FREE Video Library: Insurance Industry/Obamacare
: 10 minutes or less. : 11- 36 minutes. : Over 36 min. Fun:
- Obama Voter Explains His Red-Pilling Moments over Obamacare
This gentleman explains exactly the primary reason he's no longer a Democrat, the Democrat LIES about Obamacare. He details how it has devastated the middle class and destroyed affordable health care for most of us. His healthcare costs prior to Obamacare were $185 a month for a family of 5. After Obamacare went into effect the cheapest he could find was $1200 a month, which he couldn't afford so he had to go without any insurance. And adding insult to injury, he had to pay a yearly penalty because he couldn't afford insurance. - V-OBAMACARE-A_Primary_Funding_Source_Behind_the_Trans_Boom
- Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” shares a DM clip of Tucker Carlson talking to Chris Moritz about the shocking reality behind how Obamacare opened the door for the proliferation of pediatric gender clinics and transgender surgeries on youth.
- Cadillac Tax: Like Your Health Insurance? Then 40% Tax
“Affordable” Care Act? The cost of health insurance is going up faster than a cryptocurrency and a new 40% tax is about to be levied on “Cadillac Policies” — i.e. the health insurance you like and want to keep.