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FREE Video Library: Islam

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Muslim Grooming GangsMuslims in the UK •  Political IslamMuslim Sexual PerversionMuslim Terrorism
Tommy Robinson •
Islam and GlobalizationIslam and HomosexualityMuslims and JewsIslamic Jihad Migration


Political Islam

  •   There Is No Such Thing As Moderate Muslims
    If they follow the Quran and Shariah they ARE a Threat! The man in the first segment of this video says, "It doesn't matter what a Muslim tells you! They believe the same things!" He also states "What are the politicians going to do now that they KNOW there are no Moderates? Declare them all Extremists? Deport Them All?" This video proves there are NO MODERATE MUSLIMS and details the consequences to everyone who isn't a Muslim! This should settle ANY arguments about this matter. It also should WAKE YOU UP to how much damage has already been done to cultures Muslims invade.
  •   Prominent Muslim Declares: 'We Are On The Road To The White House' - The Islamic Takeover of America Unveiled
    Osama Siblani, the radical editor and publisher of The Arab-American News, declared the Arab-American community’s growing influence in the United States. Speaking at a terror-tied dinner hosted by the Lebanese International Business Council, Siblani proudly asserted, “Forty years ago, we had a mayor for this town who talked about the Arab problem. Guess what? The Arabs are ruling Dearborn, Dearborn Heights, and Hamtramck.”
  •   Christopher Hitchens Ripping Islam Apart & Christopher Hitchens and Tariq Ramadan Debate: Is Islam a Religion of Peace?
    This video is a compilation of Christopher Hitchens's comments on the reality of Islam.  Islam is not "a religion."  It is a totalitarian way of life, a system of belief that governs every aspect of life.  And despite what anyone apologist for Islam may say, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A MODERATE MUSLIM!
  •   Don Jr. Shares Viral Video from Germany “If Necessary, We Must Use Violence to Institute Islamic State Once Muslims are a Majority”
    Islam experts Michael Stürzenberger and Irfan Peci regularly hold events to raise consciousness of the threat of political Islam in Germany, where they expertly engage with and debate angry young Muslims who bristle at any criticism of their religion. On October 21, they held an event in Berlin, during which Irfan Peci spoke to a young Muslim who stated unequivocally that “Every Muslim must want Shariah Law enacted worldwide.”
  •   Dr. Bill Warner Explains Why Islam is Not a Religion But a Political Ideology
    Political Islam is the real Islam, explains Dr. Bill Warner. Bill has a wonderful way of explaining the political nature of Islam that covers itself up under the cloak of religion. All those who want to learn the basics of Islam would do well to go through Bill's wonderful books on Islam, Shari'a and Sunna'h. Here he is with Sanjay Dixit explaining Islam as only he can.
  •   Why We Are Afraid, A 1400 Year Secret, by Dr Bill Warner
    The history of Islam in Europe and how it effects us to this day. This is a history based on numbers and facts that you may not see anywhere else and explains why we may be afraid to see Islam for what it is based on its own doctrine and practice.
  •   Bill Warner PhD: The Left and Islam
    Why are the Left and Islam such allies? The Left and Islam have much in common and work as a team, but the Left is more harmful to us.
  •   Dr. Bill Warner - Why Won’t Muslims Assimilate?
    Warner asks: Why Won’t Muslims Assimilate? and he unveils what Islamic doctrine teaches about migration, domination and annihilation.
  •   Political Islam Explained by Bill Warner
    Dr. Bill Warner (Center for the Study of Political Islam) joins Dave Rubin, discussing his mission to educate the world about political Islam.
  •   Dr. Bill Warner PhD: Answers to Questions about Political Islam
    Really great Q&A to help to understand the clash of civilizations we're currently experiencing with Islam.

Muslims and Jews

Muslims in the UK

  •   Islamic Sharia Law Comes to Great Britain
    This video was first posted on November 15, 2012 on the CBN.com YouTube channel.  Stoning for adultery. Amputations for theft. Death for apostates. This is life under Sharia law and it's alive and well in, of all places, Great Britain.

Grooming Gangs/Child Sexual Abuse

  • The Betrayed Girls: The Rochdale Scandal
    Documentary about the Rochdale Grooming Gang. An example of child trafficking and exploitation of young British white girls by Pakistani gangs.
  • UK Groomer Gangs Fuel Globalist Chaos
  • The manufactured chaos that is erupting in the United Kingdom has been a slow boil. Before the mass stabbings of native UK men, women, and children became common place, a quiet evil was lurking. Groomer gangs made up of foreigners preyed on the children of the United Kingdom. And rather than expose the horrors, the globalist government silenced anyone that dare speak of its existence. Do not be deceived, these New World Order foot soldiers have laid the ground work to create the very chaos we are witnessing now.

Muslim Sexual Perversion

  •   Pakistanis Raping River Dolphin to Extinction
    According to a report on Red Ice TV, Pakistani men are raping their local Indus River Dolphins to extinction. The men are said to enjoy having sex with the dolphins when they are young.
  •   Dr. Bill Warner Ph.D — Islam and Inbreeding
    This is a brief talk about a subject that's not frequently mentioned, inbreeding. Do an experiment for yourself, go to your computer and Google Islam inbreeding, and I think you'll be stunned at the results.

Muslim Terrorism

  • s BRITAIN BURNING: Muslim Mobs Roam the Streets with Knives and Machetes Unchecked by Police
  • Riots continued in Liverpool, Hull, Manchester, Belfast and at least 7 other UK cities Saturday as the System Media blamed the indigenous population for defenmding their country and mobs of Muslim men armed with knives and machetes roamed the streets in several British cities. Instead of doing something about the Muslims the Labour Gov’t Prepares to Crack Down on “Far-Right Thugs”.

Tommy Robinson

  •   Tommy Robinson Documentary: Silenced
    Tommy Robinson (whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon) created this documentary “Silenced” about the way a British boy, Bailey Maclaren, was framed as a “racist attacker” for defending himself against a local school bully, Syrian “refugee” Jamal Hijazi, in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire.  The film was first screened in Florida in May 2023 by O’Keefe Media Group after a judge claimed that Robinson had somehow defamed the bully and ordered Robinson to pay £100,000 plus legal costs.  On July 28, 2024, Robinson defied a gag order banning him from showing the film, screening it to a crowd of 100,000 at Trafalgar Square, London, and was subsequently arrested. Robinson has published the film “Silenced”  on X, where it has been seen by 57 million people at last count.

Islam and Homosexuality

Islam and Globalization

  •   Radical Islamist Protesters Call for Caliphate in Germany
    Globalists' desire to overthrow the West ensured with mass migration of people who will bring its fall about.
  •   Islam Is Growing in the Western World
    Islam ranks as the third-largest religion in the United States, following Christianity and Judaism. According to the latest studies, there are about 4.45 million Muslims in the country. Muslim population in the US has been on the rise for more than a decade due to high fertility rates and migration of Muslims into the country. Consequently, the number of mosques has doubled over the last two decades.

Islamic Jihad Migration






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