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Video: General Wesley Clark " We're going to take-out 7 countries in 5 years. "

Seven Countries In Five Years

It’s important to recognize that citizens of the United States and people around the world are currently being pounded with wartime propaganda that’s coming from places like Ukraine, Russia, Israel, and Palestine, but predominantly from the United States. As you navigate this intricate minefield of emotions, it’s important to remember that these are narratives carefully crafted by the regime for reasons that support war—their biggest money-maker.


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Video: “ Seven Countries in Five Years ”: The 2001 Regime’s War Plan Resurfaces in 2023?



We’re beginning to really uncover the past dirty deeds of our corrupt government, and the revelations are truly alarming. Let’s rewind to 2001, when the United States was attacked by Osama bin Laden. Now, we know our government lied to us about “weapons of mass destruction,” but it seems they had an even grander and more deadly scheme in mind, which prominently featured Iran—a nation, alongside Russia, they’ve been itching to attack. Interestingly, the echoes of the past resonate a tad too closely with our present in 2023, as talk of a potential war with Russia and Iran resurfaces once again. Round and round our war machine goes, right?

This recent deep dive into 2001, spotlighted by Joe Rogan, reveals chilling revelations from General Wesley Clark. Clark claims that the U.S. had ambitions to topple seven countries in just five years. Rogan also examines the potent wartime propaganda used to convince citizens that airstrikes and warfare are the only viable solutions.

Here’s what popular X user KanekoaTheGreat said in his post:

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