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Startup Organization Creating List of Seditious Civil Servants Who Might ‘Resist’ Trump

'You don’t get to make policy and then say, "Hey, don’t scrutinize me"...'


Perhaps the biggest setback to the first Trump administration was not anything inherently flawed in Republican President Donald Trump’s leadership but the sheer bulk of disloyal individuals embedded within the Washington, D.C., bureaucracy, who were eager to undermine him at every level with little or no accountability.

In a normal workplace, these employees would be fired for insubordination. In the most extreme of circumstances they would be charged with sedition against the government and punished accordingly, with execution not outside the range of possibilities.

Instead, many of these conspirators—some of them dedicated socialists—were celebrated for their efforts by the Trump-Deranged media and the Democrat leaders who egged them on. But the day of reckoning may arrive with a second Trump term that offers the benefit of hindsight, having rooted them out while their guard was down.

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THEY ALL LIED AND WE HAVE PROOF! Highly Sensitive DOJ Jan 6. Documents Leaked

FBI Confidential Human Source INFILTRATED Proud Boys, Ran FBI Operation on J-6, Reported They Were INNOCENT! — See Texts and Documents IN FULL!!


Will this be the end of Chris Wray?  It should be.

The FBI and the Department of Injustice continue to viciously politically persecute American Citizens and terrorize the public.

Now they’ve been caught.

Shame on the McCarthy-like January 6th Unselect Committee for abusing their power and using groups like the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers as fall guys so they can punish their political opposition!

This is not the United States we were promised.

Their lies are being exposed.

A whistleblower has leaked a treasure trove of documents and text messages, some marked “Highly Sensitive”, to the Gateway Pundit. These documents contain incredible exculpatory evidence proving the Department of Justice was aware that a group of Indicted Proud Boys were innocent- yet are prosecuting them anyway.

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Proud Boys J6 Sedition Trial Halted After Leaked Chat Logs Show FBI Agent Said Her Boss Ordered Her to ‘Destroy Evidence’



The feds' political persecution of the Proud Boys took a wild turn after unintentionally leaked chat logs from FBI Special Agent Nicole Miller revealed she said she was ordered by her boss to "destroy" "338 items of evidence."

The leaked chats also suggest Miller failed to reveal relevant communications to the defense, potentially spied on privileged attorney-client communications and was asked by another agent to "edit out that I was present" during a meeting with a Confidential Human Source Informant.

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Video: Dr. Jerome Corsi on #QAnon, The Spy Carter Page, FISA Abuse, Treason and Sedition

Another blockbuster interview with the inimitable and ineffable Dr. Jerome Corsi. The #GreatAwakening is here and now and there's plenty of room for you. Welcome to the revolution.



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Deep State Brags About Their “Conspiracy” Against Trump in 2020 Election

Editor's note: The IN-YOUR-FACE arrogance of these people is beyond belief.  The morons who wrote this article did so as if every rotten thing that was done was righteous rather than the totally betrayal of our country that they were and continue to be.  Everything they did were acts of sedition and treason!


By Alex Newman

Now that they think their anointed is safely enthroned at the White House, the Deep State, through its propaganda mouthpiece Time magazine, is gloating over a “conspiracy” of Big Business, Big Tech, Big Government, Big Labor, and other powerful forces to oust President Trump from office. The behind-the-scenes operation has eerie parallels with “Color Revolutions” staged in foreign lands by the very same operatives who took down Trump.

In a piece by the far-left Time magazine headlined “The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election,” propagandist Molly Ball gloats about it all. “There was a conspiracy unfolding behind the scenes, one that both curtailed the protests and coordinated the resistance from CEOs,” she wrote, saying Trump was “right” about the orchestrated plot to oust him. “Both surprises were the result of an informal alliance between left-wing activists and business titans.”

The conspiracy involved “a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information,” Ball explained, bragging of her role as their mouthpiece to tell their version of the story without pesky fairness or even any opportunity to comment for victims of the effort.

One example she cited of the “alliance” of conspirators against Trump was a joint statement by the globalist U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the far-left AFL-CIO labor union published on election day. It involved Big Business and Big Labor joining forces to oppose what the propagandist describes, without giving details or evidence, as Trump’s “assault on democracy” — never mind that the true assault on self-government came from the conspirators.

But of course, as Time admits, that alliance between anti-American business bigwigs and far-left labor organizers was just the tip of the iceberg of the anti-Trump machinery that was working to destroy the president. “The handshake between business and labor was just one component of a vast, cross-partisan campaign to protect the election,” wrote Ball, touting a “loosely organized coalition of operatives” that was mostly on the left but included NeverTrump “conservatives” as well.

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