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Video: Radical Islamist Protesters Call for Caliphate in Germany

Globalists' desire to overthrow the West ensured with mass migration of people who will bring its fall about.



Thousand of Muslims marched in Hamburg on Saturday while calling for the establishment of an Islamic caliphate in Germany.

Protesters gathered in the progressive district of St. Georg for a mostly peaceful demonstration against “Islamophobia” — but others in the group were calling for an Islamic state.

Much of the demonstration stems from Germany’s strong support for Israel amid its conflict with Hamas in Gaza.


From The Telegraph:

Joe Adade Boateng, leader of Muslim Interaktiv which organised the march, said in a speech at the march that Germany needed a “righteous caliphate” to remedy the misrepresentation Muslim groups have faced in the media.

He was greeted with cheers of “Allahu akbar”, or God is great, by a mostly male crowd, some of whom were holding up signs reading “Caliphate is the solution” and “Stop the media hate”.

People were also holding up copies of the local tabloid newspaper, Bild, with stories about Islam that had been smeared with red paint.

According to reports, Muslim Interaktiv has amassed 24,000 followers on TikTok despite being under investigation by Hamburg’s domestic intelligence for “extremism.”

The radical nature of the demonstration was highlighted by chants of Allahu Akbar (God is great) and signs at the rally declaring that a “Caliphate is the solution” while others read, “Germany = dictatorship of values.”

This is a consequence of the globalist’s Great Replacement agenda that Germans are now facing.




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