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Video: Norman Finkelstein’s MUST SEE Take On Israel-Palestine Conflict

Time for eyes to be opened!

Russell Brand interviews political scientist and author, Norman Finkelstein.  Most don't seem to have any idea about what has "really" been going with the 50-75 year Israeli/Palestinian conflict primarily because of the immense control Israel has had and continues to have over the narrative.  If you really want to know the TRUTH please listen to this entire interview.  Norman Finkelstein presents a meticulously detailed and verifiable account of what's been going on.  Regardless of what version of the narrative you wish to believe, I think your eyes may be opened hearing this account of unvarnished facts.

Norman will be talking about "the facts" about what has been going on in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict since its inception, not just about the latest and what looks like the final chapter.  Norman will expose the TRUTH about how Israel has turned Gaza into an open-air prison and used tactics like periodic and ruthless military assaults Israel calls "mowing the lawn" to reduce Gaza to an uninhabitable wasteland with things like Operation Protective Edges, and Operation Cast Lead. He also talks about the so-called ceasefires in Gaza and addresses the arguments posed by his critics. 

You can order Norman’s new book I’ll Burn That Bridge When I Get To It: Heretical Thoughts on Identity Politics, Cancel Culture, and Academic Freedom at https://www.normanfinkelstein.com.



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