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  • FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation)

Video: Jaw-Dropping Claims of Misconduct and Harassment at FDIC

Editor's Note:  Yet more proof of how utterly corrupt and useless government agencies are that we believe to exist to protect our interests.  Virtually every single government agency has been captured, the FDIC being no exception. 


During remarks on the Senate floor, Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) spoke about alleged reports of gross misconduct and harassment at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation under the oversight of FDIC Chair Martin Gruenberg.


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Video: Sabotaging Small Banks

The Federal Reserve is encouraging anyone who has a large deposit at a community bank by saying the FDIC will not to make them whole, but if you go to one of their preferred (too-big-to-fail) banks, we will make you whole.



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Video: What Does the FDIC Sign "Each Depositor Insured to at Least $250,000" Actually Mean?

The FDIC Operates On a Fractionary Reserve System. The FDIC Is Required to Keep 1.35% of All Total Insured Deposits."  Are your savings truly safe? Uncover the shocking truth: a drained FDIC fund, secret problem banks, and power consolidation within megabanks. Learn how to protect your money in a flawed system. Watch now and take control of your financial future.


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FREE Video Library: FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation)

: 10 minutes or less.  : 11- 36 minutes.   : Over 36 min. Fun:


  • Jaw-Dropping Claims of Misconduct and Harassment at FDIC
    During remarks on the Senate floor, Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) spoke about alleged reports of gross misconduct and harassment at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation under the oversight of FDIC Chair Martin Gruenberg.
  • What Does the FDIC Sign Stating "Each Depositor Insured to at Least $250,000" Actually Mean?
    The FDIC Operates On a Fractionary Reserve System. The FDIC Is Required to Keep 1.35% of All Total Insured Deposits."  Are your savings truly safe? Uncover the shocking truth: a drained FDIC fund, secret problem banks, and power consolidation within megabanks. Learn how to protect your money in a flawed system. Watch now and take control of your financial future.
  • Sabotaging Small Banks
    The Federal Reserve is encouraging anyone who has a large deposit at a community bank by saying the FDIC will not to make them whole, but if you go to one of their preferred (too-big-to-fail) banks, we will make you whole.


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