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  • Robert Kennedy Jr. (RFK Jr.)

Americans Are Sick of Meds That DO NOT Restore Health

They Love The Idea of RFK Leading HHS

It baffles me that people find America’s abysmal health statistics
less shocking than the appointment of RFK Jr.



Around 4:50 p.m. on Thursday, my phone began lighting up. I was receiving texts from almost everyone I knew — old friends from my Los Angeles days to new friends in D.C., country bumpkins to city dwellers — all echoing the same Hallelujah at Trump’s nomination of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to head the Department of Health and Human Services. Many of those texts were accompanied by the fire and bicep muscle emojis. 

While many are melting down over the pick, criticizing Kennedy for being nothing more than a “vaccine denier,” those of us who have been supporting him since the “Make America Healthy Again” movement knew he was onto something. Through our own health experiences, we understood that America doesn’t have a health care system, it has a sick care system — one that, unfortunately, people have become used to. But as Jiddu Krishnamurti, a renowned Indian philosopher and speaker, once said, “It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” 

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Start from the Top - RFK Jr. is Right to Focus on the Corruption of the Food System and Government Regulatory Bodies



Last week, to mark Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s historic endorsement of Donald Trump, I wrote a two-part series on ultra-processed food and endocrine disruptors, which RFK Jr. has identified as among the principal causes of America’s unprecedented health crisis.

Kennedy and Trump have promised to Make America Healthy Again, with a wide-ranging investigation into the underlying causes of chronic disease.

A fundamental part of that plan involves addressing significant failures of government that have allowed corporate food manufacturers to fill their products with cheap rubbish ingredients like soybean oil and high-fructose corn syrup, and an ever-expanding list of additives whose safety is anyone’s guess; and allowed America’s food, water and air to become contaminated with toxic chemicals that have been linked to diabetes and obesity, cancer, heart disease, behavioural conditions like autism and neurological diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.

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Video: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Running Mate Says They Are Considering Dropping Out and Endorsing Donald Trump


This is huge exciting news!

Robert F. Kennedy’s running mate Nicole Shanahan, told Impact Theory platform that they are considering dropping out of the presidential race and endorsing Donald Trump.

Nicole Shanahan also told Impact Theory, “We were sabotaged!” during her conversation that was posted on Tuesday morning.

Nicole Shanahan: “You know, there are two options we’re looking at and one is, staying in forming that new party. But we run the risk of a Kamala Harris and Walz presidency, because we draw votes from Trump, we draw more votes from Trump. Or, we walk away right now and join forces with Donald Trump and, you know, we walk away from that and explain to our base why we’re making this decision.”

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Video: RFK Jr. Delivers His Own State of the Union Address

Independent Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. released his own State of the Union address last night on X.

Kennedy started his address by reminiscing about America’s past as an exemplary nation that was a moral authority around the globe.

Kennedy stated that our country was renowned for its integrity, was envied for its freedoms, and had an economy that allowed citizens to provide for their families with a single salary.

He then turned to the state of America today and shared, “Neither my uncle nor my father would recognize the version of America we have today. We have become a nation of chronic illness, violence, loneliness, depression, division, and poverty.


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Video: “Midnight at the Border" | Running on Truth | Robert Kennedy Jr.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. travels to the U.S.-Mexico border in Yuma, Arizona to investigate the immigration issue firsthand. What he discovers is mind-boggling: a dire humanitarian crisis, a border security system crippled by politics and corruption, and people on both sides struggling to end the suffering. On his journey, Mr. Kennedy gathers ideas to help him decide how, as President, he will heal the southern divide.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: "I witnessed this dystopian nightmare of this uncontrolled flow of desperate humanity crossing the border and converging here because of misbegotten policies by high leadership of the United States.” “I've come to understand that the open border policy is just a way of funding a multi-billion dollar drug and human trafficking operation for the Mexican drug cartels. When I'm president, I will secure the border, which will end the cartels’ drug-trafficking economy, and I will build wide doors for those who wish to enter legally so that the United States can continue to be a beacon to the world.”

Biden knows damned well leaving our borders wide open is INSANE!
Listen to him actually tell the truth back in 2006.

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Video: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. EVISCERATES DNC and US Government Covid Response in Speech to New Hampshire Senate

Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. spoke before the New Hampshire Senate on June 1, 2023 and criticized the Democratic National Committee for trying to remove the Granite State's first-in-the-nation presidential primary status as well as criticism of the entire government for its Covid response  which allowed an all-out assault on the Constitution and Bill of Rights.



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Video: RFK Jr Reveals REAL Killer of His Father, Thane Eugene Cesar, Lockheed Martin/CIA Operative

Robert Kennedy Jr. details the events of his father's assassination and exposes the FACT that Thane Eugene Cesar, Lockheed Martin/CIA Operative is the person who actually killed his father.  It wasn't Sirhan Sirhan.



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Video: RFK Jr. to Joe Rogan: 'Nobody in 18 Years Has Been Willing to Debate Me' on Vaccines

This is a clip from a recent interview Joe Rogan did with Robert Kennedy Jr., arguably one of the most knowledgeable people on the planet about vaccines and Big Pharama.  In this interview, he highlights how not one person, no one expert on the pro-vaccine side is willing to debate him about the subject.  Not one!



Cat Out of Bag! RFK Jr. Goes on Joe Rogan,
Details Link Between "Vaccines" and Autism

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Videos: "On Day One I will End the Criminal Pharamceutical Racketeering Syndicate!"

RFK Jr. on How the Democrats Became the
'Party of Big Pharma': 'They Made a Deal With the Devil '

RFK Jr: I Will Open Up Vaccine Safety Records
Which the CDC Keeps in a Lockbox Like 'Fort Knox'

RFK Jr: I Will Sue the Medical Journals
for Being Part of a Criminal 'Racketeering Syndicate'

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