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Claims That Childhood Vaccines ‘Saved Millions of Lives’ Based on Flawed Models

In a paper published today, all-cause mortality expert Denis Rancourt, Ph.D., said claims by public health agencies and top medical journals that childhood vaccination prevents millions of deaths annually are based on “tentative and untethered models of epidemiological forecasting” that produce “unlikely results.”



Claims by public health agencies and in top medical journals that childhood vaccination prevents millions of deaths annually are based on flawed epidemiological models, according to a paper published today by Correlation, a Canadian nonprofit research organization.

The author, all-cause mortality expert Denis Rancourt, Ph.D., argues these claims are based on “tentative and untethered models of epidemiological forecasting” that produce “unlikely results.”

The models depend entirely on invalid estimates of vaccine efficacy and disease prevalence and virulence, none of which are based on real-world data concerning actual deaths, according to Rancourt.

They also fail to account for other complex factors contributing to child mortality — particularly in low-income countries, where most of these millions of infant lives are purportedly saved. These factors include nutritional deficiency, toxic exposures and poverty.

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Video: RFK Jr. - Trust the Experts is NOT a Thing

In this short clip Robert Kennedy Jr. puts the phrase "Trust The Experts" into the trash bin where it belongs. The last thing legitimate science does is blindly trust anything.


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Video: More Than 2,200 Celebrities, Officials and European Elite Caught with Fake Vaccination Passports

Many of those who want you injected didn't get injected themselves.



  • Thousands of celebrities, officials, and elitists in Europe received saline injections instead of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, then paid to have fake vaccination records and passports created.
  • Famous individuals and Big Pharma executives allegedly paid higher fees for falsified records, indicating their awareness of and desire to avoid the perceived dangers of the vaccines.
  • Jose Sousa-Faro, President of Pharma-Mar, and other high-profile individuals are facing criminal charges for being falsely vaccinated against COVID-19, as revealed by a sting operation called Operation Jenner.
  • The summary suggests that similar practices may be occurring in the United States, with prominent figures potentially receiving saline injections while publicly advocating for others to get vaccinated.
  • The author questions the integrity of those who promoted vaccine mandates and passport requirements while allegedly avoiding the vaccines themselves, calling for justice and accountability.

Vaccination records in Europe have been falsified by thousands of celebrities, officials, and elitists who gave themselves saline injections instead of the deadly Covid mRNA jabs, then paid big bucks to have fake passports made and recorded in the records system there called the National Immunizations Registry. The elitists got busted in a sting operation the National Police ran called Operation Jenner.

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Top Experts Debunk Claims That Covid ‘Vaccines’ ‘Saved Millions’



The official narrative that Covid mRNA “vaccines” saved millions of lives has now been officially debunked.

The claims have now been investigated by top researchers from the UK’s Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine in Oxford.

Professor Carl Heneghan and Tom Jefferson examined the claims and detailed their findings in a piece for The Spectator.

The article outlines the “implausible” findings of the modeling study that is widely referenced as proof that Covid injections saved upwards of 12 million people.

It was the BBC that first made the claim that AstraZeneca and Pfizer had together developed “medicines” that saved the lives of millions of people.

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Flu “Vaccines” Are Neither Safe nor Effective


The Pandermrix influenza vaccine was associated with a 1,400% increase in narcolepsy risk and was eventually pulled from the market due to its link with narcolepsy and cataplexy.

Flu vaccines are often ineffective, with annual efficacy rates in the US ranging from 23% to 52%, and independent figures consistently showing lower efficacy rates.

Flu vaccines are perhaps the most ineffective vaccine on the market and perhaps the most useless flu vaccine that should have never been approved was FluMist.  Not only was FluMist found to be so ineffective that it was pulled from the market but, as with all live and attenuated vaccines, these vaccines have been shown to “shed” and infect people in contact with the vaccinated persons.

The development and promotion of the influenza vaccine are driven by financial interests, with the vaccine being a cash cow for vaccine makers, and the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”) exaggerating flu infections to enforce flu vaccinations.

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Dr. Malone: Bird Flu ‘Emergency’ in California is a Case of Psychological Bioterrorism

Contrary to initial reporting from corporate media, the WHO, and the apocalyptic mutterings of Dr. Peter Hotez, there continues to be no evidence indicating the circulation of a highly pathogenic version of bird flu in either animal or human populations.



(Robert Malone) — Sometimes I feel like a broken record when writing about infectious disease-based public health threats.

There are real threats, such as multi-drug resistant Tuberculosis, but these are rarely discussed. And then there is the psychological (eg. information) bioterrorism, the fear porn, a hyped narrative concerning an existential threat repeatedly injected into public discourse and then intentionally amplified to the point that it becomes a perverse and, in some cases, disabling obsession for many.

Psychological bioterrorism and fear porn

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Has Polio Vaccine Saved 20 Million Children from Paralysis?



A Dec. 13 article in Fortune called the polio vaccine used in the U.S. today “not only safe but also effective.”

The article also claimed that because 3 billion children have been vaccinated against polio since 1988, according to the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, that means “20 million people who would’ve otherwise been paralyzed by polio are walking today.”

How accurate is the 20 million figure?

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) website, in 1988, there were 350,000 reported polio cases worldwide in a global population of 5.1 billion people. If, as the WHO website states, “One in 200 infections leads to irreversible paralysis,” that would amount to 1,750 cases of irreversible paralysis linked to polio in 1988.

Using that figure — 1,750 cases in 1988 — and factoring in 1.2% annual population growth, the estimated number of cases of irreversible paralysis between 1988 and 2024 would total approximately 80,910 — not 20 million, as Fortune reported.

Here are four other facts about polio vaccines the Fortune article doesn’t address.

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Researcher Who Hid Results of Transgender Study Now in Serious Hot Water



‘Perhaps the most influential youth gender-transition physician in America.’

The behavior of a researcher funded by the National of Institutes of Health, in hiding the results of a long-running study on the effects of puberty blockers on children, already has been called out by U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla.

In his recent letter to NIH Director Dr. Monica Bertagnolli, Rubio drew specific attention to an NIH-funded study by Dr. Johanna Olson-Kennedy, of the Center for Transyouth Health and Development at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles.

Despite the Obama administration‘s decision to support Olson-Kennedy’s study more than nine years ago, the findings have yet to be released, allegedly out of fear of the political repercussions.

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Pharmaceutical Narratives Surrounding the “Flu” Are Based on Fraud and Are Primarily Designed to Sell Worthless “Vaccines”



When flu cases and flu deaths magically disappeared during the covid-19 scamdemic, it became clear that the narratives around sickness, disease, treatment, vaccines and immunity were being manipulated to control the population. Pharmaceutical narratives surrounding the flu have been grossly misleading for decades.

A new research report by Rhoda Wilson at the Expose finds influenza to be a rare infectious disease. According to more than 50 years of data, published in the Cochrane Reviews, around 97.5% of symptoms traditionally attributed to the flu are not caused by influenza, and the fatality rate is virtually nonexistent. These findings are based on the work of Dr. Tom Jefferson, a prominent figure in the world of evidence-based medicine. His work has been gaining attention for his ongoing series of articles titled “The Dot Series,” on the Substack page “Trust the Evidence.” The project originally aimed to share insights from Jefferson and his colleagues regarding influenza vaccines but has since evolved into a critical examination of four Cochrane reviews that highlight the poor performance of these vaccines.

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Top German Doctor Raises Alarm over mRNA Shots: Covid Is ‘Harmless’



A leading German doctor has warned that Covid mRNA “vaccines” are “a cause for serious concern” due to the health risks, arguing that the virus that the shots are meant to tackle is actually “harmless.”

Dr. Karla Johanna Lehmann, a retired independent medical researcher from Dresden, Germany, has warned that the injections carry a huge risk of severe adverse reactions.

However, she argues that COVID-19 is actually “harmless.”

Dr. Lehmann notes that the Covid “vaccines” have been linked to multiple adverse reactions that are far more dangerous than the virus.

Lehmann published a report in the European Society of Medicine on the reported adverse reactions associated with mRNA Covid vaccination.

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