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: 10 minutes or less.  : 11- 36 minutes.   : Over 36 min. Fun


  •   Scientists Stunned To Discover What's Hidden Under The Ice In Greenland
    Throughout history, our planet has been through multiple ice ages and fully covered in ice at least twice. From the poles to the equator, the Earth was a giant snowball at least several times. Today, the landscape has transformed, the ice is starting to rapidly melt, and scientists are wondering what secrets could be concealed beneath this frozen tundra. This is the second-largest ice sheet on Earth. It has an impressive thickness of nearly 2 miles [3.2 kilometers], covering 80% of the area of Greenland. Here, rapid glaciers like Jakobshavn move at an astonishing 150 feet [45 meters] per day, reshaping the landscape, while coastal waters create icebergs towering 300 feet [90 meters], about the height of the Statue of Liberty. But these things are not what makes the island unique. To this day, the frozen surface hides all kinds of secrets. But scientists have already started uncovering some of them, and what they’ve found was difficult to predict.



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