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Get Your Free Copy of The Santa Clara Blues



The Santa Clara Blues, Corporate Personhood versus Democracy is the most complete, yet concise book on the history of exactly how the wealthiest megalomaniacs subverted the Constitution for their own selfish purposes so they could start to "legally" take control of our entire government. This information reveals the details of THE LEGAL CONTRIVANCE THAT CREATED THE LEGAL LOOPHOLE allowing the wealthy, through the power of their corporations, to take control over virtually everything. YOU MUST READ THIS BOOK.

The only way to ensure our liberties and freedoms will endure is if 'we the people' are alert and well informed. Understanding this information is critical if you wish to understand the legal mechanisms the wealthy use to make all their crimes legal. Please provide the following information and we'll be happy to send you a complimentary copy of The Santa Clara Blues.



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Last Updated Sunday, September 13 2020 @ 08:11 PM MDT  12,700 Hits   
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