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Video: Epidemiologist Reveals New Data Linking Covid Vaxx to Cardiac Arrest

Spike proteins wreaking havoc on American hearts.


Nicolas Hulscher, an epidemiologist with the McCullough Foundation, joined “Ask Dr. Drew” this week to discuss new data revealing the disturbing connection between Covid shots and heart attacks.

The study, published in the World Journal of Cardiology, revealed mRNA from the injections “travels within lipid nanoparticles to all organ systems, including the heart. Once it’s in there, your cardiomyocytes start to produce spike protein. This spike protein is found circulating in the bloodstream which can also reach the heart.”

Hulscher told Dr. Drew there has been a 600% increase in myocarditis after mRNA injections “based on the largest COVID-19 vaccine safety study ever conducted.”

The show host pointed out the cardiac arrests being witnessed since the rollout of the jabs are increasingly found in young people who previously almost never suffered these events.

“Right, it’s not supposed to be seen in young healthy adults as we’ve seen since 2021, since these cardiotoxic injections rolled out,” the epidemiologist responded.

The alarming update is not surprising to Infowarriors who have been warned about the dangers of the experimental shots since they were first introduced.

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