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A Fully Indexed Page With Just Election Fraud Articles & Videos
A Fully Indexed Page With Just Medical/Pandemic Fraud Articles & Videos

Video: THE PCR TEST DECEPTION Without the PCR Test There Would Be No Pandemics!

Editor's Note:  Every time you see or hear a report about the latest viral scare like the recent bird flu outbreaks you need to realize every single report is supposedly based on testing for the virus.  Virtually every single "virus test" uses the PCR process which has been proven over and over again to be a MASSIVE FRAUD.  Even the inventor of the PCR process said emphatically it IS NOT A DIAGNOSTIC TOOL and should never be used that way.


Without the PCR test, there would be no pandemics. 

What justifies lockdowns? What justifies “vaccines”? What justifies medical apartheid? Answer: CASE NUMBERS.  CASE NUMBERS that are produced by a PCR Test not designed for diagnostic use and not capable of doing the job it’s being used for.  If the media were to ever report the facts about this test, the lynchpin of the whole illusion would be removed and the house of cards would collapse. That’s precisely why they won’t report the facts, and precisely why we have to.

Share this film as widely as possible. Show it especially to friends or family who still believe in CASE NUMBERS.

The PCR test deception may not be news to you, but old news never reported is always news to most. That’s why I made this, so start spreading the “news.” The more people we wake up to the pandemic of testing, the closer we get to ending this nightmare.

This film is not for you. It’s for the people who don’t believe you.



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