The paintings used as illustrations in this article are taken from the website of Ilya Glazunov and can be seen full-size in HD here and here. Russia Insider published a long profile of him and his work in 2016. Much of his work, both paintings and books, dealt extensively with the Jewish role in Russian history

A Jewish bolshevik disrupting an Easter midnight service.
Detail from a larger monumental painting by Ilya Glazunov.
By Charles Bausman
- Introduction
- The euphemisms
- Hostility to Putin's Russia is largely a Jewish phenomenon
- The media
- A de facto violation of free speech
- Shutting down an honest examination of Russian history
- The best alt-media journalists are neutered
- Much of what is written about Russian relations and history becomes meaningless and deceptive
- A lesson in relevance from the Alt-Right
- Malice towards none
- The problem extends to all areas of public life
- We need serious scholarship and analysis
- Low expectations from the existing alt-media
- A call for articles and support
1. Introduction
Most people know about, but few are willing to condemn, the strict taboo in the media, of criticizing Jews as a group, using that term. One cannot even criticize a small subsection of Jews, a miniscule percentage of the Jewish population, even when they richly deserve it.
Obviously, this is a ridiculous way to run a publication whose object is to get to the truth, so I am writing this to explain why, from now on, the pages of Russia Insider will be open to articles which fairly and honestly address the influence of Jewish elites, including pointing out when it is malevolent, which it often is, and try to understand it and explain it, with malice towards none.
I have become convinced that unless we break this taboo, nothing will improve in the human catastrophe unfolding in geopolitics. Millions have died over the past 30 years, and if we want it to stop that trend and avoid a cataclysm which seems to be approaching inexorably, we have to have the freedom to criticize those responsible. It is very clear to me, as it is to many others, that much of the guilt for this comes from Jewish pressure groups, particularly in the media.
A detail from the monumental painting 'The Great Experiment' (1990)
which has many references to the Jewish role in the Russian Revolution
I can see as an editor, that much of what is written about geopolitics in the ‘public square,’ admirable though it may be in other respects, makes itself irrelevant by tiptoeing around this crucial issue.
I am a newcomer to the media world, unexpectedly thrust three years ago into the role of owner, publisher and editor of this fairly widely-read publication. We get about 10 million visits per month across all of our platforms from a sophisticated audience, and we are widely followed by so-called 'influencers.' We've made a big mark in a short time, and we did it by saying what others were not willing to say. Many subjects which we were the first to speak about on a major platform have now entered the mainstream.
Russia Insider is a grassroots phenomenon, and sometimes resembles a political movement as much as it does a publication. We exist solely because of small donations from readers. We get no funding from major donors, not to mention governments, foundations, or other organized groups. It is all private individuals. Our single largest donation over the past year was $5000, and the median gift is $30. We raised about $80,000 last year. This gives us the freedom to pretty much say what we want, something that can be said of very few publications, even in the alternative media space, most of whom are beholden to large donors.
I see every day how one can influence the public agenda by addressing or ignoring certain topics. One really can make a difference, and I have tried to have a positive impact, as I understand it. It has been a remarkable education in the power of the media, even of our relatively small Russia Insider.
But this taboo is the great exception. It really is quite extraordinary to realize that you can publish about just about anything, except that. As I said, just about everyone knows about the taboo, and I did too in my previous career in business, but it is another thing altogether to enforce it — which I felt, until recently, compelled to do — and to have your nose rubbed in it every day when trying to make sense of world events.