Five Years Of Lockdown Trauma Reinforces Skepticism of ‘The Scientific Consensus’
The scientific community, when it takes up the next cause, should recognize
that it is no small thing to infringe on personal autonomy.
As we now approach the five-year commemoration of the 2020 launch of pandemic lockdowns and vaccine mandates, it brings to mind another anniversary of “scientific consensus” — the eugenics movement a century ago.
In both cases, doctors and scientists joined with state authorities to control the most private and personal elements of people’s lives. And in both cases, resistance came from people of faith.
At their best, scientists have brought medical breakthroughs and technological innovations that have given us healthier, more productive, and more prosperous lives. But the scientific community has shown itself, time and again, to have a dark side as well: a tendency toward fads and politicization, an instinct for crushing dissent, and a penchant for social engineering and societal control.