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Anti-Psychotic Medications Shrink The Brain by 10 Percent

This raises important questions about the long-term effects of antipsychotic medications on brain health.



  • Brain Volume Reduction: Psychotropic drugs can reduce brain volume by 8 to 11 percent, as revealed in studies on Macaque monkeys published in PubMed and the journal Nature.
  • Misleading “Chemical Imbalance” Theory: The concept of a “chemical imbalance” in mental health has been debunked by scientific research yet is still used to justify the prescription of psychotherapy drugs.
  • Significant Impact on Brain Structure: Chronic exposure to antipsychotic medications, such as haloperidol and olanzapine, causes notable decreases in brain weight across various brain regions.
  • Need for Further Research: The study highlights the necessity for more comprehensive research into the long-term effects of antipsychotic medications on brain health, potentially leading to improved treatment strategies for mental illnesses.

A psychiatrist is blowing the whistle on how no psychiatrists warn their patients about how psychotropic drugs can shrink the brain by 8 to 11 percent, as revealed in clinical trials run on Macaque monkeys and published in Pub Med and the journal Nature. Got anxiety, depression, insomnia, ADD, ADHD, or schizophrenia? How would you like to shrink your brain in order to attempt to “treat” the symptoms? Be sure to ask your doctor if shrinking your brain by one tenth is right for you. Maybe that’s why they call them “shrinks.”

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ABLECHILD: Connecticut’s Mental Health Providers Beg for Increase in Medicaid, Despite Millions Spent and No One Getting Better


Summary Psychiatric Drug Use in Medicaid Population in Connecticut

Health care spending in the U.S. makes up 16.6% of the nation’s GDP, more than any other country in the world and mental health accounts for a reported 5% of that spending.

Make no mistake, mental illness in America is an extremely costly or profitable health care problem depending on who is paying, and who is getting paid, for treatment services.

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Video: Male, 50, Identifies as 15-Year-Old Female Allowed on Girls' Swim Team, Changes in Locker Room With Teens


Outrage is brewing over reports that a 50-year-old Canadian man is being allowed to change, shower, and compete with girls.

Why is Nicholas J. Cepeda, who goes by “Melody Wiseheart” and is a York University professor of behavioral science, being allowed to compete against 13- and 14-year-old girls? Because he identifies as a teen girl himself.

Cepeda first made headlines in October when he competed against teen girls in the Richmond Hill Aquatic Centre’s Fall Classic swimming competition at the Markham Pan Am Centre in Unionville, Ontario.

The outrage was somewhat muted at the time.

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