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Video: WEF Says The World Must Brace For A Series Of Massive Unknown Crises

According to The World Economic Forum psychopathic lunatics, the world must now brace for an era of shock events. Of course, they know this because they are the ones who will be creating these events!  A recent opinion piece posted on the WEF website says a heightened global risk and unprecedented shock events will shape the coming decade.  Anything can happen in our post-pandemic era.


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Video: New EU Vaccination Card Will Be Used to Control Access to Banking and Other Services

‘It’s About Your Money’

Dutch attorney Meike Terhorst joined “The Defender In-Depth” this week to discuss the EU’s plans
for a European Vaccination Card, the plan’s similarities to the EU’s digital vaccination certificate,
the global push toward digital ID and implications for health and medical freedom.



Dutch attorney Meike Terhorst joined “The Defender In-Depth” this week to discuss the European Union’s (EU) plans for a European Vaccination Card (EVC), the plan’s similarities to the EU’s Digital COVID Certificate, the global push toward digital ID and implications for health and medical freedom.

The EU, which pioneered the development of digital “vaccine passports,” will next month launch a test run of its new EVC in five countries — Belgium, Germany, Greece, Latvia and Portugal.

The card purports to “foster informed decision-making on vaccination, and improve continuity of care across the EU” and “aims to empower individuals by consolidating all their vaccination data in one easily accessible location.”

While the objectives of the program, set to be implemented throughout the EU by 2026, appear benign, critics argue the EVC is a stepping stone for mandatory vaccinations in the future.

Some also argue the EVC is connected to large financial interests and plans to limit personal and national sovereignty.

‘The plan is to get everybody vaccinated’

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The Next Big Scam: Moderna's New mRNA Bird Flu 'Vaccine' and the Globalist Agenda

Editor's Note:  What more proof do you need that our totally corrupt government is controlled by Big Pharma.  Big Pharma has captured every single government agency and are using them to push their dangerous products and guarantee profits at the expense of human health.  It has now been well established that these mRNA jabs ARE NOT VACCINES and should have never been classified as vaccines.  It has also been well-established that the last thing these injections are is safe and effective. (See High Court Rules the Covid mRNA Jab Is Not Even a Vaccine, so What Exactly Is It?)



The parallels between the bird flu ‘vaccine’ push and the COVID-19 ‘vaccine’ campaign reveal a coordinated effort to capitalize on health crises for profit and control

In a concerning development that echoes the recent COVID-19 “vaccine” saga, pharmaceutical giant Moderna has secured a whopping $176 million from the U.S. government to fast-track the development of a new mRNA flu vaccine. This vaccine is purportedly designed to protect against both seasonal influenza and bird flu viruses currently circulating in the United States. As Moderna prepares to kick off clinical trials next year, working closely with the U.S. government’s Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), questions arise about the true motives and implications of this massive investment.

Government’s Growing Concerns

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has expressed “serious concerns” about a potential health crisis stemming from an avian flu outbreak. With the virus continuing to spread among mammals, there is a so-called “looming threat” of a new pandemic “if” it manages to jump to humans. This scenario, as reported by The Telegraph, has fueled the urgency behind the government’s investment in Moderna’s new gene therapy injection, marketed as a ‘vaccine’.

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These 13 Countries Just Signed an Agreement to Engineer a Global Famine by Destroying Food Supply



The United States and the following 12 countries have all signed on to an agreement that in practice will destroy agriculture worldwide while ushering in global famine and starvation:

  • Argentina
  • Australia
  • Brazil
  • Burkina Faso
  • Chile
  • Czech Republic
  • Ecuador
  • Germany
  • Panama
  • Peru
  • Spain
  • Uruguay

A loss of meat production from Australia, Brazil and the U.S. alone would be enough to starve countless people, not to mention all the other foods that are raised and grown in these three countries.

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State Department Official Admits ‘Great Replacement Theory’ is REAL — Admits Deliberately Importing Criminals

Admits Deliberately Importing Criminals



A State Department official has been caught on camera admitting the truth behind the ‘Great Replacement Theory.’

This theory is often dismissed by the far-left as “one of the most dangerous white supremacist conspiracy theories out there.”

They argued that the “Great Replacement conspiracy theory is a white supremacist, xenophobic, and anti-immigrant concept that posits white people are being replaced by immigrants, Muslims, and other people of color in their so-called “home” countries.”

The footage, recorded by Project Veritas, exposes a chilling reality: the Biden regime is knowingly allowing criminals into the United States to change the country’s demographics.

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Their Strategy in the War on Food



In my previous two articles, we covered the global war on farmers and the culprits behind this agenda. Today, we will dive into the tactics these organizations use to foist their dystopian vision on the rest of us. 

Perhaps you remember Event 201, the pandemic simulation run in late 2019 that served as a dress rehearsal for the 2020 Covid response. Such simulations have been used in the War on Food as well. Take, for example, the Food Chain Reaction Game, a 2015 wargame that simulated the time period from 2020 to 2030. Cargill and the other participants have removed the Food Chain Reaction Game data from their websites, but Cargill’s version was archived by independent researchers, so you can still see it here.

In the simulation, the decade brought “two major food crises, with prices approaching 400 percent of the long term average; a raft of climate-related extreme weather events; governments toppling in Pakistan and Ukraine; and famine and refugee crises in Bangladesh, Myanmar, Chad and Sudan.” When the game ended, its organizers had imposed meat taxes in Europe, capped CO2 emissions, and instituted a global carbon tax. The time period of the Food Chain Reaction Game handily coincides with the 2020 Covid crisis and ends with the culmination of Agenda 2030. If you don’t think those dates are significant, you aren’t paying attention. 

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Video: Great Replacement: Sen. Schumer Calls For Amnesty of Millions of Illegals to Offset Declining U.S. Population

“People still think this is some crazy conspiracy theory!” says Elon Musk.


Democrat Senate Leader Chuck Schumer called for amnesty for “all” illegal aliens in a resurfaced 2022 clip that’s recently gone viral on social media.

“Now more than ever, we’re short of workers, we have a population that is not reproducing on its own with the same level that it used to, the only way that we’re going to have a great future in America is if we welcome and embrace immigrants,” Schumer said outside the Capitol building in November 2022.


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Video: – They Cannot Get Financial Control Unless They Can Control the Food Supply - Catherine Austin Fitts

Insane vs Sane – Demonic vs Divine


Catherine Austin Fitts (CAF), Publisher of The Solari Report, financial expert and former Assistant Secretary of Housing (Bush 41 Admin.), has long said, “The federal government is being run as a criminal enterprise. . . .not just a little criminal, but a lot criminal.”  Now, CAF contends what is going on in America is much more than greedy criminals.  CAF says, “This has turned into warfare against “We the People” on a spiritual level.”

CAF goes on to point out, “There is so much effort in persuading people to think there is nothing you can do, and it’s hopeless.  Let me tell you something . . . the central bankers are telling you what they are going to do, and this is not far away in the future.  You have all these merchant codes where you cannot use your credit card to buy a gun or the bank throws you out.  That’s the control grid getting built.”

What can you do to fight for freedom?  CAF says, “Bring transparency, and the second thing is to use cash.  If we can all use cash, build cash back up and keep checks going, if you have cash and checks, they cannot go to an all-digital financial system.  Find out who is leading the way in your state, and see what you can do to support them.  Above anything, you can pray because this is a spiritual war.  The devil wants you to believe it’s hopeless and there is nothing you can do. . . . It’s not true.  The sane cannot go along with the insane.  The divine cannot go along with the demonic.  You have to say NO!  I am seeing this all over the country.  I am seeing Treasurers and State Attorney Generals, and they are all pushing back because they realize this is insane.  You cannot go along with this.”

CAF says not only do the Deep State globalists want control of the financial system, but they also want control of your food.  CAF says, “You see at this level when you are trying to protect freedom, they cannot get financial control unless they can control the food supply.  People can always start their own currencies as long as they can grow food.  If you look at the push for financial control and central bank digital currency, it is the same push.  They are pushing to control the food supply.”

CAF thinks Washington is so broken, corrupt and criminal that whoever wins the Presidential Election it will not make much of a difference.  CAF points out, “Look at how quickly Speaker Mike Johnson caved.  Speaker Johnson caved for Ukraine and war all over the world, but he won’t protect our borders.  Mike Johnson, Christian, conservative and not a dime to protect our borders. . . Washington is a criminal enterprise, and there is no electing someone big enough to change this.  This is not Trump vs Biden.  This is the pro-centralization team in Washington.  We have to pull power back from Washington.”

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Video: Peter Sweden EXPOSING the WEF Agenda

Peter Sweden went on One America News to talk about the World Economic Forum agenda.  At the annual WEF meeting in Davos this year, Klaus Scwhab said that they were the “trustees of the future”. 

Meanwhile, another speaker at Davos wanted to label farming and fishing as “ecocide”.

Yet another speaker at the WEF talked about how it was important to have digital ID so that they could track who has been vaccinated.

All of this was going on, yet almost nothing about it on the mainstream media.



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Video: The End of Humanity - As Planned by the Global Leaders

Did you know there is an official agenda to replace the human race with robots, cyborgs and AI? This agenda is being heavily promoted by the World Economic Forum. Their plan is to end the era of humanity and usher in a new era of neo-humanity, in which people are a mix of man and machine. They also state that our thoughts and emotions will be monitored by AI in order to combat climate change. Is that the world you want for yourself and your children? Ending humanity to ‘save the planet’



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