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Another Study Confirms Deaths Are Soaring Among Covid-Vaxxed



Yet another study has confirmed that all-cause non-Covid deaths are soaring among people who received mRNA “vaccines.”

The study analyzed official data from the UK government’s Office for National Statistics (ONS) spanning April 2021 to May 2023.

The researchers examined all-cause mortality rates in relation to Covid “vaccination” status across various age groups.

They calculated standardized mortality ratios (SMRs) for both all-cause and non-Covid deaths.

The researchers then compared the data for “vaccinated” individuals to their unvaccinated counterparts.

The analysis shows no change among the unvaccinated cohort.

However, all-cause mortality rates are soaring among those who received the Covid mRNA injections.

The study was conducted by a team of researchers from some of Italy’s most highly respected institutions.

The team was led by Professor Marco Alessandria of the Department of Life Sciences and Systems Biology at the University of Turin.

The findings of the peer-reviewed study were published in the journal F1000Research.

The data shows that all-cause deaths continue to rise over time among the vaccainted cohort.

In certain age groups—specifically 18-39, 80-89, and 90+— mortality rates surged dramatically among the “vaccinated,” far exceeding the unvaccinated.

A similar pattern emerged for non-Covid mortality.

Initially, at the beginning of the “vaccine” campaign, non-Covid mortality was even in both cohorts.

Over time, however, non-Covid deaths surged in the “vaccinated” group.

The researchers noted that the initially low values for non-Covid deaths were particularly striking.

They warn that the introduction of mRNA “vaccines” has caused unprecedented surges in deaths to occur among otherwise healthy members of the public.

The news comes after another study confirmed that mRNA “vaccines” killed more people than COVID-19.

As Slay News reported, a group of leading scientists in Germany has raised the alarm after discovering evidence buried in the German government’s official data.

The data confirms that excess deaths were caused by mRNA “vaccines” and not Covid.

The bombshell study provides yet further confirmation that excess mortality rates did not rise during the first waves of the pandemic, despite official claims of surging “Covid deaths.”

Excess mortality rates did skyrocket, however, but only after the Covid mRNA “vaccines” were rolled out for the public.

Interestingly, the study found that the most significant excess mortality event during the pandemic period was not caused by Covid at all but by a late 2022 influenza wave.

Excess deaths spiked due to people dying from the flu after they received Covid mRNA “vaccines.”

Meanwhile, Canada has just confirmed that Covid mRNA “booster” shots triggered a surge in deaths among people who received the “vaccines.”

As Slay News reported, the Canadian government’s admission was made in a report from the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC).

In a parliamentary response, the PHAC’s report reveals that deaths spike dramatically in individuals who were “boosted” with a third and fourth Covid mRNA “vaccine.”

Citizens who were “boosted” suffered far higher mortality compared to the unvaccinated, the PHAC response reveals.

READ MORE – FDA Admits Covid mRNA ‘Vaccines’ Cause Cancer



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