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Kick Them All Out Project Summaries

KTAO Project Voting Strategy Put On Hold

Below you'll find info on the original KTAO Project plan and voting strategy. As stated on the home page, this plan has to be put on hold because in the 2020 election, we witnessed the most outrageous IN-YOUR-FACE THEFT OF AN ELECTION IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD! Then they did it again in the midterms and fully intend to attempt the same thing again because, so far, they've gotten away with it. If nothing is done about it, if nobody is ever held accountable (election fraud is a FELONY) then we will never have a fair election ever again. If the Globalist Party Politicians are allowed to get away with this level of blatant election theft with impunity they will have a license to ensure they NEVER lose majority control of our government.

That being said . . . IT IS STILL EXTREMELY IMPORTANT THAT YOU VOTE IN THE UPCOMING ELECTION! IT IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT THAT YOU DO NOT VOTE FOR LIBTARD DEMOCRATS! Despite all the election fraud that will no doubt occur, this next time far too many people are aware of what they did and how they did it.

Trump won in 2016 because the Swamp was not prepared for the landslide number of votes that came in for him. They were prepared to "do anything" to make sure it didn't happen again in 2020, to even risk committing blatant theft because they knew their control of DOJ, the media, the courts, etc., would run cover for them.

WE CANNOT LET THEM GET AWAY WITH IT AGAIN, so everyone needs to make sure they get out and vote to ensure an even more massive landslide election against the Libtards occurs!


Project Summary In A Nutshell

This is a brief explanation about what this project is all about and what it aims to accomplish.
The Simple Two Step Plan
This is exactly what we have to do in order to SERIOUSLY turn things around.
Exactly How This Project Will Work
A complete explanation of how we can take back our government in the upcoming election.

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Frequently Asked Questions

KTAO Project Voting Strategy Put On Hold

Below you'll find info on the original KTAO Project plan and voting strategy. As stated on the home page, this plan has to be put on hold because in the 2020 election, we witnessed the most outrageous IN-YOUR-FACE THEFT OF AN ELECTION IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD! Then they did it again in the midterms and fully intend to attempt the same thing again because, so far, they've gotten away with it. If nothing is done about it, if nobody is ever held accountable (election fraud is a FELONY) then we will never have a fair election ever again. If the Globalist Party Politicians are allowed to get away with this level of blatant election theft with impunity they will have a license to ensure they NEVER lose majority control of our government.

That being said . . . IT IS STILL EXTREMELY IMPORTANT THAT YOU VOTE IN THE UPCOMING ELECTION! IT IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT THAT YOU DO NOT VOTE FOR LIBTARD DEMOCRATS! Despite all the election fraud that will no doubt occur, this next time far too many people are aware of what they did and how they did it.

Trump won in 2016 because the Swamp was not prepared for the landslide number of votes that came in for him. They were prepared to "do anything" to make sure it didn't happen again in 2020, to even risk committing blatant theft because they knew their control of DOJ, the media, the courts, etc., would run cover for them.

WE CANNOT LET THEM GET AWAY WITH IT AGAIN, so everyone needs to make sure they get out and vote to ensure an even more massive landslide election against the Libtards occurs!


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Prominent Lockdown Advocate Admits He Got it Wrong

"There was never any form of analysis of the harms caused by lockdowns."

By Paul Joseph Watson

A prominent lockdown advocate who advised the UK government admits in a new book he got it wrong and that there was never any proper consideration of the devastation caused by lockdowns.

Well, we told you so.

Professor Mark Woolhouse is a member of SPI-M, the modeling group on SAGE, the group that advises the British government on lockdown measures.

SAGE has become notorious for consistently predicting doomsday COVID scenarios that never even come close to passing, such as last year’s warning that Omicron could cause 6,000 deaths a day in the UK without harsher restrictions.

Just as SAGE got it spectacularly wrong earlier in the summer, without substantially harsher restrictions being imposed, Omicron caused nowhere near that level of fatalities.

In a new book called The Year the World Went Mad, Woolhouse expresses regret at SAGE’s involvement in pushing lockdown measures that caused huge devastation yet only served to delay the spread of the virus.

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CDC Director Walensky Admits the Vast Majority of COVID Deaths Had “At Least FOUR” Co-Morbities



On Monday, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky finally admitted that an “overwhelming” number of Covid deaths that have been recorded in the US were individuals with multiple comorbidities which were a main contributing factor in their deaths.

According to Walensky, CDC data shows that a whopping 75% had not just one, or two, or even three, but actually had four or more comorbidities when they were recorded as a Covid-19 death.

Walensky acknowledged the number during an interview with Good Morning America.

“The overwhelming number of deaths – over 75% – occurred in people who had at least four comorbidities, so really these are people who were unwell to begin with.”

About time, Roch.


Walensky’s admission confirms what the Gateway Pundit and others have reported for months – this virus is not deadly for the vast majority of people, aside from those who are elderly or very sick already.

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Welcome To The Kick Them All Out Project!



“Throw The Bums Out!” is a very common saying we use to describe what we all want to do to the corrupt and incompetent politicians that infest all levels of government.  It’s the obvious thing to do to anyone we elect who sells us out to special interest money and political party insiders. 

We all know the vast majority of our so-called representatives in Congress are not being attentive to protecting and defending our best interests.  Instead, our representatives/employees are doing the bidding of those with the most wealth and power. 

Nobody in their right mind would keep employees that are corrupt and incompetent and doing harm to the business.  So this begs the question . . . when are we going to wake up and realize we are not and have not been in our right minds because we don't do anything to get rid of these useless and destructive employees.

Despite the fact that we know nothing ever changes for the better we vote in an election, despite the fact that our employees continue to betray us at ever turn, we routinely allow 80% or more of our employees to keep their jobs.  It never seems to dawn on us what irresponsible employers we are.  WE are not doing our job to the best of our ability to hold our employees accountable.  We do the same crappy job every single election cycle by reelecting almost everyone all over again and then bitch because nothing every changes for the better.  Then we blame the employees for exploiting our lack of attention and our incompetence.  We run around complaining because "we are supposed to be in charge" but we are the ones reelecting these people over and over again.  If you want things to change for the better, we have to start doing things differently.  We have to engage in the election process in a new way, in a way that will make our influence undeniable.

What Can We Do To Exert Real Influence!

We only have one direct power over the people we elect to represent our best interests in government, the power to hire and fire.  We can elect them and we can remove them from office by electing someone else to replace them.  We have a responsibility to exert this influence in a meaningful way.  We get an opportunity every two years to hold our employees in the House of Representatives and 1/3 of the Senate accountable.  But what do we do?  We allow the two main political parties to lead us around by the nose, we allow them to manipulate us into playing the same old stupid game that is "rigged" to ensure nothing much changes, to ensure that most every incumbent gets reelected over and over and over again.

As long as we continue to participate in elections like we always have, as long as we play the establishment's game, we will never have any serious influence over our representatives.  Why?  Because they know how easy we are to manipulate into playing their game.  They are supremely confident they can continue to exploit our conditioning and suck most of us into believing there's some genuine difference between the two main political parties and it makes a difference who we elect.

How Do We Know
It Makes Little If Any Difference Who We Elect

Simple.  What evidence do we have that it does make any difference?  When has anyone we've elected made any substantial difference in cleaning up government corruption?  Answer.  NONE.  It just gets worse and worse as time marches on.

It's time we all face the fact that WE ARE RESPONSIBLE for the mess we're in.  We do nothing to stop what's happening.  Granted most of us don't have any idea about what to do about it . . . but the fact remains, WE send everyone we elect into a totally corrupt environment where they are surrounded by approximately 11,000 lobbyists and ruthlessly corrupt politicians and expect them to fend for themselves against all those highly trained sharks.  There are roughly 20 lobbyists for every member of Congress in Washington.  Entrenched career politicians and lobbyists are highly skilled at the art of the con and highly skilled at manipulating people.  Is it realistic to expect any decent person we put at their mercy is going to be able to survive intact?  Is it realistic to expect they won't be beaten down or eventually corrupted as well? 

We don't realize we depend on corrupt people in a corrupt system to teach everyone we send to Washington how the system works.  It's nuts.  And then we get all pissed off because nothing changes and most every politician becomes corrupt.  This is why it makes no significant difference who we elect?  Until we change the environment, until we at least make it more difficult for the corruption machine to rage on, nobody we elect is going to be able to make a significant scratch.

This corrupt environment is why the approval rating of Congress rarely rises above 20% and has dropped into single digits. If we want things to change we have to first do something about the corrupt environment in government.  Until we change the environment, until we disrupt the corruption machine so it no longer functions as the well-oiled operation it is, nothing is going to change for the better. 

The way our elections are currently orchestrated virtually guarantees that most people who are already in office will win reelection whether they have done a good job or not.  If they play ball with all the corrupt political insiders, they will get the money and party support that they need to con enough people into voting for them over and over again.  They will even benefit from vote tampering if the need should arise. 


Check out Black Box Voting.org - the best Election Fraud Watchdog Out There!


Another common saying is:

“A definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results”

Here's the deal . . .

The only direct and immediate influence we have over politicians is by exercising our power to hire and fire them through regularly scheduled elections.  If we want a different outcome after an election, we have to do something radically different.  We must try a different approach if we want a different result. 


The Kick Them All Out Project is first and foremost a revolutionary new voting strategy that will enable us to fire 80% or more of our corrupt and incompetent employees.  How can we do that?

Simply adopt a new reason
and purpose for voting.

The current reason we vote is to elect someone who will represent our interests in government.  If we don't feel the people we elect are representing our interests we think we can vote to elect someone else who will hopefully do a better job.

We simply need to change the reason and purpose of voting from electing someone the REMOVING SOMEONE. You may be wondering, "what's the big difference?" When you vote for someone new you're also removing someone.   The difference is, when the reason you vote is to elect someone, there is an expectation that the new person is going to somehow make things better.  

The revolutionary new approach is to commit to the perspective that it makes no difference who we elect.  We no longer imagine anyone is going to be able to stop the machine until we change the environment in Washington until we make it impossible for all those banking/corporate lobbyists and corrupt politicians from doing what they've been allowed to do with utter impunity.  They have used their wealth and power to make every crime they want to commit legal and they will never pass any legislation that would lead to a serious reduction of their power.

The Kick Them All Out Project voting strategy is based on the understanding that "it makes no difference who replaces the incumbent."  There is no expectation that the person who is elected to replace the incumbent is going to make things better.   The point of the Kick Them All Out Project voting strategy isn't to find good people to elect, it's time to send a LOUD MESSAGE to Washington that we've had enough!  We need to PROVE ME MEAN IT!  We need to prove "We the People" will no longer continue to elect entrenched, corrupt and incompetent career politicians!

Most people don't feel they can do anything about the systemic corruption all around us.  It's simply too overwhelming.  Most people feel no power at all.  The Kick Them All Out Project is not an answer to every problem.  It's simply a place to start.  A way for us all to tap into the only power we really have to effect real immediate change.

Every revolution must begin with a serious confrontation that makes it clear we are serious as a heart attack.  Every revolution begins with the line being drawn beyond which we will go no further. 



Next Election We Must Cast Our Votes To Accomplish One Thing.


This is what we have been doing . . .


It's time to get serious about cleaning house
and flood Congress with PINK SLIPS!



* * * * * * * * * * *

"Start by doing what's necessary, then do what's possible,
and suddenly you are doing the impossible."
- Francis of Assisi

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful,
committed citizens can change the world.
Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
- Margaret Mead




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To Kick Them Out . . . Vote Them Out!


The only "direct power" we have over the people we elect is the power to HIRE and FIRE them at will.

It's amazing how many people agree with Mark Twain.  Congress rarely rises above an approval rating of 20% yet 80% or more of our representatives keep winning reelection.  What's wrong with this picture?  We all know what needs to be done so why don't we do it?  Why can't we seem to do it?

It's simple.  We rely on the people responsible for systemic corrution in our government to control and corrupt our elections as well.  The way our elections are run virtually guarantees anyone who plays ball with the powers-that-be will win reelection.


So the question facing us now is how do we kick them all out using a system that is rigged to prevent us from kicking them all out?

Simple . . .


Cartoons by Jesse Springer

Not even vote tampering can stop a landslide election.

The people who control our elections try their very best to create races that are very close so they can more easily tamper with results if they have to.  If the race is close, hardly anyone will dispute the results.

If the vast majority of people in your area decides to vote someone out of office there's nothing that person can do to stop it from happening.  If there is a landslide election against an incumbent not even vote tampering can prevent it.  They would have to throw so many votes it would be obvious the elections was totally rigged and corrupt.  Voting someone out in a highly publicized landslide election is the most direct means to make the will of the people a reality.

It's time we all sobered up, take a step back and look at how we've been led around by the nose.  It's time we started to question the effectiveness of what we've been doing.  It's time to acknowledge that we've been manipulated and played for fools for far too long!

It's Time for us to use the most powerful direct weapon we have to our best advantage  . . . the power to Hire and Fire with landslide elections to vote every incumbent we can out of office!




We have to wise up and realize the only way we can stop the systemic corruption surrounding us is to draw a clean line in the sand.  We must send a clear message to everyone that we are not going to put up with it anymore.

The message we need to send is "everyone in Congress is equally responsible."  Even the so-called good guys that we reelect over and over and over again.

It's time to realize, WE ARE THE PROBLEM.  Why do we keep doing this?

How many times have you heard people say, "We the people are supposed to be in charge?"  Well, we have SUCKED as employers.  We have not done what we need to do to reign in the corruption of our employees.  And we no longer have the luxury of time.  If we don't wise up, sober up, and do what needs to be done, we are doomed.

An employer that doesn't fire employees that are betraying him/her at every turn and in fact working for the competition deserves exactly what they get!  We are in the dire situation we're in because we have been asleep at the wheel.

TIME TO WAKE UP AND DO WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!  We must use our next election to hold the entire Congress accountable!  We must draw a line in the sand, send a LOUD MESSAGE that every member of Congress is responsible for the systemic corruption that grips our nation.  It's time to CLEAN HOUSE!


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Campaign Business Cards

Download these PDF files and print out a TON of our Mini Uncle Sam Poster business cards.  These files will print out perfectly on the AVERY "Clean Edge Business Cards #8871 (200 cards)  or #8870 (1000 cards).   There are two PDF files below, one for the front with Uncle Sam and the other for the back which contains a block of text putting our basic dilemma into perspective and what we MUST do about it.

Simply click on each image below to download the PDF files needed to print out on the Avery business card paper.

We will be happy to customize the front of the card with your local Fire Congress Meetup info and your name and number for you.  Just send us an email request by clicking on the email address in the upper left portion of this page, under the Contact Us heading.


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