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Pediatrician Slams WHO $12 Billion Plan to Vaccinate 500 Million Children by 2030

The WHO on Monday reported that global childhood immunization rates have stalled.
Meanwhile, Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance unveiled an $11.9 billion plan to vaccinate 500 million children
by 2030. Dr. Paul Thomas warned that vaccination programs are unnecessary
and health agencies should focus on nutrition and overall health.



Global childhood immunization rates stalled in 2023, leaving millions of children “vulnerable to preventable diseases,” according to a new report from the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF.

The latest WHO-UNICEF estimates show that 14.5 million children missed all doses of “routine” DTP vaccines last year, an increase from 13.9 million in 2022. The report also laments the gaps in measles vaccinations, noting that outbreaks hit 103 countries.

Dr. Paul Thomas, a pediatrician and co-author of the upcoming book, “Vax Facts: What to Consider Before Vaccinating at All Ages & All Stages of Life,” told The Defender the the global vaccination programs continue to use the dangerous whole-cell DTP formulation instead of the less risky acellular version.

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Video: “Enough Is Enough!” – Swiss Cardiologist Calls for the Abolishment of the WHO

Dr. Thomas Binder made headlines after he was forced into a psychiatric hospital after speaking out against the dangerous and unnecessary globalist COVID narrative. Dr. Binder MD studied medicine at the University of Zurich, received his doctorate in immunology and virology, specialized in internal medicine and cardiology, and has 35 years of clinical experience.

In February 2020, Thomas stood up for the return of real science, medicine and humanity. The result of his vocal opposition to the unscientific and irrational COVID policies was to be arrested and referred for compulsory psychiatric treatment.

Dr. Thomas Binder later told Dr. Drew last year that he was forcibly hospitalized – and required to take psychiatric medications – for speaking out against pandemic panic and the narrative surrounding COVID-19.

Recently, Dr. Binder called for the abolishment of the World Health Organization, after the botched and extremely dangerous actions and statements during the COVID pandemic.




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Video: WHO’s Tedros Declares ‘It’s Time to be More Aggressive in Pushing Back on Anti-Vaxxers’

– In Same Week that Media Reports Connection to Excess Deaths and the Jab



During a talk titled “Celebrating 50 Years of Immunization Progress,” the Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, made it clear that no debate is allowed when it comes to vaccines.

Ghebreyesus told the audience, “You know the serious challenge that’s posed by anti-vaxxers, and I think we need to strategize to really push back.”

He continued, “I think it’s time to be more aggressive in pushing back on anti-vaxxers. I think they used COVID as an opportunity, and you know all the havoc they are creating.”

Don’t forget that Dr. Tedros has a long history of openly lying to the global community.

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Video: Japanese People Hold Massive Protest Against WHO, Deadly Covid Vaccines

Massive Rally" called on Japanese government to "stop colluding with Bill Gates and Pharma!"



Japanese citizens took to the streets in protest of the World Health Organization and the Covid-19 vaccine, which has been blamed for causing a number of severe adverse effects and deaths.

Footage out of Tokyo on Friday showed thousands of people attending the “National Movement to Protect Lives from WHO: Massive Rally,” reportedly meant as a “demonstration against the revision of the IHR (International Health Regulations),” according to Sputnik Japan.

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The WHO Pandemic Treaty Will Compound Past Mistakes

Prudent national, provincial, and community public health leaders everywhere should welcome a decision
to scrap the current proposals, undertake a serious reflection on what just happened
during the Covid-19 pandemic, and begin anew.



The new Pandemic Agreement and revisions to the International Health Regulations (IHR) – both legally binding instruments – are being negotiated for adoption during the 77th meeting of the World Health Assembly, May 27 to June 1, 2024.

This article, by Michael T. Clark, explains why developing country delegates should vote no, and why prudent national, provincial, and community public health leaders everywhere should welcome a decision to scrap the current proposals, undertake a serious reflection on what just happened during the Covid-19 pandemic, and begin anew.

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Audio/Video: The Rise of COVID 2.0? Beware the WHO’s Pandemic Industrial Complex


“We saw the buildup of events from the swine flu of 2009, Zika, the Ebola scare of 2014, et cetera. Escalating throughout the 2010’s into the Covid scare of the past few years. And now, we are on the cusp of potentially another scare which might cause the actual political impetus and even the public to get on board with the idea of the World Health Organization swooping in to save the day with their brand new pandemic agreement.”

James Corbett, November 2023[1]

“It is not a matter of if a pandemic will happen again; it is a matter of when.”

– World Health Organization (May 10, 2024)


Click to download the audio (MP3 format)

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WHO Predicts 35+ Million Cancers by 2050, but Ignores “Vaccine”-Induced Turbo Cancers in Those Under 30

The Who’s International Agency for Research on Cancer blamed rising cancer rates
on an aging population, along with tobacco, alcohol, obesity and exposure to air pollution.



Story at a glance:

  • The World Health Organization’s (WHO) International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) estimates more than 35 million new cancer cases in 2050.
  • This represents a 77% increase from the estimated 20 million cancer cases that occurred in 2022.
  • WHO blamed the rising cancer rates on an aging population, along with tobacco, alcohol, obesity and exposure to air pollution.
  • WHO ignored the emergence of rapid-growing “turbo cancers” in people who have received one or more COVID-19 shots.
  • Many of these cancers are showing up in young people, many under age 30, with no family history of cancer; treatment protocols are available to help recover from post-jab injuries.

The WHO IARC released a daunting prediction of the global cancer burden. It estimates more than 35 million new cancer cases in 2050 — a 77% increase from the estimated 20 million cancer cases that occurred in 2022.

While WHO named an aging population as a key driver behind the increasing cancer burden, along with tobacco, alcohol, obesity and exposure to air pollution, what they’re ignoring is the concerning trend of turbo cancers that occur shortly after COVID-19 shots.

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WHO Moves to Seize Control of Global Food Supply



The World Health Organization (WHO) has taken significant steps to seize control of the global food supply.

The WHO, the United Nations’ “health” agency, is pushing to establish an “alliance” that will allow the unelected organization to monitor and control the food supply of sovereign nations around the world.

Last week, the WHO Alliance for Food Safety concluded its first meeting where bureaucrats laid out plans for establishing global governance of the food supply.

The meeting included UN organizations, WHO collaborating centers, corporate elites, and wealthy donors.

Globalists convened for the meeting to discuss the implementation of the “WHO Global Strategy for Food Safety 2022–2030.”

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The World Health Organization’s Pandemic Treaty Ignores Covid Policy Mistakes



The World Health Organization is urging the U.S. and 193 other governments to commit next month to a new global treaty to prevent and manage future pandemics. Current estimates suggest over $31 billion per year will be needed to fund its obligations, a cost most lower income countries cannot afford. But that isn’t the only reason to oppose it. Validating this treaty is a vote for the disastrous policies of the Covid years. Rather than taking time for deep reflection and serious reform, those pushing the pandemic treaty are set on ignoring and institutionalizing the WHO’s mistakes.

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Video: The Vaccine Passport LIE Just COLLAPSED And The WHO is FURIOUS!

As the WHO’s leading vaccine expert admits in court that vaccine passports may have been a scam due to the fact that the vaccines did not stop transmission, were vaccine passports just one part of an axis that allowed for increased regulations and government control, as well as gigantic profits from the big government donors, the pharmaceutical industry?


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