Studies Link Vaccines to Autism
In recent years, the incidence of autism has skyrocketed among children, with some parents seeing a rapid decline in responsiveness, speech and cognitive abilities after their child receives a series of vaccines. The most terrifying suspect in this public health crisis is the medical establishment’s blind faith in vaccines. For years, medical professionals have repeatedly claimed that vaccines do not cause autism. This blind faith is not backed up by the scientific literature, however. Vaccines are known to contain neurotoxic substances such as mercury and aluminum, and studies continue to show how this leads to brain damage in children.
Hepatitis B vaccines and the thimerosal-autism connection:
One particularly alarming study, published in the journal Neural Development, evaluated the relationship between Thimerosal-containing vaccines and autism diagnoses. Thimerosal, a compound that contains nearly 50% mercury by weight, has been extensively used as a preservative in various vaccines. The study, conducted in two phases, observed a significantly increased risk ratio for the incidence of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) following vaccinations containing Thimerosal. A hypothesis-generating and hypothesis-testing study design confirmed that children exposed to Thimerosal in hepatitis B vaccines had a greater likelihood of developing ASD, highlighting the possible link between Thimerosal exposure and autism.