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Video: Who Funds the NGO National Women’s Law Center?



StopFundingLeftistNGOs.com applied advanced, quantum-speed technology uncovering the hidden connections between the National Women’s Law Center and the vast, Leftist Dark Money world.

The CEO of the National Women’s Law Center, Fatima Graves is married to former U.S. Attorney Matthew Graves – a chief weaponizer of the Justice Department.

Uncovering these connections allows viewers to see how the Dark Money Leftist world uses innocent-sounding organizations to do its work.

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NGOs Are Getting Rich Off the Crisis at the Border



One of the more distressing statistics about the border crisis is the large number of "unaccompanied minors" that somehow made it to the U.S. border. Some were guided by coyotes, while others hoofed it across the desert with friends and relatives. 

According to the Department of Health and Human Services, which funds the Unaccompanied Children Program (UCP), more than 130,000 children crossed the border in 2022. The government is responsible for caring for these minors as well as resettling them.

And most of that money went to three nonprofit groups: Global Refuge, Southwest Key Programs, and Endeavors, Inc. According to The Free Press, "the combined revenue from the three NGOs grew from $597 million in 2019 to an astonishing $2 billion by 2022."

It's like COVID all over again.

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FREE Video Library: NGOs ( Non-Governmental Organizations

: 10 minutes or less.  : 11- 36 minutes.   : Over 36 min. Fun:



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Video: Fractal Technology Uncovers the Central Nervous System of the Left – NGO Funding



3 years ago, Sheriff Clarke of Wisconsin asked the Fractal team to review the Wisconsin voter rolls – and the result was the Fractal Election Management application finding anomalies that cannot be found with current relational database.

The Fractal team is not a political activist organization – we are high tech guys – who saw a problem and offered a solution.

The team, and the 26 state groups with whom we worked, recognized cleaning voter rolls was a losing proposition for 2024 – not enough time, too few phantoms taken off, massive government resistance, RNC inaction

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Biden-Harris Regime Provides Travel “Loans” to Illegal Aliens Using Nefarious UN Migration Scheme



As millions of American citizens struggle to make ends meet, the Biden regime is busy handing out “loans” to illegal alien migrants all around the world so they can travel to and enter the United States illegally.

A program of the United Nations (UN) IOM Migration Program, which works in partnership with the United States Refugee Admissions Program, the Biden regime is handing out U.S. taxpayer cash to illegal aliens at zero interest. Once in the U.S., these illegal aliens never have to pay back their “loans.”

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How Shadowy Network of NGOs Supplies Mega-Corporations With Illegal Aliens to Exploit Cheap Labor



One week ago, we wrote a note describing how illegals are obtaining jobs through a federal government loophole enabled by the Biden administration as they await deportation proceedings. This caught the attention of Elon Musk, who said, “Wow, learn something new every day.” 


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5 Organizations That Provide the Maps to Help Illegal Immigrant Cross Our Border



On last week's Glenn TV special, Glenn dove into exactly how migrants from around the world are ending up on our southern border. The most shocking discovery, which was first published by investigators with Muckraker, was that multiple organizations have been providing maps showing immigrants exactly how to cross Central America and Mexico into the waiting hands of the cartel, who smuggle them across our border.

Just who is encouraging these people to make this perilous journey? You will likely recognize a few. Below are FIVE organizations that facilitate the crisis on our southern border.

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Meet Amy Pope: The UN's Human Trafficking Czar


Meet Amy Pope, an open borders advocate, Obama apparatchik, and an accomplice of DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. As the UN's Deputy Secretary of the International Organization of Migration (IOM), the preeminent NGO in the field of migration, she plays an integral role in the illegal alien surge at our southern border.

In the Obama regime, as a policy wonk, she held flashy-sounding job titles: DoJ Deputy Chief of Staff, Deputy Assistant to the President, Deputy Homeland Security Advisor, Special Assistant to the President, Transborder Security Director, Interior Enforcement (2010-2016). During Trump's term, she was a partner in the UK Schillings law firm, an Associate Fellow in the UK's Chatham House think-tank, and a nonresident senior fellow at the Atlantic Council (2017-2020). Bonafides of a globalist influencer.

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Several “Mass Migration Blueprints” Used by Leftwing NGOs and the UN in the Planned and Organized Invasion into America

Editor's Note:  The U.S. needs to withdraw from the United Nations, cease all funding, and expel them from our country.  It is INSANE to continue to fund and support a psychotic globalist organization hell-bent on the destruction of the United States so they can realize their psychopathic wet dream of becoming the single world governmental entity controlling every aspect of our lives.

The GatewayPundit.com

Muckraker revealed several helpful migrant maps published and released by NGO’s and the United Nations and used to direct the migrant invasion and eventual collapse of America.

These maps are released by several leftwing NGOs and the United Nations to assist in the mass invasion of the United States through the open southern border.


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