FREE Video Library: United Nations
: 10 minutes or less.
: 11- 36 minutes.
: Over 36 min. Fun:
John Stossel: The Paris Climate Fraud
President Trump is right to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement! The deal isn’t worth the paper it is written on.UN Official Reveals U.N. is ‘95% Useless’ in Maintaining Global Peace
In a damning revelation, an undercover video released by Louder with Crowder’s MugClub Undercover unit has exposed the United Nations’ deep-rooted fears of a second term for former President Donald Trump. The undercover video features Jorge Paoletti, an associate legal officer in the treaty section of the UN’s Office of Legal AffairsThe Many Errors of Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth"
Inconvenient Truth is a documentary film from 2006 by Al Gore. The year after it was released it was hauled in front of the UK high court, and found to be riddled with errors. What are these errors, and what can they tell us about climate science?UN Troops Being Brought In As Migrant Refugees
Are armed enforcers of the next WHO-enforced pandemic lockdown already in Western countries and waiting for orders?UN ‘Peacemakers’ Kill Civilians While WHO Staff Rape Children
The world’s leading globalist body is led by a terrorist and filled with child predators and perverts who pose as “peacekeepers” and purveyors of “health.” That body is the United Nations (UN), and it also includes the infamous World Health Organization(WHO), which as we know played a leading role in the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “pandemic” false flag that appears to have forever changed the world for the very worst.Katanga - Untold Story of the Belgian Congo and the United Nations
Katanga The Untold Story a program on the Congo crisis and Katanga Secession in the 1960. Introducing Patrice Lumumba, Moise Tshombe and other role players. Exposes United Nations atrocities like the bombing of Elisabethville the Capital of Katanga.Why the U.S. Must Exit the United Nations and How YOU Can Help
“There are so many reasons why we ought to get out of the United Nations,” says Alex Newman, an investigative journalist who has been reporting since 2009 on the unconstitutionality and immorality of U.S. involvement in the United Nations. By condensing 15+ years of research, interviews, and articles, this short film provides some of the reasons why the U.S. must exit the UN and action items for how you can help make it happen.UN Invading America at the Direction of Our Own Government
This is the New World Order’s Endgame. This powerful report exposes how the corrupt elements that have hijacked the U.S. government are coordinating with the United Nations to bring down America with open borders and endless immigration.Bill Gates ‘Digital IDS’ Will Be Mandatory To Participate in Society - UN 50 in 5 Initiative
The United Nations, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and partners of the Rockefeller Foundation are launching a campaign to accelerate digital ID, digital payments, and data-sharing rollouts in 50 countries under the umbrella of digital public infrastructure (DPI) by 2028. The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) has announced plans to roll out “digital IDs” worldwide by the year 2030, and they will be mandatory for people who wish to participate in society, say Reclaim the Net, who advocate for free speech and individual liberty online.UN Pushing Food Supply Crackdown to Meet Agenda 2030 Targets
The United Nations (UN) is ramping up efforts to crack down on the global food supply to supposedly fight “climate change.” The UN is pushing the crackdown as part of its Agenda 2030 goals.War to Collapse US: Chinese Lockdown Model Being Pushed at UN COP28 Summit
The great reset, a global conspiracy to usher in a new age of globalism and loss of individual and national sovereignty, is upon us, InfoWars founder Alex Jones and journalist Alex Newman warn. Jones and Newman, with laser precision and years of research backing every claim, detail the names behind secret societies such as Skull and Bones and the Bohemian Grove, exposing the big agenda behind the news, all the while emphatically pointing to the greater spiritual forces pulling the strings.UN Report Attacks US, Constitution & God-Given Rights
A United Nations “human rights” committee investigation into the United States concluded that the U.S. Constitution should be changed and the U.S. government should impose additional infringements on free speech and gun rights to comply with UN agreements, explains The New American Senior Editor Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. Despite its attacks on America, the UN report praises the Biden administration for promoting abortion, transgenderism, homosexuality, and gun control. However, it argues that much more is needed including constitutional amendments, for the United States to be in compliance with a UN covenant on “civil and political rights.”The United Nations Great Reset
The UN Agenda 2030 with its Sustainable Development Goals is claimed to “ensure peace and prosperity for people and the planet.” The actions are said to tackle poverty and hunger, bring better health and education, reduce inequalities, and save the oceans, forests and the climate. Who can argue against such benevolent goals? But the promised Utopia comes with a price – it sets shackles on our personal freedom.United Nations Openly Hijacks U.S. Police Departments
The Democrats emerged to ask for civility for Black Americans, when they have not shown a shred of civility toward the rest of America. Meanwhile after tens of millions of dollars worth of damage to NYC. Former Clinton and Obama Underling Lorreta Lynch is called upon by Attorney General Letitia James to oversee a predictably pro looters and neo liberal socialist instigator clean up job flying in the face of Federal oversight. On top of that, Lynch isn’t there to follow up on the millions of merchandise looted by “ peaceful”protesters. Loretta Lynch is there to further apply pressure to an already crippled NYPD.The UN Deception
This documentary details what the ruling class has done throughout history. They orchestrate their devious, convoluted schemes to amass even more wealth and power for themselves primarily through intimidation and deception. This documentary reveals that the United Nations was set up by the global elites for one purpose and one purpose only. To be the hub of "their" global government.Agenda 21/Agenda 2030 - United Nations/NWO Plan To Depopulate The Earth
This video was made many, many years ago. Much has happened since to substantiate everything that is being said. The environmental threat turned out to be the man-made global warming scam. This global scam has indeed turned all of us into the enemy and by regulating "carbon" these lunatics hoped to be able to regulate every single human activity since most every single human activity involves carbon in one form or another. Remember "we exhale CO2."UN Plan To Depopulate The Earth
Plans are underway now, implemented by the New World Order Elite, to depopulate the planet's 6-7 billion people to a manageable level of between 500 million and 1 billion.