video with Jordan Peterson, Dutch Political Emmentator Eva Vlaardingerbroek, and German farmer Anthony Lee, discusses why governments and the so-called Elites deliberately and tirelessly work to destroy everything in sight. All you have to do to understand what's happening is to look at the consequences to see their what their motives really are. None of what is going on is happening by mistake or by accident.

How GMO Foods Alter Organ Function and Pose a Very Real Human Threat To Humans
VIDEO: The Health Ranger, Mike Adams, explains how studies in cell research have demonstrated the mechanism by which micro RNA from genetically engineered foods may alter organ function in humans.

Free Speech - First Amendment

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EU Disinfo Lab Proposes Expanding ICANN Operations to Target ‘Disinformation’ Sites at The Domain Level
ARTICLE: EU DisinfoLab, a non-profit officially operating independently but regularly making policy recommendations to the EU and member-states, is now pushing for a security structure created by ICANN (the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) to be utilized in the “war on disinformation.”

“Fighting for a Free Press: Protecting Journalists and their Sources" – with Catherine Herridge and Sharyl Attkisson
ARTICLE/VIDEO: The House Judiciary Committee Subcommittee on the Constitution and Limited Government is currently hosting a hearing on freedom of the press and protecting journalists, as the Biden Regime attempts to infringe on the rights of the press and shape news stories to fit their narrative.

The Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act 2021
ARTICLE: Scotland recently took a giant step towards becoming one of the most restrictive countries in Europe. The adjective ‘Orwellian’ trips too easily off of the lips these days, but with severe and significant restrictions to free speech being introduced in the contents of the Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act 2021, which came into force on 1 April 2024, it is hard to imagine a more apt description.

The National Security State Is the Main Driver of Censorship in the US
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Join Tucker Carlson and Mike Benz as they unveil the main driver of censorship in the United States in this eye-opening and informative video. Explore the hidden agendas and powerful forces at play behind the scenes that are shaping the landscape of free speech and expression in the modern age.

Glenn Greenwald - This Bipartisan Push to Ban TikTok Is *Not* About Chinese Spying
VIDEO: Glenn Greenwald exposes what's really going on with the whole banning TikTok narrative. It should come as no surprise the "official narrative", yet again, reality appears to be the exact opposite of what we are being told. According to Greenwald's research, it's not based on concerns over China but rather concerns about being able to control/censor TikTok content by all the usual suspects.

Why CISA’s Censorship And Election Interference Work Is The ‘Most Insidious Attack on American Democracy’
ARTICLE: CISA’s censorship of state-defined ‘disinformation’ is a ‘psychological operation against the American people’ that is ‘as bad as it gets,’ Warner told The Federalist.

Technocensorship: When Corporations Serve As a Front for Government Censors
ARTICLE: "Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear." - Harry S. Truman.

In 2016, the US Government Decided to End Free Speech
VIDEO: The executive director of FFO Freedom, Mike Benz, explains in this clip how The US government decided in 2016 to end free speech on the Internet. Mike Benz answers the question: Was the 2016 election a critical tipping point of Internet free speech? “Oh, absolutely, yeah. There were three things that happened in 2016.

Globalization - NWO (New World Order)

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UN ‘Peacemakers’ Kill Civilians While WHO Staff Rape Children
ARTICLE/VIDEOS: The world’s leading globalist body is led by a terrorist and filled with child predators and perverts who pose as “peacekeepers” and purveyors of “health.” That body is the United Nations (UN), and it also includes the infamous World Health Organization(WHO), which as we know played a leading role in the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “pandemic” false flag that appears to have forever changed the world for the very worst.

More on the he Case for US Withdrawing from the United Nations
ARTICLE: There are a lot of legitimate reasons to criticize the United Nations. It is expensive, threatens U.S. sovereignty, and impedes U.S. foreign policy objectives. But mostly, it is completely ineffective.

The WHO Really Does Want to Rule the World
ARTICLE: The new regime will change the WHO from a technical advisory organisation into a supra-national public health authority exercising quasi-legislative and executive powers over states; change the nature of the relationship between citizens, business enterprises, and governments domestically, and also between governments and other governments and the WHO internationally; and shift the locus of medical practice from the doctor-patient consultation in the clinic to public health bureaucrats in capital cities and WHO headquarters in Geneva and its six regional offices.

Why the U.S. Must Exit the United Nations and How YOU Can Help
VIDEO: By condensing 15+ years of research, interviews, and articles, this short film provides some of the reasons why the U.S. must exit the UN and action items for how you can help make it happen.

Great Reset Watch: EU Parliament Approves ‘Digital Identity Wallet’
ARTICLE/VIDEO: EU lawmakers in Strasbourg signed off a European Digital Identity (eID) by a margin of 335 votes in favour to 190 against, and 31 abstentions. The “digital wallet”, which now only needs the effective rubber stamp from the EU Council of Ministers to become law, will contain digital forms of national IDs, driving licenses, banking details, medical prescriptions and other private details of users.

Let’s Say We Actually Manage to Take Down the Globalist Elites . . . Then What?
ARTICLE: The freedom-oriented movement that has steadily grown and galvanised opposition to government and corporate coercion in the last four years has produced many brilliant analyses of problems and culprits. Yet precious little time has been spent thinking about how a better society could work, and what constructive next steps can be taken to get there.

Dublin Has Been Fundamentally Changed as Ireland Loses Its Identity
VIDEO: A woman from Dublin details the sad story about how mass illegal immigration has utterly destroyed the national identity of her country where hardly anyone in the place she calls home speaks her language. It's Longer Ireland. It's been wiped out by globalist mass migration policies.

The Case for U.S. Withdrawal from the United Nations
ARTICLE: While some may wish to remain in the United Nations and overhaul the organization from within, there is a solid case to be made for a U.S. withdrawal. The UN is expensive, ineffective, and impedes U.S. foreign policy objectives, and threatens U.S. sovereignty.

Dr. Bret Weinstein Exposes Globalist Plan To Destroy Civilization
VIDEO: This is a groundbreaking discussion highlights the COVID depopulation agenda, the Great Reset, open borders, and much more -- tune in and share this critical link! Dr. Bret Weinstein joins Alex Jones live in-studio for an exclusive interview that delves into his broad range of knowledge, including the threat to humanity posed by global elites.

Undercover at the World Economic Forum
VIDEO: Journalist Larry Alex Taunton went undercover to the World Economic Forum because he says there is simply no substitute for being there in person. His new documentary gives you a peak behind the curtain of the WEF and their agenda.

WEF Mastermind Yuval Noah Harari Says Human Rights Are Fiction, Just Like God
VIDEO: Harari is a very dangerous, evil person. Read any of his books and you will learn that he is unapologetically anti-human and, as evidenced in this video, anti-God.

Argentina's Javier Milei Attends Davos & Tells The WEF To Celebrate Freedom, Abandon Collectivism!
VIDEO: Buckle in, this is a speech for the history books. Argentina’s President Javier Milei on Wednesday called on business and political leaders at Davos to reject socialism and instead embrace “free enterprise capitalism” to bring an end to world poverty. “Today, I’m here to tell you that the Western world is in danger.”

Sweden SCRAPPING United Nations Agenda 2030 Goals
ARTICLE: "Generally, we don’t see any added value with the Agenda 2030 work and welcome the development. During the reign of the Social Democrats and the Green Party, Agenda 2030 and gender equality have been put in place everywhere, and we do not think that is one of the most important tasks for authorities”

Bret Weinstein on the Dangers of the WHO's Global Pandemic Treaty
VIDEO: Since any of the legitimate methods for regaining the public’s trust will cost the billionaires a lot of money, the pandemic cartel is opting for the only other option available to them—doubling down on their current approach (e.g., by arguing the actual reason the pandemic response was a disaster was because we didn’t do enough of what they wanted) and reworking the legal system so any dissent from their policies is illegal.

UN Pushing Food Supply Crackdown to Meet Agenda 2030 Targets
VIDEO: The United Nations (UN) is ramping up efforts to crack down on the global food supply to supposedly fight “climate change.” The UN is pushing the crackdown as part of its Agenda 2030 goals.

While Barely Anyone Was Watching, Leaders at the UN Made a 7 Year Agreement to Implement a Single Global Agenda
ARTICLE: Have you heard about the agreement that global leaders adopted at the United Nations during the “2023 SDG Summit” that was held earlier this week? On Monday and Tuesday, officials from all over the world gathered in New York City to commit their nations to fully implement the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals over the next 7 years.

The GREAT RESET - Details About Sick, Evil Globalist Plan Leaked!
VIDEO: Fasten your seat belts. This criminal global COVID Pandemic Hoax is the pretext for imposing this sickening EVIL plan for all of free humanity! This is a portion of a presentation given by Dr. Rashid A. Buttar regarding a leak out of Canada that details exactly how the Globalist Psychopaths intend to impose their Draconian Global Big Brother Police State.

Rosa Koire - If You Think You Can Handle The Truth, Here It Is!
VIDEO: United Nations Agenda 21/2030 is now being called THE GREAT RESET. IT'S HAPPENING RIGHT NOW IN YOUR TOWN!

Catherine Austin Fitts - The Great Reset Is Total Planetary Slavery! Learn the Details!
VIDEO: The Great Awakening is the third installment of the Plandemic series. This documentary experience assembles forbidden puzzle pieces to reveal the big picture of what’s really happening in America and beyond. The Great Awakening is intended to be a lighthouse to guide us out of the storm and into a brighter future.

The Humanitarian Hoax of Globalism
ARTICLE: The Humanitarian Hoax is a deliberate and deceitful tactic of presenting a destructive policy as altruistic. The humanitarian huckster presents himself as a compassionate advocate when in fact he is the disguised enemy.

It Is Never True That Diversity Is Your Strength
ARTICLE: Once again Tucker draws attention to a deeply troubling reality, this time how the Left has completely reversed a fundamental principle our country was founded upon, namely the motto "E Pluribus Unum" which means "out of many, one." Without asking anyone whether or not they wanted it the Left has forced the exact opposite on us with all the "diversity is our strength" nonsense.

1998 60 Minutes: One Evil Man - The Exposé On George Soros
VIDEO: While hundreds of thousands of Hungarian Jews were being shipped off to the death camps, George Soros accompanied his phony godfather on his appointed rounds, confiscating property from the Jews... And you [Soros] watched lots of people get shipped off to the death camps.

United Nations Openly Hijacks U.S. Police Departments
VIDEO: Former Clinton and Obama Underling Lorreta Lynch is called upon by Attorney General Letitia James to oversee a predictably pro looters and neo liberal socialist instigator clean up job flying in the face of Federal oversight. On top of that, Lynch isn’t there to follow up on the millions of merchandise looted by “ peaceful” protesters. Loretta Lynch is there to further apply pressure to an already crippled NYPD.

Totalitarianism and the Five Stages of Dehumanization
ARTICLE: The totalitarian attempt at global conquest and total domination has been the destructive way out of all impasses. Its victory may coincide with the destruction of humanity; wherever it has ruled, it has begun to destroy the essence of man.” – Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism, first published 1948.

UNESCO Is A Key Vehicle For Injecting Occult ‘Spirituality’ Into Classrooms Worldwide
ARTICLE: Weaponizing public schools for sinister purposes, an obscure United Nations institute is quietly working to transform education worldwide to impose radical political and spiritual values and beliefs on children. It is all happening under the guise of “social-emotional learning,” or SEL, a scheme hatched at a New Age organization whose founder and namesake was a follower of Lucifer Publishing Company chief Alice Bailey.

Mind Blowing Speech By Robert Welch in 1958 - Predicting Plans to Destroy America
VIDEO: Robert Welch, Founder of The John Birch Society, predicted today's problems with uncanny accuracy back in 1958 and prescribed solutions in 1974 that are very similar to Ron Paul's positions today.

Government Spending

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An Unsustainable Debt
ARTICLE: Interest payments on our $34 trillion national debt will soon exceed our spending on defense. Back in 1981, our national debt reached $1 trillion. At the time, it was hard to even comprehend such a number.

DC Swamp Releases $1.2 Trillion Spending Bill with Over 1,000 Pages While America Sleeps
ARTICLE: House Has Only Less Than 24 Hours to Review. The U.S. House of Representatives is scheduled to vote on a colossal $1.2 trillion spending package less than 24 hours after its release. The bill, spanning over 1,000 pages, was made public in the early hours of Thursday morning, at a time when most Americans were not awake to scrutinize its contents.

At $7.3 Trillion, Biden’s Budget Twice the Size of Obama’s
ARTICLE: Let’s just pause for a moment to consider the escalation here, of how it took decades for $2 trillion to turn into $3 trillion and then $4 trillion, but we’ve doubled the budget to over $7 billion in a decade.

US Debt of $30 Trillion Visualized in Stacks of Physical Cash
VIDEO: This video depicts what the US Debt would look like in stacks of physical cash in following sequence: $100, $10,000, $1 Million, $2 Billion, $1 Trillion, $30 Trillion The faith and value of the US Dollar rests on the Government's ability to repay its debt. "The money in the video has already been spent".

Government - Weoponization

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AMERICANS LOSE: FISA 702 Warrantless Spying Passes House Again by Vote of 259-128
ARTICLE: The House of Representatives on Monday passed a Motion to Table the Motion to Reconsider H.B. 7888, which passed on Friday to renew FISA 702 and allow warrantless surveillance of innocent Americans.

Congress Gives Itself a Carve Out in FISA Warrantless Spying Bill
ARTICLE: They hate you. They really, really hate you. The House of Representatives is finalizing a bill to continue their FISA warrantless spying on American citizens. The FBI will have to notify Congress and seek consent before violating the privacy of a member of Congress. But the rest of America is on its own. The FBI can abuse your rights at anytime.
Dan Smoot - Our Form of Government is Supposed to be a Constitutional Republic NOT a Democracy
VIDEO: This is a classic presentation by Dan Smoot back in 1966, a wonderful reminder of how the United States Government was intended to function. Daily we hear politicians and media screaming about how "our democracy is at risk!" Well, hell yes. THEIR FORM OF GOVERNING IS A DEMOCRACY NOT A REPUBLIC AS IT SHOULD BE!
Yuri Bezmenov - The Four Stages of Ideological Subversion (1984)
VIDEO: According to Bezmenov, ideological subversion is a covert strategy used by communist agencies to undermine and ultimately overthrow Western governments by spreading propaganda and disinformation.

5 Charts Show Why Congress Must Stop Deficit Spending
ARTICLE: Decades of budget gimmicks, spending sprees, and handouts to far left institutions have put America in an unsustainable position, as these new charts show.

Obama Repealed This 1948 Act So He Could Flood Our Media With Endless Propaganda
ARTICLE: Peeling back the layers of the Obama era is like opening Pandora’s box and finding out it’s deeper than we thought. Obama might have slithered out of the White House without a flashy “legacy” tag, but he sure did leave a mess. It’s as if he was the Dems and Deep State’s MVP, playing a long game we’re still trying to wrap our heads around.

Inside The FBI-Tainted Whitmer ‘Kidnap Plot’ You’ve Heard Almost Nothing About
ARTICLE: In a fiery exchange last month, CNN anchorwoman Abby Phillip told GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy that there was “no evidence” to support his claim that federal agents abetted protesters at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. Ramaswamy argued that federal officials have repeatedly “lied” to the American people about not only that investigation but one that has gotten much less attention: the alleged failed plot to kidnap and kill Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan in 2020. “It was entrapment,” Ramaswamy said. “FBI agents putting them up to a kidnapping plot that we were told was true but wasn’t.”

Dr. Marty Makary - The Greatest Perpetrator of Misinformation During the Pandemic has been the United States Government
VIDEO: The British Telegraph has obtained 100.000 text messages from former UK Health Secretary Matt Hancock, showing how the British government conspired to “frighten the pants off everyone” and asking “when do we deploy the new variant?”

The Post 9/11 Weaponization of the U.S. Government
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Barack Obama and Eric Holder did not create a weaponized DOJ and FBI; the institutions were already weaponized by the Patriot Act. What Obama and Holder did was take the preexisting system and retool it, so the weapons of government only targeted one side of the political continuum. This point is where many people understandably get confused.

Ain't No Rock and Roll Music Video
VIDEOS: Debut Single About 'Cowardly and Compliant' Rock Stars Like Pink and Gene Simmons Blows Up! As it turns out, it’s not very rock and roll to obey and comply with nonsensical government mandates and lockdowns.

$21 Trillion Missing – U.S. Government A Criminal Enterprise
VIDEO: Investment advisor and former Assistant Secretary of Housing Catherine Austin Fitts says you can add $21 trillion of missing federal money on top of the $20 trillion U.S. deficit. It's all in a new explosive report on Solari.com. We know that the U.S. government has been run like a criminal enterprise from a financial standpoint."

Catherine Austin Fitts - Government Taking Massive Amounts of Money Dark
VIDEO: Financial expert Catherine Austin Fitts says, “I don’t know why the government is shifting massive amounts of money out of the U.S. government and out of the U.S. economy and taking it dark.”

Dr. Mark Skidmore – $21 Trillion Missing from US Federal Budget
VIDEO: Dr. Mark Skidmore thinks the federal accounting of $21 trillion in missing money is crazy and far outside the realm of normal. So, is this a legitimate U.S. national security issue? Dr. Skidmore, who holds a PhD in Economics, says, "Yeah, and that is one of the reasons I decided to look at this. How can this be, and what does this mean? If trillions of dollars are flowing in and flowing out, it appears to be outside of our Constitution and outside of the rule of law.

The Investigators: ALEC - The Backroom Where Laws Are Born
VIDEO: This is a glimpse into the world of the American Legislative Exchange Couneil, a corporate-funded charity that pays for lawmaker trips to resorts where they leave with ready-to-pass bills.  Neither ALEC nor the Georgia legislature would show us where the money comes from, or who it goes to.

Government - THE Largest Special Interest Group!
VIDEO: We all know special interest lobbying is a huge problem in our government. This video presents some enlightening information about the fact that the influence of special interests reach far beyond lobbying.

The True Form of the American Government - Republic vs. Democracy vs. Oligarchy
VIDEO: Our system of government was never intended to be a democracy. Although many believe that we live in one, they have never been asked to vote on the decisions made by said government. Yet they believe that they are empowered just the same. We are not. lobbying.

During The Best Period Of Economic Growth In U.S. History There Was No Income Tax And No Fed
ARTICLE: The truth is that the best period of economic growth in U.S. history occurred during a time when there was no income tax and no Federal Reserve. Between the Civil War and 1913, the U.S. economy experienced absolutely explosive growth.

Antonin Scalia - On American Exceptionalism
VIDEO: U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia delivers opening statement before a Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing on the Role of Judges under the U.S. Constitution. Remarks delivered 5 October 2011.

Green Agenda

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Dr. Patrick Moore - Why He Left the Greenpeace Organization - A Jordan Peterson Interview
VIDEO: Moore discusses his time in Greenpeace, the historic timeline of global ice ages and climate change, the clear lies being peddled to promote alarmism, and how the woke left manipulates science (and scientists) to promote a falsely perceived and politically incentivized future catastrophe.

Green Energy Firms The Biggest Corporate Welfare Scam of All Time
ARTICLE: It turns out that despite all the promises over the past decade about how renewable energy is the future of power production in America, by far the biggest tax dodgers in the country are the wind and solar power industries.

Gun Rights - Second Amendment

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DOJ Announces Red Flag Center To Limit Gun Access From Americans
ARTICLE: Comes just days after a federal judge granted illegal aliens the right to carry firearms. Allows law enforcement, family members and medical professionals to petition a court to temporarily prohibit someone "at risk of harming themselves or others" from purchasing and possessing firearms.

Nick Freitas 2nd Amendment Speech on Floor of House of Delegates
VIDEO: Very clear and honest speech on why it's virtually impossible to find and implement effective solutions to issues involving guns and the second amendment.


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The Era of Informed Consent is Over
ARTICLE: In a significant blow to patient autonomy, informed consent has been quietly revoked just 77 years after it was codified in the Nuremberg Code. On the 21st of December 2023, as we were frantically preparing for the festive season, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a final ruling to amend a provision of the 21st Century Cures Act.

Obama Voter Explains His Red-Pilling Moments Over Obama Care
VIDEO: This gentleman explains exactly the primary reason he's no longer a Democrat, the Democrat LIES about Obamacare. He details how it has devastated the middle class and destroyed affordable health care for most of us.

Single-Payer Health Care: America Already Has It
VIDEO: Could a single-payer, government-run health care system work in the United States? We already know the answer, because America already has single-payer, government-run health care . . . the VA. Author and commentator Pete Hegseth explains.

Milton Friedman On Universal Health Care
VIDEO: Milton Friedman and his take on the idea of socialized medicine also known as universal health care. He is no fan of the idea. Citing it will detract from both quality of care and increases overall cost. Universal health care is still a issue that is strongly debated today. Milton Friedman was an American economist who received the 1976 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences.

Human/Sex Trafficking

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Sheriff Grady Judd Breaks Down Reality of Federally Sanctioned Human Sex Trafficking
VIDEO: This is a clip of Sheriff Grady Judd of Polk County Florida detailing the truth about what is being done to many of the women who are illegally smuggled into the United States with the full blessings and support of the "oh so loving" Democrats and Rinos in the United States Government.

Illegal Immigration

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Wisconsin Election Loophole Allows Illegal Aliens to Obtain ID to Vote
VIDEO: Wisconsin’s Department of Transportation provides a step-by-step guide for anyone without documentation of any kind to apply for an ID that can be used to vote in the 2024 election.

Over 400,000 Illegals Flown Directly into US Under Biden Regime’s CHNV Parole Program
ARTICLE: CBP data released shows that under crooked Joe Biden, 404,000 illegals have been flown into the US under the regime’s CHNV parole program. This program allows people from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela to apply for “humanitarian parole” in the United States and allows them to pursue employment.
Senator Ted Cruz Rips Biden Administration for Aiding and Abetting the Border Invasion
VIDEO: Senator Cruz passionately details the treasonous Biden administration policies responsible for allowing total uncontrolled illegal immigration into the United States of America. The Biden administration has willfully and deliberately facilitated the criminal invasion. It's a public safety crisis, a humanitarian crisis, and a national security crisis.
NYC Property Owners Forced to Pay Water, Electricity for Squatters or They'll Be Arrested
VIDEO: New York City residents piled into a city council woman’s office desperately seeking help with illegals squatting in their homes. They told city councilwoman Vicky Paladino that they are being forced to pay water, electricity and gas bills for squatters who have been in their homes for more than 30 days and if they stop they’ll be arrested.

Climate Change and Low Wages Not Grounds for Asylum
ARTICLE: Two of the biggest reasons the Democrats give as to why illegals are coming and why they should be granted asylum are climate change and “the chance at a better life“; essentially, because they want higher wages.

Illegal Immigrants Begin Squatting In US Homes
VIDEO: Word appears to have gotten out among illegal immigrants that many U.S. states allow them to seize the homes of Americans using squatters rights laws. In a recent case in New York, a group of alleged illegal immigrants was arrested by police after they were found with drugs, firearms, and a 7-year-old child in the residence they had taken.

Record Shows Voter Registration Without Photo ID Surges in Three Key Swing States: Arizona, Pennsylvania, and Texas
ARTICLE: A significant uptick has been reported in voter registrations without a photo ID in three critical swing states: Arizona, Pennsylvania, and Texas. The conservative advocacy group End Wokeness brought this trend to light on Tuesday, citing figures that point to a surge since the start of 2024, with Texas experiencing a staggering 1,250,710 such registrations, Pennsylvania with 580,513, and Arizona recording 220,731.

Joe Biden Flew 90% of Illegals in Secret Flight Program to Florida and Texas
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Joe Biden flew most of the illegal aliens in his secret migrant flight program to Florida and Texas – to punish the red states with a crushing amount of new illegal aliens. Biden sent 90% of the illegals in the secret flight program to Florida and Texas. Republican lawmakers are once again too weak to do anything about this purposeful destruction of America.

Undercover Video — Denver City Official Begs Illegal Aliens to Leave City
VIDEO: A Democrat city official in Denver, Colorado, was caught on camera telling illegal aliens they should consider leaving the jurisdiction for other sanctuary cities that have more resources.

Biden’s Budget To Fund Border Security In Egypt, Jordan, While U.S. Faces Unprecedented Border Crisis
ARTICLE: The recently passed budget, which authorizes $1.2 trillion in spending by the federal government, will allocate approximately $380 million dollars to support “enhanced border security” in Egypt, Lebanon, Oman, Tunisia, and Jordan, the latter of which will receive roughly $150 million.

Biden Secretly Considering Granting Amnesty and Giving Green Cards to Millions of Illegals
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Biden is considering granting amnesty to millions of illegal aliens who have lived in the US for over 10 years or have citizen relatives who would “suffer” if they were deported. According to Politico, similar to Obama’s DACA program, Biden is deciding whether to give the massive group of illegals green cards. The Democrats are losing the black and Latino voters so they are fiercely working to lock in a new voting bloc.

Illegal Alien Reveals How Little He Has to Do to Get So Much Free Stuff From Taxpayers
VIDEO: This clip of an interview with an illegal alien is jaw-dropping. The amount of resources that are being handed out to all these people who have entered our country ILLEGALLY is staggering.

Dems Unanimously Vote Against Spending Amendment to Stop Using Taxpayer Dollars to Fly Illegals INTO America
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Senate Democrats on Friday night voted unanimously to continue facilitating the invasion of our country by shooting down Tennessee Republican Senator Bill Hagerty’s amendment to the Swamp’s spending bill that would prevent the use of American tax dollars to fly illegals from foreign airports into various U.S. cities.

Drone Video Reveals Massive NYC Migrant Tent City, Kept Under Wraps By Democrats & Media
VIDEO: Democrats in New York City and their allies in leftist corporate media are keeping a massive migrant shelter hidden from the public, located at a previously operational airfield in southern Brooklyn. This comes as the metro area has been flooded with upwards of 175,000 illegals in just a few short years.

Traitor Joe's Illegal Alien Welcoming Center in Chicago Exposed
VIDEO: Insane footage - Biden Illegal Alien Welcoming Center in Chicago Exposed! This is all part of the US State Departments new “Welcoming Center” and “Safe Mobility Offices,” designed to streamline even more illegals into our country without American citizens, knowing about it - with your money!

The Democrats Open Borders Plan Explained in Just Two Minutes
VIDEO: This short video breaks down how the Democratic Party are using the invasion of the southern boarder to cement their permanent one-party rule.

“Time to Bud Light Them”: Tyson Foods Firing Blue-Collar Workers and Replacing Them With Illegals
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Calls for a boycott are intensifying on X following Tyson Foods’ announcement earlier this week to shutter a pork processing facility in Perry, Iowa. This move will eliminate 1,276 blue-collar jobs. At the same time, the mega food processor has expressed interest in hiring tens of thousands of illegals.

Biden-Harris Regime Provides Travel “Loans” to Illegal Aliens Using Nefarious UN Migration Scheme
ARTICLE: As millions of American citizens struggle to make ends meet, the Biden regime is busy handing out “loans” to illegal alien migrants all around the world so they can travel to and enter the United States illegally.

How Shadowy Network of NGOs Supplies Mega-Corporations With Illegal Aliens to Exploit Cheap Labor
ARTICLE: Illegals are obtaining jobs through a federal government loophole enabled by the Biden administration as they await deportation proceedings. This caught the attention of Elon Musk, who said, “Wow, learn something new every day.”

Elon Musk Breaks Down How Democrats Use Illegal Immigration to Rig Elections in Their Favor
ARTICLE: Elon Musk has revealed how the Democratic Party uses illegal immigration to rig the electoral system in its favor. Posting on his X platform, Musk responded to the news that Democrats in the Senate had unaninamously voted down an amendment to stop illegal aliens from being counted in apportionment for congressional districts and the Electoral College..

Biden Secretly Dumped 320,000 Inadmissible Illegal Immigrants Into US Cities
ARTICLE: Efforts by open-border Democrats to blame the growing big-city migrant crisis on Texas and its program of busing illegal immigrants north are being upstaged by a new investigation showing that President Joe Biden has secretly flown hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants from Latin American airports to 43 U.S. cities

TREASON! US is Funding Processing Centers in South America and Flying Illegals into America BEFORE They Reach The Border
ARTICLE/VIDEO: The Democrats are now hiding the crisis at the southern border by meeting illegals halfway and flying them into the United States. Real Americas Voice correspondent Ben Bergquam is on a fourth escapade through the Darién Gap, where he discovered “15-acre facilities” that the United States is using to process and smuggle illegals into the United States before they even reach the border.
Waking Up: Majority of Americans Now Back Trump-Style Border Wall
ARTICLE: Illegal immigration has become a key concern of voters this election year, with a new poll showing that, for the first time in the survey’s history, a majority of Americans support building a wall along the U.S.–Mexico border.

Former Panama Border Chief Claims United Nations Is Behind Chaos at the US Border with Mexico
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Former Panama border chief Oriel Ortega claims the United Nations in behind the chaos and invasion at the US border with Mexico. A report in November found that the Biden regime is spending $451 billion a year for illegal alien and asylum seeker benefits.

Hotels Are Making Millions Off Illegal Aliens
VIDEO: Undercover journalist exposes how hotels are profiting off illegal immigrants by signing contracts that guarantee payments for closing the hotels to the public to house illegal migrants exclusively.

Dear Denver Mayor: “Screw You”
VIDEO: The Demoncrats know no shame and have absolutely no moral compass. They will do and say anything to blame others for the nonstop insanity they have piled onto us all. The latest talking point is to blame the Republicans for what they have done by opening our borders in an effort to replace the black voters who are leaving the Democrat Plantation in droves.

How the State Department Uses Taxpayer Dollars to Fund the Flow of Illegal Immigrants Into the US
VIDEO: By now everyone’s heard about the disastrous $118-Billion border bill package—which has more to do with funding Ukraine than it has to do with the border. The bill would provide Ukraine with more than $60 billion which, as Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah) points out, is more than the entire budget of the U.S. Marine Corps. Democrats, who want to defund the police and allow our own borders to remain porous, have even included a $300-million provision to be given to Ukraine’s state border guard service for the purposes of securing the Ukrainian border.

Sen. Murphy Says the Quiet Part Out Loud – "The People We Care About the Most" – Undocumented 'Americans'
VIDEO: Democrat Senator Chris Murphy said the quiet part out loud on MSNBC on Wednesday night. Murphy told Chris Hayes the "strategy" on immigration "has failed to deliver for the people we care about most, the undocumented Americans that are in this country."

64 Times the Biden Administration Intentionally Undermined Border Security
ARTICLE: In a weak attempt to shift blame for a crisis their own policies created, the White House clumsily tried claim that House Republicans had an “anti-border security record” by voting to “eliminate over 2,000 border patrol agents and erode our capacity to seize fentanyl." Here are 64 instances of the Biden Administration undermining border security policy and encouraging illegal immigration.

5 Organizations That Provide the Maps to Help Illegal Immigrant Cross Our Border
ARTICLE: Multiple organizations have been providing maps showing immigrants exactly how to cross Central America and Mexico into the waiting hands of the cartel, who smuggle them across our border.

BIDEN BORDER CRISIS: A Record 302,034 Illegal Aliens Encountered at Southern Border in December
VIDEO: A record 302,034 illegal aliens were encountered at the US-Mexico border in December. It has been estimated that more than 11 million illegal aliens – mainly military-age males – have crossed over the border since Joe Biden was installed in January 2021.

Far More Than the Border Wall’s Cost: HHS Spent Huge Money to Help Illegal Aliens
ARTICLE: Remember when Democrats and RINOs in Congress told President Donald Trump that $15 billion was too much for a border wall? Then they said $6 billion was too much. Then they said $3.2 billion was too much. The federal agency responsible for busing, sheltering and supporting the largely unauthorized immigrant population pouring across America’s borders spent nearly $20 billion over the last two years, according to a new report.

UN Invading America at the Direction of Our Own Government
VIDEO: This is the New World Order’s Endgame. This powerful report exposes how the corrupt elements that have hijacked the U.S. government are coordinating with the United Nations to bring down America with open borders and endless immigration.

Biden Regime’s Goal of ‘Open Borders’ & ‘Global Governance’ Will ‘Destroy Our Country
The Biden administration’s “open border” policies are designed to “destroy” America, Sen. Ron Johnson. “The challenge we have in dealing with this administration is they caused the problem. They are the root cause. They want an open border”.

House GOP Report: Illegals in US Could Cost Taxpayers $451 Billion Per Year
ARTICLE: Caring for illegal aliens currently within the United States could cost American taxpayers up to $451 billion per year. The 49-page report entitled "The Historic Dollar Costs of DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas' Open-Border Policies" became public the same day that the House voted to refer a resolution to impeach the eponymous security official to the Homeland Security Committee.

Former Border Patrol Agent Zack Taylor Warns What's Coming
VIDEO: This was first posted back in 2016! Zach Taylor is a 27 year veteran Border Patrol agent with supervisory experience. He has testified before Congress as an expert witness on criminal activity in wilderness areas. His message is credible. He accuses the federal government in a cover-up that is deliberately shielding critical information from the public.

The 14th Amendment Does Not Mandate Birthright Citizenship
ARTICLE: The 14th Amendment was about removing vestiges of slavery, not regulating aliens. The 14th Amendment did not extend citizenship to the newborn children of illegal aliens. Our law has never done this, though we have been operating for decades as if it had.

A Nation of Immigrants
VIDEO: The media narrative today is that America has become “xenophobic” and is turning its back on new immigrants. But that narrative is sharply contradicted by the fact that the United States maintains the most generous immigration policies in the world. In this week’s new video, CRTV host and best-selling author Michelle Malkin explains how ill-conceived immigration policies threaten to destroy the American Dream for everyone.

Border Patrol Agent Sets CNN Anchor Straight on Deadly Horrors Parents Put Their Migrant Kids Through
VIDEO: Amazing how this border agent manages to get so much of the truth out despite this CNN talking head Brooke Baldwin's best efforts to make to sensationalize an audio of children crying (while providing ZERO ACTUAL CONTEXT ABOUT WHAT WAS REALLY OCCURRING) all about what a monster Trump is for allegedly creating these conditions.

Immigrants! Don't Vote for What You Fled
VIDEO: Many of America's legal and illegal immigrants fled nations that were ruined by corrupt politicians and failed government policies. But once here, they support the same things. Why? Gloria Alvarez, Project Director at the National Civic Movement of Guatemala, explains.

Information Industrial Complex

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The Information-Industrial Complex
VIDEO: Half a century ago, outgoing President Dwight D. Eisenhower coined the term "military-industrial complex" to describe the fascistic collusion between the Pentagon and America's burgeoning armaments industry. But in our day and age we are witnessing the rise of a new collusion, one between the Pentagon and the tech industry that it helped to seed, that is committed to waging a covert war against people the world over. Now, in the 21st century, it is time to give this new threat a name: the information-industrial complex.


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Butterbean's Comeback - One More Fight
VIDEO: Watch Butterbean's incredible journey from the start of his career, to his rise to superstardom... to his fall from grace. Now he's fighting one more time to prove to the world what is possible!

Intel Agencies (CIA - NSA - FBI)

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Mike Benz on the FBI’s Lawless Use of FISA Spying: “This Is the Most Corrupt Agency, the Most Lawless…
VIDEO: Mike Benz the founder and executive director of the Foundation for Freedom Online joined Natalie Winters on The War Room on Friday evening to discuss the House vote to recertify FISA spying on American citizens. Benz believes the FBI is the most corrupt agency, the most lawless in the country. And the only way “we will know there are checks and balances is when we see them in jail.”

Despots, Spooks, and Goons Part 1
ARTICLE: America’s Recurring Nightmare: Unconstitutional Intelligence Gathering Abuses and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA)

CIA Officer/Former FBI Boasts: We “Can Put Anyone in Jail.. Set Them Up”
VIDEO: Gavin O’Blennis, a Contracting Officer for the CIA told an undercover journalist with Sound Investigations that the FBI “can put anyone in jail…set ’em up!”

How the CIA Secretly Used Operation Mockingbird to Manipulate Public Perception Through the Media
ARTICLE: Jesse Watters recently shed light on Operation Mockingbird, an undercover Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) initiative aimed at manipulating public perception through the media. This operation involved the infiltration of journalists and informants into prominent U.S. media outlets, to advance the federal government’s viewpoints and political agendas.

Majority of American Voters Believe CIA-FBI Are Seeking to Control Outcome of 2024 Election
ARTICLE: Majority of Americans now know that Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, the FBI, CIA, Gina Haspel, Five Eyes foreign intelligence and others were involved in this historic scandal to ruin and take out candidate Donald Trump. The efforts to remove Trump from office based on the phony Russia collusion scandal and then President Donald Trump.

Mike Benz - How the CIA and Deep State Are Actively Working to Keep Trump Out of White House in 2024
VIDEO: Mike joined Steve Bannon on the War Room and explained on how the CIA and the Deep State are actively working to keep President Trump out of the White House in 2024. In fact, according to Benz, the CIA and Deep State are ready to use the same tactics on Americans that they use to overthrow unapproved regimes on foreign soil.

Russiagate - One of the Biggest Scandals In American History
VIDEO: This is one of the most definitive reports on Russiagate. It includes clips from several other vitally-important sources beginning with this interview between Tucker Carlson and Mike Benz, a former State Department official.

The Truth About Russiagate: What They Don’t Want You to See!
ARTICLE: The critical examination of intelligence practices, brought to the forefront by this controversy, illuminates the vital role of truth and transparency in the bedrock of political discourse. As we navigate the aftermath, the importance of vigilance in safeguarding the principles of democracy becomes ever more apparent, urging us to question, to challenge, and to seek beyond the veil of secrecy.

How The CIA Destabilizes The World
ARTICLE: There are three basic problems with the CIA: its objectives, methods, and unaccountability. As a recent CIA Director, Mike Pompeo, said of his time at the CIA: "I was the CIA director. We lied, we cheated, we stole. We had entire training courses. It reminds you of the glory of the American experiment."

A Nation of Snitches: DHS Is Grooming Americans to Report on Each Other
ARTICLE: “There were relatively few secret police, and most were just processing the information coming in. I had found a shocking fact. It wasn’t the secret police who were doing this wide-scale surveillance and hiding on every street corner. It was the ordinary German people who were informing on their neighbors.”—Professor Robert Gellately, author of Backing Hitler

The Enemy Within - The "Intelligence Community"
ARTICLE: We are facing a mortal threat to our republic, to our liberties, and to the future of democracy in America, and it's not coming from overseas. The danger is coming from within our own government – the permanent national security bureaucracy, which was never elected by anyone to anything, and is now determined to impose its will on a country that voted the "wrong" way.

Meet Allen Dulles: Fascist Spymaster
VIDEO: TThis video presents important history behind how we ended up with spy agencies bearing down on everythong and everything.  Diplomat, spy, Wall Street lawyer, philanderer, government overthrow specialist, Nazi collaborator, MKULTRA overlord, presidential assassin.

EU Disinfo Lab Proposes Expanding ICANN Operations to Target ‘Disinformation’ Sites at The Domain Level
ARTICLE: EU DisinfoLab, a non-profit officially operating independently but regularly making policy recommendations to the EU and member-states, is now pushing for a security structure created by ICANN (the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) to be utilized in the “war on disinformation.”

IRS (Internal Revenue Service)

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IRS Corruption Claims: Is Agency Spying on Taxpayers ‘En Masse’?
ARTICLE: A new investigation has been launched by Chairman Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, and Rep. Harriet Hageman, R-Wyo., into allegations of IRS corruption, that the feared and powerful federal bureaucracy is using artificial intelligence to spy on taxpayers' bank accounts and financial records "en masse." And without a legal reason.


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Importing Islam Means Importing Violence
ARTICLE: Norwegians are forced to pay billions of kroner annually to the country’s largest media company, which is actively trying to obfuscate why an increasing number of Norwegians are exposed to violent abuse in their own country. The mass immigration that established mass media, including the state broadcaster, has supported for decades imports violent crime. This is a demonstrable fact.

Israel/Palestine Conflict

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1992 Bill Cooper Interview - Reveals Israel’s True Purpose is to Usher in World Governmet and Much More
VIDEO: Bill Cooper published a book exposing the diabolical plans of The Deep State in 1990 called "Behold a Pale Horse." Here, about a year later, he gives an interview that reveals some of what he knew and wrote about. Ten years later he was murdered.

Epic Alex Jones Anti-Hamas/Israel Rant
ARTICLE: Alex Jones rants about how he doesn’t want to be dragged into the complicated and hateful conflict between Israel and Hamas as the entire world seems eager to pick a side.
Starving Gaza - New Film Reveals Mass Israeli Extremism w/ Journalist Jeremy Loffredo
VIDEO: This is an update from Glenn Greenwald on the ruthless war on Gaza by the Israeli government. Israel is utterly destroying and starving the Gaza population and deliberately making it entirely uninhabitable.

Kill Them All! Inside the Israeli blockade on Gaza Aid
VIDEO: Journalist Jeremy Loffredo goes inside the grassroots Israeli campaign to block desperately needed aid to the besieged Gaza Strip and elicits the shockingly candid views of the Jewish Israeli nationalists manning the barricades.

The Myth of Israel as ‘the Best/Sole US Ally’ in Middle East
ARTICLE: The crucial evidence is totally missing. Is there the slightest example of Israel actually serving American interests in the region? If no examples are given, it’s simply because there are none. Israel has never fired a shot on behalf of the United States or brought a drop of oil under U.S. control.

The Origins of the Israel-Palestine Conflict
VIDEO: This is an exploration of Britain’s conflicting promises made during the First World War and how it tried to resolve them. It also examines how the Second World War transformed the conflict in Mandate Palestine once again.

January 6th Capitol Protest

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Hearing Set, Three D.C. National Guard Officers to Expose January 6th Committee
ARTICLE: DC National Guard whistle-blowers to say they WERE ready to be deployed on January 6 on Trump's orders hours but were held back by the Pentagon in bombshell testimony contradicting Capitol riot committee's story.

Biden Regime Just Proved Once and for all That the US Government is the Most Corrupt Organization in the World
ARTICLE: The woman affectionately dubbed the “J6 Grandma,” Rebecca Lavrenz, found herself in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons. In what’s supposed to be the “land of the free,” she was put on trial, found guilty, and now stares down the barrel of federal prison time and up to a quarter-million dollars in fines.

Video Revealed by Jan. 6 Defendant Raises Questions About Undercover Agents
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Recently released Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol Police security video shows a suspected FBI special agent clapping and cheering as crowds surged up steps to the Columbus Doors and another meeting with an FBI tactical team just before it entered the Capitol after the fatal shooting of Ashli Babbitt.

Federal Judge Orders Release of January 6th Defendant While Condeming DOJ for 'Fact-Free' Approach
ARTICLE: A judge has ordered that Jan. 6 defendant Kevin Seefried be released from prison pending the appeal of his conviction.

Kash Patel Drops the January 6 Truth Bomb Video Everyone Needs to Watch
VIDEO: Kash Patel details the FACT that President Trump authorized the use of 10-20 thousand National Guard troops to be used at the Capitol BEFORE the events of January 6th 2001 occurred. It was Nancy Peolsi who prevented the deployment, for obvious reasons. Pelosi and her ilk deliberately orchestrated what happened to create the false narrative of an insurrection in order to justify prosecuting Trump.

A Thousand Years of Prison Time Over a 6-Hour Delay of Congress
ARTICLE: The single greatest mass infringement on fundamental First Amendment freedoms is happening right now. But the civil liberties establishment, which rakes in millions annually parroting the civil rights talking points of the 1970s, has turned its back on the greatest mass political persecution in American legal history: the railroading of January 6 defendants.

FOIA Texts Reveal CIA Involved in January 6 Response – Deployed Bomb Techs, Dog Teams, Texts Reveal
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Why was the CIA involved? Were they investigating foreign intelligence operations? Were they investigating American citizens?

‘Star Witness’ Lies, Destroyed Evidence and Collusion Highlighted in New House GOP Jan. 6 Report
ARTICLE: The House Administration’s Subcommittee on Oversight released on Monday the initial findings of its investigation into the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol Hill uprising—a report that will serve as the GOP rebuttal to the Democratic January 6th Commission.

New Information on Liz Cheney’s Deceit and Perverse Actions Surrounding Events on Jan. 6
ARTICLE: Raises Serious Calls for Her Arrest and Prosecution. A May 2021 report revealed that Liz Cheney ‘secretly orchestrated the Washington Post op-ed by all ten living former Defense Secretaries – including her father – warning against Trump’s efforts to politicize the military’ prior to January 6.

Blaze Journalist Steve Baker Gives Update On Biden Regime Arresting Him For Filming On Jan 6th
VIDEO: Blaze Media Investigative Journalist Steve Baker joins The Alex Jones Show fill-in host Owen Shroyer to give an update on his legal proceedings after he was taken into custody by the FBI for his reporting on Jan 6. Baker was arrested by the FBI shortly after reporting extensively on J6 anomalies, pipe bomb found at DNC.

Liz Cheney, January 6 Committee Suppressed Exonerating Evidence Of Trump’s Push For National Guard
ARTICLE: Former Rep. Liz Cheney’s January 6 Committee suppressed evidence that President Donald Trump pushed for 10,000 National Guard troops to protect the nation’s capital, a previously hidden transcript obtained by The Federalist shows.

Unconsitutional Government Funding Bill Gave DOJ $212 Million To Persecute/Prosecute Jan. 6 Protestors
ARTICLE: The package gave U.S. attorneys a budget of $2.63 billion for the coming fiscal year, a $212.1 million boost above current levels. One reason for the additional money is “to further support prosecutions related to the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol and domestic terrorism cases.”

PBS Documentary Clip Goes Viral For Suggesting Jan. 6 Committee Was a Fabricated Production
ARTICLE: A PBS documentary about the events of January 6, 2021, has gone viral recently for statements made by former Rep. Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill., and former ABC News President James Goldston. The clip highlights troubling comments that suggest mass media manipulation and messaging from the Jan. 6

J6 Pipe Bomber Was ‘Former’ Government Official – FBI Had His License Plate Number but Refused to Interview Him
ARTICLE: A whistleblower stepped forward in 2022 and disclosed that the FBI was withholding information on the investigation. In 2023 the FBI finally offered a $500,000 reward for information on the alleged bomber. Maybe they need to check who was on duty that night? The culprit was caught on video but never caught by the FBI – the greatest intelligence service in the world. Now we know why.

Journalist Glenn Greenwald Destroys the Leftist Narrative That January 6th Was a Coup
VIDEO: Glenn Greenwald is not a conservative, not even close in fact, but he is an honest journalist. During a recent panel discussion for Zero Hedge, Greenwald absolutely destroyed the Democrat/media narrative about January 6th being an attempted coup.

J6: A True Timeline
VIDEO: J6: A True Timeline gives the audience a never-before-seen timestamped blueprint for the events of January 6, 2021, as they unfolded in real time. No other film to date fills the gaps or tells the story chronologically the way this film does. The film is also different from anything produced to date because a small group of protestors, some who are J6 defendants, have been the ones to collect hours of footage to help contextualize the events of the day.

Revolver's Top Jan. 6th January 6th Investigative Stories
ARTICLE: By now, the sum total of Revolver's work is long enough to fill a short book. So here, they have collected all of their 1/6 reporting into a single spot, with short summaries for ease of reference.

J6 Polical Target Drops Bombshell Whistleblower Document That Changes Everything
ARTICLE: The January 6 political prisoners and targets are also fighting back. One of these victims, journalist Tayler Hansen, has just revealed bombshell evidence that shows he was targeted in an illegitimate investigation by the Federal Government due to his reporting on January 6th.

NEW VIDEO – Hidden from Public: Q Shaman Stands Outside Doors of US Capitol and Tells Everyone to Go Home
VIDEO: Red Voice Media posted a video that we had not seen before from the January 6 protest at the US Capitol. In the video, Jacob Chansley, later dubbed the “Q Shaman,” reads a tweet from President Trump to the crowd outside the US Capitol and tells them to go home. Chansley added, “We are peaceful… We are not Antifa.”

The Truth About January 6th
ARTICLE/VIDEO: This groundbreaking documentary, narrated by Political Prisoner Jake Lang from Inside Solitary Confinement, contains never-before-seen footage of and commentary on January 6th. This film is historical in the fact it was co-produced and narrated by January 6th Political Prisoner Jake Lang from solitary confinement. Lang is arguably one of the most persecuted January 6th defendants and political prisoners in America today.

Former Capitol Police Chief: National Guard Refused Before Jan. 6 Because 'Pelosi Will Never Go for It'
ARTICLE: Three days before Jan. 6, 2021, U.S. House Sergeant at Arms Paul Irving rejected Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund’s request for National Guard help because Mr. Irving said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) would “never go for it,” Mr. Sund testified before a House subcommittee on Sept. 19.

American Gulag
VIDEO: The Gateway Pundit launched www.AmericanGULAG.org, an informational site about the more than six hundred and thirty (630) people Joe Biden continues to imprison and persecute, largely for entering a public building on January 6, 2021 AND NOBODY HAS BEEN CHARGED WITH INSURRECTION!

Judicial Branch of Government

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Why Should a Single Federal Judge Be Able to Make Law for the Whole Country?
ARTICLE: Confusion about the proper role of the courts extends to many of our sitting judges. Last month, while the Supreme Court narrowly upheld the so-called Trump travel ban, Justice Clarence Thomas raised an issue that the next Supreme Court justice may have to weigh in on. Why is it, he asked, that a single federal district judge can impose an injunction blocking a presidential executive order in all 50 states even if none of his colleagues (599 district judges) thinks it’s a good idea?

The Criminally Liable Supreme Court For Granting Personhood to Corporations
ARTICLE: The real issue here is that the supposed U.S. Supreme Court exceeded it's bounds and violated the rights of the people of the U.S. (and the world) by granting corporations so many illegal "rights" that they have now nearly killed everything needed to allow the planet to survive.

Lawfare/Legal Issues

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Trump’s Mar-a-Lago, Valued at $18m by NY Judge, Sold for $20m in 1981
ARTICLE: Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate, valued at just $18 million by Judge Arthur Engoron in a civil fraud trial against the former president, sold for $20 million in 1981. “In 1981, the New York Times reported that Mar-a-Lago was for sale for $20 million,” commented America First lawmaker Rep. Matt Gaetz, sharing a clipping of the story. “Now, 43 years later New York Judge Engoron expects you to believe that Mar-a-Lago has not appreciated a cent and is actually worth $18 million.”

How Ashli Babbitt's Murder Was Handled Compared to How the E. Jean Carroll Case Has Been Handled
VIDEO: Greg Kelly from Newsmax exposes how our politicized judicial system deals with cases that advance their agendas and cases that don't by comparing how the murder of Ashli Babbitt was handled and how the E. Jean Carroll vs Trump case has been handled.

LGBTQP++++/Gender Issues

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Landmark Study Reveals ‘Transgender’ Kids Actually Have Other Mental Health Diagnoses, Instead
ARTICLE: The new study from British pediatrician Dr. Hilary Cass confirms what we’ve always known: Children presenting with sudden onset gender dysphoria are actually suffering from other mental health diagnoses—not true gender dysphoria.

National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics Essentially Bans Transgender Athletes from Competing in Women’s Sports
VIDEO: According to law, elected officials must swear an oath that they will support, defend, and bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. US attorney Todd Callender, along with his team at Project Proper Oath, found that not a single member of the existing cabinet has a valid oath of office.

National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics Essentially Bans Transgender Athletes from Competing in Women’s Sports
ARTICLE: The National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) announced a policy restricting transgender athletes from competing in women’s sports.

Total Mockery of Women - An Obscene Grotesque Caricature
VIDEO: What happened to courtroom decorum? A Seattle transgender defense attorney representing far-left activists who disrupted a Seattle City Council meeting in February flaunted his giant breasts in a courtroom

15-Year Study Concludes Most Gender-Confused Children Grow Out of It
ARTICLE: The majority of gender-confused children grow out of that feeling by the time they are fully grown adults, according to a long-term study. Researchers in the Netherlands tracked more than 2,700 children from age 11 to their mid-twenties, asking them every three years of feelings about their gender. Results showed at the start of the research, around one-in-10 children (11 percent) expressed 'gender non-contentedness' to varying degrees.

Trans Ativists Are Selfish - They Don't Care About The Colateral Damage They Cause
VIDEO: The CBC actually did a legitimate, honest story about the trans-industrial-complex by sending a 14-year-old actress undercover into a pediatric gender clinic somewhere in Quebec. She told the genre clinician she had an eating disorder and saw a YouTube video that suggested it's because she's transgender. Within 5 minutes the clinician asks if she wants a mastectomy.

This Is Our World Now: Trans Man Wins Women’s Weightlifting Title
VIDEO: Apparently They Don’t Have to Play Pretend Anymore. Vicki Piper, a 57-year-old trans man, won the 2024 USAW Masters National this past week in weightlifting.

French Gov’t Report Declares Child Sex Changes Could Be ‘Greatest Ethical Scandal in Medical History’
ARTICLE: The report, commissioned by members of the center-right Republican Party, outlines how healthcare providers have been influenced by trans-activist groups into violating basic medical standards.Citing “tense scientific and medical debate”, the report accuses LGBT groups of promoting gender transition through aggressive social media campaigns aimed at vulnerable young people.

Paola Diana Nukes Any Possible Argument in Favor of Trannies (MEN) Replacing Girls
VIDEO: In this short clip, Paola Diana manages to squeeze in a litany of facts necessary to put the transgender insanity into proper perspective. The fact is MEN, posing as women are erasing real women! Nobody seems to care one tiny bit about how this tranny lunacy impacts the lives of real women.

Candace Owens on French President Macron's Wife Being a Transgender Man
VIDEO: The biggest political scandal in history might be coming out of Franc.e. Candace recaps her night at the UFC fight, John Cena goes naked at The Oscars, and the debate with Chris Cuomo about Biden’s State of The Union.
Biologist Says AIDS Caused By “Gay Lifestyle,” Not HIV
ARTICLE: A German-American molecular biologist and professor at the University of California, Berkeley by the name of Peter Duesberg says that AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) is not caused by HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) but rather by the “gay lifestyle.”

“Let the Reckoning Begin”: Detransitioners Vindicated by Expose of WPATH Experimentation on Minors
ARTICLE: Detransitioners have been trying to warn the public that so-called gender-affirming care—transgender surgeries, hormones, and puberty blockers—is both experimental and dangerous, especially for minors.

Science Keeps Obliterating The Left’s Favorite Transgender Narratives
ARTICLE: The continued lack of evidence for ‘gender-affirming care’ is pushing gender ideologues to increasingly brazen lies as their position collapses.

The Disturbing Truth About Transgender Treatment
ARTICLE: A study from the Williams Institute at UCLA School of Law highlights a troubling statistic: 81% of transgender adults in the U.S. have considered suicide, with 42% having attempted it. This rate of suicidality is alarmingly high and demands a serious and thoughtful response from our medical and social institutions.

El Salvador Banishes ‘Every Last Trace’ of Gender Ideology From School Classrooms
ARTICLE: Once the murder capital of the world, El Salvador is rapidly becoming a more desirable place to live than many blue cities America. As well as seeing its crime levels plummets, the government of President Nayib Bukele has announced that it will ban “every last trace” of gender ideology from the country’s classrooms.

Gays Against Groomers Political Endorsements Ban 'Sexualization, Indoctrination, Medicalization
ARTICLE/VIDEO: A contrarian gay advocacy group is jumping into election endorsements with its own pledge: protect children from "sexualization, indoctrination, and medicalization under the guise of LGBTQ+."

“Blueprint” Reveals How Radicals are Infiltrating Government to Push Abortion, Transgender Agenda
ARTICLE/VIDEOS: Radical abortion activists are infiltrating government agencies through a program called the “Blueprint Appointments Project (BAP)” to push a pro-abortion, pro-transgender agenda. Some details of the scheme were available in Planned Parenthood’s “2023 in Review: A focus on defending access.”

Poll Shows Even Democrats Aren’t Sold On Pushing Gender Ideology In Schools
ARTICLE: Democrats are split over whether students should be forced to learn about gender ideology at school, according to polling from the University of Southern California (USC) and Pew Research Center (PRC).

Putin Tells Gays ‘Don’t Touch the Kids
ARTICLE: As for children, I have already said many times: ‘Don’t touch the children.’ That’s it. This is the first one. And the second one is, we are, first and foremost, a state that is guided by traditional values.

New Study Shows For First Time Men and Women’s Brains Work Differently
ARTICLE: In what may prove a massive blow to the transgender lobby, scientists have officially proven for the first time that male and female brains are distinct and operate differently.

OBAMACARE - A Primary Funding Source Behind the Trans Boom
VIDEO: Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” shares a DM clip of Tucker Carlson talking to Chris Moritz about the shocking reality behind how Obamacare opened the door for the proliferation of pediatric gender clinics and transgender surgeries on youth.

Canadian Province of Alberta Bars Children From Sex-Change Surgeries, Puberty Blockers – Bans Transgender From Girls’ Sports
ARTICLE: All over the world, conservatives are implementing everyday common-sense policies that get slandered in the media as ‘radical’, ‘extreme’, ‘far-right’ and other bad names. If we were to give credence to these reports – which of course we don’t – it would seem the world is going mad, but of course it only means more and more people decide to implement sane and sensible policies.

New Research on ‘Conversion Therapy’ Turns LGBTQ Narrative on Its Head
ARTICLE: Twenty-seven states and Washington, D.C., have banned efforts to change sexual orientation, commonly but mistakenly referred to as “conversion therapy,” for minors on the premise that therapies seeking to mitigate or resolve unwanted same-sex attraction are inherently harmful and increase the risk of suicide. Father Paul Sullins, a Roman Catholic priest, senior research associate at The Ruth Institute, and former sociology professor at Catholic University, found that the opposite is true, however.

Transgender Empire
The transgender movement has conquered America life. In a new short film, Christopher F. Rufo explains how this Maoist movement gained power and connect the dots between its key intellectuals, billionaire benefactor, and large-scale medical experiments in a Detroit ghetto.

Heartbreaking Video: The Pure Evil of Child Transitioning Explained by a Victim
VIDEO: No commentary necessary. Just watch.

Matt Walsh Reveals the Degenerate Filth Who Started the Transvestite Cult
ARTICLE: The trans agenda was invented by pedophilic psychologists, degenerate quacks, lunatic sexologists, literal Nazi scientists, and other assorted deviants. A collection of the most despicable monsters imaginable came up with all of this stuff. Here are five names you should know.

What is a Woman?
VIDEO: It’s the question you’re not allowed to ask. The documentary they don’t want you to see. Join Matt Walsh on his often comical, yet deeply disturbing journey, as he fearlessly questions the logic behind a gender ideology movement that has taken aim at women and children.

Biden Lavishes Astronomical Dollars on LGBT Promotions in 3 Years
ARTICLE: Tranny mania has systematically infected nearly all aspects of our foreign policy apparatus. The U.S. government, under Joe Biden, has handed out some $4.1 billion in taxpayer money to promote the LGBT ideology and lifestyle choices around the globe in just three fiscal years, according to a new report.

Vivek Ramaswamy: The ‘Gender Fluid’ Movement Is A Cult-like Belief System
GOP presidential hopeful Vivek Ramaswamy dismantled the progressive left’s “divisive” narrative about civil rights, the women’s movement, and the LGBTQ community, warning the hypocrisy championed by “cult-like” so-called social justice warriors defy “principles of sheer logic.”

Heather MacDonald On How The Delusion of Diversity Destroys Our Common Humanity
VIDEO: Is the dedication to diversity undermining American culture? In her book The Diversity Delusion, Heather Mac Donald argues that the focus on race and gender diversity is harming society. She also discusses the collapse of free-speech ideals on college campuses in the United States and how the dedication to diversity doesn’t extend to a diversity of thought.

Chemist Says How They're Making People Gay (Chemicals in Food)
VIDEO: Turns out one of the main reasons we are seeing a huge upsurge of sexual ambiguity in humans is due to chemicals deliberately put into our food like ATRAZINE, just one of many, BPA (additives in Plastics), Soy (Estrogen Hormone mimicker).

Study Shows 81 Percent of Transgender Individuals Suffer From Major Personality Disorders
ARTICLE: A medical study conducted by researchers with the Iran University of Medical Sciences shows that 81 percent of transgender individuals are suffering from major personality disorders.

Batya Ungar-Sargon a Liberal from New York Explains the MAGA Philosophy Like No One Else Ever! – BRILLIANT!
VIDEO: Batya, a former liberal from Queens and an opinion editor at Newsweek, shared her journey from hardcore New York leftist to Trump supporter. And it is amazing! They way she describes Trump Nation is just perfect. The left will never get this. The elites will never understand this. And yet this is why the fear him and his MAGA movement.

Media - Media Corruption

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NPR Should Have to Rely on Its Dwindling Audience Rather Than Taxpayers
ARTICLE: NPR insists that only roughly 1 percent of its budget comes from the government. But that is misleading due to a federal law that distributes funds through local stations and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Hundreds of millions of dollars have been set aside for CPB in fiscal year 2026, a sizable increase from 2025.

“Fighting for a Free Press: Protecting Journalists and their Sources" – with Catherine Herridge and Sharyl Attkisson
ARTICLE/VIDEO: The House Judiciary Committee Subcommittee on the Constitution and Limited Government is currently hosting a hearing on freedom of the press and protecting journalists, as the Biden Regime attempts to infringe on the rights of the press and shape news stories to fit their narrative.

25-Year NPR Veteran Admits to All the Biased Coverage the Outlet Pushed During the Trump Years
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Veteran National Public Radio (NPR) editor Uri Berliner published an essay on Tuesday exposing the government-funded outlet’s bias during former President Donald Trump’s presidency.

How the CIA Secretly Used Operation Mockingbird to Manipulate Public Perception Through the Media
ARTICLE: Jesse Watters recently shed light on Operation Mockingbird, an undercover Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) initiative aimed at manipulating public perception through the media. This operation involved the infiltration of journalists and informants into prominent U.S. media outlets, to advance the federal government’s viewpoints and political agendas.
Out of the Shadows
VIDEO: Out of Shadows is a documentary that lifts the mask on how the mainstream media and Hollywood manipulate and control the masses by spreading propaganda throughout their content.

Study Finds Less Than 4 Percent of American Journalists Are Republicans
ARTICLE: A new study has found that only 3.4 percent of American journalists are Republicans. Did they really need to do a study to learn this? Also, doesn’t that number seem a little high?

Control the Words, Control the Culture
VIDEO: The culture war is first and foremost a war of words - and the left is winning. The consequences can be seen everywhere: in politics, in education, in media. In this video, Michael Knowles, host of the Michael Knowles Show, explains why we should not cede another syllable.

Sharyl Attkisson Explains the Origins of the 2016 'Fake News' Narrative
VIDEO: Was the effort to focus America's attention on the idea of "fake news"—itself a propaganda effort? Connect the dots and learn who's behind it and why. It's not what you think.

Why the Truth Is So Important to Me
VIDEO: Stunning testimony about how Mel from Truth Stream Media swallowed the Red Pill. Brilliant insights!

Medical Industrial Complex

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Medical Murder is a Leading Cause of Death in the U.S. By Design
ARTICLE: Think about it. People are too expensive; the planet doesn’t have enough resources. If Satan is successful at selling these lies, what we see happening in real time fits like a glove. Long before COVID, even the CDC recognized that “medical malpractice” was the third leading cause of death.

Military Industrial Complex

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ALERT! Col. Macgregor Warns Dems Plan To Turn Guns On US Citizens Once Military Recruits Illegals
ARTICLE: The Democrat-proposed “Courage to Serve Act“ would offer illegal migrants an expedited path to citizenship if they serve in the U.S. military as it continues missing recruitment goals thanks to unpopular globalist wars and far-left ideology being pushed on soldiers.

The Pentagon Just Failed its Sixth Straight Audit – TRILLIONS of Dollars ‘Missing’
ARTICLE: Auditors gave seven of the department’s 29 sub-agencies a clean audit in 2023, with no change from the 2022 audit, according to a Wednesday statement. Although it’s not a surprise that the DOD hasn’t yet been able to account for its $3.8 trillion enterprise and $4 trillion in liabilities, scattered across 50 states and 4,500 sites globally, DOD officials previously said they expected to see incremental improvement, Defense News reported.

“Seven countries in five years”: the 2001 regime’s war plan resurfaces in 2023?
ARTICLE/VIDEO: This deep dive into 2001, spotlighted by Joe Rogan, reveals chilling revelations from General Wesley Clark. Clark claims that the U.S. had ambitions to topple seven countries in just five years. Rogan also examines the potent wartime propaganda used to convince citizens that airstrikes and warfare are the only viable solutions.

Flashback: Julian Assange Explains How People Are Conned Into Accepting War
VIDEO: Is there any doubt as to why they threw Julian Assange in Jail and are doing everything they can to keep him there until he dies? In this short clip, Assange expresses what we hall have really known for a long, long time . . . that control of mainstream media's never-ending stream of LIES is a primary reason the world is such a hell hole.

Serbian Lawyer: NATO’s Use of Depleted Uranium Linked to Cancer Epidemics
ARTICLE: There is a direct cause and effect connection between the use of depleted uranium by NATO troops and the increase in the incidence of cancer and other diseases, says Serbian lawyer Srdjan Aleksic.

Elon Musk Wonders Why NATO Continues to Exist After 1991
ARTICLE: The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was established in 1949 during the period of mounting geopolitical tensions during the Cold War. American entrepreneur and billionaire Elon Musk has asked why NATO still exists since 1991 — when the Warsaw Treaty Organization, which included the USSR, had already disintegrated.

Breaking Down $1.3T In NATO Defense Spending
ARTICLE: The U.S. is by far the largest contributor to NATO’s budget. In 2023, the country accounted for $860 billion spent by the organization, representing 68% of the total expenditure. This amount is over 10 times more than that of the second-placed country, Germany.

NATO Is Dispersing Depleted Uranium Throughout the World
VIDEO: In this exclusive Greg Reese report, viewers will learn about the potential ramifications of NATO sending depleted uranium munitions to be used in Ukraine as the West pushes to globe to the brink of WWIII.


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Epidemic of Fraud
VIDEO: Epidemic of Fraud explores the bizarre media, medical, and partisan political attacks and censorship of an ancient medication, told from the perspective of a former CNN journalist and Hollywood industry veteran. Why were the people who allowed the fentanyl disaster to go unchecked so eager to discredit a drug that is safer than tonic water?

Biggest Lie in World History: There Never Was A Pandemic
VIDEO: This video is from the very beginning of the fake pandemic back in 2020. The diabolical agenda behind it has undermined the sovereignty of nation states. It has contributed to a wave of bankruptcies. It has impoverished people Worldwide. It has led to a spiraling dollar denominated global debt. The powerful structures of global capitalism, Big Money coupled with its intelligence and military apparatus were the driving force. Using advanced digital and communications technologies, the lockdown and “closure” of the global economy is unprecedented in World history.

Bret Weinstein on the Dangers of the WHO's Global Pandemic Treaty
VIDEO: Since any of the legitimate methods for regaining the public’s trust will cost the billionaires a lot of money, the pandemic cartel is opting for the only other option available to them—doubling down on their current approach (e.g., by arguing the actual reason the pandemic response was a disaster was because we didn’t do enough of what they wanted) and reworking the legal system so any dissent from their policies is illegal.

Internal Emails and Experts Reveal CDC Labeled Accurate, Verifiable Information as Misinformation
ARTICLE: The CDC labeled multiple news articles as misinformation even though the articles were accurate, according to internal emails and experts. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) added the misinformation labels to articles from The Epoch Times in widely-circulated internal messages, according to copies obtained by The Epoch Times.

Dr. Naomi Wolf: Fauci Needs to Go to Jail
VIDEO: Dr. Naomi Wolf details the EXTREME CRIMES Anthony Fauci is guilty of and yet there is no serious effort to hold this murdering psychopath accountable, not even the like of Senator Rand Paul who essentially ignores the truly serious crimes Fauci has committed in favor of focusing on the least serious.

Tedros Tells the World Economic Forum the WHO Pandemic Treaty Is Needed To Combat “Disease X”
ARTICLE: The World Health Organization’s (WHO) Director-General, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, has publicly advocated for a global pandemic treaty that has major implications surrounding speech, surveillance, and digital vaccine passports.

WHO Publishes Latest Draft of Pandemic Treaty To Combat “Misinformation”
ARTICLE: Some of the commitments contained in this version of the document have to do with combating “false, misleading, misinformation or disinformation, including through effective international collaboration and cooperation” – which skeptics might easily dub, “cross-border censorship.”

Bret Weinstein on the Dangers of the WHO's Global Pandemic Treaty
VIDEO: Since any of the legitimate methods for regaining the public’s trust will cost the billionaires a lot of money, the pandemic cartel is opting for the only other option available to them—doubling down on their current approach (e.g., by arguing the actual reason the pandemic response was a disaster was because we didn’t do enough of what they wanted) and reworking the legal system so any dissent from their policies is illegal.

The COVID LIE That Started It All!
VIDEO: This is a great compilation of the criminal false narrative engineered to scare the living crap out of everyone in order to coerce people into lining up for their deadly mRNA jabs. They created a totally FALSE perception that we were all in mortal danger of dying from COVID unless we got the jab.

Dr Ryan Cole: Fauci Told Our Government to Tell People Not to Do Autopsies on Covid Patients
VIDEO: In this clip Dr. Ryan Cole discloses yet another effort by murderous Anthony Fauci to coverup the consequences of the Covid jabs he knew damned well were deadly. Fauci has been killing people with deadly drugs his entire career of death and destruction.

COVID Unmasked - An In-depth Four-Part Series
VIDEO: In early 2020, life as we knew it changed forever. What was sold to us as a fight against “a new and deadly virus“ soon revealed itself as merely the opening act of a Great Reset, in which we will “own nothing and be happy”. This film documents exactly who is behind it all, how long it’s been in the works, and how to stop it… before we lose our country, our liberty, and our humanity.

The Great Awakening
ARTICLE/VIDEO: The Great Awakening is the third installment of the Plandemic series. This documentary experience assembles forbidden puzzle pieces to reveal the big picture of what’s really happening in America and beyond.

What You Need to Know About the WHO Pandemic Treaty
VIDEO: The globalists that brought us the wildly exaggerated COVID pandemic in an effort to cement a biosecurity grid into place is now hard at work on the next phase of this New World Order. The WHO has started drafting a global pandemic treaty on pandemic preparedness that would grant it absolute power over global biosecurity, such as the power to implement digital identities/vaccine passports, mandatory vaccinations, travel restrictions, standardized medical care and more.

THE PLAN – WHO Plans for 10 Years of Pandemics, from 2020 to 2030
ARTICLE: According to a newly released study by the University of Oxford, a jaw-dropping 94% of recently approved medications are not supported by high-quality evidence that demonstrates their benefits. What’s more, just like with the experimental Covid-19 ‘vaccines,’ side effects and adverse reactions to these drugs are being severely underreported across the board.

The Real Anthony Fauci
VIDEO: Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s (RFK) best-selling book, ‘The Real Anthony Fauci’, has been turned into a spellbinding documentary film by Kala Mandrake …and has been released entirely free to the public on Tuesday, Oct. 18, 2022.

The Real Anthony Fauci
VIDEO: Over his 50-year career as a government bureaucrat, Dr. Fauci has consistently served the interests of himself, Big Pharma and the military — while failing the American public. Through painstaking and meticulous research, this book unearths facts about Dr. Fauci that should alarm every American who cares about this country — and the future our children will inherit.

Billions Continue to Be Laundered Through the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to China’s Biowarfare Program
ARTICLE: The National Institutes of Health funds China’s biowarfare program in ways similar to shell companies laundering money. It is now an indisputable scientific fact that the COVID-19 virus was created in a laboratory in China and that work was linked to China’s biowarfare program..

Breaking Out of the Propaganda Matrix - Interview with Jimmy Dore
VIDEO: Comedian Jimmy Dore initially got caught up in the propaganda and believed the COVID jab would be a good strategy. He took the shot and suffered severe side effects from it. Dore quickly put two and two together and realized he’d been duped. The shot was nowhere near as safe (or effective) as they claimed.

Mistakes Were NOT Made (An Anthem For Justice)
VIDEO: This is a poem that was inspired by a conversation with Mike Yeadon. We have both independently noticed the increasing use of terms like “bungled” and “blunder” to describe the crimes against humanity perpetrated under the cloak of COVID. Even well-meaning people who share similar values and goals sometimes fall into this trap being set by those preparing their parachute jump from culpability.

MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL
VIDEO: This video explores the most dangerous of all psychic epidemics, the mass psychosis. A mass psychosis is an epidemic of madness and it occurs when a large portion of a society loses touch with reality and descends into delusions.

CDC/FDA Confess: They Had No Virus When They Concocted the Test for the Virus
ARTICLE: The CDC/FDA are confessing there has been a PROBLEM with the PCR test which has been used to detect the virus, starting in February of 2020—-right up to this minute. In other words, the millions and millions of “COVID cases” based on the PCR test in use are all suspect.

An Entire Year of No Masks and No Social Distancing AND NOBODY DIED!! INSANITY EXPOSED!
VIDEO: Enjoy this conversation with Alfie Oakes, Founder and CEO of Oakes Farms. Alfie owns the #1 grocery store in Southwest Florida and his conversation with Jonathan Landsman, NaturalHealth365 is a "breathe of fresh air" for all those looking to hear some truth spoken about our current health crisis.

COVID-19 Isn't the First Virus Pandemic Haox Perpetrated By Big Pharma
VIDEO: One sad fact about human beings is most don't seem to have any long-term memory. Everyone seems to just get caught up in the latest manufactured crisis without questioning any of it. Fact is, those in power have done the same thing over and over and over again, manufacturing one fake pandemic after another in order to create the market for their pharmaceutical products.

Political Correctness - Wokeness

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Group Warns Skyrocketing DEI Certification Programs Create Army of Political Commissars
ARTICLE: For schools, these certificate programs are a big money maker Universities are making lots of money with certificate training programs in DEI they have added in recent years, according to a new report from a higher education watchdog group.

The Southern Poverty Law Center - The "Anti-Hate" Group That Is a Hate Group
VIDEO: The Southern Poverty Law Center bills itself as a watchdog of hate groups. But is this just a cover for its true aims? Journalist and author Karl Zinsmeister explains.

Liberals See Truth as Subservient to Doctrine, Feelings
ARTICLE: There are two main reasons. One is that leftists deem their goals more important than telling the truth. The second reason is leftism is rooted in feelings, not reason or truth.
SJW Sex Ed: Comedy Central Mocks Liberal Gender Confusion
VIDEO: A Comedy Central sketch released Monday exposed the ridiculousness of today’s gender fluid, pick-you-own pronoun PC culture.
Political Correctness Is Fascism Pretending To Be Manners
VIDEO: TAs usual, George nails the truth to the wall. So sad he's gone.

Political Parties - Politics

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Making the Argument That The Democrat Party is the Party of Demons
VIDEO: A woman makes a compelling argument detailing the mountain of evidence that supports calling the Democrat Party EVIL. She details some of the most disgusting, revolting things Democrats support and shove down everyone's throats. Every single thing they do has done nothing but help create a deeply sick and psychotic world while claiming that they hold some moral high ground that justifies it all.

Russia Admits To Interfering In U.S. Elections And They Vow To Do It Again!
VIDEO: In the following video there are Russian actors who insist that Moscow has been pulling the strings on their puppet, Joe Biden. It is very clever satire.

How the Democratic Party Faked an American Insurrection
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Congratulations to Speaker of the House Mike Johnson for having the Courage and Fortitude to release all of the J6 Tapes, which will explicitly reveal what really happened on January 6th!

Is Fascism Right Or Left?
VIDEO: Every Republican president since the 1970s has been called a fascist. Ironic, no? After all, fascism has its roots in the left. Dinesh D'Souza, author of The Big Lie, explains.

David Horowitz Unveils The Left's Dark Agenda
VIDEO: Freedom Center founder reveals progressives' war to destroy Christian America.

PragerU - Leftism Destroys Everything It Touches
VIDEO: Leftism destroys everything it touches’: PragerU details how the Left has ruined everything from our universities to the Boy Scouts.

Almost 2/3 Of Americans Have Given Up On Political Parties, Citing Corruption In Government
ARTICLE: Disillusioned by the promises of politicians and convinced that the entire political system is irreparably corrupt, many Americans will be staying out of the voting booth for the 2018 elections. This isn’t new, however, as many refused to vote in 2016 as well.

What's the Difference Between The Left and Liberals?
VIDEO: Tell the average American you’re a liberal and they’ll assume you’re on the political left. Yet, leftists and liberals hold very different positions on key issues.

Tucker: Can the Left Lead a Country They Hate?
VIDEO: Loving the people you lead is the most basic prerequisite of leadership.

Joe Biden Exposed on His 1988 Presidential Campaign

Leaving The Democratic Party And Starting A Serious Movement
VIDEO: A young man stands on his principles and convictions to leave a political party he supported and his video announcement should be shared.

Stop Calling Them Liberals
ARTICLE: For a truly maddening misuse of language. When folks on the political right call Democrats and their grassroots activists “liberals”. It is even worse when Democrats refer to themselves using that term. In reality, nothing could be further from the truth. It needs to stop.

The Inconvenient Truth About the Republican Party
VIDEO: When you think of the Republican Party, what comes to mind? If you're like many Americans, you may associate the GOP with racism, sexism, and general inequality. It's a commonly pushed narrative by left-leaning media and academia, but as former Vanderbilt Professor of Political Science Carol Swain explains, the Republican Party was actually responsible for nearly every advancement for minorities and women in U.S. history—and remains the champion of equality to this day.

The Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party
VIDEO: Did you know that the Democratic Party defended slavery, started the Civil War, founded the KKK, and fought against every major civil rights act in U.S. history? Watch as Carol Swain, professor of political science at Vanderbilt University, shares the inconvenient history of the Democratic Party. Donate today to help us reach more people with this video!

Giuliani: UNCOVERED: How Joe Biden Got Millions In Foreign Bribes.
VIDEO: In this video Judy Giuliani covers just a few of the details about the Biden Crime Family operations.

What I Found on Hunter’s Hard Drive – Rudy Giuliani
VIDEO: Former NYC Mayor and current attorney to President Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, comments exclusively on new revelations regarding his investigation into Democratic nominee Joe Biden and his son Hunter, Hunter’s alleged actions in dealings with overseas nations, what Giuliani claims he has done with the ‘evidence’ he has, and more.

Does America Really Need A Permanent Ruling Class of Career Politicians?
ARTICLE: Congress is an institution that is dominated by politicians that are able to keep winning elections over and over again because they are extremely good at raising money.

Poll: Americans' Massive Disapproval of Both Parties
ARTICLE: What this poll found is basically the same thing that has been shown in many different polls. So: former U.S. President Jimmy Carter, who was the last person who was able to win the White House without needing to rely upon billionaires in order to do it, was correct when he said that, "Now it's just an oligarchy with unlimited political bribery being the essence of getting the nominations for president or being elected president.

Both Major U.S. Parties are Plagues on Humanity
ARTICLE: Congress is an institution that is dominated by politicians that are able to keep winning elections over and over again because they are extremely good at raising money.

Population Control - Eugenics

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Fertility Rate to Fall Below Replacement Level in Almost Every World Region by 2040
ARTICLE: Fertility rates are expected to fall below the replacement rate in every region of the world except Sub-Saharan Africa by 2040, a new report reveals.

Scientists Warn Global Fertility Crisis Threatens 97% of World Population
ARTICLE: By 2050, it is projected that 75 percent of the world's fertility rates will be insufficient to maintain population levels.

Property Rights

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Democrats’ Systemic Normalization Of Property Theft Birthed America’s Squatter Crisis
ARTICLE: The ultimate goal of Democrats and their far-left allies is to destroy property rights and replace capitalism with socialism.

Racial Issues

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Sharika Soal: Black People Can Be Racist And It’s Time For Democrats To Face The Truth
VIDEO: Yet another black person has committed a hate crime while Democrats in New York and their governor are introducing reparations legislation. Which should be an insult to every American, especially non-black ones. Where are the Latino reparations? All races were slaves at one point, and still so in African countries. Why is it only black people who seem to be the recipients of this ” Make white people give their money away” scheme?

Everything You Were Told About George Floyd Was a LIE
VIDEO: Lawsuit filed by prosecutor Amy Sweasy claims medical examiner who performed Floyd's autopsy withheld true cause of death for fear of Democrat retaliation. The official story that George Floyd was murdered by a police officer was a bald-faced lie perpetuated by the Democrats and media, Tucker Carlson reported on Friday.

How Black Victimhood Became Black Power— White Guilt Is What? Amazon censors…
VIDEO: The tragedy of America’s history is that now in freedom, we embrace slavery; we embrace subservience; we embrace victimization—even as we’re free,” says Shelby Steele.

Dinesh D'Souza - Why Democrats Don't Want To Help Inner Cities
VIDEO: It's not an accident that Democrats have spent trillions of dollars on America's inner cities and made virtually no progress.
Black Lives Matter: Only When They Need Your Vote
VIDEO: You Are Being Used! Black female conservative Samantha Mason @samanthamarika1 destroys the leftist narrative that the Democratic party cares about the black community.
Larry Elders - Why Are Black Conservatives Called Uncle Tom?
VIDEO: Are police actually using deadly force disproportionately against black people? And how does the focus on police overshadow other monumental problems facing black America today? Why is believing that, black lives matter, not the same as supporting the Black Lives Matter organization? And, why are black conservatives often excluded from mainstream public awareness and discourse?
Shelby Steele: 'White Guilt is Black Power'
VIDEO: Shelby Steele brilliantly explains precisely how white guilt is used as a weapon.
Prager U: Racism Is Not in America’s DNA
VIDEO: Americans want to be united. The left wants us divided. Larry Elder rebuts the claim that America is inherently racist.
Candace Owens - Playing the Black Card
VIDEO: In America, there's a card more valuable than any card from Visa or American Express. What is it? How can you get one? Candace Owens, Communications Director for Turning Point USA, answers these questions.

Blacks in Power Don't Empower Blacks
VIDEO: Between 1970 and 2012, the number of black elected officials rose from fewer than 1,500 to more than 10,000. How has this affected the black community? Jason Riley of The Manhattan Institute answers the question in this video.


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The Map of Quantum Computing - Quantum Computer Technologies Explained
VIDEO: In 1980 the idea of a quantum computer was born. In the last 10 years there's been a huge growth in the computing industry with dozens of startups spending hundreds of millions of dollars in a race to build the best quantum computer.

David Adair Says He Designed Fusion Rocket Engine Like One Found at Area 51
VIDEO/AUDIO: Before he was a teenager, David Adair was fascinated with jet propulsion. By the time he was 11 he had built his first rocket, and at the age of 17 he supposedly pioneered a new type of engine that used neither liquid nor solid jet fuel – it used electromagnetic fusion.

Social Media

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The Corbett Report: The Weaponization of Social Media
VIDEO: Now openly admitted, governments and militaries around the world employ armies of keyboard warriors to spread propaganda and disrupt their online opposition. Their goal? To shape public discourse around global events in a way favourable to their standing military and geopolitical objectives. Their method? The Weaponization of Social Media. This is The Corbett Report.

Confirmed: Facebook's Recent Algorithm Change Is Crushing Conservative Sites, Boosting Liberals
ARTICLE: Facebook’s much-publicized demotion of publishers’ content in users’ news feeds has negatively impacted conservative-leaning publishers significantly more than liberal-leaning outlets, an analysis by The Western Journal has revealed. Conservative publishers have lost an average of nearly 14 percent of their traffic from Facebook.


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GREENING THE DESERT PROJECT - How the Sahara Desert is Turning into a Farmland Oasis
VIDEO: In the African Sahel a country called Niger bordering the Sahara Desert, the largest desert in the world, is stopping desertification and turning is deserts into an Oasis.


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TRANSHUMANISM - THE END GAME - Laura Aboli Epic Speech on the Transhumanist PsyOp of 'Transgenderism'
VIDEO: This is an outstanding speech given by Laura Aboli at the Better Way Conference on June 3, 2023. In just a little over 12 minutes, Laura clearly summarizes EXACTLY what we are seeing unfolding across our planet and also presents common-sense solutions to ending the INSANITY being imposed on humanity by the psychopaths who are currently in control of most all the wealth and resources.

Elon Musk Announces First Person Received Neuralink Microchip in Brain
ARTICLE: In a post on X, Elon Musk, the founder of Tesla, Starlink, and Neuralink, revealed the first human patient has received a Neuralink brain implant. Musk stated, “The first human received an implant from Neuralink yesterday and is recovering well.” The Neuralink founder continued, “Initial results show promising neuron spike detection.”

Ukrainian Authorities Were Paid to Test Big Pharma Drugs on Human Subjects in Psyche Wards in Mariupol
ARTCILE: Unethical experiments on mental health patients including over 700 adults and children.

Unmaksing Zelenskyy - Who is Volodymyr Zelenskyy?
VIDEO: The first episode profiles Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and his transformation from actor to war-time president. It does so by contrasting the saintly, celebrity image that western countries have promoted to the dark and deadly reality of Ukrainian life under his rule.

Victoria Nuland: Ukraine Has "Biological Research Facilities"
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Self-anointed "fact-checkers” in the U.S. corporate press have spent two weeks mocking as disinformation and a false conspiracy theory the claim that Ukr aine has biological weapons labs, either alone or with U.S. support. They never presented any evidence for their ruling — how could they possibly know?

Details of ‘Sabotaged’ Russia-Ukraine Peace Deal in First Months of War Revealed
ARTICLE: The Wall Street says it has gotten its hands on a secretive document revealing the details of a failed Ukraine-Russia peace deal that was on the table within the opening months of the war. Since then there have been several reports, including from Foreign Affairs which said the UK at the time sought to sabotage the deal.

CIA Built “12 Secret Spy Bases” in Ukraine and Waged Shadow War for Last Decade
ARTICLE: The New York Times published an explosive and very belated full admission that US intelligence has not only been instrumental in Ukraine wartime decision-making, but has established and financed high tech command-and-control spy centers, and was doing so long prior to the Feb. 24 Russian invasion of two years ago.

Ukraine Funding Package Includes Language for Automatic Impeachment if Trump Terminates Funding for Ukraine War!
ARTICLE: The package includes $60 billion for Ukraine and $14 billion for Israel. The vote garnered support from RINOs, with a final tally of 67-27. According to Senator Vance, the Senate funding package includes language that makes it impossible for President Trump to terminate the Ukraine War funding into his second term.

Zelensky Advisor Admits Gov’t Officials ‘Stealing Like No Tomorrow’ as Biden Pushes for Billions More to Ukraine
ARTICLE: A top advisor to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has reportedly admitted that corruption is so rampant in the wartorn former Soviet state that officials are “stealing like there’s no tomorrow”. Speaking anonymously to Time magazine, what is alleged to be a top presidential advisor to Zelensky said that the Ukrainian government’s efforts to stamp out corruption have proved fruitless, given that they were implemented too late to have any impact, including the firing of Minister of Defense Oleksii Reznikov.

33 Years of History That Led Up to Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine that You Won’t See Taught in U.S. Schools
VIDEOS: MUST WATCH VIDEO: 33 years of history that led up to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine that you won’t see taught in U.S. schools nor hear anywhere in the Western mockingbird media

If You Want a Glimpse of Where Ukraine is Headed, Look at What NATO did to 'Protect' Libya 12 Years Ago
VIDEO: The Western war machine only served its own interests in destroying a nation that could liberate Africa

Is the Ukraine War a Money Laundering Scheme?
VIDEO: Many have suspected that the U.S. government’s “security assistance” to Ukraine — which as of November 15, 2022, had surpassed $98 billion — is a money laundering scheme, perhaps relating to questionable activities involving American biolabs in Ukraine

Quick, Factual Explanation of What is REALLY Going on With Ukraine and Russia
VIDEO: This is a short video from a young man in Ukraine/Russia, lays out in the simplest way, what's going on with Russia and Ukraine, why Russia is RIGHT and why the rest of us should be supporting the demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine.

“The 10 Stages of mRNA LIES and Denial
ARTICLE/VIDEOS: Let’s take a trip down memory lane, all the way back to the ancient times of early 2021, to see how “the science” on mRNA Covid-19 shots has evolved in such a short period of time.

Alzheimer's Is Now a Leading Cause of Death
ARTICLE/VIDEO: Alzheimer’s disease, a severe form of dementia, affected an estimated 6.7 million Americans in 2023, and deaths from Alzheimer’s more than doubled between 2000 and 2019 Previous U.S. data placed the number dying from Alzheimer’s disease around 83,000 in 2010. By 2014, research suggested the true number was well over half a million per year

You’ve Been Genetically Hijacked to Produce Pfizer’s Pfrankenstein Proteins
ARTICLE: Pfizer’s mRNA COVID-19 shots instruct cells to produce additional “off-target” proteins that could pose significant health risks The finding was revealed by a team of U.K. researchers, who found a “glitch” occurred due to the way the COVID-19 shots were genetically modified

Can the mRNA Covid Jabs Change Your DNA — and Humanity Itself
VIDEO: Could foreign DNA enter your cells through the mRNA COVID vax and change your DNA — and humanity itself — forever? Sounds nutty. It's not. "Absolutely that could happen," says Dr. Joseph Ladapo, the surgeon general of Florida. A shocking conversation.

Florida Surgeon General Confirms Dark Secret About the mRNA COVID-19 “Vaccines”
VIDEO: This wasn’t disclosed to the public when the COVID-19 shots rolled out. “These vaccines are not appropriate for use in human beings,” Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo declared in a statement calling for a complete halt of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines.

Shocking Truth behind COVID Vaccines - 52.5k Brits Died Suddenly in 8 Months in 2022 due to Vaccination
ARTICLE: Official data reveals that from April 2022 through to December 2022, 407,910 deaths occurred, with 47,379 excess deaths against the 2015-2019 five-year average. As the investigation deepens, it has become increasingly clear that the Covid-19 vaccines are the most likely cause of the unprecedented loss of life in Britain.

The Role of DNA Contamination in Cancers and Autoimmune Diseases
ARTICLE: Nan DNA vaccine contamination explain the rise in cancer rates and autoimmune diseases? Jan Jekielek speaks with Dr. Ryan Cole, a pathologist and an expert on SARS-CoV-2 and the mechanisms of the genetic injections labeled as vaccines. Here, they discuss how these COVID-19 genetic vaccines may be related to the rise in cancers and autoimmune diseases.

UNKOWN CAUSE is Now the Leading Cause of Death!
VIDEO: Welcome to our special in depth report on the new Unknown Cause of Death phenomenon!

CDC Admits Heart Disease Risk Skyrockets 13,200% Following Covid Injections
ARTICLE: The top two public health agencies in the United States conducted a joint study showing that the risk of developing autoimmune heart disease among the “fully vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) is a shocking 13,200 percent higher than it is among the unvaccinated.

Dr. Paul Alexander : The Silenced Jab Injured Are Committing Suicide
VIDEO: Dr. Paul Alexander supported the Canadian Trucker protest and continues to advocate for freedom and warn against the dangers of the jab -especially now for pregnant women and babies. He is sounding the alarm that not only side effects are injuring and killing people, but the cover-up is leaving the injured so defeated many are now taking their own lives.

Judicial Watch: Records Reveal Pfizer Tested Safety of Covid Vaccine Booster on Only 23 People Before Biden FDA Approved the Shots
ARTICLE: Judicial Watch on Thursday released a tranche of records revealing Pfizer tested the safety and efficacy of the Covid vaccine booster on only 23 people in 2021 before it asked the FDA to approve the shots.

BILLIONS of Copies of Residual DNA in a Single Dose of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine
ARTICLE: A new preprint study up for peer review finds billions of residual DNA fragments in the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine vials. The lead author of the study, molecular virologist David Speicher, who has a doctorate in virology, told The Epoch Times that their

How Pfizer Hid Nearly 80% of COVID Vaccine Trial Deaths From Regulators
ARTICLE: According to an analysis, published this month in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research, of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine clinical trial data, the vaccine makers hid fatality data from regulators in order to qualify for Emergency Use Authorization.

Where is the Proof of Efficacy for the Flu Vaccine?
VIDEO: Where is the proof of efficacy for the flu vaccine? Explain to me how we can be having 30M cases of flu every year if the vaccines are working and creating herd immunity? Is that a success? Is there a recent large double-blind placebo controlled RCT showing flu vaccine efficacy?

U.S. Patent Office Rejected Fauci's Efforts to Get mRNA Jabs Patented As Vaccines!
VIDEO: The Great Awakening is the third installment of the Plandemic series. This documentThis is a short segment from the longer presentation by Dr. David Martin in which he exposes hard evidence that the psychopathic criminal Dr. Anthony Fauci knows damned well the mRNA Jabs ARE NOT VACCINES. Martin has documented proof that Fauci attempted to get the mRNA jabs patented as vaccines and that the applications were summarily REJECTED.

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny - The COVID Jabs Are WELL-DESIGNED KILLING TOOLS!!
VIDEO: EVERYONE NEEDS TO WATCH THIS VIDEO! This is the clearest presentation I've seen so far about what the SHOTS (they are NOT VACCINES) do, how they fill your system with dangerous binding antibodies (not the same as naturally formed antibodies), and how they go about altering your DNA in ways that could leave you PERMANENTLY DAMAGED!

The COVID-19 Jab "It's NOT A Vaccine!"
VIDEO: Those behind the COVID-19 Pandemic Hoax are deliberately misleading the population about the alleged "COVID-19 Vaccines. THEY ARE NOT vaccines – ‘They are an mRNA packaged in a fat envelope that is delivered to a cell … a medical device designed to stimulate the human cell into becoming a pathogen creator’.

FDA Admits COVID Vaccine Could Enhance The Virus, Making It More Deadly
VIDEO: Del Bigtree, the producer of the film Vaxxed, exposes the shocking reality that COVID vaccine animal testing shows the inoculation could cause the virus to become far more deadly.

Doctors From Around the World Issue Dire Warning Not to Take COVID Vaccines!
VIDEO: The Main Stream Media, Big Tech, the government REFUSE to allow highly skilled doctors from all over the world to be heard. These doctors have been raising the alarm about the SCAMDEMIC almost from very early on and continue to do so at great risk to their lives and careers.

World Economic Forum (WEF)

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Klaus Schwab's 15-Minute Cities Plan Moves Forward Around the World
VIDEO: Protests are popping up around the world against something called 15 minute cities. We've covered 15 minute cities here on the show and we warned you about them and now that warning is starting to catch on.




Last Updated Friday, July 26 2024 @ 08:56 AM MDT  78,225 Hits   
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