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  • GMOs (Genetically Modified Organism)

Could GMO Crops be the Main Reason for the Explosion of Leaky Gut Syndrome?

If it can make a bug's gut 'explode', imagine what it could do to a human!



  • BT corn contains a toxic genetic trait that causes insect stomachs to explode, potentially leading to leaky gut syndrome in humans.
  • The cure for leaky gut lies in avoiding toxins that destroy the gut lining, emphasizing the need to stop consuming genetically modified foods.
  • A study by MDVIP and Ipsos revealed that two-thirds of American adults suffer from digestive symptoms, highlighting the lack of awareness about gut health importance.
  • Leaky gut syndrome results from compromised intestinal lining, allowing toxins to enter the bloodstream and trigger chronic inflammation.
  • Genetically modified organisms like BT corn and GM soy are linked to exacerbating leaky gut, emphasizing the importance of choosing organic foods to protect gut health.

This article aims to shed light on the critical issue of gut health and the impact of genetically modified foods on leaky gut syndrome. It emphasizes the importance of informed dietary choices and the potential health risks associated with consuming GMOs.

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FREE Video Library: GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms)

: 10 minutes or less.  : 11- 36 minutes.   : Over 36 min. Fun:


  • Australian Lawsuit Alleges Covid Vaccinations are GMOs
    During an interview with Dr. John Campbell on Tuesday, former Australian barrister Julian Gillespie presented the legal case that he’s filed against Pfizer for their Covid vaccination, failing to abide by the genetically modified organism (GMO) regulations of Australia after Gillespie laid out why the shot is indeed a GMO.  “In most jurisdictions globally, they actually fall under the legal definition for being properly described as genetically modified organisms,” Gillespie said in the interview.
  • DARPA Created Aerosolized Covid Vaccine BEFORE The Release of Covid!
    Thomas Renz of https://tomrenz.com joins The Alex Jones Show to expose the NWO plan to inject GMO foods with DNA reprogramming genetics and respond to the declassified documents exposing DARPA's program to develop aerosolized COVID vaccines.
  • Jeffrey M. Smith: Monsanto, GMO Seeds of Destruction
    "Outrageous! That's what you'll say over and over again when you read how the biotechnology companies have manipulated the government, our food, and the media, and put an entire generation at risk."
  • How GMO Foods Alter Organ Function and Pose a Very Real Human Threat To Humans
    The Health Ranger, Mike Adams, explains how studies in cell research have demonstrated the mechanism by which micro RNA from genetically engineered foods may alter organ function in humans.


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Video: Australian Lawsuit Alleges Covid Vaccinations are GMOs

Turns out the Covid shot is not only a lethal injection, but a gene therapy GMO injection as well.


During an interview with Dr. John Campbell on Tuesday, former Australian barrister Julian Gillespie presented the legal case that he’s filed against Pfizer for their Covid vaccination, failing to abide by the genetically modified organism (GMO) regulations of Australia after Gillespie laid out why the shot is indeed a GMO.

“In most jurisdictions globally, they actually fall under the legal definition for being properly described as genetically modified organisms,” Gillespie said in the interview.



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Video: Jeffrey M. Smith: Monsanto, GMO Seeds of Destruction

"Outrageous! That's what you'll say over and over again when you read how the biotechnology companies have manipulated the government, our food, and the media, and put an entire generation at risk."


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GMO MEAT? Bill Gates Now Spending Tens of Millions to Genetically Modify Livestock



Through a program called UKAid, billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates is funneling millions into efforts to genetically modify (GMO) the world’s livestock, particularly in poorer countries since Gates has a fetish for trying to destroy the least among us.

Gates claims his efforts are all about helping more animals survive so children in Africa and South Asia have more access to meat, dairy, and eggs. The truth, of course, is that Gates wants to destroy food animals by genetically reprogramming them, making their meat, eggs, and dairy toxic for human consumption.

Gates himself would never eat a GMO animal – no, those are for the poor people. And he is spending a lot of money to make it happen. (Related: Bill Gates hijacked “humanitarian aid” years ago and turned it into a vehicle for pushing his GMO agenda.)

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