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300% Surge in Homeless Deaths in LA Amid Fentanyl and Housing Crises

More than 2,000 people died in 2023, with a decade of autopsy data uncovering escalating humanitarian catastrophe

Editor's Note: Someone needs to organize the homeless that are U.S. citizens and reclassify them as illegal immigrants or Ukrainian refugees so some of the BILLIONS of dollars being pissed down the drain on illegals and Ukraine can be used to help them.



More than 2,000 unhoused people died in Los Angeles in 2023, meaning an average of nearly six deaths a day of people living on the street or in shelters in the nation’s most populous county.

The numbers reveal an escalating humanitarian emergency as the housing crisis and drug addiction epidemic collide, with victims found in tents, encampments, vehicles, parks, alleys, vacant lots, underpasses, bus stops and train stations.

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Video: Ben Bergquam Shows How Bad Things Really Are in San Francisco, Bay Area

“They Are Showing Off to a Communist Dictator"



Real America’s Voice reporter Ben Bergquam was in San Francisco and parts of Oakland this week to show firsthand just how bad things have become. The trash pile city of San Francisco was made to look good for a communist murdering dictator but Ben showed us the rest of the area and how bad it still is.

Xi Jinping received a rockstar welcome in San Francisco on Wednesday. Communist flags draped the streets of San Francisco as Xi Jinping made his way to the APEC summit.

San Francisco greets Xi Jinping with streets lined with communist flags and a welcome parade.


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