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A Fully Indexed Page With Just Election Fraud Articles & Videos
A Fully Indexed Page With Just Medical/Pandemic Fraud Articles & Videos

Medical Murder is a Leading Cause of Death in the U.S. By Design

“Medical malpractice” is the third leading cause of death at
400,000 annual deaths per year.
All these deaths can’t be malpractice. What’s behind the curtain?



Think about it.  People are too expensive; the planet doesn’t have enough resources.  If Satan is successful at selling these lies, what we see happening in real time fits like a glove.

Long before COVID, even the CDC recognized that “medical malpractice” was the third leading cause of death—heart disease 700,000; cancer 600,000; medical malpractice 400,000 annual deaths.  There is legitimate malpractice—negligence due to human error.  What’s behind the curtain?

The murder of my disabled daughter during COVID woke me up.  1,200,000 hospital murders in 39 months!  America was #1 in hospital deaths during the COVID era, with India (with 4X the population) a distant #2, with 530,000 deaths.  All these deaths can’t be malpractice.

What’s going on?  The United States incentivized protocols designed to kill.  Why?  The ultimate source is the Satanic agenda, which I’ll cover in a subsequent article.  The most common excuse used by bureaucrats is money.  People are too expensive.  There are 135,000,000 Americans on Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, and the cost is over 50% of the annual federal budget.  At an annual cost of $35,000 per person, you can see why “elderly” and “disabled” were the first and second causes of hospital deaths during COVID.  The average COVID incentive was $100,000 paid to hospitals, so there was a three-year payback to the government responsible for the scheme!

The plot thickens when you see that Medicare and Medicaid rules were relaxed during COVID, adding 38,000,000 Americans to this bureaucracy.  Why?  Following the pattern set by the Rockefellers (their pharmaceuticals caused cancer, so they funded the American Cancer Society), the government behind COVID (spoiler alert: America) wanted its citizens to have “free” medical coverage, to give the impression of helping.

The reality is beginning to hit us now.  Most of these individuals got the bioweapon disguised as a vaccine.  There is currently a 24% increase in all-cause mortality in the jabbed.  Cancer rates are skyrocketing.  What do you think the “free” medical coverage will do to these people next?

Taking a longer view, Ezekiel Emanuel, one of the country’s most influential bioethicists and a prime architect of Obamacare, wrote as far back as 1996 that health care “services provided to individuals who are irreversibly prevented from being or becoming participating citizens are not basic and should not be guaranteed.”  The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) determines the standards of “care” for the entire country.  Doctors and nurses hide behind “standards of care” as their excuse to kill us while being paid to do so.  To be fair, some have little idea they are doing the dirty work, blinded by medical programming.  To boot, state statutes written long before COVID give legal immunity for following “standards of care.”

I want to be blunt.  Standards of care are designed to hasten death, and hastening death is murder.

If a person is diagnosed with cancer today and has submitted to the conventional medical system, he sits down with his doctor to discuss the diagnosis.  After the initial shock, the doctor only recommends one of three “standards of care”: surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy.  No real cures are offered other than surgery if caught early enough, in spite of the multiple alternative treatments available.  Since the patient is programmed to have medical insurance, his only question becomes, “Does my insurance cover your treatment?”  Next, the doctor signs the patient up for a premature death; chemotherapy offers a whopping 2.1% success rate.  I trust you can see the problem.

Obviously, I’m shining a light on the medical industrial complex and the federal government.  Who else is in on it?  State government; big business; churches; and controlled opposition.

State governments delegate the licensing of doctors and nurses to regulatory boards made up of doctors.  State legislatures, under the guise of tort reform, have passed laws limiting the liability of those in the medical profession.  What other business has liability protection for making “mistakes?”  To be specific, in Wisconsin, the Medical Examining Board, which has 13 members, 10 of whom are physicians, is supposed to protect citizens—but think about it this way: the killers appoint their own as judge and jury!  Then, the legislature creates walled gardens around doctors when they make a mistake, regardless of the cause.

At a minimum, big business is involved in profiting from propaganda.  Current life insurance applications do not ask if the applicant was jabbed with the COVID bioweapon.  With a 24% increase in all-cause mortality, this fact alone would bankrupt insurance companies.  Our tax money at work.

The surprising player is churches, until you see God warned us ahead of time.  Watered-down teaching of Romans 13 and 14 facilitates Satanic-sponsored agendas like vaccination clinics.  Churches taking government grants to close their doors out of obedience to a Satanic mandate shocked me during the research. And there’s much more.

Last, controlled opposition seems to be all around us.  Newsmax is held out as a source of truth, against the alphabet networks, to put our continued trust in man.  The Medical Freedom Movement seems to spin just the opposite of real freedom—often calling the bioweapon a vaccine and still promoting a vaccine narrative that was never designed to rid us of disease.  The top people in the movement state that the problem was not enough testing or regulation.  If someone calls the COVID response a failure, watch out.  It was an absolute success—not only culling the population but showing the Satanic puppets just how their slaves would react.

The truth is stranger than fiction.

Scott Schara, host of Deprogramming With Grace’s Dad, realized he had been programmed to believe a litany of things that weren’t true after the medical murder of his daughter Grace Schara, a beautiful 19-year-old with Down syndrome died on October 13, 2021, in a hospital after being given a lethal combination of medications. 

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