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  • SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission)

Beware the SEC's Creation of ' Natural Asset ' Companies


To anyone who tracks the efforts of environmentalists, their policies often have an ulterior motive. They neither result in a better society nor do they produce better habitats. Their policy preferences also do not consider how using the land improves the land for man and wildlife. Instead, many environmentalists advocate for policies at the expense of farmers, miners, and others who create usable, tangible, societal benefits from the land. This often leaves observers to wonder: what are environmentalists really after?

The answer is power and money. It turns out, that the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) are quietly working on a rule that may prove this ulterior motive.

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SEC Does NOT Regulate Trusts or the Issuance of Certificates

Yet another MASSIVE Banking Fraud


By Neil Garfield

No trust is regulated by the SEC. No reporting is required of any trust.

But by filing a prospectus, the investment bank gains access to the SEC.gov site. So they upload documents and then download the same documents so they can display the sec.gov in the header. They then falsely argue for judicial notice of a government document.

No document is a government document unless it is created by the government. Since the SEC did not issue the document and never reviewed or exercised any regulatory action, this is not a government document. It is a private document that the lawyers have dressed up to look like a government document. Judicial Watch, Inc. v. Clinton, 880 F. Supp. 1, 11 (D.D.C. 1995) (“documents are typically not agency records under the Act unless and until they are included within material controlled, created, approved and utilized by the agency itself. ”)

Ultimately all filings by the investment bank in relation to the fictitious trusts are followed by a filing that says, "we don't need to report anything." In 1998 the regulations were rolled back on the certificates sold to investors in which, by law, the certificates were categorized as private contracts and expressly asserted to be excluded from the category of securities and issuers that were regulated.

In short, there are no securities, trusts, or government documents in any securitization infrastructure. 
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