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Court Just Nailed Hillary for FEC Violation 45x Bigger Than Trump’s $130k Alleged Violation


The Washington D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Tuesday that the 2016 Hillary Clinton campaign and an affiliated super PAC violated federal election law in spending that totaled close to $6 million.

The amount in question is more than 45 times the $130,000 a Manhattan court convicted former President Donald Trump of misreporting in business records during the same 2016 campaign.

It should be noted that the Federal Election Commission and the Justice Department looked at the payments Trump made through his personal attorney at the time, Michael Cohen, to adult film star Stormy Daniels as part of a nondisclosure agreement and declined to prosecute him.

But Democrat Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg chose to bring the case under New York law, bootstrapping the alleged FEC violation as an underlying crime to the state business record violations.

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Video: HAITI - Haitian-American Joseph Mathieu: Clintons Are Our "Worst Enemies"

In this short video Joseph Mathieu details the truth about the raping and pilaging the Clintons have done to Haiti for decades.




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Video: FLASHBACK: Leaked Audio Reveals Election Denier Hillary Clinton Suggests Rigging Palestine Election in 2006


On October 28, 2016, the New York Observer, owned by former President Donald Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, released a leaked audio clip from back in 2006 in which Hillary Clinton proposed rigging a foreign election to achieve the desired outcome that she wanted.

The media did not report on the audio clip when it was released in 2016 because it would have been extremely damaging to then-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

The Gateway Pundit was one of the few news outlets in 2016 that covered this explosive report.

The audio, which is making rounds again on various news platforms due to the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict, captured Hillary Clinton, during her tenure as a U.S. Senator, discussing the idea of rigging the Palestinian elections to ensure the “right” outcome.

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FREE Video Library: The Clintons

: 10 minutes or less.  : 11- 36 minutes.   : Over 36 min. Fun:


  •   HAITI - Haitian-American Joseph Mathieu: Clintons Are Our "Worst Enemies"
    In this short video Joseph Mathieu details the truth about the raping and pilaging the Clintons and the Clinton Foundation have done to Haiti for decades.
  •   Tucker Exposes Everything You Need to Know on Hillary's MASSIVE Spying Plot on President Trump
    Fox News host gives his take on the Durham probe on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight. Tucker highlights the history of LIES told by Hitlary, Democrats and MSM to smear Trump during his campaign for President and while he was a sitting President!
  •   Documents Prove Hillary and Obama’s Team Created Russian Collusion Hoax
    The Director of Nation Intelligence reveals startling new details about the Russian Collusion Hoax against President Donald Trump. As One America’s Pearson Sharp explains, senior Obama officials were working hard to cover up Hillary Clinton’s email scandal and undermine the 2016 election.
  •   The Clinton Body Count - Part 1
    The term “The Clinton Body Count” has become a fairly common saying in today’s pop culture.  It’s based on the fact that scores of the Clinton’s critics, opponents, associates and criminal witnesses, have died in mysterious ways.  The saying first appeared when a young Bill Clinton was the Governor of Arkansas, and at least 20 people connected to him died suddenly or mysteriously.
  •   Clinton Cash
    The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rodham Clinton Rich. New York Times bestselling book by Peter Schweizer, in which he investigates donations made to the Clinton Foundation by foreign entities, paid speeches made by Bill and Hillary Clinton, and the Clintons' personal enrichment since leaving the White House in 2001.  Mr. Schweizer claims: foreign governments and organizations that donated to the Clinton Foundation, and to the Clintons themselves in speaking fees, received favors in exchange from the State Department, headed by then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
  •   Former President Of Haitian Senate Bernard Sansaricq Exposes Clinton Corruption In Haiti
    Bernard is unlike any politician one could ever hope to meet. His loyalty and integrity go far beyond that of most human beings, let alone, a politician. Despite the many attempts on his life, one in which former President Jimmy Carter tried to assist Bernard with his safety, he is one of the few people in this world that stood up to the Clintons and refused their pay-to-play bribes. While this cost him a great deal, it earned him the respect of many.


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Russia Hoaxer Hillary Clinton Should Be Indicted For Election ‘Conspiracy,’ Not Invited To Cheer Trump’s Charges On TV


Hillary Clinton — the woman who to this day denies the results of the 2016 election and whose campaign is responsible for the treasonous Russia-collusion hoax — should be facing her own criminal election “conspiracy” charges, instead of cheering on the Fulton County, Georgia indictment against former President Donald Trump and 18 of his lawyers and advisers for challenging the 2020 election.

“I feel great, you know, just great profound sadness that we have a former president who has been indicted for so many charges that went to the heart of whether or not our democracy would survive,” Clinton said of the latest Trump indictment on “The Rachel Maddow Show” Monday.

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Video: Bombshell! Hillary Clinton NEVER Had A State Department E-Mail Address

Department of State knew Clinton used private email

Hillary Clinton’s private e-mail server was not a secondary server to her State Department one, it was her only one.  The State Department has always known this, yet it has flown almost completely under the radar.


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Seymour Hersh: Durham “Failed to Investigate” whether Hillary Clinton had “Crossed a Line” as FBI “Joined Ranks” with Democrats


In his latest Substack article, Seymour Hersh reveals how members of the Durham Special Investigation felt “frustration” at Durham’s “lack of interest” in examining whether “senior FBI officials had openly joined ranks with the Clinton campaign”, possibly in exchange for “promotions” in a Clinton administration.

The Durham Report issued on May 15 “pleased no one with its focus on the obvious,” Hersh writes. Four years in the making, many Spygate observers were disappointed the report mainly compiles information already available.

According to Seymour Hersh, the Durham Report only “hints at the real story”: Namely, that “Russiagate was a fraud initiated by the Clinton campaign and abetted by political reporters in Washington and senior FBI officials who chose to look the other way.”

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Durham Report: FBI Suddenly Dropped Four Investigations Into Hillary and Bill Clinton Ahead of 2016 Election



The FBI shut down at least four criminal investigations into Bill and Hillary Clinton in the months leading up to the 2016 presidential election, according to Special Counsel John Durham’s long-awaited, 316-page report.

It appears that President Joe Biden isn’t the only Democrat in the influence-peddling game.

“Beginning in January 2016, three different FBI field offices, the New York Field Office (“NYFO”), the Washington Field Office (“WFO”), and the Little Rock Field Office (“LRFO”), opened investigations into possible criminal activity involving the Clinton Foundation,” Durham wrote in his report.

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FBI Superiors Kept Investigators in the Dark About Hillary Paying for Fake Steele Dossier

FBI brass hid the fact that Hillary and the DNC paid for the Steele dossier.


If there is one thing you must do when you are leading an investigation is to make sure your investigators have all of the facts, except of course when it would look bad for the Democrats. Both Andrew McCabe and Peter Strzok knew that Hillary and the DNC paid for the Steele dossier as well as feeding lies to the FBI, but neither McCabe nor Strzok bothered to inform the investigators of this fact.

What a world of difference it would have made. If they had known it was a Democratic plan of action, it would have cast doubt on the veracity of the information they were getting. As it was, they had no reason to doubt what they were told that they were investigating. But, had they known, they would have dug deeper looking for the truth rather than believing the words of their superiors at the FBI. I wonder if they were even aware of the texts between Strzok and his FBI lover, Lisa Page. Considering Strzok was their superior, I seriously doubt it.

The FBI’s Operation Crossfire Hurricane was tasked with investigating Russian involvement in the 2016 election. But, they were never made aware of the memo from the CIA to Strzok that Hillary had a plan to frame Donald Trump for collusion with the Russians.

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Obama Clinton Coup Attempt: Decimating the “Peaceful Transition of Power”

By L.J. Keith

A conspiracy to destroy Trump

Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have both damaged the United States in ways the Russians couldn’t even hope to.  They have openly assaulted the integrity of our elections. Weaponized the intelligence agencies, the DOJ and the FBI against political opponents. Actively conspired to overthrow the President. Set in motion a series of corrupt activities and cataclysmic events that have eviscerated the character of America for the last three years.

In the process, Obama is the destroyer of the very notion of the peaceful transition of power. His criminal activities to undermine the Trump Presidency amount to sedition, abuse of power, abrogation of civil rights, waging an effective coup d’etat against the constitution and amount to treason.

Hillary Clinton continues, two years after she lost, to insist that the election was “stolen from her”. Obama Vice President Joe Biden agreed with a New Hampshire voter who declared Trump an ‘illegitimate President”.  Hillary Clinton invented the Russian Dossier that John Brennan and James Comey inflicted on the body politic. Joe Biden was part and parcel of the Obama administrations dirty tricks, criminal spying, and overt corruption.

A reckoning is coming: Barr appoints US Attorney John Durham

Fortunately for America, Attorney General William Barr has appointed US Attorney John Durham to get to the bottom of the whole Russia Hoax. He has apparently been at work for several months. He has empaneled at least one Grand Jury. This is bad news for John Brennan and Jim Comey and James Clapper.

The IG Report from Michael Horowitz is about to be released. It will detail how all four FISA warrants obtained by Jim Comey were illegal. How the unverified Steele Dossier was deliberately included at the insistence of either Jim Comey or John Brennan.

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