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2A Victory: Federal Judge Rules New Jersey AR-15 Ban Unconstitutional



A federal judge ruled on Tuesday the State of New Jersey’s AR-15 rifle ban is unconstitutional but somehow allowed a limit on magazines over 10 rounds to remain.

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DOJ Announces Red Flag Center To Limit Gun Access From Americans

Comes just days after a federal judge granted illegal aliens the right to carry firearms.

Allows law enforcement, family members and medical professionals to petition a court
to temporarily prohibit someone "at risk of harming themselves or others"
from purchasing and possessing firearms.



The Department of Justice announced the launch of the National Extreme Risk Protection Order Resource Center aimed at preventing individuals from purchasing or possessing firearms.

The DOJ’s announcement came just hours after the Senate and House passed a $1.2 trillion government spending bill on Saturday.

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Federal Court Affirms Yet Again Police Have No Duty to Protect You


Following the February 2018 shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, some students claimed local government officials were at fault for failing to provide protection to students. The students filed suit, naming six defendants, including the Broward school district and the Broward Sheriff’s Office , as well as school deputy Scot Peterson and campus monitor Andrew Medina.

A federal judge ruled that the government agencies " had no constitutional duty to protect students who were not in custody."

This latest decision adds to a growing body of case law establishing that government agencies — including police agencies — have no duty to provide protection to citizens in general:

“Neither the Constitution, nor state law, impose a general duty upon police officers or other governmental officials to protect individual persons from harm — even when they know the harm will occur,” said Darren L. Hutchinson, a professor and associate dean at the University of Florida School of Law. “Police can watch someone attack you, refuse to intervene and not violate the Constitution.”

The Supreme Court has repeatedly held that the government has only a duty to protect persons who are “in custody,” he pointed out.

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Democrats Propose Bill to Prohibit Militia Activity



A pair of Democrat lawmakers introduced a bill that would effectively outlaw militias in the United States.

Senator Ed Markey (D-Mass.) and Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) introduced the “Preventing Private Paramilitary Activity Act” on the anniversary of the Jan. 6 Capitol protests.

The bill seeks to limit most militia activity, creating criminal penalties for people who engage in certain conduct including intimidating elected officials, interfering with government proceedings and pretending to be law enforcement.

Markey claimed the bill will prevent another Jan. 6 incident while citing fake news about the events that transpired.

“Three years ago, white supremacists affiliated with paramilitary organizations stormed the U.S. Capitol, shattering windows, walls, and the families of five U.S. Capitol police officers,” Sen. Markey said in a news release earlier this month.


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Video: Lt. Governor of North Carolina Mark Robinson Drops 2nd Amendment Fact Bombs

North Carolina Lt. Governor Mark Robinson clarifies the purpose of the 2nd Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and it has NOTHING to do with duck hunting.  It is there after our God-given right to free speech to ensure we all have our God-given right to self-defense!



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FREE Video Library: Gun Rights/2nd Amendment

: 10 minutes or less.  : 11- 36 minutes.   : Over 36 min. Fun:


  • Lt. Governor of North Carolina Mark Robinson Drops 2nd Amendment Fact Bombs
    North Carolina Lt. Governor Mark Robinson clarifies the purpose of the 2nd Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and it has NOTHING to do with duck hunting.  It is there after our God-given right to free speech to ensure we all have our God-given right to self-defense!
  • Why Gun Control Doesn’t Reduce Crime—John Lott Breaks Down the Data
    To understand what the data says, I decided to sit down with John Lott, who has studied the impact of gun control measures for decades. He’s the founder of the Crime Prevention Research Center, and author of a number of books on guns and gun control, including most recently, “Gun Control Myths.”  In this episode, Lott breaks down the biggest misconceptions he sees around gun control, how media coverage skews people’s perceptions, and why he believes gun control measures will actually harm minorities and the most vulnerable.
  • RITTENHOUSE: The Line In The Sand
    Every American's God-given right to self-defense is under attack.
  • Champion Racer Who Shot & Killed Armed Mugger Slams Democrat Politicians
    Championship offroad racer B.J. Baldwin appeared in an NRA video to tell the story of how he recently had to use deadly force against an armed individual who pointed their firearm at Baldwins’ girlfriend.
  • Mark Robinson “I AM THE MAJORITY!” Full Gun Rights Speech! A TRUE PATRIOT
    Mark Robinson at Greensboro NC City Council on Gun Show All credit goes to Mr Robinson himself ! Good job sir! Nobody could’ve said it any better. Brilliant !!!
  • STEPHEN WILLEFORD'S STORY about First Baptist Church Shooting
    Stephen Willeford -- a good guy with a gun -- describes what happened on November 5th, 2017 in Sutherland Springs, Texas at the First Baptist Church when a madman with a gun killed 26 churchgoers. Willeford, a trained, long-time NRA Member, engaged the active shooter thus saving many lives and setting a heroic example.
  • Reality Check: The True Meaning of the Second Amendment
    It may be the most controversial right we have as U.S. citizens: the right to keep and bear arms.  The root of that controversy is in the often misunderstood intention of the Second Amendment. So what is it really about?
  • Brian Tatum - Let's Talk Gun Control
    Brandon Tatum is a police officer who puts things in proper perspective. For example, everyone pitches a fit over 59 people being killed in Las Vegas but there are that many killed in Chicago EVERY MONTH and nobody gives a crap.
  • Number One With A Bullet
    The USA has, by far, the highest per capita gun ownership in the world. Progressives will tell you that this is what makes America the Murder Capitol of Planet Earth. But we're not, and in this devastatingly effective Firewall, Bill Whittle shows why the center of
    GunNutisin fact one of the safest places in the world.

School Shootings



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Video: Why Gun Control Doesn’t Reduce Crime—John Lott Breaks Down the Data

Recent mass shootings have brought guns back to the center of national debate, and President Joe Biden has announced new executive orders on gun control.

At the center of the discussion is a question: do gun control measures prevent crime or do they actually do the opposite?

To understand what the data says, I decided to sit down with John Lott, who has studied the impact of gun control measures for decades. He’s the founder of the Crime Prevention Research Center, and author of a number of books on guns and gun control, including most recently, “Gun Control Myths.”

In this episode, Lott breaks down the biggest misconceptions he sees around gun control, how media coverage skews people’s perceptions, and why he believes gun control measures will actually harm minorities and the most vulnerable.


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Washington State Firearm Confiscation Law Found Unconstitutional


Earlier this year, in a ruling of first impression in Washington State, the Kitsap County District Court decided that the state’s compulsory “firearm surrender” laws violated the Fourth and Fifth Amendments and the analogous provisions in the state constitution. “In our constitutional system of government, individuals have rights that the government and its agents (including courts) must respect. Among those rights are the right to be free from compelled self-incrimination under the Fifth Amendment, the right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures under the Fourth Amendment, and their counterparts under Washington’s constitution.”

To appreciate the ruling, it is necessary to understand the underlying statutory framework. Washington State courts issuing certain protection orders in a civil or criminal case have the authority, or are required, to also order that the restrained person retrieve and “immediately surrender” to law enforcement all firearms and dangerous weapons that the person possesses or has control over, as well as any concealed pistol license (CPL). As soon as the order is issued, the restrained person becomes prohibited from possessing, acquiring or accessing firearms and weapons, and is ineligible for a CPL.

Within five days of the order, a restrained person must file with the court a written proof of surrender in a prescribed form, under oath (or alternatively, a declaration that he or she has no guns, weapons or CPL to surrender). The state law directs, further, that the court must “verify timely and complete compliance with orders to surrender weapons” by holding a compliance hearing as soon as possible. At this hearing (or any other hearing where compliance with the order to surrender weapons is addressed), the law demands that the restrained person attend and provide testimony under oath verifying their compliance.

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Video: Champion Racer Who Shot & Killed Armed Mugger Slams Democrat Politicians

‘Joe Biden and Beto O’Rourke are totally comfortable with my girlfriend and I laying face down dead ‘

Championship offroad racer B.J. Baldwin appeared in an NRA video to tell the story of how he recently had to use deadly force against an armed individual who pointed their firearm at Baldwins’ girlfriend.


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