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Are These Hexagonal Crystal-like Arifacts Part Morgellon's Etiology?

From Kandy A Griffin LPN

A number of people across the country are reporting instances of discovering tiny little "specks of glitter" coming from their skin. So far, all of the people reporting these tiny 'crystals' are also afflicted with what we have come to know as Morgellon's disease. Many Morgellons sufferers have donated specimens/samples to independent researchers who are currently working on the project.

These tiny, shiny specks that are being found within those suffering from Morgellon's, share many similarities from size range to shape, and often color. The shiny specs have been found ebedded in, or coming from human flesh infected with Morgellon's fibers, etc, as well as from airborne samples.


Current research on these hexagoal crystal-like artifacts include areas such as silica and cellulose, protein crystals created from within the human body, crystal biosensors, RFID chips, photonic crystals/eletromagnetic fields, scalar weapons, fiber optic nano-probes, silicon wafers, silicon photonic nanostructures, liquid crystalline and probably the most interesting so far, the piezoelectric crystals which are antibody specific and self-assemble layer by layer.

What is causing humans, for the first tme in history, to discover specks of a glittering substance, hexagonal in shape, in their skin?
Could it be part of this man-made Morgellon's atrocity which is enveloping the planet, even as you read this?
More Magnified photos...

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Morgellons - Figments of our Imagination?

Thousands of people around the world say they have a disease that causes mysterious fibers to sprout painfully through the skin, and they've given it a name. The spread of 'Morgellons disease' could be Internet hysteria, or it could be an emerging illness demanding our attention.

By Brigid Schulte
Sunday, January 20, 2008; W10

Sue Laws remembers the night it began. It was October 2004, and she'd been working in the basement home office of her Gaithersburg brick rambler where she helps her husband run their tree business. She was sitting at her computer getting the payroll out, when all of a sudden she felt as if she were being attacked by bees. The itching and stinging on her back was so intense that she screamed for her husband, Tom. He bounded downstairs and lifted her shirt, but he couldn't see anything biting her. She insisted something must be. To prove there was nothing there, he stuck strips of thick packing tape to her back and ripped them off. Then they took the magnifying eyepiece that Tom, an arborist, uses to examine leaves for fungus and blight and peered at the tape. "That's when we saw them. It was covered with these little red fibers," Sue recalls. She'd never seen anything like them. And she had no idea where they came from. "You automatically think clothing. But I wasn't wearing anything red."

Over the next month, Sue's itching intensified. Every night, she says, it felt as if thousands of tiny bugs were crawling under her skin, stinging and biting. She became unable to sleep at night. She left the lights on, because the crawling seemed to be worse in the dark. Thinking it might have been a flea infestation, Sue and Tom pulled up all the carpets in the house. Thinking perhaps it was mold, they tore off the wallpaper. They sanded and stained the bare floors, and then Tom called an exterminator.

Every morning, Sue says, she found little black specks all over her side of the bed. Then she discovered droplets of blood where the specks appeared to be coming out of her skin. "I looked like I had paper cuts all over," she says. She began washing the sheets in ammonia every day. Next, her chest, neck, face, back, arms and legs broke out in painful, red gelatinous lesions that never seemed to heal. To get some relief, she stayed in the shower for hours. She bathed in vinegar and sea salt and doused her body with baby powder. Nothing really helped.

Her joints began to ache. She lost all her energy and became forgetful. She says she would comb her hair, and tangled clumps of what looked like hair, fibers, dust and skin tissue would fall out. Then, she says, her actual hair began to fall out and her teeth began to rot. She refused to let anyone in the house and stopped going out. She didn't know what she had, but she was afraid she might be contagious.

One day, she says, a pink worm came out of one of her eyeballs and she coughed up a springtail fly. "That's when I thought, 'I'm really going to kill myself,'" she says.

Sue visited a dermatologist, who said he didn't know what was wrong. In time, Sue, 51, came across a condition on the Internet that sounded exactly like her own, and joined 11,036 others from the United States and around the world who, as of earlier this month, had registered on a Web site as sufferers of what they say is a strange new debilitating illness. Some call it the "fiber disease," but most refer to it as Morgellons, a name taken from a similar condition of children wasting away with "harsh hairs" described in the 17th century. A frustrated mother, Mary Leitao, then living in South Carolina, happened upon the description in an old medical history book in 2002 after doctors didn't believe her when she told them that her son had fibers growing out of his lip.

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Morgellons Disease - Living With The Nightmare

Editor's Note: This article was written by Jan Smith, an ordinary person that suddenly became infected with Morgellons 10 years ago.  She is not a professional researcher or scientific research paper author.  Because she has gotten no help from government agencies like the Center for Disease Control (The CDC) she has had to fend for herself and do the best she can to find out what this phenomenon is and what she can do about it.  Please read this and focus on the content of what she's trying to present to you rather than on the imperfection of her presentation.   Look especially at the bottom of the page, at the photos of the crystals that emerge from these fibers.  These, to me, are exceptionally disturbing and really represent the strongest evidence that Morgellons is some kind of nanotechnology


By Jan Smith
A Ten Year Sufferer
Originally published January 2008

To see videos of Morgellons fibers Click Here

The worst possible future is here right now and we need your immediate help.  Nanotechnology is disabling and killing human beings.   This information is not based on idle conjecture but facts proven by laboratory testing performed by Dr. Hildegarde Staninger at Woodshole/MIT Lab, Lambda Labs, and other accredited labs (refer to Research Section). The results of these important tests are being ignored.  The mainstream press for whatever reason has not informed the public by publishing the results of these scientific tests.  This is news all Americans citizens should be aware of.  Your help is desperately needed!

My name is Jan Smith.  I am 58 years old and have been debilitated for the past 10 years with Morgellon’s disease.  Other members of my family have this disease as well.  I have even had the sad experience of having my pet cat die from this disease.  The vet said it was allergies but I knew what the lesions were that covered her face and ears.   I have heard from many people who have lost their pets.  Even worse, many children are ill from this disease.

I have included many photos in this letter.  I have been documenting samples of this disease for the past five years and am well versed in the morphology of how this disease is manifesting and progressing in people.  I have spent countless hours using a microscope to examine the disturbing signs of Morgellon’s.  I have researched the internet extensively on parasites, fungus, nano-technology, patents and other significant related subject matter. Whenever possible, I worked hand-in-hand with researchers to provide samples for analysis and to document symptoms.

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