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Stories and Videos Highlighting The Need To Drain the Swamp of Globalists/Collectivists!
Covering a wide range of topics
When Election Integrity Is Gone, Our Country Is Gone!
It's sn Act of WAR by the Globalists!
Sometimes you just have to have a few giggles
Time To Shut Down shut down the 'K' Street Lobbying Corruption Machine for good!

The Kick Them All Out Project began in 2006 as an effort to promote a revolutionary voting strategy that could potentially break the stranglehold global banking/corporate interests have over our government.  Most everyone has some awareness that the U.S. citizens are not the "real" constituents of most career politicians.  Most have some awareness that the real constituents of career politicians are those who give them the most money and support necessary to win reelection so they can move up the political ladder to more power, wealth, and influence.

The only direct power our form of government provides for us to influence our supposed representatives is the power to hire and fire them at the ballot box.  Of course, for that power to be real, we must have elections that are free and fair which for the most part has been like everything else in the great American experiment, nothing but an unrealized ideal. 

Prior to the 2020 election, the good news was that even with the normal levels of fraud that routinely occurred in elections there was still one thing the fraud couldn't prevent. It could not prevent landslide elections. Most forms of voter fraud and tampering are designed to rig the outcome of close elections so the tampering isn't obvious.  In order to stop landslide elections, they have to rig too many votes making the fraud blatantly obvious, as they were forced to do in the 2020 election.  And it's usually much easier to tamper with state and local elections than it is to tamper with national elections because state elections involve a smaller number of voters meaning you don't need to tamper with that many votes to flip results.  That's why races are typically "fake polled" to appear to be very close long ahead of election day.

That being said, the 2020 election saw unprecedented levels of election fraud because they were not expecting Trump to get such a massive number of legitimate votes. The usual vote fraud methods could not stop the landslide that was occurring so they shut it all down late at night and started STUFFING THE BALLOT BOXES, ESPECIALLY IN SWING STATES. They realized there was no way to stop a Trump victory without in-your-face vote fraud . . . and they didn't care. Their ace in the hole was the fact that they controlled the media, the key Secretaries of State and enough judges who would all turn a blind eye to it all. 

After looking at the following stats, what more needs to be said? Does any 'honest' person actually believe Biden won by only winning 477 Counties and losing Ohio and Florida? Does any 'honest' person believe Biden got 81 million votes, significantly more than Obama did?

The people behind these crimes are highly organized and have been stealing elections for decades. They counted on the fact that people wouldn't dig too deeply into the myriad ways they rigged elections because it is so difficult and costly to do. And they knew if anyone came up with anything conclusive nobody would be held accountable and it would be too late to do anything about it. An example of someone exposing details of how elections are stollen is Bev Harris who exposed election fraud in an HBO documentary back in 2006 called "Hacking Democracy." Check out her website BlackBoxVoting.org.

We now have a mountain of detailed information about what they did in the 2020 election and how they did it yet virtually nothing of substance has been done about it. We saw them use their control of media to hammer away at a cover story weeks prior to the electioin that explained exactly what they were going to do. They explained away the theft everyone was going to witness by creating a false narrative dubbed 'The Red Mirage'. They told us we would see Trump decisively winning but it would only be an illusion. Watch this complilation video to refresh your memory about what they told everyone to cover up the theft.

How many of us witnessed exactly what they told us we'd witness? Many went to bed beleiving Trump was the obvious winner only to wake in the morning to find Biden won. Everyone was shocked to find ballot counting had allegedly been halted, especially in the battle ground states.

NEVER FORGET! EVERY Battleground State in 2020 Announced They Were Going to Quit Counting on Election Night After Trump Was Roaring to Victory

Back in 2016 the Democrats, especially Hitlary, where supremely confident Hitlary was going to win. They believed the usual rigging that they had in place was going to be sufficient only to find they weren't prepared enough for the landslide number of votes Trump was actually going to get to win the election.

They weren't going to make that mistake again in 2020. Using the fake pandemic as cover they put every conceivable method of cheating into action. Once they saw their usual rigging was failing, that Trump was again getting landslide numbers of vote, they kicked the backup plan into high gear. They were forced to commit "an obvious theft" by stuffing unbeivable numbes of ballots for Biden into the mix. To do it they told everyone counting had stopped, not giving any legitimate answer as to why, so they could begin STUFFING impossible numbers of Biden ballots that magically appeared into the mix.

Since they got away with it in the 2020 election they did it again in the midterms with yet another fake narrative about the inevitable 'red wave' everyone knew was coming, which of course was again nothing but a 'red mirage.'

The big question now is, will anyone be held accountable?
Will anyone be prosecuted? So far it's been a big fat NO!

Those responsible for orchestrating the massive amounts of election fraud we witnessed in the 2020 election to ensure Donald Trump doesn't get a second term have all been given a get-out-of-jail-free card by every institution established to prevent and remedy election crimes, which by-the-way, are SERIOUS FELONIES.  Despite the IN-YOUR-FACE THEFT when states abruptly stopped counting late at night so they could stuff fraudulent Biden ballots into the count. So far, nothing of consequence has been done about it. Every state legislature, even those with Republican majorities, certified the fraudulent election results. Not one court would hear any case on the merits, not even the Supreme Court of the United States.  The totally corrupt DOJ (Department of Justice) refused to look into any substantial allegations of voter fraud.  Then the final coat of whitewash was applied by our totally corrupt Congress that also rubber-stamped the blatant theft of a Presidential election by orchestrating yet another massive fraud, the January 6th fake insurrection narrative.

Unless state legislatures rise to the occasion it's not likely anyone will ever be held accountable.  And it's not likely any changes will be made to ensure secure and honest elections.  It's looking more and more like what little power we had through voting has just disappeared. Maybe forever.  Unless we see state legislatures make major changes necessary to ensure fair and honest elections, the KTAO voting strategy is still pretty much on hold.  If you can no longer have any confidence your vote will actually count, what the hell is the point of participating in elections?

We listened to the Democrats and Rinos wail about how Trump was never a legitimate President then they foist one of the most corrupt idiotic Swamp Creatures imaginable on us with an equally swampy and corrupt VP via a blatantly stolen election.  You could not get more illegitimate than Bejing Biden and Commila Harris.

So what has this really been about?  Where does this leave us?

In one word, GLOBALIZATION.  One of the most important things Trump accomplished was to draw attention to the fact that our government was selling us out to powerful banking/corporate global interests, efforts which necessarily involved destroying everything that makes us American, that makes us a strong and independent country.  Check out this video about why the Globalists want you to hate Trump and why they were hell-bent on getting rid of him at all costs.

One of the most important changes we've seen over recent years is the awakening by many to the fact that our government is no longer "our government."  Far more people now see that the vast majority of people who were supposed to be representing our best interests were in fact selling us out.  They have been deliberately putting American interests LAST in favor of powerful global banking/corporate interests.  Politicians who do the bidding of these globalists are guaranteed abundant funding and favorable media support necessary for reelection.  This decades-long stealthy arrangement with politicians, advancements in technology, and the complicity of the mainstream media in covering up what the globalists have been doing. has allowed them to become dangerously close to achieving their maniacal goal.  Check out this secretly recorded speech by David Rockefeller thanking the media for keeping it all hidden from the American people.

More people than ever before see that there isn't any real difference between the two main political parties, that they are just two sides of the same BIG GOVERNMENT COIN.  They are in fact a singular political party, The Globalist Party.

What's next now that the globalists have stolen the 2020 election to gain total control over our government?  They fully intend to put the pedal to the metal!  We are going to see a rapid escalation of their agenda with the primary driver being the totally manufactured COVID-19 Pandemic Hoax.  Please watch the video below for a glimpse into what we all have in store.  The globalists are using the COVID-19 Pandemic Hoax to usher in what they are calling "THE GREAT RESET."


This is happening right here, right now, ushered in via the "medical tyranny" of the manufactured COVID-19 pandemic FRAUD!


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