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  •   The Greatest Crypto Explanation of ALL TIME
    Ultimate Crypto Beginners Guide 2024? Let's discuss the cryptocurrency news for bitcoin, ethereum, solana, altcoins, & MORE!
  •   What is Bitcoin?
    What is bitcoin? Explain ethereum like i'm five? Let's discuss the latest cryptocurrency news for bitcoin, ethereum, altcoins, & MORE!
  •   THIS Is What They're Hiding About BlackRock
    This is an interview with Whitney Webb who reveals what's really going on in the world of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies and why things are not as they seem.  Whitney outlines the underlying plans to use Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies to control the supply.  She discusses why cryptocurrencies will soon be used to destroy the value and privacy that has elluded governments until now.  She says we are witnessing the collapse of the fiat money system.
  •   Bix Weir - FTX Implosion Leads to Chaos in the Streets
    According to precious metals and financial expert Bix Weir, when the FTX cryptocurrency exchange imploded, it took with it billions of dollars of investments.  It now has more than a million creditors both big and small.  Weir says it is the tip of the iceberg in a dying over-indebted system.  Weir contends it is orders of magnitude worse than the Lehman Brothers meltdown that caused the Great Recession in 2008.
  •   Solutions for Troubled Times (multiple videos)
    Cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin’s creation and development are often attributed to the collective efforts of a group or individual using the name Satoshi Nakamoto, but the true identity (or identities) behind this pseudonym remains one of the most significant mysteries in the cryptocurrency world.



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Video: Worse Than Useless - Andreas M. Antonopoulos Explains Bitcoin

Bitcoin Explained By One of The Pioneers

Bitcoin explained by Andreas Antonopoulos.  Andreas articulates, with incredible clarity, the critical importance of privacy and how it intersects with money, technology, government and individuals.


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Video: Is the Ukraine War a Money Laundering Scheme?

Story at-a-glance

  • Many have suspected that the U.S. government’s “security assistance” to Ukraine — which as of November 15, 2022, had surpassed $98 billion — is a money laundering scheme, perhaps relating to questionable activities involving American biolabs in Ukraine
  • With the sudden implosion of the cryptocurrency exchange FTX, suspicions of money laundering in Ukraine are gaining fresh support
  • FTX’s founder, Sam Bankman-Fried — suspected of having absconded with $1 billion to $2 billion of client funds as the exchange went belly-up in mid-November — was a top donor to the Democratic Party, second only to George Soros, and had ties to the World Economic Forum
  • FTX partnered with Ukraine to help them raise funds for the war effort. Some believe the foreign aid the Ukrainian government received from the U.S. was put into FTX, which then turned around and donated money back to Democratic candidates
  • An estimated $200 million were raised for Ukraine and distributed through FTX to a bank in Ukraine, but records show the Ukrainian government only used $22 million of that money. The remaining $178 million appears to have vanished, leading people to suspect it was laundered back to the United States




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Video: Bix Weir - FTX Implosion Leads to Chaos in the Streets


According to precious metals and financial expert Bix Weir, when the FTX cryptocurrency exchange imploded, it took with it billions of dollars of investments.  It now has more than a million creditors both big and small.  Weir says it is the tip of the iceberg in a dying over-indebted system.  Weir contends it is orders of magnitude worse than the Lehman Brothers meltdown that caused the Great Recession in 2008.

Weir explains, “Does it really matter if we control the House or the Senate or the Presidency?  The only thing that will matter, the only thing that will change what is going on is when the ATMs shut off and, all of a sudden, people cannot get money out of the bank.  That would change things really fast.  I think it will happen.  All we need is one highly connected derivative bank to go down, and they all go down. They can bail out a trillion-dollar bank, but they cannot bail out a $2 quadrillion failure, and that is what is coming.  The moment that hits is when everybody will say, okay, nobody is getting paid off. . . .We are going to find out in about a month how many counterparties in the FTX debacle will be translated into the derivatives, which is probably 100 times bigger than what happened on FTX.  Every one of those people on the FTX ledger was placing derivative bets that were hedging their crypto position.  Now, their crypto positions have disappeared.  The actual cryptos are no longer there . . .that is what was hedging this transaction.  There are two sides to a derivative trade.  If one side loses, they double lose.  So, we could see a massive, massive fallout from the derivative mess.”



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FTX Slush Fund Bankrolled Fake Studies To Hide Covid Therapeutics

FTX funded studies through TOGETHER Trial falsely claiming hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin weren't effective Covid treatments.

Clinical trials that found therapeutic medications ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine were ineffective Covid treatments were funded by defunct crypto exchange FTX.

Amid the Covid pandemic, the FTX Foundation, helmed by now-infamous FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried, bankrolled a clinical trial study group known as Together.

TogetherTrial.com homepage proudly displays FTX Foundation Group as its primary funder.

Together ran trials that purportedly aimed “to identify effective repurposed therapies to prevent the disease progression of COVID-19.”

“Can we use existing medications to treat people with early diagnosed COVID-19?” the Together group was supposedly tasked with figuring out.

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