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Aubrie Sloan Letter to the Editor

Flash from the Past

Aug. 15, 2021

Thank you thank you thank you. It has been impossible to get the details I need to beg my boyfriend (father of my 3 children) NOT to get the vaccine. I woke up way before he has started. He is finally understanding that the election was rigged and out-right stolen, but still is hanging onto this hope of "back to normal" and has stated that because he is afraid of catching Covid AGAIN (we both had "covid" *a cold*) It has been hard putting into words all the tiny snippets of videos I have found, and trying to intellectually convey just how terrifying the ingredients are. I have tried and have failed. Now I can just direct him to your "Criminal Fraud of Covid-19" page.. Sorry.. I just really really wanted to thank you guys!!!

Aubrie Sloan


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Michael Capro Letter to the Editor


Senator Bill Hagerty introduced an amendment to the continued funding bill which would stop funding the flying of illegal immigrants into our country. Biden has already flown in 320+ thousand illegals from places like Venezuela, at taxpayer expense. This is taxpayer-funded suicide of our country. This is an invasion and not a legal processing of immigrants. Immigrants are not vetted or medically screened - we were locked down during covid. Hagerty’s amendment was voted down by all of the democratic senators. I called Sen. Booker’s office to ask why he voted ’no’ and who he was representing?  Is he there to represent the citizens of NJ who put him into office? Or is he there to vote to represent the democratic party interests, which are? 

I left a message and am not counting on hearing back. 

Now I learn Rep. Mike Gallagher is leaving his Republican congressional seat. He has timed it so his seat will be left vacant, diminishing the republican party’s majority. The plan by the uni-party is to get a democratic majority, then make Hakeem Jeffries House speaker. Dem. Rep. Jamie Raskin - a hard leftist - already has a bill removing Trump as an insurrectionist. You see, the Republicans have their orders from the deep state - think all the bureaucracies. The corrupt Congress reports to the world cabal made up of China and members of the WEF. That’s where the money is.

For those who hate Trump and are ok with this, here’s an old adage reworded. First, they came for Trump, I did nothing as I hated him. They then came for Republicans, which I wasn’t one. Now they’re coming for me but there’s no one left. It’s time to put away your hate for Trump and think country's survival. Are you better off now than 4 years ago? Do you want your posterity to live in a lawless, one-party rule?

Michael Capro
New Jersey


Related Article:
Dems Unanimously Vote Against Spending Amendment to Stop Using Taxpayer Dollars to Fly Illegals INTO America

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