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Video: CNN Scandalized By The Idea America Is a Republic, Not a Democracy


With President Biden arguing that former President Donald Trump is a threat to democracy, CNN’s Donie O’Sullivan decided it would be a good idea to try to help make that case. On Friday’s CNN News Central, O’Sullivan was seen on the road with Trump voters, where he was aghast at the idea that they view America as a republic, not a democracy.

In one clip, O’Sullivan was speaking to a couple when he declared, “Obviously, there's a lot of criticisms of Trump that he is bad for democracy. That he's bad for American democracy.”

A woman interrupted him to assert, “Can I say something? We are a republic. We’re not a democracy,” while a man echoed her sentiment, “We are a republic. We’re a representative republic. We're not a democracy.”

It was a pattern that O’Sullivan would highlight through other Trump supporters, but O’Sullivan was distressed, “But for centuries, America has celebrated its democracy.”

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