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An alert and well-informed population is the only way
to ensure our liberties and freedoms are preserved!

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One of the primary ways that those inclined to abuse their wealth and power use to manage large populations is by simply controlling information.  As long as they can ensure that very few of us know the truth about what they are actually doing, they will continue to get away with their crimes. Tremendous resources are put into making sure we are fed a steady diet of the version of reality they wish us to believe through all forms of the mainstream media.

This free video library has been established to give you a convenient way to get up to speed on what's going on in the world around us.  This section contains videos that cover essential information you should be aware of if you truly want to be a well-informed American citizen.

SPECIAL NOTE: Unfortunately many videos posted in this library were done prior to YouTube began censoring content and ruthlessly deleting accounts of anyone they deemed "violated their terms of service."  There are so many videos on this site it's impossible to keep track of which ones have been shut down.  Please let us know if you come across a video that no longer works so we can find another one to replace it. Thankfully there are now alternative platforms like Rumble and Bitchute that won't remove these videos.

How Big Pharma Keeps You Sick








Last Updated Wednesday, March 12 2025 @ 03:23 PM MDT  4,225 Hits   
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