FREE Video Library: Mad Science
: 10 minutes or less.
: 11- 36 minutes.
: Over 36 min. Fun:
Self-Assembling Nanotechnology in the mRNA Jabs
This video presents signs/evidence of nanotechnology found in mRNA jabs and then digs into some scientific research on micro/nano robotics.Smart Dust Biosensors and Chemtrail Dispersal
The mad science of nanotechnology provides the means of monitoring and controlling the entire human population.Self-Replicating Nanobots Found in Both Vaxxed & UnVaxxed
For decades, Ray Kurzweil has been an unofficial spokesman for the trans-humanist movement. And in 2008 he said that humans would become infused with nano-robots which would vastly improve the human body.Scientists Developing Nanobots That Release Toxins, Harvest Energy From Body Humans are being turned into batteries to fuel digital AI prison!
The 248 page patent for the Moderna technology that was administered to people in the COVID shots was filed in 2020. The patent lists several embodiments, or variations, of this technology. And while we don’t know who got what embodiment, we know that several different batch numbers were deployed.Transgenic Edible Vaccines
Thomas Massie's Amendment to Stop "Transgenic Edible Vaccines" From Being Funded.Destroying Flat Earth Without Using Science
We don't need any science whatsoever to prove that the earth isn't flat. We just have to look at things in the sky with our eyeballs. In fact, that's how we figured out the earth is a sphere thousands of years ago, before science even existed. Last time we looked at the moon, so today let's look at the stars. How do they move through the sky, and can we make sense of it on a flat earth?HAARP - Holes in Heaven
This is a very troubling film. It goes into depth about yet another dangerous program that is doing God knows what to all of us and the planet. Programs like this are being done with absolutely no public debate of knowledge and yet they are affecting all of us in ways we can't even imagine. This technology can be used for such things a weather control and even human mind control and it's in the hands of people that have made it very clear they cannot be trusted simply because of the way they are employing this technology already.HAARP High Frequency Active Auroral Reasearch Program
This is an Informative video on HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Reasearch Program)the new weather modification and mind control Star Wars Defense Initiative (SDI)weapon of the US military. HAARP is capable of creating weather like hurricanes and tornadoes and tsunamis and earthquakes. It is also capable of altering peoples moods. From WETA TV a PBS station. Run a search for HAARP..