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Major Autopsy Study Finds Scars in Hearts of Covid-Vaxxed



Two of Japan’s leading medical researchers have issued a warning after their major autopsy study found that people who died from a sudden cardiac arrest had multiple scars in their hearts caused by Covid mRNA “vaccines.”

The study was conducted by cardiologist Dr. Tomomi Koizumi and pathologist Dr. Masao Ono of the Mito Medical Center in Higashi-Ibarakigun, Japan.

They sought to identify the cause of spikes in “unexplained cardiac arrest.”

The study’s paper was published in the journal JACC: Case Reports.

Alarmingly, the researchers discovered that people who died suddenly after receiving an mRNA injection had “multiple micro-scars” (MMS) in and around their hearts.

The enigmatic pathological phenomenon was only found in the myocardium of Covid-vaccinated patients who succumbed to unexplained cardiac arrest.

The researchers note that these microscopic scars are undetectable by conventional imaging.

However, the scarring was evident in post-mortem histopathological examinations.

They hypothesize that the scars could serve as a novel marker for vaccine-induced heart damage leading to sudden cardiac events.

They explain that MMS is likely linked to microvascular inflammation and thrombotic microangiopathy, potentially influenced by contemporary health interventions such as Covid mRNA “vaccinations.”

In the study’s paper, Koizumi and Ono present the autopsy findings from three patients – two elderly women and a middle-aged man.

The patients exhibited unexplained cardiac arrest with arrhythmias preceding death.

The study meticulously examines their myocardial tissue using hematoxylin and eosin staining, complemented by elastic-Goldner staining to delineate micro-scarring.

Additional diagnostic techniques, including αCD42b staining for platelet activity, were employed to investigate thrombotic activity.

Comparative analysis was performed on other major organs (lungs, kidneys, liver, and skeletal muscle) to ascertain whether the micro-scarring was exclusive to cardiac tissue.

Each patient underwent post-mortem histological examination with a focus on myocardial microvascular architecture.

Scar dimensions, spatial distribution, and associated vascular pathology were quantified.

Notably, all patients with the scarring had a history of multiple Covid vaccinations.

However, only one patient had a documented COVID-19 infection.

The study raises the possibility of a direct link between Covid “vaccination” and MMS.

On Covid injections, the authors report:

“An association between arrhythmia and COVID-19 vaccination has been reported recently.

“A global survey showed that any type of COVID-19 vaccine appears to instigate cardiac arrhythmias, and COVID-19 vaccines may lead to cardiac conduction abnormalities.

“These mechanisms are speculated to arise from molecular mimicry or spike protein production, an escalated inflammatory response, and the eventual scar and fibrosis.

“Interestingly, in the present pathologic case study, micro-scarring was also observed at the junction of the left atrium with the pulmonary artery and high right atrium, which is also a common site of catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation.

“In the future, we hope to see research that will make it possible to diagnose the pathophysiology of cardiac MMS through cardiac imaging and/or blood tests prior to death.”

The histopathological analysis revealed distinct, evenly spaced, microscopic scars dispersed throughout the myocardium, particularly near the left ventricular endocardium, high right atrium, and pulmonary vein-left atrial junction—regions often implicated in arrhythmic pathology.

The average scar diameter was 211 μm, with an inter-scar distance of approximately 383 μm, mirroring known microvascular territories.

Importantly, no significant coronary artery stenosis, macrovascular infarcts, or other gross myocardial abnormalities were detected in these cases.


Related Story:
Japan Issues Alert as Vaccinated Child Deaths Surge



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