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Video: Don Jr. Shares Viral Video from Germany

“If Necessary, We Must Use Violence to Institute Islamic State Once Muslims are a Majority”



Islam experts Michael Stürzenberger and Irfan Peci regularly hold events to raise consciousness of the threat of political Islam in Germany, where they expertly engage with and debate angry young Muslims who bristle at any criticism of their religion. On October 21, they held an event in Berlin, during which Irfan Peci spoke to a young Muslim who stated unequivocally that “Every Muslim must want Shariah Law enacted worldwide.”

“I want Sharia Law in Germany, definitely,” the young man sporting a Salafist beard said.

Asked by ex-Muslim activist Kian Kermanshahi whether he would support replacing the German constitution with Shariah Law, the young man said, “Definitely.”

Irfan asked the young man how he would go about doing that.

The young man replied, “Once Muslims are in the majority, it is our duty to conquer Germany.”

“I respect your candor,” Irfan said. He asked whether there is a distinction between “normal” Islam and “radical” or “political” Islam.

“No, of course not,” the young Muslim man said. “Sometimes you want to protect your religion, so you say certain things which are not true, such as there is no such thing as the punishment of chopping off hands (for theft).”

“If necessary, we must use violence to institute an Islamic state once Muslims are a majority,” the young man said.

“Thank you for your honesty,” Irfan said.

The subtitled video was shared by Visegrad24 account (6.7 M views), as well as by Donald Trump Jr. (1.5 M views).

“Anyone with a brain knew this was coming but the woke morons in charge will continue to welcome in their own demise till it’s too late”, Donald Trump Jr. wrote.

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