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Video: Nation-State Vulnerability Expert Jeff Lenberg Details Election Machine “Instrumentation” That Manipulates Results

During this full interview from “Let My People Go,” Nation-State Vulnerability Expert, Jeff Lenberg, explains how the U.S. elections are being rigged at a systematic level, whether the purported mythical functional capabilities of “Hammer and Scorecard” to monitor and modify election data can be seen through the current Department of Homeland Security’s Albert Sensor program and third-party integrated software, and the CIA’s campaign to blur the lines of what’s real to discredit legitimate investigations.

Lenberg explains how he has observed “instrumentation” which shifts votes, along with a “marking” of voter histories so that the same voters will not be used in successive elections in order to avoid arousing suspicion. From the electronic shift of 7000 votes from Trump to Biden in Antrim Michigan, to 3000 ballots’ worth of votes being systematically discarded out of 16,000, to seeing different coding in key races that may have changed the makeup of Michigan’s Supreme Court, this interview is a must watch.

Lenberg has been targeted by CNN, the Washington Post, special prosecutors, and is believed to be on a short list of unnamed targets by the deep state. He has been represented by attorney and former professor, David Clements, to include defense of an 8 hours’ long deposition in the Curling v. Raffensberger case, against attorneys from mega law firms like Morrison Foerster, which has offices in Communist China. Lenberg concludes the interview detailing how the election machines can be subverted from anywhere in the world, with or without internet access.


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