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C. S. Lewis: “A Christmas Sermon for Pagans”


In December of 1946, Strand Magazine published “A Christmas Sermon for Pagans” by C. S. Lewis. Anyone who has read Lewis extensively will recognize many of the themes within this short essay, primarily that the journey to Christianity for a post-Christian may quite possibly include a short passage through paganism (paganism as it really is, not as we sometimes foolishly imagine it). From the essay: “If the modern post-Christian view is wrong—and every day I find it harder to think it right—then there are three kinds of people in the world. (1) Those who are sick and don’t know it (the post-Christians). (2) Those who are sick and know it (Pagans). (3) Those who have found the cure. And if you start in the first class you must go through the second to reach the third. For (in a sense) all that Christianity adds to Paganism is the cure. It confirms the old belief that in this universe we are up against Living Power: that there is a real Right and that we have failed to obey it: that existence is beautiful and terrifying. It adds a wonder of which Paganism had not distinctly heard—that the Mighty One has come down to help us, to remove our guilt, to reconcile us”

To date, this piece has not been included in any published collection of Lewis essays. It was only discovered several years ago. I have a copy and thought all Lewisians would enjoy seeing the essay and reading a transcription (included below).

Merry Christmas to all. Thanks be to God that because of King Jesus, we need never lament that it is always winter and never Christmas. Rather, it is always Christmas, always Immanuel, always God-with-us, no matter what the weather.

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Video: Paul Harvey - If I Were the Devil

Paul Harvey’s Famous 1965 “Warning to America” Essay – Put to Life by Ultra MAGA Party

Paul Harvey was one of the great radio personalities of 20th century America. Paul was a Christian man. He was a staunch American patriot and Godly man. His popular “Rest of the Story” segment was broadcast into millions of American homes and businesses. Paul Harvey was also a devout Christian who was deeply concerned that the United States was abandoning God and morality at her own peril. In 1965 Paul Harvey first released his essay, “If I Were the Devil.” These famous words from Paul Harvey were meant as a warning to America. Our greatness is not ensured.





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FREE Video Library: Commentary

: 10 minutes or less.  : 11- 36 minutes.   : Over 36 min. Fun:



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Video: George Carlin - War Is The Only Thing We're Good At Anymore!

This is a clip from the George Carlin HBO Special "Jammin In New York" and emphasizes that our country is but a shell of what we once were.  We can't do anything well anymore except bomb countries and kill people!

This reality is not by accident either.  Those that make trillions off wars perpetuate this view of problem solving and make sure it's beaten over our heads through the mainstream media and entertainment sources.  It's all driven by transnational corporate agendas and values that dominate our cultural views.


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Video: We Are Americans and We Are Not Afraid!

This short video contains a classic speech from the movie "The Matrix" when the character Morphius speaks to the remainder of the human race.  You can easily replace every reference to Zion with the word America, or whatever the name of your country is.  And for the word "machines" substitute the words "global elite." 

Our nation used to be called "Land of the Free Home of the Brave."  Freedom and Liberty requires courage.  A free nation requires a brave and independent population.  True leaders inspire such things.  Our so-called leaders do nothing but perpetuate fear and dependence on the government.  These are not leaders worthy of our trust and support if we truly wish to live in a free country. 

The people currently in control of our nation have conned everyone into believing something that is totally insane.  They have far too many people believing that it makes complete sense to give up your liberties and freedoms so you can have them.  They have everyone afraid they are going to be killed by some rabid, fundamentalist Islamic terrorist, when most people in this country has never even met a Muslim, much less a radical that wants to blow them up.  

There are many, many greater threats to your safety than terrorism and you face them every day without a second thought.  The truth of the matter is you're far more likely to die from too much salt for God's sake.  Yes, 150,000 people die in this country every year from the hypertension caused by eating too much salt.  Over 3/4 million people die from prescription drugs!   So if our so-called leaders where worth a damn, they'd be inspiring courage and putting the true threat of terrorism in proper perspective.   But they aren't dong that because they aren't interested in protecting you.  They want to control you.  They want you afraid of your friggin shadow.


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Video: Who is Elon Musk

Greg Reese from Inforwars.com presents a brief history of how Elon Musk came to acquire the massive wealth that he has today. Reese called Musk, "the fake genius to help lead humanity into the abyss". Important to know given his latest effort to "appear" to use his vast wealth for benevolent purposes . . . while of course at the same time be pouring plenty into 5G, brain implants, etc., etc.


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Video: Intellectual Froglegs: The End Is Near - AGAIN

Just look at the last 20 years of Global Doom Predictions—although we could go back further.

The primary difference between this Coronavirus Chinese Death Plague Panic and… the Y2K Panic, the numerous Category 5 Hurricanes Panics and Global Warming Panic… is the perceived and highly publicized means with which millions of us are going to die.

The similarity?  Computer Models, hyped by the same people…and they were wrong.  Not just a little wrong…but a LOT wrong.

20 years ago with the Y2K, it was a “worldwide computer crash that could lead to MASS DEATH” —-that was followed by the increased number of hurricanes that would lead to MASS DEATH (major hurricanes actually ceased for 12 years, lol).

Then Al Gore’s global warming models were going to flood New York and Miami—wasn’t that like 5 years ago?  And today—a Chinese virus threatens “Mass Deaths”

And in 2016— their computer models predicted with 98% certainty— a Hillary Clinton landslide (quite possibly the scariest of all).

Everything’s been wrong. The models, the projections, the medical needs…  Everything.

And you cannot possibly perform an honest assessment the situation without analyzing the sources of the hysteria. The experts, the media and the computer models

What’s their track record accurately predicting global catastrophes?


Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy the show, and if you do—please consider donating. Of course, if you’re too broke to donate—no worries, but sharing is just as important. Thank you

God bless,

Joe Dan

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