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Video: Tom Renz - Vaxx Mandates Incoming Justified by Fraudulent PCR Testing

Attorney Tom Renz joins The Alex Jones Show to explain how the government is paving the way for new vaccine mandates and renewed emergency health authorizations by fearmongering bird flu outbreaks ahead of President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration. All the medical tyrants need is mass PCR testing to prop up their emergency authorization of these gene therapy jabs.

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Video: Dr. Deborah Birx’s Bird Flu Fearmongering Campaign



In June, I wrote about Deborah Birx, one of the key “public health” officials from the orchestration of the American coronavirus scare, being back in action stirring up fear of another disease. This time Birx’s fearmongering was about bird flu. And she was advocating for government to follow a similar disastrous course to supposedly counter this disease as had been pursued in regard to coronavirus in the crackdown begun years back.

Here is an update.

Birx is continuing on her quest to stir up a new bird flu scare in America, and to build public support for a government response harmful to health and liberty. A recent stop on Birx’s bird flu fearmongering campaign was a Friday interview at CNN in which she warned that, like coronavirus early on, bird flu is not being addressed sufficiently by the United States government. Now, she said, routine weekly testing of people who may have been exposed to bird flu needs to be undertaken.

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Dr. Malone: Bird Flu ‘Emergency’ in California is a Case of Psychological Bioterrorism

Contrary to initial reporting from corporate media, the WHO, and the apocalyptic mutterings of Dr. Peter Hotez, there continues to be no evidence indicating the circulation of a highly pathogenic version of bird flu in either animal or human populations.



(Robert Malone) — Sometimes I feel like a broken record when writing about infectious disease-based public health threats.

There are real threats, such as multi-drug resistant Tuberculosis, but these are rarely discussed. And then there is the psychological (eg. information) bioterrorism, the fear porn, a hyped narrative concerning an existential threat repeatedly injected into public discourse and then intentionally amplified to the point that it becomes a perverse and, in some cases, disabling obsession for many.

Psychological bioterrorism and fear porn

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Bombshell House Report on the Covid Scamdemic Gets Released - Proves All the “Conspiracy Theorists” Right

After Action Review of the COVID-19 Pandemic:
The Lessons Learned and a Path Forward.


The Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic concluded its two-year investigation into the COVID-19 pandemic, releasing its final report titled “After Action Review of the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Lessons Learned and a Path Forward.” The large final report looks to be the final road map for Congress, the Executive Branch, and the private sector to prepare for and respond to future pandemics. Since February 2023, the Select Subcommittee (Committee) has sent more than 100 investigative letters conducted more than 30 transcribed interviews and depositions, held 25 hearings and meetings, and reviewed more than one million pages of documents. Members and staff have exposed high-level corruption in America’s public health system, confirmed the most likely origin of the pandemic, held COVID-19 bad actors publicly accountable, fostered bipartisan consensus on consequential pandemic-era issues, and more. This 520-page final report details all findings of the Select Subcommittee’s investigation.

So, what are the core findings?

In what is most certainly going to be received as controversial, the Committee has determined that COVID-19 most likely originated from a lab in Wuhan, China, supported by gain-of-function research funded by U.S. taxpayers through organizations like EcoHealth Alliance.

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Video: O’Keefe Media Group: NIH Chief Confesses COVID Health Initiatives Were Completely Made Up…

“I Probably Shouldn’t Be Saying This Out Loud”


O’Keefe Media Group on Monday released its first undercover video in its NIH Tapes series.

In OMG’s first video release, Raja Cholan, Chief of Health Data Standards Branch US National Library of Medicine, said the Covid health initiatives were completely made up.

“I probably shouldn’t be saying this out loud. They might have funded a lab in Wuhan, China and Pfizer and Moderna are getting a bunch of money from all of these vaccine mandates,” Raja Cholan said to the OMG undercover journalist.

“I don’t even know if these vaccines stop you from getting COVID. They don’t,” Raja Cholan said, adding, “We’re all going to learn [about the dangers of the Covid vaccine] when it’s too late.”

Raja Cholan said the ‘six feet of social distancing’ rule “wasn’t based on any real evidence that it did anything – it was completely made up.”

The NIH Chief told OMG that Trump’s victory is “worse for the NIH.”

“It would be better for a Democrat to be in office,” he said.

We fly under the radar of really being scrutinized…I don’t think I have too much to worry about. That’s not recording, right?” he said to the undercover journalist.

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Video: Whistleblower: Hospitals Killed ‘Many, Many Thousands’ of Covid Patients



A medical professional has blown the whistle and warned the public that “many, many thousands” of Covid patients were killed by hospitals during the pandemic and not by the virus, as officially claimed.

The whistleblower, respiratory therapist Mark Bishofsky, has gone on the record to state that COVID-19 patients died because they were killed by hospital protocols.

Respiratory therapists diagnose, treat, and manage conditions that affect the lungs, according to the Cleveland Clinic.

Bishofsky revealed that patients didn’t die from Covid.

However, thousands of patients hospitalized for COVID-19 were killed when they were put on ventilators and denied treatment with ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine or even vitamin D, Bishofsky told CHD.TV.

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Global Study: Most ‘Covid Deaths’ Were Caused by ‘Vaccines,’ Lockdowns, Hospitals



A major global study has concluded that most deaths recorded during and after the Covid pandemic were caused by mRNA “vaccines,” hospital protocols, and lockdowns and not by the virus itself.

The study, led by Denis RancourtJoseph Hickey, and Christian Linard, analyzed the official government data for all-cause mortality from nations around the world.

They sought to identify the cause of excess deaths by investigating mortality rates in 125 countries from 2020 to 2023.

However, they found that the global all-cause mortality data was incompatible with a pandemic viral respiratory disease.

Rather than examine the official data for “Covid deaths,” the researchers chose to investigate excess all-cause mortality.

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Just In Time, They Are Really Ramping Up The Fear For 3 Different Very Frightening Diseases


Why are there suddenly so many stories about deadly diseases in the news?  We are just a little over two months away from November, and so this is a perfect time to deeply alarm the general public about a coming health crisis, right?  But this time around it isn’t just one major disease that is making news.  As you will see below, people are freaking out about 3 different very frightening diseases.  Of course when people are afraid that they might die from some extremely deadly outbreak, they are far more likely to accept measures that they would usually not even consider during normal times.

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Right on Cue: WHO Warns New Mutant Strain of Monkeypox Is an Emergency “For the Entire Globe”

Let the fear mongering BS begin!

Editor's Note:  The WHO has never had any genuine credibility and most certainly has demonstrated this fact by its actions perpetuating the global COVID-19 pandemic hoax.  It was lie after lie after lie after lie.  These psychopaths think we're all so stupid we're going to fall for it again? 




It was fun while it lasted.  We actually had quite a few months without an official “global health emergency” to be concerned about, but now that streak is over.  On Wednesday, the World Health Organization announced that Monkeypox has officially been classified as a “public health emergency of international concern”.  Health officials have lost control of the new mutant strain that is spreading in Africa, and so that is why this move was made.  Compared to the strain that caused so much chaos in 2022, this new strain has a much higher death rate and we are being told that in many cases it is spreading without any sexual contact at all.  If this thing gets loose in the United States and Europe, the level of fear that we will witness will be off the charts.

For now, the only confirmed cases of this new mutant strain of Monkeypox are all in central Africa. But it is probably only a matter of time before it spreads to more areas.

The head of the committee that determined that a “public health emergency of international concern” was warranted says that this new strain is an emergency “for the entire globe”

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Video: PCR Tests Are NOT Legitimate Tests For Viral Infections

This information needs to be spread far and wide!  It is arguably THE MOST IMPORTANT information everyone needs to know to expose how they create one fake pandemic after another.  They are all driven by these so-called TESTS which they know damned well are not tests at all.  PCR is essentially a manufacturing process created for research purposes and NOT A DIAGNOTIC PROCESS.   It's utterly incapable of diagnosing live viral infections.



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