Video: Imran Khan: Populist Hero and Pakistan’s Trump on Verge of Death After Never-Trump Biden Official Had Him Imprisoned
Biden regime's role in his ouster -- specifically, the wicked color revolution professional Victoria Nuland
A little over a year ago, Revolver News’ Darren Beattie had the privilege of interviewing an 80s celebrity playboy turned populist hero who improbably defeated two corrupt establishment political dynasties in one of the most stunning electoral upsets in recent political history. In response, the corrupt deep state of the regime he humiliated buried the populist leader in sham, politically motivated indictments and ultimately had him imprisoned.
Though readers might be forgiven for thinking the above paragraph was about Trump, it actually refers to the populist, pro-Trump Pakistani leader Imran Khan, whom many have referred to as Pakistan’s Trump (note: Darren Beattie also had the privilege of interviewing Trump. Watch here with 7.3 million views and counting.)
In the course of Beattie’s interview with the Prime Minister, Beattie addressed the uncomfortable question that one Victoria Nuland, who was then a senior staffer in Biden’s State Department, played an instrumental role in the coup perpetrated against Khan that ultimately ousted him from power. In a nutshell, one of Nuland’s minions relayed the message via an encrypted diplomatic “cypher” to Pakistan that it was time for Khan to go, and the very next day the Pakistani deep state issued a vote of no confidence and removed Khan from power. Not too long after, Khan was imprisoned on false charges and buried in an avalanche of politically motivated indictments. In fact, Beattie was the last Western journalist to interview Khan before his unjust imprisonment.