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KTAO Project Voting Strategy Put On Hold

Below you'll find info on the original KTAO Project plan and voting strategy. As stated on the home page, this plan has to be put on hold because in the 2020 election, we witnessed the most outrageous IN-YOUR-FACE THEFT OF AN ELECTION IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD! Then they did it again in the midterms and fully intend to attempt the same thing again because, so far, they've gotten away with it. If nothing is done about it, if nobody is ever held accountable (election fraud is a FELONY) then we will never have a fair election ever again. If the Globalist Party Politicians are allowed to get away with this level of blatant election theft with impunity they will have a license to ensure they NEVER lose majority control of our government.

That being said . . . IT IS STILL EXTREMELY IMPORTANT THAT YOU VOTE IN THE UPCOMING ELECTION! IT IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT THAT YOU DO NOT VOTE FOR LIBTARD DEMOCRATS! Despite all the election fraud that will no doubt occur, this next time far too many people are aware of what they did and how they did it.

Trump won in 2016 because the Swamp was not prepared for the landslide number of votes that came in for him. They were prepared to "do anything" to make sure it didn't happen again in 2020, to even risk committing blatant theft because they knew their control of DOJ, the media, the courts, etc., would run cover for them.

WE CANNOT LET THEM GET AWAY WITH IT AGAIN, so everyone needs to make sure they get out and vote to ensure an even more massive landslide election against the Libtards occurs!

Project Summary In A Nutshell
This is the briefest explanation possible of what this project is all about and what it aims to accomplish.
The Simple Two Step Plan
This is exactly what we have to do in order to SERIOUSLY turn things around.
Exactly How This Project Will Work
A complete explanation of how we can take back our government in the upcoming election.

A few comments by supporters of this project.

ARTICLE: There are more non-voters than voters. If you all you non-voters would download this form and register to vote, and show up at the polls to VOTE ALL THE INCUMBENTS OUT OF OFFICE we could pull this off!!

Your Federal and State Representatives
A complete list of Federal and State Government incumbents so you know who NOT to vote for!
VIDEO: This is the documentary that inspired the Kick Them All Out Project.  This information is so unbelievably disturbing that I'll be amazed if you don’t feel inspired to get off your rear and help us do something to stop these global control freaks.

Get Your Copy of "The Santa Clara Blues"
The startling history of how corporations subverted the Constitution and opened the door to the takeover of our government and practically everything else as well.

Click Here For Our Site Banners To Help Promote This Project
Please slap some of these banners on your site to help promote this project.  the faster we get people aware of this radically simple plan the better.
Download a FREE COPY of our famous Uncle Sam Poster to help us take back our government in the upcoming election. Click on the poster icon to the left to download a PDF copy you can print out and plaster everywhere!

Street Action and Mail In Campaign. Here's a way for everyone to let members of Congress know exactly what we feel and think about the betrayal of our trust and what we intend to do about it!

Campaign Cards
Download your FREE COPY of our promotional cards to help spread the word about the Kick Them All Out Project. This two sided card can be easily printed out on Avery 8871 Business card stock.


Last Updated Sunday, February 11 2024 @ 10:07 AM MST  15,308 Hits   
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