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Israel Has Bombed Lebanon Over 6,000 Times Since October



The Israeli army has conducted 6,142 attacks on Lebanese soil, resulting in at least 543 deaths between October 7 last year and June 21 this year, according to an analysis by the Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project (ACLED).

Aita al-Shaab, a Shia-majority village near the Israeli border that saw 85 homes destroyed during the 2006 Israel–Hezbollah war, has been targeted in 300 of these attacks.

(Related: Israel OKs plans for ALL-OUT WAR in Lebanon to wipe out Hezbollah.)

Other frequently targeted towns include Ras al-Naqoura (246 attacks), which houses the UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) headquarters; Hula (219 attacks), where dozens of unarmed men were killed by the Israeli army in 1948; Kfarchouba (218 attacks), the second largest village in southern Lebanon; and Kfar Kila (209 attacks).

While most attacks have been concentrated in southern villages, Israeli drones and jets have also targeted the cities of Tyre and Saida, as well as various locations in the Bekaa Valley in northern Lebanon.

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Former MIT Professor & Rabbi Urges Jews to Shed All ‘Lingering’ Christian Morality & Support Ethnic Cleansing of Gaza



In accordance with Talmudic law, former MIT professor and ordained rabbi Jeremy England wants Jews everywhere to reject any “lingering” sense of Christian morality and instead embrace Israel’s ethnic cleansing operation in Gaza.

In a blasphemous article he recently wrote for Tablet Magazine called “Live by the Law or Die on the Cross,” England said flat-out that he believes “Israel must stop pretending it is a nation like any other.”

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Video: Glenn Greenwald and Alan Dershowitz Debate Bombing Iran

Professor and legal scholar Alan Dershowitz and Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist Glenn Greenwald debate the resolution, "The U.S. should strike Iran's nuclear facilities."

Taking the affirmative is Dershowitz, an American lawyer and law professor known for his work in U.S. constitutional law and American criminal law. From 1964 to 2013, he taught at Harvard Law School, where he was appointed as the Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law in 1993. He is the author of several books about politics and the law, including The Case for Israel and The Case for Peace. His two most recent works are The Case Against Impeaching Trump, and Guilt by Accusation: The Challenge of Proving Innocence in the Age of #MeToo. In January 2020, he joined President Donald Trump's legal team as Trump was being tried on impeachment charges in the Senate. He is a strong supporter of Israel but self-identifies as both "pro-Palestinian and pro-Israeli."

Taking the negative is Greenwald, a constitutional lawyer, investigative journalist, and best-selling author. Acclaimed as one of the 25 most influential political commentators by The Atlantic, one of America's top 10 opinion writers by Newsweek, and one of the Top 100 Global Thinkers for 2013 by Foreign Policy, Greenwald has won the highest awards in journalism, including the 2014 Pulitzer Prize for Public Service for the NSA-Snowden revelations.




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Video: Israeli Plan To Force All Gazan Survivors Onto US Ships Exposed

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Video: ‘They Came Here to Attack Arabs.’ Welcome to Life in Israel’s ‘Mixed Cities’

When solidarity protests erupted across the country in May, a Palestinian resident in the city of Lydd (or Lod, as Israel renamed it) told AJ+ that local Jewish Israelis marked their homes with red paint so they could be targeted for attacks by armed settlers. This is part of a much larger project happening in Lydd, where ultranationalist Jewish Israelis have been moving into the city for over a decade with resources and support from the state. The group is called the Garin Torani, or “Torah Seeds,” and its goal is to create a Jewish majority in Arab-majority neighborhoods. Residents we spoke with say that while the city has welcomed these Jewish settlers, it has also ignored the basic needs of Palestinian citizens. In the aftermath of recent violence that left two people dead, one Jewish and the other Palestinian, new levels of mistrust and generational trauma are haunting these residents. AJ+ went to Lydd to find out how Palestinians with Israeli citizenship are challenging the country’s de facto policy of divide and rule while demanding freedom from colonial oppression.


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Video: Norman Finkelstein’s MUST SEE Take On Israel-Palestine Conflict

Time for eyes to be opened!

Russell Brand interviews political scientist and author, Norman Finkelstein.  Most don't seem to have any idea about what has "really" been going with the 50-75 year Israeli/Palestinian conflict primarily because of the immense control Israel has had and continues to have over the narrative.  If you really want to know the TRUTH please listen to this entire interview.  Norman Finkelstein presents a meticulously detailed and verifiable account of what's been going on.  Regardless of what version of the narrative you wish to believe, I think your eyes may be opened hearing this account of unvarnished facts.

Norman will be talking about "the facts" about what has been going on in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict since its inception, not just about the latest and what looks like the final chapter.  Norman will expose the TRUTH about how Israel has turned Gaza into an open-air prison and used tactics like periodic and ruthless military assaults Israel calls "mowing the lawn" to reduce Gaza to an uninhabitable wasteland with things like Operation Protective Edges, and Operation Cast Lead. He also talks about the so-called ceasefires in Gaza and addresses the arguments posed by his critics. 

You can order Norman’s new book I’ll Burn That Bridge When I Get To It: Heretical Thoughts on Identity Politics, Cancel Culture, and Academic Freedom at https://www.normanfinkelstein.com.



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Video: Charlie Kirk Challenges the Official Narrative About Israel's Response to Hamas Terrorist Attack

Charlie Kirk points out the obvious fact that most all of the "official narrative" coming out of Israel about what is really going on is "extremely hard to believe" simply because the entire country of Israel is surveilled, the Gaza border is extremely secure.  He also points out the fact that for the last nine months Israel was on the brink of civil war because of Benjamin Netanyahu was essentially attempting to redefine the Israeli Constitution.


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Video: Ex IDF Commander: "It's Impossible That the IDF Did Not Know About This"

If there is one thing that Israel does better than anyone else, it's SPYING, collecting intelligence and exerting iron-fist control over their territory.  This former IDF Commander exposes the FACT that "there is no way the IDF wasn't aware of what was going to happen and in FACT were/are complicit in everything that is going on right now.



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Video: The Occupation of the American Mind

Polling shows strong global opposition to Israel’s illegal 50-year occupation of Palestinian land, and mounting outrage over Israel’s ongoing slaughter of unarmed Palestinian civilians who are fighting for their rights. Nevertheless, public sympathy and support for Israel within the US continues to hold strong. The Occupation of the American Mind zeroes in on this critical exception, breaking down the devastatingly effective public relations war that Israel and right-wing pro-Israel advocacy groups have been waging for decades in the US. Narrated by Roger Waters and featuring leading observers of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, the film explores how the Israeli government, the US government, and the pro-Israel lobby have joined forces, often with very different motives and interests, to shape American media coverage of the conflict in Israel’s favor. The result is a stunning look at how — and why — American media coverage of the conflict regularly minimizes the occupation, vilifies critics of Israeli policy, and dehumanizes the Palestinian people.


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Video: Cross Talk USS Liberty Attack Episode

For the 50th Anniversary of the USS Liberty attack by Israel, RT decided to go on the attack. On this episode, in order to do so, they naturally invite Ken O'Keefe to tell it how it is. However, this is all very curious.


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