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Video: Tucker’s Benz Interview: Is USAID Humanitarian or a Rogue CIA

Tucker Carlson spoke with Mike Benz, exposing USAID not as the noble humanitarian organization it purports to be. That’s their sideline.

Is it a Humanitarian organization? Benz compared it to a Milton Friedman analogy: Milton Friedman gives this example about the pencil. … He talks about it in the context of libertarian economic theory. He says, look at this pencil. And he, you know, holds up a pencil and it’s got a lead tip and graphite and gum. And he goes, No. No single person in the world can make this pencil. The gum comes from trees in Malaysia and the lead comes from, you know, some mine in Africa. The graphite comes from graphite miners in South America. And it’s the magic of the market that makes it possible. You know, everyone is doing it for their own self-interest and economic gain. But it creates this magical web of cooperation where everyone profits. And that’s how we get cheap pencils in the U.S.

I think what we’re about to walk into on the flip side of that is that people have been lied to in this country where they thought that they’d been sold, that this was humanitarian aid, and cosigned it.


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