FREE Video Library: CO2 - Carbon Dioxide
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: 11- 36 minutes.
: Over 36 min. Fun:
'What Percentage of the Atmosphere Is Made Up of Carbon Dioxide?' McCormick Grills CA Air Official
At a House Science Committee hearing on California's CARB train emissions reductions rule on Thursday, Rep. Rich McCormick (R-GA) grilled Alan Abbs, Legislative Officer of the Bay Area Air Quality Management District, about climate.Club Of Rome Unveils Plan To Cull Billions From The World Population
The Club of Rome is the psychotic brain behind the net zero cult phenomenon and book that started it all, The Limits To Growth. Except this cult wants every last human dead to reduce that pesky CO2 that the globalists that want the planet all to themselves keep complaining about. Problem is, even they need it to survive.Top Climate Expert Blows Whistle: Carbon Dioxide Does Not Cause ‘Global Warming’
One of the world’s leading climate experts has spoken out to warn the public that the globalist green agenda claim that carbon dioxide causes “global warming” is “wholly untrue.”CO2 - Carbon Dioxide — The Gas of Life
Dr. William Happer, professor emeritus of physics at Princeton University presents a divergent interpretation of selected climate change data. Dr. Happer questioned current dogma about climate change by presenting scientific data and theory which question the underlying assumptions of conventional wisdom. He knows he is a controversial figure. Dr. Happer worked in various capacities for the Bush and Trump administrations.CO2 Regulation: The Essence of Immorality
Climate alarmists turn morality on its head by coming down on the wrong side of truth.Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Is Not A Pollutant
Short video on experiments that prove CO2 is not a pollutant and climate alarmists would have you believe. It is in fact "the breath of life."John Stossel - FULL Judith Curry Interview: Climate Scientist Says World Will NOT End
We came to the point where we think that we’re going to prevent bad weather by eliminating fossil fuels. It’s just about the most nonsensical, illogical thing that I can imagine, and the whole world is caught up in this nonsense.Alex Newman Breaks Down the Truth About the Climate Change Hoax
In this short video Alex Newman exposes the primary false presumption that climate change believers blindly accept, the premise that CO2 is a pollutant that needs to be controlled and eliminated or we're all going to DIE!