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FREE Video Library: Secret Societies

: 10 minutes or less.  : 11- 36 minutes.   : Over 36 min. Fun:


Bohemian Grove

  •   Full 2024 Bohemian Grove Cremation Of Care Ceremony
    The bombshell undercover footage of this year’s Cremation Of Care ceremony in Bohemian Grove is now available in its entirety! Watch & share this eerie & bizarre ritual that is attended by America’s lawmakers, social engineers and Republican elite.
  •   Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove
    Dark Secrets: Inside the Bohemian Grove documented the first ever hidden camera incursion into the Grove and the bizarre pagan ritual, the Cremation of Care, practiced by its members: all men, including both Presidents Bush, Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, Colin Powell, and Henry Kissinger to name but a few.
  •   Secret Societies Uncovered - Bohemian Grove
    Best-selling author Brad Meltzer and his team try to penetrate Bohemian Grove, one of America's most tightly guarded gatherings of the rich and powerful. The team converges on the group's hideaway, in Season 1, Episode 9, "Secret Societies."



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FREE Video Library: Sexual Issues/Sex Trafficking/Perversions

: 10 minutes or less.  : 11- 36 minutes.   : Over 36 min. Fun:


  •   Pakistanis Raping River Dolphin to Extinction
    According to a report on Red Ice TV, Pakistani men are raping their local Indus River Dolphins to extinction. The men are said to enjoy having sex with the dolphins when they are young.
  •   DHS Whistleblower Exposes Biden Admin's Sex Trafficking of 85K Plus Children in MUST SEE NEW TESTIMONY!
    Whistleblower Tara Lee Rodas joins The Alex Jones Show to expose the Biden Admin’s child sex trafficking nightmare border policy.
  •   Child Sex Trafficking Survivor Reveals Horrific Abuse She Endured by High-Profile Clients of Pedophile Ring
    Anneke Lucas, who is now 58 years old, explained that her own mother sold her into a Belgian pedophile network comprised of “powerful” clients when she was just six years old in 1969, where she was subjected to unspeakable abuse and witnessed the torture and murder of other children.
  •   Child Sex Trafficking Through Child “Protection” Services Exposed – Kidnapping Children for Sex
    In this Buzzsaw interview (below), filmmaker Sean Stone interviews Tammi Stefano, the Executive Director of The National Safe Child Coalition (NSCC), and exposes much of the corruption happening within Child Protection Services and Family Courts. This might be one of the few interviews currently available on the Internet that gives this much information on the child sex trafficking business that exists in LA County, and across the nation.
  •   Combating the Sexualization of Our Children with Jaco Booyens
    In schools across America, lessons are being taught that put our kids in danger. It’s time for parents to take a hard look at what their kids are learning about in school. Jaco Booyens, renowned anti-sex trafficking activist, sits down with PragerU CEO Marissa Streit for an important conversation about the sexualization of children, its direct impact on sex crimes, and empowering parents to protect their children.
  •   Sheriff Grady Judd Breaks Down Reality of Federally Sanctioned Human Sex Trafficking
    This is a clip of Sheriff Grady Judd of Polk County Florida detailing the truth about what is being done to many of the women who are illegally smuggled into the United States with the full blessings and support of the "oh so loving" Democrats and Rinos in the United States Government.  Sheriff Grady Judd Reveals How US Federal Government Provides UNLIMITED Plane Tickets to ILLEGALS FOR FREE to Any Destination in the US – And Traffics Women in Sex Trade This Way.
  •   P. DIDDY: Jeffrey Epstein of the Rap Industry?
    After the Department of Homeland Security’s Investigations Task Force raided his home, rap artist, Sean Combs, A.K.A. P. Diddy, has been in the news quite a bit. And the more you look into this story, the bigger it gets.
  •   85,000 Migrant Children Have Gone Missing From Sponsor Homes
    An investigation by the Center for Public Integrity and Scripps News focused on the small town of Culpeper, Virginia, where at least 35 mostly Guatemalan children have gone missing since 2017.  They were all deemed unaccompanied minors by the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) and placed with sponsors under the auspices of the Department of Health and Human Services.


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FREE Video Library: Political Violence

: 10 minutes or less.  : 11- 36 minutes.   : Over 36 min. Fun:




  • San Diego Judge to Antifa: I Don't Have Any Question This Organization Exits - Then Tossed Them All In Jail
    FINALLY!  After a three-year-long investigation, justice-seekers in San Diego finally did what nobody else has managed to do: they broke up a powerful Antifa cell and put them behind bars, where they belong. As for the judge in the case, early on he didn’t think prosecutors would be able to prove that this was an organized “terror cell.” But by the end, he didn’t have a doubt. He believed 100 percent that Antifa as an organization exists.
  •   Andy Ngo Testimony on Antifa Violence
    Of course, Nadler and his fellow corrupt Democrats will totally ignore Andy's testimony on Antifa terrorists because according to Nadler, Antifa doesn't even really exist.
  •   ANTIFA - The Truth Behind the Mask
    A look into the domestic terror organization ANTIFA and how it is attempting to take over the current peaceful protests of the George Floyd death.
  •   Declassified: How Antifa and Other Far-Left Groups Exploit the Protests for ‘Revolution’
    Communist groups—including the extremist organization Antifa—are hijacking what started out as peaceful protests over the death of an unarmed black man to usher in a revolution, according to officials, experts, videos, and anarchists’ own words. That charge comes amid an unprecedented and coordinated effort behind the riots, the likes of which have never been seen before and which span across multiple states and involve often violent street-level tactics.
  •   Lara Logan on Antifa: ‘America Has To Die In Order For their World to Exist
    Award-winning journalist Lara Logan was on Fox News today breaking down Antifa’s goals based on her personal experiences as well as a document she presented this morning. It was more terrifying than anything we’re hearing from mainstream media, many of whom are going out of their way to defend the domestic terrorist group.
  •   Antifa Origins & Tactics Exposed, After Andy Ngo’s Assault At Portland Protest—Jack Posobiec
    The recent brutal assault on journalist Andy Ngo in Portland brings Antifa in the spotlight again. What is the longer term significance of this event, for Antifa, and America as a whole? What is Antifa exactly, and what are its historical origins? How has media coverage of Antifa influenced its behavior today? And how do anti-masking laws fit into the picture? Today we sit down with Jack Posobiec, a One America News Network host, who was once a U.S. Military Intelligence officer and later acted as Special Projects Director for Citizens for Trump. He is the author of 4D Warfare: A Doctrine for a New Generation of Politics.
  •   Antifa Origins & Tactics Exposed, After Andy Ngo’s Assault At Portland Protest—Jack Posobiec
    The recent brutal assault on journalist Andy Ngo in Portland brings Antifa in the spotlight again. What is the longer term significance of this event, for Antifa, and America as a whole? What is Antifa exactly, and what are its historical origins? How has media coverage of Antifa influenced its behavior today? And how do anti-masking laws fit into the picture? Today we sit down with Jack Posobiec, a One America News Network host, who was once a U.S. Military Intelligence officer and later acted as Special Projects Director for Citizens for Trump. He is the author of 4D Warfare: A Doctrine for a New Generation of Politics.
  • UNDERCOVER IN ANTIFA: Their Tactics and Media Support Exposed!
    What happens when two guys infiltrate Antifa, live among them for weeks, and take part in their deeply rooted tactics of disruption and violence?
  • A Touching Antifa Profile (Carpe Donktum)
    Humorous short video that exposes the truth about who Antifa thugs really are.
  • The Rise of Antifa
    Freedom of speech is under fire from radical, left-wing groups that attack conservative rally goers across the country.  One America’s Pearson Sharp exposes how the group Antifa is not only fighting against hate speech, but against anyone who opposes them.
  • ANTIFA EXPOSED AS VIOLENT - Berkeley Trump Rally Protest
     Undercover as AntiFa - Political Social Experiment - Berkeley Trump Rally Protest - President Trump - Donald Trump - SJW - Fascist Protestors - News - Liberals - Alternative Media - Riot

BLM (Black Lives Matter)


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FREE Video Library: Al Gore

: 10 minutes or less.  : 11- 36 minutes.   : Over 36 min. Fun:


  • The Many Errors of Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth"
    An Inconvenient Truth is a documentary film from 2006 by Al Gore. The year after it was released it was hauled in front of the UK high court, and found to be riddled with errors. What are these errors, and what can they tell us about climate science?
  • YouTube ‘Corrects’ Conservative Comic on Global Warming
    Michael Loftus admits he’ll grab any excuse to share his Al Gore impression.  Why not? It’s rock solid. Only this time the Big Tech Overlords were listening, too. And, apparently, they weren’t pleased that Loftus poked fun at the “Inconvenient Sequel” star.  The most recent Loftus Party video mocks both the former Vice President as well as President Barack Obama. The latter brought it on himself, to be fair.
  • Al Gore Is A Self-Serving LIAR
    When considering a huge issue like giving the government a mandate to "manage the global climate," when they have never proven competent to manage anything properly, it's crucial to take the time to evaluate the trustworthiness of the people selling you on the idea.



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FREE Video Library: Self-Driving (Driverless) Vehicles

: 10 minutes or less.  : 11- 36 minutes.   : Over 36 min. Fun:



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FREE Video Library: Terrorism - Domestic (Antifa/BLM)

: 10 minutes or less.  : 11- 36 minutes.   : Over 36 min. Fun:



  • San Diego Judge to Antifa: I Don't Have Any Question This Organization Exits - Then Tossed Them All In Jail
    FINALLY!  After a three-year-long investigation, justice-seekers in San Diego finally did what nobody else has managed to do: they broke up a powerful Antifa cell and put them behind bars, where they belong. As for the judge in the case, early on he didn’t think prosecutors would be able to prove that this was an organized “terror cell.” But by the end, he didn’t have a doubt. He believed 100 percent that Antifa as an organization exists.
  • Andy Ngo Testimony on Antifa Violence
    Watch: Let’s see Nadler and his fellow corrupt Democrats ignore Andy now that he testified in Congress… fast clip on Antifa terrorists.
  • Breaks Your Heart What BLM and Antifa do to African Americans and Everyone
    A woman struggles to find food for her kids after many of the grocery stores in her area were heavily looted.
  • ANTIFA - The Truth Behind the Mask
    A look into the domestic terror organization ANTIFA and how it is attempting to take over the current peaceful protests of the George Floyd death.
  • Antifa Origins & Tactics Exposed, After Andy Ngo’s Assault At Portland Protest—Jack Posobiec
    The recent brutal assault on journalist Andy Ngo in Portland brings Antifa in the spotlight again. What is the longer term significance of this event, for Antifa, and America as a whole? What is Antifa exactly, and what are its historical origins? How has media coverage of Antifa influenced its behavior today? And how do anti-masking laws fit into the picture? Today we sit down with Jack Posobiec, a One America News Network host, who was once a U.S. Military Intelligence officer and later acted as Special Projects Director for Citizens for Trump. He is the author of 4D Warfare: A Doctrine for a New Generation of Politics.



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FREE Video Library: France

: 10 minutes or less.  : 11- 36 minutes.   : Over 36 min. Fun:


  •   How do French Legislative Elections Work?
    Legislative elections in France are not organized at a national level like the presidentials - but by constituency. There are 577 in France, who each send an MP to the National Assembly.  The voting system is uni-nominal and based on majority- candidates must win more than 50% to pass the first round. If not, a second round is organized with candidates having obtained a suffrage of at least equal to 12.5 percent of registered voters. This system favors the big parties, to the detriment of smaller ones who would prefer a proportional electoral system.
  •   Candace Owens on French President Macron's Wife Being a Transgender Man
    The biggest political scandal in history might be coming out of France, I recap my night at the UFC fight, John Cena goes naked at The Oscars, and Chris Cuomo and I debate Biden’s State of The Union on the PBD Podcast.


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FREE Video Library: UK (United Kingdom/England/Britain)

: 10 minutes or less.  : 11- 36 minutes.   : Over 36 min. Fun:


  •   The Truth About the UK Election
    The system is BIGLY RIGGED!  Meet the new boss.  Same as the old boss.  After fourteen years of a conservative in name-only left-wing government.  Brits woke up to a massive, monumental, exciting change!  Another 5 years of a left-wing government.
  •   Playing God - An Investigation Into Medical Democide in the UK
    Playing God: An Investigation into Medical Democide in the UK” is a documentary film that explores allegations of harmful medical practices and policies in the U.K. health care system.  Directed by Ash Mahmood and Naeem Mahmood, and co-produced by Phil Graham and investigative journalist Jacqui Deevoy, the film critically examines the unethical and potentially deadly use of medical protocols and medications in the National Health Service (NHS), suggesting they have led to patient harm and deaths under the guise of government policies.
  •   UK Government & NHS Infected Blood Scandal Chronicled in Massive Inquiry
    Collusion between Big Pharma and government sickened and killed patients for decades.
  •   Excess Deaths Take Center Stage in First-Ever UK Parliament Debate on the Silent Health Crisis
    “The experimental COVID-19 vaccines are not safe, and they’re not effective,” said MP Andrew Bridgen.  The issue of “saving lives” has suddenly taken a back seat in the post-COVID world. In the midst of the pandemic, daily death tolls became a familiar feature in media reports, particularly by outlets like the BBC. Yet, the same media outlets have been conspicuously silent about a recent surge in excess deaths — especially after the rollout of the so-called COVID-19 vaccines.
  •   UK: ONS Whistleblower Reveals Massive Spike in Excess Deaths Since 'Vaccine' Rollout, More Than 1000 a Week
    Nigel Farage interviewed a former European Parliament MEP and a senior member of the UK Office for National Statistics, James Wells, on the massive spike in excess deaths since the rollout of the experimental Covid “vaccine.”  Wells told Farage that ‘we need an independent public inquiry’ into excess deaths, as they have reached an average of more than 1000 a week for the past six months.  Watch broadcaster Nigel Farge’s shocking interview with whistleblower James Wells on GB News.
  •   Nigel Farage: “Communist Takeover” Underway In UK, CCP-Linked Firms Buying Schools
    Students "being taught that China is the future, they are literally being indoctrinated by the Chinese Communist Party," says Brexit leader. Brexit founder Nigel Farage warned that a “Communist takeover” of UK schools underway as firms connected to the Chinese government are buying up private schools across the country. 17 schools are already owned by Chinese companies, 9 of which are owned by firms whose founders or bosses are among China’s most senior Communist Party members, according to reports.
  •   Nigel Farage Announces He’s a Victim of Financial Deplatforming
    Former leader of the Brexit Party, Nigel Farage, alleges that he is facing what he describes as “serious political persecution” by the banking sector in the UK, claiming that the pro-Remain establishment is making a concerted effort to exclude him from the banking system. Farage asserts that this has made him contemplate whether he will be able to continue residing in the UK.
  •   Islamic Sharia Law Comes to Great Britain
    Stoning for adultery. Amputations for theft. Death for apostates. This is life under Sharia law and it's alive and well in, of all places, Great Britain.
  •   The Truth About London's Knife Crime Epidemic
    London’s is gripped by a knife crime epidemic and London’s murder rate is now higher than New York’s. But whilst the bodies pile up, the politicians & London’s police chief search for excuses – choosing to blame social media rather than looking at the real issues that have changed the fabric of London’s community. This podcast examines the real reasons behind London’s spiralling crime rate and looks at who is really to blame for the rising death toll.
  •   EXPOSED: Britain's Soviet Style Hate Crime Laws
    This podcast explains how the police investigate so-called ‘hate crimes’ and how these investigations are totally subjective and based on feelings, not facts. But worse still, the British police are now building a database of people who have been accused of ‘hate incidents’ – non-criminal incidents where individuals are accused of being motivated by hate and the accused is considered guilty without their accuser having to present any-evidence what-so-ever! Please share this podcast and help draw attention to this insane legislation.
  •   Pat Condell - Our Battle of Britain
    The UK's parliament needs to be hosed clean. Our freedom and democracy are being destroyed by corrupt politicians. We are custodians of this democracy, not its owners. We have no right to weaken it for future generations, any more than we have the right to leave them poisoned water or air.


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FREE Video Library: Automotive Industry (Cars, Trucks, EVs)

: 10 minutes or less.  : 11- 36 minutes.   : Over 36 min. Fun:


  •   The $13k Toyota Pickup You Can’t Buy
    You have probably not heard of the new Toyota HiLux Champ pickup. Probably because they don’t want you to know about it. “They” being the people who control the federal regulatory apparat, who don’t want you to know that people in other countries can buy a brand-new pick-up for $13,000 or so to start – something no American has been allowed to do (in America, at any rate) for more than 20 years.  And it’s more than just that. The ’24 HiLux Champ is a mid-sized pickup – not a compact. The latter was the last kind of truck you could buy here for around $13k or so brand-new, about 20 years ago.  You can guess why not – and it has nothing to do with “emissions.”

Electric Vehicles (EVs)

  •   Net Zero is IMPOSSIBLE!
    Like every other globalist policy, net zero will NEVER HAPPEN and they know it. All their scams are aimed at one goal, to destroy capitalism and Western economies all over the globe so they then impose their draconian communist systems of total control.
  •   Electric Car Charging Station Uses More Electricity Than 280 Homes Every Hour
    A man charging his electric car explained how the charging station uses more kilowatts per hour than 280 homes. The Average home consumes 1.25 kilowatts per hour, but a charging station consumes 350 kilowatts per hour!
  •   John Stossel Reveals Inconvenient Facts About Electric Vehicles
    Politicians and activists who want all cars to go electric are guilty of magical thinking.  Electric car sales are up 66% this year.  President Biden says the future is "electric… and there’s no turning back.”  California and New York are banning sales of new gas-powered vehicles.  We’re told they’ll help us use less oil.  But most of what politicians, activists, and electric car sellers say about electric cars is just wrong.  In this video, and a second one coming soon, I show you 5 inconvenient facts about electric cars.
  •   Man's Hellish Family Trip With an Electric Truck Is a Warning to All About These Vehicles
    Man forced to ditch Ford EV truck during a family road trip to Chicago:  ‘biggest scam of modern times’.  Bala said he was initially motivated to buy an environmentally friendly vehicle as owning one is 'responsible citizenship'.  But Bala was quickly hit with the reality of owning and operating an EV soon after the purchase. The vehicle compelled him to install two chargers – one at work and one at home – for $10,000. To accommodate the charger, he had to upgrade his home’s electric panel for $6,000.


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